
Aalenian (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch) Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Aalen n geol.
Aalenian (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch)
Epoche, Zeitraum
im mittleren Dienst
in the middle grade of the civil service
Mitte April
middle of April
middle classes
mittlere Führungsebene
middle management
mittlerer Kurs
middle course
mittlerer Preis
middle price
mittlerer Preis, Durchschnittspreis
middle price
mittleres Alter
middle age
Unterabteilung, Unterteilung
unterer Mittelstand
lower middle classes
von mittlerem Alter
von mittlerer Größe
Abteilung f (eines in mehreren Teilen erscheinenden Buches)
Alter n, Lebensdauer f
(hohes) Alter n
im Alter von
im Alter von
in meinem Alter
in diesem Alter
im zarten Alter von
von mittlerem Alter, in mittlerem Alter
sich seinem Alter gemäß verhalten
(old) age
at the age of
at my age
at this age
at the tender age of
to act one's age
Aufgliederung f, Untergliederung f
breakdown, subdivision, structuring, categorization, classification
Bronzezeit f hist.
mittlere Bronzezeit
Bronze Age
middle Bronze Age
Bürgertum n
middle classes
Epoche f
Epochen pl
Frühmittelalter n hist.
Early Middle Ages
Hochmittelalter n hist.
High Middle Ages, high-medieval period
Jura n geol.
Management n, Leitung f
mittleres Management
strategisches Management
middle management
strategic management
Mesolithikum n, Mittelsteinzeit f hist.
mesolithic, middle stone age
Mitte f, mittlerer Teil
Mitten pl
Mittelalter n hist.
Middle Ages
Mittelfinger m
Mittelfinger pl
middle finger
middle fingers
Mittelhochdeutsch n
Middle High German
Mittelohr n, Tympanum n anat.
middle ear, tympanum
Mittelohrentzündung f med.
inflammation of the middle ear, infection in one's middle ear
Mittelpfette f constr.
center purlin, intermediate purlin, middle purlin
Mittelstand m
middle class, middle classes
Mittelständler m, Mittelständlerin f
middle-class person, member of the middle class
Mittelstreckenlauf m sport
Mittelstreckenläufe pl
middle-distance race, middle-distance running
middle-distance races, middle-distance runnings
Mittelstreckenläufer m, Mittelstreckenläuferin f sport
Mittelstreckenläufer pl, Mittelstreckenläuferinnen pl
middle-distance runner
middle-distance runners
Mittelstufe f (Schule)
middle school Br., junior high Am.
Mittelstürmer m, Mittelstürmerin f sport
middle forward
Orient m
der Vordere Orient
East, Orient
the Middle East
Orientalist m, Orientalistin f
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
Paukenhöhle f anat.
tympanic cavity, cavity in the middle ear
Politiker m, Politikerin f
Politiker pl
Politiker der Mitte
ein ehrgeiziger, aufstrebender Politiker
Politiker von Rang
middle-of-the-road politician
a thrusting politician
distinguished politician
Spätmittelalter n hist.
Late Middle Ages
Straße f (in der Stadt)
Straßen pl
auf der Straße
auf offener Straße
on the road, in (on Am.) the street
in the middle of the street
Subdivision f math.
Unterabteilung f
Unterabteilungen pl
Unterteilung f
Unterteilungen pl
bahnbrechend, epochemachend, epochal adj
epoch-making, epochal
gemäßigt, moderat adj
kleinbürgerlich adj
lower middle-class, petty bourgeois
mittelgroß adj
medium size, middle size
mittelhochdeutsch adj
Middle High German
mittelständisch adj
mitten in
mitten in etw. sein
in the middle of
to be in the throes of sth.
mittendrin adv
right in the middle of it
mittlere, mittlerer, mittleres adj, Mittel..., Mitten...
mitten in der Nacht
in the middle of the night
wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen übtr.
in the middle of nowhere, in the sticks
Nahost m, Naher Osten geogr.
(the) Middle East, Near East
Mittelspecht m ornith.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius)
MA : Mittelalter
MA : Middle Ages
epoch making
mitten in
in the middle of
Mitte, Mittel..
middle ages
middle class
middle classes
middle size
mittleren Alters
mittleres Lebensalter
middle age
Tourist der Mittelschicht
middle-class tourist
Mitte Juni
in the middle of June
mitten (drin); in der Mitte
in the middle
Middle Eastern
Abteilungsfaktor m
Abteilungsfaktoren pl
subdivision factor
subdivision factors
Affenreizen n (Kinderspiel)
Monkey in the Middle; Piggy in the Middle (children's game)
Alter n
im Alter von
in meinem Alter
im höheren hohen Alter
bis ins hohe Alter
in diesem Alter
im zarten Alter von
von mittlerem Alter; in mittlerem Alter; mittleren Alters
ein hohes Alter erreichen
in hohem Alter
sich seinem Alter gemäß verhalten
schwieriges Alter
Benimm dich wie ein erwachsener Mensch (und nicht wie ein pubertierender Teenager).
at the age of; aged
at my age
in old age; in great age
till in old great age
at this age
at the tender age of
to attain a great age
at a great age
to act one's age
awkward age
Act your age (and not your shoe size).
Aufgliederung f; Untergliederung f (in etw.)
breakdown; subdivision; structuring; categorization eAm.; categorisation Br.; classification (into sth.)
Bauplatz m
subdivision Am.
Machtfaktor m; graue Eminenz f; jemand der die politischen Fäden zieht pol.
die Rolle der USA als Machtfaktor im Nahen Osten
power broker; powerbroker Am.
the US's role as a power broker in the Middle East
Fahrspur f; Spur f; Fahrstreifen m auto
Fahrspuren pl; Spuren pl; Fahrstreifen pl
durchgehender Fahrstreifen
gesperrte Fahrspur; gesperrter Fahrstreifen
linke Fahrspur; linker Fahrstreifen
mittlere Fahrspur; mittlerer Fahrstreifen
rechte Fahrspur; rechter Fahrstreifen
verengte Fahrspur; verengter Fahrstreifen
auf der linken Spur fahren
auf die rechte Fahrspur fahren
die Spur wechseln
Jeder Albtraum hat einmal ein Ende.; Auch das hat einmal ein Ende.
traffic lane; driving lane; lane
traffic lanes; driving lanes; lanes
through lane
closed driving lane
left lane; outside lane
middle lane; centre lane
right lane; inside lane; slow lane
narrow lane
to drive in the left-hand lane
to pull over into the slow lane
to change lanes
It's a long lane that has no turning.
Führungsebene f
mittlere Führungsebene; die mittleren Führungskräfte; mittleres Management
auf der mittleren Führungsebene
auf der Führungsebene
management level; managerial level
middle management
at middle management level
at the managerial level
Gyrus frontalis medius m anat.
middle frontal gyrus
Gyrus temporalis medius m anat.
middle temporal gyrus
Hochmittelalter n hist.
High Middle Ages; high-medieval period
in die Jahre kommen
to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth fig.
Jetztzeit f
present time; recent epoch
Jurazeit f; Jura n geol.
Jurassic period; Jurassic
Konferenz f; Fachtagung f; Tagung f (über)
Konferenzen pl; Fachtagungen pl; Tagungen pl
Wirtschaftskonferenz f; Wirtschaftstagung f
auf einer Konferenz sein; auf eine Konferenz gehen
auf der Konferenz
einer Konferenz beiwohnen; bei einer Konferenz dabei sein (nicht aktiv teilnehmen)
eine Konferenz abhalten
eine Konferenz einberufen
Die Konferenz findet alle zwei Jahre statt.
während die Nahostkonferenz in Genf tagt
Konferenz am runden Tisch
Er ist in einer Besprechung.
conference (on)
economic conference
to attend a conference
at the conference.
to sit in on a conference
to hold a conference
to convene convoke call a conference
The conference is held every two years.
while as the Middle East Conference is sitting at Geneva
round-table conference
He is in conference.
Kreidezeit f; Kreide f geol.
Oberkreide f
Unterkreide f
Jura-Kreide-Grenze f
Cretaceous period; Cretaceous
Upper Late Cretaceous
Lower Early Cretaceous
Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary
Kronenmitte f
middle of the crown
Mesolithikum n; Mittelsteinzeit f hist.
mesolithic; middle stone age
Mitte f; mittlerer Teil
Mitten pl
Mittelalter n MA hist.
Middle Ages MA
Mittelfinger m anat.
Mittelfinger pl
middle finger
middle fingers
Mittelohr n; Tympanum n anat.
middle ear; tympanum
Mittelohrentzündung f med.
inflammation of the middle ear; infection in one's middle ear
Mittelpfette f constr.
center purlin; intermediate purlin; middle purlin
Mittelstand m; Mittelschicht f
gehobene Mittelschicht f
middle class; middle classes
upper middle class
Mittelständler m; Mittelständlerin f
middle-class person; member of the middle class
Mittelstrecke f
medium distance; medium haul; middle haul
Mittelstreckenlauf m sport
Mittelstreckenläufe pl
middle-distance race; middle-distance running
middle-distance races; middle-distance runnings
Mittelstreckenläufer m; Mittelstreckenläuferin f sport
Mittelstreckenläufer pl; Mittelstreckenläuferinnen pl
middle-distance runner
middle-distance runners
Mittelstück n (Blasinstrument) mus.
Mittelstücke pl
middle joint (wind instrument)
middle joints
Mittelstufe f (Schule)
middle school Br.; junior high Am.
Mittelstürmer m; Mittelstürmerin f sport
middle forward
Mittelteil m; Mittelstück n
Mittelteile pl; Mittelstücke pl
middle part; waist
middle parts; waists
Nasenmuschel f (Concha nasalis) anat.
obere Nasenmuschel
mittlere Nasenmuschel
untere Nasenmuschel
nasal concha; turbinate (bone)
superior nasal concha
middle nasal concha
inferior nasal concha; maxilloturbinal
Orient m; Morgenland n poet.
der Vordere Orient
die drei Weisen aus dem Morgenland
Orient; East
the Middle East
the three Wise Men from the East
Orientalist m; Orientalistin f
Orientalisten pl; Orientalistinnen pl
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
Parzellierung f; parzellierte Fläche f
Paukenhöhle f anat.
tympanic cavity; cavity in the middle ear
Pleistozän n; Eiszeit f; Eiszeitalter n; Diluvium n geol.
Pleistocene; ice age; diluvium; drift period; diluvial period; glacial epoch; glacial time
Politiker m; Politikerin f
Politiker pl
Politiker der Mitte
ein ehrgeiziger aufstrebender Politiker
Politiker von Rang
middle-of-the-road politician
a thrusting politician
distinguished politician
Pulverfass n mil. übtr.
Pulverfässer pl
Der Nahe Osten ist ein Pulverfass.
Wir sitzen hier auf einem Pulverfass.
powder keg; powder-keg
powder kegs; powder-kegs
The Middle East is a powder-keg
We're sitting on a powder keg.
Straße f Str. (in der Stadt)
Straßen pl
auf der Straße
auf offener Straße
street St
on the road; in (on Am.) the street
in the middle of the street
Verwaltungsbezirk m adm.; Zuständigkeitsbereich m übtr.
Verwaltungsbezirke pl; Zuständigkeitsbereiche pl
Das fällt in meinen Zuständigkeitsbereich.
Nach dem Krieg blieb der Nahe Osten sein Wirkungsbereich Arbeitsfeld.
bailiwick (historically jurisdiction of a bailiff)
This is my bailiwick.
After the war the Middle East remained his bailiwick.
Vorname m; Rufname m
Vornamen pl; Rufnamen pl
zweiter Vorname; Zwischenname m
first name; firstname; given name
first names; firstnames; given names
middle name
Wasserstoffatom n phys.
Wasserstoffatome pl
endständiges Wasserstoffatom
mittelständiges Wasserstoffatom
hydrogen atom
hydrogen atoms
hydrogen atom on the ends
hydrogen atom in the middle
Wohnsiedlung f; Wohngegend f
residential subdivision; subdivision Am.
bahnbrechend; epochemachend; epochal adj
epoch-making; epochal
sich an einen Ort schleichen; sich in etw. einschleichen
sich in ein Haus (ein)schleichen
Ein Selbstmordattentäter hatte sich in die Mitte einer Menschenmenge geschlichen.
to inveigle yourself your way into sth.
to inveigle oneself into a house
A suicide bomber had inveigled his way into the middle of a crowd.
(an einem Ort) festsitzen; gestrandet sein; von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten sein v
festsitzend; gestrandet seind; von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten seind
festgesessen; gestrandet gewesen; von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten gewesen
Ich saß im Büro fest und hatte keine Möglichkeit nach Hause zu fahren.
Wir hatten eine Autopanne und saßen in der Einöde fest.
Die Seeleute saßen fünf Wochen lang auf der Insel fest.
Mehrere Ortschaften sind vom Hochwasser eingeschlossen.
to be marooned (in a place)
being marooned
been marooned
I was marooned at the office without a ride home.
The car broke down and left us marooned in the middle of nowhere.
The sailors were marooned on the island for five weeks.
Several villages are marooned by floods.
gemäßigt; moderat adj (Ansicht; Meinung)
middle-of-the-road (view; opinion)
jdn. für eine Sache gewinnen v
für eine Sache gewinnend
für eine Sache gewonnen
die unentschlossenen Wähler für sich gewinnen
Wähler der politischen Mitte gewinnen
to win sb. over round Br. around Br. to sth.; to win sb.'s support for sth.
winning over round around to; wining support for
won over round around to; won support for
to win over the undecided voters
to win over middle-ground voters
inmitten prp; +Gen. (umgeben von mitten in)
in the middle; in the midst (of); amid; amidst poet.
kleinbürgerlich adj
lower middle-class; petty bourgeois
den Ausgangspunkt für spätere Ereignisse schaffen
Was bedeutet das nun für die Umwelt für den Nahen Osten?
Wie sind sie am Ende der Sitzung verblieben?
Ich würde gern wissen wie es (mit dem Projekt etc.) weitergeht.
to leave things
So where does that leave things with the environment in the Middle East?
How did they leave things at the end of the meeting?
I wonder where that leaves things (with the project etc.).
mittelgroß adj
medium size; middle-size; of medium height
mitten in
mitten in der Nacht mitten im Winter
mitten in etw. sein
in the middle of
in the middle of the night winter; in the dead of night winter
to be in the throes of sth.
mittendurch adv; mitten durch; mitten hindurch
mitten durch die Stadt
mitten durch die Menge
(right) through the middle
right through the town
through the middle of the crowd
mittlere; mittlerer; mittleres adj; Mittel...; Mitten...
mittleren Alters sein
to be of middle age
etw. suchen; sich nach etw. umsehen
suchend; sich umsehend
gesucht; sich umgesehen
er sie sucht; er sie sieht sich um
ich er sie suchte; ich er sie sah mich sich um
er sie hat hatte gesucht; er sie hat hatte sich umgesehen
Beschäftigung suchen; Arbeit suchen
Nach den Gründen muss man nicht lange suchen.
Hochqualifizierte Sekretärin sucht Anstellung.
Attraktive Frau sucht Mann mittleren Alters zwecks Freundschaft.
Den Autofahrern wird geraten sich nach Alternativrouten umzusehen.
Wir suchen zur Zeit neue Wege der Produktvermarktung über das Internet.
Die Ursachen frühkindlicher Neurosen sind weniger bei den Kindern als bei den Eltern zu suchen.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (look for sth.)
he she seeks
I he she sought
he she has had sought
to seek employment
The reasons are not far to seek.
Highly qualified secretary seeks employment.
Attractive woman seeks middle-aged male for friendship.
Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
We are currently seeking new ways of marketing products using the Internet.
The causes of infantile neuroses are to be sought less in the children than in the parents.
auf jdn. auf ein Ereignis bis in eine bestimmte Epoche zurückgehen; zurückreichen v
Die Idee eines neuen Römischen Reiches geht auf Karl den Großen zurück.
Diese Tradition reicht bis ins Jahr 1755 zurück.
to date back to sb. an event a given epoch; to date from an event a given epoch
The concept of a revived Roman Empire dates back to Charlemagne.
This tradition dates back to 1755.
wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen übtr.
in the middle of nowhere; in the sticks
Mittelrhein m geogr.
Middle Rhine
Nahost m; Naher Osten geogr.
(the) Middle East; Near East hist.
Nibelungenlied n
The Song of the Nibelungs (a heroic epic in Middle High German dated from the 13 th Century is seen as the national epic pom of German language)
mittelklassig adj
mittelklassig adj
middle class
Mittelfranken (Bezirk in Bayern) geogr.
Middle Franconia (district in Bavaria Germany)
zeitgenössisch adj; authentisch adj (den Stil einer best. Zeit betreffend)
period {adj} only before nouns (having a style typical of a certain epoch)
Mittelspecht m (Dendrocopos medius) ornith.
middle spotted woodpecker
Aalen n geol.
Aalenian (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch)
Dinant n geol.
Dinantian (Series; Epoch)
Eozän n geol.
Eocene (epoch)

Deutsche Aalen {n} [geol.] Synonyme

(sich)  aalen  Â(sich)  räkeln  
(sich) aalen  (sich) räkeln  

Englische Aalenian Synonyme

Aalenian (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch) Definition

Chazy epoch
() An epoch at the close of the Canadian period of the American Lower Silurian system
Cincinnati epoch
() An epoch at the close of the American lower Silurian system. The rocks are well developed near Cincinnati, Ohio. The group includes the Hudson River and Lorraine shales of New York.
(n.) A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event
(n.) A period of time, longer or shorter, remarkable for events of great subsequent influence
(n.) A division of time characterized by the prevalence of similar conditions of the earth
(n.) The date at which a planet or comet has a longitude or position.
(n.) An arbitrary fixed date, for which the elements used in computing the place of a planet, or other heavenly body, at any other date, are given
Genesee epoch
() The closing subdivision of the Hamilton period in the American Devonian system
(a.) Of the age of the middle Mesozoic, including, as divided in England and Europe, the Lias, Oolite, and Wealden
(n.) The Jurassic period or formation
Medina epoch
() A subdivision of the Niagara period in the American upper Silurian, characterized by the formations known as the Oneida conglomerate, and the Medina sandstone. See the Chart of Geology.
(a.) Equally distant from the extreme either of a number of things or of one thing
(a.) Intermediate
(a.) The point or part equally distant from the extremities or exterior limits, as of a line, a surface, or a solid
(a.) the waist.
() Of or pertaining to the Middle Ages
(a.) Being about the middle of the ordinary age of man
(n.) The world, considered as lying between heaven and hell.
(n.) That part of a picture between the foreground and the background.
(n.) The act of subdividing, or separating a part into smaller parts.
(n.) A part of a thing made by subdividing.

Aalenian (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch) Bedeutung

subdivision the act of subdividing, division of something previously divided
lister plow
lister plough
middle buster
moldboard plow with a double moldboard designed to move dirt to either side of a central furrow
a section of a section, a part of a part, i.e., a part of something already divided
middle ear
tympanic cavity
the main cavity of the ear, between the eardrum and the inner ear
middle cerebral artery one of two branches of the internal carotid artery, divides into three branches
middle meningeal artery branch of the maxillary artery, its branches supply meninges
middle cerebral vein
vena cerebri media
either of two cerebral veins
deep middle cerebral vein accompanies the middle cerebral artery deep in the Sylvian fissure, empties into the basal vein
superficial middle cerebral vein a large vein along the line of the Sylvian fissure to the cavernous sinus
middle temporal vein arises near the eye, joins the superficial temporal veins to form the retromandibular vein
middle thyroid vein a vein on each side that drains the lateral part of the thyroid and empties into the internal jugular vein
midriff midsection
the middle area of the human torso (usually in front), young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable
middle finger the second finger, between the index finger and the ring finger
middle an intermediate part or section, A whole is that which has beginning, middle, and end- Aristotle
middle distance the part of a scene between the foreground and the background
middle name a name between your first name and your surname
a selfontained part of a larger composition (written or musical), he always turns first to the business section, the history of this work is discussed in the next section
middle term the term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion
middle C the note designated by the first ledger line below the treble staff, . hertz
Middle English English from about to
Middle High German High German from to
Middle Low German Low German from to
Middle Irish Irish Gaelic from to
Medieval Greek
Middle Greek
Byzantine Greek
the Greek language from about to AD
middle class
the social class between the lower and upper classes
secondary school
middle school
a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college, usually grades to
subdivision arm
a division of some larger or more complex organization, a branch of Congress, botany is a branch of biology, the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages
center centre middle
an area that is approximately central within some larger region, it is in the center of town, they ran forward into the heart of the struggle, they were in the eye of the storm
middle west
midwestern United States
the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America)
subdivision an area composed of subdivided lots
Middle East
Near East
the area around the eastern Mediterranean, from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran, the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam, had continuous economic and political turmoil in the th century, the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization
middle of the roader
a person who takes a position in the political center
middle-aged man a man who is roughly between and years old
class Gnetopsida
subdivision Gnetophytina
gymnospermous flowering plants, supposed link between conifers and angiosperms, in some systems classified as a class (Gnetopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Gnetophytina or Gnetophyta)
class Cycadopsida
subdivision Cycadophytina
subdivision Cycadophyta
palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders, possibly not a natural group, in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta)
class Coniferopsida
subdivision Coniferophytina
cone-bearing gymnosperms dating from the Carboniferous period, most are substantial trees, includes the classes Pinopsida (subdivision Pinophytina) and Ginkgopsida (subdivision Ginkgophytina) and Taxopsida (subdivision Taxophytina) which in turn include the surviving orders Coniferales and Taxales (yews) and sometimes Ginkgoales as well as extinct orders such as Cordaitales (of the Carboniferous and Permian)
class Pinopsida
subdivision Pinophytina
most conifers: in some systems classified as a class (Pinopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Pinophytina), used in some classifications for one of five subdivisions of Gymnospermophyta
class Taxopsida
subdivision Taxophytina
yews: in some systems classified as a class (Taxopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Taxophytina) used in some classifications for one of five subdivisions of Gymnospermophyta
class Ginkgopsida
class Ginkgophytina
subdivision Ginkgophytina
subdivision Ginkgophyta
ginkgos: in some systems classified as a class and in others as a subdivision, used in some classifications for one of five subdivisions of Gymnospermophyta
subdivision Pteropsida
used in former classifications to include all ferns and flowering plants and divided into the three classes Filicinae and Gymnospermae and Angiospermae
subdivision Zygomycota
subdivision Zygomycotina
division of fungi having sexually produced zygospores
subdivision Mastigomycota
subdivision Mastigomycotina
fungi in which the spores and gametes are motile, in some systems placed in the Phycomycetes group with the Zygomycota
subdivision Deuteromycota
Fungi imperfecti
subdivision Deuteromycotina
large and heterogeneous form division of fungi comprising forms for which no sexually reproductive stage is known
subdivision Basidiomycota
subdivision Basidiomycotina
comprises fungi bearing the spores on a basidium, includes Gasteromycetes (puffballs) and Tiliomycetes comprising the orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts) and Hymenomycetes (mushrooms, toadstools, agarics and bracket fungi), in some classification systems considered a division of kingdom Fungi
subdivision Ascomycota
subdivision Ascomycotina
a large subdivision of Eumycota including Hemiascomycetes and Plectomycetes and Pyrenomycetes and Discomycetes, sac fungi, in some classification systems considered a division of the kingdom Fungi
conductive hearing loss
conduction deafness
middle-ear deafness
hearing loss due to problems with the bones of the middle ear
Holocene epoch
Recent epoch
approximately the last , years
Pleistocene epoch
Glacial epoch
from two million to thousand years ago, extensive glaciation of the northern hemisphere, the time of human evolution
Pliocene epoch
from million to million years ago, growth of mountains, cooling of climate, more and larger mammals
Miocene epoch
from million to million years ago, appearance of grazing mammals
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The Aalenian is a subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epochseries of the geologic timescale that extends from about 174.1 Ma to about 170.3 Ma . It was preceded by the Toarcian and succeeded by the Bajocian.

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