temperature gradient temperature gradients saturated adiabatic lapse rate dry adiabatic lapse rate Englisch Deutsch Tarif

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temperature gradient temperature gradients saturated adiabatic lapse rate dry adiabatic lapse rate Englisch Deutsch:

Temperaturgradient m
Temperaturgradienten pl
feuchtadiabatischer Temperaturgradient meteo.
trockenadiabatischer Temperaturgradient meteo.
temperature gradient
temperature gradients
saturated adiabatic lapse rate
dry adiabatic lapse rate

Abgangsquoterate of outflow
Abgangsrateseparation rate
Abgangsratewastage rate
Ablauf der Zeit, Zeitspannelapse of time
Ablauf einer Fristlapse of time
Ablauf eines Vertragslapse of a contract
Ablauf, Ende eines Vertragslapse of a treaty
Abnahme der Geburtenzahldecline in birth rate
Abonnementpreissubscription rate
abschätzen, bewertenrate sth
Abschreibungssatzdepreciation rate
Abschreibungssatzrate of depreciation
Abwesenheit in Prozentabsenteeism rate
Abwesenheitsrateabsence rate
Akkordfestsetzungrate fixing
Akkordlohnpiece rate
Akkordlohn, Stücklohnpiecework rate
Akkordsatzjob rate
Akkordschererate cutting
Alterungsgeschwindigkeitobsolescence rate
Änderungsquoterate of change
Anfangssatz, Einstellungslohnentrance rate
Anlernlohnsatzlearner rate
Antwortquoteresponse rate
Anzeigenpreisstellungad rate
Arbeitslosenanteilunemployment rate
Arbeitslosenquotejobless rate
Arbeitslosenquoterate of unemployment
Arbeitslosenquoteunemployment rate
Aufschlagrate increase
Ausbrecherquotedropout rate
Ausfallratefailure rate
Auslastungskoeffizientrate of use
Ausstoßgeschwindigkeitrate of output
Ausstoßzifferoutput rate
Beitragssatzrate of contribution
Beschäftigungsgrad, Erwerbsquoteactivity rate
Börsenkursmarket rate
Debitzinssatzoverdraft interest rate
den Diskontsatz erhöhen (Br.)put up the bank rate
den Diskontsatz herabsetzenlower the discount rate
den Diskontsatz senken (Br.)lower the bank rate
den Zinssatz herabsetzenlower the interest rate
der Markt ist gesättigtthe market is saturated
Devisenkursexchange rate
Devisenterminkursforward exchange rate
die Temperatur erhöhenraise the temperature
die Temperatur herabsetzenreduce the temperature
die Zinsen senkenlower the rate of interest
Diskonterhöhungincrease in the discount rate
Diskonterhöhung (Br.)increase of the bank rate
Diskonterhöhung (Br.)rise in the bank rate
Diskontsatzbank rate
Diskontsatzdiscount rate
Diskontsatzrate of discount
Diskontsatz (US)prime rate
Diskontsatz der Bank von Englandbank rate
Diskontsatz der Großbankenmarket rate of discount
Diskontsatz erhöhenraise the discount rate
Diskontsenkungdecrease in the discount rate
Diskontsenkung (Br.)decrease of the bank rate
Diskontsenkung (Br.)fall of the bank rate
Dividendensatzrate of dividend
Durchfallquotefailure rate
Durchschnittssatzaverage rate
Durchschnittssteuersatzcomposite rate
Eckzinsbase lending rate
Eckzinsbase rate
eine Angabe des Zinssatzesan indication of the rate of interest
einfacher Stücklohnclean piece rate

temperature gradient temperature gradients saturated adiabatic lapse rate dry adiabatic lapse rate Definition:

Adiabatic (a.) Not giving out or receiving heat.
First-rate (a.) Of the highest excellence
First-rate (n.) A war vessel of the highest grade or the most powerful class.
Gradient (a.) Moving by steps
Gradient (a.) Rising or descending by regular degrees of inclination
Gradient (a.) Adapted for walking, as the feet of certain birds.
Gradient (n.) The rate of regular or graded ascent or descent in a road
Gradient (n.) A part of a road which slopes upward or downward
Gradient (n.) The rate of increase or decrease of a variable magnitude, or the curve which represents it
Lapse (n.) A gliding, slipping, or gradual falling
backsliding / lapse lapsing / relapse / relapsing / reversion / reverting a failure to maintain a higher state
oversight / lapse a mistake resulting from inattention
basal body temperature method of family planning / basal body temperature method natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
temperature the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)
absolute temperature temperature measured on the absolute scale
Curie temperature / Curie point the temperature above which a ferromagnetic substance loses its ferromagnetism and becomes paramagnetic
room temperature the normal temperature of room in which people live
basal body temperature / basal temperature body temperature in the morning before rising or moving about or eating anything
body temperature / blood heat temperature of the body, normally . F or C in humans, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
coldness / cold / low temperature / frigidity frigidness the absence of heat, "the coldness made our breath visible", "come in out of the cold", "cold is a vasoconstrictor"
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temperature gradient temperature gradients saturated adiabatic lapse rate dry adiabatic lapse rate Synonyme:

air conditioning  adiabatic absorption  adiabatic demagnetization  adiabatic expansion  aerage  aeration  air cooling  airing  blast freezing  chilling  congealment  congelation  cooling  cross-ventilation  cryogenics  deep freezing  dehydrofreezing  electric refrigeration  food freezing  freezing  gas refrigeration  glaciation  glacification  infrigidation  mechanical refrigeration  oxygenation  oxygenization  perflation  quick freezing  reduction of temperature  refreezing  refreshment  refrigeration  regelation  sharp freezing  super-cooling  ventilation  
cryogenics  Newtonian physics  absolute zero  acoustics  adiabatic absorption  adiabatic demagnetization  adiabatic expansion  aerophysics  air conditioning  air cooling  algidity  applied physics  astrophysics  basic conductor physics  biophysics  bitterness  blast freezing  bleakness  briskness  chemical physics  chill  chilliness  chilling  cold  coldness  congealment  congelation  cool  cooling  coolness  coolth  crispness  cryology  crystallography  cytophysics  decrease in temperature  deep freezing  dehydrofreezing  electric refrigeration  electron physics  electronics  electrophysics  food freezing  freezing  freezing point  freshness  frigidity  frostiness  gas refrigeration  gelidity  geophysics  glaciation  glacification  iciness  inclemency  infrigidation  intense cold  keenness  low temperature  macrophysics  mathematical physics  mechanical refrigeration  mechanics  medicophysics  microphysics  natural philosophy  natural science  nip  nippiness  nuclear physics  optics  philosophy  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  psychophysics  quick freezing  radiation physics  radionics  rawness  reduction of temperature  refreezing  refrigeration  regelation  rigor  severity  sharp air  sharp freezing  sharpness  solar physics  solid-state physics  statics  stereophysics  super-cooling  theoretical physics  thermodynamics  zoophysics  
chilling  ache  aching  adiabatic absorption  adiabatic demagnetization  adiabatic expansion  air conditioning  air cooling  alarming  algific  awing  blast freezing  blast-freezing  chilblains  chill  chilliness  cold creeps  cold shivers  congealing  congealment  congelation  cooling  creeps  cryogenics  cryopathy  daunting  deep freezing  dehydrofreezing  deterrent  deterring  disconcerting  discouraging  disheartening  dismaying  disquieting  dithers  duck bumps  electric refrigeration  fear-inspiring  fearful  fearsome  food freezing  freezable  freezing  frightening  frightful  frigorific  frostbite  gas refrigeration  glaciable  glaciation  glacification  goose bumps  goose pimples  gooseflesh  horripilation  infrigidation  kibe  mechanical refrigeration  overawing  quick freezing  quick-freezing  reduction of temperature  refreezing  refrigerant  refrigeration  refrigerative  refrigeratory  regelation  scaring  scary  sharp freezing  sharp-freezing  shivering  shivers  startling  super-cooling  
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