
Native Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

angeboren, naturbedingt, nativ adj
Eingeborener, einheimisch
programmeigen; systemeigen; auf die Software Hardware zugeschnitten adj comp.
native of
Eingeborenenrecht n
native law
Heimatland n
native land
native land
Berggold n geol.
native gold
native place
gediegen adj min.
native; free
native tongue
native speaker
Vaterland n
native country
native country
native country
Scherbenkobalt m min.
native arsenic
native language
Ureinwohner Nordamerikas
Native American
native countries
einheimisch adj
native, indigenous
heimisch; einheimisch; (alt)eingesessen; bodenständig adj soc.
native; indigenous
GrĂĽnfuĂź-Pfuhlhuhn n ornith.
Tasmanian Native Hen
Heimatgemeinde f; Heimatstadt f
home town; native town
RotfuĂź-Pfuhlhuhn n ornith.
Black-tailed Native Hen
angeboren; natĂĽrlich; nativ geh. adj psych.
sein Mutterwitz
his native wit
Scholle f (Erdboden; Acker) poet.
die heimatliche Scholle
one's native soil
Geburtsstadt f
Geburtsstädte pl
native town
native towns
rooted to one's native soil
Eingeborenenstamm m
Eingeborenenstämme pl
native tribe
native tribes
Heimatort m
Heimatorte pl
native place
native places
Digitalzeitalter n
Kind des Digitalzeitalters ĂĽbtr.
digital age
digital native
Natriumchlorid n NaCl (Kochsalz) chem.
sodium chloride; native salt
Natriumchlorid n NaCl (Kochsalz) chem.
sodium chloride; native salt
Heimatliebe f
love of one's native country
heimisch; einheimisch; beheimatet adj (an einem Ort) bot. zool.
native; indigenous (to a place)
Muttersprachler m, Muttersprachlerin f
Muttersprachler pl, Muttersprachlerinnen pl
native speaker
native speakers
Muttersprachler m; Muttersprachlerin f
Muttersprachler pl; Muttersprachlerinnen pl
native speaker
native speakers
heimatlich adj; Heimat... soc. pol.
sein heimatliches Polen; seine Heimat Polen
native {adj}
his native Poland
heimatlich adj; Heimat… soc. pol.
sein heimatliches Polen; seine Heimat Polen
native {adj}
his native Poland
Geburtsland n
Geburtsländer pl
native country
native countries
Kickapoo sing pl
Kickapoo (a Native American nation)
Urbevölkerung f
native population, native inhabitants
einheimisch, heimisch, beheimatet adj (in)
einheimische Pflanzen
endemic, native (to)
endemic plants
Urbevölkerung f
native population; native inhabitants
Ureinwohner m; Urbewohner m
Ureinwohner pl; Urbewohner pl
aborigines; native people
Mohave; Mojave pl (Indianervolk)
Mohave; Mojave {pl} (Native American people)
Blei n chem. Pb
gediegenes Blei
Seigerblei n
lead (plumbum)
native lead
liquation lead
heimisch; einheimisch; beheimatet; autochthon adj (an einem Ort) bot. zool.
native; indigenous; autochthonous (to a place)
bodenständig adj
native, indigenous, radical, rooted to the soil
Heimathafen m naut.
Heimathäfen pl
home port; native port
home ports; native ports
Digitalzeitalter n
Kind des Digitalzeitalters soc.
die digitale Generation; die Generation, die mit der digitalen Welt aufgewachsen ist soc.
digital age
digital native
the digital natives
vaterlandslos adj
without a native land, stateless, unpatriotic pej.
vaterlandslos adj
without a native land; stateless; unpatriotic pej.
Steinsalz n min.
rock salt; mineral salt; native salt; halite; stone salt
jds. Heimatland n; Heimat f geogr. pol.
sb.'s homeland; native land; native country; own country
Vaterland n
Vaterländer pl
fatherland, native country
fatherlands, native countries
Vaterland n
Vaterländer pl
fatherland; native country
fatherlands; native countries
programmspezifisch; programmeigen; nativ adj comp.
programmeigenes Dateiformat
nativer Kode
program-specific; native
native file format
native code
Muttergestein n geol.
bedrock; native rock; mother rock; parent rock; country rock
Vivianit m; Blaueisenerde f; Eisenblau n; Eisen-Phyllit m; Glaukosiderit m; Mullinit m; natĂĽrliches Berlinblau min.
vivianite; blue ochre; blue iron earth; native Prussian blue
Muttersprache f
mother tongue, native language, native tongue, first language
Muttersprache f
mother tongue; native language; native tongue; first language
Heimatsprache f ling.
Heimatsprache f
Heimatsprache f
Heimatsprache f
native language
native dialect
native tongue
Beutelmarder pl (Dasyurus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
TĂĽpfelbeutelmarder m; Ă–stlicher Beutelmarder m (Dasyurus viverrinus)
quolls (zoological genus)
eastern quoll; eastern native cat
Tagalog m geogr.
Tagalog, member (language) of the native people of the Philippines
ursprĂĽnglich; original adj; Ur...
Ursprungsformat n; Originalformat n comp.
native; original
native format; legacy format; historical format
Tagalog m geogr.
Tagalog; member (language) of the native people of the Philippines
einheimisch; eingeboren; indigen; autochthon adj soc.
indigene Völker
einheimische Folklore
native; indigenous; aboriginal
indigenous peoples
native folklore
Pemmikan m (nahrhaftes Nahrungsmittel der Indianer Nordamerikas)
pemmican (nutritous food invented by the native peoples of North America)
Eingeborene m f , Eingeborener
Eingeborenen pl, Eingeborene
native, indigenous man, indigenous woman
indigenous people, tribal people
Eingeborene m f; Eingeborener
Eingeborenen pl; Eingeborene
native; indigenous man; indigenous woman
indigenous people; tribal people
Eingeborene m,f; Eingeborener
Eingeborenen pl; Eingeborene
native; indigenous man; indigenous woman
indigenous people; tribal people
Normallage f; Ă„quallage f; 8-FuĂź-Lage f; 8'-Lage f (Orgel) mus.
in Normallage
unison pitch; native pitch; 8-foot-pitch; 8'-pitch (organ)
at unison pitch
systemspezifisch; systemeigen; maschinenspezifisch; nativ adj comp.
systemspezifischer maschinenspezifischer Kompilierer
Maschinenkode m
system-specific; native; machine …
native compiler
native code; machine code
systemspezifisch; systemeigen; maschinenspezifisch; nativ adj comp.
systemspezifischer maschinenspezifischer Kompilierer
Maschinenkode m
system-specific; native; machine ...
native compiler
native code; machine code
Erdwachs m geol.
earth wax; mineral wax; ader wax; fossil wax; ozocerite; ozokerite; (native) parafin
Heimathafen pl
Heimathäfen pl
home port, port of registry, native port
home ports, ports of registry, native ports
Muttersprachler m; Muttersprachlerin f ling.
Muttersprachler pl; Muttersprachlerinnen pl
italienische Muttersprachler
native speaker
native speakers
Italian native speakers; native speakers of Italian
Vaterland n
Vaterländer pl
vaterlandslose Gesellen pej. hist.
fatherland; native country
fatherlands; native countries
rogues without a fatherland
Vogelart f ornith.
Vogelarten pl
heimische Vogelarten
species of bird; bird species
species of bird; bird species
native (species of) birds
Vogelart f biol.
Vogelarten pl
heimische Vogelarten
type of bird; species of bird
types of birds; species of birds
native (species of) birds
Blei n chem. Pb
Abfallblei n
Elektrolytblei n
gediegenes Blei
Seigerblei n
Blei mit dem Hammer formen
lead (plumbum)
scrap lead
electrolytic lead
native lead
liquation lead
to boss lead
muttersprachlich adj ling.
muttersprachlicher Unterricht
native language ...; in one's native langugage (postpositive)
teaching in your native language
ursprünglich; original adj; Ur…
Ursprungsformat n; Originalformat n comp.
Bezeichnung der originalen Version
native; original
native format; legacy format; historical format
designation of the original version
Salz n min. chem. cook.
Salze pl
Meersalz n
Siedesalz n
Steinsalz n
in ein Salz verwandeln chem. geol.
sea salt
evaporated salt
rock salt; mineral salt; native salt; halite; stone salt
to salify
Metall n
Metalle pl
edles Metall
gediegenes Metall
unedles Metall
vorangereicherte Metalle
noble metal
pure metal; native metal
ignoble metal; base metal; alloy
semi-processed metals
Muttersprache f
Muttersprachen pl
mother tongue; native language; native tongue; first language
mother tongues; native languages; native tongues; first languages
Metall n
Metalle pl
Alkalimetall n
edles Metall
gediegenes Metall
unedles Metall
vorangereicherte Metalle
alkali metal; alkaline metal
noble metal
pure metal; native metal
ignoble metal; alloy
semi-processed metals
muttersprachlich adj ling.
muttersprachlicher Unterricht
ein Sprachkurs in einem muttersprachlichen Land
native language …; native; in your native language (postpositive)
teaching in your native language
a language course in a native country
gebĂĽrtig adj
gebĂĽrtiger Berliner sein
Ich bin gebĂĽrtiger Dresdner.
Sie ist gebĂĽrtige Irin.
native, ...born, native-born
to be born in Berlin, to be a native Berliner, to be Berlin-born
I was born in Dresden.
She is Irish-born.
gebĂĽrtig adj
gebĂĽrtiger Berliner sein
Ich bin gebĂĽrtiger Dresdner.
Sie ist gebĂĽrtige Irin.
native; ...born; native-born
to be born in Berlin; to be a native Berliner; to be Berlin-born
I was born in Dresden.
She is Irish-born.
einer Sache gegenüberstehen; vor etw. stehen; mit etw. zu rechnen haben; etw. zu gewärtigen haben geh. v
Herausforderungen gegenĂĽberstehen, vor Herausforderungen stehen
Flüchtlinge haben in ihrem Heimatland mit schweren Repressalien zu rechnen schwere Repressalien zu gewärtigen.
to face sth.; to be faced with sth. (be confronted)
to face challenges
Refugees face are faced with harsh reprisals in their native countries.
geboren sein v (+ Ortsbezug)
Geboren in Belgrad und wohnhaft in New York, zählt sie zu den bedeutendsten Musikerinnen unserer Zeit.
to be a native of (+ reference to a place)
A native of Belgrade and a resident of New York, she is among the most important musicians of our time.
Werbung f; Reklame f (als Kategorie)
Spotwerbung f
ansprechende Werbung
begleitende Werbung
belehrende Werbung
unterstĂĽtzende Werbung
Werbung f, die unauffällig in die gewohnten Abläufe von Internetplattformen und -diensten integriert wird comp.
spot advertising
appealing advertising
accessory advertising
educational advertising
auxiliary advertising
native advertising
Kohlenwasserstoff m chem.
Kohlenwasserstoffe pl
aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe; Arene
flĂĽssiger Kohlenwasserstoff
natĂĽrlicher Kohlenwasserstoff
polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe
aromatic (series of) hydrocarbons; arenes
fluid hydrocarbon; liquid hydrocarbon
native hydrocarbon
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Einheimischer m soc.
Einheimische pl
Einheimische und Touristen
local person; local inhabitant; local native; local; native of the place
local persons; local inhabitants; local natives; locals; natives of the place
locals and tourists
auf (+ Zahlenangabe) kommen v (Zahlenverhältnis) statist.
Auf einen Muttersprachler kommen drei Nicht-Muttersprachler.
Auf 260 Einwohner kommt ein Arzt.
there be to for (a numerical figure) (numerical proportion)
There are three non-native speakers to every native speaker.
There is one physician for every 260 inhabitants.
auf (eine Zahlenangabe) kommen (ein Zahlenverhältnis bilden) v statist.
Auf einen Muttersprachler kommen drei Nicht-Muttersprachler.
Auf 260 Einwohner kommt ein Arzt.
there be to for (a figure) (represent a numerical proportion)
There are three non-native speakers to every native speaker.
There is one physician for every 260 inhabitants.
gebĂĽrtig adj (+ Ortsbezug) (Person)
gebĂĽrtiger Berliner sein
Ich bin gebĂĽrtiger Dresdner.
Sie ist gebĂĽrtige Irin.
a native; a native of; …born (+ reference to a place) (of a person)
to be born in Berlin; to be a native Berliner; to be Berlin-born
I was born in Dresden.
She is Irish-born.
jdn. zu etw. bekehren v
Die Missionare bekehrten die Eingeborenen zum Christentum.
Sie versucht mich zu ihrer Denkungsart zu bekehren.
to convert sb. to sth.
converting to
converted to
The missionaries converted the native people to Christianity.
She is trying to convert me to her way of thinking.
jdn. zu etw. bekehren v
Die Missionare bekehrten die Eingeborenen zum Christentum.
Sie versucht, mich zu ihrer Denkungsart zu bekehren.
to convert sb. to sth.
converting to
converted to
The missionaries converted the native people to Christianity.
She is trying to convert me to her way of thinking.
Compilerprogramm n; Compiler m; Ăśbersetzerprogramm n comp.
Compilerprogramme pl; Compiler pl; Ăśbersetzerprogramme pl
systemspezifisches Ăśbersetzerprogramm
systemĂĽbergreifendes Ăśbersetzerprogramm; Kreuzcompiler
compiling programm; compiler programm; compiler; compiling routine; compiler routine
compiling programms; compiler programms; compilers; compiling routines; compiler routines
native compiler
cross compiler
Werbung f; Reklame f
Werbungen pl
ansprechende Werbung
begleitende Werbung
belehrende Werbung
unterstĂĽtzende Werbung
allmähliche Nutzung aller möglichen Flächen für Werbung
Werbung f die unauffällig in die gewohnten Abläufe von Internetplattformen und -diensten integriert wird comp.
advertisement; advertising; ad; advert
advertisements; advertisings; ads; adverts
appealing advertising
accessory advertising
educational advertising
auxiliary advertising
ad creep
native advertising
Ureinwohner m; Eingeborener m
Ureinwohner pl; Eingeborene pl
Ureinwohner Australiens; australische Ureinwohner
Ureinwohner Kanadas
Ureinwohner Nordamerikas
indigenous inhabitant; indigene; aboriginal inhabitant; native inhabitant; native dated pej.
indigenous inhabitants; indigenes; aboriginal inhabitants; native inhabitants; natives
First Nations people
native American
Gestein n geol.
aufgeschlossenes Gestein
bröckeliges Gestein
Erdölspeichergestein n
eruptives Gestein; Ergussgestein n vulkanischen Ursprungs
gewachsenes Gestein; gewachsener Fels; anstehendes Gestein; Anstehendes
klĂĽftiges Gestein; schiefriges Gestein
lockeres Gestein
massiges Gestein
rissiges Gestein
sandiges Gestein
sprödes Gestein
an der Erdoberfläche gebildetes Gestein; superkrustales Gestein
nicht standfestes Gestein; nicht druckfestes Gestein
Bearbeitung des Gesteins
exposed rock
friable rock
oil reservoir rock
eruptive rock; extrusive rock
native rock
cleft rock
loose rock; scall
bulky rock; massive rock
seamy rock
arenaceous rock
brittle rock
supercrustal rock
incompetent rock
sculpturing of rock
Ruhm m; Ehre f soc.
seinem Volk Ruhm und Ehre bringen
für die Ehre des Vaterlands kämpfen
Furore machen; von sich reden machen
als strahlender Held Sieger zurĂĽckkehren
Erweisen wir Gott die Ehre.
Ehre sei Gott.
Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe und Friede auf Erden den Menschen, die guten Willens sind.
to bring honour and glory to your nation
to fight for the glory of your native land
to cover yourself in with glory
to return covered in with glory
Let us give glory to God.
Glory be to God.
Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will.
Gestein n
abyssisches Gestein
anstehendes Gestein
bröckeliges Gestein
eruptives Gestein; Ergussgestein n vulkanischen Ursprungs
klĂĽftiges Gestein
lockeres Gestein
massiges Gestein
sandiges Gestein
sprödes Gestein
Bearbeitung des Gesteins
rock; rocks; stone
abysmal rock; intrusion rock
solid rock; native rock; exposed rock; living rock; bedrock; rock in situ
friable rock
eruptive rock; extrusive rock
seamy rock
loose rock; scall
bulky rock; massive rock
arenaceous rock
brittle rock
sculpturing of rock
Immunität f; Unempfindlichkeit f gegenüber Krankheitserregern med.
aktive Immunität
angeborene Immunität
antibakterielle Immunität
antitoxische Immunität
antivirale Immunität
bleibende Immunität
Blutimmunität f
erhöhte Immunität
erworbene Immunität
Giftimmunität f
herabgesetzte Immunität
Herdenimmunität f
humorale Immunität
konstitutionelle Immunität
lokale Immunität
partielle Immunität
passive Immunität
typenspezifische Immunität
unspezifische Immunität
zellständige Immunität; zellübertragene Immunität
Zellimmunität f; zelluläre Immunität
immunity; resistance to pathogens
active immunity
innate immunity; native immunity; congenital resistance
antibacterial immunity
antitoxic immunity
antiviral immunity
permanent immunity
blood immunity
acquired immunity
immunity to poison; immunity against toxin
herd immunity
humoral immunity
constitutional immunity
local immunity
partial immunity
passive immunity; sero-immunity; orrho-immunity
type-specific immunity
non-specific immunity
cell-mediated immunity
cell immunity; cellular immunity

Deutsche angeboren naturbedingt nativ {adj} Synonyme

nativ  Ânaturbelassen  Âunmodifiziert  Âunverändert  
angeboren  Âkonnatal  
angeboren  Âgenuin  (fachsprachlich)  Âkongenital  (fachsprachlich)  Âvererbt  
angeboren  genuin (fachsprachlich)  kongenital (fachsprachlich)  vererbt  
angeboren  konnatal  
nativ  naturbelassen  unmodifiziert  unverändert  

Englische native Synonyme

native  aboriginal  aborigine  agrarian  arcadian  artless  atavistic  autochthon  autochthonous  basic  best  bodily  born  bucolic  by birth  candid  citizen  clan  coeval  congenital  connatal  connate  connatural  constitutional  crude  direct  domestic  earliest inhabitant  endemic  ethnic  exclusive  first  first comer  genetic  genuine  hereditary  home  homebred  homegrown  homespun  honest  impure  in the blood  in the raw  inartificial  inborn  inbred  incarnate  indigene  indigenous  indwelling  inhabitant  inherent  inherited  inland  innate  instinctive  instinctual  internal  intestine  intrinsic  local  local yokel  municipal  natal  national  native to  native-born  natural  natural to  naturelike  organic  original  pastoral  physical  primal  primitive  primitive settler  pristine  provincial  raw  resident  run-of-mine  rural  straightforward  temperamental  tribal  unacquired  unadorned  unaffected  unartificial  unassuming  uncultivated  undesigning  undisguising  undissembling  undissimulating  undomesticated  unembellished  unfeigning  ungraded  unpretending  unpretentious  unsorted  unspoiled  unsullied  untouched  unvarnished  vernacular  virgin  virginal  

Native Definition

(a.) Arising by birth
(a.) Of or pertaining to one's birth
(a.) Born in the region in which one lives
(a.) Original
(a.) Conferred by birth
(a.) Naturally related
(a.) Found in nature uncombined with other elements
(a.) Found in nature
(n.) One who, or that which, is born in a place or country referred to
(n.) Any of the live stock found in a region, as distinguished from such as belong to pure and distinct imported breeds.

Native Bedeutung

native indigenous plants and animals
koala bear
kangaroo bear
native bear
Phascolarctos cinereus
sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat, feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
native cat
Dasyurus viverrinus
carnivorous arboreal cat-like marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
native language the language that a person has spoken from earliest childhood
native peach
red Australian fruit, used for dessert or in jam
mother country
country of origin
native land
the country where you were born
an indigenous person who was born in a particular place, the art of the natives of the northwest coast, the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students
native a person born in a particular place or country, he is a native of Brazil
Native American
any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived
Aborigine Abo
native Australian
Australian Aborigine
a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived
Alaska Native
Alaskan Native
Native Alaskan
a member or descendant of any of the aboriginal peoples of Alaska
Native Hawaiian a member or descendant of the indigenous Polynesian people who lived in the Hawaiian Islands
native speaker a speaker of a particular language who has spoken that language since earliest childhood, native speakers of French
native pomegranate
Capparis arborea
small Australian tree bearing edible fruit resembling the pomegranate
native orange
Capparis mitchellii
small Australian tree bearing edible dark purple fruit
native pear
woody pear
Xylomelum pyriforme
tree bearing pear-shaped fruit with a thick woody epicarp
native cranberry
groundberry ground-berry cranberry heath
Astroloma humifusum
Styphelia humifusum
small prostrate or ascending shrub having scarlet flowers and succulent fruit resembling cranberries, sometimes placed in genus Styphelia
tree fuchsia
native fuchsia
Fuchsia excorticata
erect deciduous shrub or tree tofeet with maroon flowers, New Zealand
common flat pea
native holly
Playlobium obtusangulum
low spreading evergreen shrub of southern Australia having triangular to somewhat heart-shaped foliage and orange-yellow flowers followed by flat winged pods
native beech
Flindersia australis
tall Australian timber tree yielding tough hard wood used for staves etc
native sulfur
native sulphur
an old name for sulfur
native belonging to one by birth, my native land, one's native language
native characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin, the native North American sugar maple, many native artists studied abroad
native-born belonging to a place by birth, a native-born Scot, a native Scot
native aboriginal characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning, native Americans, the aboriginal peoples of Australia
native as found in nature in the elemental form, native copper
Indian Amerind
Native American
of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages, Native American religions, Indian arrowheads
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Native may refer to: