
Large scaled Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Europäische Meersau f, Grober Drachenkopf zool.
Large-scaled scorpion fish
Europäische Meersau f; Grober Drachenkopf zool.
Large-scaled scorpion fish
Fertigung in großen Serien
large-lot production
Fertigung in großen Serien
large-scale production
Gesetz der großen Zahl
law of large numbers
large firm
große Ernte liefern
yield a large crop
großer Auftrag
large order
large concern
large-scale enterprise
large-scale consumption
Handel im großen, in großem Umfang
large-scale trading
hoher Gewinn
large profit
in großem Umfang
large scale
in großem Umfang
large-scale unemployment
Massenfertigung, Massenproduktion
large-scale production
large-scale consumer
large-scale advertising
mit großen Geldbeträgen umgehen
handle large sums of money
damages at large
Rabatt für Großaufträge
discount for large orders
discount for large sums
Theorie der großen Stichproben
theory of large samples
umfangreiche Kollektion, großes Sortiment
large assortment
Auftrag m, Bestellung f
Aufträge pl, Bestellungen pl
im Auftrag von
regelmäßige Aufträge
großer Auftrag
einen Auftrag annehmen
einen Auftrag entgegennehmen, einen Auftrag aufnehmen
einen Auftrag bearbeiten
einen Auftrag ausführen
den Auftrag bis Ende nächster Woche ausführen
einen Auftrag erteilen (über)
Auftrag gültig bis auf Widerruf
Auftrag mit versteckter Menge
Auftrag zum Eröffnungskurs
by order of, under the authority of
regular orders
large order, sizeable order, substantial order
to accept an order
to take an order
to process an order
to execute an order
to execute the order by the end of next week
to place an order (for), to award a contract
good-till-cancelled order, GTC order, open order
hidden size order
opening rotation order
Dickdarm m anat.
colon, large intestine
Feuerrohr n
Feuerrohre pl
(large) flue tube
flue tubes
in der Gesamtheit, im Großen und Ganzen, im Allgemeinen
at large
Gesetz der großen Zahlen math.
law of large numbers
Grasplatz m (mit Gras bewachsener Platz)
Grasplätze pl
grass-plot, lawn, green (large area of grass)
grass-plots, lawns, greens
large-scale, large-capacity
Großbetrieb m
Großbetriebe pl
large concern
large concerns
Großbuchstaben pl, Versalien pl
large capitals
Großeinsatz m
large scale operation
Großfeuer n
Großfeuer pl
large fire
large fires
Großformat n
Großformate pl
large size
large sizes
Großhersteller m
large producer
Großindustrie f
large scale industry
Großkolben m techn.
large bore piston
Großstadt f
large city
Großteil m
zum Großteil
major part, large part, bigger part, bulk
mostly, for the most part
Großunternehmen n
large scale enterprise
Großunternehmer m
large scale manufacturer
Großwetterlage f meteo.
general weather situation, large-scale weather pattern, macro weather situation
Hochflanschnabe f techn.
front hub (large flange)
Hochflanschnabenkörper m
large flange hub shell
Integration f, Eingliederung f
geringe Integration f
hoher Integrationsgrad bei komplexen Schaltungen
institiutionelle Integration
politische Integration
wirtschaftliche Integration
Integration mit verschiedenen Lehrplanangeboten
small-scale integration
large-scale integration
institutional integration
political integration
economic integration
integration with a diverse and adapted curriculum
Maß n, Ausmaß n
in hohem Maße
in sehr hohem Maße
in stärkerem Maße
in gleichem Maße
in gewissem Maß
in dem Maß
bis zu einem gewissen Grad, in gewissem Maße
extent, degree
to a large extent, to a high degree, highly
to a vast extent
to a greter degree, to a greater extent
to the same extent, equally
in some degree
to the extent, to the degree
to a certain extent
Massenproduktion f
mass-production, large production
Massentierhaltung f agr.
large-scale livestock farming
Massenunruhen pl, Massenaufruhr m
large unrest
Maßstab m, Skala f, Größenverhältnis n
Maßstäbe pl, Skalen pl, Größenverhältnisse pl
in großem Maßstab
in kleinem Maßstab
im Maßstab 1:100, im Größenverhältnis 1:100
on a large scale
on a small scale
on a scale of 1:100
Pleuelfuß m techn.
large end, big end
Pleuellager n techn.
Pleuellager pl
big end bearing, large end bearing
big end bearings, large end bearings
Rahmen m, Gefüge n
im Rahmen der geltenden Gesetze
im Rahmen von
im Rahmen des Möglichen
den Rahmen (einer Sache) sprengen
in engem Rahmen
in größerem Rahmen
within the framework of existing legislation
within the scope of, within the framework of
within the realms of possibility
to go beyond the scope of
on a small scale
on a large scale
Rauchrohr n
Rauchrohre pl
(large) flue tube
flue tubes
Rektoskopie f, Mastdarmspiegelung f med.
colonoscopy, endoscopic examination of the large colon
Sonderbotschafter m
ambassador at large
Supertanker m, Rohöltanker m
Riesentanker m, sehr großer Rohöltanker
very large crude carrier (VLCC)
ultra large crude carrier (ULCC)
Teil m, Stück n
Teile pl, Stücke pl
aktiver Teil
zum Teil, teilweise
zu gleichen Teilen
zum großen Teil
live part
in part, partly
in equal parts
in large part, for the most part, to a large extent
Umfang m, Ausmaß n
in großem Umfang
von kleinem Umfang
von bisher nie gekanntem Ausmaß
scale fig.
on a large scale
small in scale
on an unprecedented scale
Ventil n techn.
Ventile pl
mit Ventilen
doppelt gebogenes Ventil
drehbares Ventil
dreifach gebogenes Ventil
elektromagnetisches Ventil
einfach gebogenes Ventil
einteiliges Ventil
gebogenes 90-Grad-Ventil
handbiegbares Ventil
hängendes Ventil
zweiteiliges Ventil
Rheintalschotter m
Rheodyne-Ventil n
Schrader-Ventil n
Woods-Ventil n
Ventil mit eingebettetem Schaft (Reifen)
Ventil mit großer Bohrung
double-bend valve
earthmover swivel-type valve, swivel valve
triple-bend valve
solenoid valve
single-bend valve
one-piece valve
right-angle valve
hand-bendable valve
overhead valve (OHV)
two-piece valve
Rhine valley gravel deposit
Rheodyne valve
Schrader valve
Woods valve
rubber-covered stem valve
large bore valve
Wahlbeteiligung f
hohe Wahlbeteiligung
geringe Wahlbeteiligung
poll, turnout (at the election)
heavy poll, heavy polling, good turnout, large ballot
poor polling
Ziegel m, Ziegelstein m, Mauerziegel m
Ziegel pl, Ziegelsteine pl, Mauerziegel pl
Ziegel im Klosterformat (Großformat)
large medieval bricks
aufgeschlossen, offen, tolerant adj
open-minded, large-minded, liberal
ausführlich, lang und breit
at large
ausgiebig adj
substantial, large, good long
erklettern, ersteigen v
erkletternd, ersteigend
erklettert, erstiegen
erklettert, ersteigt
erkletterte, erstieg
to scale
frei herumlaufen, auf freiem Fuß sein v
frei herumlaufend, auf freiem Fuß seiend
frei herumgelaufen, auf freiem Fuß gewesen
to be at large
being at large
been at large
ganz, ganze, ganzer, ganzes adj
die ganze Zeit
im Ganzen
im Großen und Ganzen, im großen Ganzen
the whole time
on the whole
on the whole, by and large, all in all
groß, weit, umfangreich, reichlich adj
größer, weiter, umfangreicher, reichlicher
am größten, am weitesten, am umfangreichsten, am reichlichsten
sher groß, sehr weit
very large
groß angelegt, in großem Rahmen
größtenteils adv
for the greater part, to a great extent, in large part, in great measure
großformatig adj
großherzig adj
großspurig reden
to talk large
großzügig (Planung, Anlage), weiträumig adj
large-scale, spacious
kapital, außergewöhnlich groß adj
large and powerful, royal
large quantities of
maßstabsgetreu, maßstabgetreu, maßstabsgerecht, maßstabgerecht adj
maßstabgetreues Modell
to scale, true to scale, scaled
scale model
reden v (zu), sprechen v (mit), sich unterhalten v (mit)
redend, sprechend, sich unterhaltend
geredet, gesprochen, sich unterhalten
redet, spricht, unterhält sich
redete, sprach, unterhielt sich
sich miteinander unterhalten
über Geschäfte reden
ins Blaue hinein reden
dummes Zeug reden
große Töne reden, große Töne spucken ugs.
Red weiter!, Reden Sie weiter!
drauflos reden
sich mit jdm. unterhalten
Ich würde mich gern mal mit dir unterhalten.
to talk (to)
to talk to each other
to talk business
to talk at large
to talk through one's hat
to talk big
Keep talking!
to talk wild, to talk away
to have a talk with so.
I should like to have a little talk with you.
schuppen, abschuppen, Schuppen entfernen v
schuppend, abschuppend, Schuppen entfernend
geschuppt, abgeschuppt, Schuppen entfernt
to scale, to descale
scaling, descaling
scaled, descaled
sich schuppen v
sich schuppend
sich geschuppt
to scale
überdimensional adj
inordinate, oversized, colossal, inordinately large
to overdose, to take
give too large a dose of ...
vergrößern v (maßstäblich)
to scale up
scaling up
scaled up
verkleinern v (maßstäblich)
to scale down
scaling down
scaled down
kreuz und quer verstreut
strewn at large
weitgehend, weit gehend adj
far-reaching, wide, extensive, a large degree of
weitgehend adv
to a great extent, to a large extent
zu prp, +Dativ
komm zu mir
zu meiner Zufriedenheit
zu niedrigen Preisen
zu einem großen Teil
im Verhältnis 4 zu 1
come to me, come to my place
to my satisfaction
at low prices
to a large extent
at a ratio of 4 to 1
Europäische Meersau f, Grober Drachenkopf zool.
Large-scaled scorpion fish
Großer Fuchs (Schmetterling) zool.
Große Füchse
large tortoiseshell
large tortoiseshells
Anweisungsteil zu groß comp.
statement part too large
Codesegment-Grenzen überschritten comp.
code segment too large
Datensegment-Grenzen überschritten comp.
data segment too large
Datenstruktur zu groß comp.
structure too large
Schuppenwachtel f ornith.
Scaled Quail
Großschnabel-Seeschwalbe f ornith.
Large-billed Tern
Schuppenbauchtaube f ornith.
Scaled Pigeon
Schweiftaube f ornith.
Large Cuckoo Dove
Maronentaube f ornith.
Large Brown Cuckoo Dove
Dickschnabeltaube f ornith.
Large Green Pigeon
Goliathkuckuck m ornith.
Large Coucal
Sperberkuckuck m ornith.
Large Hawk Cuckoo
Schuppengrundkuckuck m ornith.
Scaled Ground Cuckoo
Riesenfroschmaul n ornith.
Large Frogmouth
Käuzchenschwalm m ornith.
Large Owlet-Nightjar
Schuppenglanzschwänzchen n ornith.
Scaled Metaltail
Schuppenzwergspecht m ornith.
Scaled Piculet
Starkschnabel-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Large Tyrannine Woodcreeper
Fleckenbauch-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Scaled Woodcreeper
Schuppenschlüpfer m ornith.
Scaled Spinetail
Schuppenameisenfänger m ornith.
Scaled Antbird
Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Scaled Antpitta
Tupfenbrust-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Large-billed Antwren
Langschwanz-Ameisenwürger m ornith.
Large-tailed Antshrike
Großfußtapaculo ornith.
Large-footed Tapaculo
Graubrustelaenie f ornith.
Large Elaenia
Brauenbreitschnabel m ornith.
Large-headed Flatbill
Schuppenschmuckvogel m ornith.
Scaled Fruiteater
Dickschnabellerche f ornith.
Large-billed Lark
Mamulastelze f ornith.
Large Pied Wagtail
Kauaiklarino ornith.
Large Kauai Thrush
Graubauchtimalie f ornith.
Large Wren Babbler
Malcolmdrossling m ornith.
Large Grey Babbler
Großschnabelrohrsänger m ornith.
Large-billed Reed Warbler
Kaschmirbuschsänger m ornith.
Large-billed Bush Warbler
Rhododendronbuschsänger m ornith.
Large Bush Warbler
Katzengrassänger m ornith.
Large Grass Warbler
Schluchtenlaubsänger m ornith.
Large-billed Willow Warbler
Dachskopf-Laubsänger m ornith.
Large Crowned Willow Warbler
Breitschnabelschnäpper m ornith.
Large-billed Niltava
Kobaltblauschnäpper m ornith.
Large Niltava
Sumpfgerygone f ornith.
Large-billed Flyeater
Fahlstirnsericornis ornith.
Large-billed Sericornis
Bergsericornis ornith.
Large Mountain Sericornis
Fatuhivamonarch m ornith.
Large Flycatcher
Ceylonbrillenvogel m ornith.
Large Sri Lanka White-eye
Lifubrillenvogel m ornith.
Large Lifu White-eye
Mimikahonigfresser m ornith.
Large Spot-breasted Honeyeater
Papageischnabel-Darwinfink m ornith.
Large Insectivorous Tree Finch
Schuppenbrust-Hakenschnabel m ornith.
Scaled Flowerpiercer
Opuntiengrundfink m ornith.
Large Cactus Ground Finch
Großgrundfink m ornith.
Large Ground Finch
Mohrenreisknacker m ornith.
Large-billed Seed Finch
Edwardsgimpel m ornith.
Large Rosefinch
Kragenstar m ornith.
Large Glossy Starling

VLSI : very large scale integration
auf freiem Fuß
at large

Large scaled Definition

(a.) Foolishly liberal.
(superl.) Exceeding most other things of like kind in bulk, capacity, quantity, superficial dimensions, or number of constituent units
(superl.) Abundant
(superl.) Full in statement
(superl.) Having more than usual power or capacity
(superl.) Free
(superl.) Unrestrained by decorum
(superl.) Prodigal in expending
(superl.) Crossing the line of a ship's course in a favorable direction
(adv.) Freely
(n.) A musical note, formerly in use, equal to two longs, four breves, or eight semibreves.
(a.) Possessing much land.
(a.) Having large hands, Fig.: Taking, or giving, in large quantities
(a.) Having a large or generous heart or disposition
(imp. & p. p.) of Scale
(a.) Covered with scales, or scalelike structures
(a.) Without scales, or with the scales removed
(a.) Having feathers which in form, color, or arrangement somewhat resemble scales

Large scaled Bedeutung

tall order
large order
a formidable task or requirement, finishing in time was a tall order but we did it
large poodle the largest breed of poodle
large civet
Viverra zibetha
common civet of India and southeast Asia
large white
Pieris brassicae
Old World form of cabbage butterfly
extra large a garment size for a very large person
large a garment size for a large person
large intestine beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum, includes the cecum and the colon and the rectum, extracts moisture from food residues which are later excreted as feces
Bernoulli's law
law of large numbers
(statistics) law stating that a large number of items taken at random from a population will (on the average) have the population statistics
large cap a corporation with a large capitalization, he works for a large cap
Large Magellanic Cloud the larger of the two Magellanic Clouds visible from the southern hemisphere
large person a person of greater than average size
southern magnolia
evergreen magnolia
large-flowering magnolia
bull bay
Magnolia grandiflora
evergreen tree of southern United States having large stiff glossy leaves and huge white sweet-smelling flowers
large-leaved magnolia
large-leaved cucumber tree
great-leaved macrophylla
Magnolia macrophylla
large deciduous shrub or tree of southeastern United States having huge leaves in dense false whorls and large creamy flowers tinged purple toward the base
large periwinkle
Vinca major
plant having variegated foliage and used for window boxes
large-leaved aster
Aster macrophyllus
tufted perennial wood aster of North America, naturalized in Europe
large yellow lady's slipper
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
plant of eastern and central North America having slightly fragrant purple-marked greenish-yellow flowers
large crabgrass
hairy finger grass
Digitaria sanguinalis
a European forage grass grown for hay, a naturalized weed in United States
American cranberry
large cranberry
Vaccinium macrocarpon
trailing red-fruited plant
Canadian aspen
bigtooth aspen
bigtoothed aspen
big-toothed aspen
large-toothed aspen
large tooth aspen
Populus grandidentata
aspen with a narrow crown, eastern North America
large-flowered fiddleneck
Amsinckia grandiflora
annual of the western United States having large coiled flower spikes, a threatened species
large-flowered calamint
Calamintha grandiflora
Clinopodium grandiflorum
Satureja grandiflora
aromatic herb with large pink flowers, southern and southeastern Europe, Anatolia, northern Iran
large white petunia
Petunia axillaris
annual herb having large nocturnally fragrant white flowers
Calorie kilogram calorie
large calorie
nutritionist's calorie
a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure, used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food
large integer an integer equal to or greater than ten
large indefinite quantity
large indefinite amount
an indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitude
large number
plurality pack
a large indefinite number, a battalion of ants, a multitude of TV antennas, a plurality of religions
brood hover loom bulk large hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing, The terrible vision brooded over her all day long
scaled (used of armor) having overlapping metal plates attached to a leather backing
having the body covered or partially covered with thin horny plates, as some fish and reptiles
silver-scaled having the body covered or partially covered with silver-colored scales
with child(p)
in an advanced stage of pregnancy, was big with child, was great with child
showing or characterized by broad-mindedness, a broad political stance, generous and broad sympathies, a liberal newspaper, tolerant of his opponent's opinions
large having broad power and range and scope, taking the large view, a large effect, a large sympathy
conspicuous in position or importance, a big figure in the movement, big man on campus, he's very large in financial circles, a prominent citizen
at large(p)
loose on the loose(p)
having escaped, especially from confinement, a convict still at large, searching for two escaped prisoners, dogs loose on the streets, criminals on the loose in the neighborhood
generous and understanding and tolerant, a heart big enough to hold no grudges, that's very big of you to be so forgiving, a large and generous spirit, a large heart, magnanimous toward his enemies
large-headed having a large head
showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity, was charitable in his opinions of others, kindly criticism, a kindly act, sympathetic words, a large-hearted mentor
above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent, a large city, set out for the big city, a large sum, a big (or large) barn, a large family, big businesses, a big expenditure, a large number of newspapers, a big group of scientists, large areas of the world
large-mouthed having a relatively large mouth
large-scale unusually large in scope, a large-scale attack on AIDS is needed
large-scale constructed or drawn to a big scale, large-scale maps
medium-large of anything that is large but not the largest
too large
excessively large
writ large made more obvious or prominent, the effect of...his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features
having relatively large leaves
ostentatiously lofty in style, a man given to large talk, tumid political prose
large fairly large or important in effect, influential, played a large role in the negotiations
coarse-grained large-grained not having a fine texture, coarse-grained wood, large-grained sand
of stocks of companies with a market capitalization of five billion dollars or more
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