
MOT Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Bachstelze f ornith.
White Wagtail (Motacilla alba), Pied Wagtail
Gebirgsstelze f ornith.
Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)
Schafstelze f ornith.
Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava), Blue-headed Wagtail
Zitronenstelze f ornith.
Citrine Wagtail (Motacilla citreola)
Angehörige des zutreffenden Geschlechts
MOTAS : members of the appropriate sex
Angehörige des zutreffenden Geschlechts
members of the appropriate sex MOTAS
Angehörige des zutreffenden Geschlechts
members of the appropriate sex MOTAS
Staubkorn n, Stäubchen n
winziges Teilchen n; Stäubchen n
Was siehst du jeden Splitter im Auge deines Bruders aber den Balken in deinem eigenen Auge nimmst du nicht wahr? (Bibelzitat)
mote (old-fashioned)
Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? (Bible quotation)
winziges Teilchen n; Stäubchen n
Was siehst du jeden Splitter im Auge deines Bruders, aber den Balken in deinem eigenen Auge nimmst du nicht wahr? (Bibelzitat)
mote dated
Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? (Bible quotation)
Autobahnhotel n
motorway motel, freeway motel
Motel n
Autobahnhotel n
Autobahnhotels pl
motorway motel Br.; freeway motel Am.
motorway motels; freeway motels
Motel n
Motels pl
Drecksbude f; Bruchbude f; Drecksloch n; Rattenloch n; Loch n ugs. (schäbige Absteige)
Drecksbuden pl; Bruchbuden pl; Dreckslöcher pl; Rattenlöcher pl; Löcher pl
fleabag motel Am.; fleabag hotel Am.; fleabag Am. coll. (seedy dilapidated hotel or rooming house)
fleabag motels; fleabag hotels; fleabags
Motette f mus.
Motette f mus.
Motetten pl
Motette für (Kirchen)chor und Orchester
Motet for Choir and Orchestra
Motette f mus.
Motetten pl
Psalmenmotette f
Motette für (Kirchen)chor und Orchester
psalm motet
Motet for Choir and Orchestra
Kleidermotte f zool.
Kleidermotten pl
webbing clothes moth
webbing clothes moths
mottenzerfressen adj
Falter m, Nachtfalter m zool.
Falter pl, Nachtfalter pl
moths, mothes
Motte f zool.
Motten pl
moths, mothes
Ackerwinden-Trauereule f; Feldflur-Windeneule f (Tyta luctuosa) zool.
field bindweed moth; four-spotted moth
Dattelmotte f (Ephestia cautella) zool.
fig moth; dried currant moth; almond moth; tropical warehouse moth
Dörrobstmotte f; Vorratsmotte f; Hausmotte f (Plodia interpunctella) zool.
Indian meal moth; pantry moth; North American high-flyer
Eulenfalterraupe f zool.
Eulenfalterraupen pl
owlet moth caterpillar
owlet moth caterpillars
Kakaomotte f (Ephestia elutella) zool.
cacao moth; tobacco moth; warehouse moth
Kleidermotten pl (Tineola) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Kleidermotte f (Tineola bisselliella)
clothes moths (zoological genus)
common clothes moth; webbing clothes moth
Mehlmotte f (Ephestia kuehniella) zool.
Mediterranean flour moth; Indian flour moth; mill moth
Mehlzünsler m (Pyralis farinalis) zool.
meal moth
Motte f zool.
Motten pl
moths; mothes
Nachtfalter m; Falter m; Nachtschwärmer m zool.
Nachtfalter pl; Falter pl; Nachtschwärmer pl
butterfly moth
butterfly moths
Nachtpfauenauge n (Nachtfalter) zool.
Nachtpfauenaugen pl
Kleines Nachtpfauenauge
Wiener Nachtpfauenauge
emperor moth (butterfly moth)
emperor moths
small emperor moth
giant emperor moth; Viennese emperor moth
Schmetterlingsmücken pl (Psychodidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
moth flies; drain flies (zoological family)
Tagesmotte f zool.
Tagesmotten pl
pasture day moth
pasture day moths
Tagesmottenraupe f zool.
Tagesmottenraupen pl
pasture day moth caterpillar
pasture day moth caterpillars
Altweltliche Bohnen pl; Vigna-Bohnen pl (Vigna) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Adzukibohne f (Vigna angularis)
Bambarabohne f; Erderbse f (Vigna subterranea)
Catjangbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrica)
Kuhbohne f (Vigna unguiculata)
Linsenbohne f; Urdbohne f (Vigna mungo)
Mattenbohne f (Vigna aconitifolia)
Mungobohne f; Mungbohne f; Jerusalembohne f; Lunjabohne f (Vigna radiata)
Reisbohne f (Vigna umbellata)
Schwarzaugenbohne f; Augenbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata)
Spargelbohne f; Meterbohne f; Asiatische Schlangenbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
vigna beans (botanical genus)
adzuki bean; azuki bean
Bambara bean; ground bean; Bambara groundnut; earth pea
catjang bean; sow-pea
black matpe bean; urd bean; black lentil; black gram
mat bean; matki; moth bean; dew bean; Turkish gram
moong bean; mung bean; green gram
rice bean
black-eyed bean; black-eyed pea; goat pea; crowder-pea, southern pea
asparagus bean; yardlong bean; Chinese long-bean; snake bean
Cydalima-Rüsselzünsler pl (Cydalima) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Buchsbaumzünsler m (Cydalima perspectalis)
cydalima grass moths (zoological genus)
box tree moth
Cydia-Wickler pl (Cydia) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Mittlerer Kastanienwickler m (Cydia fagiglandana)
Später Kastanienwickler m; Eichenwickler m (Cydia splendana)
cydia moths (zoological genus)
beech moth
chestnut tortrix; acorn moth
Eichenprozessionsspinner m (Thaumetopoea processionea) zool.
Eichenprozessionsspinner pl
oak processionary moth; oak processionary
oak processionary moths; oak processionaries
Motte f zool.
Motten pl
Lebensmittelmotte f; Speisemotte f; Küchenmotte f
moths; mothes
food moth; meal moth; pantry moth
Pelzmotte f (Tinea pellionella)
case-bearing clothes moth
Trauerspinner m; Trauerbär m; Kaiserbär m (Phalaena luctifera Phragmatobia luctifera Epatolmis caesarea) zool.
epatolmis luctifera tiger moth
Mottenkugel f
Mottenkugeln pl
to mothball
einmotten v
to mothball
etw. auf Eis legen
etw. stilllegen
to mothball sth.; to shelve sth.
to mothball sth.
Kleidung einmotten v textil.
to mothball clothes
etw. einmotten v übtr.
to mothball sth. fig.
etw. stilllegen v
to mothball sth.
vorübergehende Außerbetriebnahme f; vorübergehende Außerbetriebsetzung f (Bahn)
temporary removal from service; temporary withdrawal from service; mothballing (railway)
berufstätige Mutter
working mother
Mutter ging zum Markt, auf den Markt
mother went to market
Besatzungskind n hist.
Besatzungskinder pl
occupation child, child born of a black GI and a German mother after 1945
occupation children
Hauptader f (Bergbau)
Hauptadern pl
mother lode
mother lodes
Inbegriff m
Katzenmutter f
Katzenmütter pl
mother cat
mother cats
als Kind zu heiß gebadet worden sein übtr.
to have been dropped on one's head by one's mother fig.
Königinmutter f
queen mother
Leihmutter f
Leihmütter pl
surrogate mother
surrogate mothers
Mutter f
Mütter pl
werdende Mutter f
Mutter von drei Kindern
mother-to-be, expectant mother
mother of three
Mutterherz n
mother's heart

Deutsche Bachstelze {f} [ornith.] Synonyme


Englische White Wagtail Pied Wagtail Synonyme

mot  adage  ana  analects  aphorism  apothegm  axiom  bon mot  boutade  bright idea  bright thought  brilliant idea  byword  catchword  collected sayings  conceit  crack  current saying  dictate  dictum  distich  epigram  expression  facetiae  flash of wit  flight of wit  gibe  gnome  golden saying  happy thought  maxim  moral  motto  nasty crack  oracle  persiflage  phrase  pithy saying  play of wit  pleasantry  precept  prescript  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  quip  quips and cranks  repartee  retort  riposte  sally  saw  saying  scintillation  sentence  sententious expression  sloka  smart crack  smart saying  snappy comeback  stock saying  stroke of wit  sutra  teaching  text  turn of thought  verse  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  wisecrack  witticism  word  words of wisdom  
mote  ace  acropolis  air  atom  bastion  beachhead  bit  black sheep  blemish  blockhouse  bridgehead  bubble  bunker  castle  chaff  chip  citadel  cobweb  cork  crumb  dab  dole  donjon  dot  down  dram  dribble  driblet  drop  droplet  dust  dwarf  ether  fairy  farthing  fasthold  fastness  feather  fleck  flue  fluff  flyspeck  foam  foreign body  foreign intruder  fort  fortress  fragment  froth  fuzz  garrison  garrison house  gnat  gobbet  gossamer  grain  granule  groat  hair  handful  hold  impurity  intruder  iota  jot  keep  little  little bit  martello  martello tower  microbe  microorganism  midge  minim  minimum  minutia  minutiae  misfit  mite  modicum  molecule  monkey wrench  motte  nutshell  oddball  ounce  particle  pebble  peel  peel tower  pillbox  pinch  pinhead  pinpoint  pittance  point  post  rath  safehold  scrap  scruple  sliver  smidgen  smitch  snip  snippet  speck  splinter  sponge  spoonful  spot  spume  stone  straw  strong point  stronghold  thimbleful  thistledown  tiny bit  tittle  tower  tower of strength  trifling amount  trivia  vanishing point  ward  weed  whit  
moth eaten  anile  archaic  back-number  banal  bewhiskered  blasted  blighted  blown  bromidic  bygone  common  commonplace  corny  crabbed  crumbling  cut-and-dried  dated  debilitated  decrepit  despoiled  dilapidated  dingy  doddered  doddering  doddery  down-at-heel  dusty  fade  faded  familiar  feeble  flyblown  fossilized  frowsty  frowsy  frowzy  fusty  gerontal  gerontic  gone to seed  hackney  hackneyed  infirm  maggoty  mildewed  moldering  moldy  moss-grown  mossbacked  mummylike  musty  old hat  outdated  palsied  papery-skinned  passe  platitudinous  ravaged  ravaged with age  rickety  rococo  ruined  ruinous  run to seed  run-down  rusty  seedy  senile  set  shabby  shaky  shriveled  smutted  smutty  square  stale  stereotyped  stock  stricken in years  tattered  threadbare  time-scarred  timeworn  tottering  tottery  trite  truistic  unoriginal  warmed-over  weak  weevily  well-known  well-worn  withered  wizened  worm-eaten  wormy  worn  worn thin  
mother  SOB  agent  ancestorial  ancestors  ancestral  apprentice  architect  artificer  artist  attend to  aunt  auntie  author  baby  baby-sit  bastard  bear  beget  begetter  beginner  birth  blood brother  breed  breed true  brethren  bring to birth  brother  bub  bubba  bud  buddy  bugger  builder  care for  catalyst  causer  chaperon  cherish  coddle  conceiver  conserve  constructor  copulate  cosset  country cousin  cousin  cousin once removed  cousin twice removed  cradle  craftsman  creator  creep  crossbreed  cultivate  dam  daughter  designer  deviser  discoverer  dry-nurse  effector  engender  engenderer  engineer  executor  executrix  fart  father  fatherlike  fatherly  feed  first cousin  fondle  foster  foster brother  foster mother  founder  frater  generate  generator  genesis  genetrix  get  give birth to  grandfatherly  grandmotherly  grandnephew  grandniece  grandparental  granduncle  great-aunt  great-uncle  grower  half brother  heel  hood  hooligan  inaugurator  inbreed  indulge  industrialist  initiator  innate  inspirer  instigator  institutor  introducer  inventor  jerk  journeyman  keep watch over  kid brother  lavish care on  look after  look out for  look to  louse  ma  make love  maker  mam  mama  mamma  mammy  manufacturer  master  master craftsman  mater  materfamilias  maternal  maternal ancestor  matriarch  matronize  maw  meanie  mind  minister to  mom  mommy  motherlike  motherly  mover  multiply  mum  mummy  native  natural  nephew  niece  nourish  nuncle  nunks  nunky  nurse  nurture  nurturer  old  old lady  old woman  organizer  origin  originator  outbreed  pamper  parent  parental  past master  paternal  patriarchal  pill  planner  precursor  preserve  prime mover  primum mobile  procreate  producer  progenitrix  proliferate  propagate  protect  protege  provide for  raiser  rat  realizer  reproduce in kind  ride herd on  second cousin  see after  see to  serve  shaper  shelter  shepherd  shit  shithead  shitheel  sire  sis  
Mother of God  Dei Mater  Deipara  Holy Mary  Immaculate Conception  Mariolatry  Mariology  Notre Dame  Our Lady  Queen of Angels  Queen of Heaven  Regina Angelorum  Regina Coeli  Sancta Virgo Virginum  Stella Maris  Theotokos  Virgin Most Glorious  Virgin Most Merciful  Virgin Most Powerful  Virgin Most Renowned  Virgin Most Venerable  Virgin Most Wise  Virgo Clemens  Virgo Gloriosa  Virgo Potens  Virgo Praedicanda  Virgo Sapientissima  Virgo Sponsa Dei  Virgo Veneranda  mater dolorosa  the Blessed Virgin  the Sorrowful Mother  the Virgin  the Virgin Mary  the Virgin Mother  
mother superior  abbess  canoness  chatelaine  clergywoman  conventual  dame  dowager  first lady  goodwife  governess  great lady  homemaker  housewife  lady superior  madam  matriarch  matron  mistress  novice  nun  postulant  prioress  religieuse  secular canoness  sister  superioress  the reverend mother  
motherhood  affiliation  agnation  alliance  ancestry  blood  blood relationship  brotherhood  brothership  cognation  common ancestry  common descent  connection  consanguinity  cousinhood  cousinship  enation  fatherhood  filiation  fraternity  kindred  kinship  maternalness  maternity  matrilineage  matriliny  matrisib  matrocliny  motherliness  mothership  paternity  patrilineage  patriliny  patrisib  patrocliny  propinquity  relation  relationship  sibship  sisterhood  sistership  ties of blood  
mothering  TLC  bread  care  daily bread  economic support  endowment  keep  livelihood  living  maintenance  manna  meat  nourishment  nurture  price support  provision  subsidization  subsidy  subsistence  subvention  support  sustainment  sustenance  sustentation  tender loving care  upkeep  
motherless  abandoned  aidless  bereaved  bereft  defenseless  deprived  deserted  desolate  fatherless  forlorn  forsaken  friendless  godforsaken  guideless  helpless  homeless  kithless  leaderless  orphan  orphaned  outcast  parentless  pregnable  unfriended  unprotected  untenable  vulnerable  widowed  
motif  action  anagnorisis  angle  architectonics  architecture  argument  atmosphere  background  background detail  basis  beading  binding  bordering  bordure  burden  case  catastrophe  chapter  characterization  color  complication  concept  concern  continuity  contrivance  convention  decoration  decorative composition  decorative style  denouement  design  detail  development  device  edging  element  episode  essence  fable  falling action  figure  fimbria  fimbriation  flounce  focus of attention  focus of interest  foil  foreground detail  form  frill  frilling  fringe  furbelow  galloon  gimmick  gist  head  heading  hem  idea  incident  issue  leitmotif  leitmotiv  line  list  living issue  local color  main point  matter  matter in hand  meat  mood  motive  movement  mythos  national style  ornament  ornamental motif  pattern  period style  peripeteia  phrase  plan  plot  point  point at issue  point in question  problem  question  recognition  refrain  repeated figure  rising action  rubric  ruffle  scheme  secondary plot  selvage  setting  skirting  slant  story  structure  style  subject  subject matter  subject of thought  subplot  substance  switch  text  thematic development  theme  tone  topic  touch  trimming  twist  valance  welt  
motion  Zeitgeist  act  action  activeness  activism  activity  agitation  bearing  beck  beckon  bill  body language  business  calendar  carriage  change  charade  chironomy  clause  clockworks  commotion  commutation  companion bills amendment  course  crossing  current  dactylology  deaf-and-dumb alphabet  direction  doings  dragnet clause  drift  drive train  dumb show  enacting clause  escalator clause  flag  fluctuation  gait  gear  gesticulate  gesticulation  gesture  gesture language  glacial movement  globe-trotting  goad  going  goings-on  hand signal  hold-up bill  improper suggestion  impulse  incentive  indecent proposal  inducement  innards  instance  joker  journeying  kinesics  line  locomotion  machinery  main current  mainstream  measure  mechanism  militancy  mime  mobility  motility  motion to  motive  movability  move  movement  movements  moving  offering  omnibus bill  oscillation  pantomime  pass  passage  poise  political activism  pose  posture  power train  privileged question  procedure  proceeding  proceedings  process  progress  proposal  proposition  proviso  question  recommendation  request  resolution  rider  run  saving clause  saw the air  servomechanism  set  sexual advance  shift  shifting  shrug  shrug the shoulders  sign  sign language  signal  signalize  spring  spur  stance  step  stir  stirring  stream  submission  suggestion  sway  swing  tenor  the general tendency  the main course  time spirit  tone  tourism  touristry  traject  trajet  transit  travel  traveling  tread  trend  turbulence  turmoil  walk  watchworks  wave  wave the arms  wavering  wheels  wheels within wheels  workings  works  
motion picture  3-D  Cinemascope  Cinerama  Technicolor  Western  animated cartoon  black-and-white film  boom shot  cartoon  chiller  cine  cinema  close-up  color film  creepie  deuce shot  documentary  documentary film  educational film  feature  film  flick  flicker  follow-focus shot  full shot  group shot  horror picture  horse opera  kinescope  long shot  matte shot  medium shot  motion-picture show  movie  moving picture  newsreel  nudie  pan shot  panoramic shot  photodrama  photoplay  picture  picture show  pornographic film  preview  process shot  rap shot  retake  short  shot  show  silent  silent film  skin flick  sneak preview  spaghetti Western  take  talkie  talking picture  thriller  trailer  travel shot  trucking shot  underground film  zoom shot  
motion sickness  Minamata disease  airsickness  altitude sickness  anoxemia  anoxia  anoxic anoxia  anthrax  black lung  caisson disease  car sickness  chilblain  decompression sickness  frostbite  immersion foot  itai  jet lag  lead poisoning  mal de mer  mercury poisoning  nausea  pneumoconiosis  qualm  qualmishness  queasiness  radiation sickness  radionecrosis  red-out  seasickness  squeamishness  sunstroke  the bends  trench foot  vomiting  
motionless  at a standstill  at anchor  contemplative  dead-still  do-nothing  dormant  fixed  idle  immobile  immotile  immotive  immovable  inactive  inert  irremovable  laissez-aller  laissez-faire  meditative  moveless  neuter  neutral  out of commission  paralytic  paralyzed  passive  procrastinating  quiescent  quietist  quietistic  riding at anchor  sedentary  stagnant  stagnating  standpat  static  stationary  statuelike  steadfast  still  stock-still  unactive  unemployed  unmovable  unmoved  unmoving  vegetable  vegetative  
motivate  activate  actuate  animate  arouse  bring  bring about  bring on  cajole  call forth  cause  coax  compel  contrive  draw down  draw on  drive  drive on  effect  egg on  elicit  encourage  energize  evoke  excite  force  forward  foster  galvanize  get  give an impetus  give momentum  goad  impel  incite  induce  influence  inspire  instigate  lead  mobilize  move  move to action  nudge  obtain  occasion  persuade  pique  power  procure  prod  promote  prompt  propel  provoke  push  put in motion  quicken  rouse  set agoing  set going  set in motion  shove  spark  spur  stimulate  stir up  superinduce  tempt  thrust  urge  wheedle  whip on  
motivated  actuated  animated  apt  bright  clever  docile  educable  facile  formable  impelled  impressionable  inclined  inner-directed  instructable  intelligent  malleable  minded  moldable  moved  other-directed  plastic  pliable  prompted  quick  ready  receptive  ripe for instruction  schoolable  stimulated  susceptible  teachable  thirsty for knowledge  trainable  willing  
motivation  activity  actuation  animation  aptitude  aptness  brightness  catalyst  cleverness  direction  docility  dynamics  educability  facility  going  impetus  impressionability  impulse  incentive  incitation  incitement  influence  inner-direction  instigation  intelligence  kinematics  kinesipathy  kinesis  kinesitherapy  kinetics  malleability  mobilization  moldability  motion  move  movement  moving  other-direction  plasticity  pliability  prompting  quickness  readiness  receptivity  restlessness  running  spur  stimulant  stimulation  stir  stirring  susceptibility  teachability  teachableness  trainableness  unrest  velocity  willingness  
motivational  active  actuating  animating  causal  causative  compelling  directive  driving  impelling  impulsive  in motion  inducive  mobile  motile  motivating  motive  motor  moving  pressing  propellant  propelling  stirring  transitional  traveling  urgent  
motive  activating  active  actuating  aim  ambition  angle  animating  animus  antecedent  argument  aspiration  attraction  basis  burden  case  causal  causative  cause  chapter  compelling  concern  consideration  counsel  desideration  desideratum  design  desire  determinant  determination  device  directive  driving  effect  emotion  end  enticement  essence  feeling  figure  fixed purpose  focus of attention  focus of interest  function  gist  goad  goal  grounds  head  heading  idea  impellent  impelling  impulsive  in motion  incentive  incitement  inducement  inducive  influence  intendment  intent  intention  issue  kinetic  leitmotiv  living issue  lure  main point  matter  matter in hand  meaning  meat  mind  mobile  motif  motile  motivating  motivating force  motivation  motivational  motor  moving  nisus  object  objective  operative  passion  pattern  phrase  plan  point  point at issue  point in question  pressing  problem  prod  project  propellant  propelling  proposal  propulsive  propulsory  prospectus  pulsive  purpose  pushing  question  rationale  reason  resolution  resolve  rubric  sake  shoving  spring  spur  stimulation  stimulus  stirring  striving  study  subject  subject matter  subject of thought  substance  text  theme  thrusting  topic  transitional  traveling  urge  urgent  view  will  
motive power  activator  animator  appliance  arouser  bunt  butt  clout  compulsion  convenience  drive  driving force  energizer  engine  enginery  facility  fixture  human dynamo  impellent  impelling force  impetus  impulse  impulsion  incentive  incitement  irresistible force  life  locomotion  machine  machinery  mechanical aid  mechanical device  mechanism  mobility  moment  momentum  motility  motivating force  motivity  motor  movableness  power  power plant  power source  propelling  propelment  propulsion  pulsion  push  pushing  restorative  shove  shoving  shunt  spark plug  stimulant  stimulator  stimulus  thrust  tonic  utility  

MOT Definition

MOT Bedeutung

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Mot or MOT may refer to: