
Coal crested Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Weißohr-Zwergkardinal m ornith.
Coal-crested Finch
Kohle fördern
produce coal
coal district
coal mine
coal deposits
Anthrazit n
anthracite, anthracitic coal
Braunkohle f
lignite, brown coal
Braunkohlenkoks m
brown coal coke
Braunkohlekraftwerk n techn.
Braunkohlekraftwerke pl
lignite fuelled power station, brown coal power station
lignite fuelled power stations, brown coal power stations
Braunkohlenteeröl n
brown coal tar oil
Brennofen m
Brennofen mit überschlagender Flamme
Brennofen mit einer Kammer
Brennofen mit aufsteigender Flamme
Brennofen mit durchziehender Flamme
Frontlader-Brennofen m
mit Kohle geheizter Brennofen
kiln, pottery-kiln
downdraught kiln
single-chambered kiln
updraught (updraft Am.) kiln
cross-draught kiln
front loading kiln
coal burning kiln
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator, coal gate
Deputatkohle f
concessionary coal
Einfallschurre f (Kohle) mach.
(coal) down-chute
Einstellschieber m (Kohle auf Rost) mach.
Einstellschieber pl
coal gate
coal gates
Esskohle f techn.
forge coal
Fettkohle f min.
fat coal
Flammkohle f
high-volatile coal
Förderkohle f
run of mine coal
Förderung f (von Kohle)
extraction (of coal)
Garantiekohle f mach.
guarantee coal, design coal
Gasflammkohle f
free burning coal, high-volatile coal
Gaskohle f
medium volatile coal
Halbglanzkohle f min.
banded coal
Haldenkohle f min.
stock coal
Kohle f, Steinkohle f
Kohlen pl
wie auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen übtr.
to be like a cat on hot bricks fig., to be like a cat on a hot tin roof fig.
Kohleeinblasung f (Hochofen) techn.
coal injection
Kohleeinblasanlage f (Hochofen) techn.
Kohleeinblasanlagen pl
coal injection system
coal injection systems
Kohleflöz n
Kohleflöze pl
coal bed, seam of coal
coal beds, seams of coal
Kohlekraftwerk n
Kohlekraftwerke pl
coal-fired power plant
coal-fired power plants
Kohlenbecken n
coal pan
Kohlenrevier n, Revier n
coal-mining district, coal district, coal field
Kohlenstaub m
pulverized coal
Kohlevergasung f techn.
coal gasification
Kohlevorkommen n
coal deposits
Kokskohle f techn.
coking coal
Leuchtgas n
coal gas
Montanindustrie f
coal and steel industry
Schlammkohle f
slurry coal
Sinterkohle f
sintering coal
Steinkohle f
hard coal, pit coal
Steinkohlenbergwerk n, Kohlebergwerk n
Steinkohlenbergwerke pl, Kohlebergwerke pl
coal mine, coalmine
coal mines, coalmines
Steinkohlenteer m
coal tar
Zeche f (Bergwerk)
mine, coal-mine, mining company
erklimmen, den Höhepunkt erreichen
sie erklimmt
sie erklomm
sie hat
hatte erklommen
sie erklömme
to crest
she crests
she crested
she has
had crested
she would crest
mit Kohle feuern
to burn coal
(Holz, Kohle) nachlegen v (aufs Feuer)
to pile the fire up (with logs, coal)
schwarz adj
am schwärzesten
schwarz wie die Nacht
black as coal
Seelachs m zool.
Seelachse pl
coal fish
coal fishes
Haubenlerche f ornith.
Crested Lark (Galerida cristata)
Haubenmeise f ornith.
Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus)
Haubentaucher m ornith.
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Kolbenente f ornith.
Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina)
Rüppellseeschwalbe f ornith.
Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna bengalensis)
Tannenmeise f ornith.
Coal Tit (Periparus ater)
Eilseeschwalbe f ornith.
Greater Crested Tern
Rüppellseeschwalbe f, Rüppelseeschwalbe f ornith.
Lesser Crested Tern
Perlsteißhuhn n ornith.
Elegant Crested-Tinamou
Schmucksteißhuhn n ornith.
Quebracho Crested Tinamou
Sclaterpinguin m ornith.
Big-crested Penguin
Ohrenscharbe f ornith.
Double-crested Cormorant
Weißschopfreiher m ornith.
White-crested Tiger Heron
Schopfibis m ornith.
Crested Wood Ibis
Nipponibis m ornith.
Japanese Crested Ibis
Halsband-Wehrvogel m ornith.
Crested Screamer
Schopfente f ornith.
Crested Duck
Schopfkasarka ornith.
Crested Shelduck
Graukopfhabicht m ornith.
Sulawesi Crested Goshawk
Schopfhabicht m ornith.
Asian Crested Goshawk
Papuaweih m ornith.
Crested Baza
Würgadler m ornith.
Guiana Crested Eagle
Schlangenweihe f ornith.
Crested Serpent Eagle
Haubenadler m ornith.
Crested Hawk Eagle
Schopfadler m ornith.
Long Crested Eagle
Weißschopfguan m ornith.
White-crested Guan
Rostbauchguan m ornith.
Crested Guan
Haubenwachtel f ornith.
Crested Bobwhite
Schopffrankolin m ornith.
Crested Francolin
Kräuselhauben-Perlhuhn n ornith.
Crested Guineafowl
Haubenfasan m ornith.
Crested Fireback Pheasant
Perlenfasan m ornith.
Crested Argus
Straußwachtel f ornith.
Crested Wood Partridge
Rotschopftrappe f ornith.
Crested Bustard
Kammblatthühnchen n ornith.
Comb-crested Jacana
Bernsteinseeschwalbe f ornith.
Chinese Crested Tern
Schopfalk m ornith.
Crested Auklet
Japanalk m ornith.
Crested Murrelet
Kurzschopftaube f ornith.
Crested Quail Dove
Spitzschopftaube f ornith.
Crested Pigeon
Helmtaube f ornith.
Crested Long-tailed Pigeon
Gelbhaubenkakadu m ornith.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Molukkenkakadu m ornith.
Salmon-crested Cockatoo
Gelbwangenkakadu m ornith.
Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Glanzhaubenturako m ornith.
Violet-crested Turaco
Rotschopfturako m ornith.
Red-crested Turaco
Weißhaubenturako m ornith.
White-crested Turaco
Blaurückenturako m ornith.
Crested Turaco
Koromandelkuckuck m ornith.
Red-winged Crested Cuckoo
Spitzschopfcoua ornith.
Crested Madagascar Coucal
Breitschopfcoua ornith.
Southern Crested Madagascar Coucal
Rotbrauenkuckuck m ornith.
Rough-crested Cuckoo
Haubenkauz m ornith.
Crested Owl
Haubenbaumsegler m ornith.
Crested Tree Swift
Rotschopfelfe f ornith.
Rufous-crested Coquette
Haubenkolibri m ornith.
Antillean Crested Hummingbird
Weißschopfelfe f ornith.
White-crested Coquette
Schwarzschopfelfe f ornith.
Black-crested Coquette
Fadenschopfelfe f ornith.
Wire-crested Thorntail
Kammtrogon m ornith.
Crested Quetzal
Kurzschopf-Hornvogel m ornith.
Bushy-crested Hornbill
Weißschopf-Hornvogel m ornith.
African White-crested Hornbill
Langschopf-Hornvogel m ornith.
Long-crested Hornbill
Krauskopfarassari m ornith.
Curl-crested Aracari
Schwarzkehlspecht m ornith.
Crimson-crested Woodpecker
Blondschopfspecht m ornith.
Blond-crested Woodpecker
Blaßschopfspecht m ornith.
Pale-crested Woodpecker
Scheitelfleckspecht m ornith.
Yellow-crested Woodpecker
Schopfbaumspäher m ornith.
Crested Foliage-gleaner
Haubenschlüpfer m ornith.
Crested Spinetail
Schopftöpfer m ornith.
Crested Hornero
Braunschopf-Ameisenvogel m ornith.
Chetsnut-crested Antcatcher
Grauschopf-Ameisenvogel m ornith.
Hairy-crested Antcatcher
Schwarzhauben-Ameisenwürger m ornith.
Black-crested Antshrike
Streifenwollrücken m ornith.
Bar-crested Antshrike
Schopfgallito ornith.
Crested Gallito
Streifentachuri m ornith.
Ped-crested Tit Tyrant
Buschelaenie f ornith.
White-crested Elaenia
Kappenelaenie f ornith.
Plain-crested Elaenia
Langschopf-Mohrentyrann m ornith.
Crested Black Tyrant
Toddtyrann m ornith.
Long-crested Pygmy Tyrant
Schuppenkopftyrann m ornith.
Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant
Schnäppertyrann m ornith.
Great Crested Flycatcher
Kurzschopftyrann m ornith.
Short-crested Flycatcher
Zimtflügeltyrann m ornith.
Wied's Crested Flycatcher
Cayennetyrann m ornith.
Brown Crested Flycatcher
Olivhaubentyrann m ornith.
Olive-crested Flycatcher
Goldscheiteltyrann m ornith.
Orange-crested Flycatcher
Silberkopf-Breitschnabel m ornith.
White-crested Spadebill
Zimtkopf-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Cinnamon-crested Spadebill
Schopfdoradito m ornith.
Crested Doradito
Strichelschopftachuri m ornith.
White-crested Tyrannulet
Orangescheitelpipra ornith.
Orange-crested Manakin
Pelzelnpipra ornith.
Yellow-crested Manakin
Feuerscheitelpipra ornith.
Flame-crested Manakin
Gelbhaubenpipra ornith.
Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin
Rotschopfkotinga ornith.
Red-crested Cotinga
Braunkopfkotinga ornith.
Chestnut-crested Cotinga
Devalerche f ornith.
Sykes' Crested Lark
Braunbauchbülbül m ornith.
Crested Olive Bulbul
Goldbrustbülbül m ornith.
Black-crested Bulbul
Finkenbülbül m ornith.
Crested Finchbill

Deutsche Weißohr-Zwergkardinal {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Coal-crested Finch Synonyme

Coal crested Definition

Bovey coal
() A kind of mineral coal, or brown lignite, burning with a weak flame, and generally a disagreeable odor
Caking coal
() See Coal.
Canal coal
() See Cannel coal.
Candle coal
() See Cannel coal.
Cannel coal
() A kind of mineral coal of a black color, sufficiently hard and solid to be cut and polished. It burns readily, with a clear, yellow flame, and on this account has been used as a substitute for candles.
(n.) A thoroughly charred, and extinguished or still ignited, fragment from wood or other combustible substance
(n.) A black, or brownish black, solid, combustible substance, dug from beds or veins in the earth to be used for fuel, and consisting, like charcoal, mainly of carbon, but more compact, and often affording, when heated, a large amount of volatile matter.
(v. t.) To burn to charcoal
(v. t.) To mark or delineate with charcoal.
(v. t.) To supply with coal
(v. i.) To take in coal
(a.) As black as coal
(n.) A licensed or official coal measurer in London. See Meter.
Coal tar
() A thick, black, tarry liquid, obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of illuminating gas
(n.) One who raises coal out of the hold of a ship.
Coal works
() A place where coal is dug, including the machinery for raising the coal.
(imp. & p. p.) of Crest
(a.) Having a crest.
(a.) Having a crest of feathers or hair upon the head.
(a.) Bearing any elevated appendage like a crest, as an elevated line or ridge, or a tuft.
(n.) The upper stratum of coal, as nearest the light or surface.
Kennel coal
() See Cannel coal.
Sea coal
() Coal brought by sea

Coal crested Bedeutung

crested myna
Acridotheres tristis
dark brown crested bird of southeastern Asia
tree swift
crested swift
birds of southeast Asia and East Indies differing from true swifts in having upright crests and nesting in trees
crested screamer distinguished from the horned screamer by a feathery crest on the back of the head
crested cariama
seriema Cariama cristata
Brazilian Cariama, sole representative of the genus Cariama
great crested grebe
Podiceps cristatus
large Old World grebe with black ear tufts
rock hopper
crested penguin
small penguin of the Falkland Islands and New Zealand
coal car freight car with fixed sides and no roof, for transporting coal
coal chute a chute for coal
coal house a shed for storing coal
coal mine
a mine where coal is dug from the ground
coal shovel a hand shovel for shoveling coal
fire tongs
coal tongs
tongs for taking hold of burning coals
coal scuttle
container for coal, shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire
coal black
jet black
pitch black
soot black
a very dark black
coal industry the producers of coal considered collectively
coal seam a seam of coal
a hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or smoldering
coal miner
someone who works in a coal mine
crested coral root
Hexalectris spicata
orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins, southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States
crested wheatgrass
crested wheat grass
fairway crested wheat grass
Agropyron cristatum
Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and erosion control
black lung
black lung disease
coal miner's lung
lung disease caused by inhaling coal dust
wood coal
a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air
coal gas gaseous mixture produced by distillation of bituminous coal and used for heating and lighting
lamp oil
coal oil
a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters
cannel coal a bituminous coal that burns with a luminous flame
coal fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carboniferous period
anthracite coal
hard coal
a hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat
bituminous coal
soft coal
rich in tarry hydrocarbons, burns readily with a smoky yellow flame
brown coal
wood coal
intermediate between peat and bituminous coal
sea coal pulverized bituminous coal, used as a foundry facing
steam coal coal suitable for use under steam boilers
creosote coal-tar creosote a dark oily liquid obtained by distillation of coal tar, used as a preservative for wood
coal tar a tar formed from distillation of bituminous coal, coal tar can be further distilled to give various aromatic compounds
coal take in coal, The big ship coaled
coal supply with coal
burn to charcoal, Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything
crested plumed (of a knight's helmet) having a decorative plume
crested topknotted
(of a bird or animal) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head, often used in combination, golden crested, crested iris, crested oriole, tufted duck, tufted loosestrife
crested bearing an heraldic device
of the blackest black, similar to the color of jet or coal
fueled by burning coal, a coal-fired ship
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Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms, such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. A fossil fuel, coal forms when dead plant matter is converted into peat, which in turn is converted into lignite, then sub-bituminous coal, after that bituminous coal, and lastly anthracite. This involves biological and geological processes that take place over a long period.