dry construction drywall construction drywalling Englisch Deutsch Trockenbauwand

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dry construction drywall construction drywalling Englisch Deutsch:

Trockenausbau m
Trockenbau m
Trockenbauweise f constr.
dry construction   drywall construction   drywalling
Auslegung eines Vertragesconstruction of a contract
Auslegungsfrage, Sache der Auslegungquestion of construction
Bauarbeitenconstruction work
Bauarbeitenconstruction works
Bauarbeiterconstruction worker
Baufinanzierungconstruction financing
Bauingenieurconstruction engineer
Bauleitungconstruction management
Bauwirtschaft, Bauindustrieconstruction industry
Konstruktionsfehlerfault in construction
Kosten der Errichtung von Anlagencost of construction
Anlage f, Errichtung f
Anlagen pl, Bauten pl

Anlagenbau m plant engineering, general plant construction
Anlagenbau m mechanical engineering and construction
Arbeitsfuge f techn.
Arbeitsfugen pl
construction joint
construction joints

Ausführung f
verstärkte Ausführung f
reinforced construction

Ausführungsfortschritt f construction progress
Bau m, Errichtung f
im Bau
construction, building
under construction

Bauabschnitt m stage of construction, construction stage, job section
Bauabwicklung f execution of construction work
Bauanleitung f construction manual
Bauarbeiten pl construction work
Bauarbeiter m, Bauarbeiterin f construction worker
Bauart f
offene Bauart
construction type, building technique
open type

Bauaufsicht f, Bauüberwachung f construction supervision
Bauauftrag m
Bauaufträge pl
öffentlicher Bauauftrag
building contract, construction contract
building contracts, construction contracts
public-sector construction contract

Bauausführung f building construction, execution of construction work
Baubeginn m start of construction works, start of building
Baubetriebsplanung f planning the construction phase
Baueingabeplan m
Baueingabepläne pl
pre-construction drawing
pre-construction drawings

Bauen n
ressourcenschonendes Bauen
constructing, construction
sustainable construction

Baufachmann m, Baufachfrau f
Baufachmänner pl, Baufachfrauen pl
construction expert
construction experts

Baufahrzeug f
Baufahrzeuge pl
construction vehicle
construction vehicles

Baufinanzierung f construction financing
Baufirma f, Bauunternehmung f
Baufirmen pl, Bauunternehmungen pl
building enterprise, construction firm, construction company
building enterprises

Baufolie f construction foil
Bauform f construction
Baufortschritt m progress of the construction works, construction progress
Baugenehmigung f construction approval, building permit
Baugruppenkonstruktion f componentized construction
Bauholz n
Bauhölzer pl
timber, construction timber, structural timber Am., lumber
timbers, lumbers

Bauindustrie f, Bauwirtschaft f building industry, construction industry
Baujahr n
Baujahre pl
year of construction
years of construction

Baukastensystem n
Baukastensysteme pl
modular (assembly) system, modular construction system
modular systems, modular construction systems

Baukies m constr. construction gravel
Baukosten pl construction costs
Baukostenindex m construction cost index
Baulärm m construction noise
Bauleiter m site manager, construction manager, construction supervisor
Bauleitung f construction supervision, management of works
Baumaschinen pl
Baumaschinen pl
construction machine, piece of construction machinery
construction machines, construction machinery, construction site equipment

Baumaterial n
Baumaterialien pl
building material, construction material
building materials, construction materials

Baunachfrage f construction demand
Baunorm f construction standard
Bauphase f construction phase
Bauphysik f building physics, construction physics
Bauplan m
Baupläne pl
construction plan, building plan
construction plans, building plans

Bauprozess m
Bauprozesse pl
construction process, construction phase
construction processes, construction phases

Bauprüfung f design and construction test
Baurechtsbehörde f legal board of construction
Bausatz m
Bausätze pl
construction kit, self-assembly kit
construction kits, self-assembly kits

Bauschild n construction sign
Bauschutt m, Baurestmasse f constr. rubble, building rubble, construction waste
Baustahl m constr.
allgemeine Baustähle
construction steel, structural steel, engineering steel
general engineering steels

Baustatik f construction analysis
Baustelle f constr.
Baustellen pl
auf der Baustelle anpassen
auf der Baustelle kürzen
building site, construction site
building sites, construction sites
to adapt at the building site
to shorten at the building site

Bausteinsystem n unit construction system
Baustellenbereich m construction zone
Baustoff m
Baustoffe pl
building material, construction material
building materials, construction materials

dry construction drywall construction drywalling Definition:

Construction (n.) The process or art of constructing
Construction (n.) The form or manner of building or putting together the parts of anything
Construction (n.) The arrangement and connection of words in a sentence
Construction (n.) The method of construing, interpreting, or explaining a declaration or fact
construction drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem, "the assignment was to make a construction that could be used in proving the Pythagorean theorem"
construction / building the act of constructing something, "during the construction we had to take a detour", "his hobby was the building of boats"
road construction the construction of roads
construction building the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones, "their main business is home construction", "workers in the building trades"
structure / construction a thing constructed, a complex entity constructed of many parts, "the structure consisted of a series of arches", "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons"
wallboard / drywall / dry wall a wide flat board used to cover walls or partitions, made from plaster or wood pulp or other materials and used primarily to form the interior walls of houses
construction / mental synthesis the creation of a construct, the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought
construction grammatical construction / expression a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit, "I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner"
construction / twist an interpretation of a text or action, "they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct"
construction industry / housing industry an industry that builds housing
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dry construction drywall construction drywalling Synonyme:

in production  brewing  forthcoming  going on  in embryo  in hand  in preparation  in process  in progress  in the oven  in the works  on foot  on stream  on the anvil  on the fire  on the way  under construction  under revision  under way  
under construction  brewing  forthcoming  going on  in embryo  in hand  in preparation  in process  in production  in progress  in the oven  in the works  on foot  on stream  on the anvil  on the fire  on the way  under revision  under way  
in progress  accepted  assumed  brewing  chanced  forthcoming  going on  in embryo  in hand  in mid-progress  in preparation  in process  in production  in the oven  in the works  on stream  on the anvil  on the fire  on the way  under construction  under revision  under way  undertaken  
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