
Nor Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Norator m electr.
Norbergit m min.
Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Region in Frankreich) geogr.
Nord-Pas-de-Calais (region in France)
Norderney (Insel und Stadt in Deutschland)
Norderney (island and town in Germany)
Nordlandreise f
north land travel; journey to the Nordic Countries
etw. anwenden (auf etw.); einsetzen; aufbieten v techn. jur.
anwendend; einsetzend; aufbietend
angewendet; eingesetzt; aufgeboten
er sie wendet an
ich er sie wandte an
er sie hat hatte angewandt
eine Regel anwenden
Gewalt anwenden
seine ganze Energie aufbieten
Die Kraft greift am längeren Hebelarm an. phys.
Die skandinavischen Länder wenden weiterhin bilaterale Abkommen an die über den EU-Rahmenbeschluss hinausgehen.
to apply sth. (to sth.)
he she applies
I he she applied
he she has had applied
to apply a rule
to apply force
to apply all one's energy
The force is applied to the longer lever arm.
The Nordic countries continue to apply bilateral agreements allowing the EU Framework Decision to be extended.
nordisch adj
die skandinavischen Länder (die Staaten Nordeuropas) geogr.
the Nordic Countries
Johannisbeeren pl Dt. Westös. Schw.; Ribisel(n) pl Ös.; Ribiseli pl Schw.; Trübeli pl Schw. (Ribes) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenjohannisbeere f; Bergjohannisbeere f; Alpenribisel f Ös. (Ribes alpinum)
Felsenjohannisbeere f; Felsenribisel f (Ribes petraeum)
Nordische Johannisbeere f; Ährige Johannisbeere f; Ährenribisel f Ös. (Ribes spicatum)
Oregon-Stachelbeere f (Ribes divaricatum)
rote Johannisbeere; rote Ribisel (Ribes rubrum)
schwarze Johannisbeere; schwarze Ribisel (Ribes nigrum)
Stinktier-Johannisbeere f (Ribes glandulosum)
weiße Johannisbeere; weiße Ribisel (Ribes rubrum)
Wüsten-Johannisbeere f (Ribes cereum)
Gartenstachelbeere f; Stachelbeere f (Ribes (uva-crispa) grossularia)
Wilde Stachelbeere f; Wildstachelbeere f (Ribes uva-crispa uva-crispa)
currants (botanical genus)
Alpine currant; mountain currant
rock red-currant; rock currant
northern red currant; Nordic currant; downy currant
spreading gooseberry; coastal black gooseberry; Worcesterberry Br.
red currant; redcurrant; garnet berry coll.
black currant; blackcurrant
skunk currant
white currant; whitecurrant
wax currant; waxy currant; white squaw currant; squaw currant
common gooseberry; cultivated gooseberry; gooseberry
wild gooseberry
Nordländer m soc.
Nordländer m; Person f mit nordländischem Äußeren
Nordic type
der Skisprunglauf m; der Schisprunglauf m; der Sprunglauf m (Skispringen als Teil der nordischen Kombination) sport
ski jumping (as part of the Nordic combined)
Sportwandern n sport
Nordic walking
etw. anwenden (auf etw.); einsetzen; aufbieten v techn. jur.
anwendend; einsetzend; aufbietend
angewendet; eingesetzt; aufgeboten
er sie wendet an
ich er sie wandte an
er sie hat hatte angewandt
eine Regel anwenden
Gewalt anwenden
seine ganze Energie aufbieten
Die Kraft greift am längeren Hebelarm an. phys.
Die skandinavischen Länder wenden weiterhin bilaterale Abkommen an, die über den EU-Rahmenbeschluss hinausgehen.
Diese Geheimhaltungsstufe kommt zur Anwendung, wenn …
to apply sth. (to sth.)
he she applies
I he she applied
he she has had applied
to apply a rule
to apply force
to apply all one's energy
The force is applied to the longer lever arm.
The Nordic countries continue to apply bilateral agreements allowing the EU Framework Decision to be extended.
This classification is applied when …
nordische Kombination f sport
Nordic combined
Friedensrichter m; Schiedsmann m Dt.; Beamter m mit richterlichen Befugnissen jur.
Untersuchungsrichter m
Berufsrichter m in größeren Städten
Polizeirichter m
justice of the peace JP; J.P. ; magistrate Br.
examining magistrate; committing magistrate; investigating magistrate
metropolitan magistrate Br.; stipendiary magistrate Br.
resident magistrate Nordirl.; police magistrate Am.
Richter m für Zivil- oder Strafsachen niederer Ordnung jur.
Berufsrichter m in größeren Städten
Polizeirichter m
Untersuchungsrichter m; Ermittlungsrichter m Dt.; Verhörrichter m Schw.
metropolitan magistrate Br.; stipendiary magistrate Br.
resident magistrate Nordirl.; police magistrate Am.
examining magistrate; investigating magistrate; committing magistrate Br.; examining justice Br.
Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
Tannenbäume pl; Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
fir trees; firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
Schwarzflügel-Brachschwalbe f ornith.
Black-winged Pratincole (Glareola nordmanni)
Noradrenalin n biochem.
Norfolkinsel geogr.
Norfolk Island (nf)
Norfolk (Stadt in USA)
Norfolk (city in USA)
Kingston (Hauptstadt der Norfolkinsel)
Kingston (capital of Norfolk Island)
Norfolkinselgerygone f ornith.
Norfolk Island Flyeater
Norfolkstar m ornith.
Norfolk I Starling
Schilfrohre pl; Schilfgräser pl (Phragmites) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnliches Schilfrohr; Gemeines Schilfrohr (Phragmites australis)
reed grasses (botanical genus)
common reed; water reed Br.; Norfolk reed Br.
Norfolkinsel f NF geogr.
Norfolk Island
Norfolk (Stadt in den USA) geogr.
Norfolk (city in the USA)
Kingston (Hauptstadt der Norfolkinsel) geogr.
Kingston (capital of Norfolk Island)
Norfolkinsel f NF geogr.
Norfolk Island
Nor n geol.
Norian (stage)
Alpen pl geogr.
in den Alpen
Berner Alpen
Graubündner Alpen
Kitzbüheler Alpen
Norische Alpen
Savoyer Alpen
Steirische Alpen
Tessiner Alpen
Tiroler Alpen
Walliser Alpen
Zillertaler Alpen
high Alps
in the Alps
Bernese Alps
Grisons Alps
Kitzbuehel Alps
Noric Alps
Savoy Alps
Styrian Alps
Ticino Alps
Tyrolean Alps
Valais Alps
Zillertal Alps
Alpen pl geogr.
in den Alpen
Berner Alpen
Graubündner Alpen
Kitzbüheler Alpen
Norische Alpen
Savoyer Alpen
Steirische Alpen
Stubaier Alpen
Tessiner Alpen
Tiroler Alpen
Walliser Alpen
Zillertaler Alpen
high Alps
in the Alps
Bernese Alps
Grisons Alps
Kitzbuehel Alps
Noric Alps
Savoy Alps
Styrian Alps
Stubai Alps
Ticino Alps
Tyrolean Alps
Valais Alps
Zillertal Alps
Norit m min.
Titte f vulg.
Titten; Möpse pl
große Titten
tit; boob; jug slang
tits; titties; boobs; jugs slang; norks Austr. vulg.
knockers slang
Möpse pl slang; Wonneäpfel pl humor. (Brüste)
boobs; norks Austr. slang; pleasure pillows humor. (breasts)
Norleuzin n; Norleucin n biochem.
Norleuzin n; Norleucin n biochem.
norleucine; 2-aminohexanoic acid
job norm
Standard, Maßstab, Norm
Arbeitsnorm f
job norm
Frobenius-Norm f math.
Frobenius norm
zugeordnete Matrixnorm f (einer V-Norm) math.
matrix norm sub ordinate to the v. n.
Norm f, Regel f, Typ m
Normen pl
Norm f math.
Operatornorm f math.
operator norm
Rechtsnorm f
legal norm
Richtpreis m
Richtpreise pl
offizieller Richtpreis m
basic price, norm price, suggested price, recommended price, target price
basic prices, norm prices, suggested prices, recommended prices, target prices
officially fixed base price
Sicherheitsnorm f
Sicherheitsnormen pl
safety norm, safety standard
safety norms, safety standards
Spaltensummennorm f math.
column-sum norm
Spektralnorm f math.
spectral norm
Zeilensummennorm f math.
row-sum norm
legal norm
Norm, Regel, Typ
Norm f; Regel f; Typ m
Normen pl
Richtpreis m
Richtpreise pl
offizieller Richtpreis m
basic price; norm price; suggested price; recommended price; target price
basic prices; norm prices; suggested prices; recommended prices; target prices
officially fixed base price
Sicherheitsnorm f
Sicherheitsnormen pl
safety norm; safety standard
safety norms; safety standards
Verhaltensnorm f soc.
Verhaltensnormen pl
behavioural norm; behavioural standard Br.; behavorial norm; behavorial standard Am.
behavioural norms; behavioural standards; behavorial norms; behavorial standards
Konvention f; gesellschaftliche Verhaltensnorm n soc.
Konventionen pl; gesellschaftliche Verhaltensnormen pl
Benennungskonvention f ling.
sich über die Konventionen hinwegsetzen
convention; social behavioural norm
conventions; social behavioural norms
designation convention
to break with conventions
Leistungsstandard m; Leistungsnorm f
Leistungsstandards pl; Leistungsnormen pl
Senkung der Leistungsnorm normsenkung>
performance standard; performance norm
performance standards; performance norms
reduction of performance norm
Normsetzung f; Setzen n von Rechtsnormen jur. pol.
untergesetzliche Normsetzung Dt.
legal norm setting
sub-legal norm setting
Rechtsnorm f jur.
Rechtsnormen pl
legal norm
legal norms
Stichprobe f +Gen. statist.
Stichproben pl
einfache Stichprobe
bewusst gewählte Stichprobe
repräsentative Stichprobe
Eichstichprobe f; Normstichprobe f
Ein-Stichproben-Test m
Klumpenstichprobe f; Neststichprobe f; Clusterstichprobe f
Stichprobe mit systematischem Fehler
eine Stichprobe (auf Schichten) aufteilen
Theorie der großen Stichproben
sample (of sth.)
simple sample
purposive sample
adequate sample; average sample
norm sample; norming sample
one sample test
cluster sample
biased sample
to allocate a sample
theory of large samples
Umweltnorm f
Umweltnormen pl; Umweltvorschriften pl
environmental standard; environmental norm
environmental standards; environmental norms; environmental regulations
Verhaltensnorm f soc.
Verhaltensnormen pl
behavioural norm; behavioural standard Br.; behavioral norm; behavioral standard Am.
behavioural norms; behavioural standards; behavioral norms; behavioral standards
zwingend; peremptorisch; peremtorisch adj (keine Abweichung zulassend) jur.
zwingendes Recht; peremtorisches Recht; Ius cogens; Jus cogens
zwingende Bestimmung; Mussbestimmung f
zwingende Rechtsnorm
peremptory law
peremptory provision
peremptory legal norm
Regel f
Winkelmaß n (Sternbild) astron.
Norma; Normal

Deutsche Norator {m} [electr.] Synonyme

Englische norator Synonyme

norm  Procrustean law  Ten Commandments  Weltanschauung  Zeitgeist  average  axiology  balance  barometer  behavioral norm  benchmark  business ethics  canon  center  check  climate  climate of opinion  code  code of ethics  code of morals  commandment  convention  criterion  decalogue  degree  dictum  ethic  ethical system  ethics  ethos  form  formality  formula  formulary  gauge  general principle  generality  golden mean  golden rule  graduated scale  guideline  guiding principle  happy medium  ideology  imperative  intellectual climate  juste-milieu  law  law of nature  legal ethics  maxim  mean  measure  median  medical ethics  mediocrity  medium  middle  middle course  middle ground  middle point  middle position  middle state  middle-of-the-road  midpoint  mitzvah  model  moral  moral climate  moral code  moral principles  morals  mores  new morality  norma  normal  normative system  norms  order of nature  ordinance  par  parameter  pattern  prescribed form  prescription  principium  principle  principles  professional ethics  quantity  reading  readout  regulation  rubric  rule  run  scale  set form  settled principle  social ethics  spiritual climate  standard  standards  standing order  tenet  test  touchstone  type  universal law  usual  value  value system  via media  working principle  working rule  world view  yardstick  
normal  academe  academia  accepted  according to Hoyle  air line  all there  alma mater  appropriate  arranged  average  axis  azimuth circle  balance  balanced  banal  beeline  besetting  bourgeois  businesslike  center  central  characteristic  chord  clearheaded  clearminded  college  college of engineering  common  commonplace  community college  compos mentis  condign  conformable  conformist  consuetudinary  conventional  correct  current  customary  decent  decorous  degree-granting institution  diagonal  diameter  direct line  directrix  distinctive  distinguishing  dominant  due  edge  epidemic  established  everyday  exemplary  familiar  fit  fitting  formal  four-year college  garden  garden-variety  general  generality  generally accepted  golden mean  good  graduate school  great-circle course  habitual  happy medium  harmonious  healthy  healthy-minded  in hand  institute of technology  intermediary  intermediate  ivied halls  journalism school  junior college  juste-milieu  kosher  law school  lucid  mean  medial  median  medical school  mediocre  mediocrity  medium  mentally sound  methodical  middle  middle course  middle ground  middle point  middle position  middle state  middle-class  middle-of-the-road  middling  midpoint  moderate  multiversity  natural  naturalistic  naturistic  nice  no great shakes  norm  normal school  normative  obtaining  of sound mind  ordered  orderly  ordinary  orthodiagonal  orthodox  orthogonal  orthometric  pandemic  par  perpendicular  plastic  plumb  popular  postgraduate school  predominant  predominating  prescribed  prescriptive  prevailing  prevalent  proper  quintessential  radius  radius vector  rampant  rational  realistic  reasonable  received  rectangular  regnant  regular  regulation  reigning  rife  right  right and proper  right angle  right line  right-angle  right-angled  right-angular  righteous  rightful  routine  rule  ruling  run  run-of-mine  run-of-the-mill  running  sample  sane  sane-minded  
normal school  academe  academia  alma mater  college  college of engineering  community college  degree-granting institution  four-year college  graduate school  institute of technology  ivied halls  journalism school  junior college  law school  medical school  multiversity  normal  postgraduate school  school of communications  school of education  two-year college  university  university college  varsity  
normality  appropriateness  averageness  balance  commonality  commonness  commonplaceness  contact with reality  conventionality  correctitude  correctness  currency  decencies  decency  decorousness  decorum  extensiveness  fitness  fittingness  garden variety  goodness  habitualness  healthy mind  lucid interval  lucidity  mental balance  mental equilibrium  mental health  mental hygiene  mental poise  niceness  normalcy  normalness  normativeness  ordinariness  prevalence  properness  proprieties  propriety  rampantness  rationality  reason  reasonableness  reign  rifeness  right mind  righteousness  rightness  routineness  run  sanemindedness  saneness  sanity  seemliness  senses  sober senses  sobriety  sound mind  soundness  soundness of mind  standardness  suitability  sweepingness  unexceptionality  unnoteworthiness  unremarkableness  usualness  wholesomeness  widespreadness  
normalize  adjust  arrange  array  assimilate to  balance  chart  codify  conform  control  cool off  coordinate  damp  deploy  dispose  equalize  equilibrize  even  fix  flatten  form  formalize  grade  harmonize  hierarchize  homogenize  lay out  level  line up  make uniform  marshal  methodize  order  organize  pacify  plan  quiet  rank  rationalize  regularize  regulate  routinize  set up  settle  smooth  stabilize  standardize  stereotype  structure  symmetrize  synchronize  systematize  tranquilize  tune  tune up  uniformize  
normally  accustomedly  all in all  all things considered  altogether  as a rule  as a whole  as an approximation  as is usual  as per usual  as things go  as usual  at large  broadly  broadly speaking  by and large  chiefly  commonly  conventionally  customarily  generally  generally speaking  habitually  in general  mainly  most often  mostly  naturally  normatively  on balance  on the whole  ordinarily  overall  predominantly  prescriptively  prevailingly  regularly  roughly  roughly speaking  routinely  speaking generally  to be expected  usually  wontedly  
normative  according to Hoyle  accustomed  appropriate  average  common  commonplace  condign  conventional  correct  current  customary  decent  decorous  due  everyday  familiar  fit  fitting  good  habitual  household  kosher  nice  normal  ordinary  popular  predominating  prescriptive  prevailing  proper  regular  regulation  right  right and proper  righteous  rightful  seemly  standard  stock  suitable  universal  usual  vernacular  wonted  
north  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  Middle West  N  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastland  eastward  half points  hyperborean  lubber line  meridional  north about  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northland  northward  northwardly  northwards  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  norward  occident  occidental  orient  oriental  quarter points  rhumb  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southward  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  sunrise  sunset  the Coast  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  westland  westward  wild West  
North Pole  Alaska  Antarctic Zone  Antarctica  Arctic Circle  Arctic Zone  China  Darkest Africa  Frigid Zones  God knows where  Greenland  Iceland  Lower Slobbovia  Novaya Zemlya  Outer Mongolia  Pago Pago  Pillars of Hercules  Siberia  South Pole  Thule  Tierra del Fuego  Timbuktu  Ultima Thule  Yukon  antipodal points  antipodes  antipoints  antipoles  black and white  contraposita  contrapositives  contraries  counterpoles  frontier  godforsaken place  jumping-off place  night and day  nowhere  opposite poles  opposites  outback  outer space  outpost  outskirts  polar opposites  pole  poles  the Antarctic  the Arctic  the Great Divide  the Hebrides  the South Seas  the Yukon  the boondocks  the moon  the sticks  the tullies  tundra  
North Star  Aldebaran  Canicula  Dog Star  Hesper  Hesperus  Lucifer  Phosphor  Phosphorus  Polaris  Sirius  Venus  Vesper  celestial body  comet  cynosure  daystar  evening star  fixed stars  guiding star  heavenly body  living sapphires  lodestar  morning star  orb  polar star  polestar  sphere  starry host  stars  
north wind  Euroclydon  Tehuantepec wind  Tehuantepecer  bise  east wind  easter  easterly  gregale  levanter  mistral  northeaster  norther  northwester  south wind  southeaster  souther  southerly buster  southwester  tramontane  west wind  wester  westerly  
northeast  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  Middle West  NE by N  NNE  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastland  eastward  half points  hyperborean  lubber line  meridional  north  north-northeast  northbound  northeast by east  northeast by north  northeasterly  northeastern  northeastward  northeastwardly  northeastwards  northerly  northern  northernmost  northland  northward  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  occident  occidental  orient  oriental  quarter points  rhumb  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southward  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  sunrise  sunset  the Coast  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  westland  westward  wild West  
norther  Euroclydon  Tehuantepec wind  Tehuantepecer  bise  east wind  easter  easterly  gregale  levanter  mistral  north wind  northeaster  northwester  south wind  southeaster  souther  southerly buster  southwester  tramontane  west wind  wester  westerly  
northerly  N  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  hyperborean  meridional  north  north about  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northern  northernmost  northward  northwardly  northwards  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  norward  occidental  oriental  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  
northern  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  hyperborean  meridional  north  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northernmost  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  occidental  oriental  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  
northward  N  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastward  half points  lubber line  north  north about  northeast  northerly  northwardly  northwards  northwest  norward  occident  orient  quarter points  rhumb  south  southeast  southward  southwest  sunrise  sunset  west  westward  
northwest  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  Middle West  NNW  NW  NW by N  NW by W  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastland  eastward  half points  hyperborean  lubber line  meridional  north  north-northwest  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northland  northward  northwest by north  northwest by west  northwesterly  northwestern  northwestward  northwestwardly  northwestwards  occident  occidental  orient  oriental  quarter points  rhumb  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southward  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  sunrise  sunset  the Coast  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  westland  westward  wild West  
northwesterly  NNW  NW  NW by N  NW by W  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  hyperborean  meridional  north  north-northwest  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northwest  northwest by north  northwest by west  northwestern  northwestward  northwestwardly  northwestwards  occidental  oriental  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  

Nor Definition

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