
Coral Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Becherkoralle f (Turbinaria spp.) zool.
cup coral
Stachelkoralle f, Pickelkoralle f (Hydnophora spp.) zool.
horn coral
Steinkoralle f zool.
hard coral
Weichkoralle f zool.
soft coral
korallenartig adj
Broccoli-Koralle f; Blumenkohl-Koralle f (Nephthea sp.) zool.
tree coral
Kelchkoralle f (Tubastrea spp.) zool.
tube coral
(Blastomussa spp.) zool.
pipe coral
Korallenkalk m
coral lime
Broccoli-Koralle f, Blumenkohl-Koralle f (Nephthea sp.) zool.
tree coral
Spitze Blasenkoralle f, Ballonkoralle f (Physogyra lichtensteini) zool.
pearl coral
Kristallkoralle f (Galaxea fascicularis) zool.
tooth coral
Fingerkoralle f (Caulastrea spp.) zool.
branch coral
Zungenkoralle f (Herpolitha spp.; Polyphyllia spp.) zool.
tongue coral
Korallengestrüpp n
coral growth
Rosenkoralle f (Cynarina spp.), Solitärkoralle f (Scolymia) zool.
button coral
Koralleninsel f
coral island
Zungenkoralle f (Herpolitha spp., Polyphyllia spp.) zool.
tongue coral
Bäumchen-Weichkoralle f (Dendronephthya spp.) zool.
flower coral
Blasenkoralle f (Plerogyra spp.) zool.
bubble coral
Blauschwarzer Streifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Kennedys Zwergkaiserfisch m, Blauschwarzer Herzogfisch m (Centropyge bispinosa) zool.
coral beauty
Blauschwarzer Streifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Kennedys Zwergkaiserfisch m; Blauschwarzer Herzogfisch m (Centropyge bispinosa) zool.
coral beauty
Zungenkoralle f (Polyphyllia talpina) zool.
slipper coral
Gelappte Lederkoralle f (Sinularia dura) zool.
cabbage coral
Salatblatt-Koralle f (Pectinia paeonia) zool.
lettuce coral
Koralle f
Korallen pl
Goldschwanzmuräne f (Gymnothorax miliaris) zool.
fire coral eel
Pilzlederkoralle f (Sarcophyton spp.) zool.
mushroom coral
Knorpelkraut n; quirlige Knorpelmiere f (Illecebrum verticillatum) bot.
coral necklace
Geweihkoralle f (Acropora spp.) zool.
staghorn coral
(Xenia spp.) zool.
starburst coral
Korallenfischer m
coral fisherman
(Euphyllia divisa) zool.
frogspawn coral
Porenkoralle f (Goniopora spp.) zool.
flower pot coral
Rosenkoralle f (Trachyphyllia spp.), Doldenkoralle f (Lobophyllia spp.) zool.
open brain coral
Orgelkoralle f (Tubipora spp.) zool.
pipe organ coral
Blumenkohlkoralle f; Broccolikoralle f (Cladiella spp.) zool.
cauliflower coral
Blumenkohlkoralle f, Broccolikoralle f (Cladiella spp.) zool.
cauliflower coral
Hirnkoralle f (Favia spp., Favites spp.) zool.
closed brain coral
Hirnkoralle f (Favia spp.; Favites spp.) zool.
closed brain coral
Bohnenkoralle f, Hammerkoralle f (Euphyllia ancora) zool.
hammer(head) coral
Weihnachtsbaumkoralle f (Studeriotes longiramosa) zool.
Christmas tree coral
Korallenschnabelvanga ornith.
Coral-billed Nuthatch
Fingerkoralle f (Lobophytum spp.) zool.
finger mushroom coral
Korallenschnabelvanga m ornith.
coral-billed nuthatch
Becherkoralle f (Turbinaria spp.) zool.
Becherkorallen pl
cup coral
cup corals
Weichkoralle f zool.
Weichkorallen pl
soft coral
soft corals
(Nemenzophyllia turbida) zool.
fox coral; jasmine coral
Steinkoralle f zool.
Steinkorallen pl
hard coral
hard corals
Kelchkoralle f (Tubastrea spp.) zool.
Kelchkorallen pl
tube coral
tube corals
(Nemenzophyllia turbida) zool.
jasmine coral; fox coral
Stachelkoralle f; Pickelkoralle f (Hydnophora spp.) zool.
Stachelkorallen pl; Pickelkorallen pl
horn coral
horn corals
(Nemenzophyllia turbida) zool.
fox coral, jasmine coral
(Nemenzophyllia turbida) zool.
jasmine coral, fox coral
Anemonen-Pilzkoralle f (Heliofungia actiniformis) zool.
long tentacle plate coral
Pilzlederkoralle f (Sarcophyton spp.) zool.
toadstool (leather) coral
Spitze Blasenkoralle f; Ballonkoralle f (Physogyra lichtensteini) zool.
Spitze Blasenkorallen pl; Ballonkorallen pl
pearl coral
pearl corals
Pilzkoralle f (Fungia spp.) zool.
short tentacle plate coral
Renauldkuckuck m ornith.
Coral-billed Ground Cuckoo
Rosenkoralle f (Cynarina spp.); Solitärkoralle f (Scolymia) zool.
Rosenkorallen pl; Solitärkorallen pl
button coral
button corals
Koralleninsel f
Koralleninseln pl
coral island
coral islands
Purpurbohnen pl; Kennedien pl (Kennedia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
coral peas (botanical genus)
Fingerkoralle f (Caulastrea spp.) zool.
Fingerkorallen pl
branch coral
branch corals
Blasenkoralle f (Plerogyra spp.) zool.
Blasenkorallen pl
bubble coral
bubble corals
Korallenschnabelsäbler m ornith.
Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler
Korallenbäume pl (Erythrina) (botanische Gattung) bot.
coral trees (botanical genus)
Wunderkoralle f (Catalaphyllia spp.) zool.
elegance coral, elegant coral
Korallenpilze pl (Clavulina) (botanische Gattung) bot.
coral fungi (botanical genus)
Korallensterben n envir.
coral die-off; coral mortality
Korallenfischer m
Korallenfischer pl
coral fisherman
coral fishermen
Rosenkoralle f (Trachyphyllia spp.); Doldenkoralle f (Lobophyllia spp.) zool.
Rosenkorallen pl; Doldenkorallen pl
open brain coral
open brain corals
Orgelkoralle f (Tubipora spp.) zool.
Orgelkorallen pl
pipe organ coral
pipe organ corals
Porenkoralle f (Goniopora spp.) zool.
Porenkorallen pl
flower pot coral
flower pot corals
Bohnenkoralle f; Hammerkoralle f (Euphyllia ancora) zool.
Bohnenkorallen pl; Hammerkorallen pl
hammer(head) coral
hammer(head) corals
Pilzlederkoralle f (Sarcophyton spp.) zool.
mushroom coral; toadstool (leather) coral
Weihnachtsbaumkoralle f (Studeriotes longiramosa) zool.
Weihnachtsbaumkorallen pl
Christmas tree coral
Christmas tree corals
Fingerlederkoralle f (Lobophytum spp.) zool.
Fingerlederkorallen pl
finger mushroom coral
finger mushroom corals
Korallenriff n, Korallenbank f
Korallenriffs pl, Korallenbänke pl
coral reef, coralbank
coral reefs, coralbanks
Korallenschlange f (Scheinkobra, Schildkobra) zool.
falsche Korallenschlange f zool.
Coral snake (shield-nosed cobra)
false coral snake
Korallenschlange f (Scheinkobra Schildkobra) zool.
falsche Korallenschlange f zool.
Coral snake (shield-nosed cobra)
false coral snake
Korallenbeeren pl (Nertera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
bead plants; coral beads; pincushions (botanical genus)
Korallenriff n; Korallenbank f
Korallenriffs pl; Korallenbänke pl
coral reef; coralbank; coral shoal
coral reefs; coralbanks
Weinkaktus m; Ocotillo m (Fouquieria splendens) bot.
vine cactus; ocotillo; desert coral; coachwhip; Jacob's staff
Wunderkoralle f (Catalaphyllia spp.) zool.
Wunderkorallen pl
elegance coral; elegant coral
elegance corals; elegant corals
Haliogundia-Pilzkorallen pl (Heliofungia actiniformis) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Anemonen-Pilzkoralle f (Heliofungia actiniformis)
helifungia plate corals (zoological genus)
anemone coral; long-tentacle plate coral
Purpurglöckchen pl (Heuchera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Blutpurpurglöckchen n (Heuchera sanguinea)
alumroots (botanical genus)
Arizona coral bells; New Mexican coral bells; coral bells; coralbells
Sägebarsche pl (Serranidae) (zoologische Familie)
Juwelenbarsch m; Juwelen-Zackenbarsch m (Cephalopholis miniata)
Juwelen-Fahnenbarsch m (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
Sechsstreifen-Seifenbarsch m (Grammistes sexlineatus)
serranids (zoological family)
vermillion seabass; Coral Hind
Sea goldie
golden-striped grouper; sixline soapfish

Coral Definition

(n.) The hard parts or skeleton of various Anthozoa, and of a few Hydrozoa. Similar structures are also formed by some Bryozoa.
(n.) The ovaries of a cooked lobster
(n.) A piece of coral, usually fitted with small bells and other appurtenances, used by children as a plaything.
Coral fish
() Any bright-colored fish of the genera Chaetodon, Pomacentrus, Apogon, and related genera, which live among reef corals.
(n.) Same as Corallian.
Stag-horn coral
() Alt. of Stag-horn fern

Coral Bedeutung

Coral Sea
battle of the Coral Sea
a Japanese defeat in World War II (May ), the first naval battle fought entirely by planes based on aircraft carriers
coral snake harlequin-snake
New World coral snake
any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white, widely distributed in South America and Central America
eastern coral snake
Micrurus fulvius
ranges from Central America to southeastern United States
western coral snake
Micruroides euryxanthus
ranges from Central America to southwestern United States
coral snake Old World coral snake any of various venomous elapid snakes of Asia and Africa and Australia
Asian coral snake of India
African coral snake
Aspidelaps lubricus
small widely distributed arboreal snake of southern Africa banded in black and orange
Australian coral snake
Rhynchoelaps australis
small venomous but harmless snake marked with black-and-white on red
coral marine colonial polyp characterized by a calcareous skeleton, masses in a variety of shapes often forming reefs
gorgonian coral
corals having a horny or calcareous branching skeleton
red coral corals of especially the Mediterranean having pink or red color used for ornaments and jewelry
stony coral
madriporian coral
corals having calcareous skeletons aggregations of which form reefs and islands
brain coral massive reef-building coral having a convoluted and furrowed surface
staghorn coral
stag's-horn coral
large branching coral resembling antlers
mushroom coral flattened disk-shaped stony coral (usually solitary and unattached)
coral a variable color averaging a deep pink
coral unfertilized lobster roe, reddens in cooking, used as garnish or to color sauces
coral reef a reef consisting of coral consolidated into limestone
Coral Sea an arm of the South Pacific to the northeast of Australia
red sandalwood Barbados pride
peacock flower fence
Adenanthera pavonina
East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers, cultivated as an ornamental
coral necklace
Illecebrum verticullatum
glabrous annual with slender taproot and clusters of white flowers, western Europe especially western Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal areas
coral root a wildflower of the genus Corallorhiza growing from a hard mass of rhizomes associated with a fungus that aids in absorbing nutrients from the forest floor
spotted coral root
Corallorhiza maculata
common coral root having yellowish- or reddish- or purplish-brown leafless stems bearing loose racemes of similarly colored flowers with white purple-spotted lips, Guatemala to Canada
striped coral root
Corallorhiza striata
nearly leafless wildflower with erect reddish-purple stems bearing racemes of pale pinkish and brownish-striped flowers, western Canada to Mexico
early coral root
pale coral root
Corallorhiza trifida
plant having clumps of nearly leafless pale yellowish to greenish stems bearing similarly colored flowers with white lower lips, northern New Mexico north through South Dakota and Washington to Alaska
crested coral root
Hexalectris spicata
orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins, southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States
coral drops
Bessera elegans
half-hardy Mexican herb cultivated for its drooping terminal umbels of showy red-and-white flowers
coral tree
any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds, cultivated as an ornamental
coral bean tree
Erythrina corallodendrum
deciduous shrub having racemes of deep red flowers and black-spotted red seeds
crybaby tree
cry-baby tree
common coral tree
Erythrina crista-galli
small South American spiny tree with dark crimson and scarlet flowers solitary or clustered
Indian coral tree
Erythrina variegata
Erythrina Indica
small to medium-sized thorny tree of tropical Asia and northern Australia having dense clusters of scarlet or crimson flowers and black seeds
Western Australia coral pea
Hardenbergia comnptoniana
vigorous climber of the forests of western Australia, grown for their dense racemes of attractive bright rose-purple flowers
coral pea any of various Australian climbing plants of the genus Kennedia having scarlet flowers
coral vine Kennedia coccinea prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers, Australia and Tasmania
coral gem
Lotus berthelotii
low-growing much-branched perennial of Canary Islands having orangeed to scarlet or purple flowers, naturalized in United States
mescal bean
coral bean
Sophora secundiflora
shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans
coral bush
flame bush
Templetonia retusa
Australian shrub having simple obovate leaves and brilliant scarlet flowers
trumpet honeysuckle
coral honeysuckle
trumpet flower trumpet vine Lonicera sempervirens
evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coraled or orange flowers
coral fungus any of numerous fungi of the family Clavariaceae often brightly colored that grow in often intricately branched clusters like coral
red coral
precious coral
the hard stony skeleton of a Mediterranean coral that has a delicate red or pink color and is used for jewelry
coral of a strong pink to yellowish-pink color
coral-red of red tinged with coral
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