dry analysis dry analyses Englisch Deutsch Analyse,

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dry analysis dry analyses Englisch Deutsch:

Analyse f, Analysierung f, Auswertung f, Untersuchung f
Analysen pl, Analysierungen pl, Auswertungen pl, Untersuchungen pl

Analyse f (von), Untersuchung f (von), kritische Auseinandersetzung f (mit)
Analysen pl, Untersuchungen pl, kritische Auseinandersetzungen pl
analysis (of)

Analyse f (von)
Untersuchung f (von)
kritische Auseinandersetzung f (mit)
Analysen pl
Untersuchungen pl
kritische Auseinandersetzungen pl
analysis (of)

Trockenanalyse f
Trockenanalysen pl
dry analysis
dry analyses

Risikoanalyse f
Risikoanalysen pl
risk analysis
risk analyses

Bodenanalyse f
Bodenanalysen pl
soil analysis
soil analyses

Brennstoffanalyse f mach.
Brennstoffanalysen pl
fuel analysis
fuel analyses

Haaranalyse f
Haaranalysen pl
hair analysis
hair analyses

Meta-Analyse f
Meta-Analysen pl

Risikoanalyse f
Gefahrenanalyse f
Risikoanalysen pl
Gefahrenanalysen pl
risk analysis
risk analyses

Abfallanalyse f
Abfallanalysen pl
waste analysis
waste analyses

Fehleranalyse f
Fehleranalysen pl
error analysis
error analyses

Geräuschanalyse f
Geräuschanalysen pl
noise analysis
noise analyses

Röntgenanalyse f
Röntgenanalysen pl
X-ray analysis
X-ray analyses

Siebversuch m
Siebversuche pl
sieve analysis
sieve analyses

Spurenanalyse f chem.
Spurenanalysen pl
trace analysis
trace analyses

Fehleranalyse f comp. math.
Fehleranalysen pl
error analysis
error analyses

Wasseranalyse f
Wasseruntersuchung f
Wasseranalysen pl
Wasseruntersuchungen pl
water analysis
water analyses

Wertanalyse f econ.
Wertanalysen pl
value analysis
value analyses

Istanalyse f
Istanalysen pl
as-is analysis
as-is analyses

Pufferanalyse f geogr.
Pufferanalysen pl
buffer analysis
buffer analyses

Faktorenanalyse f
Faktoranalyse f
Faktorenanalysen pl
Faktoranalysen pl
factor analysis
factor analyses

Genomanalyse f biochem.
Genomanalysen pl
genome analysis
genome analyses

Dopinganalyse f
Dopinganalysen pl
doping analysis
doping analyses

Beanspruchungsanalyse f mach. constr.
Beanspruchungsanalysen pl
stress analysis
stress analyses

Dehnungsanalyse f
Dehnungsanalysen pl
strain analysis
strain analyses

Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung f econ. fin.
Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfungen pl
credit analysis
credit analyses

Marktanalyse f
Marktstudie f
Marktanalysen pl
market analysis
market analyses

Bedrohungsanalyse f
Bedrohungsanalysen pl
threat analysis
threat analyses

Systemanalyse f
Systemanalysen pl
system analysis
system analyses

Marktanalyse f, Marktstudie f
Marktanalysen pl
market analysis
market analyses

Spannungsanalyse f, Spannungsermittlung f
Spannungsanalysen pl, Spannungsermittlungen pl
stress analysis
stress analyses

Blattanalyse f biochem.
Blattanalysen pl
foliar analysis
foliar analyses

Aktienanalyse f
Aktienanalysen pl
shares analysis
shares analyses

Abwasseruntersuchung f techn.
Abwasseruntersuchungen pl
sewage analysis
sewage analyses

Raumanalyse f geogr.
Raumanalysen pl
spatial analysis
spatial analyses

Textanalyse f
Textanalysen pl
textual analysis
textual analyses

Genanalyse f
Genomanalyse f
Genanalysen pl
Genomanalysen pl
genetic analysis
genetic analyses

Dichteanalyse f geogr.
Dichteanalysen pl
density analysis
density analyses

Spannungsnachweis m
Spannungsnachweise pl
tension analysis
tension analyses

Clusteranalyse f
Clusteranalysen pl
cluster analysis
cluster analyses

Auswertungsprogramm n
Auswertungsprogramme pl
analysis program
analyses programs

Elementanalyse f chem.
Elementanalysen pl
ultimate analysis
ultimate analyses

Aktivitätsanalyse f
Prozessanalyse f
Aktivitätsanalysen pl
Prozessanalysen pl
activity analysis
activity analyses

Gradientenanalyse f
Gradientenanalysen pl
gradient analysis
gradient analyses

Nachanalyse f
Nachanalysen pl
follow-up analysis
follow-up analyses

Funktionsanalyse f
Funktionsanalysen pl
functional analysis
functional analyses

Abonnentenanalyse f
Abonnentenanalysen pl
subscriber analysis
subscriber analyses

Modulationsanalyse f
Modulationsanalysen pl
modulation analysis
modulation analyses

Laserstrahlanalyse f techn.
Laserstrahlanalysen pl
laser beam analysis
laser beam analyses

Deformationsanalyse f med.
Deformationsanalysen pl
deformation analysis
deformation analyses

Assoziationsanalyse f
Assoziationsanalysen pl
association analysis
association analyses

Schlämmanalyse f (im aufsteigenden Wasserstrom) chem. min. techn.
Schlämmanalysen pl
elutriation analysis
elutriation analyses

Werbeanalyse f
Werbeanalysen pl
advertising analysis
advertising analyses

Abwasseranalyse f techn.
Abwasseranalysen pl
sewage water analysis
sewage water analyses

Wettbewerbsanalyse f
Wettbewerbsanalysen pl
analysis of competition
analyses of competition

Einzugsgebietsanalyse f
Einzugsgebietsanalysen pl
site catchment analysis
site catchment analyses

Standortanalyse f econ.
Standortanalysen pl
production site analysis
production site analyses

Chemolumineszenzanalyse f chem.
Chemolumineszenzanalysen pl
chemiluminescent analysis
chemiluminescent analyses

Chemolumineszenzanalyse f biochem.
Chemolumineszenzanalysen pl
chemiluminescent analysis
chemiluminescent analyses

Kristallstrukturanalyse f
Kristallstrukturanalysen pl
crystal structure analysis
crystal structure analyses

Spektralanalyse f
Spektralanalysen pl
spectrum analysis, spectral analysis
spectrum analyses

Wertanalyse f econ.
Wertanalysen pl
Gemeinkostenwertanalyse f
value analysis
value analyses
overhead value analysis

Bodenuntersuchung f
Bodenuntersuchungen pl
soil testing   soil analysis
soil testings   soil analyses

Altlastenuntersuchung f envir.
Altlastenuntersuchungen pl
analysis of contaminated sites
analyses of contaminated sites

Trendanalyse f
Trendanalysen pl
trend analysis   analysis of trends
trend analyses   analyses of trends

Bedarfsanalyse f
Bedarfsanalysen pl
demand analysis, requirement analysis
demand analyses, requirement analyses

Hochwasserwahrscheinlichkeitsanalyse f
Hochwasserwahrscheinlichkeitsanalysen pl
probability analysis of flood records
probability analyses of flood records

Bedarfsanalyse f
Analyse f der Nachfrage
Bedarfsanalysen pl
Analysen pl der Nachfrage
demand analysis   requirement analysis
demand analyses   requirement analyses

Erwartungsanalyse f
Erwartungsanalysen pl
expectancy analysis   prospect analysis
expectancy analyses   prospect analyses

dry analysis dry analyses Definition:

Analyses (pl. ) of Analysis
Analysis (n.) A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect, into its constituent or original elements
Analysis (n.) The separation of a compound substance, by chemical processes, into its constituents, with a view to ascertain either (a) what elements it contains, or (b) how much of each element is present. The former is called qualitative, and the latter quantitative analysis.
Analysis (n.) The tracing of things to their source, and the resolving of knowledge into its original principles.
Analysis (n.) The resolving of problems by reducing the conditions that are in them to equations.
Analysis (n.) A syllabus, or table of the principal heads of a discourse, disposed in their natural order.
Analysis (n.) A brief, methodical illustration of the principles of a science. In this sense it is nearly synonymous with synopsis.
Analysis (n.) The process of ascertaining the name of a species, or its place in a system of classification, by means of an analytical table or key.
analysis an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole
market analysis marketing research that yields information about the marketplace
chemical analysis / qualitative analysis the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
quantitative analysis / quantitative chemical analysis chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
colorimetry / colorimetric analysis quantitative chemical analysis by color using a colorimeter
volumetric analysis quantitative analysis by the use of definite volumes of standard solutions or reagents
volumetric analysis determination of the volume of gases (or changes in their volume) during combination
gravimetric analysis quantitative analysis by weight
cost analysis breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately
fundamental analysis / fundamentals analysis (stock exchange) the use of fundamentals as an investment strategy
Leider keine dry analysis dry analyses Definition oder Bedeutung gefunden.

dry analysis dry analyses Synonyme:

dissection  analysis  analyzation  anatomizing  anatomy  assay  assaying  breakdown  breaking down  breaking up  breakup  criticism  critique  diaeresis  division  docimasy  examination  gravimetric analysis  inspection  proximate analysis  quantitative analysis  reduction to elements  resolution  review  scrutiny  segmentation  semimicroanalysis  separation  subdivision  
segmentation  abstraction  alienation  analysis  analyzation  anatomizing  anatomy  assay  assaying  breakdown  breaking down  breaking up  breakup  detachment  disarticulation  disassociation  disconnectedness  disconnection  discontinuity  disengagement  disjointing  disjunction  dislocation  dissection  disunion  division  divorce  divorcement  docimasy  gravimetric analysis  incoherence  isolation  luxation  parting  partition  proximate analysis  quantitative analysis  reduction to elements  removal  resolution  semimicroanalysis  separation  separatism  subdivision  subtraction  withdrawal  zoning  
word formation  IC analysis  accidence  affix  affixation  allomorph  bound morpheme  conjugation  cutting  declension  derivation  difference of form  enclitic  formative  free form  immediate constituent analysis  infix  infixation  inflection  morph  morpheme  morphemic analysis  morphemics  morphology  morphophonemics  paradigm  prefix  prefixation  proclitic  radical  root  stem  suffix  suffixation  theme  
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