
Cattle Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Rinder pl, Vieh n, Rindvieh n, Viehzeug n
Rinder, Vieh
Viehsalz n agr.
cattle lick
cattle show
Lebendvieh n agr.
live cattle
Vieh züchten
raise cattle
Wagyu-Rind n zool.
wagyu cattle
Milchvieh n agr.
dairy cattle
Kuhreiher m (Bubulcus ibis) ornith.
cattle egret
Freilandvieh n agr.
range cattle
Viehwagen m
cattle truck
Rinderrasse f agr.
cattle breed
cattle market
Rindergülle f agr.
cattle manure
cattle plague
cattle dealer
Stelzentyrann m ornith.
Cattle Tyrant
Hornvieh n zool.
horned cattle
Hornstummel m; Wackelhorn n (Rindvieh) anat. zool.
scur (cattle)
Zugvieh n
draught cattle
Rinderherde f
herd of cattle
Rinderhaltung f agr.
cattle farming
draught cattle
cattle breeding
Viehtritt m agr.
cattle treading
Zuchtvieh n agr.
breeding cattle
Viehdiebstahl m
cattle rustling
breeding cattle
cattle breeding
cattle insurance
Simmentaler Fleckvieh n; Simmentaler n; Fleckvieh n agr.
Simmental cattle
slaughter cattle
Vorsicht Viehtrieb!
Cattle crossing!
Langhornrind n
longhorn (cattle)
Langhornrind n agr.
longhorn (cattle)
Viehzüchter m; Viehzüchterin f
cattle rancher Am.
Rinderpest f
rinderpest, cattle plague
Viehausstellung f
Viehausstellungen pl
cattle show
cattle shows
Kuhreiher m ornith.
Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
Rinderrasse f agr.
Rinderrassen pl
cattle breed
cattle breeds
Kälbertränkeautomat m; Tränkeautomat m für Kälber (Rinderhaltung) agr.
calf feeder (cattle farming)
Stück n; Anzahl f (Vieh)
zwölf Stück Vieh
twelve head of cattle
Viehbox f
Viehboxen pl
cattle stall
cattle stalls
hornlos adj (Rinder, Schafe, Ziegen) zool.
polled (cattle, sheep, goats)
Viehseuche f
Viehseuchen pl
cattle plague
cattle plagues
Viehmarkt m
Viehmärkte pl
cattle market
cattle markets
Viehhändler m
Viehhändler pl
cattle dealer
cattle dealers
Viehtrieb m
Vorsicht Viehtrieb!
cattle drive
Cattle crossing!
Rinderherde f agr.
Rinderherden pl
herd of cattle
herds of cattle
Ranch f (Landgut mit Viehzucht) agr.
Rinderfarm f
ranch Am. Austr.
cattle ranch
Rinderniere f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rindsniere f Süddt. Ös. Schw. cook.
Rindernieren pl; Rindsnieren pl
kidney of cattle
kidneys of cattle
Schlachtvieh n; Schlachttiere pl agr.
slaughter cattle; animals for slaughter
Viehwagen m auto
Viehwagen pl
cattle transporter
cattle transporters
Kuhbucht f; Kuhplatz m (Rinderzucht) agr.
Kuhbuchten pl; Kuhplätze pl
cow stall (cattle breeding)
cow stalls
Rinderpest f med.
rinderpest; cattle plague; steppe murrain
Stück n (Vieh, Wild) agr.
zwölf Stück Vieh
head of (cattle, game)
twelve head of cattle
Rinder pl; Vieh n; Rindvieh n; Viehzeug n
Rinder züchten; Rinderzucht betreiben
Rinder hüten
to raise breed cattle
to herd cattle
Rinderzucht f agr.
cattle breeding; cattle farming; cattle rearing
Rinderzucht f
cattle breeding, cattle farming, cattle rearing
Schlachtvieh n
meat stock, slaughter cattle, animals for slaughter
Viehdieb m
Viehdiebe pl
cattle rustler, rustler
cattle rustlers, rustlers
Viehtreiber m (Gerät) agr.
Viehtreiber pl
cattle prod; stock prod
cattle prods; stock prods
Viehdieb m
Viehdiebe pl
cattle rustler; rustler
cattle rustlers; rustlers
(Rinder, Schafe, Ziegen) enthornen v agr.
to dehorn (cattle, sheep, goats)
Mastbetrieb m agr.
Mastbetriebe pl
Mastbetrieb für Kühe
fattening farm
fattening farms
cattle fattening farm
Viehzüchter m agr.
Viehzüchter pl
stock farmer; cattle raiser
stock farmers; cattle raisers
(Vieh) zusammentreiben; einkreisen v
zusammentreibend; einkreisend
zusammengetrieben; eingekreist
to round up; to roundup (cattle)
rounding up
rounded up
Viehwaggon m
cattle wagon Br.; cattle (freight) car Am.; cattle truck
Große Worte und nichts dahinter!; Große Klappe und nichts dahinter! ugs.
All mouth and no trousers Br.; All hat and no cattle. Am.
(Vieh) eintreiben v
to drive home; to drive in (cattle)
driving home
driven home
Rinderkennzeichnungs- und Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz n jur. hist.
Cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law
Dieb m (in Zusammensetzungen)
Pferdedieb m
Viehdieb m
Urheberrechtsdieb m
stealer (only in compounds)
horse stealer
cattle stealer
copyright stealer
Viehladerampe f (Bahn)
Viehladerampen pl
cattle loading ramp; livestock platform
cattle loading ramps; livestock platforms
Viehdieb m
Viehdiebe pl
cattle rustler; rustler; duffer Austr. coll.
cattle rustlers; rustlers; duffers
Almabtrieb m
ceremonial driving down of cattle from the mountain pastures into the valley in autumn
Viehzüchter m agr.
Viehzüchter pl
stock farmer; cattle raiser; stockbreeder
stock farmers; cattle raisers; stockbreeders
Almauftrieb m; Auftrieb m (von Vieh)
ceremonial driving bringing up of cattle from the valley to the mountain pastures in spring
hüten v (Vieh)
to tend; to keep watch over (cattle)
tending; keeping watch over
tended; kept watch over
hüten v (Vieh)
to tend, to keep watch over (cattle)
tending, keeping watch over
tended, kept watch over
Vieh mästen v agr.
to fatten cattle; to fat cattle
fattening; fatting
fattened; fatted
Almabtrieb m; Abtrieb m (von Vieh)
ceremonial driving bringing down of cattle from the mountain pastures into the valley in autumn
Viehwaggon m; Viehwagen m (Bahn)
Viehwaggons pl; Viehwagen pl
cattle wagon; cattle car Am.; stock car Am. (railway)
cattle wagons; cattle cars; stock cars
Tierherde f; Herde f zool.
Tierherden pl; Herden pl
Junggesellenherde f
Rinderherde f
Tierherde f
Viehherde f
animal herd; herd
animal herds; herds
bachelor herd
herd of cattle
animal herd
livestock herd
Zug… agr.
Zugnetz n (Fischerei)
Zugvieh n
draught Br.; draft Am.
draught net Br.; draft net Am. (fishing)
draught cattle Br.; draft cattle Am.
Buckelrind n; Zebu n (Bos primigenius indicus) zool.
Buckelrinder pl; Zebus pl
humped cattle; indicine cattle; Brahman cattle; Brahmin cattle; zebu
humped cattle; indicine cattle; Brahman cattle; Brahmin cattle; zebus
Pfandstall m (für gepfändete Tiere) jur.
Pfandställe pl
gepfändetes Vieh in den Pfandstall bringen
(municipal) animal pound; animal impound (for impounded animals)
animal pounds; animal impounds
to put distrained cattle in the animal pound
Rinder pl; Vieh n; Rindvieh n; Viehzeug n
Hausrind n
Zuchtrinder pl
Rinder ohne Brandzeichen
Rinder züchten; Rinderzucht betreiben
Rinder hüten
domestic cattle
breeding cattle
unbranded cattle; cleanskin cattle Austr. NZ; cleanskin Austr. NZ
to raise breed cattle
to herd cattle
Sorte f; Art f
alle möglichen Leute
Medikamente aller Art
ein Verbrecher übelster Sorte
Rinder Zimmer in übelstem Zustand
people of every description of all descriptions
drugs of every description of all descriptions
a felon of the worst description
cattle rooms of the worst description
Zug... agr.
Zugnetz n (Fischerei)
Zugpferd n
Zugtier n
Zugvieh n
draught Br.; draft Am.
draught net Br.; draft net Am. (fishing)
draught horse Br.; draft horse Am.
draught animal Br.; draft animal Am.
draught cattle Br.; draft cattle Am.
Diebstahl m (Straftatbestand) jur.
Diebstähle pl
einfacher Diebstahl
schwerer Diebstahl
bandenmäßiger Diebstahl; Bandendiebstahl m
Bagatelldiebstahl m
Datendiebstahl m; Datenklau m
Einbruchsdiebstahl m
Einschleichdiebstahl m
Gelegenheitsdiebstahl m
Identitätsdiebstahl m
Kassendiebstahl m
Kunstdiebstahl m
Rechnerzeitdiebstahl m; Rechenzeitdiebstahl m
Trickdiebstahl m
Viehdiebstahl f
theft; larceny Am. (criminal offence)
thefts; larcenies
petty petit theft; petty petit larceny Am.
aggravated theft; grand larceny Am.
gang theft
petty theft
data theft; theft of data
theft by breaking and entering
walk-in theft
sneak theft
identity theft
theft from the till
theft of objets d'art
computer time theft
theft by trickery
cattle theft; rustling
Diebstahl m (Straftatbestand) jur.
Diebstähle pl
einfacher Diebstahl
schwerer Diebstahl
bandenmäßiger Diebstahl; Bandendiebstahl m
Antanzdiebstahl m
Bagatelldiebstahl m
Datendiebstahl m; Datenklau m
Einbruchsdiebstahl m
Einschleichdiebstahl m
Gelegenheitsdiebstahl m
Identitätsdiebstahl m; Identitätsklau m ugs.
Kassendiebstahl m
Kunstdiebstahl m
Rechnerzeitdiebstahl m; Rechenzeitdiebstahl m
Trickdiebstahl m
Viehdiebstahl f
Waffendiebstahl m
theft; larceny Am. (criminal offence)
thefts; larcenies
petty petit theft; petty petit larceny Am.
aggravated theft; grand larceny Am.
gang theft
hugger mugger theft
petty theft
data theft; theft of data
theft by breaking and entering
walk-in theft
sneak theft
identity theft
theft from the till
theft of objets d'art
computer time theft
theft by trickery
cattle theft; rustling
theft of weapons; theft of firearms

Deutsche Rinder {pl} Vieh {n} Rindvieh {n} Viehzeug {n} Synonyme

Vieh  ÂViehbestand  ÂViehzeug  
Rind  ÂRindvieh  
Getier  ÂTier  Âtierisches  Lebewesen  ÂViech  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂVieh  (umgangssprachlich)  
Vieh  Viehbestand  Viehzeug  

Englische cattle Synonyme

cattle  Alderney  Animalia  Ayrshire  Brahman  Chiroptera  Dexter  Durham  Dutch Belted  Galloway  Hereford  Holstein  Indian buffalo  Jersey  Lagomorpha  Longhorn  Polled Hereford  Primates  Red Poll  Red Polled  Rodentia  Santa Gertrudis  Shorthorn  Sussex  Welsh  Welsh Black  West Highland  and fish  animal kingdom  animal life  animality  aurochs  beasts  beasts of field  beasts of prey  beef  beef cattle  beeves  big game  birds  bison  bossy  bovine  bovine animal  brute creation  buffalo  bull  bullock  calf  carabao  chaff  cow  critter  dairy cattle  dairy cow  dogie  domestic animals  dregs  dregs of society  fauna  furry creatures  game  heifer  hornless cow  kine  leppy  livestock  maverick  milch cow  milcher  milk cow  milker  muley cow  muley head  musk-ox  neat  offscourings  offscum  ox  oxen  raff  riffraff  rubbish  scum  small game  sordes  steer  stirk  stock  stot  swinish multitude  trash  vermin  wild animals  wildlife  wisent  yak  yearling  zebu  
cattleman  breaker  breeder  broncobuster  buckaroo  cow keeper  cowboy  cowgirl  cowhand  cowherd  cowman  cowpuncher  dairy farmer  dairyman  drover  equerry  farrier  gaucho  goatherd  gooseboy  gooseherd  grazier  groom  herder  herdsman  hogherd  horse wrangler  horseherd  horseshoer  hostler  pigman  puncher  rancher  ranchero  ranchman  sheepherder  sheepman  shepherd  shepherdess  stableboy  stableman  stock raiser  stockbreeder  stockkeeper  stockman  swanherd  swineherd  tamer  trainer  vaquero  waddy  wrangler  

Cattle Definition

(n.) Various kinds of plant lice or aphids tended by ants for the sake of the honeydew which they secrete. See Aphips.
(n. pl.) Quadrupeds of the Bovine family

Cattle Bedeutung

cattle drive driving a bovine herd (as cows or bulls or steers)
cattle breeding breeding cattle
cattle egret
Bubulcus ibis
small white egret widely distributed in warm regions often found around grazing animals
Bos taurus
domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age, so many head of cattle, wait till the cows come home, seven thin and ill-favored kine- Bible, a team of oxen
beef cattle
cattle that are reared for their meat
dairy cattle
dairy cow
milch cow
milk cow
cattle that are reared for their milk
cattle car a freight car for transporting cattle
cattle guard
cattle grid
a bridge over a ditch consisting of parallel metal bars that allow pedestrians and vehicles to pass, but not cattle
cattle boat
a cargo ship for the transport of livestock
cattle trail a trail over which cattle were driven to market
cow pen
cattle pen
a pen for cattle
spread cattle ranch
cattle farm
farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
cattle cake a concentrated feed for cattle, processed in the form of blocks or cakes
cattle thief
someone who steals livestock (especially cattle)
cattle plague
an acute infectious viral disease of cattle (usually fatal), characterized by fever and diarrhea and inflammation of mucous membranes
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