
somebody Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wenn … Bei etw. könnte man leicht etw. tun; ist man versucht, etw. zu tun geh.; kann man es jdm. nicht verübeln, wenn; wäre es kein Wunder, wenn
Bei all dem Grün vergisst man leicht ist man versucht zu vergessen, dass Somerset am Meer liegt.
Von außen könnte man es leicht für ein Bürohaus halten, aber der Schein trügt.
Man kann es den Organisatoren nicht verübeln, wenn sie sich dorthin wenden, wo das Geld zuhause ist.
Wenn Sie das alles durchgelesen haben, wäre es kein Wunder, wenn sie nicht wissen, wo sie anfangen sollen.
Doing sth. With sth. one could may might be forgiven for doing sth.
With all this greenery you'd be forgiven for forgetting Somerset has a coastline.
From the outside you might be forgiven for mistaking it for an office block, but looks are deceiving.
The organizers can be forgiven for going where the money is.
After reading all that information, you may be forgiven for not knowing where to start.
(menschlicher) Körper m; Soma n; Korpus m ugs. humor. anat. med.
Körper pl
menschlicher Körper; Körper des Menschen
Körper und Geist; Körper und Seele
(human) body; bod coll.; soma
human body
mind and body; body and soul
Soma n; die somatischen Zellen pl (alle Körperzellen, die keine Keimzellen sind) biol.
soma; the somatic cells (all body cells other than the reproductive cells)
Somalier m, Somalierin f, Somali m geogr.
Somalian, Somali
Somalier m; Somalierin f; Somali m geogr.
Somalier pl; Somalierinnen pl; Somalis pl
Somalian; Somali
Somalians; Somalis
Steinschmätzer pl (Oenanthe) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Echter Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe moesta)
Rotbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe xanthoprymna)
Weissbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Saharasteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucopyga)
Arabischer Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugentoides)
Bergsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monticola)
Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer m; Braunbrustschmätzer m (Oenanthe bottae)
Elster-Steinschmätzer m; Elsterschmätzer m; Schwarz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe picata)
Erdsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pileata)
Felsensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe finschii)
Heuglin-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe heuglini)
Isabell-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe isabellina)
Kappensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monacha)
Kaukasussteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe chrysopygia)
Mittelmeer-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe hispanica)
Nonnensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pleschanka)
Schwarzkopf-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe alboniger)
Schwarzrücken-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugens)
Somali-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe phillipsi)
Trauersteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucura)
Wüstensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe deserti)
Zypernsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe cypriaca)
wheatears (zoological genus)
common wheatear; Eurasian wheatear; European wheatear; Northern wheatear
grey-headed wheatear; red-rumped wheatear; buff-rumped wheatear; Tristram's wheatear
Kurdish wheatear; Kurdistan wheatear; chestnut-rumped wheatear; red-tailed wheatear; rufous-tailed wheatear
white-crowned wheatear; white-rumped black wheatear; white-tailed wheatear
Arabian wheatear
mountain wheatear
red-breasted wheatear; buff-breasted wheatear; Botta's wheatear
variable wheatear; Eastern pied wheatear
capped wheatear
Finsch's wheatear
Heuglin's wheatear
isabelline wheatear
hooded wheatear
Afghan wheatear; Eastern red-tailed wheatear; Eastern rufous-tailed wheatear; rusty-tailed sheatear
black-eared wheatear
pied wheatear; Pleschanka's wheatear; Pleschanka's chat
Hume's wheatear
mourning wheatear; white-underwinged wheatear
Somali wheatear; Phillips's wheatear
black wheatear
desert wheatear
Cyprus wheatear
Steinschmätzer pl (Oenanthe) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Echter Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe moesta)
Rotbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe xanthoprymna)
Weissbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Saharasteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucopyga)
Arabischer Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugentoides)
Bergsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monticola)
Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer m; Braunbrustschmätzer m (Oenanthe bottae)
Elster-Steinschmätzer m; Elsterschmätzer m; Schwarz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe picata)
Erdsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pileata)
Felsensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe finschii)
Heuglin-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe heuglini)
Isabell-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe isabellina)
Kappensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monacha)
Kaukasussteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe chrysopygia)
Mittelmeer-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe hispanica)
Nonnensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pleschanka)
Schwarzkopf-Steinschmätzer m; Schwarzkopfschmätzer m; Gelbkopf-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe albonigra Oenanthe alboniger)
Schwarzrücken-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugens)
Somali-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe phillipsi)
Trauersteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucura)
Wüstensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe deserti)
Zypernsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe cypriaca)
wheatears (zoological genus)
common wheatear; Eurasian wheatear; European wheatear; Northern wheatear
grey-headed wheatear; red-rumped wheatear; buff-rumped wheatear; Tristram's wheatear
Kurdish wheatear; Kurdistan wheatear; chestnut-rumped wheatear; red-tailed wheatear; rufous-tailed wheatear
white-crowned wheatear; white-rumped black wheatear; white-tailed wheatear
Arabian wheatear
mountain wheatear
red-breasted wheatear; buff-breasted wheatear; Botta's wheatear
variable wheatear; Eastern pied wheatear
capped wheatear
Finsch's wheatear
Heuglin's wheatear
isabelline wheatear
hooded wheatear
Afghan wheatear; Eastern red-tailed wheatear; Eastern rufous-tailed wheatear; rusty-tailed sheatear
black-eared wheatear
pied wheatear; Pleschanka's wheatear; Pleschanka's chat
black-headed wheatear; Hume's wheatear
mourning wheatear; white-underwinged wheatear
Somali wheatear; Phillips's wheatear
black wheatear
desert wheatear
Cyprus wheatear
Somalia geogr.
Somalia (so)
Muqdisho, Mogadischu (Hauptstadt von Somalia)
Muqdisho, Mogadishu (capital of Somalia)
Somalia-Kurzzehenlerche f ornith.
Somali Short-toed Lark
Somalia n SO geogr.
Muqdisho; Mogadischu (Hauptstadt von Somalia) geogr.
Muqdisho; Mogadishu (capital of Somalia)
Somalia n SO geogr.
Mogadischu (Hauptstadt von Somalia) geogr.
Mogadishu; Mogadiscio (capital of Somalia)
Somaliammer f ornith.
Somali Golden-breasted Bunting
Somalibindensänger m ornith.
Grey Wren Warbler
Bindensänger pl (Calamonastes) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Damarabindensänger m (Calamonastes fasciolatus)
Miombobindensänger m (Calamonastes undosus)
Somalibindensänger m (Calamonastes simplex)
Stierling-Bindensänger m (Calamonastes stierlingi)
African wren-warblers (zoological genus)
barred wren-warbler
pale wren-warbler; miombo wren-warbler; miombo barred warbler
grey wren-warbler
Stierling's wren-warbler
Somalibrillenvogel m ornith.
White-breasted White-eye
Somalidrossel f ornith.
Somali Blackbird
Somalieremomela ornith.
Yellow-vented Eremomela
Somalieremomela f ornith.
yellow-vented eremomela
Somalihänfling m ornith.
Warsangli Linnet
Somaliläuferlerche f ornith.
Lesser Hoopoe Lark
Somaliland n geogr.
Somaliprinie f ornith.
Pale Prinia
Somaliriesenlerche f ornith.
Somali Lark
somalisch adj geogr.
Somali, Somalian
somalisch adj geogr.
Somali; Somalian
zunehmend; steigend; wachsend adj
steigende Risiken
die zunehmende Gefahr durch Piraterieakte vor der somalischen Küste
increasing risks
the increasing danger posed by acts of piracy off the Somali coast
Somalisperling m ornith.
Somali Sparrow
Somalispint m ornith.
Somali Bee Eater
Somalispornlerche f ornith.
Archer's Lark
Somalistar m ornith.
Somali Chestnut-winged Starling
Somalisteinschmätzer m ornith.
Somali Wheatear
Somalitaube f ornith.
Somali Pigeon
Somalitrappe f ornith.
Little Brown Bustard
Somalitschagra ornith.
Three-streaked Tchagra
Somalitschagra m ornith.
three-streaked tchagra
Somaliweber m ornith.
Speke's Weaver
Eiderente f (Somateria mollissima) ornith.
common eider; eider duck
Prachteiderente f (Somateria spectabilis) ornith.
king eider
Eiderenten pl (Somateria) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Gemeine Eiderente f (Somateria mollissima)
Prachteiderente f; Königseiderente f (Somateria spectabilis)
Plüschkopfente f (Somateria fischeri)
eider ducks; eiders (zoological genus)
common eider duck; common eider
king eider duck; king eider
spectacled eider duck; spectacled eider
körperlich, somatisch adj
somatische Zelle
somatic cell
körperlich; somatisch adj
somatische Zelle
somatic cell
Zelle f biol.
Zellen pl
Adventitialzelle f; Rouget'sche Zelle; Perizyt m
Alphazelle f
Alzheimer'sche Zelle
amöboide Zelle
Anitschkow'sche Zelle
argentaffine Zelle
Assoziationszelle f; Amakrinzelle f; amakrine Zelle f
Balgzelle f; tormogene Zelle
begeißelte Zelle
Belegzelle f; Parietalzelle f; salzsäureproduzierende Zelle; säureproduzierende Zelle
Cajal'sche Zelle
enterochromaffine Zelle
fettig degenerierte Zelle
fettverzehrende Zelle
gelb pigmentierte Zelle
Geleitzelle f
Hansen'sche Zelle
Hortega'sche Zelle
hyperchromatische Zelle
immunokompetente Zelle
jugendliche Zelle
keratinproduzierende Zelle
kernlose Zelle; Zelle ohne Kern
kleine Zelle
Knochenbildungszelle f; osteogene Zelle
Knochenmarkzelle f; myeloische Zelle
Körperzelle f; somatische Zelle
Mott'sche Zelle
pigmentierte Zelle
pigmenttragende Zelle
Pigmentzelle f; pigmentbildende Zelle; melaninbildende Zelle; Melanozyt m
Pflanzenzelle f
Produzentenzelle f
Purkinje'sche Zelle
Reed-Sternberg'sche Zelle
Retikulumzelle f; Retikuloendothelzelle f; retikuloendotheliale Zelle
schleimig-seröse Zelle; mukoseröse Zelle; seromuköse Zelle
Sertoli'sche Zelle
tierische Zelle
Verbraucherzelle f
wasserhelle Zelle
Zelle mit vielgestaltigem Kern; polymorphkernige Zelle; Polymorphozyt m
adventitial cell; Rouget's cell; pericyte
alpha cell
Alzheimer cell
amaeboid cell
caterpillar cell; Anichkov cell
argentaffine cell
association cell; amacrine cell; brachine cell; shortine cell
socket-forming cell; tormogen cell
flagellate cell
acid cell; parietal cell; oxyphilic cell; oxyntic cell
Cajal's cell
enterochromaffin cell
bloated cell
companion cell; satellite cell
cell of Hansen
Hortega cell
hyperchromatic cell
immunocompetent cell
juvenile cell
cells without a nucleus; non-nucleated cell; akaryote cell; akaryote; akaryocyte
small cell
osteogenic cell
myeloid cell
body cell; somatic cell
morular cell of Mott
pigmented cell
pigment cell; chromatophore; naevus cell; melanocyte; melanoblast
plant cell
producer cell
Purkinje cell
Reed-Sternberg cell
reticuloendothelial cell
mucoserous cell
Sertoli cell
animal cell
consumer cell
water-clear cell
polymophonuclear cell; polymorphocyte
strahlungsbedingt adj med.
strahlungsbedingte somatische Mutationen
radiation-induced somatic mutations
Nervensystem n anat.
Nervensysteme pl
peripheres Nervensystem PNS
somatisches Nervensystem
vegetatives Nervensystem VNS ; viszerales Nervensystem; autonomes Nervensystem
Zentralnervensystem n; zentrales Nervensystem n ZNS
nervous system
nervous systems
peripheral nervous system
somatic nervous system SNS ; voluntary nervous system
autonomic nervous system ANS
central nervous system CNS
somatoforme Störung f med.
somatoform disorder; somatization disorder eAm.; somatisation disorder Br.
Somatographie f techn. adm.
Somatometer n techn. adm.
somatosensorisch adj
somatosensorischer Kortex
somatosensory cortex
Somatotropin n, Wachstumshormon n med.
somatotrophin, growth hormone
Somatotropin n; Wachstumshormon n med.
somatotrophin; growth hormone
Somatotyologie f, Lehre von den Körperbautypen
Somatotyologie f; Lehre von den Körperbautypen
Somatotyp m
Sombrero m
Sombreros pl
Sombrero-Galaxie f; Sombrero-Nebel m astron.
Sombrero Galaxy; Sombrero Nebula
Wenn … Bei etw. könnte man leicht etw. tun; ist man versucht, etw. zu tun geh.; kann man es jdm. nicht verübeln, wenn; wäre es kein Wunder, wenn
Bei all dem Grün vergisst man leicht ist man versucht zu vergessen, dass Somerset am Meer liegt.
Von außen könnte man es leicht für ein Bürohaus halten, aber der Schein trügt.
Man kann es den Organisatoren nicht verübeln, wenn sie sich dorthin wenden, wo das Geld zuhause ist.
Wenn Sie das alles durchgelesen haben, wäre es kein Wunder, wenn sie nicht wissen, wo sie anfangen sollen.
Doing sth. With sth. one could may might be forgiven for doing sth.
With all this greenery you'd be forgiven for forgetting Somerset has a coastline.
From the outside you might be forgiven for mistaking it for an office block, but looks are deceiving.
The organizers can be forgiven for going where the money is.
After reading all that information, you may be forgiven for not knowing where to start.
folglich, somit adv
consequently, as a consequence
folglich, somit
wir sind somit gleich
so we are even
Spezialitätswirkung f (bei Auslieferungen) jur.
Verzicht auf die Spezialitätswirkung
Die Person hat der Auslieferung nicht zugestimmt und somit auf die Spezialitätswirkung nicht verzichtet.
Mit der Übergabe ist (keine) Spezialitätswirkung verbunden.
protection offered by the rule of speciality; speciality protection (in extraditions)
waiver of protection of the rule of specialty; speciality waiver
The subject has not consented to extradition and has not therefore waived his speciality rights right to speciality protection.
The surrender is (not) subject to the rule of speciality.
dadurch; somit; so; auf diese Weise adv
so weit; bis jetzt; bis hierher; so weit; soweit
thus far
daraus; deshalb; daher; somit; infolgedessen adv
ein subjektiver und somit problematischer Ansatz
a subjective and hence problematic approach
folglich; infolgedesssen; darum; somit; ergo adv
consequently; in consequence; as a consequence; as a result; that being so; hence; ergo
mithin conj
und mithin; und somit
Sie besitzt Firmenanteile mithin ist sie nicht mittellos. jur.
Er ist vierzig und mithin zu alt für Raumflüge.
Die Arbeit ist mängelfrei und mithin zu entlohnen.
consequently; therefore
and thus; and hence
She owns company shares consequently she is not impecunious.
He is forty and thus hence too old for space flights.
The work is faultless and thus hence to be paid for.
Spezialitätswirkung f (bei Auslieferungen) jur.
Verzicht auf die Spezialitätswirkung
Die Person hat der Auslieferung nicht zugestimmt und somit auf die Spezialitätswirkung nicht verzichtet.
Mit der Übergabe ist (keine) Spezialitätswirkung verbunden.
protection offered by the rule of speciality; speciality protection (in extraditions)
waiver of protection of the rule of specialty; speciality waiver
The subject has not consented to extradition and has not therefore waived his speciality rights right to speciality protection.
The surrender is (not) subject to the rule of speciality.

Deutsche somebody Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für somebody Synonym nachschlagen

Englische Doing sth. With sth. one could may might be forgiven for doing sth. Synonyme

doing  accidental  accompanying  accomplished fact  accomplishment  achievement  act  acta  acting  action  actions  activism  activity  acts  address  ado  adventure  affair  affectation  afloat  afoot  air  bearing  behavior  behavior pattern  behavioral norm  behavioral science  blow  bringing to fruition  business  carriage  circumstantial  comportment  concern  concernment  conduct  coup  culture pattern  current  custom  dealings  deed  demeanor  deportment  doings  effectuation  effort  employment  endeavor  enterprise  eventuating  execution  exercise  exploit  fait accompli  feat  folkway  function  functioning  gest  gestures  go  going on  goings-on  guise  hand  handiwork  happening  in hand  in the wind  incidental  interest  job  maintien  maneuver  manner  manners  matter  measure  method  methodology  methods  mien  modus vivendi  motions  move  movements  moves  observable behavior  occasional  occupation  occurring  on  on foot  ongoing  operation  operations  overproduction  overt act  passage  passing  pattern  performance  play  poise  port  pose  posture  practice  praxis  presence  prevailing  prevalent  procedure  proceeding  production  productiveness  realization  res gestae  resultant  social science  step  stroke  stunt  style  swing  tactics  taking place  thing  thing done  tone  tour de force  transaction  turn  under way  undertaking  way  way of life  ways  work  working  workings  works  
doings  accomplished fact  accomplishment  achievement  act  acta  action  actions  activeness  activism  activity  acts  address  adventure  affairs  affectation  air  bearing  behavior  behavior pattern  behavioral norm  behavioral science  blow  business  carriage  circumstances  comportment  concerns  condition of things  conditions  conduct  coup  culture pattern  custom  dealings  deed  demeanor  deportment  doing  effort  endeavor  enterprise  exploit  fait accompli  feat  folkway  gest  gestures  go  goings-on  guise  hand  handiwork  job  life  maintien  maneuver  manner  manners  march of events  matters  measure  method  methodology  methods  mien  militancy  modus vivendi  motion  motions  move  movement  movements  moves  observable behavior  operation  overt act  passage  pattern  performance  poise  political activism  port  pose  posture  practice  praxis  presence  procedure  proceeding  proceedings  production  relations  res gestae  run of things  social science  state of affairs  step  stir  stroke  stunt  style  tactics  the times  the world  thing  thing done  tone  tour de force  transaction  turn  undertaking  way  way of life  ways  what happens  work  works  

somebody Definition

(v. t.) A piece of wood more or less bulky
(v. t.) The solid piece of wood on which condemned persons lay their necks when they are beheaded.
(v. t.) The wooden mold on which hats, bonnets, etc., are shaped.
(v. t.) The pattern or shape of a hat.
(v. t.) A large or long building divided into separate houses or shops, or a number of houses or shops built in contact with each other so as to form one building
(v. t.) A square, or portion of a city inclosed by streets, whether occupied by buildings or not.
(v. t.) A grooved pulley or sheave incased in a frame or shell which is provided with a hook, eye, or strap, by which it may be attached to an object. It is used to change the direction of motion, as in raising a heavy object that can not be conveniently reached, and also, when two or more such sheaves are compounded, to change the rate of motion, or to exert increased force
(v. t.) The perch on which a bird of prey is kept.
(v. t.) Any obstruction, or cause of obstruction
(v. t.) A piece of box or other wood for engravers' work.
(v. t.) A piece of hard wood (as mahogany or cherry) on which a stereotype or electrotype plate is mounted to make it type high.
(v. t.) A blockhead
(v. t.) A section of a railroad where the block system is used. See Block system, below.
(n.) To obstruct so as to prevent passage or progress
(n.) To secure or support by means of blocks
(n.) To shape on, or stamp with, a block
Block book
() A book printed from engraved wooden blocks instead of movable types.
Block tin
() See under Tin.
Blood money
() Money paid to the next of kin of a person who has been killed by another.
Blood money
() Money obtained as the price, or at the cost, of another's life
Booking office
() An office where passengers, baggage, etc., are registered for conveyance, as by railway or steamship.
Booking office
() An office where passage tickets are sold.
(n.) The reading of the lines of a newspaper directly across the page, instead of down the columns, thus producing a ludicrous combination of ideas.
Crown office
() The criminal branch of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of all criminal cases.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Deceive
(n.) See Fish-tackle.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Forget
(p. p.) of Forgive
(n.) Green plants
(v. t.) The act of informing, or communicating knowledge or intelligence.
(v. t.) News, advice, or knowledge, communicated by others or obtained by personal study and investigation
(v. t.) A proceeding in the nature of a prosecution for some offens against the government, instituted and prosecuted, really or nominally, by some authorized public officer on behalt of the government. It differs from an indictment in criminal cases chiefly in not being based on the finding of a grand juri. See Indictment.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Know
(a.) Skilful
(a.) Artful
(n.) Knowledge
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mistake
(n.) An error
(n.) A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and with government
(n.) Any written or stamped promise, certificate, or order, as a government note, a bank note, a certificate of deposit, etc., which is payable in standard coined money and is lawfully current in lieu of it
(n.) In general, wealth
(v. t.) To supply with money.
(n.) One who coins or prints money
(n.) One who accumulates money or wealth
(n.) The act or process of making money
(a.) Affording profitable returns
(a.) Sussessful in gaining money, and devoted to that aim
(n.) That which a person does, either voluntarily or by appointment, for, or with reference to, others
(n.) A special duty, trust, charge, or position, conferred by authority and for a public purpose
(n.) A charge or trust, of a sacred nature, conferred by God himself

Doing sth. With sth. one could may might be forgiven for doing sth. / With all this greenery youd be forgiven for forgetting Somerset has a coastline. / From the outside you might be forgiven for mistaking it for an office block but looks are deceiving. / The organizers can be forgiven for going where the money is. / After reading all that information you may be forgiven for not knowing where to start. Bedeutung

block grant a grant of federal money to state and local governments to support social welfare programs, block grants reduce federal responsibility for social welfare
block vote a vote proportional in magnitude to the number of people that a delegate represents
the act of starting something, he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations
housing start the act of starting to construct a house
start starting a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning), he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital, his starting meant that the coach thought he was one of their best linemen
an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
post office a children's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters
the act of obstructing or deflecting someone's movements
trap block (American football) an illegal block
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
public office a position concerning the people as a whole
office part role
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group, the function of a teacher, the government must do its part, play its role
reading assignment the reading of a passage assigned by the teacher
waste of money money spent for inadequate return, the senator said that the project was a waste of money
jump start
a sudden involuntary movement, he awoke with a start
teaching reading teaching beginners to read
information gathering the act of collecting information
information warfare
the use of information or information technology during a time of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a specific adversary or adversaries, not everyone agrees that information warfare is limited to the realm of traditional warfare
reading meter reading the act of measuring with meters or similar instruments, he has a job meter reading for the gas company
office a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities, the offices of the mass
Divine Office canonical prayers recited daily by priests (e.g. the breviary of the Roman Catholic Church)
Little Office a Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary, similar to but shorter than the Divine Office
Office of the Dead an office read or sung before a burial mass in the Roman Catholic Church
money laundering concealing the source of illegally gotten money
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
starting an automobile engine that has a weak battery by means of jumper cables to another car, my battery was dead so I had to get a jumpstart from my neighbor
money cowrie
Cypraea moneta
cowrie whose shell is used for money in parts of the southern Pacific and in parts of Africa
auction block
a platform from which an auctioneer sells, they put their paintings on the block
block a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides), the pyramids were built with large stone blocks
block housing in a large building that is divided into separate units, there is a block of classrooms in the west wing
block closure
stop stoppage
an obstruction in a pipe or tube, we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe
block and tackle pulley blocks with associated rope or cable
block diagram a diagram showing the interconnections between the components of system (especially an electronic system)
block plane a small plane used on end grains of wood
bullock block
a pulley-block at the head of a topmast
box office
ticket office
ticket booth
the office where tickets of admission are sold
building block a block of material used in construction work
butcher board
butcher block
a thick wooden slab formed by bonding together thick laminated strips of unpainted hardwood
money box
a strongbox for holding cash
left-luggage office
a room where baggage or parcels are checked
chopping block a steady wooden block on which food can be cut or diced or wood can be split
cinder block
clinker block
breeze block
a light concrete building block made with cinder aggregate, cinder blocks are called breeze blocks in Britain
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
square block
a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube
damper block
piano damper
damper consisting of a small felted block that drops onto a piano string to stop its vibration
data system
information system
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
engine block
cylinder block
a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine, the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked
government office an office where government employees work
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
tower block
tower consisting of a multistoried building of offices or apartments, `tower block' is the British term for `highise'
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