
(metal) Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Metallfuß m
metal base
Reinmetall n; reines Metall n
pure metal
Metallschlauch m
metal hose
Straßenschotter m
road metal
Metallgussstück n; Metallguss m techn.
cast metal
Glockengut n; Glockenspeise f; Glockenbronze f; Glockenmetall n
bell metal
scrap metal
Metallrahmen m
metal frame
Edelmetall n
noble metal
Metallzuschnitt m
metal blanc
Metallzuschnitt m
metal blank
Schwermetall n
heavy metal
light metal
noble metal
scrap metal
sheet metal
Metallblock m mus. (Schlaginstrument)
metal block
Heavy Metal n mus.
heavy metal
Blecheinlage f
metal insert
Hartmetall n
carbid metal
metallisch gebunden adj techn.
Schweißzusatz m; Schweißzusatzwerkstoff m techn.
filler metal
Schweißzusatz m
filler metal
Schweißzusatzwerkstoff m
filler metal
Metallschmelze f; Schmelze f
molten metal
carbid metal
metal thread
metal worker
Metalldesign n
metal design
Geschosslegierung f; Geschoßlegierung f Ös. mil.
bullet metal
Metallgitter n chem.
metal lattice
Blechunterlage f
metal support
Calciummetall n chem.
calcium metal
Ãœberzugsmetall n techn.
coating metal
Metallwinkel m
metal bracket
Metallzerspanung f
metal cutting
Metallkleben n techn.
metal bonding
Seil n (Metall)
cable (metal)
Metallgießen n; Metallguss f techn.
metal casting
Metallgehalt m chem.
metal content
Hartmetall n
carbide metal
Metalldrücken n techn.
metal spinning
Metallbranche f
metal industry
Edelmetall n
precious metal
Hemd n (Behälterblechauskleidung) mach.
(metal) shroud
Metall n
Metalle pl
Metalldetektor m
metal detector
Monometall n print
monotype metal
precious metal
Streckmetall n
expanded metal
Metallkleber m
metal adhesive
Metallindustrie f
metal industry
metal fittings
metal industry
metal detector
Asphalt m
asphalt; metal
metallisch-nichtmetallisch adj
Metallkastagnetten pl mus. (Schlaginstrument)
metal castanets
Metalltechnik f
metal technology
Metallerzeugung f; Metallherstellung f; Metallproduktion f
metal production
Metall (auf der Planierbank) planieren; plattdrücken v techn.
to planish metal
Metallerzeugung f, Metallproduktion f
metal production
Rabitz m constr. (Drahtputz)
metal lath Am.
Metallwaren pl; Blechwaren pl
fabricated metal
Metallverarbeitung f
metal processing
metal industries
Metallerzeugung f; Metallproduktion f
metal production
Dessinblech n
fancy sheet metal
Einbaublech n
sheet-metal plate
Vollmantelgeschoss n; Vollmantelgeschoß n Ös. mil.
full metal jacket
Nichteisenmetall n, NE-Metall n
non-ferrous metal
Vollmantelgeschoss n mil.
full metal jacket
Nichteisenmetall, NE-Metall
non-ferrous metal
Müllern n print
dust(ing) of metal
Schrott m
scrap metal, scrap
Altmetall n; Metallabfälle pl; Schrott m techn.
scrap metal; scrap
Anlaufen n; Beschlag m (auf Metall)
tarnish (on metal)
Metallbauweise f
metal construction
Blechumformen n; Blechumformung f techn.
sheet metal forming
Metallverstärkung f
metal reinforcement
Schwingmetall n
rubber-bonded metal
Blechbelag m (Dach)
sheet metal roofing
Blechanschluss m
sheet metal flashing
Erdalkalimetalle pl min.
alkaline earth metal
Erdalkalimetall n
alkaline earth metal
Metallkitt m
metal bonding cement
Metallkörper m
metal insert (valve)
Schwermetallvergiftung f
heavy metal poisening
Metallhydridspeicher m
metal hydride storage
Schmelztauchen n techn.
hot-dip metal coating
Metallwellschlauch m
corrugated metal hose
Geschützbronze f mil.
aus Geschützbronze (nachgestellt) adj
gun metal
Leichtmetall satinieren v techn.
to burnish light metal
Magnetumformen n
magnetic metal forming
Metalllegierung f, Metallegierung f alt
Metalllegierungen pl, Metallegierungen pl alt
(metal) alloy
Spanungsgeometrie f mach.
metal-cutting geometry
Seil n (Metall)
Seile pl
cable (metal)
Metalllegierung f; Metallegierung f alt
Metalllegierungen pl; Metallegierungen pl alt
(metal) alloy
Buntmetall n
non-ferrous heavy metal
mit metallischem Treibstoff (Reaktor)
metal-fuelled (reactor)
Sintermetall n techn.
sintered (powder) metal
Metallschlauch m
Metallschläuche pl
metal hose
metal hoses
Metallklammer f techn.
Metallklammern pl
metal clip
metal clips
Metallumformtechnik f
metal forming technology
Schweißgut n
weld metal; weld deposit
Spritzverzinkung f
zinc spraying (on metal)
Schweißgut n
weld metal, weld deposit
Leichtmetall n
light metal, light alloy
Barren m; Block m (aus Metall)
Barren pl; Blocken pl
ingot (of metal)
Kanteneinzug m; Einzugsbereich m (Scherschneiden) techn.
rollover (metal-shearing)
Schallplattenwachs n
metal soap; metallic soap
Edelmetall n chem.
Edelmetalle pl
noble metal
noble metals
Spurenmetall n techn.
Spurenmetalle pl
trace metal
trace metals
Altmetall n
Altmetalle pl
scrap metal
scrap metals
Alublechfassade f constr.
aluminum sheet metal front
Metallfassung f (Brille)
Metallfassungen pl
metal frame
metal frames
Schmelze f (flüssiges Metall, Glas)
molten metal, molten glass
Metallplatte f
Metallplatten pl
metal plate
metal plates
Legierungsmetall n
Legierungsmetalle pl
alloy metal
alloy metals
Metallverbindung f
Metallverbindungen pl
metal joint
metal joints
Glattschnittbereich m; Glattschnittzone f (beim Scherschneiden) techn.
burnish (in metal-shearing)
zerspanende Bearbeitung f techn.
zerspanende Metallbearbeitung
metal machining
Längsschneiden n (Holz, Metall)
rip cutting (wood or metal)
Dachblech n
roof sheet; roof sheet metal
Metallsaite f mus.
Metallsaiten pl
metal string
metal strings
Metalldichtung f
Metalldichtungen pl
metal gasket
metal gaskets
Metallspan m
Metallspäne pl
metal filing
metal filings
Dachblech n
roof sheet, roof sheet metal
Blecheimer m
Blecheimer pl
metal bucket
metal buckets
Metallfaden m
Metallfäden pl
metal thread
metal threads
Diamantpaste f (Metallpolitur)
diamond paste ( metal polish)
Metallverarbeitung f; Metallbau m
metal working; metal finishing
Newton-Legierung f; Newton-Metall n
Newton's alloy; Newton's metal
Eisenmetall n; Ferrometall n chem.
Eisenmetale pl; Ferrometalle pl
ferrous metal
ferrous metals
Metallwinkel m
Metallwinkel pl
metal bracket
metal brackets
Metalloberfläche f
Metalloberflächen pl
metal surface
metal surfaces
metallfolienbeschichtet; folienbeschichtet adj
metal-foil coated; foil-coated
Nichtmetall n
Nichtmetalle pl
nonmetal; non-metal
Nichtmetall n
Nichtmetalle pl
nonmetal, non-metal
schrilles Klappern n; Scheppern n ugs. (metallischer Gegenstände)
clank; clang (of metal objects)
Schoop'sches Metallspritzverfahren n techn.
Schoop's metal spraying process
Sinterhartmetall n techn.
carbide metal; sintered carbide
Metallgießerei f techn.
Metallgießereien pl
metal foundry
metal foundries
Edelmetall n
Edelmetalle pl
precious metal
precious metals
Blechteilfertigung f
fabrication of sheet metal parts
Metalldesigner m; Metalldesignerin f
Metalldesigner pl; Metalldesignerinnen pl
metal designer
metal designers
Metalldetektor m
Metalldetektoren pl
metal detector
metal detectors
Metall-Isolator-Halbleiter m electr.
metal insulator semiconductor MIS
Metallindustrie f
Metallindustrien pl
metal industry
metal industries

(metal) Definition

Aich's metal
() A kind of gun metal, containing copper, zinc, and iron, but no tin.
Babbitt metal
() A soft white alloy of variable composition (as a nine parts of tin to one of copper, or of fifty parts of tin to five of antimony and one of copper) used in bearings to diminish friction.
Bell metal
() A hard alloy or bronze, consisting usually of about three parts of copper to one of tin
Blond metal
() A variety of clay ironstone, in Staffordshire, England, used for making tools.
Kingston metal
() An alloy of tin, copper, and mercury, sometimes used for the bearings and packings of machinery.
(n.) An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted with the nonmetals, or metalloids. No sharp line can be drawn between the metals and nonmetals, and certain elements partake of both acid and basic qualities, as chromium, manganese, bismuth, etc.
(n.) Ore from which a metal is derived
(n.) A mine from which ores are taken.
(n.) The substance of which anything is made
(n.) Courage
(n.) The broken stone used in macadamizing roads and ballasting railroads.
(n.) The effective power or caliber of guns carried by a vessel of war.
(n.) Glass in a state of fusion.
(n.) The rails of a railroad.
(v. t.) To cover with metal
Muntz metal
() See under Metal.
Tula metal
() An alloy of silver, copper, and lead made at Tula in Russia.
Wood's metal
() A fusible alloy consisting of one or two parts of cadmium, two parts of tin, four of lead, with seven or eight part of bismuth. It melts at from 66¡

(metal) Bedeutung

sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
drum metal drum a cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids
full metal jacket a lead bullet that is covered with a jacket of a harder metal (usually copper)
gauntlet gantlet metal glove a glove of armored leather, protects the hand
hack saw
metal saw
saw used with one hand for cutting metal
metal bar
block of metal
metal that is cast in the shape of a block for convenient handling
liquid metal reactor a nuclear reactor using liquid metal as a coolant
metal detector detector that gives a signal when it detects the presence of metal, used to detect the presence of stray bits of metal in food products or to find buried metal
metal screw screw made of metal
metal wood golf wood with a metal head instead of the traditional wooden head
metal plating
a thin coating of metal deposited on a surface
sheet metal sheet of metal formed into a thin plate
heavy metal
heavy metal music
loud and harsh sounding rock music with a strong beat, lyrics usually involve violent or fantastic imagery
metal filing a fragment of metal rubbed off by the use of a file
precious metal any of the less common and valuable metals often used to make coins or jewelry
metal money
coins collectively
a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten, brass is an alloy of zinc and copper
heavy metal a metal of relatively high density (specific gravity greater than about ) or of high relative atomic weight (especially one that is poisonous like mercury or lead)
base metal a metal that is common and not considered precious, lead, iron, copper, tin, and zinc are base metals
terbium metal a separate group of related lanthanides, including terbium, europium, gadolinium, and sometimes dysprosium
metallic element
any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.
noble metal any metal that is resistant to corrosion or oxidation
road metal broken rock used for repairing or making roads
alkali metal
alkaline metal
any of the monovalent metals of group I of the periodic table (lithium or sodium or potassium or rubidium or cesium or francium), the hydroxides of the alkali metals are strongly alkaline
alkaline earth
alkaline-earth metal
any of the bivalent metals of group II of the periodic table (calcium or strontium or barium or magnesium or beryllium)
fusible metal an alloy with a low melting point and used as solder and in safety plugs and sprinkler fuses
pot metal an alloy of copper and lead used especially for making large pots
Monel metal
Monell metal
an alloy of nickel and copper and other metals (such as iron and
manganese and
type metal an alloy of tin and lead and antimony used to make printing type
white metal
bearing metal
an alloy (often of lead or tin base) used for bearings
alpha-beta brass
Muntz metal
yellow metal
a brass that has more zinc and is stronger than alpha brass, used in making castings and hot-worked products
Babbitt metal
an alloy of tin with some copper and antimony, a lining for bearings that reduces friction
bell metal bronze with or parts copper to part tin, used in making bells
Britannia metal an alloy similar to pewter
pot metal cast iron used for making cooking wares
cheoplastic metal any alloy that fuses at low temperatures and can be used molding artificial teeth
scrap metal discarded metal suitable for reprocessing, he finally sold the car for scrap metal
gilding metal a brass that is rich in copper, used to make articles that were to be gilded
grid metal a kind of hard lead that is used for grids in storage batteries
misch metal a pyrophoric alloy made from a mixture of rare-earth metals
naval brass
Admiralty brass
Admiralty Metal
Tobin bronze
alpha-beta brass containing tin, resistant to sea water, Admiralty Metal is a trademark
shot metal an alloy that is % lead and % arsenic, used in making small shot
sparkle metal matte that has percent copper
Wood's metal
Wood's alloy
a fusible alloy that is half bismuth plus lead, tin, and cadmium, melts at aboutdegrees Fahrenheit
metal cover with metal
having a metallic color
metal-cutting hard and sharp enough to cut metal, metal-cutting tools
containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal, a metallic compound, metallic luster, the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades- Ambrose Bierce
all-metal consisting completely of metal, all-metal airplanes
resembling metal
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