
English language Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

die englische Sprache
the English language
englischsprachig adj
englischsprachige Literatur f
English literature
Anglistik f
English Studies, English language and literature
gebrochen; holprig (Sprache) adj
Sie gab mir in gebrochenem Englisch zu verstehen dass ...
broken (language)
She made me understand in broken English that ...
gebrochen; holprig adj (gesprochene Sprache) ling.
gebrochen Deutsch sprechen
Sie gab mir in holprigem Englisch zu verstehen, dass …
broken (spoken language)
to speak (in) broken German
She made me understand in broken English that …
eine Sprache radebrechen v veraltend ling.
er sie radebrecht
ich er sie radebrechte
Englisch radebrechen
to smatter a language
he she smatters
I he she smattered
to smatter English
weltweit; auf der ganzen Welt; rund um den Globus adv
weltweit bekannt verbreitet sein
Englisch wird auf der ganzen Welt gesprochen und verstanden.
worldwide; all over around the world; all over around the globe
to be known found worldwide
The English language is spoken and understood all over the world
weltweit; auf der ganzen Welt; rund um den Globus adv
weltweit bekannt verbreitet sein
Englisch wird auf der ganzen Welt gesprochen und verstanden.
worldwide; all over around the world; all over around the globe
to be known found worldwide
The English language is spoken and understood all over the world.
Sprachfassung f (mehrsprachige Verträge) ling.
Sprachfassungen pl
rechtsverbindliche Sprachfassung; rechtlich maßgebliche Sprachfassung
in der englischen Sprachfassung von Artikel 23
language version (multilingual treaties)
language versions
legally authoritative language version; legally binding language version
in the English version of Article 23
Sprachgebiet n; Sprachraum m ling.
Sprachgebiete pl; Sprachräume pl
ein deutsches Sprachgebiet ein deutschsprachiges Gebiet in Belgien
der deutsche Sprachraum
außerhalb des englischen Sprachraums
language area; linguistic area
language areas; linguistic areas
a German-speaking area German language area in Belgium
the German-speaking area; the German language area
outside the English-speaking area
etw. (in eine Sprache) übertragen; übersetzen v ling.
übertragend; übersetzend
übertragen; übersetzt
Ihre Dichtung wurde auch ins Gälische übertragen.
Das englische Begriff „technology“ wird gerne falsch mit „Technologie“ ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Diese Phrase kann nur schwer ins Englische übersetzt übertragen werden.
to render sth. formal (into language)
Her poetry has also been rendered into Gaelic.
The English term "technology" tends to be incorrectly rendered into German as "Technologie".
This phrase is difficult to render into English.
mit etw. einverstanden sein; einer Sache zustimmen; in etw. einwilligen geh.; einstimmen veraltet v; etw. billigen v; sich auf etw. verständigen v
einverstanden seiend; zustimmend; einwilligend; einstimmend; billigend; sich verständigend
einverstanden gewesen; zugestimmt; eingewilligt; eingestimmt; gebilligt; sich verständigt
ist einverstanden; stimmt zu; willigt ein; stimmt ein; billigt; verständigt sich
war einverstanden; stimmte zu; willigte ein; stimmte ein; billigte; verständigte sich
damit einverstanden sein, dass …; zustimmen, dass …; einwilligen, dass …
grundsätzlich zustimmen
Ich glaube, viele von Ihnen werden mir zustimmen, dass …
Dem von Ihnen vorgeschlagenen Termin 5. Mai wird zugestimmt.
Die Mitgliedsstaaten haben sich darauf verständigt, Englisch als Arbeitssprache zu verwenden.
to agree to with sth.
to agree that …
to agree in principle
I think many of you will agree that …
We agree with the date of 5 May you suggested.
The member states have agreed to using English as the working language.
mit etw. einverstanden sein; einer Sache zustimmen; in etw. einwilligen geh.; einstimmen (veraltet) v; etw. billigen v; sich auf etw. verständigen v
einverstanden seiend; zustimmend; einwilligend; einstimmend; billigend; sich verständigend
einverstanden gewesen; zugestimmt; eingewilligt; eingestimmt; gebilligt; sich verständigt
ist einverstanden; stimmt zu; willigt ein; stimmt ein; billigt; verständigt sich
war einverstanden; stimmte zu; willigte ein; stimmte ein; billigte; verständigte sich
damit einverstanden sein dass ...; zustimmen dass ...; einwilligen dass ...
grundsätzlich zustimmen
Ich glaube viele von Ihnen werden mir zustimmen dass ...
Dem von Ihnen vorgeschlagenen Termin 5. Mai wird zugestimmt.
Die Mitgliedsstaaten haben sich darauf verständigt Englisch als Arbeitssprache zu verwenden.
to agree to with sth.
to agree that ...
to agree in principle
I think many of you will agree that ...
We agree with the date of 5 May you suggested.
The member states have agreed to using English as the working language.
Sprachübersetzung f; Übersetzung f ling.
Einheitsübersetzung f der Bibel
Fachübersetzung f
eine Ãœbersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische
eine freie Ãœbersetzung
druckreife Ãœbersetzung
eine wörtliche Übersetzung
computerunterstützte Übersetzung
Tut mir leid, das muss irgendwie untergegangen sein. übtr.
language translation; translation
unified translation of the Bible
technical translation
a translation from German into English
a loose translation; a free translation
translation ready for publication
a literal translation; a word-for-word translation
computer-assisted translation CAT
I'm sorry, that must have been lost in translation. fig.
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); ...wissenschaften pl; ...kunde f; ...istik f; ...ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); …wissenschaften pl; …kunde f; …istik f; …ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Altertumswissenschaften pl
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
Ancient Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology

English language Definition

(n.) A custom, as in some ancient boroughs, by which lands and tenements descend to the youngest son, instead of the eldest
(a.) Of or pertaining to England, or to its inhabitants, or to the present so-called Anglo-Saxon race.
(a.) See 1st Bond, n., 8.
(n.) Collectively, the people of England
(n.) The language of England or of the English nation, and of their descendants in America, India, and other countries.
(n.) A kind of printing type, in size between Pica and Great Primer. See Type.
(n.) A twist or spinning motion given to a ball in striking it that influences the direction it will take after touching a cushion or another ball.
(v. t.) To translate into the English language
(v. t.) To strike (the cue ball) in such a manner as to give it in addition to its forward motion a spinning motion, that influences its direction after impact on another ball or the cushion.
(a.) Of or relating to the English who are born or reside in India
(n.) Any means of conveying or communicating ideas
(n.) The expression of ideas by writing, or any other instrumentality.
(n.) The forms of speech, or the methods of expressing ideas, peculiar to a particular nation.
(n.) The characteristic mode of arranging words, peculiar to an individual speaker or writer
(n.) The inarticulate sounds by which animals inferior to man express their feelings or their wants.
(n.) The suggestion, by objects, actions, or conditions, of ideas associated therewith
(n.) The vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or department of knowledge
(n.) A race, as distinguished by its speech.
(v. t.) To communicate by language
Sea language
() The peculiar language or phraseology of seamen

English language Bedeutung

body English a motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction
language lesson a period of instruction learning a language
language teaching teaching people to speak and understand a foreign language
English Civil War civil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I, -
English Revolution
Glorious Revolution
Bloodless Revolution
the revolution against James II, there was little armed resistance to William and Mary in England although battles were fought in Scotland and Ireland (-)
English sparrow
house sparrow
Passer domesticus
small hardy brown-and-grey bird native to Europe
English lady crab
Portunus puber
crab of the English coasts
English toy spaniel British breed having a long silky coat and rounded head with a short upturned muzzle
English foxhound an English breed slightly larger than the American foxhounds originally used to hunt in packs
English setter an English breed having a plumed tail and a soft silky coat that is chiefly white
English springer
English springer spaniel
a breed having typically a black-and-white coat
cocker spaniel
English cocker spaniel
a small breed with wavy silky hair, originally developed in England
Old English sheepdog
large sheepdog with a profuse shaggy bluish-grey-and-white coat and short tail, believed to trace back to the Roman occupation of Britain
English bulldog
a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw, developed originally in England for bull baiting
English sole
lemon sole Parophrys vitulus
popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America
English horn
cor anglais
a doubleeed woodwind instrument similar to an oboe but lower in pitch
English saddle
English cavalry saddle
a saddle having a steel cantle and pommel and no horn
language area
language zone
a large cortical area (in the left hemisphere in most people) containing all the centers associated with language
the mental faculty or power of vocal communication, language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals
language barrier barrier to communication resulting from speaking different languages
language learning learning to use a language
linguistic process
the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication, he didn't have the language to express his feelings
perpendicular style
English-Gothic architecture
a Gothic style in th and th century England, characterized by vertical lines and a fourentered (Tudor) arch and fan vaulting
language requirement a requirement that a student know certain languages
natural language processing
human language technology
the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
English the discipline that studies the English language and literature
linguistic communication
a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols, he taught foreign languages, the language introduced is standard throughout the text, the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written
dead language a language that is no longer learned as a native language
source language a language that is to be translated into another language
object language target language the language into which a text written in another language is to be translated
language unit
linguistic unit
one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed
a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline, legal terminology, biological nomenclature, the language of sociology
written communication
written language
black and white
communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
machine code
machine language
a set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation
Shakespearean sonnet
Elizabethan sonnet
English sonnet
a sonnet consisting three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg
Oxford English Dictionary
an unabridged dictionary constructed on historical principles
New English Bible a modern English version of the Bible and Apocrypha
authoring language software that can be used to develop interactive computer programs without the technically demanding task of computer programming
natural language processor
natural language processing application
an application program that deals with natural language text
markup language a set of symbols and rules for their use when doing a markup of a document
standard generalized markup language
(computer science) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents, a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted
hypertext markup language
hypertext mark-up language
a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML) for using them in developing hypertext documents
sign language
language expressed by visible hand gestures
American sign language
the sign language used in the United States
body language communication via the movements or attitudes of the body
artificial language a language that is deliberately created for a specific purpose
Basic English a simplified form of English proposed for use as an auxiliary language for international communication, devised by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards
programming language
programing language
(computer science) a language designed for programming computers
algebraic language an algorithmic language having statements that resemble algebraic expressions
algorithmic language an artificial language designed to express algorithms
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