
(degree Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Grad, Rang, akademischer Grad
Hochschulabschluss m, Universitätsabschluss m, akademischer Grad
Stufe f, Grad m, Maß n
Stufe, Grad, Mass
Stufe f; Grad m; Maß n
Gradtage pl meteo.
degree days
degree holder
Grad n math.
degree, order
Grad n math.
degree; order
Meistergrad m
master degree
in some degree
Abnutzungsgrad m
degree of wear
Kältegrad m
degree of cold
degree of cold
degree of heat
in gewissem Mass
in some degree
Kochgrad m techn.
cooking degree
Verschleißgrad m
degree of wear
Risikograd m
degree of risk
Abschluss im Fernstudium
distance degree
akademischer Grad m stud.
academic degree
Wahrheitsgehalt m
degree of truth
Hochschulgrad m; akademischer Grad m stud.
academic degree
Ordnungsgrad m
degree of order
Ausmaß des Schadens
degree of damage
in hohem Grade
to a high degree
Grad (Celsius)
degree (Celsius)
degree of urgency
Grad der Tauglichkeit
degree of fitness
degree of fitness
Universitätsabschluss, Hochschulabschluss
university degree
Grad Clesius
degree centigrade
Spannstufe f
tensioning degree
Aziditätsgrad m biochem.
degree of acidity
Bachelorabschluss m stud.
Bachelor's degree
Füllgrad m
degree of filling
Grad an Genauigkeit, Genauigkeitsgrad
degree of accuracy
Grad der Genauigkeit
degree of accuracy
Grad der Priorität
degree of priority
degree of priority
Feuchtigkeitsgrad m
degree of humidity
Genauigkeitsgrad m
degree of accuracy
Integrationsgrad m
integration degree
Verdrehungsgrad m
degree of rotation
degree of accuracy
degree of humidity
degree of increase
Stetigkeit f bot.
degree of presence
Symmetriegrad m
degree of symmetry
Bleichgrad m
degree of bleaching
bis zu einem gewissen Grad
to a certain degree
Erststudium n stud.
first degree course
Zurundungsgrad m
degree of roundness
Grad der Abhängigkeit
degree of dependence
Grad der Automatisierung
degree of automation
Sättigungsgrad m, Sättigungszahl f
degree of saturation
Schutzart f
degree of protection
Steigerungsstufe f
degree of comparison
Automatisierungsgrad m mach. techn.
degree of automation
degree course scheme
Abhängigkeitsgrad m
degree of dependency
Salzhaltigkeit f; Salzigkeit f; Salinität f
(degree of) salinity
Anreicherungsgrad m chem. phys.
degree of enrichment
degree of utilization
Grad der Invalidität
degree of disablement
Grad der Nutzung
degree of utilization
Grad der Wahrscheinlichkeit
degree of probability
degree of disablement
Abstraktionsgrad m
degree of abstraction
degree course schemes
Auslastungsgrad m
degree of utilization
Polarisationsgrad m
degree of polarization
degree of relationship
Akkumulationsgrad m
degree of accumulation
Grad der Mechanisierung
degree of mechanization
Bekanntheitsgrad m
(degree of) familiarity
Konzentrationsgrad m chem.
degree of concentration
Bogengrad n (Winkelmaß)
degree (angular measure)
Depolarisationsgrad m
degree of depolarisation
Vertorfungsgrad m
degree of peat formation
Grad der Computerisierung
degree of computerization
Grad n (Maßeinheit)
50 Grad nördlicher Breite
50 degrees North
Garstufe f (Fleisch) cook.
degree of doneness (meat)
Masterabschluss m stud.
Master's; Master's degree
Gon n, Neugrad n (Vermessung)
gradian, centesimal degree
Wurzelgrad m math.
index (degree) of the root
Gon n; Neugrad n (Vermessung)
gradian; centesimal degree
degree of industrialization
subsidiär haftbar
liable in the second degree
Er ist Diplomkaufmann.
He's got a business degree.
Promotionsordnung f stud.
doctoral degree regulations
Durchgerbungszahl f (Gerben)
degree of tannage (tanning)
Getriebefreiheitsgrad m; Getriebelaufgrad m techn.
degree of mechanism freedom
Breitengrad m geogr.
latitude, degree of latitude
Magisterarbeit f
final thesis for M.A. degree
Verwachsungsgrad m (Kohle)
degree of intergrowth (coal)
Lizenziat n; Lizentiat n (akademischer Grad)
licentiate (academic degree)
Rotationsfreiheitsgrad m phys. techn.
rotational degree of freedom
Glanzgrad m
gloss level; degree of gloss
Inkohlungsgrad m geol.
degree of coalification; rank
Ausgleichsgrad m electr.
degree of inherent regulation
Längengrad m geogr.
longitude, degree of longitude
einigermaßen, ansatzweise adv
to some extent, to some degree
einigermaßen; ansatzweise adv; zum Teil
to some extent; to some degree
truppweise wachsend adj (Soziabilitätsgrad) bot.
tufted (degree of sociability)
Hitzegrad m
Hitzegrade pl
degree of heat
degrees of heat
Steigerung f; Komparation f ling.
Steigerungsstufe f
degree of comparison
jdn. schonungslos ins Verhör nehmen
to give sb. the third degree Am.
high-grade, high, to a high degree
jdn. schonungslos ins Verhör nehmen v
to give sb. the third degree Am.
Maß n an (allgemeiner) Sicherheit; Sicherheitsgrad m
level of security; degree of security
Freiheitsgrad m math.
Freiheitsgrade pl, Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
degree of freedom
degrees of freedom
Freiheitsgrad m math.
Freiheitsgrade pl; Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
degree of freedom
degrees of freedom
Gon n; Neugrad n (Vermessungswesen)
gradian; centesimal degree (surveying)
Gradangabe f
expression of degree; degree expression
Vitalitätsgrad m (einer Pflanzenart) bot.
degree of vitality (of a plant species)
Art und Maß der baulichen Nutzung
type and degree of building and land use
Prioritätsgrad m, Prioritätsstufe f
Prioritätsgrade pl, Prioritätsstufen pl
degree of priority
degrees of priority
Steigerungsgrad m
Steigerungsgrade pl
degree of increase
degrees of increase
Prioritätsgrad m; Prioritätsstufe f
Prioritätsgrade pl; Prioritätsstufen pl
degree of priority
degrees of priority
Emissionsgrad m envir.
Emissionsgrade pl
degree of emission
degrees of emission
Mobilitätsgrad m med.
Mobilitätsgrade pl
degree of mobility
degrees of mobility
Risikocharakter m; Risikostufe f econ. fin.
degree of risk; risk level; risk content
Trocknungsgrad m
Trocknungsgrade pl
degree of drying DOD
degrees of drying
Automatisierungsgrad m techn.
degree of automation; level of automation
Schutzgrad m
level of protection; degree of protection
Trocknungsgrad m
Trocknungsgrade pl
degree of drying DOD
degrees of drying
Mediante f (dritte Stufe einer Tonart) (Harmonielehre) mus.
mediant (third degree of a key) (harmonics)
quadratisch adj; zweiten Grades (Gleichungen) math.
quadratic; of the second degree (equations)
Studienplan m
Studienpläne pl
degree course scheme
degree course schemes
Inzuchtgrad m biol.
Inzuchtgrade pl
degree of inbreeding
degrees of inbreeding
Studienplan m stud.
Studienpläne pl
degree course scheme
degree course schemes
Breitengrad m geogr.
latitude; degree of latitude; latitude degree
Verdichtungsgrad m
degree of compaction; degree of consolidation
Vernetzungsgrad m (Polymere) chem.
degree of cross-linking; cross-linking degree
Reizungsstadium n
Reizungsstadien pl
degree of stimulation
degrees of stimulation
Abstraktionsgrad m
Abstraktionsgrade pl
degree of abstraction
degrees of abstraction
Submediante f (sechste Stufe einer Tonart) (Harmonielehre) mus.
submediant (sixth degree of a key) (harmonics)
geothermische Tiefenstufe f
geothermal gradient; geothermal degree of depth
Supertonika f (zweite Stufe einer Tonart) (Harmonielehre) mus.
supertonic (second degree of a key) (harmonics)
Grad m, Stufe f, Rang m
ersten Grades
bis zu einem gewissen Grad
degree, deg
to a certain degree
Verwandtschaftsgrad m
Verwandtschaftsgrade pl
degree of relationship
degrees of relationship
weitgehend, weit gehend adj
far-reaching, wide, extensive, a large degree of
Doktortitel m; Doktorgrad m; Doktorwürde f; Doktorat n stud.
doctoral degree; doctor's degree; doctorate; PhD
Grad m; Stufe f; Rang m
ersten Grades
bis zu einem gewissen Grad
degree; deg
to a certain degree
Schulabschluss m school
school degree; (secondary) school qualifications
Reinheitsgrad m
cleanliness level, purity level, degree of purity

(degree Definition

(n.) A step, stair, or staircase.
(n.) One of a series of progressive steps upward or downward, in quality, rank, acquirement, and the like
(n.) The point or step of progression to which a person has arrived
(n.) Measure of advancement
(n.) Grade or rank to which scholars are admitted by a college or university, in recognition of their attainments
(n.) A certain distance or remove in the line of descent, determining the proximity of blood
(n.) Three figures taken together in numeration
(n.) State as indicated by sum of exponents
(n.) A 360th part of the circumference of a circle, which part is taken as the principal unit of measure for arcs and angles. The degree is divided into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds.
(n.) A division, space, or interval, marked on a mathematical or other instrument, as on a thermometer.
(n.) A line or space of the staff.

(degree Bedeutung

a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
degree the seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime), murder in the second degree, a second degree burn
degree of freedom (statistics) an unrestricted variable in a frequency distribution
degree of freedom one of the minimum number of parameters needed to describe the state of a physical system
degree the highest power of a term or variable
degree of a term the sum of the exponents of the variables in the term
degree of a polynomial the degree of the term in the polynomial that has the highest degree
first degree a degree of one, all of the terms in a linear equation are of the first degree
positive degree
the primary form of an adjective or adverb, denotes a quality without qualification, comparison, or relation to increase or diminution
comparative degree r
the comparative form of an adjective or adverb, `faster' is the comparative of the adjective `fast', `less famous' is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous', `more surely' is the comparative of the adverb `surely'
superlative superlative degree the superlative form of an adjective or adverb, `fastest' is the superlative of the adjective `fast', `least famous' is the superlative degree of the adjective `famous', `most surely' is the superlative of the adverb `surely'
degree program a course of study leading to an academic degree
academic degree
an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study, he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude
associate degree
a degree granted by a two-year college on successful completion of the undergraduates course of studies
bachelor's degree
an academic degree conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies
honours degree
a university degree with honors
firstlass honours degree
an honours degree of the highest class
master's degree an academic degree higher than a bachelor's degree but lower than a doctor's degree
doctor's degree
one of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university
law degree degree conferred on someone who successfully completes law school
honorary degree
honoris causa
a degree conferred to honor the recipient
third degree interrogation often accompanied by torture to extort information or a confession
a measure for arcs and angles, there aredegrees in a circle
degree a unit of temperature on a specified scale, the game was played in spite of the -degree temperature
degree centigrade
degree Celsius
a degree on the centigrade scale of temperature
degree Fahrenheit
a degree on the Fahrenheit scale of temperature
degree day a unit used in estimating fuel requirements for heating a building
degree level
a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process, a remarkable degree of frankness, at what stage are the social sciences?
first-degree burn burn causing redness of the skin surface
second-degree burn burn causing blisters on the skin and superficial destruction of the dermis
third-degree burn burn characterized by destruction of both epidermis and dermis
commencement day
degree day
the day on which university degrees are conferred
in so far
so far to that extent
to that degree
to the degree or extent that, insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man, so far as it is reasonably practical he should practice restraint
to the highest degree
used to form the superlative, the king cobra is the most dangerous snake
to the lowest degree
used to form the superlative, The garter snake is the least dangerous snake
to no degree
in no manner, they are nowise different
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