
Index Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Register, Sachregister, Index
Index m, Verbotsliste f
Inhalt m
Tabelle f, Zeiger m, Index m, Hinweis m
Verzeichnis n
Tabelle, Verzeichnis, Zeiger, Index, Hinweis
Index m; Verbotsliste f
Tabelle f; Zeiger m; Index m; Hinweis m
to index
an einen Index gebundene Anleihe
index loan
card index
index card
Indexfonds m
index fund
Indexmarkierung f (Loch in der Diskette)
index hole
Rentenindex m
bond index
Schmelzindex m
melt index
Verschleißzahl f techn.
wear index
Tragfähigkeitsindex m
load index
Indexmarkierung (Loch in der Diskette)
index hole
Wärmezahl f astron.
heat index
Rastbolzen m techn.
index bolt
index value
price index
Baumassenzahl f
cubic index
Berstindex m techn.
burst index
Indexpunkt m
index point
Indexpreis m
index price
Tabellenindex m comp.
table index
Vereisungsindex m aviat.
icing index
index clause
Indexnummer, Indexzahl, Messziffer
index number
Elendsindex m
misery index
Indexoption f
index option
Indexzahl f
index number
Leitfossil n geol.
index fossil
Mengenindex m
volume index
Wachstumsindex m
growth index
Kariesindex m med.
caries index
Sauerstoffkennzahl f; Sauerstoffindex m techn.
oxygen index
Indexbindung, Indexierung
Adressindex m comp.
address index
Formelregister n
formula index
Indexbindung f, Indexkopplung f
index linkage
Sachregister n
subject index
address index
subject index
Indexbindung f; Indexkopplung f
index linkage
Nutzenindex m
utility index
etw. in ein Verzeichnis aufnehmen v
to index sth.
Sortierungsgrad m
sorting index
Zellkernteilungsindex m biol.
mitotic index
Zellteilungsrate f biol.
mitotic index
gewichteter Index
weighted index
index of names
Verzeichnis der Namen
index of names
index of goods
Branchenindex m fin.
sectoral index
Index-Register n (indirekte Adressierung) comp.
index register
Schaltradwälzfräser m
index gear hob
bereinigter Index
adjusted index
card index box
Index-Register (indirekte Adressierung)
index register
Parasitenindex m (Prozentsatz positiver Blutausstriche einer Bevölkerungsgruppe) med.
parasite index
index of stocks
commodity index
Änderungsindex m
amendment index
Diffusionsindex m
diffusion index
amendment index
Körpermassenzahl f; Body-Mass-Index m BMI
body mass index
Blattflächenindex m biochem.
leaf area index
Deckungsgrad m der Blattflächen; Blattflächenindex m agr. envir.
leaf area index
Diffusionsindex m statist.
diffusion index
Körpermassenzahl f; Body-Mass-Index m BMI
body mass index
occupation index
production index
Verzeichnis der Mitglieder
index of members
Beschäftigungsindex m
employment index
Brechungsindex m
refractive index
card index boxes
refraction index
Berufsgruppenindex m
occupation index
Herzindex m HI med.
cardiac index CI
performance index
Verzeichnis des Inhalts
index of contents
Leistungsindex m
performance index
Preisindexniveau n econ.
price index level
Multi-Index-Modell n fin.
multi-index model
Hitzestressindex m biochem.
heat stress index
Hitzestressindex m envir.
heat stress index
alphabetisches Verzeichnis
alphabetical index
retail price index
index-gebundene Aktie
index-linked stock
card-index cabinet
price index number
Einzelhandelspreisindex m
retail price index
Belastungsangabe f (Reifen) techn.
load index (tyres)
index of exhibitors
index of employment
index of production
Nilpotenzindex m math.
index of nilpotence
consumer price index
cost of living index
cost-of-living index
consumer price index
Verzeichnis der Inserenten
index of advertisers
Börsenindex m fin.
stock exchange index
Erzeugerpreisindex m
producer price index
Lebenshaltungsindex m, Lebenshaltungskostenindex m
cost-of-living index
Verbraucherpreisindex m
consumer price index
Lebenshaltungsindex m; Lebenshaltungskostenindex m
cost-of-living index
Sturzfestigkeitsindex m (Kohle) min.
shatter index (coal)
wholesale price index
Großhandelspreisindex m
wholesale price index
Personennamenregister n
index of proper names
Großhandelspreisindex m econ.
wholesale price index
index of retail prices
Sauerstoffminimalwert m; Sauerstoffgrenzwert m techn.
limit oxygen index LOI
Baukostenindex m
construction cost index
Rohstoffpreisindex m
commodities price index
Stichwortverzeichnis n, Index m
classified index, index
Stichwortverzeichnis n; Index m
classified index; index
Sachregister n
subject index; subindex
Börsenpreisindex m fin.
stock market price index
Indexführungsloch n
Indexführungslöcher pl
index hole
index holes
Sauerstoffminimalwert m; Sauerstoffgrenzwert m techn.
limit oxygen index LOI
Pufferkapazitätsindex m biochem.
buffering capacity index
Pufferkapazitätsindex m bot.
buffering capacity index
Verbraucherpreisindex m; Index m der Verbraucherpreise
consumer price index CPI
index of wholesale prices
Kartei f
Karteien pl
card index
card indexes
Körperschaftsregister n
index of corporate bodies
Sauerstoffindex m
limiting oxygen index LOI
Wurzelgrad m math.
index (degree) of the root
Index der Verbraucherpreise
CPI : Consumer Price Index
Multimode-Stufenindexfaser f phys. telco.
multimode step index fiber
Terminentwicklungsindex m
schedule performance index
Verbraucherpreisindex m; Index m der Verbraucherpreise
consumer price index CPI
Carli-Index m statist.
Carli index; Carli's index
Kostenentwicklungsindex m
cost performance index CPI
insurance with index clause
Indikatrix f
indicatrix; index ellipsoid
Kegelwiderstand m
cone index; cone resistance
Sauerstoffindex m
limiting oxygen index LOI
Index der menschlichen Entwicklung
Human Development Index HDI
Indexzahl f
Indexzahlen pl
index number
index numbers

Deutsche Index Synonyme

Index  ÂVerbotsliste  
auf  den  Index  setzen  Âindizieren  
Index  ÂKlassifikation  ÂKlassifizierung  ÂVerschlagwortung  
Index  ÂReferenz  ÂSchlagwortverzeichnis  ÂStichwortliste  ÂStichwortverzeichnis  
indexieren  Âindizieren  Âmit  einem  Index  versehen  
Hinweis  ÂIndex  ÂKennziffer  (z.  B.  bei  einer  Matrix)  ÂTabelle  ÂVerzeichnis  ÂZeiger  
Index  Referenz  Schlagwortverzeichnis  Stichwortliste  Stichwortverzeichnis  
Index  Verbotsliste  
auf den Index setzen  indizieren  
index  Art Index  Baedeker  Bibliography Index  Books in Print  Cumulative Book Index  Education Index  Eighteenth Amendment  Lambert conformal projection  Mercator projection  

Englische index Synonyme

index  Art Index  Baedeker  Bibliography Index  Books in Print  Cumulative Book Index  Education Index  Eighteenth Amendment  Lambert conformal projection  Mercator projection  Miller projection  National Union Catalog  Prohibition Party  Volstead Act  Yellow Pages  acknowledgments  aeronautical chart  alphabetize  analyze  annotated bibliography  annual bibliography  annulary  aroma  arrange  arrow  assort  astronomical chart  atlas  attribute  azimuthal equidistant projection  azimuthal projection  back  back matter  backlist  badge  ban  banner  bastard title  bibliography  bibliography of bibliographies  blaze  book  brand  break down  broad hint  business directory  cachet  calendar  card index  cartographer  cartography  carve  casebook  cast  catalog  catalogue  catalogue raisonne  catch line  catchword  categorize  celestial chart  celestial globe  census  chalk  chalk up  character  characteristic  chart  check in  checklist  chorographer  chorography  chronicle  city directory  class  classified catalog  classified directory  classify  climatic chart  clue  code  codify  colophon  compass needle  composition  concordance  configuration  conic projection  constituents  content  contents  contents page  contour line  contour map  contraband  copyright page  critical bibliography  cue  cut  cyclopedia  cylindrical projection  dactylion  dedication  denial  device  diatesseron  dictionary catalog  differentia  differential  digest  digit  direction  direction post  directory  disallowance  distinctive feature  divide  divisions  docket  earmark  elements  embargo  encyclopedia  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  engrave  enroll  enscroll  enter  enumerate  errata  evidence  exclusion  factor  feature  figure  figures  file  fill out  finding list  finger  finger post  fist  flavor  flyleaf  folio  forbiddance  forbidden fruit  forbidding  fore edge  forefinger  foreword  formula  front matter  gazetteer  general reference map  gentle hint  gesture  glimmer  glimmeri  
indexed  assorted  booked  cadastral  cataloged  classified  documented  down  enrolled  entered  enumerated  filed  graded  grouped  hierarchic  inscribed  inventorial  itemized  legal  listed  logged  minuted  of record  official  on file  on record  on the books  pigeonholed  placed  posted  programmed  pyramidal  ranked  rated  recorded  registered  scheduled  sorted  stratified  tabular  tabulated  tallied  written down  

Index Definition

(n.) That which points out
(n.) That which guides, points out, informs, or directs
(n.) A table for facilitating reference to topics, names, and the like, in a book
(n.) A prologue indicating what follows.
(n.) The second digit, that next pollex, in the manus, or hand
(n.) The figure or letter which shows the power or root of a quantity
(v. t.) To provide with an index or table of references

Index Bedeutung

card index
card catalog
card catalogue
an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card for each item
index register (computer science) a register used to determine the address of an operand
thumb index one of a series of rounded notches in the fore edge of a book to indicate sections
index finger
the finger next to the thumb
stock-index futures a futures contract based on a stock index, a bet on the future price of the indexed group of stocks
index an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed
Combined DNA Index System the DNA file maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
index index number
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts, can reveal relative changes as a function of time
body mass index
a measure of someone's weight in relation to height, to calculate one's BMI, multiply one's weight in pounds and divide that by the square of one's height in inches, overweight is a BMI greater than , obese is a BMI greater than
business index a statistical compilation that provides a context for economic or financial conditions, this business index is computed relative to the base year of
Standard and Poor's
Standard and Poor's Index
a broadly based stock market index
price index
price level
an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time
retail price index an index of changes in retail prices
producer price index
wholesale price index
an index of changes in wholesale prices
consumer price index
cost-of-living index
an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
stock index
stock market index
index based on a statistical compilation of the share prices of a number of representative stocks
a reference at one place in a work to information at another place in the same work
a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
index fund a mutual fund that invests in the stocks that are the basis of a well-known stock or bond index
index fossil
guide fossil
a fossil known to have lived in a particular geologic age that can be used to date the rock layer in which it is found
index case the earliest documented case of a disease that is included in an epidemiological study
index fund a mutual fund whose assets are stocks on a given list
cephalic index
breadth index
cranial index
ratio (in percent) of the maximum breadth to the maximum length of a skull
facial index the ratio (in percent) of the maximum width to the maximum height of the face
refractive index
index of refraction
the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in a medium
index a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number
index adjust through indexation, The government indexes wages and prices
index provide with an index, index the book
index list in an index
cross-index make an index that refers from one point to the next, These references are cross-indexed
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