
Love Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

lieben, Liebe
Liebe, lieben
lieben, (gern) mögen
to love
in love
Alles Liebe, …, Liebe Grüße, …
Love, …
Liebesakt m
love act
Eigenliebe f, Selbstliebe f
Geliebte f
Liebesspiel n
love play
jugendliche Schwärmerei f
calf love
Uferbülbül m ornith.
self love
Eigenliebe f; Selbstliebe f
Liebesnest n soc.
love nest
Liebesapfel m (Tomate)
love apple
Liebesmahl n
Liebestod m
Liebesmahl n relig.
Liebesheirat f
love match
early love
gern tun
love to do
Affenliebe f
doting love
Liebesfreud f poet.
joy of love
Liebeswerben n, Hofieren n
liebestoll adj
doting love
Techtelmechtel, Liebesaffaere
love affair
love affair
Liebeswerben n; Hofieren n
Ich liebe dich!
Love you! LY
Lebenslust f
love of life
sich verlieben
fall in love
fall in love
fell in love
in love with
Liebesbande f
bonds of love
Liebesleid n
love's sorrow
Mutterliebe f
motherly love
Schwesterliebe f
sisterly love
Vaterliebe f
paternal love
falls in love
paternal love
sisterly love
Bruderliebe f
brotherly love
Naturverbundenheit f
love of nature
Liebessucht f psych.
love addiction
Ich liebe dich!
Love you! LY
Liebe macht blind. Sprw.
Love is blind.
Ich liebe dich!
LY : Love you!
fallen in love
ich lese gern
i love to read
Liebesversprechen n
promise of love
Tierliebe f
love of animals
Verlieben n
falling in love
Ich lese gern.
I love to read.
verliebt sein in
be in love with
falling in love
sich verlieben
to fall in love
herzlich grüßen
send one's love
das Hohelied der Liebe (Bibel, 1. Korinther 13) relig.
the Song of Love
Wir spielen um nichts
we play for love
n liebend gerne
'd love to
das Hohelied der Liebe (Bibel 1. Korinther 13) relig.
the Song of Love
Minne f
hohe Minne
lofty love
lebenslustig adj
in love with life
Wir spielen um nichts.
We play for love.
sich verlieben in
fall in love with
verliebt sein (in)
be in love (with)
verliebt sein in
to be in love with
jdn. lieben, mit jdm. schlafen, jdm. gegenüber zärtlich werden
to make love to sb.
jdn. lieben; mit jdm. schlafen; jdm. gegenüber zärtlich werden
to make love to sb.
sich verlieben (in)
fall in love (with)
sich entlieben v humor. soc.
to fall out of love
berechnende Freundlichkeit f pej. soc.
cupboard love Br.
Intimleben n
love life; sex life
Fettpölsterchen n, Speckrollen an der Taille
love handles coll.
vergebliche Liebesmüh f
love's labour's lost
Liebes Leid und Lust
Love's Labour's Lost
sich verlieben in
to fall in love with
Liebesakt m
Liebesakte pl
love act
love acts
Feinsliebchen n poet.
lady-love, sweetheart
Liebesleben n
love life, lovemaking
Unglück in der Liebe haben v
to be crossed in love
Unglück in der Liebe haben
to be crossed in love
jdm. Liebe zuwenden
to devote love to sb.
sie lieben sich
they love one another
Feinsliebchen n poet.
lady-love; sweetheart
Fettpölsterchen n; Hüftspeck m ugs.; Hüftgold n humor.; Speckrollen pl anat.
love handles humor.
Liebesleben n
love life; lovemaking
Hassliebe f
love-hate relationship
Jugendliebe f
puppy love, early love
in jdn. verliebt sein v
to be in love with sb.
Liebesgedicht n
Liebesgedichte pl
love poem
love poems
Liebeslied n
Liebeslieder pl
love song
love songs
Liebesspiel n
Liebesspiele pl
love play
love plays
Sie lieben sich.
They love one another.
bis zum Wahnsinn lieben
to love to distraction
Jugendliebe f
puppy love; early love
Nächstenliebe f
charity, brotherly love
ist bis über beide Ohren verliebt
head over heels in love
Nächstenliebe f
charity; brotherly love
schwesterlich; Schwester… adj
Schwesterliebe f
sisterly love
Liebesszene f
Liebesszenen pl
love scene
love scenes
Er verliebte sich in sie
he fell in love with her
jdn. etw. lieben lernen; liebenlernen alt v
to learn to love sb. sth.
Liebesgeschichte f
Liebesgeschichten pl
love story
love stories
Liebschaft f
(love) affair, flirtation
etw. lieben lernen, liebenlernen alt
to learn to love sb.
Er verliebte sich in sie.
He fell in love with her.
jdn. etw. lieben lernen; liebenlernen alt
to learn to love sb. sth.
Gelbkehlbülbül m ornith.
Yellow-throated Leaf-Love
Liebschaft f
(love) affair; flirtation
Liebesbrief m
Liebesbriefe pl
love letter
love letters
Menschenliebe f
human kindness, human love
Menschenliebe f
human kindness; human love
Liebesfigur f art
Liebesfiguren pl
love figure
love figures
Liebe macht blind. Sprw.
The eyes of love are blind.
Heimatliebe f
love of one's native country
In der Liebe und im Krieg ist alles erlaubt.
All is fair in love and war.
In der Liebe und im Krieg ist alles erlaubt. Sprw.
All is fair in love and war.
unerwidert; unbelohnt adj
unerwiderte Liebe f
unrequited love
Er ist bis ueber beide Ohren verliebt.
he's head over ears in love.
Ich werde dich immer lieben!
I will always love you! IWALU
Walgesänge pl
whale songs, whale love songs
Er ist bis über beide Ohren verliebt.
He's head over heels in love.
Walgesänge pl
whale songs; whale love songs
Liebesabenteuer n
love affair, amorous adventure
Liebesnacht f
Liebesnächte pl
night of love
nights of love
Geliebte f
lady-love; fancy woman dated
Sie ist bis über beide Ohren verliebt.
She's head over heels in love.
Ich werde dich immer lieben!
I will always love you! IWALU
Ich werde dich immer lieben!
IWALU : I will always love you!
Techtelmechtel n ugs., Liebesaffäre f
love affair, hanky-panky coll.
Leb schnell lieb heftig stirb jung.
Live fast love hard die young.
Leb schnell, lieb heftig, stirb jung.
Live fast, love hard, die young.
Techtelmechtel n ugs.; Liebesaffäre f
love affair; hanky-panky coll.
Narzissmus m; übersteigerte Selbstliebe f; Selbstverliebtheit f psych.
narcissism; exaggerated self-love
Verliebtheit f
(state condition of) being in love
'Zigeunerliebe' (von Lehár Werktitel) mus.
'Gipsy Love' (by Lehár work title)
Ich liebe dich von ganzem Herzen!
Love you with all my heart! LYWAMH
Nebenbuhler m soc.
Nebenbuhler pl
rival (in love)
rivals (in love)
Nebenbuhler m
Nebenbuhler pl
rival (in love)
rivals (in love)
Sie haben nichts füreinander übrig.
There's no love lost between them.
Verliebtheit f
condition of) being in love
Ich liebe dich von ganzem Herzen!
LYWAMH : Love you with all my heart!

Deutsche lieben Liebe Synonyme

jemandem  gegenüber  zärtlich  werden  Âjemanden  lieben  
(starke)  Zuneigung  ÂLiebe  
Farbe  der  Liebe  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRot  
Hingabe  ÂLeidenschaft  ÂLiebe  
gleichgeschlechtliche  Liebe  ÂHomophilie  ÂHomosexualität  ÂHomotropie  
(römischer)  Liebesgott  ÂAmor  ÂCupido  ÂGott  der  Liebe  ÂKupido  
Fest  der  Liebe  ÂHeiligabend  ÂHeiliger  Abend  ÂWeihnacht  ÂWeihnachten  ÂWeihnachtsfest  
gefallen  ÂGefallen  finden  an  Âgernhaben  Âlieben  Âmögen  Âvergöttern  
Beste  Grüße  ÂHerzliche  Grüße  ÂLiebe  Grüße  Âmit  besten  Grüßen  Âmit  freundlichem  Gruß  Âmit  freundlichen  Grüßen  ÂSchöne  Grüße  ÂViele  Grüße  
besten  Dank  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdanke  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdanke  schön  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdanke  sehr  (umgangssprachlich)  Âherzlichen  Dank  (umgangssprachlich)  Âlieben  Dank  (umgangssprachlich)  Âvergelts  Gott  (umgangssprachlich)  Âvielen  Dank  
(es)  treiben  (mit)  Âbegatten  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbumsen  (vulgär)  Âden  Beischlaf  vollführen  Âficken  (vulgär)  ÂGeschlechtsverkehr  haben  Âkoitieren  Âkopulieren  ÂLiebe  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmiteinander  schlafen  Ânageln  (vulgär)  Âpimpern  (derb)  Âpoppen  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârammeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschnackseln  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSex  haben  ÂSex  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âvögeln  (vulgär)  
Farbe der Liebe (umgangssprachlich)  Rot  
Fest der Liebe  Heiligabend  Heiliger Abend  Weihnacht  Weihnachten  Weihnachtsfest  
gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe  Homophilie  Homosexualität  Homotropie  

Englische love Synonyme

love  Amor  Aphrodite  Astarte  BOMFOG  Benthamism  Christian charity  Christian love  Cupid  Eros  Freya  Kama  Love  Venus  accord  accordance  admiration  admire  adoration  adore  adulate  adulation  affair  affection  affinity  agape  agreement  aim at  allegiance  altruism  amiability  amiableness  amicability  amicableness  amity  amor  amorousness  amour  angel  appreciate  ardency  ardor  attachment  attraction  babe  baby  baby-doll  bang  bask in  be all heart  be desirous of  be fond of  be partial to  be pleased with  beau  beloved  beloved object  beneficence  benevolence  benevolent disposition  benevolentness  bent  best love  best regards  best wishes  betrothed  bigheartedness  bonds of harmony  bonk  boyfriend  brotherhood  brotherly love  burn with love  buttercup  cardinal virtues  care  care for  caress  caritas  carnality  cement of friendship  charitableness  charity  cherish  cherub  chick  chickabiddy  choose  coldness  communion  community  community of interests  compatibility  compliments  concern  concord  concordance  congeniality  correspondence  cosset  crush  cuddle  dandle  darling  dear  dear one  dearly beloved  deary  deify  delight  delight in  derive pleasure from  desiderate  desire  devoirs  devotion  devour  disposition  do-goodism  doll  dote  dote on  dote upon  duck  duckling  eat up  egards  embrace  emotion  empathy  enjoy  enjoyment  enthusiasm  esprit  esprit de corps  exalt  faith  fancy  favor  fealty  feast on  feeling of identity  fellow feeling  fellowship  fervor  fiance  fiancee  fidelity  flesh  fleshliness  flower power  fondle  fondness  fortitude  freak out on  frictionlessness  friendliness  friendship  frigidity  fuck  generosity  get high on  girl  giving  gloat over  go for  good vibes  good vibrations  good wishes  goodwill  grace  greatheartedness  greetings  groove on  gust  gusto  guy  happy family  harmony  hate  have deep feelings  have designs on  have eyes for  have it bad  have sex  hold dear  
love affair  adulterous affair  adultery  affair  amour  cuckoldry  entanglement  eternal triangle  flirtation  forbidden love  hanky-panky  illicit love  infidelity  intrigue  liaison  love  romance  romantic tie  triangle  unfaithfulness  
love letter  Pastoral Epistle  aerogram  air letter  airgraph  billet-doux  bull  chain letter  dead letter  dimissorial  dimissory letter  drop letter  encyclical  fan letter  form letter  letter of credit  letter of introduction  letters credential  letters of marque  letters of request  letters overt  letters patent  letters rogatory  mash note  monitory  newsletter  nixie  open letter  pastoral letter  poison-pen letter  round robin  valentine  
love nest  assignation  assignation house  blockhouse  box  bungalow  cabin  chalet  cot  cote  cottage  lodge  log cabin  meeting  meeting place  pied-a-terre  place of assignation  rendezvous  snuggery  tryst  
love song  Brautlied  Christmas carol  Kunstlied  Liebeslied  Volkslied  alba  anthem  art song  aubade  ballad  ballade  ballata  barcarole  blues  blues song  boat song  bridal hymn  brindisi  calypso  canso  canticle  canzone  canzonet  canzonetta  carol  cavatina  chanson  chant  chantey  croon  croon song  dirge  ditty  drinking song  epithalamium  folk song  hymeneal  lay  lied  lilt  love-lilt  matin  minstrel song  minstrelsy  national anthem  prothalamium  serena  serenade  serenata  song  theme song  torch song  war song  wedding song  
love story  Marchen  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  apologue  bedtime story  detective story  fable  fabliau  fairy tale  fantasy  fiction  folk story  folktale  gest  ghost story  horse opera  legend  mystery  mystery story  myth  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  parable  romance  science fiction  shocker  space fiction  space opera  suspense story  thriller  whodunit  work of fiction  
loved  admired  adored  beloved  cherished  darling  dear  dearly beloved  esteemed  favorite  held dear  pet  popular  precious  prized  revered  treasured  well-beloved  well-liked  white-haired  
loveless  desireless  forsaken  inappetent  jilted  lovelorn  nirvanic  passionless  rejected  spurned  unambitious  unaspiring  unattracted  unbeloved  uncherished  undesirous  uneager  unenthusiastic  unloved  
loveliness  adorability  agreeability  allurement  amiability  appeal  appealingness  attractiveness  beauteousness  beautifulness  beauty  beauty unadorned  bewitchment  bloom  captivation  charm  delightfulness  desirability  elegance  enchantment  enravishment  entrancement  exquisiteness  fascination  glamour  glow  grace  handsomeness  invitingness  likability  lovability  lovesomeness  luxury  prettiness  pulchritude  sensuousness  sweetness  tantalizingness  temptingness  the beautiful  voluptuousness  winning ways  winningness  winsomeness  witchery  
lovelorn  adoring  affectionate  conjugal  demonstrative  devoted  faithful  filial  fond  forsaken  husbandly  jilted  languishing  loveless  lovesick  lovesome  loving  maternal  melting  parental  paternal  rejected  romantic  sentimental  soft  spurned  tender  unbeloved  uncherished  unloved  uxorious  wifely  
lovely  admirable  adorable  aesthetic  aesthetically appealing  agreeable  alluring  angelic  appealing  attractive  beaut  beauteous  beautiful  bewitching  bonny  captivating  caressable  charming  comely  cuddlesome  dainty  delectable  delicate  delightful  elegant  enchanting  endowed with beauty  engaging  enjoyable  enravishing  enthralling  enticing  entrancing  exquisite  eye-filling  eyeful  fair  fascinating  fetching  fine  flowerlike  good-looking  gorgeous  graceful  gracile  gratifying  handsome  heart-robbing  heavy  intriguing  inviting  irresistible  kissable  knockout  likable  looker  lovable  lovesome  luxurious  nice  pleasant  pleasing  pleasurable  prepossessing  pretty  pulchritudinous  rare  ravishing  satisfactory  satisfying  sensuous  seraphic  stunner  sweet  taking  tantalizing  tempting  thrilling  titillative  voluptuous  winning  winsome  witching  
lovemaking  Amor  Christian love  Eros  Platonic love  act of love  admiration  adoration  adultery  affection  agape  aphrodisia  ardency  ardor  ass  attachment  balling  bodily love  brotherly love  caritas  carnal knowledge  carnality  charity  climax  cohabitation  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  coldness  commerce  congress  conjugal love  connection  copula  copulation  coupling  desire  devotion  diddling  faithful love  fancy  fervor  flame  flesh  fleshliness  fondness  fornication  free love  free-lovism  frigidity  heart  hero worship  idolatry  idolism  idolization  impotence  intercourse  intimacy  lasciviousness  libido  like  liking  love  making it with  marital relations  marriage  marriage act  married love  mating  meat  onanism  orgasm  ovum  pareunia  passion  physical love  popular regard  popularity  potency  procreation  regard  relations  screwing  sensuality  sentiment  sex  sex act  sex drive  sexiness  sexual climax  sexual commerce  sexual congress  sexual instinct  sexual intercourse  sexual love  sexual relations  sexual union  sexual urge  sexualism  sexuality  shine  sleeping with  sperm  spiritual love  tender feeling  tender passion  truelove  uxoriousness  venery  voluptuousness  weakness  worship  yearning  
lover  Maecenas  abettor  acquaintance  addict  admirer  adorer  advocate  aficionado  alter ego  amorist  angel  apologist  aspirant  aspirer  babe  baby  baby-doll  backer  beau  beloved  best friend  bosom friend  boyfriend  brother  buff  buttercup  candidate  casual acquaintance  champion  cherub  chick  chickabiddy  close acquaintance  close friend  collector  confidant  confidante  coveter  darling  dear  deary  defender  dependence  desirer  devotee  doll  doxy  duck  duckling  encourager  endorser  exponent  familiar  fan  fancier  fancy man  favorer  fellow  fellow creature  fellowman  flame  follower  freak  friend  friend at court  girl friend  habitue  hankerer  hon  honey  honey bunch  honey child  hopeful  hound  inamorata  inamorato  infatuate  inseparable friend  intimate  lamb  lambkin  love  mainstay  maintainer  man  master  neighbor  other self  paramour  paranymph  partisan  patron  pet  petkins  pickup  precious  precious heart  promoter  protagonist  pursuer  reliance  repository  second  seconder  sectary  sider  snookums  solicitant  sponsor  stalwart  standby  steady  sugar  sugar daddy  suitor  support  supporter  sustainer  sweet  sweetheart  sweetie  sweetkins  sweets  sympathizer  truelove  upholder  votary  wanter  well-wisher  wisher  woman  wooer  yearner  
lovesick  adoring  affectionate  conjugal  demonstrative  devoted  faithful  filial  fond  husbandly  languishing  lovelorn  lovesome  loving  maternal  melting  parental  paternal  romantic  sentimental  soft  tender  uxorious  wifely  

Love Definition

(n.) The doctrine or practice of consorting with the opposite sex, at pleasure, without marriage.
(n.) An old tune of a dance, the name of which made it a proverbial expression of levity, especially in love matters.
(n.) Hence: A light or wanton woman.
(n.) A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration
(n.) Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex.
(n.) Courtship
(n.) Affection
(n.) Due gratitude and reverence to God.
(n.) The object of affection
(n.) Cupid, the god of love
(n.) A thin silk stuff.
(n.) A climbing species of Clematis (C. Vitalba).
(n.) Nothing
(n.) To have a feeling of love for
(n.) To regard with passionate and devoted affection, as that of one sex for the other.
(n.) To take delight or pleasure in
(v. i.) To have the feeling of love
(n.) Affection.
(n.) Courtship.
(a.) Languishing with love or amorous desire
(a.) Originating in, or expressive of, languishing love.
(n.) The state of being love-sick.
(n.) The love of one's self

Love Bedeutung

labor of love
labour of love
productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation
sexual love
making love
love life
sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people, his lovemaking disgusted her, he hadn't had any love in months, he has a very complicated love life
extramarital sex
free love
sexual intercourse between individuals who are not married to one another
love feast
a religious meal shared as a sign of love and fellowship
love match a marriage for love's sake, not an arranged marriage
cupboard love a show of affection motivated by selfishness
love knot
lovers' knot
lover's knot
true lovers' knot
true lover's knot
a stylized or decorative knot used as an emblem of love
love seat
small sofa that seats two people
love-token keepsake given as a token of love
an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself, self-love that shut out everyone else
brotherly love
a kindly and lenient attitude toward people
spare tire
love handle
excess fat around the waistline
courtly love (Middle Ages) a highly conventionalized code of conduct for lovers
any object of warm affection or devotion, the theater was her first love, he has a passion for cock fighting,
love story
a story dealing with love
love letter
billet doux
a personal letter to a loved one expressing affection
love song
a song about love or expressing love for another person
love lyric the lyric of a love song
love sexual love
erotic love
a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction, their love left them indifferent to their surroundings, she was his first love
amour propre
feelings of excessive pride
love a strong positive emotion of regard and affection, his love for his work, children need a lot of love
agape love
selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature)
filial love the love of a child for a parent
puppy love
calf love
temporary love of an adolescent
a drink credited with magical power, can make the one who takes it love the one who gave it
love feast a social gathering intended to create goodwill among the participants
City of Brotherly Love
the largest city in Pennsylvania, located in the southeastern part of the state on the Delaware river, site of Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed, site of the University of Pennsylvania
bastard by-blow
love child
illegitimate child
the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents
a beloved person, used as terms of endearment
a woman inconstant in love
love-in-a-mist Nigella damascena European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or pale blue flowers
snow-in-summer love-in-a-mist Cerastium tomentosum chickweed with hairy silver-grey leaves and rather large white flowers
velvet flower
tassel flower Amaranthus caudatus
young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables, seeds used as cereal
common wormwood
old man
lad's love
Artemisia absinthium
aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe
love grass
bay grass
any of various grasses of the genus Eragrostis, specially useful for forage and for the prevention of erosion
weeping love grass
African love grass
Eragrostis curvula
perennial South African grass having densely clumped flimsy stems, introduced into United States especially for erosion control
western prince's pine
Chimaphila umbellata
Chimaphila corymbosa
Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb
love-in-a-mist running pop
wild water lemon
Passiflora foetida
tropical American passion flower with finely dissected bracts, stems malodorous when crushed
wild pansy
Johnny-jump-up heartsease love-in-idleness
pink of my John
Viola tricolor
a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived
Judas tree
love tree
Circis siliquastrum
small tree of the eastern Mediterranean having abundant purplished flowers growing on old wood directly from stems and appearing before the leaves: widely cultivated in mild regions, wood valuable for veneers
love vine
Cuscuta gronovii
leafless parasitic vine with dense clusters of small white bell-shaped flowers on orange-yellow stems that twine around clover or flax
love apple
tomato plant
Lycopersicon esculentum
native to South America, widely cultivated in many varieties
love a score of zero in tennis or squash, it waslove
line of heart
heart line
love line
mensal line
a crease on the palm, palmists say it indicates your emotional nature
love affair
a relationship between two lovers
love bite
a temporary red mark on a person's skin resulting from kissing or sucking by their lover
fall in love begin to experience feelings of love towards, She fell in love with her former student
sleep together
roll in the hay
make out
make love
sleep with
get laid
have sex
do it
be intimate
have intercourse
have it away
have it off
screw fuck
lie with
have a go at it
bang get it on
bonk ff,uff
have sexual intercourse with, This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm, Adam knew Eve, Were you ever intimate with this man?
love have a great affection or liking for, I love French food, She loves her boss and works hard for him
love be enamored or in love with, She loves her husband deeply
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Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure.[1][2] An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse, which differs from the love of food. Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of strong attraction and emotional attachment.[3]