
(European) Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

europäisch adj
gesamteuropäisch adj
Europapokal m
European cup
Europarecht n jur.
European law
Krähenscharbe f (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) ornith.
European shag
europafeindlich; antieuropäisch adj pol.
Rotkehlchen n (Erithacus rubecula) ornith.
European robin
transeuropäisch adj
Blauracke m (Coracias garrulus) ornith.
European roller
Europapolitik f pol.
European policy
Europawissenschaften pl
European studies
Europäischer Rat pol.
European Council
mitteleuropäisch adj geogr.
Central European
westeuropäisch adj geogr.
western European
western European
Europäischer Rat m pol.
European Council
Europäische Norm f (EN); Euronorm f ugs.
European Standard
Europäische Union f EU
European Union EU
Bienenfresser m (Merops apiaster) ornith.
European bee-eater
Stieglitz m (Carduelis carduelis) ornith.
European goldfinch
Zwergohreule f (Otus scops) ornith.
European scops-owl
Länder Europas
European countries
europäische Länder
European countries
europäische Gemeinschaft
european community
Europa-Parlament n, Europäisches Parlament pol.
European Parliament
Europäische Kommission f
European Commission
GrĂĽnfink m (Carduelis chloris) ornith.
European greenfinch
Europäische Union f EU
European Union EU
Europa-Parlament n; Europäisches Parlament pol.
European Parliament
EU : Europäische Union f
EU : European Union
Indo-Europäer m
Indo-European; Aryan
Europäer m; Europäerin f soc.
Europäer pl; Europäerinnen pl
Europäischer Sozialfonds
European Social Fund
Indo-Europäer m
Indo-European, Aryan
Europäer m, Europäerin f geogr.
Europäer pl, Europäerinnen pl
Indogermanistik f; indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft f stud.
Indo-European studies
Sturmschwalbe f (Hydrobates pelagicus) ornith.
European storm-petrel
Europäische Gemeinschaft f EG pol.
European Community EC
europäisches Eisenbahnnetz
European rail network
Europäischer Forschungsraum
European Research Area
Europäisches Polizeiamt
European Police Office
Europäischer Forschungsraum m
European Research Area
(vierblättriger) Kleefarn m (Marsilea quadrifolia) bot.
(European) water clover
Silbermöwe f (Larus argentatus) ornith.
(European) herring gull
Europäische Gemeinschaft f EG pol.
European Community EC
osteuropäische Staaten
eastern European states
EG : Europäische Gemeinschaft
EC : European Community
Osteuropäische Tafel f; Russische Tafel f geol.
East European Craton EEC
Sammlung europäischer Kunst
treasury of European art
Europäischer Sozialfonds m ESF
European Social Fund ESF
EU-Anleihe f; Eurobonds pl; Euro-Staatsanleihe f pol. fin.
Eurobonds; European bonds
Europäischer Gerichtshof
European Court of Justice
europäische Weltraumorganisation f EWO
European Space Agency ESA
Europäischer Gerichtshof m
European Court of Justice
Europäischer Sozialfonds ESF
European Social Fund ESF
Europäischer Rechnungshof
European Court of Auditors
Europäisches Patentabkommen
European Patent Convention
Trauerschnäpper m (Ficedula hypoleuca) ornith.
(European) pied flycatcher
EU-Recht n
European Union law; EU law
Europäischer Regionalfonds m ERF
European Regional Fund ERF
EZB : Europäische Zentralbank f
ECB : European Central Bank
europäische Weltraumorganisation f EWO
European Space Agency ESA
südeuropäische Länder
southern European countries
ESA : Europäische Weltraumbehörde
ESA : European Space Agency
Europäische Raumfahrtbehörde f
European Space Agency (ESA)
ECU (Europäische Währungseinheit)
ECU (European Currency Unit)
Europäischer Regionalfonds ERF
European Regional Fund ERF
Europäischer Regionalfonds (ERF)
European Regional Fund (ERF)
Europäisches Patentamt (EPA)
European Patent Office (EPO)
Europäischer Investitionsfonds m EIF
European Investment Fund EIF
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank EIB
Europäische Volkspartei f (EVP) pol.
European People's Party (EPP)
Rat der Europäischen Union pol.
Council of the European Union
Seehecht m; Hechtdorsch m zool.
Seehechte pl; Hechtdorsche pl
European hake
European hakes
Europäisches Migrationsnetzwerk n EMN pol.
European Migration Network EMN
EWS : Europäisches Währungssystem
EMS : European Monetary System
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Europäischer Investitionsfonds (EIF)
European Investment Fund (EIF)
Europäischer Investitionsfonds EIF
European Investment Fund EIF
Seehecht m, Hechtdorsch m zool.
Seehechte pl, Hechtdorsche pl
European hake
European hakes
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank EIB
europäisch-afrikanisch; euro-afrikanisch adj pol.
European-African; Euro-African
EG-Recht n
European Community law; EC law
Europäisches Währungsinstitut EWI
European Monetary Institute EMI
Zwergohreule f ornith.
European Scops-Owl (Otus scops)
Osteuropäer m; Osteuropäerin f geogr.
Eastern European; East European
Wisent m; Europäischer Bison zool.
Wisente pl
Wisent; European bison
osteuropäisch adj geogr.
East European; Eastern European
osteuropäisch adj geogr.
East European, Eastern European
Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft EWG
European Economic Community EEC
Europäisches System der Zentralbanken ESZB
European System of Central Banks
ESZB : Europäisches System der Zentralbanken
European System of Central Banks
Europäisches System der Zentralbanken ESZB
European System of Central Banks
Girlitz m ornith.
European Serin (Serinus serinus)
Angehöriger eines westeuropäischen Staates
citizen of a West European state
Scholle f; Goldbutt m (Pleuronectes platessa) zool.
Schollen pl
European plaice
European plaice
Neuer Europäischer Fahrzyklus (NEFZ) m auto techn.
New European Driving Cycle (NEDC)
EWI : Europäisches Währungsinstitut
EMI : European Monetary Institute
Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG)
European Economic Community (EEC)
Europäisches Währungsinstitut EWI
European Monetary Institute EMI
Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft EWG
European Economic Community EEC
gemeinsames europäisches Asylsystem n pol.
common European asylum system CEAS
Meeraal m; Seeaal m zool.
Meeraale pl; Seeaale pl
European conger
European congers
Wildkaninchen n (Oryctolagus cuniculus) zool.
Wildkaninchen pl
European rabbit
European rabbits
Europarekord m
Europarekorde pl
European record
European records
Star m (Sturnus vulgaris) ornith.
European starling; common starling
Handball m sport
(European) handball, team handball
Bereifte Brombeere f; Reifbrombeere f; Ackerbrombeere f; Ackerbeere f; Kratzbeere f; Kroatzbeere f; Bockbeere f (Rubus caesius) bot.
common dewberry; European dewberry
Meeraal m, Seeaal m zool.
Meeraale pl, Seeaale pl
European conger
European congers
Europäischer Zahlungsverkehrsausschuss m (EU) fin.
European Payments Council EPC (EU)
Europäisches Unterstützungsbüro n für Asylfragen EASO
European Asylum Support Office EASO
einer der kleineren europäischen Staaten
one of the smaller European states
Rotkehlchen n ornith.
European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
Europäische Menschenrechtskommission
European Commission on Human Rights
Blauracke m ornith.
European Roller (Coracias garrulus)
Europäische Freihandelsgemeinschaft EFTA
European Free Trade Association EFTA
Europäisches Zentralbankensystem EZBS
European System of Central Bank ESCB
Ziegenmelker m; Nachtschwalbe f (Caprimulgus europaeus) ornith.
Eurasian nightjar; European nightjar
Bienenfresser m ornith.
European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Wolfsbarsch m zool.
Wolfsbarsche pl
European seabass
European seabasses
europäischer Unfallbericht (Formular) m
European accident statement EAS (form)
Sardine f; Pilchard m zool.
Sardinen pl
European pilchard
European pilchards
Gemeinschaftsrecht n; Gemeinschaftsvorschriften pl jur.
Europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht
community law
European Community Law
Nichtigkeitssenat m (Europäisches Patentamt) adm.
Nullity Board (European Patent Office)
Europameister m; Europameisterin f sport
Europameister pl; Europameisterinnen pl
European champion
European champions
Gemeinschaftsrecht n
Europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht
community law
European Community Law
Europameister m, Europameisterin f sport
Europameister pl, Europameisterinnen pl
European champion
European champions
Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl EGKS ; Montanunion f hist.
European Coal and Steel Community ECSC
Europäische Freihandelsgemeinschaft EFTA
European Free Trade Association EFTA
Europäisches Zentralbankensystem (EZBS)
European System of Central Bank (ESCB)
Europäische System zur Anrechnung von Studienleistungen
ECTS : European Credit Transfer System
Sardine f, Pilchard m zool.
Sardinen pl
European pilchard
European pilchards
EFTA : Europäische Freihandelsgemeinschaft
EFTA : European Free Trade Association
Europawahl f pol.
Europawahlen pl
European election
European elections
Flunder f (Platichthys flesus) zool.
Flundern pl
European flounder
European flounders
Europäischer Börsenverband
Federation of European Stock Exchanges
Mitglied des Europaparlaments
MEP : Member of the European Paliament
Europäisches Zentralbankensystem EZBS
European System of Central Bank ESCB
Europäischer Fonds m für regionale Entwicklung EFRE ; EU-Regionalfonds m fin.
European Regional Development Fund ERDF
Aurikel f; AlpenschlĂĽsselblume f bot.
auricula; bear's ear; European primrose
GrĂĽnfink m ornith.
European Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)
Stieglitz m ornith.
European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
Pfeilhecht m; Barracuda m zool.
Pfeilhechte pl; Barracudas pl
European barracuda
European barracudas
Pfeilhecht m; Barracuda m zool.
Pfeilhechte pl; Barracudais pl
European barracuda
European barracudas
Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessensvereinigung f EWIV
European Economic Interest Grouping EEIG
Europäische Atomgemeinschaft f Euratom
European Atomic Energy Community EURATOM
Pfeilhecht m, Barracuda m zool.
Pfeilhechte pl, Barracudais pl
european barracuda
european barracudas
EFRE : Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung
ERDF : European Regional Development Fund

Deutsche Europäer Synonyme

Englische European Synonyme

(European) Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to Europe, or to its inhabitants.
(n.) A native or an inhabitant of Europe.
(a.) Aryan

(European) Bedeutung

European bream
Abramis brama
European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales, of little value as food
blackbird merl
ouzel ousel European blackbird
Turdus merula
common black European thrush
common European jay
Garullus garullus
fawnolored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings
European magpie
Pica pica
a common magpie of Eurasia
European creeper
Certhia familiaris
common European brown-and-buff tree creeper with downurved bill
European nuthatch
Sitta europaea
a kind of nuthatch
European shrike
Lanius excubitor
a common European butcherbird
European water ouzel
Cinclus aquaticus
a water ouzel of Europe
grey sea eagle
gray sea eagle
European sea eagle
white-tailed sea eagle
Haliatus albicilla
bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail, of Europe and Greenland
European fire salamander
Salamandra salamandra
a kind of European salamander
European toad
Bufo bufo
common toad of Europe
European tortoise
Testudo graeca
small land tortoise of southern Europe
European wolf spider
tarantula Lycosa tarentula
large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily movement)
European black grouse
Lyrurus tetrix
large northern European grouse that is black with a lyre-shaped tail
European cuckoo
Cuculus canorus
common cuckoo of Europe having a distinctive two-note call, lays eggs in the nests of other birds
European roller
Coracias garrulus
common European blue-and-green roller with a reddish-brown back
European swift
Apus apus
common European bird with a shrieking call that nests chiefly about eaves of buildings or on cliffs
European goatsucker
European nightjar
Caprimulgus europaeus
Old World goatsucker
European water shrew
Neomys fodiens
widely distributed Old World water shrew
European spider crab
king crab Maja squinado
a large spider crab of Europe
European lobster
Homarus vulgaris
lobster of Atlantic coast of Europe
European bittern
Botaurus stellaris
a kind of bittern
European gallinule
Porphyrio porphyrio
purple gallinule of southern Europe
European sandpiper
Actitis hypoleucos
a variety of sandpiper
European curlew
Numenius arquata
common Eurasian curlew
European wildcat
Felis silvestris
bushy-tailed wildcat of Europe that resembles the domestic cat and is regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat
European brown bat
Eptesicus serotinus
common brown bat of Europe
European house cricket
Acheta domestica
lives in human dwellings, naturalized in parts of America
common European earwig
Forficula auricularia
sometimes destructive to cultivated bulbs
corn borer European corn borer moth
corn borer moth
Pyrausta nubilalis
native to Europe, in America the larvae bore into the stem and crown of corn and other plants
European rabbit
Old World rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculus
common greyish-brown burrowing animal native to southern Europe and northern Africa but introduced elsewhere, widely domesticated and developed in various colors and for various needs, young are born naked and helpless
European hare
Lepus europaeus
large hare introduced in North America, does not turn white in winter
European wood mouse
Apodemus sylvaticus
nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
European lemming
Lemmus lemmus
notable for mass migrations even into the sea where many drown
European elk
Alces alces
large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male, called `elk' in Europe and `moose' in North America
European catfish
Silurus glanis
large elongated catfish of central and eastern Europe
European smelt
Osmerus eperlanus
the common smelt of Europe
European perch
Perca fluviatilis
a perch native to Europe
European sea bream
Pagellus centrodontus
food fish of European coastal waters
European flatfish
Platichthys flesus
important food fish of Europe
European sole
Solea solea
highly valued as food
Indo-European language
the family of languages that by BC were spoken throughout Europe and in parts of southwestern and southern Asia
Proto-Indo European
a prehistoric unrecorded language that was the ancestor of all Indo-European languages
European blueberry
blue-black berries similar to American blueberries
European lobster similar to but smaller than American lobsters
European smelt
common smelt of Europe
European Union
European Community
European Economic Community
Common Market
an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members, he tried to take Britain into the Europen Union
European Law Enforcement Organisation
police organization for the European Union, aims to improve effectiveness and cooperation among European police forces
European Central Bank the central bank of those members of the European Union who share a common currency, The European Central Bank is Europe's equivalent of the Federal Reserve
European country
European nation
any one of the countries occupying the European continent
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