
(suit) Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Anzug, passen
Klage, Prozeß, klagen
passen (zu), sich eignen fuer, Anzug
passen, gelegen kommen
to suit
law suit
law suit
Hosenanzug m
pant suit
suit case
Jeansanzug m
jeans suit
Raumanzug m
space suit
Strandanzug m
beach suit
beach suit
dress suit
suit cases
anpassen an
to suit to
track suit
Herrenanzug m textil.
men's suit
Klage erheben
file a suit
Fliegerdress n
flying suit
Matrosenanzug m
sailor suit
Sommeranzug m
summer suit
Straßenanzug m
lounge suit
diving suit
flying suit
sailor suit
sports suit
sunday suit
Anzug m
Anzüge pl
Kostüm n, weibliche Geschäftskleidung f
woman's suit
bathing suit
divorce suit
anpassen (an)
to suit (to)
trouser suit
Kostüm n; weibliche Geschäftskleidung f
woman's suit
Adamskostüm n, Evakostüm n
birthday suit
tailored suit
Kartellverfahren n
antitrust suit
Rüstung f
suit of armour
sich anschließen; einem Vorbild Beispiel (nach-)folgen
to follow suit
Wie Sie wollen!; Wie du willst!
Suit yourself!
sich anschließen v; einem Vorbild Beispiel (nach-)folgen v
to follow suit
es jdm. gleichtun
to follow suit
ready-made suit
ready made suit
Allwetteranzug m
all-weather suit
Druckanzug m
pressurized suit
tailor made suit
dreiteiliger Anzug
three piece suit
ein Konfektionsanzug
a ready-made suit
Firmanzug m (kath.); Konfirmationsanzug m (protest.) textil. relig.
confirmation suit
Autodachkoffer m auto. mach.
car roof suit-case
Handkoffer m
suitcase, suit case
Overall m, Arbeitsanzug m
jump suit, jumpsuit
Skianzug m
Skianzüge pl
ski suit
ski suits
Zweireiher m
double-breasted suit
Aluminiumkoffer pl techn.
aluminium suit-cases
Skianzug m; Schianzug m textil.
Skianzüge pl; Schianzüge pl
ski suit
ski suits
Fehlfarbe f (Farbe die der Spieler nicht hat) (Kartenspiel)
void suit (card game)
Fehlfarbe f (Farbe, die der Spieler nicht hat) (Kartenspiel)
void suit (card game)
welcher Tag paßt dir
what day will suit you
einen neuen Anzug anziehen
change into a new suit
wenn Ihre Preise uns zusagen
if your prices suit us
wird Ihrem Anwendungszweck dienen
will suit your purpose
Fehlfarbe f (Farbe die nicht Trumpf ist) (Kartenspiel)
plain suit (card game)
Flügelanzug m; Fledermausanzug m textil. sport
wingsuit; birdman suit
Fehlfarbe f (Farbe, die nicht Trumpf ist) (Kartenspiel)
plain suit (card game)
Leinenanzug m
Leinenanzüge pl
linen suit
linen suits
es allen Leuten recht machen wollen
to try to suit everybody
Abendanzug m
evening suit; dress suit
Jeansanzug m textil.
Jeansanzüge pl
jeans suit
jeans suits
Raumanzug m
Raumanzüge pl
space suit
space suits
Strandanzug m
Strandanzüge pl
beach suit
beach suits
es allen Leuten recht machen wollen v
to try to suit everybody
Tarnanzug m (für Scharfschützen)
ghillie suit, ghilly suit
entspricht das Ihrem Geschmack
does this suit your taste
Tarnanzug m (für Scharfschützen)
ghillie suit; ghilly suit
Treff n; Kreuz n (französisches Blatt); Eicheln pl; Eckern pl (deutsches Blatt) (Spielkartenfarbe)
clubs (playing card suit)
Sonntagsanzug m
Sonntagsanzüge pl
sunday suit
sunday suits
Sportanzug m
Sportanzüge pl
sports suit
sports suits
Taucheranzug m
Taucheranzüge pl
diving suit
diving suits
passen v (zu), sich eignen v für
passend, sich eignend für
gepasst, sich geeignet für
to suit
Entspricht das Ihrem Geschmack?
Does this suit your taste?
Herz n (französisches deutsches Blatt); Rot n (deutsches Blatt) (Spielkartenfarbe)
hearts (playing card suit)
Taucheranzug m; Tauchanzug m
Taucheranzüge pl; Tauchanzüge pl
diving suit
diving suits
Fliegeranzug m; Fliegerkombi f; Fliegerdress m; Fluganzug m textil. aviat.
Fliegeranzüge pl; Fliegerkombis pl; Fliegerdresse pl; Fluganzüge pl
flight suit
flight suits
Das passt mir nicht in den Kram.
That doesn't suit my plans.
wenn die Ware unserem Geschmack entspricht
if the goods suit our taste
würde unserem Zweck am besten dienen
would best suit our purpose
Alimentenklage f jur.
Alimentenklagen pl
alimony suit
alimony suits
etwas das Ihrem Bedarf entspricht
something to suit your needs
sollte Ihnen unser Vorschlag gefallen
should our proposal suit you
wenn die Ware für unseren Markt passt
if the goods suit our market
Freizeitanzug m
Freizeitanzüge pl
leisure suit
leisure suits
Hausanzug m
Hausanzüge pl
leisure suit
leisure suits
Jogging-Anzug m
Jogging-Anzüge pl
jogging suit
jogging suits
Karo n (französisches Blatt); Schellen n (deutsches Blatt) (Spielkartenfarbe)
diamonds (playing card suit)
ABC-Schutzanzug m mil.
ABC protection suit, ABC suit
wenn Ihre Bedingungen für unseren Markt passen
if your terms suit our market
ABC-Schutzanzug m mil.
NBC protection suit; NBC suit
Geschäftsanzug m, Business-Anzug m
Geschäftsanzüge pl, Business-Anzüge pl
business suit
business suits
Schneiderkostüm n
Schneiderkostüme pl
tailored suit
tailored suits
Trainingshose f
track-suit bottoms, sweatpants
Tropenanzug m
Tropenanzüge pl
tropical suit
tropical suits
den Worten Taten folgen lassen
to suit the action to the word
das Wort in die Tat umsetzen
to suit the action to the word
diese Anordnung wird Ihnen gefallen
this arrangement will suit you
Asbestanzug m
Asbestanzüge pl
asbestos suit
asbestos suits
Geschäftsanzug m; Business-Anzug m
Geschäftsanzüge pl; Business-Anzüge pl
business suit
business suits
Klageeinreichung f; Klagseinreichung f Ös. jur.
filing of an action suit Am.
Kordanzug m; Cordanzug m; Manchester-Anzug m Nordwestdt.; Schnürlsamtanzug m Ös. textil.
Kordanzüge pl; Cordanzüge pl; Manchester-Anzüge pl; Schnürlsamtanzüge pl
corduroy suit
corduroy suits
Vaterschaftsklage f jur.
paternity suit; paternity case
den Worten Taten folgen lassen v
to suit the action to the word
das Wort in die Tat umsetzen v
to suit the action to the word
das Wort in die Tat umsetzen
to suit the action to the world
wenn die Ware unseren Kunden gefällt
if the goods suit our customers
Trainingsjacke f
Trainingsjacken pl
track-suit top
track-suit tops
Ganzkörperanzug m sport
Ganzkörperanzüge pl
full-body suit
full-body suits
Kartellverfahren n
Kartellverfahren pl
antitrust suit
antitrust suits
Pik n (französisches Blatt); Grün n; Gras n; Laub n; Blatt n; Schippen pl (deutsches Blatt) (Spielkartenfarbe)
spade; spades (playing card suit)
Hosenanzug m
Hosenanzüge pl
trouser suit Br.
trouser suits
wenn die Ware uns gefällt
if the goods suit our requirements
wenn Ihre Qualität unseren Kunden gefällt
if your quality suit our customers
etwas das Ihnen paßt
something to suit your requirements
Klage f auf auf Ausschluss des Pfandgebers Hypothekenschuldners von einem Auslösungsrecht; Klage f auf Befriedigung aus dem Pfand aus der Hypothek jur.
foreclosure action; forclosure suit
Abendanzug m
dinner dress, evening suit, dress suit
Adamskostüm n; Evakostüm n humor.
im Adamskostüm Evakostüm
birthday suit
in one's birthday suit
Jackett n; Sakko n (m Schw.); Kittel m Schw.; Veston m Schw.; Rock m ugs. hist. (Teil einer Kombination) textil.
(suit) jacket Br.; (suit) coat Am.
Tarnanzug m
camouflage suit, camouflage battledress
Maßanzug f
tailor-made suit, custom-made suit Am.
Trachtenanzug m
suit in the style of a traditional costume
Sehschlitz m (Maske, Rüstung)
Sehschlitze pl
eye-slit (mask, suit of armour)
Trainingsanzug m
Trainingsanzüge pl
tracksuit, track suit, sweat suit
das Ihren Kunden paßt
something to suit your customers' requirements
Farbsymbol n; Kartenfarbe f; Farbe f ugs. (Spielkarten)
eine Farbe bedienen
suit (playing cards)
to follow suit (card game)
anpassen an
passt an
passte an
to suit to
suits to
suited to
anpassen v an
passt an
passte an
to suit to
suits to
suited to
Man kann es nicht allen recht machen.; Allen kann man es nicht recht machen.
You can't please everyone.; You can't suit everyone.
Allwetteranzug m
Allwetterluftfahrzeug n
all-weather suit
all-weather aircraft
Man kann es nicht allen recht machen.
You can't please everybody.; You can't suit everybody.
Plattenpanzer m (Rüstung) mil. hist.
plate armour Br.; plate armor Am. (suit of armour)
Schuppenpanzer m (Rüstung) mil. hist.
scale armour Br.; scale armor Am. (suit of armour)
Nadelstreifenanzug m Dt. Schw.; Nadelstreifanzug m Ös.; Nadelstreif m Ös. textil.
Nadelstreifenanzüge pl; Nadelstreifanzüge pl; Nadelstreifen pl
pinstripe suit; pinstripe
pinstripe suits; pinstripes

Deutsche Anzug passen Synonyme

(für  jemanden)  geeignet  (sein)  Â(zu  jemandem)  passen  
(sich)  eignen  für  Âpassen  (zu)  Âtaugen  (umgangssprachlich)  

Englische suit Synonyme

(suit) Definition

(n.) The act of following or pursuing, as game
(n.) The act of suing
(n.) The act of wooing in love
(n.) The attempt to gain an end by legal process
(n.) That which follows as a retinue
(n.) Things that follow in a series or succession
(n.) A number of things used together, and generally necessary to be united in order to answer their purpose
(n.) One of the four sets of cards which constitute a pack
(n.) Regular order
(v. t.) To fit
(v. t.) To be fitted to
(v. t.) To dress
(v. t.) To please
(v. i.) To agree

(suit) Bedeutung

a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy, the family brought suit against the landlord
civil suit a lawsuit alleging violations of civil law by the defendant
class action
class-action suit
a lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group
criminal suit a lawsuit alleging violations of criminal law by the defendant
paternity suit
bastardy proceeding
a lawsuit filed to determine the father of a child born out of wedlock (and to provide for the support of the child once paternity is determined)
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
anti-G suit
G suit
worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
biohazard suit a loose one-piece garment worn to protect the wearer against dangerous biological or chemical agents
body armor
body armour
suit of armor
suit of armour
coat of mail
armor that protects the wearer's whole body
business suit a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
diving suit
diving dress
a weighted and hermetically sealed garment supplied with air, worn by underwater divers
double-breasted suit a suit with a double-breasted jacket
dress suit
full dress
tail coat
tails white tie white tie and tails
formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
gym suit clothes prescribed for wear while participating in gymnastic exercise
jump suit one-piece uniform worn by parachutists
jump suit jumpsuit one-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform
body suit
cat suit
a tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles), worn by ballet dancers and acrobats for practice or performance
long underwear
union suit
an undergarment with shirt and drawers in one piece
maillot tank suit a woman's one-piece bathing suit
major suit (bridge) a suit of superior scoring value, either spades or hearts
minor suit ( bridge) a suit of inferior scoring value, either diamonds or clubs
overall boilersuit
boilers suit
a loose protective coverall or smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work
pants suit
a pair of pants and a matching jacket worn by women
pressure suit protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
romper suit
a one-piece garment for children to wear at play, the lower part is shaped like bloomers
running suit a matching jacket and pants worn by joggers and made of fabric that absorbs perspiration
sailor suit a boy's ensemble, copied from a sailor's uniform
single-breasted suit a suit having a single-breasted jacket
slack suit casual dress consisting of slacks and matching jacket
suit of clothes
a set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color, they buried him in his best suit
suit playing card in any of four sets of cards in a pack, each set has its own symbol and color, a flush is five cards in the same suit, in bridge you must follow suit, what suit is trumps?
sweat suit
workout suit
garment consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt
bathing suit
swimming costume
bathing costume
tight fitting garment worn for swimming
three-piece suit a business suit consisting of a jacket and vest and trousers
two-piece two-piece suit
lounge suit
a business suit consisting of a matching jacket and skirt or trousers
wet suit a close-fitting garment made of a permeable material, worn in cold water (as by skin divers) to retain body heat
zoot suit a flashy suit of extreme cut
forte strong suit
long suit
specialty speciality strong point
an asset of special worth or utility, cooking is his forte
suit a petition or appeal made to a person of superior status or rank
a man's courting of a woman, seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage), its was a brief and intense courtship
long suit in a hand, the suit having the most cards
strong suit a long suit including high cards
suit (slang) a businessman dressed in a business suit, all the suits care about is the bottom line
birthday suit
informal terms for nakedness, in the raw, in the altogether, in his birthday suit
follow suit do what someone else is doing
accord or comport with, This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!
suit accommodate
be agreeable or acceptable to, This suits my needs
become suit enhance the appearance of, Mourning becomes Electra, This behavior doesn't suit you!
suit be agreeable or acceptable, This time suits me
naked as the day one was born
naked as the day you were born
in one's birthday suit
in your birthday suit
as naked as at birth
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