
Defense Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Verteidigung (US)
Rechtsverteidigung f
legal defense
defense towers
Abwehrspannung f med.
muscular defense
Wehrbereich m mil.
defense area Am.
Küstenüberwachungsradar n mil.
coast defense radar
Delikt n, Tat f
defence, defense Am.
Stelle f des Radarführungsdienstes mil. aviat.
air defense radar unit
abwehrbereit adj mil.
ready for defence defense
Abwehr f
defense Am., defence Br.
Abwehr f sport
defense Am., defence Br.
Verteidigung f (einer Doktorarbeit) stud.
(oral) defense (of a thesis)
Verteidiger m, Verteidigerin f jur.
defence counsel, defense counsel
Abwehrenzym n biochem.
Abwehrenzyme pl
defense enzyme
defense enzymes
Messerabwehr f
knife defense Br. defense Am.
(pflanzlicher) Fraßschutz m agr.
(plant) defense against herbivores
ABC-Abwehr f mil.
NBC defense Am., NBC defence Br.
ABC-Abwehr f mil.
NBC defence Br.; NBC defense Am.
Luftverteidigung f; Luftabwehr f; Flugabwehr f; Fliegerabwehr f Ös. Schw. mil.
air defence Br.; air defense Am.
Verteidigungsetat m; Wehretat m pol. mil.
defence budget; defense budget Am.
Raumverteidigung f mil.
area defence Br.; area defense Am.
Brandabwehr f
fire defence Br.; fire defense Am.
Zivilschutz m
civil defence Br., civil defense Am.
Zivilschutz m
civil defence Br.; civil defense Am.
Abwehrsystem n mil.
defence system Br.; defense system Am.
Luftraumüberwachungszone f aviat.
air defense identification zone ADIZ Am.
Immunabwehr f med.
immune defence Br.; immune defense Am.
Raumdeckung f sport
zone marking, zone defence, zone defense Am.
Raumdeckung f sport
zone marking; zone defence; zone defense Am.
Zellabwehr f biol.
cellular defence Br.; cellular defense Am.
DARPA (eine Behörde des Verteidigungsministeriums der Vereinigten Staaten) mil.
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
Verteidigungslinie f
Verteidigungslinien pl
line of defence defense
lines of defence defense
Sachwehr f Dt. jur.
defence of property Br.; defense of property Am.
Verteidigung f
zur Verteidigung von jdm. etw.
defence Br.; defense Am.
in defence of sb. sth.
Pflichtverteidiger m jur.
assigned counsel; court-appointed defence defense counsel
Verteidigungspolitik f
gemeinsame Verteidigungspolitik
defence policy, defense policy Am.
common defence policy
Viererkette f sport
four-man backfield defence, four-man backfield defense Am.
Verteidigungspolitik f
gemeinsame Verteidigungspolitik
defence policy; defense policy Am.
common defence policy
Viererkette f sport
four-man backfield defence; four-man backfield defense Am.
Verteidigung f
Verteidigungen pl
defence Br., defense Am.
defences Br., defenses Am.
Abwehrbereitschaft f mil.
readiness to take defensive action; defence defense readiness
Verteidigung f
Verteidigungen pl
defence Br.; defense Am.
defences Br.; defenses Am.
Luftschutz m mil.
ziviler Luftschutz
air-raid protection
civil air defence, civil air defense Am.
Luftschutz m mil.
ziviler Luftschutz
air-raid protection
civil air defence; civil air defense Am.
Verteidigungsministerium n; Ministerium n für Verteidigung pol. mil.
Ministry of Defence MOD Br.; Department of Defense (DoD) Am.
Verteidigungsministerium n, Ministerium n für Verteidigung pol. mil.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Br., Department of Defense (DoD) Am.
Hochwasserschutz m
flood protection; flood defence Br. defense Am.; flood control
Verteidigungsministerium n; Ministerium n für Verteidigung pol. mil.
Ministry of Defence MOD Br.; Department of Defense (DoD) Am.
Generalinspekteur m (der Bundeswehr) mil.
Chief of Defence Br.; Chief of Defense Am. (German Armed Forces)
Verteidigung f; Rechtfertigung f; Apologie f geh. (eines Standpunkts Vorgehens)
defence Br.; defense Am.; apology; apologia (of a position action)
Abwehrkraft f des Körpers
Abwehrkräfte pl des Körpers
body's defence, body's defense Am.
body's defences, body's defenses
Abwehrkraft f des Körpers
Abwehrkräfte pl des Körpers
body's defence; body's defense Am.
body's defences; body's defenses
Vergleich m im Strafverfahren; strafprozessualer Vergleich m (zwischen Staatsanwaltschaft und Verteidigung) jur.
plea agreement; plea bargain; plea deal (between Prosecution and Defense)
Waffensystemoffizier m (in einem Kampfjet) mil.
weapon systems officer, weapon systems operator, defense systems operator Am.
Waffensystemoffizier m (in einem Kampfjet) mil.
weapon systems officer; weapon systems operator; defense systems operator Am.
Abwehr f
zelluläre Abwehr med.
eine Abwehrreaktion des Körpers
defence Br.; defense Am.
cellular defence
a defence reaction of the body
Kriegsministerium n (heute Verteidigungsministerium) hist.
ministry of war; department of war (today ministry department of defence defense)
Notwehr f, Selbstverteidigung f
in Notwehr handeln
self-defence, self-defense Am., legitimate self-defence
to act in self-defence
Verteidigungsbündnis n
Verteidigungsbündnisse pl
defence alliance Br., defense alliance Am.
defence alliances, defense alliances
Wehrbereichsverwaltung f mil.
Leiter der Wehrbereichsverwaltung
Defense Area Administration Am.
President of the Defense Area Administration Am.
Verteidigungsrede f jur.
speech for the defence; defence speech Br.; speech for the defense; defense speech Am.
Konfliktverteidigung f jur.
confrontational defence Br. defense Am.; adversarial defence Br. defense Am. (tactics)
Vereinigte Selbstverteidigungsgruppen Kolumbiens (Autodefensas unidas de Colombia) AUC (Terrorgruppe) pol.
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas unidas de Colombia) AUC (terrorist group)
kollektiv; gemeinsam; gesammelt adj
kollektive Sicherheit
kollektive Selbstverteidigung
collective security
collective self-defence Br.; collective self-defense Am.
Vereinigte Selbstverteidigungsgruppen Kolumbiens (Autodefensas unidas de Colombia) AUC (Terrorgruppe) pol.
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas unidas de Colombia) AUC (terrorist group)
Abwehr f (von etw.); Schutz m (gegen etw.) envir. mil.
radiologische Abwehr; Abwehrmaßnahmen gegen Strahlengefahren
Schutz gegen Atomangriffe
Zivilschutz m
defence Br.; defense Am. (against sth.)
radiological defence
nuclear defence
civil defence
Geheimdienst m
US-Geheimdienst der Armee
secret service, security service Br.
Central Intelligence Agency, CIA
Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA
Bündnis n; Bund m pol. soc.
Bündnisse pl; Bünde pl
Militärbündnis n
Schutzbündnis n
Verteidigungsbündnis n
military alliance
defensive alliance
defence alliance Br.; defense alliance Am.
Abwehr f; Verteidigung f (Spielergruppe im Ballsport) sport
in der Abwehr Verteidigung spielen
defence Br.; defense Am. (group of players in ball sports)
to play in defence Br.; to play defense Am.
Raketenabwehrsystem n; Abwehrsystem n gegen ballistische Flugkörper; System n zur Abwehr ballistischer Flugkörper mil.
Raketenabwehrsysteme pl; Abwehrsysteme pl gegen ballistische Flugkörper; Systeme pl zur Abwehr ballistischer Flugkörper
ballistic missile defence Br. defense Am. system; BMD system
ballistic missile defence defense systems; BMD systems
Verteidigungsgemeinschaft f
Verteidigungsgemeinschaften pl
Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft
defence community Br.; defense community Am.
defence communities; defense communities
European Defence Community EDC
Verteidigungsgemeinschaft f
Verteidigungsgemeinschaften pl
Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft
defence community Br., defense community Am.
defence communities, defense communities
European Defence Community (EDC)
Verteidigungsgemeinschaft f
Verteidigungsgemeinschaften pl
Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft
defence community Br.; defense community Am.
defence communities; defense communities
European Defence Community EDC
Raketenschild m; Nationale Raketenabwehr f; Strategische Verteidigungsinitiative f hist.; Sternenkrieg m ugs. mil.
anti-missile shield; National Missile Defense NMD Am.; Strategic Defense Initiative SDI Am. hist.; Star Wars Am. coll.
Bündnis n; Bund m pol. soc.
Bündnisse pl; Bünde pl
Militärbündnis n
Oppositionsbündnis n
Schutzbündnis n
Verteidigungsbündnis n
military alliance
opposition alliance
defensive alliance
defence alliance Br.; defense alliance Am.
Notwehr f; Selbstverteidigung f
in Notwehr handeln
kollektive Selbstverteidigung pol. mil.
das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung
self-defence; self-defense Am.; legitimate self-defence
to act in self-defence
collective self-defence
the right of self-defence
Raketenabwehr f mil.
Alliierte Raketenabwehr f mil.
ballistic missile defence Br.; ballistic missile defense Am. BMD
allied ballistic missile defence Br.; allied missile defense Am. AMD
Raketenabwehr f mil.
Alliierte Raketenabwehr f mil.
ballistic missile defense Am., ballistic missile defence Br. (BMD)
allied missile defense Am., allied ballistic missile defence Br. (AMD)
Raketenabwehr f mil.
Alliierte Raketenabwehr f mil.
ballistic missile defence Br.; ballistic missile defense Am. BMD
allied ballistic missile defence Br.; allied missile defense Am. AMD
Aktivlegitimation f (Zivilprozess) jur.
Einrede der mangelnden Aktivlegitimation
plaintiff's competence in respect of the subject-matter of the claim (civil action)
defense plea denying that the plaintiff is the holder of the claim
Abwehrsystem n mil.
Abwehrsysteme pl
Raketenabwehrsystem n; Abwehrsystem n gegen ballistische Flugkörper; System n zur Abwehr ballistischer Flugkörper
defence system Br.; defense system Am.
defence systems; defense systems
ballistic missile defence Br. defense Am. system; BMD system; anti-ballistic missile system; ABM system
Aufrechnung f jur.
im Wege der Aufrechnung
Aufrechnung mit einem Rechtsanspruch
eine Aufrechnung geltend machen
in der Klageerwiderung die Aufrechnung eines Anspruchs geltend machen
seine Schulden durch Aufrechnung tilgen; sich durch Aufrechnung von seinen Schulden befreien
set-off Br.; setoff Am.
by way of set-off
set-off of a legal claim
to claim a set-off
to plead set-off by way of defence Br. defense Am.
to extinguish your debt by set-off
Klagebeantwortung f; Klageerwiderung f; Klagsbeantwortung f Ös.; Klagserwiderung f Ös. jur.
die Klagebeantwortung bestreiten
Unterlassung rechtzeitiger Klagebeantwortung
Ablauf der Klagebeantwortungsfrist
defence Br. defense Am.; statement of defence Br.; answer to a complaint Am.
to join issue upon the defence
default of defence
expiration of (the) time for service of the defence
Klagebeantwortung f; Klageerwiderung f; Klagsbeantwortung f Ös.; Klagserwiderung f Ös. jur.
die Klagebeantwortung bestreiten
Unterlassung rechtzeitiger Klagebeantwortung
Ablauf der Klagebeantwortungsfrist
defence Br. defense Am.; statement of defence Br.; answer to a complaint Am.
to join issue upon the defence
default of defence
expiration of (the) time for service of the defence
Strafverteidiger m; Strafverteidigerin f; Verteidiger m; Verteidigerin f jur.
Strafverteidiger pl; Strafverteidigerinnen pl; Verteidiger pl; Verteidigerinnen pl
defending counsel; counsel for the defence Br.; attorney for the defense Am.; defense attorney Am.
defending counsels; counsels for the defence; attorneys for the defense; defense attorneys
Pflichtverteidiger m Dt.; Amtsverteidiger m Ös. Schw.; Offizialverteidiger m jur.
Pflichtverteidiger pl; Amtsverteidiger pl; Offizialverteidiger pl
court-appointed defending counsel; court-appointed attorney for the defense Am.; public defender Am.
court-appointed defending counsels; court-appointed attorneys for the defense; public defenders
Staatsausgaben pl; staatliche Ausgaben pl fin.
Militärausgaben pl
Rüstungsausgaben pl
Verteidigungsausgaben pl
Staatsausgaben zum reinen Stimmenfang
government spending; government expenditure; public expenditure
military spending; military expenditure
arms expenditure
defence expenditure Br.; defense expenditure Am.
pork-barrel spending Am. coll.
militärische Verteidigung f; Verteidigung f mil.
Landesverteidigung f
improvisierte Verteidigung
lineare Verteidigung
Punktverteidigung f
Verteidigung in der Tiefe
Verteidigung mit Minensperren
beweglich geführte Verteidigung
military defence Br.; defence Br.; military defense Am.; defense Am.
national defence
hasty defence Br.; hasty defense Am.
linear defence
point defence
defence in depth
mine defence
mobile defence
Angriff m mil.
Angriffe pl
Ablenkungsangriff m
Bodenangriff m
bewaffneter Angriff
massierter Atomangriff; massierter Kernwaffenangriff
präemptiver Angriff
Sättigungsangriff m
Schleichangriff m
Angriff mit hohen Opferzahlen
zum Angriff bereit
Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung.
diversionary attack
ground attack
armed attack
massive nuclear attack
pre-emptive attack
saturation attack
sneak attack
mass-casualty attack
ready to attack
Attack is the best form means of defense.
Hochwasserschutz m; Ãœberflutungsschutz m (Wasserbau)
Hochwasserschutz von Objekten; Objektschutz m
flood protection; flood prevention; flood defence Br.; flood defense Am.; flood control; flood damage mitigation; flood mitigation; flood abatement (water engineering)
floodproofing of structures; flood-proofing; local protection
Abwehr f (von etw.); Schutz m (gegen etw.) biol. übtr.
Infektionsabwehr f med.
zelluläre Abwehr med.
(pflanzlicher) Fraßschutz m agr.
eine Abwehrreaktion des Körpers
jdn. in Schutz nehmen
defence Br.; defense Am. (against sth.)
infective defence Br. defense Am.; infection defence Br. defense Am.
cellular defence
(plant) defence against herbivores
a defence reaction of the body
to come to sb.'s defence
Nachrichtendienst m; Geheimdienst m
Zentraler Nachrichtendienst (der USA)
britischer Nachrichtendienst
Nachrichtendienst und Verfassungsschutzbehörde Großbritanniens
militärischer Nachrichtendienst; Heeresnachrichtendienst Ös. der USA
Er wurde zum Leiter des Heeresnachrichtendienstes ernannt.
intelligence service; intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency CIA
Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ
Security Service; MI-5 (Military Intelligence Section 5)
Defense Intelligence Agency DIA
He was appointed (as the) head of army intelligence.
Hochwasserschutzmaßnahme f (Wasserbau)
Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen pl
flood protection measure; flood defence measure Br.; flood defense measure Am. flood control measure; flood mitigation measure (water engineering)
flood protection measures; flood defence measures; flood defense measure flood control measures; flood mitigation measures
Strafverteidiger m; Strafverteidigerin f; Verteidiger m; Verteidigerin f jur.
Strafverteidiger pl; Strafverteidigerinnen pl; Verteidiger pl; Verteidigerinnen pl
defence lawyer Br.; defense lawyer Am.; defending counsel; counsel for the defence Br.; brief Br. coll.; attorney for the defense Am.; defense attorney Am.
defence lawyers; defense lawyers; defending counsels; counsels for the defence; briefs; attorneys for the defense; defense attorneys
Ãœberwachungsradar m,n; Suchradar m,n; Rundsichtradar m,n; Rundsuchradar m,n; Zielzuweisungsradar m,n
Bodenüberwachungsradar m,n
Flughafenrundsichtradar m,n
Küstenüberwachungsradar m,n
Luftüberwachungsradar m,n
Luftraumfernüberwachungsradar m,n
3D-Suchradar m,n
surveillance radar element; surveillance radar; panorama radar
ground-surveillance radar
airport surveillance radar; aerodrome surveillance radar Br.
coastal surveillance radar; coastal defense radar
air surveillance radar
long-range air surveillance radar
three-dimensional surveillance radar
Nachrichtendienst m; Geheimdienst m
Nachrichtendienste pl; Geheimdienste pl
Zentraler Nachrichtendienst (der USA)
britischer Nachrichtendienst
Nachrichtendienst und Verfassungsschutzbehörde Großbritanniens
militärischer Nachrichtendienst; Heeresnachrichtendienst Ös. der USA
Er wurde zum Leiter des Heeresnachrichtendienstes ernannt.
intelligence service; intelligence agency Am.; intelligence; secret service
intelligence services; intelligence agencies; secret services
Central Intelligence Agency CIA
Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ
Security Service; MI-5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5)
Defense Intelligence Agency DIA
He was appointed (as the) head of army intelligence.
Abwehr f; Verteidigung f (Spielergruppe im Ballsport) sport
Drei-Mann-Abwehr; Drei-Mann-Verteidigung; Abwehr Verteidigung mit einer Dreierkette; Dreierkette f (Fußball)
Fünf-Mann-Abwehr; Fünf-Mann-Verteidigung; Abwehr Verteidigung mit einer Fünferkette; Fünferkette f (Fußball)
in der Abwehr Verteidigung spielen
die gegnerische Abwehr durchstoßen
defence Br.; defense Am. (group of players in ball sports)
three-man defence Br.; three-man defense Am.; formation system with three defenders; back three; three at the back (football)
five-man defence Br.; five-man defense Am.; formation system with five defenders; back five; five at the back (football)
to play in defence Br.; to play defense Am.
to pierce the opposing defense
Angriff m (auf jdn. etw.) mil.
Angriffe pl
Ablenkungsangriff m
Bodenangriff m
Drohnenangriff m
bewaffneter Angriff
massierter Atomangriff; massierter Kernwaffenangriff
präemptiver Angriff
Sättigungsangriff m
Schleichangriff m
Angriff mit hohen Opferzahlen
zum Angriff bereit
Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung.
attack; assault (against sb. on sth.)
attacks; assaults
diversionary attack; diversionary assault
ground attack; ground assault
drone attack; drone assault
armed attack; armed assault
massive nuclear attack; massive nuclear assault
pre-emptive attack; pre-emptive assault
saturation attack; saturation assault
sneak attack; sneak assault
mass-casualty attack; mass-casualty assault
ready to attack
Attack is the best form means of defense.
Neurose f psych.
Neurosen pl
Abwehrneurose f
Aktualneurose f
angstbedingte Neurose; Angstneurose f
Begehrensneurose f; Tendenzneurose f
Herzneurose f
hysterische Neurose
frühkindliche Neurose; infantile Neurose
konfiktbedingte Neurose; psychogene Neurose; Psychoneurose f
lokale Neurose
narzisstische Neurose (Freud)
Profilneurose f
traumatische Neurose
Ãœbertragungsneurose f (Freud)
vegetative Neurose
Zwangsneurose f
defence neurosis Br.; defense neurosis Am.
actual neurosis
anxiety neurosis
compensating neurosis
cardiac neurosis
hysterical neurosis
infantile neurosis; childhood neurosis
psychoneurosis; psychoneurotic disorder
localized neurosis; toponeurosis
narcissistic neurosis (Freud)
neurotic need for social recognition
traumatic neurosis
transference neurosis (Freud)
vegetative neurosis
compulsion neurosis; obsessive-compulsive disorder; obsessive neurosis; obsessional neurosis
Ausschuss m adm. pol.
Ausschüsse pl
Ad-hoc-Ausschuss m adm.
beratender Ausschuss
federführender Ausschuss
Gründungsausschuss m
Kontrollausschuss m
mitberatender Ausschuss
ständiger Ausschuss
Bundestagsausschuss m
Regierungsausschuss m
Sanktionsausschuss m (des UNO-Sicherheitsrats)
Sportausschuss m
Verteidigungsausschuss m
Verfahren des beratenden Ausschusses
Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales
Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung
Ausschuss für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union
Ausschuss für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Ausschuss für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Ausschuss für Gesundheit
Ausschuss für Kultur und Medien
Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe
Ausschuss für Tourismus
Ausschuss für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Ausschuss für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung
Ausschuss für Wahlprüfung, Immunität und Geschäftsordnung
Wahlprüfungsausschuss m
Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Ausschuss für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Auswärtiger Ausschuss
Finanzausschuss m
gemeinsamer Ausschuss nach Artikel 53a des Grundgesetzes Dt.
Ausschuss zur Vorbereitung der Konferenz zur Überprüfung des Aktionsprogramms
in einem Ausschuss sein; einem Ausschuss angehören
Der Ausschuss tagt in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung.
ad hoc committee
advisory committee; consultative committee
committee responsible
founding committee
supervisory committee; control committee
committee asked for an opinion
standing committee
Bundestag Committee; German parliamentary committee
government committee; governmental commission
sanctions committee (of the UN Security Council)
Sports Committee
Defence Committee Br.; Defense Committee Am.
advisory committee procedure
Committee on Labour and Social Affairs
Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment
Committee on the Affairs of the European Union
Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Committee on Health
Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs
Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid
Committee on Tourism
Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Committee on Transport, Building and Urban Development
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections, Immunity and the Rules of Procedure
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections
Committee on Economics and Technology
Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Finance Committee
joint committee under Article 53a of the German Constitutio
preparatory committee of the review conference on the programme of action
to be on a committee; to be a member of a committee; to sit on a committee; to serve on a committee
The committee meets in different configurations.
Einspruch m; Einwand m; Einwendung f; Einrede f; Widerspruch m Dt.; Einsprache f Schw.; Appelation f Schw. (gegen etw.) adm. jur.
Einsprüche pl; Einwände pl; Einwendungen pl; Einreden pl; Widersprüche pl; Einsprachen pl; Appelationen pl
berechtigter Einwand; begründete Einrede
aufschiebende Einrede; dilatorische Einrede
dauernde Einrede; peremptorische Einrede
prozesshindernde Einrede
rechtsverhindernde Einwendung
rechtvernichtende Einwendung
Einspruch wegen mangelnder Neuheit (Patent)
Einspruch gegen einen Zeugen
Einwendungen gegen Ansprüche aus Besitz
Einwendungen gegen einen neuen Gläubiger
Einwendungen aus der Nichtigkeit der Ehe
Widerspruch gegen die Richtigkeit des Grundbuchs
Widerspruch des Mieters gegen die Kündigung
Einrede der Arglist
Einreden des Bürgen
Einrede des höheren Befehls
Einrede des Mehrverkehrs (Vaterschaftsklage)
Einrede des nichterfüllten Vertrags
Einrede der Unzurechnungsfähigkeit
Einrede der Unzuständigkeit (des Gerichts)
Einrede der Verjährung
Einrede der Vorausklage
Einrede der Vorveröffentlichung (Patent)
Einspruch einlegen Dt. erheben Ös.; einen Einwand erheben; eine Einwendung entgegensetzen; eine Einrede vorbringen geltend machen
die Einrede der Verjährung geltend machen; sich auf Verjährung berufen
einer Verjährungseinrede entgegenstehen
auf die Einrede der Vorausklage verzichten
Einwendungen schriftlich niederlegen und begründen
einen Einwand beseitigen; einem Einwand begegnen
eine Einrede zurückweisen
eine Einwendung als unberechtigt zurückweisen
Es wurde kein Einspruch Einwand erhoben.
Eine Einrede steht entgegen.
schriftlich Widerspruch einlegen Dt. Einspruch erheben Ös.
Einwände und Anregungen
jds. Einwände übergehen
objection (to sth.); protest (against sth.); defence Br. defense Am. (to sth.); plea (of as to sth.); exception Sc. Am. (to sth.)
objections; protests; defences defenses; pleas; exceptions
good defence
dilatory defence dilatory plea
peremptory defence; peremptory plea; plea in bar Am.
legal objection to an action; preliminary objection; demurrer to action Am.
plea by way of traverse
plea by way of confession and avoidance
objection for want of novelty (patent)
objection to a witness
defences against claims arising from possession
defences against a new creditor
defences based upon the voidness of the marriage
objection to incorrect entry in the Land Register
objections by the tenant to the (notice of) termination of the tenancy lease
defence of fraud; exceptio doli
defences of the surety
plea of superior orders
defence of multiple access several lovers; exceptio plurium (paternity action)
defence of non-performance of the contract
plea of insanity
objection to jurisdiction; defence of jack of jurisdiction; plea as to jurisdiction
defence of the statute of limitations; plea of lapse of time
defence of failure to pursue remedies; defence of lack of (prior) judicial prosecution; beneficium excussionis
plea of prior publication
to raise a objection a plea; to put forward plea a defence; to put in a plea; to take exception; to veto
to plead the statute of limitations Br.; to plead the defense of limitation Am.
to defeat the defence of the statute of limitations
to waive the defence of failure to pursue remedies
to set out state one's objections in writing giving reasons stating the reasons
to meet an objection
to reject a defence; to reject a plea.
to dismiss an objection as unjustified unfounded
No objection was raised.
There is a defence.
to file an objection
objections and suggestions
to ignore sb.'s objections
Einspruch m; Einwand m; Einwendung f; Einrede f; Widerspruch m Dt.; Einsprache f Schw.; Appellation f Schw. (gegen etw.) adm. jur.
Einsprüche pl; Einwände pl; Einwendungen pl; Einreden pl; Widersprüche pl; Einsprachen pl; Appellationen pl
berechtigter Einwand; begründete Einrede
aufschiebende Einrede; dilatorische Einrede
dauernde Einrede; peremptorische Einrede
prozesshindernde Einrede
rechtsverhindernde Einwendung
rechtvernichtende Einwendung
Einspruch wegen mangelnder Neuheit (Patent)
Einspruch gegen einen Zeugen
Einwendungen gegen Ansprüche aus Besitz
Einwendungen gegen einen neuen Gläubiger
Einwendungen aus der Nichtigkeit der Ehe
Widerspruch gegen die Richtigkeit des Grundbuchs
Widerspruch des Mieters gegen die Kündigung
Einrede der Arglist
Einreden des Bürgen
Einrede des höheren Befehls
Einrede des Mehrverkehrs (Vaterschaftsklage)
Einrede des nichterfüllten Vertrags
Einrede der Unzurechnungsfähigkeit
Einrede der Unzuständigkeit (des Gerichts)
Einrede der Verjährung
Einrede der Vorausklage
Einrede der Vorveröffentlichung (Patent)
Einspruch einlegen Dt. erheben Ös.; einen Einwand erheben; eine Einwendung entgegensetzen; eine Einrede vorbringen geltend machen
die Einrede der Verjährung geltend machen; sich auf Verjährung berufen
einer Verjährungseinrede entgegenstehen
auf die Einrede der Vorausklage verzichten
Einwendungen schriftlich niederlegen und begründen
einen Einwand beseitigen; einem Einwand begegnen
eine Einrede zurückweisen
eine Einwendung als unberechtigt zurückweisen
Es wurde kein Einspruch Einwand erhoben.
Eine Einrede steht entgegen.
schriftlich Widerspruch einlegen Dt. Einspruch erheben Ös.
Einwände und Anregungen
jds. Einwände übergehen
einen Widerspruch schriftlich oder zur Niederschrift einlegen Dt.; einen Einspruch schriftlich einbringen oder mündlich protokollieren lassen Ös.
objection (to sth.); protest (against sth.); defence Br. defense Am. (to sth.); plea (of as to sth.); exception Sc. Am. (to sth.)
objections; protests; defences defenses; pleas; exceptions
good defence
dilatory defence, dilatory plea
peremptory defence; peremptory plea; plea in bar Am.
legal objection to an action; preliminary objection
plea by way of traverse
plea by way of confession and avoidance
objection for want of novelty (patent)
objection to a witness
defences against claims arising from possession
defences against a new creditor
defences based upon the voidness of the marriage
objection to incorrect entry in the Land Register
objections by the tenant to the (notice of) termination of the tenancy lease
defence of fraud; exceptio doli
defences of the surety
plea of superior orders
defence of multiple access several lovers; exceptio plurium (paternity action)
defence of non-performance of the contract
plea of insanity
objection to jurisdiction; defence of jack of jurisdiction; plea as to jurisdiction
defence of the statute of limitations; plea of lapse of time
defence of failure to pursue remedies; defence of lack of (prior) judicial prosecution; beneficium excussionis
plea of prior publication
to raise a objection a plea; to put forward plea a defence; to put in a plea; to take exception; to veto
to plead the statute of limitations Br.; to plead the defense of limitation Am.
to defeat the defence of the statute of limitations
to waive the defence of failure to pursue remedies
to set out state one's objections in writing, giving reasons stating the reasons
to meet an objection
to reject a defence; to reject a plea.
to dismiss an objection as unjustified unfounded
No objection was raised.
There is a defence.
to file an objection
objections and suggestions
to ignore sb.'s objections
to lodge an objection in writing or orally on the record

Deutsche Verteidigung (US) Synonyme

Abwehr  ÂDefensive  ÂVerteidigung  
Apologie  ÂRechtfertigung  ÂVerteidigung  ÂVerteidigungsrede  

Englische defense Synonyme

defense  aegis  answer  apologetic  apologetics  apologia  apology  arch dam  argument  argumentation  armament  armor  arms  backfire  backstop  bamboo curtain  bank  bar  barrage  barrier  bear-trap dam  beaver dam  bicker  bickering  boom  breakwater  breastwork  brick wall  buffer  bulkhead  bulwark  casuistry  cofferdam  comeback  confutation  contention  contraremonstrance  controversy  counteraccusation  counterattack  counterblast  counterblow  countercharge  counterclaim  counterfire  counterinsurgency  countermeasure  counterreply  counterrevolution  counterstatement  counterstep  counterstroke  cover  dam  demurrer  denial  dike  disputation  dispute  ditch  earthwork  embankment  exception  exculpation  excuse  explanation  eye  fastness  fence  flyting  fort  fortress  gate  gravity dam  groin  guard  hassle  hubbub  hydraulic-fill dam  iron curtain  jam  jetty  justification  leaping weir  lee  levee  litigation  logjam  logomachy  milldam  moat  mole  mound  munitions  objection  paper war  parapet  passage of arms  plea  pleading  pleadings  polemic  polemics  portcullis  preservation  protection  protective custody  rampart  rationalization  rebuttal  rebutter  refuge  refutation  rejoinder  replication  reply  response  retort  return  rhubarb  riposte  roadblock  rock-fill dam  safeguard  safekeeping  safety  seawall  security  set-to  shade  shadow  shelter  shield  shutter dam  special demurrer  special pleading  statement of defense  stone wall  stronghold  surrebuttal  surrebutter  surrejoinder  verbal engagement  wall  war of words  ward  watchful eye  weaponry  weapons  weir  wicket dam  work  wrangling  
defense counsel  AG  DA  KC  QC  SSC  US attorney  attorney general  civilian  corporation lawyer  court-appointed lawyer  criminal lawyer  district attorney  junior counsel  law agent  leader  mouthpiece  private attorney  prosecuting attorney  prosecutor  public prosecutor  publicist  silk  silk gown  solicitor general  special pleader  stuff gown  stuff-gownsman  
defense mechanism  alienation  autism  autistic thinking  avoidance  avoidance mechanism  avoidance reaction  avoiding reaction  blame-shifting  block  blocking  circumvention  compensation  conversion  decompensation  defence  defense  defense in depth  defenses  dereism  dereistic thinking  deterrent capacity  displacement  dissociation  dodge  duck  ego defenses  elusion  elusiveness  emotional insulation  equivocation  escape  escape into fantasy  escape mechanism  escapism  evasion  evasive action  evasiveness  fantasizing  fantasy  flight  forbearance  forestalling  forestallment  getting around  guard  isolation  jink  mental block  negative taxis  negativism  neutrality  nonintervention  noninvolvement  overcompensation  prevention  projection  protection  psychological defenses  psychotaxis  rationalization  refraining  repression  resistance  self-defense  self-preservation  self-protection  shunning  shunting off  shy  sidestep  sidetracking  slip  sociological adjustive reactions  sublimation  substitution  suppression  symbolization  the defensive  the runaround  ward  wish-fulfillment fantasy  wishful thinking  withdrawal  zigzag  
defenseless  abandoned  aidless  bare-handed  deserted  desolate  fatherless  forlorn  forsaken  friendless  godforsaken  guardless  guideless  helpless  homeless  kithless  leaderless  motherless  outcast  pregnable  unarmed  unarmored  unattended  uncovered  undefended  unfortified  unfriended  ungarrisoned  unguarded  unprotected  unscreened  unsheltered  unshielded  unsuspecting  untenable  unwarned  unwatched  vulnerable  weaponless  

Defense Definition

(n.) Alt. of Defence
(v. t.) To furnish with defenses
(n.) The act of defending one's own person, property, or reputation.

Defense Bedeutung

Secretary of Defense
Defense Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Defense, the position of Defense Secretary was created in
anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
defense defence the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury, a good boxer needs a good defense, defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem
defense defence protection from harm, sanitation is the best defense against disease
the act of defending yourself
defensive measure
(military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies, they died in the defense of Stalingrad, they were developed for the defense program
air defense defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles or to nullify their effectiveness
active air defense air defense by the use aircraft or missiles or artillery or electronic countermeasures
passive air defense air defense by the use of deception or dispersion or protective construction
civil defense activities organized by civilians for their own protection in time of war or disaster
hasty defense
hasty defence
a defense organized while in contact with the enemy or when time is limited
deliberate defense
deliberate defence
a defense organized before contact is made with the enemy and while time for organization is available, usually includes a fortified zone (with pillboxes) and communication systems
biological defense
biological defence
procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using biological agents
chemical defense
chemical defence
procedures involved in taking defensive measures against attacks using chemical agents
biological warfare defense
biological warfare defence
BW defense
BW defence
defense against biological warfare
defense defence denial
a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him, he gave evidence for the defense
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
defense laboratory a laboratory devoted to research and development for national defense
defense system
defence system
the weaponry available for the defense of a region
defensive structure
a structure used to defend against attack, the artillery battered down the defenses
line of defense
line of defence
defensive structure consisting of a barrier that can be employed for defense against attack
missile defense system
missile defence system
naval weaponry providing a defense system
defense program
defense policy
defence program
defence policy
a program for defending a country against its enemies
the justification for some act or belief, he offered a persuasive defense of the theory
defense defence
the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions, his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive, in defense he said the other man started it
United Self-Defense Force of Colombia
United Self-Defense Group of Colombia
Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia
a terrorist organization in Colombia formed in as an umbrella for local and regional paramilitary groups, is financed by earnings from narcotics and serves to protect the economic interests of its members, the AUC conducted over assassinations in one year
line of defense
line of defence
any organization whose responsibility it is to defend against something, police are the major line of defense against crime
defense defence defense force
defence force
an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack, he joined the defense against invasion
defense team
defense lawyers
the defendant and his legal advisors collectively, the defense called for a mistrial
defense defence defending team (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring, his teams are always good on defense
Department of Defense
Defense Department
United States Department of Defense
Defense DoD
the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the United States, created in
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense, responsible for developing new surveillance technologies since
Department of Defense Laboratory System
a defense laboratory that provides essential services in fundamental science for national security and environmental protection and provides technologies that contribute to industrial competitiveness
Defense Intelligence Agency
an intelligence agency of the United States in the Department of Defense, is responsible for providing intelligence in support of military planning and operations and weapons acquisition
Defense Logistics Agency a logistics combat support agency in the Department of Defense, provides worldwide support for military missions
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
the organization in the Defense Logistics Agency that inventories and evaluates and sells reusable United States government surplus
Defense Technical Information Center
the agency in the Department of Defense that provides scientific and technical information to federal agencies and their contractors
Israeli Defense Force
the ground and air and naval forces of Israel
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
an agency in the Department of Defense that is responsible for making ballistic missile defense a reality
Defense Information Systems Agency
a combat support agency in the Department of Defense responsible for developing and operating and supporting information systems to serve the needs of the President and the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
defense attorney
defense lawyer
the lawyer representing the defendant
defense contractor a contractor concerned with the development and manufacture of systems of defense
Secretary of Defense
Defense Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Defense Department, the first Defense Secretary was James V. Forrestal who was appointed by Truman
defense mechanism
defense reaction
defence mechanism
defence reaction
(psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
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