
Draw Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

beziehen, ziehen
ziehen, einen Wechsel ziehen
Auslosung f
Verlosung f, Ziehung f
Zug m (beim Schach spielen)
ziehen, zeichnen
draw up
to draw
to draw
draw up
draw off
Entnahme f (Flüssigkeit)
in die Länge ziehen
draw out
draw off
draw over
näher herankommen
draw near
zurückziehen, zurückweichen
draw back
Ausgleich m sport
tie, draw
Einschubführung f (im Gestell) electr.
Ausgleich m sport
tie; draw
Ziehbrunnen m
draw well
draw well
sich nähern
draw near
cold draw
Geld abheben
draw money
ansaugen v
to draw in
to draw up
Atem schöpfen
draw breath
draw by lot
zeichnen, ziehen
draw (irr.)
eine Zeile ziehen
draw a line
eine Linie zeichnen
draw a line
draw brench
draw through
draw it mild
draw benches
eine Stichprobe ziehen
draw a sample
Leistungen beziehen
draw benefits
Spiel dich nicht so auf!; Nun mach' mal halblang!
Draw it mild!
ausgleichen v sport
to draw level
draw on (sth)
ausgleichen sport
to draw level
draw lots for
Gehalt beziehen
draw a salary
Mach's mal halblang!
Draw it mild!
Altersruhegeld beziehen
draw a pension
eine Pension beziehen
draw a pension
Rente beziehen, Pension beziehen
draw a pension
Dämpfer m sport
draw; tie game
draw level with
box office draw
die Bilanz ziehen
draw the balance
Schlüsse ziehen
draw conclusions
Zug m (beim Rauchen)
puff; toke; draw
auf Sie ziehen
to draw upon you
ein Gehalt beziehen
to draw a salary
Motoreinschub m techn.
MCC draw-out unit
bitte ziehen Sie auf uns
please draw at us
Ziehungsermächtigung f
authority to draw
Zieh die Vorhänge zu
draw the curtains
authority to draw
auf jemanden einen Wechsel ziehen
draw a bill on sb.
eine Urkunde ausstellen
draw up a document
einen Vertrag entwerfen
draw up a contract
(Knie) anziehen; an sich ziehen v
to draw up (knees)
(Knie) anziehen, an sich ziehen
to draw up (knees)
jdn. einholen sport
to draw level with
losen, Lose ziehen (um)
to draw lots (for)
Zieh die Vorhänge zu!
Draw the curtains!
Holen Sie tief Atem
draw a deep breath
etw. in die Länge ziehen (Silbe, Wort, Ton...)
to draw out () sth.
Zugschnur f (an Jalousien, Gardinen, etc.)
drawcord; draw cord
etw. in die Länge ziehen (Silbe Wort Ton...)
to draw out () sth.
Zugschnur f (an Jalousien Gardinen etc.)
drawcord; draw cord
Schluesse ziehen
to draw conclusions
the game ended in a draw
the game was a draw
Holen Sie tief Atem!
Draw a deep breath!
Abwasserableitung f
waste water draw-off
etw. stülpziehen; etw. stülpen v techn.
to reverse draw sth.
Gewinnausschüttung f (Lotterie)
prize draw (lottery)
von einem Konto abheben
draw from an account
to draw the long bow
to draw (drew,drawn)
jemandem ein Geheimnis entlocken
draw a secret from sb
Schlussfolgerungen ziehen
draw the consequences
einen Scheck auf eine Bank ziehen
draw a check on a bank
Okularauszug m (Optik)
eye draw tube (optics)
Zughaken m
Zughaken pl
Niete f; Los, das nichts gewinnt
eine Niete ziehen
to draw a blank
Leistungsaufnahme f
power input, power draw
Niete f, Los, das nichts gewinnt
eine Niete ziehen
to draw a blank
Niete f; Los das nichts gewinnt
eine Niete ziehen
to draw a blank
Leistungsaufnahme f
power input; power draw
Altersruhegeld beziehen
draw retirement benefits
die Grenze ziehen bei etw.
to draw the line at sth.
(Waffe) zücken
to draw
ausnehmen; ausweiden v (Tier)
ausnehmend; ausweidend
ausgenommen; ausgeweidet
to draw
(Waffe) zücken v
to draw
to approach, to draw near
Geld von einem Konto abheben
draw cash from an account
Arbeitslosenunterstützung beziehen
draw unemployment benefits
die Substanz angreifen v
to draw on one's resources
die Substanz angreifen
to draw on one's resources
Ziehbank f
Ziehbänke pl
draw brench
draw benches
aufschneiden v übtr.
to draw the long bow fig.
etw. abzeichnen v (z. B. einen Gegenstand)
etw. abzeichnen (ein Bild per Hand kopieren)
to draw sth.
to copy sth.
kann auf den Unterschiedsbetrag ziehen
can draw for the difference
eine Linie durch einen Punkt ziehen
draw a line through a point
Erstzug m (beim Tiefziehen) techn.
first draw (in deep-drawing)
darf ich Ihre Aufmerksamkeit lenken
may I draw your attention to
das Spiel ging unentschieden aus
the game was ended in a draw
den Schwanz einziehen übtr.
to draw in one's horns fig.
Lottoziehung f; Lotterieziehung f
lottery draw; lottery drawing
für welchen Betrag wir auf Sie ziehen werden
for which we will draw on you
die Konsequenzen ziehen (aus)
to draw the conclusions (from)
den Kürzeren ziehen; den Schwarzen Peter ziehen; die Arschkarte ziehen v ugs.
to draw the short straw fig.
Auslosung f (für ein Turnier) sport
Auslosungen pl
draw (for a tournament)
die Pfeile auf sich ziehen v
to draw sb.'s fire (away) fig.
Zugschnurbeutel m
Zugschnurbeutel pl
draw string bag
draw string bags
entwerfen; verfassen v
entwerfend; verfassend
entworfen; verfasst
to draw up
drawing up
drawn up
Kriminalitätslagebild n
ein geografisches Kriminalitätslagebild erstellen
crime map
to draw up a crime map
entwerfen, verfassen v
entwerfend, verfassend
entworfen, verfasst
to draw up
drawing up
drawn up
Zugstück n
Zugstücke pl
box office draw
box office draws
zehren von
to live on, to live off, to draw on
wir auf Sie einen Wechsel ziehen
for which amount we will draw on you
to draw off
drawing off
drawn off
schnelles Ziehen n; Schnellziehanschlag m (eines Revolverhelden) mil. hist.
quick draw; fast draw (of a gunslinger)
anlocken v
to draw {drew, drawn}
anlocken v
to draw {drew; drawn}
unentschieden adj sport
unentschieden enden
unentschieden spielen
drawn, tied
to end in a draw
to draw
Reibtreib-Spindelziehpresse f techn.
friction screw-driven spindle draw press
unentschieden adj sport
unentschieden enden
unentschieden spielen
drawn; tied
to end in a draw
to draw
to cold draw
cold drawing
cold drawn
kaltziehen v
to cold draw
cold drawing
cold drawn
Kordelzug m textil.
Tunnelzug m
drawcord; draw cord
drawcord; draw cord
Parallele f
eine Parallele ziehen zwischen zu
to draw an analogy between with
automatische Zugkupplung f (Bahn)
draw-only automatic coupler DAC (railway)
Schwalbe f slang, vorgetäuschtes Foul sport
dive, deliberate dive (to draw a penalty)
Grenzwinkel m
limit angle; critical angle; angle of draw
anzeichnen (an)
to draw {drew, drawn} (on)
Aufriss m, Aufriß m alt, Aufrisszeichnung f
etw. im Aufriss zeichnen
to draw the side
front elevation
Aufriss m; Aufriß m alt; Aufrisszeichnung f
etw. im Aufriss zeichnen
to draw the side front elevation
Ziehring m; Matrize f (Tiefziehen) techn.
Ziehringe pl; Matrizen pl
draw die; die (deep-drawing)
draw dies; dies
Ziehschnitt m techn.
Ziehschnitte pl
draw cut; drawing cut
draw cuts; drawing cuts
Ziehung f (Gewinnermittlung)
Ziehungen pl
drawing; draw Br. (of lots)
drawings; draws
etw. zu Ende bringen; etw. beenden v
to bring sth. to a close; to draw sth. to a close
etw. zu Ende bringen; etw. beenden
etw. zu Ende bringen; etw. beenden
to bring sth. to a close
to draw sth. to a close
Kriminalitätslagebild n
ein geografisches Kriminalitätslagebild erstellen
geografische Kriminalitätsanalyse f
crime map
to draw up a crime map
crime mapping
maßstabsgetreu zeichnen, maßstabsgerecht zeichnen
maßstabsgetreu zeichnend, maßstabsgerecht zeichnend
maßstabsgetreu gezeichnet, maßstabsgerecht gezeichnet
to draw to scale
drawing to scale
drawn to scale

Deutsche beziehen ziehen Synonyme

(einer  Sache)  Rechnung  tragen  Âberücksichtigen  Âeinberechnen  Âeinbeziehen  Âerwägen  Âin  Betracht  ziehen  Âin  Erwägung  ziehen  Âintegrieren  
aus  etwas  Vorteil  ziehen  ÂNutzen  ziehen  aus  etwas  
auffallen  ÂAufmerksamkeit  auf  sich  ziehen  ÂAufmerksamkeit  erregen  ÂBlicke  auf  sich  ziehen  
(sich)  beziehen  Âin  Beziehung  setzen  
(sich)  beziehen  auf  Âauf  etwas  verweisen  Âreferenzieren  
(sich)  beziehen  (auf)  Âbetreffen  Âgegenstandsbezogen  Âinhaltsbezogen  Âinteressensbezogen  Âthemenbezogen  
antworten  Âbeantworten  Âeingehen  (auf)  Âerwidern  (auf)  Âreagieren  ÂStellung  beziehen  (zu)  ÂStellung  nehmen  (zu)  
(sich)  berufen  auf  Â(sich)  beziehen  auf  Âanspielen  auf  ÂBezug  nehmen  auf  Âzurückgreifen  auf  
hinzuziehen  Âzu  Rate  ziehen  
groß  ziehen  Âzüchten  
fest  ziehen  Âverschnüren  
reißen  Âzerren  Âziehen  
beeinträchtigen  Âin  Mitleidenschaft  ziehen  
bekommen  Âbeziehen  Âempfangen  Âentgegennehmen  Âergattern  (umgangssprachlich)  Âerhalten  Âerlangen  Âerreichen  Âin  den  Besitz  kommen  Âin  Empfang  nehmen  Âkriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  
hinziehen  Âin  die  Länge  ziehen  Âverschleppen  
haben  Ânach  sich  ziehen  
den  Hut  ziehen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRespekt  zollen  
erachten  Âerwägen  Âin  Betracht  ziehen  
befragen  Âhinzuziehen  Âkonsultieren  Âzu  Rate  ziehen  
ein  Lot  errichten  Âein  Lot  fällen  Âeine  Senkrechte  ziehen  zu  
bomätschen  (sächs.)  Âein  Schiff    stromaufwärts  ziehen  Âtreideln  
(sich)  zurückziehen  Âabziehen  Âvon  dannen  ziehen  (umgangssprachlich)  
ahnden  Âbelangen  Âbestrafen  Âmaßregeln  Âstrafen  Âzur  Verantwortung  ziehen  
abkacken  (derb)  Âden  Kürzeren  ziehen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunterliegen  Âverlieren  
auslösen  Âbewirken  Âerwecken  Âhervorrufen  Ânach  sich  ziehen  Âverursachen  
abgrenzen  Âabteilen  Âaufteilen  Âdemarkieren  Âeine  Trennungslinie  ziehen  Âeingrenzen  
(sich)  anlehnen  (an)  Â(sich)  beziehen  (auf)  
an  einem  Strang  ziehen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âkooperieren  Âmitarbeiten  (an  einem  Werk)  Âzusammenarbeiten  
darauf  hinauslaufen  Âhervorbringen  Âmit  sich  bringen  Ânach  sich  ziehen  Âzeitigen  Âzur  Folge  haben  
beinhalten  Âdaherkommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeinhergehen  Âeinherkommen  Âimplizieren  (fachsprachlich)  Âmit  sich  bringen  Ânach  sich  ziehen  
anzweifeln  Âbezweifeln  Âin  Frage  stellen  Âin  Zweifel  ziehen  Âinfrage  stellen  Ânicht  glauben  Âskeptisch  sein  Âzweifeln  (an)  
jemanden  in  seinen  Bann  ziehen  Âjemanden  verzaubern  
(sich  auf  etwas)  berufen  Â(sich  auf  etwas)  beziehen  
ausdiskutieren  Âausfechten  (umgangssprachlich)  Âetwas  bereinigen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âjemanden  zur  Rechenschaft  ziehen  Âmit  jemandem  ein  Hühnchen  rupfen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsich  auseinandersetzen  mit  
aufklären  ÂAuskunft  geben  Âbelehren  Âbenachrichtigen  Âeinweihen  Âin  Kenntnis  setzen  Âinformieren  Âins  Bild  setzen  Âins  Vertrauen  ziehen  Âinstruieren  Âmitteilen  Âorientieren  (schweiz.)  Âunterrichten  Âunterweisen  
einen  Vorteil  haben  von  ÂNutzen  haben  von  ÂNutzen  ziehen  aus  Âprofitieren  
ablagern  lassen  Âreifen  lassen  Âziehen  lassen  
auslutschen  Âaussaugen  Ânuckeln  Âsaugen  Âziehen  Âzutzeln  (bayr.,  Ã¶sterr.)  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzuzeln  (bayr.,  Ã¶sterr.)  (umgangssprachlich)  
(sich) beziehen (auf)  betreffen  
(sich) beziehen auf  auf etwas verweisen  referenzieren  
(sich) beziehen  in Beziehung setzen  
an einem Strang ziehen (umgangssprachlich)  kooperieren  mitarbeiten (an einem Werk)  zusammenarbeiten  
aus etwas Vorteil ziehen  Nutzen ziehen aus etwas  
den Hut ziehen (umgangssprachlich)  Respekt zollen  
fest ziehen  festigen  fixieren  zusammenziehen  
fest ziehen  verschnüren  
groß ziehen  züchten  
jemanden in seinen Bann ziehen  jemanden verzaubern  

Englische draw Synonyme

draw  Tweedledum and Tweedledee  abbreviate  abysm  abyss  accept  acquire  act on  adduct  adduction  admit  advance  affinity  allowance  allure  allurement  amount to  appeal  approach  argue into  arrange  arrive  arroyo  assume  attendance  attract  attractance  attraction  attractiveness  attractivity  avulse  bag  bait  bait the hook  balance  be magnetic  be seized of  bear upon  bewitch  blandish  bleed  box canyon  box office  breach  break  break even  breathe in  bring  bring around  bring forth  bring out  bring to life  broach  bulge  cajole  call  canyon  capillarity  capillary attraction  captivate  capture  cartoon  catch  catch a likeness  cavity  centripetal force  chain-smoke  chalk  chap  character  characterize  charcoal  charm  chart  chasm  chaw  check  chew  chimney  chink  choose  circumscribe  cleft  cleuch  clough  coarct  coax  coeval  coexistent  col  collect  color  come by  come close  come in for  come into  come near  come to  come up to  compact  compile  compose  compress  concentrate  conclude  concomitant  condense  consolidate  constrict  constringe  contemporary  continue  contract  contrive  convince  copy  corral  correspond  coulee  couloir  crack  cramp  cranny  crayon  create  crevasse  crevice  crosshatch  curtail  cut  cut out  cwm  dash off  daub  dead heat  deadlock  deadwood  decant  decoy  decrease  deduce  defile  delineate  dell  depart  depend on  depict  deploy  deracinate  derive  derive from  describe  design  devise  diagram  dig out  dig up  dike  disentangle  ditch  ditto  donga  doodle  dope  draft  draft off  drag  drag down  drag out  draggle  drain  drain off  drain out  draw back  draw from  draw in  draw nigh  draw off  draw on  draw out  draw together  draw towards  draw up  drawing power  dredge  dredge up  earn  edge  educe  elicit  elongate  employ  empty  enchant  ensnare  enter into possession  entice  enticement  equal  eradicate  even  even break  even off  evoke  evolve  evulse  excavate  exc  
draw and quarter  defoliate  denude  dismember  flay  grill  impale  keelhaul  lacerate  maim  mangle  mutilate  peel  pick to pieces  picket  pull apart  rack  shred  skin  strip  take apart  tar and feather  tear apart  tear to pieces  tear to tatters  torture  
draw back  avoid  back down  back out  beat a retreat  blench  blink  cringe  discount  disengage  dodge  draw in  draw off  duck  evade  fade  fall back  flinch  funk  give ground  give place  go back  hang back  jib  knock off  move back  pull back  pull in  pull out  quail  recoil  reel back  retire  retract  retreat  run back  sheer off  shrink  shrink back  shy  sidestep  stand back  start aside  start back  subtract  swerve  take  take away  take off  take out  turn aside  weasel  weasel out  wince  withdraw  
draw in  abbreviate  absorb  allure  argue  aspirate  bait  bait the hook  blandish  breathe in  bring around  cajole  catch up in  circumscribe  coarct  coax  compact  compress  concentrate  concern  condense  confine  consolidate  constrict  constringe  contract  convince  cramp  crank  crank in  cringe  curtail  decoy  decrease  diminish  draw  draw back  draw on  draw taut  draw together  duck  embarrass  engage  enmesh  ensnare  entangle  entice  flinch  flirt  flirt with  get  give the come-on  go in  implicate  inhale  inspire  interest  inveigle  involve  knit  lead on  limit  lure  narrow  offer bait to  persuade  prevail  prompt  pucker  pucker up  pull back  pull in  pull out  purse  reduce  reel  reel in  restrict  retract  rope in  seduce  shorten  shrink  shy  slurp  snape  sniff  sniffle  snuff  snuff in  snuffle  solidify  straiten  strangle  strangulate  suck  suck in  suck into  suckle  tackle  talk into  tangle  taper  tauten  tighten  trim  win over  wince  winch  wind in  windlass  withdraw  woo  wrinkle  
draw near  accost  advance  anticipate  approach  appropinquate  approximate  await  be destined  be fated  be imminent  be in store  be to be  be to come  bear down on  bear down upon  bear up  brew  close  close in  close with  come  come closer  come forward  come near  come on  come up  confront  converge  draw nigh  draw on  encounter  expect  face  foresee  foretell  forthcome  gain upon  gather  hang over  hope  hover  impend  lie ahead  lie over  look for  look forward to  loom  lower  menace  narrow the gap  near  nigh  overhang  plan  plot  predict  project  prophesy  proximate  sidle up to  step up  threaten  
draw on  act on  allure  anticipate  appear  approach  argue  arise  assume  attract  await  bait  bait the hook  be destined  be fated  be imminent  be in store  be to be  be to come  bear upon  becharm  bewitch  blandish  brew  bring  bring about  bring around  bring on  cajole  call forth  captivate  carry away  cause  chance  charm  coax  come  come along  come forth  come into being  come into existence  come on  confront  contrive  convince  crop up  decoy  draw  draw down  draw in  draw near  draw nigh  effect  elicit  enamor  endear  enrapture  ensnare  entice  evoke  exert influence  expect  face  fascinate  flirt  flirt with  foresee  foretell  forthcome  gather  get  get cozy with  get on  give the come-on  hang over  hold in thrall  hope  hover  impend  induce  infatuate  inflame with love  inspire  instigate  inveigle  lead  lead on  lie ahead  lie over  lobby  lobby through  look for  look forward to  loom  lower  lure  magnetize  make  make advances  make overtures  make up to  materialize  menace  motivate  near  obtain  offer bait to  overhang  persuade  plan  plot  pop up  predict  present itself  prevail  procure  produce  project  prompt  prophesy  provoke  pull strings  put on  rope in  secure  seduce  show up  slip  spring up  suck in  superinduce  talk into  tantalize  tempt  threaten  throw  turn up  vamp  wire-pull  woo  work on  
draw out  arouse  avulse  bring forth  bring out  bring to light  call forth  call out  call up  chatter  continue  cut out  dawdle  deduce  deracinate  derive  dig out  dig up  disentangle  drag out  draw  draw forth  dredge  dredge up  dwell on  educe  elicit  elongate  eradicate  evoke  evolve  evulse  excavate  excise  exsect  extend  extract  extricate  fill out  get from  get out  get out of  gouge out  grub up  induce  lengthen  lengthen out  let out  linger on  mine  never finish  obtain  pad  perorate  pick out  pluck out  pluck up  procrastinate  procure  produce  prolong  prolongate  protract  pull  pull out  pull up  quarry  rake out  remove  rip out  root out  root up  rouse  run out  secure  speak at length  spin out  stimulate  strain  stretch  stretch out  string out  summon forth  summon up  take out  tauten  tear out  temporize  tense  tighten  unearth  unravel  uproot  wangle  wangle out of  weed out  winkle out  withdraw  worm out  worm out of  wrest out  
draw the line  analyze  balk at  be unwilling  begrudge  bound  condition  confine  contain  contradistinguish  copyright  demarcate  demark  differentiate  discipline  discriminate  discriminate against  distinguish  divide  grudge  hedge about  limit  mark the interface  mind  moderate  narrow  not care to  not feel like  object to  patent  pick out  qualify  red-bait  register  restrain  restrict  scant  screen  screen out  segregate  select  separate  set a limit  set apart  set off  sever  severalize  sieve  sieve out  sift  sift out  sort  sort out  specialize  split hairs  stint  straiten  subdivide  subtilize  winnow  would rather not  
draw up  bring up  bring up short  cease fire  come together  come up short  copy  copy out  crystallize  draft  drag up  dredge  dredge up  edit  enface  engross  fall in  fall into line  fall into place  fall into rank  fetch up  fish up  form  formulate  frame  gather around  gather up  halt  hang fire  haul up  inscribe  make  make a recension  make out  pen  pencil  pick up  place itself  pluck up  prepare  pull up  push the pen  put in writing  rally round  range itself  recense  record  revise  rewrite  scribe  scrive  scroll  shape up  spill ink  spoil paper  stall  stick  stop  stop dead  stop short  superscribe  take form  take its place  take order  take rank  take shape  take up  trace  transcribe  type  write  write down  write out  
drawback  abatement  agio  allowance  bank discount  blemish  block  blockade  bottleneck  breakage  bug  cash discount  catch  chain discount  charge-off  concession  cordon  crack  curtain  cut  damage  deduction  defect  defection  deficiency  depreciation  determent  deterrent  detriment  difficulty  disability  disadvantage  discount  evil  failing  failure  fault  faute  flaw  foible  frailty  handicap  hang-up  harm  hazard  hindrance  hitch  hole  hurdle  hurt  ill  impairment  impediment  imperfection  inadequacy  inconvenience  infirmity  injury  joker  kickback  kink  liability  little problem  loss  loss of ground  mischief  objection  obstacle  obstruction  obstructive  one small difficulty  penalty  penalty clause  percentage  prejudice  premium  price reduction  price-cut  problem  rebate  rebatement  reduction  refund  rift  rollback  rub  salvage  setoff  shortcoming  snag  something missing  step backward  stumbling block  stumbling stone  taint  tare  time discount  trade discount  tret  trouble  underselling  vulnerable place  weak link  weak point  weakness  write-off  
drawbridge  Bifrost  abatis  advanced work  balistraria  bank  banquette  barbed-wire entanglement  barbican  barricade  barrier  bartizan  bascule bridge  bastion  bateau bridge  battlement  breastwork  bridge  bulwark  cantilever bridge  casemate  catwalk  cheval-de-frise  circumvallation  contravallation  counterscarp  curtain  demibastion  dike  earthwork  enclosure  entanglement  escarp  escarpment  fence  fieldwork  floating bridge  flyover  footbridge  fortalice  fortification  gangboard  gangplank  gangway  glacis  lift bridge  loophole  lunette  machicolation  mantelet  merlon  mound  outwork  overbridge  overcrossing  overpass  palisade  parados  parapet  pontoon bridge  portcullis  postern gate  rampart  ravelin  redan  redoubt  rope bridge  sally port  scarp  sconce  span  stepping-stone  stepstone  stockade  suspension bridge  swing bridge  tenaille  toll bridge  vallation  vallum  viaduct  work  
drawer  architectural draftsman  archives  armory  arsenal  attic  bank  basement  bay  bin  bonded warehouse  bookcase  box  bunker  buttery  cargo dock  caricaturist  cartoonist  cellar  chest  closet  conservatory  crate  crayonist  crib  cupboard  delineator  depository  depot  dock  draftsman  dump  exchequer  glory hole  godown  hold  hutch  library  locker  lumber room  lumberyard  magasin  magazine  pastelist  rack  repertory  repository  reservoir  rick  shelf  stack  stack room  stock room  storage  store  storehouse  storeroom  supply base  supply depot  tank  treasure house  treasure room  treasury  vat  vault  warehouse  wine cellar  
drawing  adductive  alluring  alphabet  appealing  art  aspiration  attracting  attraction  attractive  attrahent  avulsion  bewitching  bingo  black and white  bleeding  bloodletting  blueprint  broaching  brouillon  captivating  cartoon  charactering  characterization  charcoal  charcoal drawing  charming  chart  chiaroscuro  choreography  class lottery  composition  conventional representation  copy  crayon  cupping  cutting out  dance notation  delineation  demonstration  depiction  depictment  deracination  design  diagram  disentanglement  doodle  draft  draft lottery  drafting  dragging  drainage  draining  drama  drawing out  drayage  dredging  drilling  ebauche  elevation  emptying  enchanting  enucleation  eradication  esquisse  evolvement  evulsion  excavation  excision  exemplification  expression  exsection  extirpation  extraction  extrication  fascinating  figuration  figure  grab bag  graph  graphic artist  graphic arts  graphics  ground plan  haulage  hauling  heaving  hieroglyphic  house plan  ichnography  iconography  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  interest lottery  keno  letter  limning  line drawing  logogram  logograph  lottery  lotto  magnetic  magnetized  map  milking  mining  monochrome  musical notation  notation  number lottery  numbers pool  outline  painting  pastel  pattern  pen-and-ink  pencil drawing  phlebotomy  photography  pictogram  picture  picturization  pipetting  plan  plot  portraiture  portrayal  prefigurement  presentment  pressing out  printing  printmaking  profile  projection  pull  pulling  pulling power  pumping  quarrying  raffle  realization  relief-carving  removal  rendering  rendition  representation  ripping out  rough  rough copy  rough draft  rough outline  schema  score  script  silhouette  silver-print drawing  sinopia  siphoning  skeleton  sketch  sketching  squeezing out  study  sucking  suction  sweep  sweepstake  sweepstakes  syllabary  symbol  sympathetic  tablature  table  tapping  tombola  t  
drawing room  Pullman  Pullman car  Vanity Fair  baggage car  beau monde  beautiful people  best people  best room  boxcar  caboose  cafe society  car  carriage  carriage trade  chair car  coach  coal car  covered waggon  cream of society  day coach  diner  dinghy  dining car  elite  fashionable society  flat  flatcar  foreroom  front room  gondola  good society  haut monde  high life  high society  in-crowd  jet set  jeunesse doree  living room  local  luggage van  mail car  mail van  monde  palace car  parlor  parlor car  passenger car  people of fashion  polite society  railway car  reefer  refrigerator car  right people  roomette  salon  saloon  sitting room  sleeper  smart set  smoker  smoking car  social register  societe  society  solarium  stateroom  stockcar  sun parlor  sunroom  tank  tender  the Four Hundred  truck  upper crust  uppercut  van  waggon  world of fashion  
drawl  accent  bark  bawl  bellow  blare  blat  blubber  boom  bray  breathe  broad accent  brogue  burr  buzz  cackle  cautiousness  chant  chirp  circumspection  coo  creeping  croak  crow  deliberateness  deliberation  exclaim  flute  foot-dragging  gasp  growl  grunt  hiss  idleness  indolence  inertia  inertness  keen  languor  laziness  leisureliness  lentitude  lentor  lilt  lisp  mince  mumble  murmur  mutter  pant  pipe  pokiness  quaver  regional accent  reluctance  roar  rumble  scream  screech  shake  shriek  sibilate  sigh  sing  slackness  sloth  slowness  sluggardy  sluggishness  snap  snarl  snort  sob  squall  squawk  squeal  talk incoherently  tentativeness  thunder  trumpet  twang  wail  warble  whine  whisper  yap  yawp  yell  yelp  
drawn  alike  at par  au pair  careworn  commensurate  dragged out  drawn out  elongated  equal  equalized  even  even stephen  exhausted  extended  fatigued  fifty-fifty  haggard  half-and-half  hollow-eyed  knotted  lengthened  level  like  nip and tuck  on a footing  on a level  on a par  on even ground  par  pinched  prolongated  prolonged  proportionate  protracted  pulled  quits  ravaged  spun out  square  stalemated  straggling  strained  stretched  stretched out  strung out  taut  tense  tied  tight  tired  tired-eyed  tired-faced  tired-looking  wan  weary-looking  worn  worn out  
drawn out  dragged out  dragging  drawn  drawn out  elongated  extended  interminable  languishing  lasting  lengthened  lengthy  lingering  long  long-continuing  long-drawn  long-drawn-out  long-pending  long-winded  longsome  marathon  overlong  prolongated  prolonged  protracted  pulled  spun out  spun-out  straggling  strained  stretched  stretched out  stretched-out  strung out  taut  tense  tight  

Draw Definition

(v. t.) To cause to move continuously by force applied in advance of the thing moved
(v. t.) To influence to move or tend toward one's self
(v. t.) To cause to come out for one's use or benefit
(v. t.) To pull from a sheath, as a sword.
(v. t.) To extract
(v. t.) To obtain from some cause or origin
(v. t.) To take or procure from a place of deposit
(v. t.) To take from a box or wheel, as a lottery ticket
(v. t.) To select by the drawing of lots.
(v. t.) To remove the contents of
(v. t.) To drain by emptying
(v. t.) To extract the bowels of
(v. t.) To take into the lungs
(v. t.) To extend in length
(v. t.) To run, extend, or produce, as a line on any surface
(v. t.) To represent by lines drawn
(v. t.) To write in due form
(v. t.) To require (so great a depth, as of water) for floating
(v. t.) To withdraw.
(v. t.) To trace by scent
(v. i.) To pull
(v. i.) To draw a liquid from some receptacle, as water from a well.
(v. i.) To exert an attractive force
(v. i.) To have efficiency as an epispastic
(v. i.) To have draught, as a chimney, flue, or the like
(v. i.) To unsheathe a weapon, especially a sword.
(v. i.) To perform the act, or practice the art, of delineation
(v. i.) To become contracted
(v. i.) To move
(v. i.) To make a draft or written demand for payment of money deposited or due
(v. i.) To admit the action of pulling or dragging
(v. i.) To sink in water
(n.) The act of drawing
(n.) A lot or chance to be drawn.
(n.) A drawn game or battle, etc.
(n.) That part of a bridge which may be raised, swung round, or drawn aside
(n.) A single cut with a knife.

Draw Bedeutung

the act of drawing or hauling something, the haul up the hill went very slowly
draw draw poker poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer, he played only draw and stud
draw draw play (American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage
hook draw hooking a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer, he took lessons to cure his hooking
draw a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack, he got a pair of kings in the draw
draw lot anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random, the luck of the draw, they drew lots for it
the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided, the game ended in a draw, their record was wins, losses and a tie
draw a gully that is shallower than a ravine
drawing card
an entertainer who attracts large audiences, he was the biggest drawing card they had
draw cause to localize at one point, Draw blood and pus
draw flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching, draw steel
remove the entrails of, draw a chicken
draw the line
draw a line
reasonably object (to) or set a limit (on), I draw the line when it comes to lending money to friends!
extend draw out
lengthen in time, cause to be or last longer, We prolonged our stay, She extended her visit by another day, The meeting was drawn out until midnight
draw f steep, pass through a strainer, draw pulp from the fruit
draw reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die, draw wire
draw contract, The material drew after it was washed in hot water
draw e bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition, She was drawn to despair, The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum, The session was drawn to a close
blank out
draw a blank
be unable to remember, I'm drawing a blank, You are blocking the name of your first wife!
draw d select or take in from a given group or region, The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population
draw a bead on
shoot for
have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
draw up
make up plans or basic details for, frame a policy
make, formulate, or derive in the mind, I draw a line here, draw a conclusion, draw parallels, make an estimate, What do you make of his remarks?
draw out cause to speak, Can you draw her out--she is always so quiet
depict draw
give a description of, He drew an elaborate plan of attack
draw cast choose at random, draw a card, cast lots
finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc., The teams drew a tie
draw a bead on aim with a gun, The hunter drew a bead on the rabbit
suck in or take (air), draw a deep breath, draw on a cigarette
run draw d pass
pass over, across, or through, He ran his eyes over her body, She ran her fingers along the carved figurine, He drew her hair through his fingers
draw move or pull so as to cover or uncover something, draw the shades, draw the curtains
pull back draw stretch back a bowstring (on an archer's bow), The archers were drawing their bows
suck in draw in draw in as if by suction, suck in your cheeks and stomach
extract pull out
pull a pull up
take out draw out
remove, usually with some force or effort, also used in an abstract sense, pull weeds, extract a bad tooth, take out a splinter, extract information from the telegram
string thread draw e thread on or as if on a string, string pearls on a string, the child drew glass beads on a string, thread dried cranberries
nest nuzzle draw close
move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position, We cuddled against each other to keep warm, The children snuggled into their sleeping bags
draw force
cause to move by pulling, draw a wagon, pull a sled
pull pull in
draw draw in
direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes, Her good looks attract the stares of many men, The ad pulled in many potential customers, This pianist pulls huge crowds, The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers
draw in retract pull inward or towards a center, The pilot drew in the landing gear, The cat retracted his claws
imbibe soak up
sop up
suck up
draw take in take up
take in, also metaphorically, The sponge absorbs water well, She drew strength from the minister's words
draw out
suck out
remove as if by suction, aspirate the wound
draw line describe
make a mark or lines on a surface, draw a line, trace the outline of a figure in the sand
draw off
draw away pull off
remove by drawing or pulling, She placed the tray down and drew off the cloth, draw away the cloth that is covering the cheese
bond bring together draw together bring together in a common cause or emotion, The death of their child had drawn them together
retract pull back draw back use a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ)
draw close pull towards oneself, He drew the crying child close
evoke elicit
draw out
deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning), We drew out some interesting linguistic data from the native informant
draw get earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher, He drew a base on balls
draw engage in drawing, He spent the day drawing in the garden
draw represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface, She drew an elephant, Draw me a horse
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