
Bull headed Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

stierköpfig adj
Büffelkopfwürger m ornith.
Bull-headed Shrike
Börsensituation regiert von sog. Bullen
bull market
'Bulle' an der Börse
bull market
bull operator
Haussier, Hausse-Spekulant
Markt mit stetig steigenden Kursen
bull market
Ammenmärchen n
cock-and-bull story, old wives' tale
einen Bock schießen übtr.
to make a bull, to pull a boner
Bulle m (unfreundlich für Polizist)
Bullen pl
screw, bobby Br., rozzer Br., bull, cop, fuzz slang
Bulle f
Bullenstander m naut.
lazy guy, bull pendant, check rope
Flucht f, Fliehen n
auf der Flucht sein
auf der Flucht sein
die Flucht ergreifen
die Flucht nach vorn antreten
in die Flucht schlagen
to be on the run, to be fleeing
to be on the lam Am. slang
to take flight, to flee {fled, fled}, to escape
to take the bull by the horns
to put to flight
Hausse f fin.
auf Hausse spekulieren
bull market, rise in the market
to bull
Haussespekulant m
Kopfballchance f
Kopfballchancen pl
heading chance, headed chance
heading chances, headed chances
Kopfballtor n sport
Kopfballtore pl
headed goal
headed goals
Lügengeschichte f, Ammenmärchen n, Lügenmärchen n
cock and bull story, cooked-up story coll.
Platzhirsch m übtr.
top dog, old bull fig.
die Preise in die Höhe treiben
to bull the market coll.
Rind n
cow, bull
Tür f, Tor n
Türen pl, Tore pl
an der Tür
an die Tür klopfen
die Tür öffnen
mit der Tür ins Haus fallen
offene Türen einrennen
die Tür fest schließen
von Tür zu Tür
die Tür einen Spalt öffnen
at the door
to knock at the door
to answer the door
to go like a bull at a gate
to preach to the converted, to kick at an open door
to shut the door tight
door-to-door, door to door
to open the door slightly
Volltreffer m
bull's eye
Walbulle m
whale bull
Zuchtbulle m
Zuchtbullen pl
stock bull
stock bulls
anfliegen v
to head for
heading for
headed for
anführen, vorstehen, an der Spitze stehen
anführend, vorstehend, an der Spitze stehend
angeführt, vorgestanden, an der Spitze gestanden
to head
sich bewegen, fahren (in Richtung)
sich bewegend, fahrend
sich bewegt, gefahren
to head (for)
dümmlich adj
light-headed, featherbrained, empty-headed
hitzköpfig adj
hot-headed, hotheaded
hochnäsig, arrogant, eingebildet adj
kahlköpfig adj
bald headed, baldheaded
klar denkend, klardenkend alt adj
clear-thinking, clear-headed
köpfen v sport
ins Tor köpfen
to head
to head a goal
rothaarig adj
sachlich, nüchtern adj
starrköpfig adj
steuern, lenken v
steuernd, lenkend
gesteuert, gelenkt
to head
stierköpfig adj
stiernackig adj
strohdumm adj
stupid, stupide adj
moronic, empty-headed
zugehen, zufahren (auf), gehen in Richtung, zusteuern auf, ansteuern auf
zugehend, zufahrend, in Richtung gehend, zusteuernd auf, ansteuernd auf
zugegangen, zugefahren, in Richtung gegangen, zugesteuert auf, angesteuert auf
to head for
heading for
headed for
Er benimmt sich wie ein Elefant im Porzellanladen. übtr.
He behaves like a bull in a china shop.
Er hat einen Dickschädel. ugs., Er ist eigensinnig.
He's pig-headed.
Er packte den Stier bei den Hörnern.
He took the bull by the horns.
Stier m, Bulle m zool.
Stiere pl, Bullen pl
den Stier bei den Hörnern packen übtr.
wie ein Elefant im Porzellanladen übtr.
to take the bull by the horns fig.
like a bull in a china shop fig.
Goldkopf-Sandgrundel f, Wimpernsegler-Schläfergrundel f (Valenciennea strigata) zool.
golden headed sleeper goby
Breitschnabeldelfin m zool.
melon-headed whale, electra dolphin, little killer whale, many-toothed blackfish (Peponocephala electra)
Zwergpottwal m zool.
pygmy sperm whale, short-headed sperm whale, lesser sperm whale, lesser cachalot (Kogia breviceps)
Zwergwal m, Zwergfurchenwal m, Minkewal m zool.
minke whale, lesser rorqual, lesser finback, little finner, sharp-headed finner, piked whale, little piked whale, pikehead, summer whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Braunkopfammer f ornith.
Red-headed Bunting (Emberiza bruniceps)
Fischmöwe f ornith.
Great Black-headed Gull (Larus ichthyaetus)
Grauspecht m ornith.
Grey-faced Woodpecker, grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus)
Kappenammer f ornith.
Black-headed Bunting (Emberiza melanocephala)
Lachmöwe f ornith.
Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus)
Schafstelze f ornith.
Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava), Blue-headed Wagtail
Schafstelze f ornith.
Blue-headed Wagtail
Weißkopf-Ruderente f ornith.
White-headed Duck
Haarschopftaucher m ornith.
Hoary-headed Grebe
Graukopfalbatros m ornith.
Grey-headed Albatross
Weißkopf-Sturmvogel m ornith.
White-headed Petrel
Schwarzhalsreiher m ornith.
Black-headed Heron
Streifengans f ornith.
Bar-headed Goose
Graukopfgans f ornith.
Ashy-headed Goose
Rotkopfgans f ornith.
Ruddy-headed Goose
Kuckucksente f ornith.
Black-headed Duck
Schuhschnabel m ornith.
Whale-headed Stor
Nelkenente f ornith.
Pink-headed Duck
Weißkopf-Dampfschiffente f ornith.
White-headed Flightless Steamer Duck
Kleiner Gelbkopfgeier m ornith.
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Großer Gelbkopfgeier m ornith.
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
Aschkopfhabicht m ornith.
New Guinea Grey-headed Goshawk
Prinzenhabicht m ornith.
New Britain Grey-headed Goshawk
Kahlkopfgeier m ornith.
Red-headed Vulture
Wollkopfgeier m ornith.
White-headed Vulture
Graukopf-Seeadler m ornith.
Grey-headed Fishing Eagle
Cayenneweih m ornith.
Grey-headed Kite
Rothalsfalke m ornith.
Red-headed Falcon
Gelbkopfkarakara m ornith.
Yellow-headed Caracara
Graukopfguan m ornith.
Grey-headed Chachalaca
Rotkopfguan m ornith.
Rufous-headed Chachalaca
Kambodschabuschwachtel f ornith.
Chestnut-headed Tree Partridge
Rotkopfwachtel f ornith.
Crimson-headed Wood Partridge
Ugallaralle f ornith.
African Chestnut-headed Crake
Rotmaskenralle f ornith.
Chestnut-headed Crake
Graukopfkiebitz m ornith.
Grey-headed Lapwing
Schwarzschopfkiebitz m ornith.
Black-headed Plover
Braunkopflachmöwe f ornith.
Brown-headed Gull
Graukopfmöwe f ornith.
Grey-headed Gull
Weißbrusttaube f ornith.
White-headed Pigeon
Rotflanken-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Grey-headed Zone-tailed Pigeon
Inselfruchttaube f ornith.
Pink-headed Imperial Pigeon
Bonapartetaube f ornith.
Grey-headed Dove
Schneekopf-Fruchttaube f ornith.
White-headed Fruit Dove
Blaukopf-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Grey-headed Fruit Dove
Smaragdtaube f ornith.
Yellow-headed Dove
Kubataube f ornith.
Blue-headed Quail Dove
Zimtkopf-Grüntaube f ornith.
Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon
Blaukopftaube f ornith.
Blue-headed Wood Dove
Grauköpfchen n ornith.
Grey-headed Lovebird
Gelbkopfamazone f ornith.
Yellow-headed Amazon
Blaukopfara m ornith.
Blue-headed Macaw
Weddellsittich m ornith.
Dusky-headed Conure
Fächerpapagei m ornith.
Hawk-headed Parrot
Goldkopfpapagei m ornith.
Saffron-headed Parrot
Grünzügelpapagei m ornith.
Black-headed Caique
Maximilianpapagei m ornith.
Scaly-headed Parrot
Schwarzohrpapagei m ornith.
Blue-headed Parrot
Greisenkopfpapagei m ornith.
White-headed Parrot
Blaßkopfrosella ornith.
Pale-headed Rosella
Braunkopfpapagei m ornith.
Brown-headed Parrot
Pflaumenkopfsittich m ornith.
Plum-headed Parakeet
Himalayasittich m ornith.
Slaty-headed Parakeet
Rosenkopfsittich m ornith.
Blossom-headed Parakeet
Blaßkopfkuckuck m ornith.
Buff-headed Coucal
Mönchskuckuck m ornith.
Blue-headed Coucal
Graukopf-Froschmaul n ornith.
Pale-headed Frogmouth
Zweifarbenkolibri m ornith.
Blue-headed Hummingbird
Kupferköpfchen n ornith.
Coppery-headed Emerald
Blaukopfsaphir m ornith.
Blue-headed Sapphire
Violettkopfkolibri m ornith.
Violet-headed Hummingbird
Weißkopf-Mausvogel m ornith.
White-headed Mousebird
Rotkopftrogon m ornith.
Red-headed Trogon
Goldkopftrogon m ornith.
Golden-headed Quetzal
Schwarzkopftrogon m ornith.
Black-headed Trogon
Einsiedlerliest ornith.
Blue-headed Wood Kingfisher
Königsliest ornith.
Bar-headed Wood Kingfisher
Graukopfliest ornith.
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Echsenliest ornith.
White-headed Kingfisher
Schwarzkopfspint m ornith.
Black-headed Bee Eater
Braunkopfspint m ornith.
Bay-headed Bee Eater
Saphirspint m ornith.
Blue-headed Bee Eater
Malaienspint m ornith.
Chestnut-headed Bee Eater
Weißmaskenhopf m ornith.
White-headed Wood Hoopoe
Mindanaohornvogel m ornith.
White-headed Hornbill
Fahlnacken-Glanzvogel m ornith.
Pale-headed Jacamar
Rotkopf-Faulvogel m ornith.
Chestnut-headed Nunlet
Andenbartvogel m ornith.
Red-headed Barbet
Weißkopf-Bartvogel m ornith.
White-headed Barbet
Zimtkopfspecht m ornith.
Rufous-headed Woodpecker
Rotkopfspecht m ornith.
Red-headed Woodpecker
Nonnenspecht m ornith.
White-headed Woodpecker
Rotbürzelspecht m ornith.
Black-headed Woodpecker
Graukopf-Breitrachen n ornith.
Grey-headed Broadbill
Souleyetbaumsteiger m ornith.
Streak-headed Woodcreeper
Graukopfschlüpfer m ornith.
Grey-headed Spinetail
Taczanowskischlüpfer m ornith.
Blackish-headed Spinetail
Schwarzkopf-Ameisendrossel f ornith.
Black-headed Ant-trush
Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Stripe-headed Antpitta

Deutsche stierköpfig {adj} Synonyme

Englische bull-headed Synonyme

Bull headed Definition

(a.) Alt. of Addle-pated
(a.) Dull
(a.) Built with the stem nearly straight up and down.
(a.) Having a head like a buckler.
(a.) Having a large head, like a buffalo
(n.) The male of any species of cattle (Bovidae)
(n.) One who, or that which, resembles a bull in character or action.
(n.) Taurus, the second of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
(n.) A constellation of the zodiac between Aries and Gemini. It contains the Pleiades.
(n.) One who operates in expectation of a rise in the price of stocks, or in order to effect such a rise. See 4th Bear, n., 5.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a bull
(v. i.) To be in heat
(v. t.) To endeavor to raise the market price of
(v. i.) A seal. See Bulla.
(v. i.) A letter, edict, or respect, of the pope, written in Gothic characters on rough parchment, sealed with a bulla, and dated "a die Incarnationis," i. e., "from the day of the Incarnation." See Apostolical brief, under Brief.
(v. i.) A grotesque blunder in language
Bull brier
() A species of Smilax (S. Pseudo-China) growing from New Jersey to the Gulf of Mexico, which has very large tuberous and farinaceous rootstocks, formerly used by the Indians for a sort of bread, and by the negroes as an ingredient in making beer
Bull fly
(n.) Alt. of Bullfly
(a.) Having a short and thick neck like that of a bull.
(n.) A small circular or oval wooden block without sheaves, having a groove around it and a hole through it, used for connecting rigging.
(n.) A small round cloud, with a ruddy center, supposed by sailors to portend a storm.
(n.) A small thick disk of glass inserted in a deck, roof, floor, ship's side, etc., to let in light.
(n.) A circular or oval opening for air or light.
(n.) A lantern, with a thick glass lens on one side for concentrating the light on any object
(n.) Aldebaran, a bright star in the eye of Taurus or the Bull.
(n.) The center of a target.
(n.) A thick knob or protuberance left on glass by the end of the pipe through which it was blown.
(n.) A small and thick old-fashioned watch.
(n.) An external angle when obtuse or rounded.
Bull terrier
() A breed of dogs obtained by crossing the bulldog and the terrier.
Bull trout
() In England, a large salmon trout of several species, as Salmo trutta and S. Cambricus, which ascend rivers
Bull trout
() Salvelinus malma of California and Oregon
Bull trout
() The huso or salmon of the Danube.
(a.) Having a clear understanding
(a.) Having a temper not easily excited
(a.) Having a head shaped like that of a dog
(a.) Having two heads
(a.) Thick-headed
(a.) Giddy
(a.) Having a head with a flattened top
(a.) Thoughtless
(a.) Thick-skulled
(a.) Having sound judgment
(imp. & p. p.) of Head
(a.) Furnished with a head (commonly as denoting intellectual faculties)
(a.) Formed into a head
(a.) Dull
(a.) Fiery
(a.) Foolish
(a.) Delirious

Bull headed Bedeutung

bell ringer
bull's eye mark home run
something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal, the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer, scored a bull's eye, hit the mark, the president's speech was a home run
bull a serious and ludicrous blunder, he made a bad bull of the assignment
bull's eye in target shooting: a score made by hitting the center of the target, in repeated sets of five shots his numbers of bull's-eyes varied
Bull Run
Battle of Bull Run
either of two battles during the American Civil War ( and ), Confederate forces defeated the Federal army in both battles
bull shark
cub shark
Carcharhinus leucas
a most common shark in temperate and tropical coastal waters worldwide, heavy-bodied and dangerous
blue-headed vireo
Vireo solitarius solitarius
common vireo of northeastern North America with bluish slaty-grey head
lowland burrowing treefrog
northern casque-headed frog
Pternohyla fodiens
terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head, of the United States southwest
bone-headed dinosaur bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns
bull snake
any of several large harmless rodent-eating North American burrowing snakes
black-headed snake small secretive ground-living snake, found from central United States to Argentina
rubber boa
tow-headed snake
Charina bottae
boa of grasslands and woodlands of western North America, looks and feels like rubber with tail and head of similar shape
bull mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow', e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
spiny-headed worm
any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines
white-headed stilt
Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus
stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck
bull terrier
a powerful short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers
Staffordshire bullterrier
Staffordshire bull terrier
English breed of strong stocky dog having a broad skull and smooth coat
American Staffordshire terrier
Staffordshire terrier
American pit bull terrier
pit bull terrier
American breed of muscular terriers with a short close-lying stiff coat
Boston bull
Boston terrier
small pug-faced American terrier breed having a smooth brindle or black coat with white markings
bull mastiff large powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff
bull uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
blue bull
Boselaphus tragocamelus
large Indian antelope, male is blue-grey with white markings, female is brownish with no horns
bass fiddle
bass viol bull fiddle
double bass
string bass
largest and lowest member of the violin family
bull tongue a heavy plow with a single wide blade, used chiefly in cotton fields
dark lantern
a lantern with a single opening and a sliding panel that can be closed to conceal the light
gaff-headed sail
a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail suspended from a gaff
bull neck a thick short powerful neck
Irish bull
obscene words for unacceptable behavior, I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk, what he said was mostly bull
bull papal bull a formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla)
fairytale fairy tale fairy story cock-and-bull story
song and dance
an interesting but highly implausible story, often told as an excuse
bull session an informal discussion (usually among men)
bull market a market characterized by rising prices for securities
Progressive Party
Bull Moose Party
a former political party in the United States, founded by Theodore Roosevelt during the presidential campaign of , its emblem was a picture of a bull moose
bull's eye
the center of a target
Taurus the Bull
the second sign of the zodiac, the sun is in this sign from about Aprilto May
Bull Run a creek in northeastern Virginia where two battles were fought in the American Civil War
John Bull
a man of English descent
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Taurus
bull bruiser strapper
a large and strong and heavyset man, he was a bull of a man, a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got
bull an investor with an optimistic market outlook, an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale later
uncomplimentary terms for a policeman
Sitting Bull a chief of the Sioux, took up arms against settlers in the northern Great Plains and against United States Army troops, he was present at the Battle of Little Bighorn () when the Sioux massacred General Custer's troops (-)
ponderosa pine
western yellow pine
bull pine
Pinus ponderosa
common and widely distributed tall timber pine of western North America having dark green needles in bunches of to and thick bark with dark brown plates when mature
southern magnolia
evergreen magnolia
large-flowering magnolia
bull bay
Magnolia grandiflora
evergreen tree of southern United States having large stiff glossy leaves and huge white sweet-smelling flowers
bull thistle
boar thistle
spear thistle
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium lanceolatum
European thistle with rather large heads and prickly leaves, extensively naturalized as a weed in the United States
round-headed leek
Allium sphaerocephalum
Old World leek with a spherical bulb
horse nettle
ball nettle
bull nettle
ball nightshade
Solanum carolinense
coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruit, common throughout southern and eastern United States
bull nose a disease of pigs resulting in swelling of the snout
bull advance in price, stocks were bulling
talk through one's hat
speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths, The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it
take the bull by the horns face a difficulty and grapple with it without avoiding it
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A bull is an intact adult male of the species Bos taurus . More muscular and aggressive than the female of the species, the cow, the bull has long been an important symbol in many cultures, and plays a significant role in both beef and dairy farming, and in a variety of other cultural activities.