
Green striped Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Grünscheitel-Buschammer f ornith.
Green-striped Brush Finch
Pittas pl (Pittidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Graubrust-Ameisenpitta m
Bartstreif-Ameisenpitta m
Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Olivrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Blakeameisenpitta m
Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta m
Tachiraameisenpitta m
Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Weißkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Kastanienameisenpitta m
Rotohr-Ameisenpitta m
Großameisenpitta m
Riesenameisenpitta m
Graunacken-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Braunrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Rotrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Bandameisenpitta m
Rotkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Punaameisenpitta m
Bergameisenpitta m
Rostkappen-Ameisenpitta m
Zweifarben-Ameisenpitta m
Einfarb-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenbauch-Ameisenpitta m
Königsameisenpitta m
Watkinsameisenpitta m
Salomonenpitta m
Angolapitta m (Pitta angolensis)
Rotkopfpitta m (Pitta arcuata)
Rotrückenpitta m (Pitta baudii)
Bengalenpitta m; Neunfarbenpitta m (Pitta brachyura)
Riesenpitta m (Pitta caerulea)
Blaupitta m (Pitta cyanea)
Schmuckpitta m (Pitta elegans)
Elliotpitta m
Rotbauchpitta m (Pitta erythrogaster)
Granatpitta m (Pitta granatina)
Blauschwanzpitta m
Goldkehlpitta m (Pitta gurneyi)
Regenbogenpitta m (Pitta iris)
Luzonpitta m
Halmaherapitta m
Blauflügelpitta m (Pitta moluccensis)
Blaunackenpitta m (Pitta nipalensis)
Nymphenpitta m (Pitta nympha)
Braunkopfpitta m (Pitta oatesi)
Sichelpitta m
Grünbrustpitta m (Pitta reichenowi)
Schneiderpitta m (Pitta schneideri)
Kappenpitta m (Pitta sordida)
Blaubürzelpitta m (Pitta soror)
Blaubauchpitta m (Pitta steerii)
Mohrenpitta m
Schwarzscheitelpitta m
Lärmpitta m (Pitta versicolor)
pittas (zoological family)
white-throated antpitta
moustached antpitta
stripe-headed antpitta
santa marta antpitta
chestnut antpitta
pale-billed antpitta
tachira antpitta
ochre-striped antpitta
elusive antpitta
chestnut-brown antpitta
rufous-faced antpitta
great antpitta
giant antpitta
grey-naped antpitta
scaled antpitta
plain-backed antpitta
bay-backed antpitta
brown-banded antpitta
chestnut-naped antpitta
puna antpitta
tawny antpitta
chestnut-crowned antpitta
bicoloured antpitta
rufous antpitta
undulated antpitta
variegated antpitta
Watkin's antpitta
black-faced pitta
African pitta
blue-banded pitta
blue-headed pitta
blue-winged pitta
giant pitta
blue pitta
elegant pitta
Elliot's pitta
red-breasted pitta
garnet pitta
blue-tailed pitta
Gurney's pitta
rainbow pitta
Koch's pitta
great pitta
blue-winged pitta; moluccan pitta
blue-naped pitta
fairy pitta
fulvous pitta
Phayre's pitta
green-breasted pitta
Schneider's pitta
hooded pitta
blue-backed pitta
Steere's pitta
superb pitta
black-crowned garnet pitta
noisy pitta
green revolution
grüne Versicherungskarte
green card
unerfahrener Mitarbeiter
green man
Agrarrevolution f
Agrarrevolutionen pl
green revolution
green revolutions
Anger m, Gemeindeland n, Dorfwiese f, Gemeindewiese f
common, common land, village green
Angerdorf n
village built around a village green
Blattsalat m bot. cook.
green salad, leaf salad
Bohnensalat m, Fisolensalat m Ös. cook.
green bean salad
Bowlingspiel n, Bowling n
Rasenplatz m für Bowling
bowling, bowls
Brechbohnen pl cook.
French beans Br., green beans, wax beans Am.
Daumen m
Daumen pl
Daumen drehen, Däumchen drehen
die Daumen drücken
Daumen lutschen
einen grünen Daumen haben übtr.
to twiddle one's thumbs
to cross one's fingers, to keep one's fingers crossed
to suck the thumb
to have green fingers fig.
Einführungsrunde f
green flag lap
Erbse f bot. cook.
Erbsen pl
grüne Erbsen
Erbsen in Schoten
green peas
peas in the pod
Florfliege f zool. (Insekt)
Florfliegen pl
Gemeine Florfliege f, Grüne Florfliege f, Goldauge n
lacewing, chrysopid
lacewings, chrysopids
green lacewing, stink fly
Grasplatz m (mit Gras bewachsener Platz)
Grasplätze pl
grass-plot, lawn, green (large area of grass)
grass-plots, lawns, greens
Green Card f
Green Card
Grün n
Grünanlage f, Grünfläche f
Grünanlagen pl, Grünflächen pl
green, green area
green spaces
Grünfutter n agr.
green fodder
Grünkern m cook.
green spelt
Grünschalenmuschel f zool.
green shell mussel
Grünzeug n
green stuff
Konsum m von umweltfreundlichen Produkten
green consumerism
Nadelstreifen m
mit Nadelstreifen
pinstripe, pin stripe
pin-striped, pinstriped
Neid m
gelb vor Neid übtr.
green with envy fig.
Paprika f (Schote)
green pepper, sweet pepper, capsicum
Reifen m
Reifen pl
platter Reifen
abgefahrener Reifen
abgewerteter Reifen
feinprofilierter Reifen
gewachsener Reifen
nachgeschnittener Reifen
nachschneidbarer Reifen
profilloser Reifen, Reifen ohne Profil
profilloser Reifen
runderneuerter Reifen
schlauchloser Reifen
unvulkanisierter Reifen
verstärkter Reifen
Reifen einer Handelsmarke
Belastung pro Reifen
Reifen mit Notlaufeigenschaften
Reifen mit zu hohem Luftdruck
Reifen für landwirtschaftliche Geräte
tyre, tire Am.
tyres, tires Am.
flat tyre
bald tyre, smooth tyre, worn tyre
downgraded tyre
siped tyre
grown tyre
mud and snow tyre (M+S)
recut tyre, regrooved tyre
regroovable tyre
plain tread tyre, plain tyre, slick tyre
smooth tread tyre (slick)
remoulded tyre, retread tyre
tubeless tyre
green tyre, uncured cover
extra ply tire Am., reinforced tyre
private brand tyre
load per tyre
tyre with running flat properties
overinflated tyre
implement tyre
Reifenrohling m
green tyre
Rohkaffee m
green coffee
Schalotte f, Frühlingszwiebel f bot. cook.
Schalotten pl, Frühlingszwiebeln pl
shallot, scallion, spring onion, green onion
shallots, scallions, spring onions, green onions
Signallampe f, Meldeleuchte f
Meldeleuchte rot
signal lamp
signal lamp red
Umweltsteuer f
green tax
Zucchini m bot.
Zucchinis pl
zucchini, courgette Br., green squash
zucchinis, courgettes Br.
dunkelgrün adj bot.
dull-green, dark green
flaschengrün adj
grasgrün adj
grün adj
am grünsten
grünen v
to turn green, to green
turning green, greening
hellgrün adj
light green
jadegrün adj
längsgestreift adj
lindgrün adj
lime green
malachitgrün adj
malachite green
moosgrün adj
oliv, olivgrün adj
olive, olive-green
quer gestreift, quergestreift alt adj
cross-striped, fasciated
rohe Ware f, ungeschrühte Ware f, ungebrannte Ware f (Keramik)
green ware, greenware
schreckensbleich adj
green with fear
smaragdgrün adj
emerald green
to stripe
türkis, blaugrün, zyan adj
turquoise, cyan, teal, bluish green, blue-green
grün werden
to turn
to turn green
Die Hecke dazwischen erhält die Freundschaft.
A hedge between keeps friendship green.
Marmorbrasse f zool.
Marmorbrassen pl
Striped seabream
Striped seabreams
Streifenbarbe f zool.
Streifenbarben pl
Striped red mullet
Striped red mullets
Streifenskunk m zool.
Streifenskunks pl
striped skunk
striped skunks
Glänzender Mandarinfisch m (Synchiropus splendidus) zool.
green mandarin (fish)
Glasrasbora f, Dreilinienrasbora f (Rasbora trinlineata) zool.
golden-striped rasbora
Grünes Schwalbenschwänzchen n, Blaugrüne Demoiselle f (Chromis virdis) zool.
green chromis
Helsdingenis Schläfergrundel f (Valenciennea helsdingenii) zool.
striped sleeper goby
Krustenanemone f (Epizoanthus spp., Parazoanthus spp.) zool.
button polyp, polyp (red, green, blue, yellow...)
Krustenanemone f (Epizoanthus spp., Parazoanthus spp.) zool.
polyp (red, green, blue, yellow...), button polyp
Zebra-Schleimfisch m (Meiacanthus grammistes) zool.
striped blenny
Blaualgen pl (cyanobacteria)
blue-green algae
Indischer Wasserfreund m (Hygrophila polysperma)
green hygro
Pazifischer Weissstreifendelfin m zool.
Pacific white-sided dolphin, white-striped dolphin, lag, hookfin porpoise, hook-finned porpoise (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Streifendelfin m, Blauweißer Delfin m zool.
striped dolphin, whitebelly dolphin, Euphrosyne dolphin, blue-white dolphin, Meyen's dolphin, Gray's dolphin, streaker porpoise (Stenella coeruleoalba)
Grünspecht m ornith.
Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis)
Grünwaldsänger m ornith.
Black-throated Green Warbler (Dendroica virens)
Amerikanische Krickente f ornith.
Green-winged Teal (Anas carolinensis)
Waldwasserläufer m ornith.
Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus)
Mangrovereiher m ornith.
Green-backed Heron
Grünibis m ornith.
Green Ibis
Amerik. Krickente f ornith.
Green-winged Teal
Australische Zwergente f ornith.
Green Pygmy Goose
Graustreifenfrankolin m ornith.
Gabelschwanzhuhn n ornith.
Green Jungle-fowl
Ährenträgerpfau m ornith.
Green Peafowl
Buntfasan m ornith.
Green Pheasant
Grünfuß-Buschwachtel f ornith.
Green-legged Hill Partridge
Grünflügel-Trompetervogel m ornith.
Green-winged Trumpeter
Graukehl-Sumpfhuhn n ornith.
Striped Crake
Strichelralle f ornith.
White-striped Chestnut Rail
Dominikanertriel m ornith.
Double-striped Stone-Curlew
Bronzefruchttaube f ornith.
Green Imperial Pigeon
Weißbauch-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Green & White Zone-tailed Pigeon
Tahitifruchttaube f ornith.
Grey-green Fruti Dove
Spitzschwanz-Grüntaube f ornith.
Pin-tailed Green Pigeon
Graunasen-Grüntaube f ornith.
Madagascar Green Pigeon
Bindengrüntaube f ornith.
Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
Rotnasen-Grüntaube f ornith.
African Green Pigeon
Dickschnabeltaube f ornith.
Large Green Pigeon
Papageischnabeltaube f ornith.
Thick-billed Green Pigeon
Floresgrüntaube f ornith.
Flores Green Pigeon
Formosagrüntaube f ornith.
Formosan Green Pigeon
Zimtkopf-Grüntaube f ornith.
Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon
Graukopf-Grüntaube f ornith.
Little Green Pigeon
Pembagrüntaube f ornith.
Pemba Is Green Pigeon
Rotschultertaube f ornith.
Yellow-legged Green Pigeon
Pompadourtaube f ornith.
Pompadour Green Pigeon
Timorgrüntaube f ornith.
Timor Green Pigeon
Sao-Tomé-Grüntaube f ornith.
Sao Thome Green Pigeon
Sieboldgrüntaube f ornith.
Japanese Green Pigeon
Teysmanntaube f ornith.
Sumba Is Green Pigeon
Waaliataube f ornith.
Yellow-bellied Green Pigeon
Celebeslori m ornith.
Yellow & Green Lorikeet
Papuasittich m ornith.
Green-winged King Parrot
Grünwangenamazone f ornith.
Green-cheeked Amazon
Grünflügelara m ornith.
Green-winged Macaw
Grünsittich m ornith.
Green Conure
Einfarbsittich m ornith.
Antipodes Green Parakeet
Grünbürzel-Sperlingspapagei m ornith.
Green-rumped Parrotlet
Däumlingspapageichen n ornith.
Green Hanging Parrot
Gelbbauchsittich m ornith.
Green Rosella
Luzon-Spatelschwanzpapagei m ornith.
Green Racket-tailed Parrot
Molinasittich m ornith.
Green-cheeked Conure
Guineaturako m ornith.
Green Turaco
Grünwangen-Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
Green-cheeked Bronze Cuckoo
Gelbkehlkuckuck m ornith.
Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo
Diardkuckuck m ornith.
Lesser Green-billed Malcoha
Großer Grünschnabelkuckuck m ornith.
Greater Green-billed Malcoha
Kleiner Grünschnabelkuckuck m ornith.
Small Green-billed Malcoha
Streifenkuckuck m ornith.
Striped Cuckoo
Schreieule f ornith.
Striped Owl
Grünbauchamazilie f ornith.
Green-bellied Hummingbird
Berlepschamazilie f ornith.
Green & White Hummingbird
Grünstirnamazilie f ornith.
Green-fronted Hummingbird
Grünbrustmango m ornith.
Green-breasted Mango
Grünkehlmango m ornith.
Green-throated Mango
Smaragdmango m ornith.
Green Mango
Alicekolibri m ornith.
Green-tailed Emerald
Zwergveilchenohr n ornith.
Green Violetear
Grünstirn-Lanzettschnabel m ornith.
Green-fronted Lancebill
Grünscheitelbrillant m ornith.
Green-crowned Brilliant
Sybillennymphe f ornith.
Green-breasted Mountain Gem
Grünkehlnymphe f ornith.
Green-throated Mountain Gem
Goudotkolibri m ornith.
Shining Green Hummingbird
Grünschwanzlesbia ornith.
Green-tailed Trainbearer
Graubrusteremit m ornith.
Green Hermit
Grünschwanz-Goldkehlchen n ornith.
Green-tailed Goldenthroat
Dornschwanzelfe f ornith.
Green Thorntail
Chilekolibri m ornith.
Green-backed Firecrown
Doktorvogel m ornith.
Green-throated Carib
Grünfischer m ornith.
Green Kingfisher
Zweifarbenfischer m ornith.
Green & Rufous Kingfisher
Streifenliest ornith.
Striped Kingfisher
Smaragdspint m ornith.
Little Green Bee Eater
Baumhopf m ornith.
Green Wood Hoopoe
Grünschwanz-Glanzvogel m ornith.
Green-tailed Jacamar
Olivbartvogel m ornith.
Green Barbet

Deutsche Grünscheitel-Buschammer {f} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Green-striped Brush Finch Synonyme

Green striped Definition

Bottle green
() A dark shade of green, like that of bottle glass.
Brunswick green
() An oxychloride of copper, used as a green pigment
(a.) Green with grass.
(a.) Of the color of grass
(superl.) Having the color of grass when fresh and growing
(superl.) Having a sickly color
(superl.) Full of life aud vigor
(superl.) Not ripe
(superl.) Not roasted
(superl.) Immature in age or experience
(superl.) Not seasoned
(n.) The color of growing plants
(n.) A grassy plain or plat
(n.) Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants
(n.) pl. Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food.
(n.) Any substance or pigment of a green color.
(v. t.) To make green.
(v. i.) To become or grow green.
(n.) A plant of the genus Genista (G. tinctoria)
(a.) Having green eyes.
(a.) Seeing everything through a medium which discolors or distorts.
(n.) An Australian parrakeet (Polytelis Barrabandi)
(n.) A stall at which greens and fresh vegetables are exposed for sale.
Kendal green
() Alt. of Kendal
Lincoln green
() A color of cloth formerly made in Lincoln, England
Mitter's green
() A pigment of a green color, the chief constituent of which is oxide of chromium.
(n.) A green membranous seaweed (Ulva) often found growing on oysters but common on stones, piles, etc.
(a.) Sea-green in color.
Scheele's green
() See under Green.
Sea green
() The green color of sea water.
(a.) Of a beautiful bluish green color, like sea water on soundings.
(imp. & p. p.) of Stripe
(a.) Having stripes of different colors

Green striped Bedeutung

blue-green algae
predominantly photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms containing a blue pigment in addition to chlorophyll, occur singly or in colonies in diverse habitats, important as phytoplankton
yellow-green algae any alga of the division Chrysophyta with its chlorophyll masked by yellow pigment
green algae
algae that are clear green in color, often growing on wet ricks or damp wood or the surface of stagnant water
striped killifish
may fish
Fundulus majalis
black-barred fish of bays and coastal marshes of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast of the United States
green-tailed towhee
Chlorura chlorura
towhee of the Rocky Mountains
green frog
spring frog Rana clamitans
similar to bullfrog, found in or near marshes and ponds, of United States and Canada
Eurasian green toad
Bufo viridis
Eurasian toad with variable chiefly green coloring
American green toad
Bufo debilis
small green or yellow-green toad with small black bars and stripes
green turtle
Chelonia mydas
large tropical turtle with greenish flesh used for turtle soup
plateau striped whiptail
Cnemidophorus velox
having distinct longitudinal stripes: of Colorado Plateau from Arizona to western Colorado
green lizard
Lacerta viridis
a common Eurasian lizard about a foot long
green snake grass snake either of two North American chiefly insectivorous snakes that are green in color
smooth green snake
Opheodrys vernalis
of western and central United States
rough green snake
Opheodrys aestivus
of southern and eastern United States
green snake any of numerous African colubrid snakes
California whipsnake
striped racer
Masticophis lateralis
a whipsnake of scrublands and rocky hillsides
green mamba green phase of the black mamba
green peafowl
Pavo muticus
peafowl of southeast Asia
green woodpecker
Picus viridis
woodpecker of Europe and western Asia
green-winged teal
Anas crecca
common teal of Eurasia and North America
green gland one of a pair of glands (believed to have excretory functions) in some crustaceans near the base of the large antennae
striped button quail
Turnix sylvatica
a variety of button quail having stripes
green plover
peewit pewit
large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs
striped hyena
Hyaena hyaena
of northern Africa and Arabia and India
green June beetle
large greenish June beetle of southern United States
apple aphid
green apple aphid
Aphis pomi
bright green aphid, feeds on and causes curling of apple leaves
green peach aphid yellowish green aphid that is especially destructive to peaches
green lacewing
stink fly
pale green unpleasant-smelling lacewing fly having carnivorous larvae
eastern chipmunk
striped squirrel
ground squirrel Tamias striatus
small striped semiterrestrial eastern American squirrel with cheek pouches
striped muishond
Ictonyx striata
ferret-sized muishond often tamed
striped skunk
Mephitis mephitis
most common and widespread North American skunk
green monkey
African green monkey
Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus
common savannah monkey with greenish-grey back and yellow tail
striped bass
Roccus saxatilis
marine food and game fish with dark longitudinal stripes, migrates upriver to spawn, sometimes placed in the genus Morone
striped drum
Equetus pulcher
a kind of drumfish
striped mullet
Mugil cephalus
most important commercial mullet in eastern United States
striped marlin
Makaira mitsukurii
Pacific food and game fish marked with dark blue vertical stripes
Acapulco gold
Mexican green
a particularly potent variety of marijuana
farmer's market
green market
an open-air marketplace for farm products
jet super acid
special K
honey oil
cat valium
super C
street names for ketamine
pot grass
green goddess
gage sess
smoke skunk
Mary Jane
street names for marijuana
soft soap
green soap
a soft (or liquid) soap made from vegetable oils, used in certain skin diseases
green color or pigment, resembling the color of growing grass
sea green the property of a moderate green color resembling the waters of the sea
sage green the color of sage leaves
bottle green dark to moderate or greyish green
chrome green a brilliant green color
olive green
a color that is lighter and greener than olive
yellow green
yellowish green
Paris green
pea green
a shade of green tinged with yellow
bluish green
blue green
a blue-green color or pigment, they painted it a light shade of bluish green
jade green
a light green color varying from bluish green to yellowish green
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121 Bewertungen 5


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Green is the color between blue and yellow on the spectrum of visible light. It is evoked by light with a predominant wavelength of roughly 495?570 nm. In the subtractive color system, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan; in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens, it is one of the additive primary colors, along with red and blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colors.