
Electrical Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Elektrokohle f techn.
electrical coal
Stromnetz n electr.
electrical grid
elektrische Arbeit f phys.
electrical work
elektrische Leistung
electrical power
Elektroblech n techn.
electrical sheet
Elektrogruppe f techn.
electrical group
Elektriksystem n electr. techn.
electrical system
Elektroenergie f electr.
electrical energy
Elektroerhitzer m techn.
electrical heater
Elektromodul n techn.
electrical module
elektrische Verfahren n electr.
electrical process
Elektroerzeugnis m electr.
electrical product
Elektrokontakt m techn.
electrical contact
Elektrolaufkatze f electr.
electrical trolley
electrical engineer
Elektrofachhandel m
electrical retailer
Elektroindustrie f techn.
electrical industry
Elektromaterial n techn.
electrical material
Elektromontage f
electrical assembly
electrical engineers
Elektrogroßhandel m
electrical wholesale
Elektroisolation f techn.
electrical isolation
Elektroisolierstoff m techn.
electrical insulator
Elektrokomponente f techn.
electrical component
Elektrokonvektor m electr.
electrical convector
electrical goods fair
Elektrolufterhitzer m
electrical air heater
Elektroinstrument n techn.
electrical instrument
Elektrokompressor m techn.
electrical compressor
Elektrolabor n techn.
electrical laboratory
Elektrotechnik f
electrical engineering
Elektrische Anschluesse
electrical connections
electrical engineering
ein Elektroingenieur
an electrical engineer
Elektrikentwicklung f electr. techn.
electrical development
Elektromaschinenbau m mach.
electrical engineering
electrical supply store
Elektroinstallation f
electrical installation
elektrische EnergieĂŒbertragung f
electrical transmission
Elektroinstallation f electr.
electrical installation
Elektrische Begleitheizung f electr.
electrical heat tracing
Elektrokonstruktion f techn.
electrical construction
Elektrokonfiguration f techn.
electrical configuration
Bordnetz n (eines Fahrzeugs)
vehicle electrical system
Elektroheizsystem n techn.
electrical heating system
unbemerkte elektrische Überlastung f; elektrische Überlast f electr.
electrical overstress EOS
Elektrohebezeug n
electrical hoisting device
Elektroisolierteil n techn.
electrical insulating part
Elektroofentechnik f techn.
electrical oven technology
unbemerkte elektrische Überlastung f; elektrische Überlast f electr.
electrical overstress EOS
Elektroindustrieservice m
electrical industry service
Kontaktreibung f electr.
electrical engagement length
Elektroinstallationsarbeiten pl
electrical installation work
Elektroisoliersystem n electr.
electrical insulation system
Elektrolumineszenzlampe f electr.
electrical luminescence lamp
Elektrische Energieverteilung f electr.
electrical power distribution
Elektroinstallationsanlage f mach.
electrical installation plant
Elektroisolationsbeschichtung f chem. techn.
electrical insulation coating
Elektroisolierlack m chem. techn.
electrical insulating varnish
Elektroentsorgung f electr.
disposal of electrical devices
Elektrokontakt Messuhr m techn.
electrical contact dial gauges
Elektroinstallationsprodukt n techn.
electrical installation product
AusrĂŒstung f
elektrische AusrĂŒstung
electrical equipment
Messtechnik f
elektrische Messtechnik f
electrical metrology
Messtechnik f; Messkunde f
elektrische Messtechnik f
electrical metrology
Elektroinstallationsmaterial n electr.
electrical installation material
Elektroisoliertechnik f electr.
electrical insulation technology
Elektroingenieurleistung f
electrical engineering achievement
Elektrokomponentenbau m techn.
electrical components construction
Erodieren n
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)
Grundlagen pl der Elektrotechnik
principles of electrical engineering
Erodieren n; Funkenerodieren n techn.
Electrical Discharge Machining EDM
Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
principles of electrical engineering
Elektromeister m
technician of electrical engineering
Heizung, LĂŒftung, SanitĂ€r, Elektro HLSE constr.
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing MEP
Zweispannungsbordnetz n auto electr.
two-voltage vehicle electrical system
schwimmende Befestigung (Steckverbinder) f electr.
float mounting (electrical connector)
Heizung, LĂŒftung, SanitĂ€r, Elektro (HLSE) constr.
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP)
Heizung LĂŒftung SanitĂ€r Elektro HLSE constr.
Mechanical Electrical Plumbing MEP
Fluss m (elektrischer magnetischer) phys.
Kraftfluss pro Bandbreite
flux (electrical magnetic)
power flux
Erzeugungsmenge f (von Elektroenergie)
generation volume (of electrical energy)
Fluss m (elektrischer, magnetischer) phys.
Kraftfluss pro Bandbreite
flux (electrical, magnetic)
power flux
elektrisch leitfĂ€hig adj (fĂŒr elektrisches Scannen) print comp.
electrographic (for electrical scanning)
Elektroingenieur m, Elektroingenieurin f
Elektroingenieure pl, Elektroingenieurinnen pl
electrical engineer
electrical engineers
Energietechnik f
elektrische Energietechnik
power engineering
electrical engineering
Autoelektrik f
car electrical system, automotive electrics
Autoelektrik f
car electrical system; automotive electrics
Beschaltung f; Verdrahtung f electr.
direkte Verdrahtung (ohne Kabelbaum)
electrical wiring; wiring
mattress wiring
Elektroartikel m electr.
Elektroartikel pl
electrical appliance
electrical appliances
Schutztrennung f electr.
protective separation; electrical separation
elektrisch leitender Graphitstift m (fĂŒr elektrisches Scannen) print comp.
electrographic pen (for electrical scanning)
GrĂ¶ĂŸe f phys.
magnetische GrĂ¶ĂŸe f
nichtelektrische GrĂ¶ĂŸe f
magnetic value
non-electrical value
elektrisch adj
elektrische GerÀte
nicht elektrisch
electrical appliances
Elektrolufterhitzer m
Elektrolufterhitzer pl
electrical air heater
electrical air heaters
elektrische DĂ€mpfung f electr.
EigendÀmpfung f
electrical attenuation
intrinsic attenuation
ImpedanzmessgerÀt n; Scheinwiderstandsmesser m electr.
ImpedanzmessgerÀte pl; Scheinwiderstandsmesser pl
(electrical) impendance meter
impendance meters
Nationale Vereinigung von Herstellern elektrischer elektronischer GerÀte (USA)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA
Nationale Vereinigung von Herstellern elektrischer
elektronischer GerÀte (USA)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
NEMA : National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Nationale Vereinigung von Herstellern elektrischer elektronischer GerÀte (USA)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA
Stromspannung f
electrical force (usually measured in volts); voltage
Elektrolaufkran m
Elektrolaufkrane pl
electrical overhead crane
electrical overhead cranes
Leistung f
abgestrahlte Leistung
aufgenommene Leistung
elektrische Leistung
radiated power
power input
electrical power
Steckdose f
Steckdosen pl
outlet, electrical outlet
outlets, electrical outlets
Elektroplanung f electr.
wiring planning or cable plans for electrical equipments
elektrische Ladungsmenge f
amount of the electric charge; electrical charge; charge
maschinentechnische Abteilung f; maschinentechnischer Dienst m; Zugförderungs- und WerkstÀttendienst m Schw. (Bahn)
Mechanical and Electrical Engineer's Department (railway)
Elektromaschinenbauer m techn.
Elektromaschinenbauer pl
electrical machine engineer
electrical machine engineers
Leitungsnetz n; Leitungen pl electr.
Leitungsnetze pl
elektrische Leitungen; Elektroleitungen pl
wiring system; wiring
wiring systems
electrical wiring
Stromverteilerkasten m
StromverteilerkÀsten pl
electrical distribution box
electrical distribution boxes
Starkstromanlage f electr.
Starkstromanlagen pl
electrical power installation
electrical power installations
Klinkenbuchse f; Klinkenkupplung m (Audio; Elektrotechnik; TV)
Klinkenbuchsen pl; Klinkenkupplungen pl
jack socket (audio; electrical engineering; TV)
jack sockets
Klinkenbuchse f; Klinkenkupplung f (Audio; Elektrotechnik; TV)
Klinkenbuchsen pl; Klinkenkupplungen pl
jack socket (audio; electrical engineering; TV)
jack sockets
ElektrogerÀte Elektroinstallationen entstören v electr.
to suppress interference in electrical equipment installations
Elektroinstallateur m; Elektroinstallateurin f; Elektromonteur m
Elektroinstallateure pl; Elektroinstallateurinnen pl; Elektromonteure pl
electrical fitter; electrician
electrical fitters; electricians
Elektrofirma f; Elektrounternehmen n
Elektrofirmen pl; Elektrounternehmen pl
electrical installation company
electrical installation companies
Antriebstechnik f techn.
elektrische Antriebstechnik f
propulsion technology, drive engineering
electrical drive engineering
Antriebstechnik f techn.
elektrische Antriebstechnik f
propulsion technology; drive engineering
electrical drive engineering
Anschluss m, Verbindung f
AnschlĂŒsse pl, Verbindungen pl
elektrische AnschlĂŒsse pl
Anschluss zum Ventilator
electrical connections
connection to ventilator
Stromknappheit f
shortage of electricity; shortage of electrical energy; scarcity of electricity
Anlage f
Anlagen pl
elektrische Anlagen
technische Anlagen
electrical installations
technical installations
(elektronisches) MeldegerÀt n; Elektromelder m; E-Melder m ugs.; TrefferanzeigegerÀt n (Fechten) sport
electrical recording apparatus; electrical apparatus; scoring apparatus (fencing)
Messtechnik f
elektrische Messtechnik f
measurement engineering, measurement, measurement technology
electrical measurement
Messtechnik f
elektrische Messtechnik f
measurement engineering; measurement; measurement technology
electrical measurement
Antrieb m, Fahrantrieb m
Antriebe pl
umrichtergespeister Antrieb
elektrische Antriebe
drive, propulsion, motor, power unit
inverter-fed drive
electrical drives
Antrieb m; Fahrantrieb m
Antriebe pl
umrichtergespeister Antrieb
elektrische Antriebe
drive; propulsion; motor; power unit
inverter-fed drive
electrical drives
spezifischer Widerstand; spezifischer elektrischer Widerstand electr.
scheinbarer spezifischer Widerstand
resistivity; electrical resistivity; specific electrical resistance
apparent resistivity
Heizsystem n; Heizmethode f
Heizsysteme pl; Heizmethoden pl
Elektroheizsystem n
heating system; heating method
heating systems; heating methods
electrical heating system
GerĂ€t n; GerĂ€tschaft f; AusrĂŒstung f; AusrĂŒstungsgegenstĂ€nde pl; GegenstĂ€nde pl
elektrische AusrĂŒstung
technische AusrĂŒstung
GerÀtschaft aus zweiter Hand
electrical equipment
technical equipment
second-hand equipment; used equipment
Maschine f
Maschinen pl
elektrische Maschinen
elektrische Maschinen und Anlagen
Maschine mit Autokorrekturfunktion
electrical machines
electrical machines and devices
self-correcting machine
Hutschiene f techn.
Hutschienen pl
auf DIN-Schiene (TS 35) montierte Elektrobauteile
DIN rail; top-hat rail
DIN rails; top-hat rails
electrical equipment mounted onto 35 mm DIN rail
elektrisch adj
nicht elektrisch
elektrische Eigenschaften
elektrische GerÀte
elektrische PrĂŒfungen
electric; electrical
electrical properties
electrical appliances
electrical tests
oberflĂ€chlich; flĂŒchtig; kursorisch geh. adj
eine oberflĂ€chliche ÜberprĂŒfung der elektrischen Leitungen
eine kursorische Behandlung des Themas
cursory (formal)
a cursory inspection of the electrical wiring
a cursory treatment of the subject
Entladung f electr.
elektrostatische Entladung f; elektrostatische Ableitung f
elektrostatische Auf- und Entladung
elektrische Entladung
electrostatic discharge ESD
electrostatic charging and discharge
electrical discharge
oberflĂ€chlich; flĂŒchtig; kursorisch geh. adj
eine oberflĂ€chliche ÜberprĂŒfung der elektrischen Leitungen
eine kursorische Behandlung des Themas
cursory formal
a cursory inspection of the electrical wiring
a cursory treatment of the subject
Entladung f electr.
elektrostatische Entladung f; elektrostatische Ableitung f
elektrostatische Auf- und Entladung
elektrische Entladung
electrostatic discharge ESD
electrostatic charging and discharge
electrical discharge
Funkenerosion f, Elektroerosion f electr.
electrical discharge machining (EDM), electrical erosion, electroerosion, spark machining, spark erosion
Funkenerosion f; Elektroerosion f electr.
electrical discharge machining EDM ; electrical erosion; electroerosion; spark machining; spark erosion
Lichtbogenofen m (Elektrotechnik; Metallurgie) electr. techn.
direkter Lichtbogenofen; Girod-Ofen m
electric arc furnace; arc furnace (electrical engineering; metallurgy)
direct arc furnace; Girod furnace
Elektrostimulation f med.
funktionelle Elektrostimulation
neuromuskulÀre Elektrostimulation
electrical stimulation
functional electrical stimulation FES
neuromuscular electrical stimulation NMES
ElektrogerÀt m, Elekroapparat m
ElektrogerÀte pl, Elekroapparate pl
ElektrogerÀte vor Ort
electric appliance, electrical device
electric appliances, electrical devices
electrical devices on site
ElektrogerÀt m; Elektroapparat m
ElektrogerÀte pl; Elektroapparate pl
ElektrogerÀte vor Ort
electric appliance; electrical device
electric appliances; electrical devices
electrical devices on site
ElektrogerÀt n; Elektroapparat m
ElektrogerÀte pl; Elektroapparate pl
ElektrogerÀte vor Ort
electric appliance; electrical device
electric appliances; electrical devices
electrical devices on site
Welligkeit f; Brummspannung f electr.
Restwelligkeit f
ripple voltage; ripple; hum voltage coll. (undesirable variations in electrical voltage)
residual ripple
Elektroingenieur m; Elektroingenieurin f; Elektrotechniker m; Elektrotechnikerin f
Elektroingenieure pl; Elektroingenieurinnen pl; Elektrotechniker pl; Elektrotechnikerinnen pl
electrical engineer; electrical engineering technician
electrical engineers; electrical engineering technicians
Akkuladestation f; Batterieladestation f; Ladestation f (fĂŒr ElektrogerĂ€te) electr.
Akkuladestationen pl; Batterieladestationen pl; Ladestationen pl
battery charging station; charging station (for electrical devices)
battery charging stations; charging stations
Anlage f
Anlagen pl
elektrische Anlagen
technische Anlagen
wissenschaftliche Forschungsanlagen
electrical installations
technical installations
scientific research installations
Verhalten n
sein unfreundliches Verhalten
abweichendes Verhalten
elektrisches Verhalten electr.
behavior Am., behaviour Br.
the unkindness of his behavior (behaviour)
deviant behaviour
electrical behaviour

Deutsche elektrisch Synonyme


Englische electrical Synonyme

electrical  agitating  battery-powered  breathtaking  charged  cliff-hanging  disquieting  distracting  disturbing  dynamoelectric  electric  electric-powered  electrified  electrifying  electrochemical  electrodynamic  electrokinetic  electromechanical  electrometric  electromotive  electropneumatic  electrostatic  electrothermal  exciting  exhilarating  galvanic  galvanometric  heady  heart-expanding  heart-stirring  heart-swelling  heart-thrilling  hydroelectric  impressive  inflammatory  intoxicating  jarring  jolting  maddening  mind-blowing  moving  overcoming  overmastering  overpowering  overwhelming  perturbing  photoelectric  piezoelectric  piquant  provocative  provoking  ravishing  soul-stirring  spirit-stirring  static  stimulating  stimulative  stirring  striking  suspenseful  suspensive  tantalizing  telling  thrilling  thrilly  troubling  unsettling  upsetting  voltaic  
electrical parts and devices  alternator  anode  armature  autoconverter  autostarter  autotransformer  battery charger  brush  cap  capacitor  cathode  charger  choking coil  coil  commutator  compensator  condenser  controller  converter  coupling  cutout  distributor  dynamo  dynamotor  electrode  electrophorus  electroscope  fuse  galvanic pile  galvanoscope  generator  grid  ground  ignition  inductor  insulator  interrupter  jumper  lightning rod  magnet  magneto  magnetoscope  motor-generator  oscillator  oscilloscope  outlet  pile  plug  pocket  points  push button  reactor  receptacle  rectifier  relay  resistance box  resistor  rheostat  self-starter  selsyn  shunt  socket  spark coil  spark plug  starter  step-down transformer  switch  synchronous converter  tap  terminal  time switch  timer  toggle switch  transformer  trickle charger  voltage changer  voltage regulator  voltage transformer  

Electrical Definition

(a.) Pertaining to electricity
(a.) Capable of occasioning the phenomena of electricity
(a.) Electrifying
(a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, electricity by the action of magnets

Electrical Bedeutung

electrical work the craft of an electrician
electric healing
electrical healing
the therapeutic application of electricity to the body (as in the treatment of various forms of paralysis)
electric shock
electrical shock
a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body, subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response, electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks
galvanic skin response
psychogalvanic response
electrodermal response
electrical skin response
Fere phenomenon
Tarchanoff phenomenon
a change in the electrical properties of the skin in response to stress or anxiety, can be measured either by recording the electrical resistance of the skin or by recording weak currents generated by the body
condenser electrical condenser
an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge
electrical circuit
electric circuit
an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow
electrical distributor
electrical device that distributes voltage to the spark plugs of a gasoline engine in the order of the firing sequence
electrical cable a cable that provides an electrical connection for telephone or television or power stations
electrical contact contact that allows current to pass from one conductor to another
electrical converter converter that converts alternating current into direct current or vice versa
electrical device a device that produces or is powered by electricity
electrical system equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine and ignite the fuel and operate the lights and windshield wiper and heater and air conditioner and radio
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
fuse electrical fuse
safety fuse
an electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded
electrical relay
electrical device such that current flowing through it in one circuit can switch on and off a current in a second circuit
shunt electrical shunt
a conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current
switch electric switch
electrical switch
control consisting of a mechanical or electrical or electronic device for making or breaking or changing the connections in a circuit
wall socket
wall plug
electric outlet
electrical outlet
outlet electric receptacle
receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
electrical engineering
the branch of engineering science that studies the uses of electricity and the equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and communication
electrical discharge a discharge of electricity
electrical engineer a person trained in practical applications of the theory of electricity
electrical capacity
an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored
electrical elastance
the reciprocal of capacitance
electrical phenomenon a physical phenomenon involving electricity
electrical power
electric power
the product of voltage and current
electricity electrical energy energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor, they built a car that runs on electricity
electrical line of force a line of force in an electrical field
electric resistance
electrical resistance
resistance resistivity
ohmic resistance
a material's opposition to the flow of electric current, measured in ohms
electrical conduction the passage of electricity through a conductor
electrical disturbance electrical signals produced by unwanted sources (atmospherics or receiver noise or unwanted transmitters)
electrical storm
electric storm
a storm resulting from strong rising air currents, heavy rain or hail along with thunder and lightning
electrical relating to or concerned with electricity, an electrical engineer, electrical and mechanical engineering industries
using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity, electric current, electric wiring, electrical appliances, an electrical storm
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