
temperaturbeansprucht Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

temperaturbeansprucht adj techn.
temperaturbeansprucht sein
subjected to high temperatures
to be subjected to high temperatures
temperaturbeansprucht adj techn.
temperaturbeansprucht sein
subjected to high temperatures
to be subjected to high temperatures
Temperatechnik f (Malerei) art
tempera technique (painting)
die Temperatur erhöhen
raise the temperature
die Temperatur herabsetzen
reduce the temperature
Abfall m, Fallen n, Sinken n (Temperatur...)
Temperatur f
Temperaturen pl
Temperatur-Kalibrator m
temperature calibrator
kritisch adj
kritischer Punkt
kritische Stimmen
kritische Temperatur f
critical point
critical voices
critical temperature
etw. temperieren, etw. auf die richtige Temperatur bringen
to make sth. the right temperature
Temperatur, Fieber
Temperatur von etwa
temperature of about
Temperatur; Fieber
Abfall m; Fallen n; Sinken n (Temperatur...)
Geoisotherme f; Isogeotherme f (Fläche gleicher Temperatur im Erdinneren) geo. phys.
Geoisothermen pl; Isogeothermen pl
geoisotherm; isogeotherm; isogeothermal line
geoisotherms; isogeotherms; isogeothermal lines
Wärmeregelung f (Temperatur)
thermal control
Zeit-Temperatur-Umwandlungsschaubild n; ZTU-Schaubild n; ZTU-Diagramm n (Metallurgie) techn.
ZTU-Schaubild für isotherme Umwandlung
ZTU-Schaubild für kontinuierliche Abkühlung
time-temperature transformation diagram; TTT diagram (metallurgy)
isothermal transformation diagram; IT diagram
continuous cooling transformation diagram; CT diagram
etw. ausgleichen v (Druck Temperatur Kräfte etc.) phys. techn.
gleicht aus
glich aus
to equalize; to equalise Br. sth. (pressure temperature forces etc.)
equalizing; equalising
equalized; equalised
equalizes; equalises
equalized; equalised
bequem; behaglich; gemütlich; komfortabel; wohnlich adj
bequeme Kleidung
ein bequemes Bett
ein behagliches Heim
eine angenehme Temperatur
komfortable Suchmöglichkeiten
es sich bequem gemütlich machen
Dieser Lehnstuhl ist besonders bequem.
comfortable; comfy coll.; cosy Br.; cozy Am.
comfortable clothes
a comfortable bed
a comfortable home
a comfortable temperature
comfortable search capabilities
to make oneself comfortable
This armchair is particularly comfortable.
klein; gering adj
kleiner; geringer
am kleinsten; am geringsten
geringe Temperatur
trotz der geringen Mitarbeit
in Anbetracht des geringen finanziellen Schadens
Eine Reparatur lohnt sich aufgrund des geringen Werts des Autos nicht.
low temperature
despite the low level of participation
in view of the low level of financial losses
The repair is not worthwhile due to the car's low value.
kritisch adj
kritischer Punkt
kritische Stimmen
kritische Temperatur f
sich zu etw. kritisch äußern
Ich sehe das kritisch.
ein Buch in dem unsere Zivilisation kritisch beleuchtet wird
Im Bericht wird besonders kritisiert dass ...
Kritisch anzumerken ist allerdings dass ...; Zu kritisieren ist allerdings dass ...
critical point
critical voices
critical temperature
to be critical of sth.
I take a critical view of it.
a book which takes a critical look at our civilisation.
The report is particularly critical of the fact that ...
However a point of criticism is that ...
etw. temperieren; etw. auf die richtige Temperatur bringen v
gut temperiert sein
to bring get sth. to the right temperature
to have the right temperature
(sich) etw. wünschen; etw. begehren geh. v
wünschend; begehrend
gewünscht; begehrt
wünscht; begehrt
wünschte; begehrte
die gewünschte Temperatur Wunschtemperatur erreichen
to desire sth.
to reach the desired temperature
zurückgehen; abnehmen; sinken; fallen; geringer werden v; sich verringern; sich vermindern v
zurückgehend; abnehmend; sinkend; fallend; geringer werdend; sich verringernd; sich vermindernd
zurückgegangen; abgenommen; gesunken; gefallen; geringer geworden; sich verringert; sich vermindert
Der Luftdruck sinkt.
Die Temperatur sinkt unter 10 Grad.
to decrease; to diminish; to fall
decreasing; diminishing; falling
decreased; diminished; fallen
The atmospheric pressure falls.
The temperature falls below 10 degree.
Boyle-Temperatur f phys.
Boyle temperature
Abfall m; Fallen n; Sinken n (Temperatur…)
Feuchtkugeltemperatur f; Temperatur f am Verdunstungsthermometer
wet-bulb temperature
Fieber n; Febris f; Pyrexie f med.
hohes Fieber; starkes Fieber; Hyperpyrexie f
leichtes Fieber; erhöhte Temperatur
in Schüben auftretendes Fieber
regelmäßig wiederkehrendes Fieber
unklares Fieber
vorübergehendes Fieber
wechselndes Fieber
Fieber mit Bläschenausschlag
Fieber mit Blutharnen
Fieber mit Eiterbildung
Fieber mit Hämoglobinausscheidung
Fieber mit Hautausschlag
Fieber haben
leichtes Fieber haben; erhöhte Temperatur haben
Fieber messen
bei jdm. Fieber messen
das Fieber niedrig halten
das Fieber senken
im Fieber phantasieren; im Fieberwahn sein
während des Fiebers; im Fieberzustand
Haben Sie Fieber?
fever; pyrexy; pyrexia; phlegmonosis
excessive high fever; sthenic fever; hyperpyretic temperature; hyperpyrexia
feverish febrile pyretic temperature; temperature; adynamic fever; eupyrexia; febricula
polyleptic fever
periodic fever
fever of unknown undetermined origin
transitory fever
intermittent fever
vesicular fever
haematuric fever
suppurative fever
haemoglobinuric fever
eruptive fever; exanthematous fever
to be in fever; to be feversih; to be febrile (fevery)
to have a temperature; to run a temperature
to take (the) temperature; to register temperature
to take sb.'s temperature
to keep the fever down
to bring the fever down
to be delirious with fever
in (the) fever; intrafebrile
Do you have a fever temperature?
Geoisotherme f; Isogeotherme f (Fläche gleicher Temperatur im Erdinneren) geol. phys.
Geoisothermen pl; Isogeothermen pl
geoisotherm; isogeotherm; isogeothermal line
geoisotherms; isogeotherms; isogeothermal lines
Grad n Celsius °C (Maßeinheit für die Temperatur) phys.
6 Grad Celsius
35 Grad im Schatten
bei minus 10 Grad; bei 10 Grad Kälte ugs.
Ich wasche meine Wäsche normalerweise bei mit 40°C.
degree centigrade; degree Celsius °C (measuring unit for temperature)
six degrees centigrade
35 degrees in the shade
at 10 degrees below zero
I usually wash my laundry at 40° C.
Grad n Fahrenheit °F (Maßeinheit für die Temperatur) phys.
100 Grad Fahrenheit sind etwa 38 Grad Celsius.
degree Fahrenheit °F (measuring unit for temperature)
100 degrees Fahrenheit are about 38 degrees centigrade.
Temperieren n; Temperierung f; Temperatur f mus.
natürliche Temperierung; reine Temperatur; natürliche reine Stimmung
just temperament
sich aufbauen; unaufhaltsam ansteigen v (Energie Druck, Temperatur; Gewitter usw.) phys. meteo.
to build up; to build (energy, pressure, temperature, thunderstorm etc.)
etw. ausgleichen v (Druck, Temperatur, Kräfte usw.) phys. techn.
gleicht aus
glich aus
to equalize; to equalise Br. sth. (pressure, temperature, forces etc.)
equalizing; equalising
equalized; equalised
equalizes; equalises
equalized; equalised
bequem; behaglich; gemütlich; komfortabel; wohnlich adj
bequemer; behaglicher; gemütlicher; komfortabler; wohnlicher
am bequemsten; am behaglichsten; am gemütlichsten; am komfortabelsten; am wohnlichsten
bequeme Kleidung
ein bequemes Bett
ein behagliches Heim
eine angenehme Temperatur
komfortable Suchmöglichkeiten
es sich bequem gemütlich machen
Dieser Lehnstuhl ist besonders bequem.
comfortable; comfy coll.; cosy Br.; cozy Am.
more comfortable; comfier; cosier
most comfortable; comfiest; cosiest
comfortable clothes
a comfortable bed
a comfortable home
a comfortable temperature
comfortable search capabilities
to make oneself comfortable
This armchair is particularly comfortable.
kritisch adj
kritischer Punkt
kritische Stimmen
kritische Temperatur f
allzu kritisch
sich zu etw. kritisch äußern
Ich sehe das kritisch.
ein Buch, in dem unsere Zivilisation kritisch beleuchtet wird
Im Bericht wird besonders kritisiert, dass …
Kritisch anzumerken ist allerdings, dass …; Zu kritisieren ist allerdings, dass …
critical point
critical voices
critical temperature
to be critical of sth.
I take a critical view of it.
a book which takes a critical look at our civilisation.
The report is particularly critical of the fact that …
However, a point of criticism is that …
Temperaturabfall m, Temperatursturz m
Temperaturabfälle pl, Temperaturstürze pl
drop in the temperature, drop of temperature
drops in the temperature, drops of temperature
Temperaturabfall m; Temperatursturz m
Temperaturabfälle pl; Temperaturstürze pl
drop in the temperature; drop of temperature
drops in the temperature; drops of temperature
temperaturabhängig adj
temperature dependent
temperaturabhängig adj
Temperaturabhängigkeit f
temperature dependence
Temperaturänderung f
Temperaturänderungen pl
temperature change
temperature changes
Temperaturanstieg m
Temperaturanstiege pl
rise in temperature, temperature rise
rise in temperatures, temperature rises
Temperaturanstieg m
Temperaturanstiege pl
rise in temperature; temperature rise
rise in temperatures; temperature rises
Temperaturanzeige f, Temperaturanzeiger m
Temperaturanzeigen pl, Temperaturanzeiger pl
temperature gauge
temperature gauges
Temperaturanzeige f; Temperaturanzeiger m
Temperaturanzeigen pl; Temperaturanzeiger pl
temperature gauge
temperature gauges
Temperaturausgleich m
temperature equalization
Temperaturausgleich m
temperature equalization eAm.; temperature equalisation Br.
Temperaturausgleich m phys.
temperature equalization; temperature equalisation Br.
temperaturbeansprucht adj techn.
temperaturbeansprucht sein
subjected to high temperatures
to be subjected to high temperatures
thermal cut out
Temperaturbelastung f phys.
Temperaturbelastung f
thermal load; thermal stress
temperature load; temperature stress
Temperaturbereich m
kompensierter Temperaturbereich techn.
temperature range
compensated temperature range (CTR)
Temperaturbereich m
kompensierter Temperaturbereich techn.
temperature range
compensated temperature range CTR
Temperaturbereich m
kompensierter Temperaturbereich techn.
temperature range
compensated temperature range CTR
Temperaturbeständigkeit f techn.
temperature resistance
Temperaturbeständigkeit f techn.
temperature stability
Temperaturdehnung f
temperature strain
Temperaturdehnzahl f
coefficient of (thermal) expansion
Temperaturdifferenz n
temperature difference
Temperaturdifferenz f
Temperaturdifferenzen pl
temperature difference
temperature differences
Temperatureinfluss m
influence of temperature
temperaturempfindlich adj
Dissoziation f, Aufhebung f einer Verbindung chem.
Dissoziation von Wasser bei hohen Temperaturen
dissociation of water at high temperatures
Anpassung f (an etw.)
die Anpassung von Wüstentieren an die heißen Temperaturen
eine rasche Anpassung an veränderte Gegebenheiten
adaptation; accommodation (to sth.)
the adaptation of desert animals to the hot temperatures
a rapid adaptation to changed circumstances
Dissoziation f; Zerfall n einer Verbindung chem.
Spaltung von Festtstoffen
Gasdissoziation f
Wasserdampfspaltung f
oberflächeninduzierte Dissoziation
Dissoziation von Wasser bei hohen Temperaturen
dissociation of fatty matters
dissociation of gas
dissociation of water vapour
surface-induced dissociation
dissociation of water at high temperatures
Industrieofen m; Ofen m (für hohe Temperaturen) techn.
Industrieöfen pl; Öfen pl
Durchstoßofen m (Walzwerk)
Raffinierofen m; Abtreibeofen m; Treibofen m (Metallurgie)
pusher-type furnace (rolling mill)
refining furnace (metallurgy)
feuerfest adj (bei hohen Temperaturen) techn.
fire-resistant; fire-resisting
hitzefest; hitzebeständig; hitzeresistent; wärmefest; wärmebeständig adj (gegenüber hohen Temperaturen)
heat-resistant; heat-resisting; heat-proof

Deutsche temperaturbeansprucht Synonyme

Englische subjected to high temperatures Synonyme

temperaturbeansprucht Definition

(a.) High as the breast.
(v. i.) To hie.
(superl.) Elevated above any starting point of measurement, as a line, or surface
(superl.) Regarded as raised up or elevated
(superl.) Elevated in character or quality, whether moral or intellectual
(superl.) Exalted in social standing or general estimation, or in rank, reputation, office, and the like
(superl.) Of noble birth
(superl.) Of great strength, force, importance, and the like
(superl.) Very abstract
(superl.) Costly
(superl.) Arrogant
(superl.) Possessing a characteristic quality in a supreme or superior degree
(superl.) Strong-scented
(superl.) Acute or sharp
(superl.) Made with a high position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate, as / (/ve), / (f/d). See Guide to Pronunciation, // 10, 11.
(adv.) In a high manner
(n.) An elevated place
(n.) People of rank or high station
(n.) The highest card dealt or drawn.
(v. i.) To rise
(a.) Inflated, as with conceit.
(a.) Bred in high life
(a.) Of lofty structure
(a.) Of or pertaining to, or favoring, the party called the High Church, or their doctrines or policy. See High Church, under High, a.
(n.) The principles of the high-church party.
(n.) One who holds high-church principles.
(n.) The state of being a high-churchman.
(a.) Having a strong, deep, or glaring color
(a.) Vivid
(a.) Having lofty arches.
(a.) Pampered
(a.) Finished with great care
(a.) Elevated
(a.) Turgid
(a.) Elated.
(n.) A spree
(a.) Overbearing
(a.) Full of courage or nobleness
(n.) The European green woodpecker or yaffle.
(n.) The flicker
(n.) A laced boot, ankle high.
(a.) Having abundance of mettle
(a.) Proud
(a.) Having, or characterized by, honorable pride
(n.) The quality of being highminded
(a.) Having high antlers
(a.) Having or involving a pressure greatly exceeding that of the atmosphere
(a.) Fig.: Urgent
High priest
() A chief priest
(n.) The office, dignity, or position of a high priest.

subjected to high temperatures / to be subjected to high temperatures Bedeutung

high colonic an enema that injects large amounts of fluid high into the colon for cleansing purposes
high jump the act of jumping as high as possible over a horizontal bar
all fours
card games in which points are won for taking the high or low or jack or game
high-low poker in which the high and low hands split the pot
high jinks
high jinx
noisy and mischievous merrymaking
high life
excessive spending
high treason
lese majesty
a crime that undermines the offender's government
high technology
high tech
highly advanced technological development (especially in electronics)
high-angle fire fire from a cannon that is fired at an elevation greater than that for the maximum range
high fidelity
the reproduction of sound with little or no distortion
High Mass a solemn and elaborate Mass with music
high finance large and complex financial transactions (often used with the implication that those individuals or institutions who engage in them are unethical)
high stepper
a horse trained to lift its feet high off the ground while walking or trotting
alto relievo
alto rilievo
high relief
a sculptural relief in which forms extend out from the background to at least half their depth
Army High Performance Computing Research Center
a United States defense laboratory to conduct research in high-performance computing for defense technology applications, a partnership of government and university and industry
Aswan High Dam
High Dam
one of the world's largest dams on the Nile River in southern Egypt
dress hat
high hat opera hat
silk hat
stovepipe top hat
a man's hat with a tall crown, usually covered with silk or with beaver fur
high fidelity sound system
equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
high altar the main altar in a church
high-angle gun a cannon that can be fired at a high elevation for relatively short ranges
high gear
a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed
high-hat cymbal
high hat
cymbals that are operated by a foot pedal
high-pass filter a filter that passes frequencies above a certain value and attenuates frequencies below that value
high table a dining table in a dining-hall raised on a platform, seats are reserved for distinguished persons
high-warp loom a handloom in which the warp is carried vertically, for weaving tapestry
high wire a tightrope very high above the ground
horizontal bar
high bar
gymnastic apparatus consisting of a bar supported in a horizontal position by uprights at both ends
a sock or stocking that reaches up to just below the knees
main street
high street
street that serves as a principal thoroughfare for traffic in a town
high-spiritedness exuberant liveliness
high quality
the quality of being superior
idealism noble-mindedness b a
elevated ideals or conduct, the quality of believing that ideals should be pursued
overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors
High Renaissance the artistic style of early th century painting in Florence and Rome, characterized by technical mastery and heroic composition and humanistic content
high pitch
high frequency
a pitch that is perceived as above other pitches
heat high temperature
the presence of heat
high frequency HF tomegahertz
very high frequency
to megahertz
extremely high frequency
to gigahertz
high a lofty level or position or degree, summer temperatures reached an all-time high
haute couture
high fashion
high style
trend-setting fashions
high point the most enjoyable part of a given experience, the trumpet solo was the high point of the concert
particle physics
high-energy physics
high energy physics
the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions
high horse an attitude of arrogant superiority, get off your high horse and admit you are wrong
High Anglicanism
a doctrine and practice within the Church of England emphasizing the Catholic tradition
high-definition television
a television system that has more than the usual number of lines per frame so its pictures show more detail
high-level formatting (computer science) the format for the root directory and the file allocation tables and other basic configurations
high sign a silent signal of warning or recognition, she started to speak but he gave her the high sign
high-level language a problem-oriented language requiring little knowledge of the computer on which it will be run
High German
German language
the standard German language, developed historically from West Germanic
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