
Human Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Menschenseele f
human soul
human life
human soul
more human
most human
menschliche Note
human touch
Menschenfleisch n
human flesh
Zweibeiner m, Zweibeinerin f
human being
human being
human rights
menschliche Natur
human nature
Humangenom n; menschliche Genstruktur f biol.
human genome
human climate
human capital
Menschenkapital n
human capital
Humanwissenschaften f pl
human sciences
humanmedizinisch adj
human medicine
visuell lesbar
human readable
human kindness
die menschliche Rasse, Menschheit
the human race
Humangenetik f
human genetics
Humanwissenschaften pl
human sciences
Humanwissenschaften pl sci. stud.
human sciences
Arbeitsreserven, potentielle Arbeitskräfte
human resources
menschliche Beziehungen
human relations
human relations
zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen im Betrieb
human relations
Menschenopfer n
human sacrifice
human resources
das menschliche Moment, der menschliche Faktor
the human factor
Humanmedizin f
(human) medicine
humanökologisch adj
human ecological
Irren ist menschlich.
To err is human.
humanwissenschaftlich adj
human scientific
Anpassung der Arbeitsbedingungen
human engineering
within human power
Personalwirtschaft f
human resources HR
nichtmenschlich adj
non-human; inhuman
Serum n (Flüssigkeit) biol.
menschliches humanes Serum
human serum
Personalwirtschaft f
human resources (HR)
Humangenomprojekt n; Forschungsprojekt zur Entschlüsselung der menschlichen Gene biol.
human genome project
Personalwirtschaft f
human resources HR
Humangenomprojekt n; Forschungsprojekt zur Entschlüsselung der menschlichen Genstruktur biochem.
human genome project
Menschenrechtsbewegung f
human rights movement
Menschenrechtsnormen pl pol. soc.
human rights standards
Anatomie f; Lehre f vom Körper
Anatomie des Menschen
human anatomy
Anthropotechnik f
human factors technology
Klarschriftzeichen n
human readable character
Menschenleben n
Menschenleben pl
human life
human lifes
gestalthaft adj
resembling a human shape
Menschenseele f phil.
Menschenseelen pl
human soul
human souls
Menschenrechtsverletzung f
violation of human rights
Personalmanagement n
human resource management
Personalwesen n
human resource management
keiner menschlichen Regung fähig
void of all human feeling
Personalwesen n; Personalmanagement n econ.
human resource management
Entwicklung der menschlichen Arbeitskräfte
human resource development
Menschenkette f
Menschenketten pl
human chain
human chains
Menschenliebe f
human kindness, human love
Menschenrecht n
Menschenrechte pl
human right
human rights
Menschenliebe f
human kindness; human love
Menschenrecht n pol.
Menschenrechte pl
human right
human rights
Zweibeiner m; Zweibeinerin f iron.
Zweibeiner pl; Zweibeinerinnen pl
human being
human beings
expenditure of human labour
menschenähnlich adj
manlike; like a human being
Index der menschlichen Entwicklung
Human Development Index HDI
Mensch m
die Menschen pl
human being, mensch
Mensch m
die Menschen pl
human being; mensch
Menschenwürde f
dignity of man, human dignity
Menschliches Blut hat überall dieselbe Farbe.
Human blood is all one color.
Index der menschlichen Entwicklung
Human Development Index HDI
Menschenwürde f
dignity of man; human dignity
Nichts Menschliches ist mir fremd.
Nothing human is alien to me.
nichtmenschlich adj
non-human {adj}; nonhuman {adj}
durch und durch; voll und ganz adv
durch und durch menschlich
capaciously human
humanes Choriongonadotropin n biochem.
human chorionic gonadotropin hCG
Humanökologe m
Humanökologen pl
human ecologist
human ecologists
Menschheitsentwicklung f
human development; human evolution
Europäische Menschenrechtskommission
European Commission on Human Rights
HIV : Virus der Immunschwächekrankheit
HIV : Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
Insektenesser m; Entomophag m (Mensch) cook.
(human) insect-eater; entomophagist
Personalleiter m; Personalleiterin f; Personalverantwortlicher m; Personalverantwortliche f
human resources manager; HR manager
Studium n der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung; Anthrozoologie f
human-animal studies; anthrozoology
jenseits des menschlichen Fassungsvermögens
beyond the compass of the human mind
Anthropophobie f; Menschenangst f
anthropophobia; fear of human beings
Menschenhändler m
Menschenhändler pl
human trafficker
human traffickers
Personalcontrolling n econ.
human resource asset capital accounting
Kontaktarmut f
lack of human contact, social withdrawal
Kontaktarmut f soc.
lack of human contact; social withdrawal
Personalabteilung f, Personalreferat n, Personaldezernat n, Personalbereich m
human resources department, HR department
'Der Menschen Hörigkeit' (von Maugham Werktitel) lit.
'Of Human Bondage' (by Maugham work title)
Die Natur erschuf den Menschen und zerstörte die Form.
Nature made human, and then broke the mould.
Eintreten n; Fürsprache f (für)
ihr Eintreten für die Menschenrechte
advocacy (of)
her advocacy of human rights
Die Natur erschuf den Menschen und zerstörte die Form.
Nature made human and then broke the mould.
'Der Menschen Hörigkeit' (von Maugham Werktitel) lit.
'Of Human Bondage' (by Maugham work title)
Personalabteilung f; Personalreferat n; Personaldezernat n; Personalbereich m; Personalangelegenheiten pl
human resources department; HR department HR
Humangenom n; menschliche Genstruktur f biol.
Sequenzierung des Humangenoms; Entschlüsselung der menschlichen Genstruktur
human genome
sequencing of the human genome
'Der menschliche Makel' (von Philip Roth Werktitel) lit.
'The Human Stain' (by Philip Roth work title)
Menschenhandel m
human trafficking, trafficking in human beings
Menschenrechtler m, Menschenrechtlerin f
Menschenrechtler pl, Menschenrechtlerinnen pl
human rights activist
human rights activists
Anthropogenese f; Menschwerdung f; Evolution f des Menschen
anthropogenesis; anthropogeny; human evolution
Menschenrechtler m; Menschenrechtlerin f
Menschenrechtler pl; Menschenrechtlerinnen pl
human rights activist
human rights activists
Personalabteilung f; Personalreferat n; Personaldezernat n; Personalbereich m; Personalangelegenheiten pl
human resources department; HR department HR
Die Menschenrechte sind dabei unter die Räder gekommen.
Human rights have been crushed in the process.
Eingriff m
Eingriffe pl
menschliche Eingriffe
human intervention
Wüstensohn m humor. (menschlicher Wüstenbewohner)
son of the desert humor. (human desert dweller)
menschenunwürdig adj
unfit for human beings; unworthy of a human being
Arbeitskräfte pl
work force, labour force, human resources, workers
Natur f, Beschaffenheit f
die menschliche Natur
zurückhaltender Natur sein
human nature
to be of a retiring nature
Personalentwicklung f
human resources development, personnel development
Personalentwicklung f
human resources development; personnel development
Zentrum der Vereinten Nationen für Wohn- und Siedlungswesen
UNCHS : United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Menschenkenntnis f
knowledge of human nature, insight into human nature
menschenwürdig adj
human, fit for human beings, worthy of a human being
Menschenkenntnis f
knowledge of human nature; insight into human nature
Umgang m; Kommunikation f
sozialer Umgang; gesellschaftlicher Verkehr
menschliche Kontakte
social intercourse
human intercourse
menschenwürdig adj
human; fit for human beings; worthy of a human being
Cyborg m (Akronym aus cybernetic organism - Mischwesen aus Mensch und Maschine)
cyborg (an organism partly human partly artificial)
Cyborg m (Akronym aus cybernetic organism - Mischwesen aus Mensch und Maschine)
cyborg (an organism partly human, partly artificial)
Ergonomie f; Arbeitswissenschaft f; Arbeitswissenschaften pl
psychophysiologische Ergonomie f
human engineering; biological engineering
Menschenrechtsverletzung f
Menschenrechtsverletzungen pl
violation of human rights
violations of human rights
Begriffsvermögen n; Fassungsvermögen n; Verständnis n; Einsicht f (für)
jenseits des menschlichen Fassungsvermögens
comprehension (of)
beyond the compass of the human mind
Es wurde als Zeichen gewertet dass er es mit den Menschenrechten ernst meint.
It was seen as a sign of his seriousness on human rights.
Es wurde als Zeichen gewertet, dass er es mit den Menschenrechten ernst meint.
It was seen as a sign of his seriousness on human rights.
Forschungsprojekt n, Forschungsvorhaben n
Forschungsprojekte pl, Forschungsvorhaben pl
Forschungsprojekt zur Entschlüsselung der menschlichen Gene
research project
research projects
Human Genum Project
UNHCHR : UNO-Hochkommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte
UNHCHR : United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Forschungsprojekt n; Forschungsvorhaben n
Forschungsprojekte pl; Forschungsvorhaben pl
Forschungsprojekt zur Entschlüsselung der menschlichen Gene
research project
research projects
Human Genom Project
Keimbahn f biol.
Keimbahnen pl
menschliche Keimbahn
germ line; germline
germ lines; germlines
human germline
Arbeitsaufwand m
expenditure of human labour, expenditure of human labor Am.
Arbeitsaufwand m
expenditure of human labour; expenditure of human labor Am.
Personalverantwortung f
responsibility for employees; human resource responsibilities
menschlich, mitmenschlich adj
am menschlichsten
menschliches Versagen
das menschliche Geschlecht
more human
most human
human error
the human race
Intelligenz f; Auffassungsvermögen n psych.
die menschliche Intelligenz; die Intelligenz des Menschen
künstliche Intelligenz f KI
human intelligence
artificial intelligence AI
Eingreifen n; Eingriff m (seitens +Gen. von Seiten +Gen.)
menschliche Eingriffe
intervention (from sb. on the part of sb.)
human intervention
Menschenrechtskonvention f
Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention
convention on human rights
European Convention on Human Rights
Intelligenz f; Auffassungsvermögen n psych.
die menschliche Intelligenz; die Intelligenz des Menschen
künstliche Intelligenz f KI
human intelligence
artificial intelligence AI
einer Sache eigen sein; innewohnen geh.; zum Wesen einer Sache gehören v
Kreativität gehört zum Wesen des Menschen.
to be intrinsic to sth.
Creativity is intrinsic to human nature.
das Besiedeln n; das Bewohnen n (eines Gebiets) geogr.
menschliche Besiedlung
the inhabitation; the inhabitancy (of an area)
human inhabitation
Mensch m (als Kategorie); Homo sapiens geh.
die Menschen pl
human being; human; member of the human race; homo sapiens
Menschenrechtskonvention f
Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention EMRK
convention on human rights
European Convention on Human Rights ECHR
OHCHR : Büro des Hochkommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte
OHCHR : Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
die Heilsgeschichte (Abfolge göttlicher Eingriffe in die Menschheitsgeschichte) f relig.
salvation history (succession of divine interventions in human history)
Mikrobiom n (Gesamtheit der Mikroorganismen, die den Körper besiedeln) biol.
microbiome (the collection of microorganisms inhabiting the human body)
erfahren, kampferprobt adj
ein erfahrener Reisender
ein erfahrener Kämpfer für die Menschenrechte
a seasoned traveller
a seasoned campaigner for human rights
erfahren; kampferprobt adj
ein erfahrener Reisender
ein erfahrener Kämpfer für die Menschenrechte
a seasoned traveller
a seasoned campaigner for human rights
menschenmöglich adj
das Menschenmögliche tun
humanly possible, within human power
to do all that is humanly possible
Menschenhandel m (Straftatbestand) jur.
human trafficking; trafficking in persons human beings (criminal offence)
menschenmöglich adj
das Menschenmögliche tun versuchen
humanly possible; within human power
to do try all that is humanly possible
routiniert; erfahren adj (Person)
ein erfahrener Reisender
ein erfahrener Streiter für die Menschenrechte
seasoned (person)
a seasoned traveller
a seasoned campaigner for human rights

Deutsche menschlich Synonyme

humanisieren  Âmenschlich  machen  Âvermenschlichen  
human  Âmenschenfreundlich  Âmenschengerecht  Âmenschenwürdig  Âmenschlich  Âphilanthropisch  

Englische human Synonyme

human  Adamite  Adamitic  Christian  Christlike  Christly  accommodating  affectionate  android  anthropocentric  anthropoid  anthropological  being  beneficent  benevolent  benign  benignant  bleeding  body  brotherly  cat  chap  character  charitable  child  clement  commiserative  compassionate  condolent  considerate  creature  customer  decent  duck  earthling  earthy  ethological  fallible  fellow  finite  fleshly  forbearant  forgiving  frail  fraternal  generous  gentle  good  good-natured  gracious  groundling  guy  hand  head  hominal  hominid  homo  homocentric  human being  humane  humanistic  humanitarian  individual  joker  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  lenient  life  living soul  loving  magnanimous  man  man-centered  mankind  manlike  melting  merciful  mortal  nice  nose  one  only human  party  person  personage  personality  pitying  ruthful  sensitive  single  soft  softhearted  somebody  someone  soul  sympathetic  sympathizing  tellurian  tender  tenderhearted  terran  unangelic  understanding  vulnerable  warm  warmhearted  weak  woman  worldling  
human factor  differentiation  differentness  distinctiveness  egohood  identity  individualism  individuality  integrity  nominalism  nonconformity  oneness  particularism  particularity  personal equation  personal identity  personality  personship  self-identity  selfhood  selfness  singularity  soul  uniqueness  
human interest  blood and thunder  demonstrativeness  emotional appeal  emotionalism  emotionality  emotionalization  emotionalizing  emotiveness  emotivity  histrionics  love interest  making scenes  melodrama  melodramatics  nonrationalness  sensationalism  theatricality  theatrics  unreasoningness  visceralness  yellow journalism  
human nature  Adam  Hominidae  Homo sapiens  clay  fallen humanity  flesh  frailty  generation of man  genus Homo  hominid  homo  human equation  human family  human frailty  human race  human species  human weakness  humanity  humankind  humanness  le genre humain  man  mankind  mortal flesh  mortality  mortals  race of man  weakness  
human race  Adam  Hominidae  Homo sapiens  clay  fallen humanity  flesh  generation of man  genus Homo  hominid  homo  human family  human nature  human species  humanity  humankind  le genre humain  man  mankind  mortal flesh  mortality  mortals  race of man  
humane  Christian  Christlike  Christly  accepting  affectionate  altruistic  benevolent  benign  benignant  bleeding  brotherly  charitable  chickenhearted  clement  commiserative  compassionate  condolent  decent  easy  easygoing  eleemosynary  forbearant  forbearing  forgiving  fraternal  gentle  good  gracious  human  humanitarian  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  lax  lenient  loving  melting  merciful  mild  moderate  nice  patient  philanthropic  pitying  ruthful  soft  softhearted  sympathetic  sympathizing  tender  tenderhearted  tolerant  understanding  warm  warmhearted  
humanism  Christian humanism  Religious Humanism  anthroposophy  bibliolatry  bibliomania  bluestockingism  book learning  book madness  bookiness  bookishness  booklore  classical scholarship  classicism  culture  donnishness  eruditeness  erudition  free thought  freethinking  humanistic scholarship  integral humanism  intellectualism  intellectuality  latitudinarianism  learnedness  letters  literacy  naturalistic humanism  new humanism  pedantism  pedantry  reading  scholarship  secular humanism  
humanist  academician  bookman  classicist  clerk  colossus of knowledge  esprit fort  freethinker  genius  giant of learning  latitudinarian  learned clerk  learned man  literary man  litterateur  lover of learning  man of learning  man of letters  mastermind  mine of information  philologist  philologue  philomath  philosophe  philosopher  polyhistor  polymath  pundit  savant  scholar  scholastic  schoolman  secular humanist  student  walking encyclopedia  
humanitarian  Robin Hood  almoner  almsgiver  almsgiving  altruistic  benefactor  beneficent  benevolent  benevolist  bighearted  charitable  do-gooder  eleemosynary  freehearted  generous  good  greathearted  human  humane  largehearted  philanthropic  philanthropist  power for good  social worker  welfare  welfare statist  welfare worker  welfarist  well-doer  
humanitarianism  BOMFOG  Benthamism  Christian charity  Christian love  agape  altruism  beneficence  benevolence  benevolent disposition  benevolentness  bigheartedness  brotherly love  caritas  charitableness  charity  do-goodism  flower power  generosity  giving  goodwill  grace  greatheartedness  largeheartedness  love  love of mankind  philanthropism  philanthropy  utilitarianism  welfarism  well-disposedness  
humanities  academic specialty  area  classical education  core curriculum  course  course of study  curriculum  discipline  elective  field  general education  general studies  liberal arts  major  minor  proseminar  quadrivium  refresher course  scientific education  seminar  specialty  study  subdiscipline  subject  technical education  trivium  
humanity  Adam  Hominidae  Homo sapiens  acceptance  affectionateness  beneficence  benevolence  benignancy  benignity  brotherhood  charitableness  clay  clemency  clementness  commiseration  community  compassion  condolence  consideration  easiness  easygoingness  fallen humanity  favor  feeling  feeling of kinship  fellow feeling  flesh  forbearance  forbearing  forgiveness  frailty  fraternal feeling  generation of man  generosity  gentleness  genus Homo  goodness  goodness of heart  grace  graciousness  heart of gold  helpfulness  hominid  homo  human equation  human family  human frailty  human nature  human race  human species  human weakness  humaneness  humankind  humanness  kindheartedness  kindliness  kindly disposition  kindness  laxness  le genre humain  lenience  leniency  lenientness  lenity  loving kindness  magnanimity  man  mankind  mercifulness  mercy  mildness  mitigation  moderateness  mortal flesh  mortality  mortals  niceness  pardon  pathos  patience  people  pity  quarter  race of man  relief  reprieve  ruth  self-pity  sensitivity  society  softheartedness  softness  soul of kindness  sympathy  tenderheartedness  tenderness  the masses  the public  tolerance  understanding  unselfishness  warmheartedness  warmth  warmth of heart  weakness  
humanoid  Bronze Age man  Hominidae  Iron Age man  Stone Age man  aboriginal  aborigine  ancestral  ancient  antediluvian  antepatriarchal  anthropoid  anthropomorphic  anthropopathic  ape-man  atavistic  autochthon  autochthonous  bushman  cave dweller  caveman  fossil man  hominid  man of old  manlike  missing link  patriarchal  preadamite  preglacial  prehistoric  prehistoric man  prehuman  primate  prime  primeval  primitive  primogenial  primoprimitive  primordial  pristine  protohistoric  protohuman  troglodyte  

Human Definition

(a.) Belonging to man or mankind
(n.) A human being.

Human Bedeutung

human action
human activity
something that people do or cause to happen
Secretary of Health and Human Services the position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services was created by Congress in
human reproductive cloning the reproductive cloning of a sentient human being, generally considered ethically unacceptable
Human Genome Project an international study of the entire human genetic material
human Tell leukemia virus-
retrovirus causing Tell leukemia
human immunodeficiency virus
the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), it replicates in and kills the helper T cells
human papilloma virus any of a group of papovaviruses associated with genital or oral carcinomas or a group associated with benign genital tumors
human botfly
Dermatobia hominis
large tropical American fly, parasitic on humans and other mammals
man human being
any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
human race
human beings
all of the living human inhabitants of the earth, all the world loves a lover, she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women
body bag
personnel pouch
human remains pouch
a bag in which the body of a dead soldier is placed
Segway Human Transporter
Segway HT
(trademark) a self-balancing personal transportation device with two wheels, can operate in any level pedestrian environment
human nature the shared psychological attributes of humankind that are assumed to be shared by all human beings, a great observer of human nature
human right (law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law)
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
recombinant human insulin
a form of insulin (trade name Humulin) made from recombinant DNA that is identical to human insulin, used to treat diabetics who are allergic to preparations made from beef or pork insulin
somatotropic hormone
somatotrophic hormone
human growth hormone
growth hormone
a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland, promotes growth in humans
human head the head of a human being
foot human foot
the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint, his bare feet projected from his trousers, armored from head to foot
knee joint
human knee
articulatio genus
hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella
elbow joint
human elbow
cubital joint
articulatio cubiti
hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped
human face
the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear, he washed his face, I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news
human paleontology
human palaeontology
the scientific study of human fossils
natural language processing
human language technology
the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
human ecology
the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations
human death
a death resulting from an accident or a disaster, a decrease in the number of automobile fatalities
Department of Health and Human Services
Health and Human Services
the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with health and welfare, created in
Commission on Human Rights the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with human rights
human dynamo
ball of fire fireball
a highly energetic and indefatigable person
Secretary of Health and Human Services the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Health and Human Services, the first Secretary of Health and Human Services was Patricia Roberts Harris who was appointed by Carter
human process a process in which human beings are involved
human relationship
a relation between people, (`relationship' is often used where `relation' would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment', but the preferred usage of `relationship' is for human relations or states of relatedness), the relationship between mothers and their children
human chorionic gonadotropin
human chorionic gonadotrophin
hormone produced early in pregnancy by the placenta, detection in the urine and serum is the basis for one kind of pregnancy test
human waste the body wastes of human beings
gamma globulin
human gamma globulin
a plasma protein containing the immunoglobulins that are responsible for immune responses
human having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings, human beings, the human body, human kindness, human frailty
marked by humanistic values and devotion to human welfare, a humane physician, released the prisoner for humanitarian reasons, respect and humanistic regard for all members of our species
human-sized having the approximate size of a human being
human characteristic of humanity, human nature
human relating to a person, the experiment was conducted on monkeys and human subjects
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?Homo sapiens idaltu White et al., 2003 Homo sapiens sapiens