
(trial) Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Probe, Versuch
Probeversuch m
Prüfung f, Probe f
Versuch, Untersuchung, Erprobung
Prüfung f; Probe f
auf Probe
on trial
trial run
kostenlose Probe
free trial
Zeitfahren n sport
time trial
show trial
trial runs
zur Probe
as a trial
field trial
state trial
trial order
witch trial
Probebestellung f
trial order
trial period
trial lawyer
trial orders
Testzeit f; Probezeit f; Probezeitraum m; Versuchszeitraum m
trial period
trial balance
Verkauf auf Probe
sale on trial
trial lawyers
Schwurgerichtsverhandlung f jur.
trial by jury
Testversion f
trial version
Ansatzfunktion f math.
trial function
Versuch m, Untersuchung f, Erprobung f
Versuche pl, Untersuchungen pl, Erprobungen pl
trial shipment
Probedivision f math.
trial division
by way of trial
probiere es
give it a trial
nur zur Probe
only as a trial
zur Probe
by way of trial
trial and error
versuchsweise v
by way of trial
Abnahmetest m
acceptance trial
Verhandlung f, Prozess m, Strafprozess m
fehlerhaft geführter Prozess
acceptance trial
dieser Probeauftrag
this trial order
Versuchsbetrieb m; Testbetrieb m
trial operations
Kraftprobe f
trial of strength
trial of strength
trial subscription
durch Ausprobieren
by trial and error
Gerichtstermin m (Prozess)
date of a the trial
etw. testen; etw. ausprobieren
to trial sth. Br.
Eröffnungsbeschluss m jur.
committal for trial
etw. testen; etw. ausprobieren v
to trial sth. Br.
Produktmuster n
trial product sample
etw. ausprobieren
to give sth. a trial
Testballon m übtr.
trial balloon fig.
Seeerprobung f; Werftprobefahrt f (eines Schiffs) naut.
sea trial (of a ship)
Versuchs-und-Irrtums-Methode f
trial-and-error method
Versuchsfahrt f
Versuchsfahrten pl
trial run
trial runs
trial-and-error method
probieren Sie unsere Ware
give our goods a trial
Probierdose f; Probedose f econ.
Probierdosen pl; Probedosen pl
trial jar
trial jars
Probierset n; Probeset n econ.
Probiersets pl; Probesets pl
trial set
trial sets
Versuchsfahrt f; Testfahrt f
Versuchsfahrten pl; Testfahrten pl
trial run
trial runs
jdn. dem Gericht überstellen
to commit so. for trial
jdn. dem Gericht überstellen v jur.
to commit sb. for trial
Schauprozess m
Schauprozesse pl
show trial
show trials
Probepackung f
Probepackungen pl
trial pack
trial packs
Probiertube f; Probetube f econ.
Probiertuben pl; Probetuben pl
trial tube
trial tubes
Schauprozess m pol.
Schauprozesse pl
show trial
show trials
auf Probe, versuchsweise
auf Probe sein
on trial
to be on trial
etwas ausprobieren
to give something a trial
Feldversuch m
Feldversuche pl
field trial
field trials
Hexenprozess m hist.
Hexenprozesse pl
witch trial
witch trials
Staatsprozess m
Staatsprozesse pl
state trial
state trials
Das Verfahren schwebt noch.
The trial is still pending.
Mordprozess m jur.
Mordprozesse pl
murder trial
murder trials
Strafverteidiger m
Strafverteidiger pl
trial lawyer
trial lawyers
Probierflasche f; Probierfläschchen n; Probefläschchen n econ.
Probierflaschen pl; Probierfläschchen pl; Probefläschchen pl
trial bottle
trial bottles
dürfen wir mit einem Probeauftrag rechnen
may we reckon on a trial order
wir folgendes als Probeauftrag
the following as a trial order
Probebilanz f fin.
Probebilanzen pl
trial balance
trial balances
Probemischung f
Probemischungen pl
trial mixture
trial mixtures
Probebetrieb m
trial operation, test operation
eine Probeauftrag wird Sie überzeugen
a trial order will convince you
Versuchsbohrung f
Versuchsbohrungen pl
trial drilling
trial drillings
Werftprobefahrt f (eines Schiffs) naut.
preliminary trial run (of a ship)
'Der Prozess' (von Kafka Werktitel) lit.
'The Trial' (by Kafka work title)
Versuchsstrecke f
test road, trial track, test track
Probebilanz f; Rohbilanz f; Saldenbilanz f; Summenbilanz f econ. adm.
trial balance sheet; trial balance
'Der Prozess' (von Kafka Werktitel) lit.
'The Trial' (by Kafka work title)
Kriegsverbrecherprozess m
Kriegsverbrecherprozesse pl
war crimes trial
war crimes trials
Abnahmetest m
Abnahmetests pl
acceptance trial
acceptance trials
jdn. probeweise (auf Probe) einstellen
to employ sb. on probation (on trial)
Machtprobe f
Machtproben pl
trial of strength
trials of strength
Voruntersuchung f jur.
pre-trial hearings, preliminary hearing
Voruntersuchung f jur.
pre-trial hearings; preliminary hearing
empirisch-praktische Methode f; Versuch und Irrtum m; Probieren n; Pröbeln n ugs.
trial-and-error method; trial and error
probehalber adv
for a test; as a test; on a trial basis
probeweise adv
on trial, by way of trial, experimentally
probeweise adv
on trial; by way of trial; experimentally
wird dazu führen daß
hoping this trial order will induce you to
auf Probe; versuchsweise
auf Probe sein
on trial; on a trial basis
to be on trial
Probespiel n; Testspiel n sport
Probespiele pl; Testspiele pl
trial Br.; tryout Am.
trials; tryouts
Schürfgrube f; Schurfloch n min.
Schürfgruben pl; Schurflöcher pl
test pit; trial pit
test pits; trial pits
Prüfung f; Probe f; Auf-die-Probe-Stellen n
Kraftprobe f
eine Prüfung Gottes
trial of strength
a trial from God
anwaltliche Tätigkeit f; anwaltliche Vertretung f jur.
anwaltliche Vertretung in Gerichtsverfahren
anwaltliche Vertretung in Berufungsverfahren
trial advocacy
appelate advocacy
verhandeln (Gericht) (gegen)
to hold proceedings, to hold a trial (against)
verhandeln (Gericht) (gegen)
to hold proceedings; to hold a trial (against)
anwaltliche Tätigkeit f; anwaltliche Vertretung f jur.
anwaltliche Vertretung in Gerichtsverfahren
anwaltliche Vertretung in Berufungsverfahren
trial advocacy
appellate advocacy
verhandeln v (Gericht) (gegen)
to hold proceedings; to hold a trial (against)
Hauptverhandlungsrichter m; Tatrichter m jur.
Hauptverhandlungsrichter pl; Tatrichter pl
Richter in der ersten Instanz
trial judge
trial judges
initial trial judge
testweise adv
by way of trial; experimentally {adv}; as a test
Versuchsfahrt f, Testfahrt f, Fahrversuch m
Versuchsfahrten pl, Testfahrten pl, Fahrversuche pl
test drive, road trial
test drives, road trials
Versuchsfahrt f; Testfahrt f; Fahrversuch m
Versuchsfahrten pl; Testfahrten pl; Fahrversuche pl
test drive; road trial
test drives; road trials
Probeauftrag m
Probeaufträge pl
trial order, test order
trial orders, test orders
Feldtest m
Feldtests pl
field test; field trial
field tests; field trials
Probeauftrag m
Probeaufträge pl
trial order; test order
trial orders; test orders
Versuch m; Untersuchung f; Erprobung f
Versuche pl; Untersuchungen pl; Erprobungen pl
klinische Studie
durch Ausprobieren
clinical trial
by trial and error
etw. ausprobieren v
to give sth. a trial
giving a trial
given a trial
Erstvorstellung f in der Klinik (für eine klinische Studie) med.
first visit in to the hospital (for a clinical trial)
Versuchsbohrung f; Versuchsbohrloch n
Versuchsbohrungen pl; Versuchsbohrlöcher pl
test hole; trial bore hole
test holes; trial bore holes
Untersuchungsgefängnis n
Untersuchungsgefängnisse pl
prison (for people awaitung trial); remand center
Probezeit f
probationary period; probation period; probation; trial period
Probelauf m
Probeläufe pl
trial run, pilot run, test run
trial runs, pilot runs, test runs
Probelauf m
Probeläufe pl
trial run; pilot run; test run
trial runs; pilot runs; test runs
Feldversuch m
Feldversuche pl
offener Feldversuch
field trial; field test
field trials; field tests
open field trial
die Untersuchungshaft auf die Freiheitsstrafe anrechnen
to give credit for time spent in custody awaiting trial on the sentence
Sondierstollen m min.
Sondierstollen pl
exploration tunnel; trial heading
exploration tunnels; trial headings
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
trial; actual trial; main hearing
trials; actual trials; main hearings
Experiment n; Versuch m
Experimente pl; Versuche pl
Experiment auf Palette (Raumfahrt)
experiment; trial
experiments; trials
pallet experiment (astronautics)
Versuchsstrecke f
Versuchsstrecken pl
test road; trial track; test track
test roads; trial tracks; test tracks
Prozesskalender m; Aufstellung f anhängiger Gerichtsverfahren jur.
auf der Tagesordnung stehen
anhängige Gerichtsverfahren erledigen
(trial) docket Am.
to be on the docket Am.
to clear to docket Am.
auf die Tötung seiner Kinder ausgerichtet; zu Tod seiner Kinder führend adj
Mutter, die ihr Baby getötet hat
Prozess wegen Kindestötung
zum Tod seiner der Kinder führen
infanticidal mother
infanticidal trial
to be infanticidal
Widrigkeit f; Wirrung f; Hürde f
Widrigkeiten pl; Unbilden pl
etw. als lästig finden
jdm. zu schaffen machen
trials and tribulations
to find sth. a trial
to be a trial to sb.
Behandlungsversuch m med.
Behandlungsversuche pl
therapeutical trial; trial of therapy
therapeutical trials; trials of therapy
Doppelblindversuch m pharm.
Doppelblindversuche pl
double-blind trial; double-blind test
double-blind trials; double-blind tests
Indizienprozess m jur.
Indizienprozesse pl
trial based on circumstantial evidence
trials based on circumstantial evidence
Probestunde f
Probestunden pl
kostenlose Probestunde
trial lesson; tryout session
trial lessons; tryout sessions
free trial lesson
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
vor der Hauptverhandlung
trial, actual trial, main hearing
trials, actual trials, main hearings
Prozessgericht n jur.
Prozessgerichte pl
trial court; law court hearing the case
trial courts; law courts hearing the case
Befragung f; Vernehmung f; Einvernahme f Ös.
Befragungen pl; Vernehmungen pl; Einvernahmen pl Ös.
kontradiktorische Vernehmung Einvernahme Ös. (eines Zeugen im Strafprozess) jur.
adversary questioning (of a witness in a criminal trial)
Probebetrieb m
Probebetriebe pl
trial operation; test operation; trial run
trial operations; test operations; trial runs
Untersuchungsgefängnis n
Untersuchungsgefängnisse pl
Untersuchungsgefängnis für Jugendliche
prison (for people awaitung trial); remand center
detention center; remand home Br.
Experiment n; Versuch m
Experimente pl; Versuche pl
Experiment auf Palette (Raumfahrt)
Versuch im Reaktor
experiment; trial
experiments; trials
pallet experiment (astronautics)
in-reactor experiment
Freilandversuch m; Freilandexperiment n envir.
Freilandversuche pl; Freilandexperimente pl
field trial; field test; field field experiment
field trials; field tests; field field experiments
Gerichtsverhandlung f; Hauptverhandlung f; (mündliche) Verhandlung f jur.
vor der Hauptverhandlung
einen Termin für die Verhandlung anberaumen
die Verhandlung fortsetzen
ein Verfahren ohne mündliche Verhandlung erledigen
to assign a day for trial
to proceed with the trial
to dispose of a case without trial
Probezeit f
eine Probezeit abzuleisten haben
probationary period; probation period; probation; trial period
to be obliged to serve a probationary period
Verkauf m, Kauf m
Verkäufe pl
etw. zum Verkauf anbieten
Kauf auf Probe
Kauf mit Rückgaberecht
bei Kaufabschluss
to put sth. up for sale
sale on trial, approval sale
sale or return
on completion of the sale
Versuchsbohrung f; Erdbohrung f
Versuchsbohrungen pl; Erdbohrungen pl
test trial drilling; test trial boring; exploration drilling
test trial drillings; test trial borings; exploration drillings

(trial) Definition

(n.) The act of trying or testing in any manner.
(n.) Any effort or exertion of strength for the purpose of ascertaining what can be done or effected.
(n.) The act of testing by experience
(n.) Examination by a test
(n.) The state of being tried or tempted
(n.) That which tries or afflicts
(n.) The formal examination of the matter in issue in a cause before a competent tribunal

(trial) Bedeutung

trial and error experimenting until a solution is found
the act of testing something, in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately, he called each flip of the coin a new trial
clinical trial
clinical test
a rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects, in the United States it is conducted under the direction of the FDA before being made available for general clinical use
phase I clinical trial
phase I
a clinical trial on a few persons to determine the safety of a new drug or invasive medical device, for drugs, dosage or toxicity limits should be obtained
phase II clinical trial
phase II
a clinical trial on more persons than in phase I, intended to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for the condition it is intended to treat, possible side effects are monitored
phase III clinical trial
phase III
a large clinical trial of a treatment or drug that in phase I and phase II has been shown to be efficacious with tolerable side effects, after successful conclusion of these clinical trials it will receive formal approval from the FDA
phase IV clinical trial
phase IV
sometimes the FDA approves a drug for general use but requires the manufacturer to continue to monitor its effects, during this phase the drug may be tried on slightly different patient populations than those studied in earlier trials
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
test trial the act of undergoing testing, he survived the great test of battle, candidates must compete in a trial of skill
field trial a test of young hunting dogs to determine their skill in pointing and retrieving
trial (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law, he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty, most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial
trial by ordeal
a primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control, escape was usually taken as a sign of innocence
Scopes trial a highly publicized trial in when John Thomas Scopes violated a Tennessee state law by teaching evolution in high school, Scopes was prosecuted by William Jennings Bryan and defended by Clarence Darrow, Scopes was convicted but the verdict was later reversed
show trial a trial held for show, the guilt of the accused person has been decided in advance
trial balloon a balloon sent up to test air currents
right to speedy and public trial by jury a civil right guaranteed by the th amendment to the US Constitution
trial run
test tryout
trying something to find out about it, a sample for ten days free trial, a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain
field trial
field test
a test of the performance of some new product under the conditions in which it will be used
trial balloon a test of public opinion
proof test copy
trial impression
(printing) an impression made to check for errors
an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event, his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him, life is full of tribulations, a visitation of the plague
field trial a contest between gun dogs to determine their proficiency in pointing and retrieving
trial (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications, the trials for the semifinals began yesterday
trial court the first court before which the facts of a case are decided
trial attorney
trial lawyer
a lawyer who specializes in defending clients before a court of law
trial judge a judge in a trial court
trial balance a balance of debits and credits in double-entry bookkeeping, drawn up to test their equality
trial period
test period
a period of time during which someone or something is tested
trial-and-error relating to solving problems by experience rather than theory, they adopted a trial-and-error procedure
trial-and-error trying out various means or theories until error is satisfactorily reduced or eliminated, he argued that all learning is a trial-and-error process that resembles biological evolution
on trial in the process of being tested or tried
through empirical observation
by trial and error
in an empirical manner, this can be empirically tested
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