
(pipe)clay Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Pipe f geol.
Pfeife, pfeifen
Pfeife zum Musizieren
Pfeife, Roehre
Weiterleitung f
to pipe
feed pipe
clay pipe
blst pipe
Rohrzieher m; Rohrzange f min.
Schlotte f geol.
pipe; sink
Bohrgestänge n
drill pipe
Düse f
blast pipe
Einströmleitung f
inlet pipe
water pipe
stove pipe
sewer pipe
pipe burst
drain pipe
(Blastomussa spp.) zool.
pipe coral
Bronzerohr n techn.
bronze pipe
Gasgewinde n techn.
pipe thread
supply pipe
Pfeifenraucher m
pipe smoker
Rohrgrab n
pipe trench
Rohrnippel n
pipe nipple
Rohrzange f
pipe wrench
Rohrvortrieb m constr.
pipe boring
Wasserpumpenzange f
pipe wrench
Heizrohr n
heating pipe
Zuführrohr n
feeding pipe
Kimberlitpipe m min.
diamond pipe
leiser sein v
to pipe down
Rohr n, Röhre f, Leitung f
Rohre pl, Röhren pl, Leitungen pl
exhaust pipe
exhaust pipe
Rohrreduzierstück n
pipe bushing
Rohrvortrieb m techn.
pipe jacking
Signalpfeife f
Signalpfeifen pl
Düsenlanze f
spraying pipe
Gasversorgungsleitung f; Straßenleitung f für Gas constr.
gas soil pipe
y-branch pipe
Rohrgewindeschneidmaschine f
pipe threader
Benzinschlauch m
fuel feed pipe
Kondensatorschlauch m techn.
condenser pipe
Regenfallrohr m constr.
rainwater pipe
connection pipe
Orgelkoralle f (Tubipora spp.) zool.
pipe organ coral
Drän m; Dränleitung f
drain; drain pipe
Abdampfleitung f
exhaust steam pipe
Rohrweite f
diameter of a pipe
Abgasendrohr n auto
tailpipe; tail pipe
Betonrutsche f für den Unterwasserbau constr.
tremie pipe; tremie
Schleierbretter pl (Orgel) mus.
pipe shades (organ)
Rohrgewindebohrer m mach.
Rohrgewindebohrer pl
pipe tap
pipe taps
Rohrgewindebohrer m; Schneidbohrer m für Rohrgewinde techn.
Rohrgewindebohrer pl; Schneidbohrer pl für Rohrgewinde
pipe tap
pipe taps
Rohrgewindebohrer m
Rohrgewindebohrer pl
pipe tap
pipe taps
Ablaufrohrbogen pl techn.
aluminium pipe bends
Spezialrohrkupplung f
special pipe coupling
Bördelmaschine f für Leitungsrohre techn.
pipe flanging machine
Kanalisationsrohr n, Kanalisationsröhre f
Kanalisationsrohre pl, Kanalisationsröhren pl
sewer (pipe)
etw. (auf etw.) in dünnen Linien aufspritzen auftragen (Dekoration bei Lebensmitteln) v
to pipe sth. (on sth.)
Vogelpfeife f mus.
Vogelpfeifen pl
bird pipe
bird pipes
Verrohrung f
casing pipe (material)
sich (mit etw.) zu Wort melden
to pipe up (with sth.)
Speiserohr n; Förderleitung f
Speiserohre pl; Förderleitungen pl
feed pipe
feed pipes
Rohrlager n (Bevorratung)
tube store; pipe store
Förderleitung f auto
Förderleitungen pl
feed pipe
feed pipes
Hauptleitungsrohr n; Hauptleitung f
Hauptleitungsrohre pl; Hauptleitungen pl
main pipe
main pipes
Endrohr n
Endrohre pl
tail pipe
tail pipes
Bierleitung f
Bierleitungen pl
beer pipe
beer pipes
Wärmerohr n
Wärmerohre pl
heat pipe
heat pipes
Speiserohr n, Förderleitung f
Speiserohre pl, Förderleitungen pl
feed pipe
feed pipes
Sandfallrohr n
Sandfallrohre pl
sand pipe
sand pipes
Rohrverschlussschraube f techn.
Rohrverschlussschrauben pl
pipe plug
pipe plugs
Abfallrohr n
Abfallrohre pl
down pipe
down pipes
Tonpfeife f
Tonpfeifen pl
clay pipe
clay pipes
Abgasrohr n
Abgasrohre pl
flue pipe
flue pipes
Entlüftungsrohr n
Entlüftungsrohre pl
vent pipe
vent pipes
Friedenspfeife f
calumet, pipe of peace
Brennkammerrohr n techn.
combustion chamber pipe
Es ist eine totsichere Sache.
It's a lead-pipe cinch.
Dränröhrenpresse f (Keramik)
pipe machine (ceramics)
Wasserleitung f
Wasserleitungen pl
water pipe
water pipes
Zulaufleitung f
Zulaufleitungen pl
inlet pipe
inlet pipes
Wasserrohr n
Wasserrohre pl
water pipe
water pipes
Stimmpfeife f mus.
Stimmpfeifen pl
pitch pipe
pitch pipes
Wellrohr n (Kessel) mach.
corrugated pipe (boiler)
in Rohren leiten; durch ein Rohr leiten
in Rohren leitend; durch ein Rohr leitend
in Rohren geleitet; durch Rohre geleitet
to pipe
kegliges Rohrgewinde techn.
national pipe taper; NPT
piepsen v
to pipe
Blasrohr n techn.
Blasrohre pl
blast pipe
blast pipes
Doppelrohr n techn.
double pipe; double tube
Bart m (einer Orgelpfeife) mus.
beard (of an organ pipe)
Klüsenrohr m naut.
Klüsenrohre pl
hawse pipe
hawse pipes
Entwässerungsleitung f; Kanalisationsrohr n
Entwässerungsleitungen pl; Kanalisationsrohre pl
drain pipe
drain pipes
kegliges Rohrgewinde techn.
national pipe taper, NPT
Entleerungsleitung f techn.
Entleerungsleitungen pl
drain pipe
drain pipes
Rohrbruch m
Rohrbrüche pl
pipe burst
pipe bursts
Verbindungsröhre f
Verbindungsröhren pl
joint pipe
joint pipes
Einströmleitung f
Einströmleitungen pl
inlet pipe
inlet pipes
Wellrohr n (Kessel) techn.
corrugated pipe (boiler)
in Rohren leiten, durch ein Rohr leiten
in Rohren leitend, durch ein Rohr leitend
in Rohren geleitet, durch Rohre geleitet
to pipe
Einlassrohr n
Einlassrohre pl
inlet pipe
inlet pipes
Entleerungsleitung f
Entleerungsleitungen pl
drain pipe
drain pipes
Orgelpfeife f mus.
Orgelpfeifen pl
organ pipe
organ pipes
Ablaufrohr n, Abflussleitung f
Ablaufrohre pl, Abflussleitungen pl
drain pipe
drain pipes
Entspannungsrohr n
Entspannungsrohre pl
flash pipe
flash pipes
Entwässerungsleitung f, Kanalisationsrohr n
Entwässerungsleitungen pl, Kanalisationsrohre pl
drain pipe
drain pipes
Klüsenrohr n naut.
Klüsenrohre pl
hawse pipe
hawse pipes
in Rohren leiten; durch ein Rohr leiten v
in Rohren leitend; durch ein Rohr leitend
in Rohren geleitet; durch Rohre geleitet
to pipe
Aufschnitt m (einer Orgelpfeife) mus.
cut-up (of an organ pipe)
Rippenrohr n techn.
Rippenrohre pl
gilled pipe
gilled pipes
Pfeifenraucher m
Pfeifenraucher pl
pipe smoker
pipe smokers
Rohrnippel n
Rohrnippel pl
pipe nipple
pipe nipples
Rückführrohr n mach.
Rückführrohre pl
return pipe
return pipes
Schutzrohr n an einem Bohrungsknick (Ölförderung)
wash pipe (oil production)
Abzweigrohr n
Abzweigrohre pl
branch pipe
branch pipes
Kehle f (einer Orgelpfeife) mus.
shallot (of an organ pipe)
Rampe f für Bohrrohre (Ölförderung)
pipe rack (oil production)
Abflussleitung f; Ablaufleitung f
Abflussleitungen pl; Ablaufleitungen pl
outlet pipe
outlet pipes
Zuleitung f
Zuleitungen pl
supply pipe
supply pipes
Zuleitungsrohr n
Zuleitungsrohre pl
feeder pipe
feeder pipes
Tabakrest m in der Pfeife
dottle (in a smoking pipe)
Rohrsystem n
Rohrsysteme pl
pipe system
pipe systems
Verkettungszeichen n; Pipe-Zeichen n comp.
Verkettungszeichen pl; Pipe-Zeichen pl
pipe symbol
pipe symbols
Anschweiß-Ende n (Rohr)
welding socket piece (pipe)
Pipeline f geol.
pipeline; pipage; pipe line
Flöte f mus.
Flöten pl
flute, pipe
flutes, pipes
Rohrschlüssel m techn.
Rohrschlüssel pl
pipe wrench
pipe wrenches
Fußloch n (einer Orgelpfeife) mus.
tip hole (of an organ pipe)
Rohrschlüssel m
Rohrschlüssel pl
pipe wrench
pipe wrenches
Anfängerrohr n
Anfängerrohre pl
starter pipe
starter pipes
Plastikrohr n
Plastikrohre pl
plastic pipe
plastic pipes
Wellschlauch m
Wellschläuche pl
conduit pipe
conduit pipes
Auspuff m, Auspuffrohr n
Auspuffe pl, Auspuffrohre pl
exhaust pipe
exhaust pipes
Rohrheizung f
Rohrheizungen pl
pipe heating
pipe heatings
Leckleitung f techn.
Leckleitungen pl
leakage pipe
leakage pipes
Rohrreduzierstück n
Rohrreduzierstücke pl
pipe bushing
pipe bushings
Unterlabium n (einer Orgelpfeife) mus.
lower lip (of an organ pipe)
Abflussrohr n; Abzugsrohr n; Auslassrohr n; Auslaufrohr n; Ausflussrohr n; Ausgussrohr n
Abflussrohre pl; Abzugsrohre pl; Auslassrohre pl; Auslaufrohre pl; Ausflussrohre pl; Ausgussrohre pl
outflow pipe
outflow pipes
Füllleitung f; Füllrohr n
Füllleitungen pl; Füllrohre pl
filling pipe
filling pipes
Abluftrohr n
Abluftrohre pl
exhaust pipe
exhaust pipes

(pipe)clay Definition

Air pipe
() A pipe for the passage of air
Blast pipe
() The exhaust pipe of a steam engine, or any pipe delivering steam or air, when so constructed as to cause a blast.
(n.) A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands, consisting of hydrous silicate of aluminium. It is the result of the wearing down and decomposition, in part, of rocks containing aluminous minerals, as granite. Lime, magnesia, oxide of iron, and other ingredients, are often present as impurities.
(n.) Earth in general, as representing the elementary particles of the human body
(v. t.) To cover or manure with clay.
(v. t.) To clarify by filtering through clay, as sugar.
(a.) Stupid.
(n.) A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal
(n.) Any long tube or hollow body of wood, metal, earthenware, or the like: especially, one used as a conductor of water, steam, gas, etc.
(n.) A small bowl with a hollow steam, -- used in smoking tobacco, and, sometimes, other substances.
(n.) A passageway for the air in speaking and breathing
(n.) The key or sound of the voice.
(n.) The peeping whistle, call, or note of a bird.
(n.) The bagpipe
(n.) An elongated body or vein of ore.
(n.) A roll formerly used in the English exchequer, otherwise called the Great Roll, on which were taken down the accounts of debts to the king
(n.) A boatswain's whistle, used to call the crew to their duties
(n.) A cask usually containing two hogsheads, or 126 wine gallons
(v. i.) To play on a pipe, fife, flute, or other tubular wind instrument of music.
(v. i.) To call, convey orders, etc., by means of signals on a pipe or whistle carried by a boatswain.
(v. i.) To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe
(v. i.) To become hollow in the process of solodifying
(v. t.) To perform, as a tune, by playing on a pipe, flute, fife, etc.
(v. t.) To call or direct, as a crew, by the boatswain's whistle.
(v. t.) To furnish or equip with pipes
Pipe clay
() A plastic, unctuous clay of a grayish white color, -- used in making tobacco pipes and various kinds of earthenware, in scouring cloth, and in cleansing soldiers' equipments.
Pipe layer
() One who lays conducting pipes in the ground, as for water, gas, etc.
Pipe layer
() A politician who works in secret
Pipe laying
() The laying of conducting pipes underground, as for water, gas, etc.
Pipe laying
() The act or method of making combinations for personal advantage secretly or slyly
(n.) A vagabond musician.
Water pipe
() A pipe for conveying water.

(pipe)clay Bedeutung

bowl pipe bowl a small round container that is open at the top for holding tobacco
briar pipe
a pipe made from the root (briarroot) of the tree heath
calabash calabash pipe a pipe for smoking, has a curved stem and a large bowl made from a calabash gourd
peace pipe
pipe of peace
a highly decorated ceremonial pipe of Amerindians, smoked on ceremonial occasions (especially as a token of peace)
melody pipe
reed pipe with finger holes on which the melody is played
clay pigeon target used in skeet or trapshooting
clay pipe a pipe made of clay
discharge pipe a pipe through which fluids can be discharged
waste pipe
a pipe through which liquid is carried away
drilling pipe a series of tubes (joined by screwed collars) that connect a drilling platform to the drilling bit, rotates the bit and supplies drilling mud
drone pipe
a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone
exhaust pipe a pipe through which burned gases travel from the exhaust manifold to the muffler
fipple flute
fipple pipe
vertical flute
a tubular wind instrument with finger holes and a fipple mouthpiece
treble recorder
shepherd's pipe
a small fipple flute with four finger holes and two thumb holes
flue pipe
flue labial pipe
organ pipe whose tone is produced by air passing across the sharp edge of a fissure or lip
b hookah
water pipe
an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water, a bipolar world with the hookah and Turkish coffee versus hamburgers and Coca Cola
mold mould molding moulding modeling
clay sculpture
sculpture produced by molding
shepherd's pipe
a small bagpipe formerly popular in France
musette pipe a small simple oboe
pipe organ
wind instrument whose sound is produced by means of pipes arranged in sets supplied with air from a bellows and controlled from a large complex musical keyboard
organ pipe
pipe pipework
the flues and stops on a pipe organ
pandean pipe
a primitive wind instrument consisting of several parallel pipes bound together
a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
pipe tobacco pipe a tube with a small bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco
tabor pipe a small fipple flute that is played with the left hand while the right hand is free to beat a tabor
pipe a tubular wind instrument
pipe bomb a small homemade bomb usually contained in a metal pipe
pipe cleaner cleaning implement consisting of a flexible tufted wire that is used to clean a pipe stem
pipe cutter a hand tool for cutting pipe
pipe fitting
fitting consisting of threaded pieces of pipe for joining pipes together
pipe rack a rack for holding a smoker's pipes
pipe vise
pipe clamp
a clamp for holding pipe that is to be cut or threaded
pipe wrench
tube wrench
adjustable wrench for gripping and turning a pipe, has two serrated jaws that are adjusted to grip the pipe
pitch pipe a small pipe sounding a tone of standard frequency, used to establish the starting pitch for unaccompanied singing
reed pipe organ pipe with a vibrating reed
riser riser pipe
riser pipeline
riser main
a vertical pipe in a building
soil pipe drain that conveys liquid waste from toilets, etc.
sparge pipe a horizontal pipe having fine holes drilled throughout its length so as to deliver a spray of water
steam line
steam pipe
a pipe conducting steam
the dead body of a human being, the cadaver was intended for dissection, the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse, the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river, honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay
pipe dream
a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe), I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe
pipe major the chief piper in a band of bagpipes
pipe smoker a smoker who uses a pipe
pipe fitter
a craftsman who installs and repairs pipes and fixtures and appliances
Ali Muhammad Ali
Cassius Clay
Cassius Marcellus Clay
United States prizefighter who won the world heavyweight championship three times (born in )
Henry Clay
the Great Compromiser
United States politician responsible for the Missouri Compromise between free and slave states (-)
Clay Lucius Clay
Lucius DuBignon Clay
United States general who commanded United States forces in Europe from to and who oversaw the Berlin airlift (-)
Henry Clay Frick
United States industrialist who amassed a fortune in the steel industry (-)
pipe vine
Aristolochia macrophylla
Aristolochia durior
hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe
Indian pipe
waxflower Monotropa uniflora
small waxy white or pinkish-white saprophytic woodland plant having scalelike leaves and a nodding flower, turns black with age
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