
John Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

König Johann
King John
Johanniskraut n bot.
St. John's wort
Johannes Capistranus relig. hist.
John Capistrano
Johannes Chrysostomus relig. hist.
John Chrysostom
Schlussmachbrief m (einer Frau)
Dear John letter
Johannes der Täufer m hist. relig.
John the Baptist
er heißt Johann
he is called John
Person (oder Leiche) mit ungeklärter oder geheimer Identität
John Doe, Jane Doe Am.
Saint John's (Stadt in Kanada) geogr.
Saint John's (city in Canada)
Malteserorden m
Order of the Knights of St John
Johanniter pl relig.
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
seinen Friedrich Wilhelm auf etw. setzen v (etw. signieren) humor.
to put one's John Hancock on sth.
seinen Friedrich Wilhelm auf etw. setzen (etw. signieren) humor.
to put one's John Hancock on sth.
Klaas Klever (Walt Disney-Figur) lit.
John Rockerduck (Walt Disney character)
'König Johann' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'King John' (by Shakespeare work title)
'Die Johannespassion' (von Bach Werktitel) mus.
'St. John Passion' (by Bach work title)
Johanniskrautgewächse pl; Hartheugewächse pl (Hypericaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
St John's wort family (botanical family)
'Die Johannespassion' (von Bach Werktitel) mus.
'St. John Passion' (by Bach work title)
'König Johann' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'King John' (by Shakespeare work title)
Saint John's (Hauptstadt von Antigua und Barbuda)
Saint John's (capital of Antigua and Barbuda)
Saint John's (Hauptstadt von Antigua und Barbuda) geogr.
Saint John's (capital of Antigua and Barbuda)
'König Alkohol' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'John Barleycorn' (by Jack London work title)
Klo n
im Klo, auf dem Klo
loo, john Am.
in the loo, in the john Am.
Neufundland und Labrador (Provinz Kanadas), Hauptstadt: Saint John's geogr.
Newfoundland and Labrador, capital: Saint John's
jdm. etw. verheimlichen; jdm. etw. vorenthalten
John verheinlicht etwas vor mir.
to hold out on sb.
John's been holding out on me.
jdm. etw. verheimlichen; jdm. etw. vorenthalten v
John verheimlicht etwas vor mir.
to hold out on sb.
John's been holding out on me.
Johanniskräuter pl; Hartheu n (Hypericum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Saint John's worts; St. John's worts (botanical genus)
johanneisch adj (auf den Apostel Johannes oder seine Schriften bezogen) relig.
Johannine (relating to the apostle John or his writings)
(mit) dabei sein v (Teil einer Gruppe sein) soc.
John ist jetzt schon drei Monate dabei.
to be aboard fig.
John's been aboard for three month now.
(mit) dabei sein (Teil einer Gruppe sein) soc.
John ist jetzt schon drei Monate dabei.
to be aboard fig.
John's been aboard for three month now.
Johannes m; Jonny m; sein bestes Stück n (euphem. für Penis) ugs.
peter; johnson; John Thomas Br. (euphem. for penis) coll.
Otto Normalverbraucher ugs., Durchschnittsbürger m, Jedermann m
Joe Public, Jow Q. Public, John Doe, John Smith, Joe Sixpack coll.
Evangelium n, Evangelien pl, Evangelienbuch n relig.
Matthäusevangelium n, Evangelium nach Matthäus
Markusevangelium n, Evangelium nach Markus
Lukasevangelium n, Evangelium nach Lukas
Johannesevangelium n, Evangelium nach Johannes
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of John
Freier m ugs., Kunde einer Prostituierten
Freier pl, Kunden von Prostituierten
Freier, der den Autostrich nutzt m
punter, client Br., john Am.
punters, clients, johns
kerb crawler Br.
Angeklagte m f , Angeklagter
Angeklagten pl, Angeklagte
anonymer Angeklagter
anonyme Angeklagte
accused, defendant
accuseds, defendants
Prisoner at the bar!
John Doe
Jane Doe
Malteser Ritter- und Hospitalorden vom heiligen Johannes m; Malteser Ritterorden m; Malteserorden m; Johanniterorden m; Malteser pl; Johanniter pl relig.
Order of the Knights of Saint John; Order of Hospitallers; Knights Hospitaller; Hospitallers
Triffids pl (Pflanzen im Science-Fiction-Roman "Die Triffids" von John Wyndham)
triffids {pl} (plants in the science-fiction novel "The Day of the Triffids" by John Wyndham)
Freier m ugs.; Kunde einer Prostituierten
Freier pl; Kunden von Prostituierten
Freier der den Autostrich abfährt m soc.
punter; client Br.; john Am.; trick coll.
punters; clients; johns; tricks
kerb crawler Br.
Johannisbrotbaum m; Karubenbaum m; Karobbaum m; Bockshörndlbaum m Ös. (Ceratonia siliqua) bot.
Johannisbrotbäume pl; Karubenbäume pl; Karobbäume pl; Bockshörndlbäume pl
St John's-bread tree; carob tree; locust bean tree
St John's-bread trees; carob trees; locust bean trees
Max Mustermann (Platzhaltername)
Erika Mustermann
Joe Bloggs; Fred Bloggs; Joe Public; John Smith Br.; John Doe; John Q. Public; Joe Blow Am.
Jane Doe; Jane Q. Public
Unbekannte m f; Unbekannter
Unbekannten pl; Unbekannte
Herr Unbekannt (in einem Ermittlungsfall)
Frau Unbekannt (in einem Ermittlungsfall)
John Doe Am. (unknown male in an investigation)
Jane Doe Am. (unknown female in an investigation)
Unbekannte m,f; Unbekannter
Unbekannten pl; Unbekannte
Herr Unbekannt (in einem Ermittlungsfall)
Frau Unbekannt (in einem Ermittlungsfall)
John Doe Am. (unknown male in an investigation)
Jane Doe Am. (unknown female in an investigation)
Freier m euphem. (Kunde einer Prostituierten)
Freier pl
Freier, der den Autostrich abfährt m soc.
prostitute's customer; punter Br.; john Am.; trick coll.
prostitute's customers; punters; johns; tricks
kerb crawler Br.
Schwert n; Klinge f poet. mil.
Schwerter pl; Klingen pl
Piratenschwert n
Ein scharfes Schwert schneidet sehr, eine scharfe Zunge noch viel mehr. Sprw.
Schönheit ist Macht, ein Lächeln ist ihr Schwert. (John Ray)
sword; blade literary
swords; blades
pirate sword
The tongue is sharper than any sword. prov.
Beauty is power, a smile is its sword. (John Ray)
Klo n ugs. (Ort und Sanitäreinrichtung); Häusl n Ös. slang (Ort)
im Klo; auf dem Klo
Er sitzt gerade auf dem am Ös. Klo.
Er ist aufs Klo gegangen.
loo Br. coll.; bog Br. slang; john Am. slang; can Am. slang
in the loo; in the john Am.
He's on the loo john.
He's gone to the loo john.
Brief m, Schreiben n
Briefe pl
offener Brief
eigenhändiger Brief
einen Brief schreiben
Briefe austragen
obszöner, verleumderischer Brief
blauer Brief ugs., Kündigungsschreiben n, Kündigungsmitteilung f
Brief einer Frau an ihren Mann oder Freund, mit dem sie die Liebesbeziehung beendet
Brief eines Mannes an seine Frau oder Freundin, mit dem er die Liebesbeziehung beendet
open letter
autograph letter
to write a letter
to deliver letters
poison-pen letter
pink slip coll.
Dear John letter
Dear Jane letter
das Umfeld einer Person Sache bilden; im Zusammenhang mit einer Person Sache stehen v übtr.
der Literaturkreis um den Verleger John Chapman
kriminelle Machenschaften im Zusammenhang mit seinem Tod
Um seinen Erfolg ranken sich viele Mythen.
to surround a person matter fig.
the literary group surrounding the publisher John Chapman
criminal activity surrounding his death
There are many myths surrounding his success.
Evangelium n; Evangelien pl; Evangelienbuch n relig.
Matthäusevangelium n; Evangelium nach Matthäus
Markusevangelium n; Evangelium nach Markus
Lukasevangelium n; Evangelium nach Lukas
Johannesevangelium n; Evangelium nach Johannes
Gospel of Matthew; Gospel according to St Matthew
Gospel of Mark; Gospel according to St Mark
Gospel of Luke; Gospel according to St Luke
Gospel of John; Gospel according to St John
Angeklagte m f; Angeklagter
Angeklagten pl; Angeklagte
anonymer Angeklagter oder anonymes Opfer (in einer Anklageschrift)
anonyme Angeklagte oder anonymes Opfer (in einer Anklageschrift)
accused; defendant
the accused (persons parties); defendants
"Prisoner at the bar!"
(the person of) John Doe (in a bill of indictment) Am.
(the person of) Jane Doe (in a bill of indictment) Am.
Evangelium n (Buch des Neuen Testaments) relig.
Matthäusevangelium n; Evangelium nach Matthäus
Markusevangelium n; Evangelium nach Markus
Lukasevangelium n; Evangelium nach Lukas
Johannesevangelium n; Evangelium nach Johannes
Gospel (New Testament book)
Gospel of Matthew; Gospel according to St Matthew
Gospel of Mark; Gospel according to St Mark
Gospel of Luke; Gospel according to St Luke
Gospel of John; Gospel according to St John
geboren adj geb.
Ich wurde 1964 geboren.
Goethe wurde am 28. August 1749 geboren.
tot geboren
geborene geb.
Christiane von Goethe geborene Vulpius
Ann Sample geborene geb. Muster
John Doe geborener geb. Herr
geboren geb. am 10.1.2000
born b.
I was born in 1964.
Goethe was born on the 28th of August on August 28 1749.
nee; née
Christiane von Goethe née Vulpius
Ann Sample née Muster
John Doe né Herr
born on 10.1.2000
Beifußgewächse pl (Artemisia Seriphidium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeiner Beifuß m; Gewöhnlicher Beifuß m; Gewürzbeifuß m; Besenkraut n; Johannesgürtelkraut n; Jungfernkraut n; Wilder Wermut m (Artemisia vulgaris)
Wermutkraut n; Wermut m; Bitterer Beifuß m; Alsem (Artemisia absinthium)
Estragonkraut n; Estragon n; Dragon n veraltet (Artemisia dracunculus)
mugworts; sageworts; sagebrushs; artemisias (botanical genus)
common mugwort; wild wormwood; riverside wormwood; St. John's plant
grand wormwood; absinthe wormwood; wormwood; absinthe
dragon wormwood; dragonwort; tarragon
geboren adj geb.
Ich wurde 1964 geboren.
Goethe wurde am 28. August 1749 geboren.
tot geboren
geborene geb.
Christiane von Goethe, geborene Vulpius
Ann Sample, geborene geb. Muster
John Doe, geborener geb. Herr
geboren geb. am 10.1.2000
Wann und wo sind Sie geboren?
born b.
I was born in 1964.
Goethe was born on the 28th of August on August 28, 1749.
nee; née
Christiane von Goethe, née Vulpius
Ann Sample, née Muster
John Doe, né Herr
born on 10.1.2000
When and where were you born?
das stille Örtchen der Lokus (WC) humor.
Ich muss mal wohin.; Ich muss mal verschwinden. (= muss aufs Klo)
ein dringendes Bedürfnis (Harndrang)
Ich hab ein dringendes Bedürfnis. (Harndrang)
Er hält (gerade) eine Sitzung ab.; Er sitzt. (WC-Besuch) humor.
the smallest room; the throne; the little girls' boys' room humor.
I have to pay a visit. (to the loo john)
the call of nature (need to urinate) humor.
Nature calls. (urge to urinate) humor.
He's sitting on the throne. (toilet visit) humor.
Alkohol m
Alkohole pl
reiner Alkohol
vierwertiger Alkohol chem.
fünfwertiger Alkohol chem.
dem Alkohol verfallen
dem Alkohol zusprechen; gerne biberln Ös.
keinen Alkohol trinken; Antialkoholiker sein
Ich trinke keinen Alkohol.
schwarzgebrannter Alkohol
alcohol; John Barleycorn humor.
absolute alcohol
tetrahydric alcohol
pentahydric alcohol
to become addicted to alcohol
to be on the bottle Br. fig.
to be on the wag; to be on the wagon coll.
I don't take alcohol.
moonlight coll.
Angeklagter m; Angeklagte f (Strafrecht) jur.
Angeklagten pl; Angeklagte
Hauptangeklagter; Erstangeklagter
anonymer Angeklagter oder anonymes Opfer (in einer Anklageschrift)
anonyme Angeklagte oder anonymes Opfer (in einer Anklageschrift)
accused; defendant; panel Sc. (criminal law)
the accused (persons parties); defendants
primary accused
second defendant; second accused
"Prisoner at the bar!"
(the person of) John Doe (in a bill of indictment) Am.
(the person of) Jane Doe (in a bill of indictment) Am.
etw. moderieren v (TV-Sendung)
Er moderiert die 6-Uhr-Nachrichten.
Durch die Sendung führt John Archer.
Wer wird moderieren? TV
to host sth.; to present sth. Br.; to compere sth. Br.; to anchor sth. Am.; to emcee sth. Am.
hosting; presenting; compering; anchoring; emceeing
hosted; presented; comperred; anchorred; emceed
He presents Br. anchors Am. the 6 o'clock news.
The show is hosted compered Br. emceed Am. by John Archer.
Who will host the programme Br. program Am.?
etw. moderieren v (TV-Sendung)
Er moderiert die 6-Uhr-Nachrichten.
Durch die Sendung führt John Archer.
Wer wird moderieren? TV
to host sth.; to present sth. Br.; to compere sth. Br.; to anchor sth. Am.; to emcee sth. Am.
hosting; presenting; compering; anchoring; emceing
hosted; presented; comperred; anchorred; emceed
He presents Br. anchors Am. the 6 o'clock news.
The show is hosted compered Br. emceed Am. by John Archer.
Who will host the programme Br. program Am.?
die Apostelbriefe pl relig.
die Briefe des Petrus Paulus Jakobus Johannes Judas
der Brief an Titus
der Brief an Philemon
der Brief an die Galater
der Brief an die Epheser
der Brief an die Philipper
der Brief an die Kolosser
der Brief an die Hebräer
die Briefe an Timotheus; die Timotheusbriefe
die Briefe an die Römer; die Römerbriefe
die Briefe an die Korinther; die Korintherbriefe
die Briefe an die Thessalonicher; die Thessalonicherbriefe
the Epistles
the Epistles of Peter Paul James John Jude
the Epistle to Titus
the Epistle to the Philemon
the Epistle to the Galatians
the Epistle to the Ephesians
the Epistle to the Philippians
the Epistle to the Colossians
the Epistle to the Hebrews
the Epistles to Timothy
the Epistles to the Romans
the Epistles to the Corinthians
the Epistles to the Thessalonians
Klo n ugs. (Ort und Sanitäreinrichtung); Häusl n Ös. slang (Ort)
im Klo; auf dem Klo
Er sitzt gerade auf dem am Ös. Klo.
Er ist aufs Klo gegangen.
Ich muss aufs Klo.; Ich muss mal wohin. euphem.; Ich muss mal verschwinden. euphem.; Ich muss mal.
Ich muss dringend aufs Klo.
Dringende Pause, muss auf's Klo. (Chat-Jargon)
loo Br. coll.; khazi Br. coll.; karzy Br. coll.; bog Br. slang; john Am. slang; can Am. slang; cludgie Sc. slang
in the loo; in the john Am.
He's on the loo john.
He's gone to the loo john.
I've got to go to the loo john.; I have to pay a visit to the loo john.; I have to pay a visit. euphem.; I must go to the bathroom. euphem.
I'm dying to go to the loo john.
Urgent toilet break. UTB (chat jargon)

Deutsche König Johann Synonyme

König  der  Tiere  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLöwe  ÂLeu  
Gebieter  ÂHerr  ÂHerrscher  ÂKönig  ÂMachthaber  ÂMonarch  ÂPotentat  ÂRegent  ÂSouverän  
König der Tiere (umgangssprachlich)  Löwe  Leu  

Englische King John Synonyme

john  WC  backhouse  basement  bathroom  bedpan  can  chamber  chamber pot  chemical closet  chemical toilet  closet  comfort station  commode  convenience  crapper  earth closet  head  jerry  johnny  johnny house  jordan  latrine  lavatory  loo  necessary  outhouse  piss pot  potty  potty-chair  powder room  privy  rest room  stool  throne  thunder mug  toilet  toilet room  water closet  
John Doe  Everyman  Jane Doe  Public  Richard Roe  alias  anonym  assumed name  body politic  citizenry  common man  commonwealth  community  community at large  estate  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  false name  fictitious name  folk  folks  general public  gentry  men  nation  nationality  nom de guerre  nom de plume  nom de theatre  pen name  people  people in general  persons  polity  populace  population  professional name  pseudonym  public  society  stage name  state  world  you and me  
John Hancock  OK  X  acceptance  affirmance  affirmation  approbation  approval  authentication  authorization  autograph  certification  christcross  cipher  confirmation  countermark  countersign  countersignature  counterstamp  cross  device  endorsement  go-ahead  green light  hand  imprimatur  initials  mark  mark of signature  monogram  nod  notarization  okay  permission  ratification  rubber stamp  sanction  seal  sigil  sign manual  signature  signet  stamp  stamp of approval  subscription  the nod  validation  visa  vise  warrant  
johnny  Adamite  WC  backhouse  basement  bastard  bathroom  bedpan  being  bird  body  bugger  can  cat  chamber  chamber pot  chap  character  chemical closet  chemical toilet  closet  comfort station  commode  convenience  crapper  creature  customer  duck  earth closet  earthling  feller  fellow  groundling  guy  hand  head  homo  human  human being  individual  jasper  jerry  john  johnny house  joker  jordan  lad  latrine  lavatory  life  living soul  loo  man  mortal  necessary  nose  one  outhouse  party  person  personage  personality  piss pot  potty  potty-chair  powder room  privy  rest room  single  somebody  someone  soul  stool  stud  tellurian  terran  throne  thunder mug  toilet  toilet room  urinal  washroom  water closet  worldling  
Johnny on the spot  advertent  agog  alert  all ears  all eyes  apt  assiduous  attentive  aware  careful  concentrated  conscious  decisive  diligent  earnest  expeditious  finical  finicking  finicky  heedful  immediate  instant  instantaneous  intense  intent  intentive  meticulous  mindful  nice  niggling  observant  observing  on the ball  on the job  open-eared  open-eyed  openmouthed  prompt  punctual  quick  ready  regardful  speedy  summary  swift  watchful  
Johnsonian  Gongoresque  affected  bedizened  big-sounding  convoluted  declamatory  elevated  euphuistic  flamboyant  flaming  flashy  flaunting  fulsome  garish  gaudy  grandiloquent  grandiose  grandisonant  high-flowing  high-flown  high-flying  high-sounding  highfalutin  inkhorn  labyrinthine  lexiphanic  lofty  lurid  magniloquent  meretricious  orotund  ostentatious  overdone  overelaborate  overinvolved  overwrought  pedantic  pompous  pretentious  rhetorical  sensational  sensationalistic  sententious  showy  sonorous  stilted  tall  tortuous  

John Definition

(n.) A kind of apple which by keeping becomes much withered
(n.) A name given to fluor spar in Derbyshire, where it is used for ornamental purposes.
(n.) A seller of low-priced or second goods
(n.) A proper name of a man.
(n.) See St. John's-wort.
(n.) A small European fish, similar to the cod, but of inferior quality.

John Bedeutung

John Dory
Zeus faber
European dory
Commodore John Barry Bridge a cantilever bridge in Chester, Pennsylvania
can john
privy bathroom
a room or building equipped with one or more toilets
autograph John Hancock a person's own signature
Gospel According to John
the last of the four Gospels in the New Testament
First Epistle of John
I John
the first New Testament epistle traditionally attributed to Saint John the Apostle
Second Epistel of John
II John
the second New Testament epistle traditionally attributed to Saint John the Apostle
Third Epistel of John
III John
the third New Testament epistle traditionally attributed to Saint John the Apostle
Revelation of Saint John the Divine
Book of Revelation
the last book of the New Testament, contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world, attributed to Saint John the Apostle
carob powder
powder from the ground seeds and pods of the carob tree, used as a chocolate substitute
hard drink
hard liquor
John Barleycorn
strong drink
an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
St. John's Saint John's capital of Antigua and Barbuda the capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda, located on the island of Antigua
Saint John
St. John
a port in eastern Canada, the largest city in New Brunswick
Saint John's
St. John's
a port and provincial capital of Newfoundland
Saint John
Saint John River
St. John
St. John River
a river that rises in Maine and flows northeastward through New Brunswick to empty into the Bay of Fundy
John Henry hero of American folk tales, portrayed as an enormously strong black man who worked on the railroads and died from exhaustion after winning a contest with a steam drill
Sir John Falstaff
a dissolute character in Shakespeare's plays
John Bull
a man of English descent
John Doe an unknown or fictitious man who is a party to legal proceedings
John Doe Joe Blow
Joe Bloggs
man in the street
a hypothetical average man
Little John legendary follower of Robin Hood, noted for his size and strength
whoremaster whoremonger john trick a prostitute's customer
John Adams
President Adams
President John Adams
nd President of the United States (-)
Adams John Quincy Adams
President Adams President John Quincy Adams
th President of the United States, son of John Adams (-)
John Jacob Astor
United States capitalist (born in Germany) who made a fortune in fur trading (-)
John James Audubon
United States ornithologist and artist (born in Haiti) noted for his paintings of birds of America (-)
John Bardeen
United States physicist who won the Nobel prize for physics twice (-)
Barrymore John Barrymore United States actor, son of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (-)
John Barth
John Simmons Barth
United States novelist (born in )
John Bartlett
United States publisher and editor who compiled a book of familiar quotations (-)
Bernoulli Johann Bernoulli
Jean Bernoulli
John Bernoulli
Swiss mathematician (-)
John Wilkes Booth
United States actor and assassin of President Lincoln (-)
John Brown
abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (-)
Browning John M. Browning
John Moses Browning
United States inventor of firearms (especially automatic pistols and repeating rifles and a machine gun called the Peacemaker) (-)
Don Budge
John Donald Budge
United States tennis player who in was the first to win the Australian and French and English and United States singles championship in the same year (-)
Bunyan John Bunyan English preacher and author of an allegorical novel, Pilgrim's Progress (-)
John Burgoyne
Gentleman Johnny
British general in the American Revolution who captured Fort Ticonderoga but lost the battle of Saratoga in (-)
John Cabot
Giovanni Cabato
Italian explorer who led the English expedition in that discovered the mainland of North America and explored the coast from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland (ca. -)
John Cage
John Milton Cage Jr.
United States composer of avant-garde music (-)
John Calvin
Jean Cauvin
Jean Caulvin
Jean Chauvin
Swiss theologian (born in France) whose tenets (predestination and the irresistibility of grace and justification by faith) defined Presbyterianism (-)
John Merven Carrere
United States architect who with his partner Thomas Hastings designed many important public buildings (-)
Johnny Cash
John Cash
United States country music singer and songwriter (-)
Chapman John Chapman
Johnny Appleseed
United States pioneer who planted apple trees as he traveled (-)
John Cheever
United States writer of novels and short stories (-)
Churchill John Churchill
Duke of Marlborough
First Duke of Marlborough
English general considered one of the greatest generals in history (-)
John Ciardi
John Anthony Ciardi
United States poet and critic (-)
Sir John Cockcroft
Sir John Douglas Cockcroft
British physicist who (with Ernest Walton in ) first split an atom (-)
John Amos Comenius
Jan Amos Komensky
Czech educational reformer (-)
Constable John Constable English landscape painter (-)
John Copley
John Singleton Copley
American painter who did portraits of Paul Revere and John Hancock before fleeing to England to avoid the American Revolution (-)
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111 Bewertungen 5


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John is a common English name and surname:

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