desiccator Englisch Deutsch Trockenapparat Übersetzung Synonym

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desiccator Englisch Deutsch:

Trockengerät n
Entfeuchter n
Trockengeräte pl
Entfeuchter pl

Exsikkator m
Exsiccator m (Laborgerät zum Trockenhalten chem. Stoffe) chem.
desiccator (laboratory equipment for protecting chemicals from humidity)
Gemüsetrockner m
Gemüsedarre f mach.
Gemüsetrockner pl
Gemüsedarren pl
vegetable drier   vegetable desiccator
vegetable driers   vegetable desiccators

desiccator Definition:

Desiccator (n.) One who, or that which, desiccates.
Desiccator (n.) A short glass jar fitted with an air-tight cover, and containing some desiccating agent, as sulphuric acid or calcium chloride, above which is suspended the material to be dried, or preserved from moisture.

desiccator Synonyme:

chemical apparatus  Bunsen burner  Erlenmeyer flask  Kipp generator  alembic  aspirator  beaker  blowpipe  burette  capillary tube  condenser  crucible  deflagrating spoon  desiccator  distiller  etna  matrass  pestle and mortar  pipette  precision balance  reagent bottle  receiver  retort  still  test tube  
test tube  Bunsen burner  Erlenmeyer flask  Kipp generator  alembic  anvil  aspirator  beaker  blowpipe  burette  caldron  capillary tube  condenser  crucible  deflagrating spoon  desiccator  distiller  engine  etna  lathe  machine  matrass  melting pot  mortar  motor  pestle and mortar  pipette  precision balance  reagent bottle  receiver  retort  still  transducer  transformer  
crucible  Bunsen burner  Erlenmeyer flask  Kipp generator  acid test  affliction  agitator  alembic  anvil  aspirator  assay  beaker  beater  blank determination  blender  blowpipe  brouillon  burette  caldron  calvary  capillary tube  cement mixer  churn  condenser  criterion  cross  crucial test  deflagrating spoon  desiccator  determination  distiller  docimasy  eggbeater  emulsifier  engine  essay  etna  feeling out  first draft  kiteflying  lathe  machine  matrass  melting pot  mixer  mortar  motor  ordeal  pestle and mortar  pipette  precision balance  probation  proof  reagent bottle  receiver  retort  rough draft  rough sketch  sounding out  standard  still  test  test case  test tube  touchstone  transducer  transformer  trial  tribulation  try  verification  visitation  
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