
tragen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

bear (irr.)
to carry
to wear
to wear (wore,worn)
Zins tragen
carry interest
Zins tragen
to carry interest
Frucht tragen
yield fruit
Zinsen tragen
to yield
Verlust tragen
bear a loss
Bahren, Tragen
tragen, halten
stützen, tragen
tragen, anhaben
tragen, abnutzen
tragen, ertragen
bear (irr.)
die Fracht tragen
pay freight charges
die Kosten tragen
bear the costs
Zinsen tragen v
to yield
einen Mantel tragen
wear a coat
alle Gefahren tragen
bear all risks
muss ein Datum tragen
must be dated
tragen, transportieren
Trage f
Tragen pl
hand barrow
hand barrows
Trage f
Tragen pl
hand barrow
tragen, am Körper tragen
wear (irr.)
alle Ausladekosten tragen
pay any charges for unloading
stützen, tragen, erhalten
alle Kosten der Ware tragen
bear all charges of the goods
alle Kosten der Ware tragen
bear all expense of the goods
die Kosten (für etw) tragen
to meet (the) costs (for sth.)
Sie müssen die Folgen tragen
you will have to bear the consequences
alle Gefahren der Ware tragen
bear all risks of the goods
Trauer tragen; in Trauer gehen
to mourn; to wear mourning
alle angelaufenen Kosten tragen
pay all costs incurred
alle zusätzlichen Kosten tragen
bear any additional costs
Trauer tragen, in Trauer gehen
to mourn, to wear mourning
dämpfen, neutralisieren, tragen
to absorb
alle angefallenen Gebühren tragen
pay all charges incurred
absorbieren, neutralisieren, tragen
alle Zollgebühren und Abgaben tragen
bear all customs duties and taxes
der Verkäufer muss die Kosten tragen
the seller must pay the costs
er würde normalerweise tragen müssen
he would normally be called upon
stützen, tragen, ertragen, aushalten
die Kosten aller Einfuhrabgaben tragen
bear the cost of any import duties
sollen die Anschrift tragen, enthalten
should bear the address
tragen, mitnehmen, empfinden, ertragen
Ernte tragen bringen geben v agr.
to crop
die Kosten tragen, für die Kosten aufkommen
pay the costs
Unterwäsche f
keine Unterwäsche tragen
to go commando coll.
für die Kosten aufkommen; die Kosten tragen
to pay the piper
für die Kosten aufkommen, die Kosten tragen
to pay the piper
Schuld f (an)
die Schuld für etw. tragen
guilt (of, for)
to bear the guilt of sth.
Ausladekosten pl
alle Ausladekosten tragen
charges for unloading
to pay any charges for unloading
für die Kosten aufkommen; die Kosten tragen v
to pay the piper
Abnuetzung, tragen, aufhaben, abtragen, abnutzen
einen Frack tragen (sehr formelle Kleidung für Männer)
to wear white tie fig.
etw. bei sich haben; etw. mit sich bei sich tragen v
to have sth. about on oneself
Gewandbausch m relig.
in seinem Gewandbausch tragen
bosom; breast
to carry in his bosom
Früchte tragen übtr.; erfolgreich sein; Erfolg haben v
to bear fruit fig.
Kinn n anat.
fliehendes Kinn
es mit Fassung tragen
receding chin
to take it on the chin
'Trauer muss Electra tragen' (von O'Neill Werktitel) lit.
'Mourning becomes Electra' (by O'Neill work title)
'Trauer muss Electra tragen' (von O'Neill Werktitel) lit.
'Mourning becomes Electra' (by O'Neill work title)
Mitverantwortung f
für etw. Mitverantwortung haben tragen
share of the responsibility
to have bear a share of the responsibility for sth.
Trauern n; Trauer f soc.
Trauer tragen
Trauer anlegen
to be (dressed) in mourning
to go into mourning
Frucht f
Früchte pl
Früchte tragen
die Früchte der Erde
to bear fruit; to yield fruit
the fruits of the earth
Eule f ornith.
Eulen pl
Eulen nach Athen tragen Sprw.
to carry coals to Newcastle prov.
Frucht f
Früchte pl
Früchte tragen
die Früchte der Erde
to bear fruit
the fruits of the earth
Dutt m; Haarknoten m; Knoten m; Kauz m
einen Dutt tragen
to wear your hair in a bun
Dutt m, Haarknoten m, Knoten m, Kauz m
einen Dutt tragen
to wear one's hair in a bun
viel Haut zeigen v (weit ausgeschnittene Kleidung tragen) übtr.
to reveal a lot of skin flesh fig.
Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzkleidung tragen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Wear suitable protective clothing. (safety note)
Kinn n anat.
Kinne pl
fliehendes Kinn
es mit Fassung tragen
receding chin
to take it on the chin
die Hauptlast (von etw.) tragen
(etw.) am stärksten zu spüren bekommen
to bear the brunt (of sth.)
to bear the brunt (of sth.)
beschuhen v
in Stiefeln
gute Schuhe tragen
to shoe
shod in boots
to be well-shod
Konsequenz f
Konsequenzen pl, Nachwirkung f
die Konsequenzen tragen
to bear the consequences
das Evangelium verkünden; die frohe Botschaft in die Welt tragen v relig.
to evangelize; to evangelise Br.
Ausgeglichenheit f; Gleichmut m; Gelassenheit f
etw. mit Fassung tragen
to take sth. with equanimity
etw. hinaustragen v
etw. aus dem Haus tragen
to carry out () sth.
carrying out
carried out
to carry sth. out of the house
Trauern n; Trauer f soc.
tränenlose Trauer
Trauer tragen
Trauer anlegen
dry mourning
to be (dressed) in mourning
to go into mourning
schleppen, schwer tragen
schleppend, schwer tragend
geschleppt, schwer getragen
to tote coll.
Bahre f; Trage f; Krankentrage f
Bahren pl; Tragen pl; Krankentragen pl
jdn. zu Grabe tragen v geh.
Voriges Jahr hat sie ihren Mann zu Grabe getragen.
to bury sth. formal
Last year she buried her husband.
Bahre f, Trage f, Krankentrage f
Bahren pl, Tragen pl, Krankentragen pl
Parfüm n; Parfum n; Duftstoff m
Parfüme pl
Parfüm tragen
sich parfümieren
perfume; scent
to wear perfume
to put on perfume
Zollgebühren pl
alle Zollgebühren und Abgaben tragen
alle Zollgebühren übernehmen
customs duties
to bear all customs duties and taxes
to bear any customs duties
Zins m, Zinsen pl
Zinsen bringen
Zins tragen
aufgelaufene Zinsen, Stückzinsen
to earn interest
to carry interest
accrued interest
angenehm; wohltuend adj
am angenehmsten
angenehm zu tragen (Kleidung)
pleasant; comfortable
more pleasant
most pleasant
pleasant to wear (clothing)
schleppen; schwer tragen v
schleppend; schwer tragend
geschleppt; schwer getragen
to tote coll.
Handschellen pl
in Handschellen
Handschellen tragen
jdn. in Handschellen abführen
handcuffs; bracelets
in handcuffs; handcuffed
to be handcuffed; to be in handcuffs
to take lead sb. away in handcuffs
Ausreichende Lüftung anwenden oder wirksames Atemschutzgerät tragen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
When this material is used effective ventilation must be provided or an efficient respiratory protection must be worn. (safety note)
Konfliktpotenzial n; Konfliktpotential n alt
Konfliktpotenzial bergen in sich tragen
potential for conflict
to create the potential for conflict
nachahmen, zur Schau tragen
nachahmend, zur Schau tragend
nachgeahmt, zur Schau getragen
to affect
tragen, abtragen, abnutzen
tragend, abtragend, abnutzend
getragen, abgetragen, abgenutzt
to wear {wore, worn}
Konfliktpotenzial n; Konfliktpotential n alt
Konfliktpotenzial bergen in sich tragen
potential for conflict
to create the potential for conflict
Kleid n
Kleider pl
ein auffälliges Kleid
tief ausgeschnittenes Kleid
ein Kleid tragen
a showy dress
low-cut dress; dress with a plunging neckline
to wear a dress
Orden m
Orden pl
jdm. einen Orden für etw. verleihen
einen Orden bekommen
Orden tragen
medal, decoration
medals, decorations
to decorate sb. for sth.
to be decorated, to receive a decoration
to wear one's decorations
(negative) Folge f
Folgen pl
die Folgen tragen; dafür geradestehen; die Suppe auslöffeln übtr.
to face the music fig.
zum Tragen kommen
zum Tragen kommend
zum Tragen gekommen
Diese Klausel kam schließlich zum Tragen.
to take effect; to have an effect; to become important
taking effect; having an effect; becoming important
taken effect; hade an effect; become important
This clause was eventually applied.
Tarif m; Gebühr f
Tarife pl; Gebühren pl
abzüglich Gebühren
alle angefallenen Gebühren tragen
charges to be deducted; less charges
to pay all charges incurred
Bei der Arbeit undurchlässige Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzbrille Gesichtsschutz tragen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Wear impermeable gloves and safety googles face protection. (safety note)
zum Tragen kommen v
zum Tragen kommend
zum Tragen gekommen
Diese Klausel kam schließlich zum Tragen.
to take effect; to have an effect; to become important
taking effect; having an effect; becoming important
taken effect; hade an effect; become important
This clause was eventually applied.
(Last; Verantwortung) tragen v
zu tragen von …; getragen werden von …
to bear {bore; born, borne}
born; borne
to be borne by …
abgelegtes Stück n; gebrauchtes Stück n (von jd. anderem)
die alten Sachen seiner Geschwister tragen müssen
cast-off Br.; hand-me-down Am.; reach-me-down coll. dated (item that has been used by someone else before)
to have to wear the cast-offs hand-me-downs from your brothers and sisters
Schuld f
jdm. an etw. die Schuld geben
die Schuld bekommen
die Schuld auf sich nehmen
die Schuld tragen
to put the blame on sb. for sth., to lay the blame on sb. for sth.
to get the blame
to take the blame
to bear the blame
Titel m (Namenszusatz) adm.
Titel pl
akademischer Titel
jdn. mit Titel ansprechen
einen Titel tragen
academic title
to address sb. by his her title
to bear a title; to have a title
(Last; Verantwortung) tragen v
zu tragen von ...; getragen werden von ...
to bear {bore; born borne}
born; borne
to be borne by ...
(Last, Verantwortung) tragen v
zu tragen von ..., getragen werden von ...
to bear {bore, born, borne}
born, borne
to be borne by ...
Titel m
Titel pl
akademischer Titel
jdn. mit Titel ansprechen
einen Titel tragen
übergeordneter Titel
academic title
to address sb. by his
her title
to bear a title, to have a title
collective title
Schuld haben; die Schuld tragen; schuld sein v
Ein Verschulden des Kunden liegt vor, wenn er fahrlässig handelt.
to be at fault
The customer is deemed to be at fault if his actions are negligent.
Sichtbarkeit f; Erkennbarkeit f (von etw.)
Jogger sollten helle Kleidung tragen damit sie besser erkennbar sind.
visibility (of sth.)
Joggers should wear light-colored clothes to increase their visibility.
Sichtbarkeit f; Erkennbarkeit f (von etw.)
Jogger sollten helle Kleidung tragen, damit sie besser erkennbar sind.
visibility (of sth.)
Joggers should wear light-colored clothes to increase their visibility.
etw. berücksichtigen, etw. beachten, in Betracht ziehen, einer Sache Rechnung tragen
... wurde bereits berücksichtigt
to take sth. into account, to take account of sth.
... was already taken into account
Repunze f; Punzierung f; Feingehaltsstempel m; Stempel m auf Edelmetall
eine Punzierung tragen (Medaille Orden)
hallmark (mark on precious metal)
to carry a hallmark (medal order)
Repunze f; Punzierung f; Feingehaltsstempel m; Stempel m auf Edelmetall
eine Punzierung tragen (Medaille, Orden)
hallmark (mark on precious metal)
to carry a hallmark (medal, order)
Eulen pl (Strigiformes) (zoologische Ordnung) ornith.
Eulen nach Athen tragen; Holz in den Wald tragen Sprw.
owls (zoological order) (owl)
to carry coals to Newcastle prov.
Selbstmordgedanke m; Suizidgedanke m
Selbstmordgedanken pl; Suizidgedanken pl
sich mit Selbstmordgedanken tragen
thought of suicide
thoughts of suicide
to contemplate suicide
Selbstmordgedanke m, Suizidgedanke m
Selbstmordgedanken pl, Suizidgedanken pl
sich mit Selbstmordgedanken tragen
thought of suicide
thoughts of suicide
to contemplate suicide
schleppen, tragen, sich etw. aufladen
schleppend, tragend, sich etw. aufladend
geschleppt, getragen, sich etw. aufgeladen
to hump
heißen, den Namen tragen
es heißt
es hieß
sie hießen
es hat
hatte geheißen
to be called
being called
been called
it is called
it was called
they were called
it has
had been called
Travestiekleidung f (Kostümierung als Person des anderen Geschlechts)
Mann in Frauenkleidern
(als Mann) Frauenkleider tragen
drag (clothing)
man in drag; drag queen
to be in drag
(negative) Folge f
Folgen pl
die Folgen tragen müssen
die Folgen tragen; dafür geradestehen; die Suppe auslöffeln übtr.
to have to take bear the consequences
to face the music fig.
Dutt m; Haarknoten m; Knoten m; Kauz m; Chignon n
Dutte pl; Haarknoten pl; Knoten pl; Kauze pl
einen Dutt tragen
to wear your hair in a bun
decken, tragen, bestreiten, bezahlen v (Kosten)
deckend, tragend, bestreitend, bezahlend
gedeckt, getragen, bestritten, bezahlt
to defray
tragen, befördern
du trägst
sie trägt
sie trug
sie hat
hatte getragen
sie trüge
to carry, to take
you carry
she carries
she carried
she has
had carried
she would carry
schleppen v; tragen v; sich etw. aufladen v
schleppend; tragend; sich etw. aufladend
geschleppt; getragen; sich etw. aufgeladen
to hump
zu etw. beitragen (Sache) v
beitragend zu
beigetragen zu
Die Wasserfälle tragen wesentlich zur Schönheit des Landschaftsgartens bei.
to add to sth. (thing)
adding to
added to
The waterfalls add considerably to the beauty of the landscaped garden.
zu etw. beitragen (Sache) v
beitragend zu
beigetragen zu
Die Wasserfälle tragen wesentlich zur Schönheit des Landschaftsgartens bei.
to add to sth. (of a thing)
adding to
added to
The waterfalls add considerably to the beauty of the landscaped garden.
Konsequenzen pl (angemessene Reaktion)
Konsequenzen ziehen
die Konsequenzen (aus etw.) ziehen und etw. tun
die Konsequenzen tragen müssen
appropriate steps; appropriate action
to take appropriate action steps in response
to take the logical step and do sth.; to draw the obvious conclusion (from sth.) and do sth.
to have to take bear the consequences
Schau f
etw. zur Schau stellen; etw. ausstellen
zur Schau stellen
etw. zur Schau tragen
jdm. die Schau stehlen
einen auf Schau machen
to put sth. on show; to show sth.
to show off; to parade
to display sth.
to steal the show limelight scene from sb.
to put on air
Schau f
etw. zur Schau stellen, etw. ausstellen
zur Schau stellen
etw. zur Schau tragen
jdm. die Schau stehlen
einen auf Schau machen
to put sth. on show, to show sth.
to show off, to parade
to display sth.
to steal the show from sb.
to put on airs
Orden m
Orden pl
Orden erster Klasse
jdm. einen Orden für etw. verleihen
einen Orden bekommen
Orden tragen
Orden mit Kriegsdekoration
medal; decoration
medals; decorations
first class order
to decorate sb. for sth.
to be decorated; to receive a decoration
to wear one's decorations
Order with War Decoration
kurze Hose f; Short f; Shorts pl textil.
knappe Damenshort; Hotpants
abgeschnittene Jeansshort für Damen
eine kurze Hose anhaben tragen
(pair of) short trousers Br.; short pants Am.; shorts
very short women's shorts; hot pants; hotpants
daisy dukes
to wear a pair of shorts; to wear shorts
einhalten, sich halten (an), befolgen, (Folgen) tragen
einhaltend, sich haltend, befolgend, tragend
eingehalten, sich gehalten, befolgt, getragen
to abide {abode, abided, abode, abided} (by)
abode, abided
Kleidung f; Bekleidung f textil.
Kleidungen pl; Bekleidungen pl
mehrere Kleidungsschichten übereinander tragen; das Zwiebelschalensystem anwenden
clothing; apparel
clothings; apparels
to wear layers of clothing
etw. stolz zur Schau tragen (Person); etw. Auffälliges aufweisen (Sache)
Sie trug stolz eine kleine Tätowierung.
Vorne am Auto prangte eine deutsche Flagge.
to sport sth.
She sported a small tattoo.
The front of the car sported a German flag.
tragen; befördern v
du trägst
er sie trägt
ich er sie trug
wir sie trugen
er sie hat hatte getragen
ich er sie trüge
to carry; to take
you carry
he she carries
I he she carried
we they carried
he she has had carried
I he she would carry
etw. stolz zur Schau tragen (Person); etw. Auffälliges aufweisen v (Sache)
Sie trug stolz eine kleine Tätowierung.
Vorne am Auto prangte eine deutsche Flagge.
to sport sth.
She sported a small tattoo.
The front of the car sported a German flag.
Schau f; Zurschaustellen n
etw. zur Schau stellen; etw. ausstellen
zur Schau stellen
etw. zur Schau tragen
jdm. die Schau stehlen
einen auf Schau machen
show (display)
to put sth. on show; to show sth.
to show off; to parade
to display sth.
to steal the show limelight scene from sb.; to steal sb.'s thunder
to put on air
Sinnbild n; Bild n; Zeichen n; Emblem n (+Gen.)
Sinnbilder pl; Bilden pl; Zeichen pl; Emblemene pl
Die Schilder tragen das Bild einer leuchtenden Sonne.
device (of sth.)
The shields bear the device of the blazing sun.
Schutzpanzer m; Schutzpanzerung f; Panzer m; Panzerung f
die Panzerung eines Keramikofens
die Panzerung der Gürteltiere
einen kugelsicheren Körperpanzer tragen
armour Br.; armouring Br.; armor Am.; armoring Am.
the armouring of a pottery kiln
the armadillos' armour
to wear a bulletproof body armour
umständlich adj
umständlich zu handhaben adj
Die Schachtel ist für eine Person umständlich zu tragen.
Mit diesem Werkzeug kommt man auch in schlecht erreichbare Ecken.
fiddly; awkward to do
awkward to handle
This box is awkward for one person to carry.
This tool will reach into awkward corners.
Hauptlast m
etw. am ärgsten zu spüren bekommen; von etw. am schlimmsten in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden; die Hauptlast von etw. tragen
die Hauptlast der Haushaltsarbeit tragen
to bear take suffer the brunt of sth.
to bear the brunt of the household chores
Kleid n textil.
Kleider pl
Blusenkleid n
Minikleid n
Wasserfallkleid n
ein auffälliges Kleid
tief ausgeschnittenes Kleid
das Kleine Schwarze
ein Kleid tragen
shirt dress
waterfall dress
a showy dress
low-cut dress; dress with a plunging neckline
the little black dress; the LBD
to wear a dress
decken; tragen; bestreiten; bezahlen; übernehmen v; aufkommen für (Kosten)
deckend; tragend; bestreitend; bezahlend; übernehmend
gedeckt; getragen; bestritten; bezahlt; übernommen
to defray

Deutsche tragen Synonyme

abstützen  Âstützen  Âtragen  Âunterstützen  
(Kleidung)  tragen  Â(sich)  kleiden  Âanhaben  
verantworten  Âverantwortlich  (sein)  ÂVerantwortung  tragen  
(sich)  etwas  aufladen  Âschleppen  Âtragen  Âtransportieren  
(Verantwortung/Risiko)  tragen  Âauf  sich  nehmen  Âübernehmen  
(Folgen)  tragen  Â(sich)  halten  (an)  Âbefolgen  Âeinhalten  Âerfüllen  
die  Kirche  ums  Dorf  tragen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âerschweren  Âkompliziert  machen  Âverkomplizieren  
beinhalten  Âeinbeziehen  Âeinschließen  Âenthalten  Âinkludieren  Âintegrieren  Âinvolvieren  Âtragen  Âumfassen  Âumschließen  
(eine)  Bezeichnung  tragen  Â(sich)  bezeichnen  (als)  Â(sich)  nennen  Âfirmieren  (unter)  Âheißen  
(einer  Sache)  Rechnung  tragen  Âberücksichtigen  Âeinberechnen  Âeinbeziehen  Âerwägen  Âin  Betracht  ziehen  Âin  Erwägung  ziehen  Âintegrieren  
(sich)  auszahlen  Â(sich)  bezahlt  machen  Â(sich)  lohnen  Â(sich)  rechnen  Â(sich)  rentieren  Âamortisieren  ÂFrüchte  tragen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âlohnenswert  (sein)  
(Folgen) tragen  (sich) halten (an)  befolgen  einhalten  erfüllen  
(Kleidung) tragen  (sich) kleiden  anhaben  
(einer Sache) Rechnung tragen  berücksichtigen  einberechnen  einbeziehen  erwägen  in Betracht ziehen  in Erwägung ziehen  integrieren  
die Kirche ums Dorf tragen (umgangssprachlich)  erschweren  kompliziert machen  verkomplizieren  
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Englische bear Synonyme

bear  Cape polecat  Tartar  abide  abide with  acquiesce  acquit  act  admit of  affect  afflict  afford  afford support  aim  allow  answer  ape  appertain  apply  assault  attend  author  avail  back  back up  bar  be confined  be equal to  be worthy of  bear a child  bear account  bear fruit  bear on  bear out  bear the market  bear up  bear upon  bear with  bear young  beget  bide  birth  blink at  bolster  bolster up  boost  bosom  bow  brace  brave  breed  bring  bring about  bring forth  bring to birth  bring to effect  bring to pass  brook  buck  bull  bull the market  bulldoze  bump  bump against  bunt  buoy up  butt  butt against  buttress  calve  carry  cast  cause  cavy  chaperon  cheer  cherish  chimp  chimpanzee  cling to  clip  companion  comport  conceive  concern  condone  conduct  confirm  connive at  consort with  convey  convoy  coon  correspond  corroborate  countenance  cradle  cram  crank  create  crosspatch  crowd  crush  crutch  cushion  defer  deliver  demean  deport  develop  dig  digest  display  dispose  do  do it  dragon  drive  drop  effect  effectuate  elbow  embosom  embrace  encourage  endure  engender  entertain  escort  establish  exhibit  experience  fabricate  farrow  fashion  father  fawn  feist  ferret  ferry  fill the bill  finance  fire-eater  fly  foal  fondle  force  form  foster  foumart  found  freight  fructify  fruit  fulfill  fund  furnish  fury  generate  gestate  get by  give birth  give birth to  give occasion to  give origin to  give rise to  give support  glutton  go  go around  go on  goad  grizzly bear  grouch  groundhog  guinea pig  hack it  hang in  hang in there  hang tough  harbor  have  have a baby  have and hold  have young  head  hear of  hedgehog  hold  hold a heading  hold on to  hold out  hold up  hothead  hotspur  hug  hump  hurtle  hustle  inaugurate  incline  indulge  influence  institute  invent  invite  involve  jab  jam  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  just do  keep  keep afloat  keep up  kitten  lab  
bear down  beat down  bring low  buckle down  couch  crush  debase  defeat  depress  detrude  do double duty  downbear  elucubrate  endeavor  get cracking  get cutting  go all out  haul down  hit the ball  hop to it  hotfoot  hump  hump it  hustle  indent  knuckle down  lay to  lean on it  let down  lower  lucubrate  overpower  overwork  ply the oar  pour it on  press down  pull down  push down  reduce  scratch  shag ass  shake a leg  shake it up  sink  slave  snap to it  spare no effort  step on it  subdue  subjugate  sweat  take down  tear ass  thrust down  vanquish  work hard  work late  work overtime  
bear down on  accost  advance  advance against  advance upon  approach  approach anchorage  appropinquate  approximate  bear against  bear down upon  bear hard upon  bear up  bear up for  bear up to  close  close in  close with  come  come closer  come forward  come near  come on  come up  confront  counterattack  draw near  draw nigh  drive  encounter  fetch  flank  gain upon  gas  go aboard  go alongside  high-pressure  infiltrate  launch an attack  lay aboard  lay for  lay in  lean on  lie in  make  make at  make for  march against  march upon  mount an attack  narrow the gap  near  open an offensive  press  pressure  proximate  push  put away for  put in  put into port  put pressure on  reach  run for  sail for  sidle up to  squeeze  stand for  steer toward  step up  strike  thrust  
bear fruit  advance  bear  bloom  blossom  blow  bring forth  bring to maturity  come to fruition  develop  evolute  evolve  flourish  flower  fructify  fruit  furnish  grow  grow up  maturate  mature  mellow  produce  progress  reach its season  reach maturity  ripe  ripen  wax  yield  
bear hug  bite  clamp  clasp  clench  clinch  cling  clinging  clutch  death grip  embrace  enfoldment  firm hold  foothold  footing  grapple  grasp  grip  gripe  hold  hug  iron grip  nip  purchase  seizure  squeeze  tight grip  toehold  
bear in mind  brood over  cherish  consider  contemplate  dwell on  dwell upon  entertain thoughts of  fan the embers  harbor an idea  have in mind  have regard for  have thoughts about  hold an idea  hold in mind  hold the thought  keep  keep in memory  keep in mind  keep in sight  keep in view  reckon with  retain  take account of  take cognizance of  take heed of  take into account  take into consideration  take note of  take notice of  think of  treasure  
bear off  about ship  angle  angle off  avert  back and fill  bear away  bear to starboard  beat  beat about  bend  bias  box off  branch off  break  bring about  bring round  cant  cant round  cast  cast about  change course  change the bearing  change the heading  come about  crook  curve  deflect  depart from  detour  deviate  digress  divagate  divaricate  diverge  double a point  draw aside  drift  drift off course  drive  ease off  edge off  fall down  fetch about  fetch away  fly off  gee  glance  glance off  go about  go off  gybe  haul off  haw  head off  head to leeward  heave round  heel  jib  jibe  jibe all standing  make leeway  make way for  miss stays  move aside  oblique  pay off  ply  put about  put back  put off  round a point  run from  sag  sail away from  sheer  sheer off  shift  shove aside  shove off  shunt  shy  shy off  side  sidestep  sidetrack  sidle  skew  slew  slue  stand from  stand off  steer away from  steer clear of  step aside  sway  swerve  swing round  swing the stern  switch  tack  throw about  trend  turn  turn aside  turn away  turn back  twist  vary  veer  veer off  wear  wear ship  wind  yaw  yaw off  
bear out  affirm  afford support  attest  authenticate  back  back up  bear  bear up  bolster  bolster up  buttress  certify  circumstantiate  confirm  corroborate  crutch  document  finance  fortify  fund  give support  hold up  justify  keep  lend support  maintain  probate  prop  prop up  prove  ratify  reinforce  shore  shore up  strengthen  subsidize  substantiate  subvention  subventionize  support  sustain  undergird  upbear  uphold  upkeep  validate  verify  warrant  
bear up  accost  advance  afford support  approach  appropinquate  approximate  assure  back  back up  be proof against  bear  bear down on  bear down upon  bear out  bear the brunt  bear up against  bear up under  bolster  bolster up  brace  buoy  buoy up  buttress  carry  cheer  close  close in  close with  come  come closer  come forward  come near  come on  come up  come up fighting  comfort  condole with  confront  console  cradle  crutch  cushion  defy  draw near  draw nigh  ease  encounter  encourage  endure  finance  float  float high  fund  gain upon  give comfort  give support  hang in  hang in there  hang on  hang tough  hearten  hold  hold fast  hold on  hold out  hold up  keep  keep afloat  keep up  lend support  live through it  live with it  mainstay  maintain  narrow the gap  near  never say die  not flag  not give up  not weaken  pillow  prop  prop up  proximate  put at ease  reassure  rebuff  reinforce  relieve  repel  repulse  resist  ride high  see it out  set at ease  shore  shore up  shoulder  sidle up to  solace  stand  stand the gaff  stand up  stay  stay it out  stay the distance  stay with it  step up  stick  stick it  stick it out  stick out  stick to it  stick with it  subsidize  subvention  subventionize  support  sustain  sweat it out  sympathize with  take it  take what comes  tough it out  underbrace  undergird  underlie  underpin  underset  upbear  uphold  upkeep  uplift  upraise  waft  withstand  
bear upon  abut on  act on  affect  answer to  appertain to  apply to  approach  assault  be based on  bear  bear on  belong to  bestraddle  bestride  boost  buck  bull  bulldoze  bump  bump against  bunt  butt  butt against  concern  connect  correspond to  cram  crowd  deal with  dig  draw  draw on  drive  elbow  exert influence  force  get cozy with  goad  have connection with  hurtle  hustle  interest  involve  jab  jam  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  lead on  lean on  liaise with  lie on  link with  lobby  lobby through  magnetize  make advances  make overtures  make up to  nudge  perch  pertain to  pile drive  poke  press  press down  prod  pull strings  punch  push  ram  ram down  rattle  refer to  regard  relate to  rely on  repose on  respect  rest on  ride  run  run against  shake  shoulder  shove  sit on  stand on  straddle  stress  stride  tamp  thrust  tie in with  touch  touch upon  treat of  weigh on  weigh upon  wire-pull  work on  
bear with  abide  abide with  allow for  bear  bide  blink at  brave  brook  condone  connive at  countenance  disregard  endure  hang in  hang in there  hang tough  have  hear of  ignore  indulge  leave unavenged  let it go  lump  lump it  make allowances for  overlook  pass over  persevere  pocket  pocket the affront  put up with  regard with indulgence  spare the rod  stand  stand for  stick  stomach  suffer  support  sustain  swallow  take  take up with  tolerate  wink at  
bear witness  acknowledge  affirm  allege  asseverate  attest  aver  avouch  avow  certify  depone  depose  disclose  give evidence  swear  testify  vouch  warrant  witness  
bear witness against  betray  blab  blow the whistle  fink  inform against  inform on  narc  peach  rat  sell out  snitch  snitch on  squeal  stool  tattle  tell on  testify against  turn informer  
beard  Vandyke  affront  ascender  back  bag  ballocks  balls  basket  bastard type  beaver  bell the cat  belly  bevel  bid defiance  bite the bullet  black letter  body  brave  brazen  brazen out  breasts  bristles  call out  cap  capital  case  cervix  challenge  clitoris  cod  cods  confront  counter  cullions  dare  defy  descender  double-dare  down  em  en  face  face out  face the music  face up  face up to  family jewels  fat-faced type  feet  female organs  font  front  genitalia  genitals  goatee  gonads  groove  imperial  italic  labia  labia majora  labia minora  letter  ligature  lingam  lips  logotype  lower case  majuscule  male organs  meat  meet  meet boldly  meet head-on  minuscule  nick  nuts  nymphae  outdare  outface  ovary  peach fuzz  penis  phallus  pi  pica  point  print  private parts  privates  privy parts  pubic hair  pudenda  reproductive organs  rocks  roman  run the gauntlet  sans serif  scream defiance  script  scrotum  secondary sex characteristic  set at defiance  sex organs  shank  shoulder  show fight  side whiskers  small cap  small capital  speak out  speak up  spermary  stamp  stand up to  stare down  stem  stubble  testes  testicles  tuft  type  type body  type class  type lice  typecase  typeface  typefounders  typefoundry  upper case  uterus  vagina  venture  vulva  whisker  whiskers  womb  yoni  
beardless  acomous  bald  bald-headed  boyish  boylike  calflike  childish  childlike  clean-shaven  coltish  depilous  girlish  girllike  glabrous  hairless  kiddish  maiden  maidenly  puerile  puplike  puppyish  puppylike  shaven  smooth  smooth-faced  smooth-shaven  tonsured  
bearer  Aquarius  Ganymede  Hebe  advocate  alpenstock  arm  athletic supporter  back  backbone  backing  bandeau  bheesty  boy  bra  brace  bracer  bracket  brassiere  busboy  buttress  caddie  cane  cargo handler  carrier  carrier pigeon  carter  cervix  common carrier  conveyer  coolie  corset  courier  crook  crutch  cupbearer  drayman  emissary  envoy  express  expressman  foundation garment  freighter  fulcrum  girdle  griever  gun bearer  guy  guywire  hauler  homing pigeon  internuncio  jock  jockstrap  keener  lamenter  letter carrier  litter-bearer  mainstay  maintainer  mast  mourner  mute  neck  pallbearer  porter  professional mourner  prop  redcap  reinforce  reinforcement  reinforcer  rest  resting place  rigging  shield-bearer  shoulder  shroud  skycap  spine  sprit  staff  standing rigging  stave  stay  stevedore  stick  stiffener  strengthener  stretcher-bearer  support  supporter  sustainer  the Water Bearer  transporter  truck driver  trucker  upholder  wagoner  walking stick  water boy  water carrier  
bearing  Zeitgeist  action  actions  activity  acts  address  affectation  affective meaning  aftermath  aim  air  air express  airfreight  airlift  applicability  application  appositeness  aspect  asportation  attitude  axis  azimuth  backing  ball bearing  bearings  beck  beckon  behavior  behavior pattern  behavioral norm  behavioral science  bent  bevel bearing  birthing  body language  bolstering  boost  born  bracing  brow  bump  bumper crop  bunt  burdened  bushing  butt  buttressing  calved  carriage  carry  carrying  cartage  cast  cast of countenance  celestial navigation  charade  chassis  childbearing  childbirth  chironomy  color  coloring  complexion  comportment  concern  concernment  conduct  connection  connotation  consequence  conveyance  correlation  countenance  course  crop  culture pattern  current  custom  dactylology  dead reckoning  deaf-and-dumb alphabet  delivery  demeanor  denotation  deportment  dig  direction  direction line  display  doing  doings  drayage  drift  dropped  dumb show  effect  endurance  enduring  essence  exposure  expressage  extension  face  facial appearance  favor  feature  features  ferriage  fix  foaled  folkway  force  frame  freight  freightage  front  frontage  fructiferous  fructification  fruit  fruitbearing  fruiting  fruition  fulcrum  garb  germaneness  gesticulation  gesture  gesture language  gestures  gist  given birth  giving birth  glacial movement  goings-on  grammatical meaning  guise  hand signal  harvest  hatched  haulage  hauling  head  heading  headstock  helmsmanship  holding  hustle  idea  impact  implication  import  inclination  infrastructure  intension  interest  jab  jewel  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  kinesics  lay  lexical meaning  lie  lighterage  line  line of direction  line of march  line of position  lineaments  lines  literal meaning  look  looks  lugging  main current  mainstream  maintaining  maintien  make  manner  manners  materiality  meaning  method  methodology  methods  mi  
bearings  abode  accommodation  achievement  adaptation  adjustment  alerion  alignment  animal charge  annulet  area  argent  armorial bearings  armory  arms  aspect  attitude  azimuth  azure  bandeau  bar  bar sinister  baton  bearing  bench mark  bend  bend sinister  billet  blazon  blazonry  bordure  broad arrow  cadency mark  canton  case  celestial navigation  chaplet  charge  chevron  chief  circumstance  coat of arms  cockatrice  condition  coronet  crescent  crest  cross  cross moline  crown  dead reckoning  device  difference  differencing  disorientation  district  eagle  emplacement  ermine  ermines  erminites  erminois  escutcheon  estate  exposure  falcon  fess  fess point  field  file  fix  flanch  fleur-de-lis  footing  fret  frontage  fur  fusil  garland  griffin  gules  gyron  hatchment  helmet  heraldic device  hole  honor point  impalement  impaling  inescutcheon  jam  label  latitude and longitude  lay  lie  lieu  line of position  lion  locale  locality  location  locus  lot  lozenge  mantling  marshaling  martlet  mascle  metal  modality  mode  motto  mullet  nombril point  octofoil  or  ordinary  orientation  orle  pale  paly  pass  pean  pheon  pickle  pilotage  pinpoint  place  placement  plight  point  position  position line  posture  predicament  purpure  quarter  quartering  radio bearing  rank  region  rose  sable  saltire  scutcheon  set  shield  site  situation  situs  spot  spread eagle  standing  state  station  status  stead  subordinary  tenne  tincture  torse  tressure  unicorn  vair  vert  whereabout  whereabouts  wreath  yale  
bearish  abrupt  aggressive  beastly  bitchy  bluff  blunt  brash  brusque  cankered  cantankerous  cavalier  churlish  crabbed  cranky  cross  cross-grained  crotchety  crusty  curt  cussed  disagreeable  excitable  feisty  fractious  gruff  harsh  huffish  huffy  irascible  irritable  mean  ornery  perverse  rough  severe  sharp  short  snappish  snippy  spiteful  spleeny  splenetic  surly  testy  truculent  ugly  vinegarish  vinegary  waspish  

tragen Definition

(n.) An edentate animal of tropical America (the Tamanoir), living on ants. It belongs to the genus Myrmecophaga.
(v. t.) To support or sustain
(v. t.) To support and remove or carry
(v. t.) To conduct
(v. t.) To possess and use, as power
(v. t.) To sustain
(v. t.) To possess or carry, as a mark of authority or distinction
(v. t.) To possess mentally
(v. t.) To endure
(v. t.) To gain or win.
(v. t.) To sustain, or be answerable for, as blame, expense, responsibility, etc.
(v. t.) To render or give
(v. t.) To carry on, or maintain
(v. t.) To admit or be capable of
(v. t.) To manage, wield, or direct.
(v. t.) To behave
(v. t.) To afford
(v. t.) To bring forth or produce
(v. i.) To produce, as fruit
(v. i.) To suffer, as in carrying a burden.
(v. i.) To endure with patience
(v. i.) To press
(v. i.) To take effect
(v. i.) To relate or refer
(v. i.) To have a certain meaning, intent, or effect.
(v. i.) To be situated, as to the point of compass, with respect to something else
(n.) A bier.
(n.) Any species of the genus Ursus, and of the closely allied genera. Bears are plantigrade Carnivora, but they live largely on fruit and insects.
(n.) An animal which has some resemblance to a bear in form or habits, but no real affinity
(n.) One of two constellations in the northern hemisphere, called respectively the Great Bear and the Lesser Bear, or Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
(n.) Metaphorically: A brutal, coarse, or morose person.
(n.) A person who sells stocks or securities for future delivery in expectation of a fall in the market.
(n.) A portable punching machine.
(n.) A block covered with coarse matting
(v. t.) To endeavor to depress the price of, or prices in
(n.) Alt. of Bere
(n.) See Acanthus, n., 1.
(n.) The English cow parsnip (Heracleum sphondylium)
(n.) A kind of primrose (Primula auricula), so called from the shape of the leaf.
(n.) A species of hellebore (Helleborus foetidus), with digitate leaves. It has an offensive smell and acrid taste, and is a powerful emetic, cathartic, and anthelmintic.
(n.) A large bivalve shell of the East Indies (Hippopus maculatus), often used as an ornament.
Sea bear
() Any fur seal. See under Fur.
Sea bear
() The white bear.
Water bear
() Any species of Tardigrada, 2. See Illust. of Tardigrada.

bear (irr.) Bedeutung

bear hug a takeover bid so attractive that the directors of the target company must approve it or risk shareholder protest
bear hug a wrestling hold with arms locked tightly around the opponent
bear cub a young bear
koala bear
kangaroo bear
native bear
Phascolarctos cinereus
sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat, feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
ant bear anteater Orycteropus afer
nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites, sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata
bear massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
brown bear
bruin Ursus arctos
large ferocious bear of Eurasia
Syrian bear
Ursus arctos syriacus
yellowish-grey Syrian brown bear
grizzly bear
Ursus horribilis
Ursus arctos horribilis
powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America
Alaskan brown bear
Kodiak bear
Ursus middendorffi
Ursus arctos middendorffi
brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia
American black bear
black bear Ursus americanus
Euarctos americanus
brown to black North American bear, smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
cinnamon bear reddish-brown color phase of the American black bear
Asiatic black bear
black bear Ursus thibetanus
Selenarctos thibetanus
bear with a black coat living in central and eastern Asia
ice bear
polar bear
Ursus Maritimus
Thalarctos maritimus
white bear of Arctic regions
sloth bear
Melursus ursinus
Ursus ursinus
common coarse-haired long-snouted bear of southentral Asia
bear claw claw of a bear, often used in jewelry
woolly bear
woolly bear caterpillar
caterpillar of numerous moths characterized by a dense coat of woolly hairs, feed on plants and some are destructive pests
woolly bear moth larva of moth of the family Arctiidae
wolverine carcajou
skunk bear
Gulo luscus
stocky shaggyoated North American carnivorous mammal
ant bear giant anteater
great anteater
Myrmecophaga jubata
large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws, of South America
kinkajou honey bear
potto Potos flavus
Potos caudivolvulus
arboreal fruit-eating mammal of tropical America with a long prehensile tail
lesser panda
red panda
panda bear cat
cat bear
Ailurus fulgens
reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore, in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas
giant panda
panda panda bear
coon bear
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet, in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae
bear claw an incised design resembling the claw of a bear, used in Native American pottery
teddy teddy bear plaything consisting of a child's toy bear (usually plush and stuffed with soft materials)
freedom to bear arms a right guaranteed by the nd amendment to the US Constitution
bear claw
bear paw
almond-flavored yeastaised pastry shaped in an irregular semicircle resembling a bear's claw
bear market a market characterized by falling prices for securities
Great Bear
Ursa Major
a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star
Little Bear
Ursa Minor
a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star
bear an investor with a pessimistic market outlook, an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price
stinking hellebore
bear's foot
Helleborus foetidus
digitate-leaved hellebore with an offensive odor and irritant qualities when taken internally
bear's ear
Primula auricula
yellow-flowered primrose native to Alps, commonly cultivated
b common bearberry
red bearberry
wild cranberry
hog cranberry
sand berry
mountain box
bear's grape
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
evergreen mat-forming shrub of North America and northern Eurasia having small white flowers and red berries, leaves turn red in autumn
bear oak
Quercus ilicifolia
shrubby oak of southeastern United States usually forming dense thickets
squaw grass
bear grass Xerophyllum tenax
plant of western North America having woody rhizomes and tufts of stiff grasslike basal leaves and spikes of creamy white flowers
bear grass Nolina microcarpa stemless plant with tufts of grasslike leaves and erect panicle of minute creamy white flowers, southwestern United States and Mexico
bear grass Yucca glauca yucca of west central United States having a clump of basal grasslike leaves and a central stalk with a terminal raceme of small whitish flowers
bear grass Yucca smalliana yucca of southern United States having a clump of basal grasslike leaves and a central stalk with a terminal raceme of small whitish flowers
bear's breech
bear's breeches
sea holly Acanthus mollis
widely cultivated southern European acanthus with whitish purple-veined flowers
bear's-paw fern
Aglaomorpha meyeniana
epiphytic fern with large fronds, Taiwan and Philippines
wear bear have on one's person, He wore a red ribbon, bear a scar
give birth
deliver bear birth
cause to be born, My wife had twins yesterday!
have a bun in the oven
be pregnant with, She is bearing his child, The are expecting another child in January, I am carrying his child
bear upon
bear on
touch on touch
have an effect upon, Will the new rules affect me?
bear in mind
keep in mind
c digest endure
stick out
support brook
put up
put up with something or somebody unpleasant, I cannot bear his constant criticism, The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks, he learned to tolerate the heat, She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage
bear up endure cheerfully, She bore up under the enormous strain
bear down exert a force or cause a strain upon, This tax bears down on the lower middle class
push bear on press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action, He pushed her to finish her doctorate
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