
starkes Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

starkes Papier
strong paper
Das ist ein starkes Stueck.
that's coming it strong.
starkes Anziehen der Preise
strong rise of prices
Das ist ein starkes Stueck.
that's a bit thick.
Das ist ein starkes Stück. ugs.
That's a bit thick.; That's a bit rich.
Das ist ein starkes Stück. ugs.
That's a bit thick.
Das ist ein starkes Stück! ugs.
That's pretty steep!
Das ist ein starkes Stück. ugs.
That's coming it strong.
Hyperglykämie f; starkes Ansteigen des Blutzuckers med.
hyperglycemia; hyperglycaemia
Hyperglykämie f, starkes Ansteigen des Blutzuckers med.
hyperglycemia, hyperglycaemia
Leder n
starkes, weiches Leder
vom Leder ziehen übtr.
to pull out all the stops
Hypersomnie f; Schlafsucht f; sehr starkes Schlafbedürfnis med.
Hypersomnie f, Schlafsucht f, sehr starkes Schlafbedürfnis med.
Spirituose f; Branntwein m; Sprit m (starkes alkoholisches Getränk)
spirit Br.; liquor Am.
Das ist ein starkes Stück!; Das ist ein dicker Hund!; So eine Unverschämtheit!
That's a bit much!
rasche Zunahme f; starkes Anwachsen n
Preisanstieg m
Konjunkturaufschwung m
upsurge in prices
cyclical upsurge
Polizeiaufgebot n
ein starkes Polizeiaufgebot
Das Polizeiaufgebot war massiv gewaltig.
police presence
a large police presence
The police were out in force.
drastische Steigerung f; starkes Ansteigen n +Gen.
das Risiko einer starken Preissteigerung
rapid increase; escalation (of sth.)
the price escalation risk
Schuldgefühl n psych.
Schuldgefühle pl
Schuldgefühle haben
ein starkes Schuldgefühl haben
sense of guilt; feeling of guilt; feeling of culpability
guilt feelings
to feel have a sense of guilt; to have feelings of guilt
to feel full of guilt
Spaltensummenkriterium n math.
starkes Spaltensummenkriterium
schwaches Spaltensummenkriterium
column sum criterion
strong column sum criterion
weak column sum criterion
Zeilensummenkriterium n math.
starkes Zeilensummenkriterium math.
schwaches Zeilensummenkriterium math.
row sum criterion
strong row sum criterion
weak row sum criterion
Gift n
Gifte pl
starkes Gift
stark narkotisches Gift
systemisches Gift
jdm. Gift geben
Gift nehmen
Gift auslegen
Da kannst du Gift darauf nehmen! ugs.
strong poison
acro-narcotic poison; acro-narcotic agent
systemic poison
to poison sb.
to take poison
to put poison down
You can bet your life on it. coll.
wachsend; wüchsig adj (Pflanze) bot.
kräftig wachsen; ein starkes Wachstum aufweisen; wüchsig sein
mäßig wachsen; mäßig wüchsig sein
schnell wachsend; schnellwüchsig
growing (plant)
to grow strongly; to have a high rate of growth
to have a moderate rate of growth
fast-growing; quick-growing
ganz schön; ziemlich adv
ganz schön heiß
Es ist so ziemlich das Gleiche.
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher dass ...
Das ist ein starkes Stück! ugs.
Ich bin so gut wie fertig (mit etw.). ugs.
pretty coll.; purty Am. slang
pretty hot
It's pretty much well the same.
I'm pretty nearly very nearly certain that ...
That's pretty steep!
I'm pretty much finished (with sth.).
ganz schön ugs.; ziemlich adv
ganz schön heiß sein
Es ist so ziemlich das Gleiche.
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass …
Das ist ein starkes Stück! ugs.
Ich bin so gut wie fertig (mit etw.). ugs.
pretty coll.; not half Br. coll.; purty Am. slang
to be pretty hot; not to be half hot
It's pretty much well the same.
I'm pretty nearly very nearly certain that …
That's pretty steep!
I'm pretty much finished (with sth.).
Anreiz m; Anziehungsfaktor m; Umstand Faktor, der die Sache (so) attraktiv macht soc.
Anreize für einen Arbeitsplatzwechsel
Bessere Arbeitsplatzchancen sind ein starkes Motiv, in ein anderes Land zu übersiedeln.
pull factor
pull factors in employment
Better job prospects are a strong pull factor for moving to a new country.
Leder n
starkes; weiches Leder
Leder narben; auf der Narbenseite krispeln
Leder abfleischen; entfleischen; aasen
Leder auf der Fleischseite krispeln
Leder nach vier Quartieren krispeln
vom Leder ziehen übtr.
to grain; board leather
to flesh leather
to bruise leather
to cripple leather
to pull out all the stops
Schwitzen n; Schweißabsonderung f; Transpiration f med.
ins Schwitzen geraten
anormales Schwitzen
Schwitzen am ganzen Körper
übermäßiges Schwitzen
vermindertes Schwitzen
(starkes) Schwitzen an Händen und Füßen
Schwitzen einer Wunde
sweating; perspiration; transpiration; sudation
to work up a sweat
excessive sweating; sudoresis; hyperhidrosis; hidrorrhoea; (h)idrosis; polyhydrosis; ephidrosis
weeping of a wound
Schwitzen n; Schweißabsonderung f; Transpiration f; Hautausdünstung f med.
ins Schwitzen geraten
anormales Schwitzen
Schwitzen am ganzen Körper
übermäßiges Schwitzen
vermindertes Schwitzen
(starkes) Schwitzen an Händen und Füßen
Schwitzen einer Wunde
sweating; perspiration; transpiration; sudation
to work up a sweat
excessive sweating; sudoresis; hyperhidrosis; hidrorrhoea; (h)idrosis; polyhydrosis; ephidrosis
weeping of a wound
nach etwas verlangen v (ein starkes Bedürfnis haben)
Aufmerksamkeit heischen
geltungssüchtig sein; profilierungssüchtig sein
Mein Magen verlangt nach etwas leicht Verdaulichem.
Ich hatte ein unstillbares Verlangen nach Pommes Frites also bin ich im nächsten Lokal eingekehrt.
to crave sth.
to crave attention
to crave recognition
My stomach craves something easy to digest.
I was craving french fries so I pulled into the nearest restaurant.
nach etwas verlangen v (ein starkes Bedürfnis haben)
Aufmerksamkeit heischen
geltungssüchtig sein; profilierungssüchtig sein
Mein Magen verlangt nach etwas leicht Verdaulichem.
Ich hatte ein unstillbares Verlangen nach Pommes Frites, also bin ich im nächsten Lokal eingekehrt.
to crave sth.
to crave attention
to crave recognition
My stomach craves something easy to digest.
I was craving french fries, so I pulled into the nearest restaurant.
Getränk n; Trank m geh.; Trunk m poet. cook.
Getränke pl; Trünke pl
Begrüßungsgetränk n
ein warmes Getränk
alkoholfreies Getränk
stark alkoholisches Getränk; etwas Starkes ugs.
alkoholfreies -armes Getränk nach einem stark alkoholischem Getränk
Schluck zum Nachspülen (stark alkoholisches Getränk); Rachenputzer m ugs.
Ein Bier bitte und danach einen Rum zum Nachspülen.
welcoming drink
a hot drink
soft drink
hard drink
chaser Am.
chaser Br.
I'll have a beer with a rum chaser.
Fieber n; Febris f; Pyrexie f med.
hohes Fieber; starkes Fieber; Hyperpyrexie f
leichtes Fieber; erhöhte Temperatur
in Schüben auftretendes Fieber
regelmäßig wiederkehrendes Fieber
unklares Fieber
vorübergehendes Fieber
wechselndes Fieber
Fieber mit Bläschenausschlag
Fieber mit Blutharnen
Fieber mit Eiterbildung
Fieber mit Hämoglobinausscheidung
Fieber mit Hautausschlag
Fieber haben
leichtes Fieber haben; erhöhte Temperatur haben
Fieber messen
bei jdm. Fieber messen
das Fieber niedrig halten
das Fieber senken
im Fieber phantasieren; im Fieberwahn sein
während des Fiebers; im Fieberzustand
Haben Sie Fieber?
fever; pyrexy; pyrexia; phlegmonosis
excessive high fever; sthenic fever; hyperpyretic temperature; hyperpyrexia
feverish febrile pyretic temperature; temperature; adynamic fever; eupyrexia; febricula
polyleptic fever
periodic fever
fever of unknown undetermined origin
transitory fever
intermittent fever
vesicular fever
haematuric fever
suppurative fever
haemoglobinuric fever
eruptive fever; exanthematous fever
to be in fever; to be feversih; to be febrile (fevery)
to have a temperature; to run a temperature
to take (the) temperature; to register temperature
to take sb.'s temperature
to keep the fever down
to bring the fever down
to be delirious with fever
in (the) fever; intrafebrile
Do you have a fever temperature?
Getränk n; Trank m geh.; Trunk m poet. cook.
Getränke pl; Tränke pl; Trünke pl
Aufgussgetränk n
Begrüßungsgetränk n
alkoholfreies Getränk
alkoholische Getränke; Alkoholika
stark alkoholisches Getränk; etwas Starkes ugs.
(alkoholischer) Trunk m; (edler, feiner) Tropfen Tröpfchen ugs.; Bierchen; Schnäpschen ugs.
süßes Getränk; Süßgetränk n
Wir haben gestern Abend einiges getrunken.
ein warmes Getränk
alkoholfreies -armes Getränk nach einem stark alkoholischem Getränk
Schluck zum Nachspülen (stark alkoholisches Getränk); Rachenputzer m ugs.
Ein Bier bitte und danach einen Rum zum Nachspülen.
Getränke (Überschrift auf der Speisekarte oder Aufschrift)
drink; beverage formal
drinks; beverages
infusion beverage; infusion drink
welcoming drink
soft drink
alcoholic beverages
hard drink
sweetened drink; sweetened beverage
We had a few bevvies last night.
a hot drink
chaser Am.
chaser Br.
I'll have a beer with a rum chaser.
Beverages (heading on a menu or a displayed notice)
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
ausgewiesener Preis
eingefrorener Preis
empfohlener Preis
halber Preis; zum halben Preis
abnehmende Preise
überhöhter Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis; Taxe f
geltender Preis
Preis ab Werk
Preise höherschrauben
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis angeben nennen
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben; Preise hochtreiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
Abnahme der Preise
Anpassung der Preise
Anstieg der Preise
Anziehen der Preise
starkes Anziehen der Preise
Entwicklung der Preise
Festigung der Preise
Sinken der Preise
Spaltung der Preise
Stabilisierung der Preise
Struktur der Preise
Veränderung der Preise
Verzerrung der Preise
Gesetz von der Unterschiedslosigkeit der Preise
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
marked price
frozen price
recommended price
falling prices
excessive exorbitant inflated price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
ruling price
ex-factory price
to force up prices
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to adjust prices
to push up prices; to force up prices
at any price
not at any price; not for anything
decrease of prices
adjustment of prices
increase of prices; price increase
hardening of prices
strong rise of prices
development of prices
consolidation of prices
decline in prices
discrimination in price
stabilization of prices eAm.; stabilisation of prices Br.
pattern of prices
movement of prices
distortion of prices
law of one price

Deutsche starkes Synonyme


Englische strong paper Synonyme

strong  Draconian  able  able-bodied  accented  acid  acrid  active  acute  adamantine  affluent  aggressive  aggressively  alcoholic  alveolar  animated  antagonistically  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  ardent  armipotent  aromatic  articulated  assertive  assiduous  assimilated  athletic  authoritative  back  bad  bad-smelling  balanced  barytone  basic  beefy  bilabial  biting  blinding  blown  bold  bouncing  brawny  bright  brilliant  brisk  broad  bulky  burly  cacuminal  capable  cartilaginous  central  cerebral  charismatic  charming  checked  chewy  clear  clear-cut  close  cogent  cohesive  combative  compelling  competent  comprehensive  concentrated  conclusive  consequential  considerable  consonant  consonantal  continuant  convincing  coriaceous  corrosive  craggy  cutting  dazzling  dedicated  deep  deep-felt  deep-rooted  defensive  definite  dense  dental  determined  difficult  diligent  dissimilated  distinct  doctrinaire  dogmatic  dorsal  doughty  drastic  driving  durable  dynamic  eager  earnest  effective  effectual  efficacious  efficient  emotional  emphatic  enchanting  enduring  energetic  engraved  enterprising  enthusiastic  estimable  etched  exhaustive  experienced  extreme  fast  fecal  fervent  fervid  fetid  fibrous  firm  flat  flourishing  flush  forceful  forcible  forcy  formidable  foul  fragrant  front  frowsty  frowy  frowzy  full  full of pep  full-blooded  full-bodied  full-strength  fulsome  funky  fusty  gamy  garish  glaring  glide  glossal  glottal  go-go  good  grand  graphic  grave  graveolent  great  gristly  gutsy  guttural  gutty  hale  hale and hearty  hard  hard as nails  hard-nosed  hard-working  hardy  harsh  heady  hearty  heavy  hefty  heroic  high  high-handed  high-potency  high-powered  high-pressure  high-tasted  high-tension  hot  husky  ill-smelling  imperative  impetuous  important  impressed  impressive  imprinted  in force  in power  incisive  indefatigable  influential  intense  intensified  
strong arm  amperage  argumentum baculinum  arm  armipotence  authority  battler  beef  belligerent  belted knight  bickerer  black power  blackjack  blade  bludgeon  bravo  brawler  brute force  bulldoze  bulldozer  bully  bullyboy  charge  charisma  clout  coerce  coercion  coercive  cogence  cogency  combatant  competitor  compulsion  contender  contestant  dint  disputant  dragoon  drive  duelist  duress  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  energy  enforcer  exert strength  fencer  feuder  fighter  fighting cock  flower power  foilsman  force  force majeure  forcefulness  forcible  full blast  full force  gamecock  gladiator  goon  gorilla  hatchet man  high pressure  hijack  hood  hoodlum  hooligan  influence  intimidate  intimidation  jouster  knight  main force  main strength  mana  might  might and main  mightiness  militant  moxie  muscle  muscle power  pizzazz  plug-ugly  poop  potence  potency  potentiality  power  power pack  power structure  power struggle  powerfulness  prepotency  pressure  productiveness  productivity  puissance  pull  punch  push  quarreler  rioter  rival  rough  rowdy  ruffian  sabreur  scrapper  scuffler  shanghai  sinew  sledgehammer  squabbler  steam  steamroller  strength  strong-arm man  strong-arm tactics  strong-armer  struggler  superiority  superpower  swashbuckler  sword  swordplayer  swordsman  the big stick  the bludgeon  the club  the jackboot  the mailed fist  the strong arm  the sword  thug  tilter  tough  tussler  use force  use violence  validity  vehemence  vigor  vim  violence  violent  virility  virtue  virulence  vitality  wattage  weight  wrangler  
strong in  acquainted with  adept in  at home in  at home with  conversant with  expert at  familiar with  good at  handy at  informed in  intimate with  master of  proficient in  skilled in  up on  versed in  well up on  well-read in  well-versed  
strong language  bad language  billingsgate  bite  bitingness  blue language  colorful language  cursing  cussing  cuttingness  dirty language  dirty talk  drive  dysphemism  effectiveness  evil speaking  filth  filthy language  force  forcefulness  foul language  guts  impressiveness  incisiveness  mordancy  nervosity  nervousness  obscenity  poignancy  power  profane swearing  profanity  punch  ribaldry  scatology  sinew  sinewiness  strength  swearing  trenchancy  unparliamentary language  unrepeatable expressions  vigor  vigorousness  vile language  vitality  vulgar language  
strong man  Antaeus  Atlas  Briareus  Brobdingnagian  Charles Atlas  Cyclops  Goliath  Hercules  Polyphemus  Samson  Superman  Tarzan  Titan  bully  bullyboy  colossus  despot  dictator  duce  giant  gorilla  muscle man  oppressor  powerhouse  stalwart  strong-arm man  the mighty  the strong  tough  tough guy  tower of strength  
strong minded  bright  conceptive  conceptual  controlled  discursive  firm-minded  forward  ideational  importunate  independent  intellectual  intelligent  knowing  noetic  not so dumb  pushy  rational  reasonable  sane  self-asserting  self-assertive  self-controlled  self-expressive  self-possessed  self-restrained  sensible  sophic  strong-willed  understanding  
strong point  ability  acropolis  area  bag  bastion  beachhead  blockhouse  bridgehead  bump  bunker  caliber  capability  capacity  castle  citadel  cogency  cup of tea  donjon  dower  dowry  endowment  equipment  faculty  fasthold  fastness  field  flair  fort  forte  fortress  garrison  garrison house  genius  gift  good reason  good reasoning  hold  instinct  ironclad reasoning  keep  knockdown argument  line  long suit  main interest  makings  manner  martello  martello tower  metier  mote  motte  natural endowment  natural gift  parts  peel  peel tower  pet subject  pillbox  post  potential  power  powers  pursuit  qualification  rath  right thinking  safehold  sound evidence  sound reasoning  specialism  speciality  specialization  specialty  strong argument  strong flair  stronghold  style  talent  talents  technicality  the goods  the stuff  thing  tower  tower of strength  type  vocation  ward  way  weakness  what it takes  
strong room  Fort Knox  bank  bursary  cash register  cashbox  chest  coffer  coin box  depository  exchequer  fisc  gold depository  locker  money chest  penny bank  piggy bank  pork barrel  public crib  public till  public treasury  public trough  repository  safe  safe-deposit box  storehouse  strongbox  subtreasury  till  treasure-house  treasury  vault  
strong willed  balking  balky  beefy  bigoted  bouncing  bulldogged  bulletheaded  bullheaded  case-hardened  controlled  dogged  dogmatic  doughty  fanatic  firm-minded  forceful  forcible  forcy  forward  full-blooded  full-strength  gutsy  gutty  hale  hard  hard as nails  hardheaded  hardy  headstrong  hearty  hefty  husky  importunate  independent  intolerant  iron-hard  lusty  mighty  mulish  nervy  obstinate  opinionated  overzealous  persevering  pertinacious  pigheaded  potent  powerful  puissant  pushy  red-blooded  restive  robust  robustious  rugged  self-asserting  self-assertive  self-controlled  self-expressive  self-possessed  self-restrained  self-willed  set  stalwart  steely  stiff-necked  stout  strapping  strong  strong as brandy  strong as strong  strong-minded  strongheaded  stubborn  sturdy  sulky  sullen  tenacious  uncooperative  unregenerate  vigorous  willful  
strongbox  Fort Knox  bank  bursary  cash register  cashbox  chest  coffer  coin box  depository  exchequer  fisc  gold depository  locker  money chest  penny bank  piggy bank  pork barrel  public crib  public till  public treasury  public trough  repository  safe  safe-deposit box  storehouse  strong room  subtreasury  till  treasure-house  treasury  vault  
stronghold  acropolis  asylum  bastion  beachhead  bird sanctuary  blockhouse  bridgehead  bulwark  bunker  castle  citadel  donjon  fasthold  fastness  forest preserve  fort  fortification  fortress  game preserve  game sanctuary  garrison  garrison house  harbor  harbor of refuge  harborage  haven  hold  keep  martello  martello tower  mote  motte  peel  peel tower  pillbox  port  post  preserve  rath  redoubt  refuge  safe haven  safehold  sanctuary  snug harbor  strong point  tower  tower of strength  ward  

starkes Definition

Blotting paper
() A kind of thick, bibulous, unsized paper, used to absorb superfluous ink from freshly written manuscript, and thus prevent blots.
Casse Paper
() Broken paper
Note paper
() Writing paper, not exceeding in size, when folded once, five by eight inches.
(n.) A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried.
(n.) A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance.
(n.) A printed or written instrument
(n.) A printed sheet appearing periodically
(n.) Negotiable evidences of indebtedness
(n.) Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See Paper hangings, below.
(n.) A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity
(n.) A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application
(a.) Of or pertaining to paper
(v. t.) To cover with paper
(v. t.) To fold or inclose in paper.
(v. t.) To put on paper
(superl.) Having active physical power, or great physical power to act
(superl.) Having passive physical power
(superl.) Solid
(superl.) Having great military or naval force
(superl.) Having great wealth, means, or resources
(superl.) Reaching a certain degree or limit in respect to strength or numbers
(superl.) Moving with rapidity or force
(superl.) Adapted to make a deep or effectual impression on the mind or imagination
(superl.) Ardent
(superl.) Having virtues of great efficacy
(superl.) Full of spirit
(superl.) Affecting any sense powerfully
(superl.) Solid
(superl.) Well established
(superl.) Violent
(superl.) Having great force, vigor, power, or the like, as the mind, intellect, or any faculty
(superl.) Vigorous
(superl.) Tending to higher prices
(superl.) Pertaining to, or designating, a verb which forms its preterit (imperfect) by a variation in the root vowel, and the past participle (usually) by the addition of -en (with or without a change of the root vowel)
(superl.) Applied to forms in Anglo-Saxon, etc., which retain the old declensional endings. In the Teutonic languages the vowel stems have held the original endings most firmly, and are called strong
(a.) Having a vigorous mind
(n.) An acid.
(n.) Distilled or ardent spirits
(n.) Paper steeped in saltpeter, which burns slowly, and is used as a match for firing gunpowder, and the like.

strong paper Bedeutung

paper chase
hare and hounds
an outdoor game, one group of players (the hares) start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and pursuers (the hounds) try to catch them before they reach a designated spot
paper route the job of delivering newspapers regularly
paper nautilus
nautilus Argonaut
Argonauta argo
cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells
paper wasp any of several social wasps that construct nests of a substance like paper
Dixie cup
paper cup
a disposable cup made of paper, for holding drinks
letter opener
paper knife
dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books
masking tape
masking paper
adhesive tape used to cover the part of a surface that should not be painted
the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher, when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper
paperback book
paper-back book
softback book
softover book
a book with paper covers
paper chain a chain made of loops of colored paper, used to decorate a room
paper clip
gem clip
a wire or plastic clip for holding sheets of paper together, the paper clip was invented in
paper cutter a cutting implement for cutting sheets of paper to the desired size
paper doll a piece of paper cut or folded into the shape of a human being
paper fastener a fastener for holding a sheet of paper in place
paper feed a device for inserting sheets of paper into a printer or typewriter, the job was delayed because the paper feed was clogged
paper mill a mill where paper is manufactured
paper plate a disposable plate made of cardboard
paper towel a disposable towel made of absorbent paper
photographic paper
photographic material
light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
paper bag
carrier bag
a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases
slip slip of paper a small sheet of paper, a receipt slip
test paper paper impregnated with an indicator for use in chemical tests
wastepaper basket
waste-paper basket
waste basket
circular file
a container with an open top, for discarded paper and other rubbish
forte strong suit
long suit
specialty speciality strong point
an asset of special worth or utility, cooking is his forte
paper tiger the nature of a person or organization that appears powerful but is actually powerless and ineffectual, he reminded Mao that the paper tiger had nuclear teeth
strong belief
article of faith
an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence
paper a medium for written communication, the notion of an office running without paper is absurd
piece of paper
sheet of paper
paper used for writing or printing
letter paper
paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters, usually with matching envelopes
a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets, contains news and articles and advertisements, he read his newspaper at breakfast
school newspaper
school paper
a newspaper written and published by students in a school
paper a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses, he has written many scientific papers
paper report theme
an essay (especially one written as an assignment), he got an A on his composition
term paper a composition intended to indicate a student's progress during a school term
order paper
order book
a printed copy of the order of the day
paper trail the written evidence of someone's activities, this paper trail consisted mainly of electronically stored information
position paper
a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement (used especially in diplomatic communications)
historical document
historical paper
historical record
writing having historical value (as opposed to fiction or myth etc.)
test paper
examination paper
exam paper
question sheet
a written examination
white book
white paper
a government report, bound in white
green paper a preliminary report of government proposals that is published in order to stimulate discussion
position paper a report that explains or justifies or recommends some particular policy
hard drink
hard liquor
John Barleycorn
strong drink
an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
strong suit a long suit including high cards
newspaper publisher
a business firm that publishes newspapers, Murdoch owns many newspapers
paper route
paper round
the route taken when delivering newspapers every day
goon punk
an aggressive and violent young criminal
paper-pusher a clerk or bureaucrat who does paperwork
strong breeze wind moving - knots, on the Beaufort scale
strong gale wind moving - knots, on the Beaufort scale
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