
North Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Norden m
Norden, noerdlich
Norden m; Nord N
north N
Nordsee f geogr.
North Sea
N : Nord(en)
N : North
Norden m; Nord N
north N
Nordpol m geogr.
North Pole
Nordkap n geogr.
North Cape
north pole
Nordost m
Nordwest m
Nordküste f
north coast
Nordsudan m SD (Kfz: SUD ) geogr.
North Sudan
Nordsudan m SD (Kfz: SUD ) geogr.
North Sudan
im Norden
in the North
North Norway
Nordamerika n geogr.
North America
Nord-Ossetien n geogr.
North Ossetia
Nordseeöl n
North Sea oil
Nordkanal m geogr.
North Channel
nordafrikanisch adj
North African
nordamerikanisch adj geogr.
North American
Ost-Nordost m
east north-east
Nordnord-Ost m
North north-east
Nordnord-West m
North north-west
North Sea Islands
Norddeutsche Senke f geogr.
North German Basin
nördlich adj; Nord…
nördlich von …
north of …
nördlich adj, Nord...
nördlich von ...
north of ...
Das Zimmer liegt nach Norden
the room faces north
nördlich adj; Nord...
nördlich von ...
north of ...
Das Zimmer liegt nach Norden.
The room faces north.
Grauwasseramsel f ornith.
North American Dipper
Grauwasseramsel f ornith.
North-American dipper
Nordrhein-Westfalen n geogr.
North Rhine-Westphalia
Nordrhein-Westfalen n NRW geogr.
North Rhine-Westphalia
Nordpfeil m
north arrow, north point
Nordwind m meteo.
Nordwinde pl
north wind
north winds
eine Karte einnorden v
to orient a map to north
Grad n (Maßeinheit)
50 Grad nördlicher Breite
50 degrees North
Nordufer n
north bank, northern bank
Dunkelente f ornith.
North American Black Duck
Nordsee-Küstennivellement n
North Sea coast levelling
Wirbel m; Strudel m (Atmosphäre; Ozean)
Nordpazifikwirbel m
North Pacific Gyre
Dunkelente f ornith.
North-American black duck
ein Geschenk, das nicht geschätzt wird
a north country compliment
ein Geschenk das nicht geschätzt wird
a north country compliment
norddeutsch adj geogr.
North German; north German
Norddeutsche m f; Norddeutscher geogr.
Norddeutschen pl; Norddeutsche
North German
North Germans
Norddeutsche m,f; Norddeutscher geogr.
Norddeutschen pl; Norddeutsche
North German
North Germans
Helogoland n (Nordseeinsel) geogr.
Heligoland (North Sea island)
Niagara m (Fluss in Nordamerika) geogr.
Niagara (river in North America)
Khartum (Hauptstadt des Nordsudan) geogr.
Khartoum (capital of North Sudan)
Friesische Inseln pl (in der Nordsee) geogr.
Frisian Islands (in the North Sea)
Pjöngjang (Hauptstadt von Nordkorea) geogr.
Pyongyang (capital of North Korea)
Nordmazedonien n; Mazedonien n ugs. MK geogr.
North Macedonia; Macedonia coll.
nordwärts adv
northwards; northward; to the north
Nordostpassage f (Schifffahrtsroute) geogr. naut.
North-east passage (shipping route)
Skopje (Hauptstadt von Nordmazedonien) geogr.
Skopje (capital of North Macedonia)
Kendal (Stadt in Nordwestengland) geogr.
Kendal (town in North West England)
Nordseebad n
Nordseebäder pl
North-Sea resort
North-Sea resorts
North Dakota (US-Bundesstaat, Hauptstadt: Bismarck)
North Dakota (ND, capital: Bismarck)
Nordseeinsel f
Nordseeinseln pl
North Sea island
North Sea islands
Norddeutsches Tiefland n; Norddeutsche Tiefebene geogr.
North German Plain; Northern Lowland
North Dakota (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Bismarck)
North Dakota (ND; capital: Bismarck)
koreanisch adj geogr.
North Korean
South Korean
North Carolina (US-Bundesstaat, Hauptstadt: Raleigh)
North Carolina (NC, capital: Raleigh)
Nordfriesische Inseln pl geogr.
North Frisian Islands; North Frisians
North Carolina (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Raleigh)
North Carolina (NC; capital: Raleigh)
Nordseite f
north face; north side; northern side
Norddeutschland n geogr.
Northern Germany, the North of Germany
Nordjütische Insel f (dänische Insel) geogr.
North Jutlandic Island (Danish island)
nordöstlich adj
northeastern, north-eastern, north-east
nordwestlich adj
northwestern, north-western, north-west
nordöstlich adj
northeastern; north-eastern; north-east
nordwestlich adj
northwestern; north-western; north-west
Ossetien n geogr.
North Ossetia
South Ossetia
Organisation f des Nordatlantikvertrags; Organisation f des Nordatlantikpakts; NATO f mil. pol.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO
Polarstern m astron.
polar star, polestar, Polaris, North Star
NATO : Nato f (Nordatlantikpakt)
NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO f; Nordatlantikpakt m
North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO
Wagenzug m; Treck m hist.
Wagenzüge pl; Trecks pl
trek (South Africa; North America)
Nordwind m meteo.
Nordwinde pl
kalter Nordwind m; Biswind m Schw.; Bise f Schw.
north wind
north winds
cold north wind
hinsichtlich Bewohnbarkeit Lebensraum adv
der unbewohnbare kalte Norden
the uninhabitably cold north
hinsichtlich Bewohnbarkeit Lebensraum adv
der unbewohnbare, kalte Norden
the uninhabitably cold north
Nordstern m; Polarstern m; Polaris m; Stella Polaris m astron.
North Star Northern Star; Pole Star; Polaris
Nordstern m; Polarstern m; Polaris m; Stella Polaris m astron.
North Star, Northern Star; Pole Star; Polaris
Sowerby-Zweizahnwal m; Sowerby-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon bidens) zool.
Sowerby's beaked whale; North Sea beaked whale
Nordatlantikvertrag m; Nordatlantikpakt m; atlantisches Bündnis n mil. pol.
North Atlantic Treaty; North Atlantic Alliance
nordwärts adv
northwards, northward, to the north, northbound
Neuss (Stadt in Nordrhein-Westfalen) geogr.
Neuss (city in North Rhine-Westphalia Germany)
Neuss (Stadt in Nordrhein-Westfalen) geogr.
Neuss (city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Bestwig (Gemeinde in Nordrhein-Westfalen) geogr.
Bestwig (municipality in North Rhine-Westphalia)
nördliches Eismeer n; nördliches Polarmeer n; nördlicher Ozean m; Nordpolarmeer n; arktisches Meer n; arktischer Ozean m geogr.
Northern Polar Sea; North Polar Sea; Arctic Ocean
Couscous; Cous Cous; Kuskus (nordafr. Grießgericht)
couscous; cous cous (North African semolina dish)
Nordlandreise f
north land travel; journey to the Nordic Countries
nordrhein-westfälisch adj geogr. pol. soc.
North Rhine-Westphalian; of North Rhine-Westphalia
Nordkorea n (Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea) KP geogr.
North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
Nordkorea n (Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea) KP geogr.
North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
Leverkusen n
Leverkusen (city in North Rhine-Westphalia Germany)
North Dakota (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Bismarck) geogr.
North Dakota ND (state of the US; capital: Bismarck)
Leverkusen n
Leverkusen (city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Nordpfeil m
Nordpfeile pl
north arrow; north point
north arrows; north points
Nordufer n
Nordufer pl
north bank; northern bank
north banks; northern banks
Dörrobstmotte f; Vorratsmotte f; Hausmotte f (Plodia interpunctella) zool.
Indian meal moth; pantry moth; North American high-flyer
Recklinghausen (Stadt in Nordrhein-Westfalen) geogr.
Recklinghausen (city in North Rhine-Westphalia Germany)
Recklinghausen (Stadt in Nordrhein-Westfalen) geogr.
Recklinghausen (city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Mersey m (Fluss in Nordwest-England Großbritannien) geogr.
Mersey River (river in North West England Great Britain)
Wüstenwind m meteo.
Gibli; Ghibli (Wüstenwind in Nordafrika)
desert wind
gibli; ghibli (desert wind in North Africa)
Mersey m (Fluss in Nordwest-England, Großbritannien) geogr.
Mersey River (river in North West England, Great Britain)
Dorset-Kultur f (Kultur im arktischen Nordamerika vor den Inuit) hist.
Dorset culture (Pre-Inuit culture in Arctic North America)
Wüstenwind m meteo.
Gibli; Ghibli (Wüstenwind in Nordafrika)
dessert wind
gibli; ghibli (dessert wind in North Africa)
zu etw. hinzeigen; zu etw. gerichtet sein
sich dem Publikum zuwenden
Das Zimmer liegt nach Norden.
to face sth.
to face the audience
The room faces north.
zu etw. hinzeigen v; zu etw. gerichtet sein v
sich dem Publikum zuwenden
Das Zimmer liegt nach Norden.
to face sth.
to face the audience
The room faces north.
Spiekeroog (Insel im niedersächsischen Wattenmeer) geogr.
Spiekeroog (island off the North Sea coast of Lower Saxony)
North Carolina (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Raleigh) geogr.
North Carolina N. Car. NC (state of the US, capital: Raleigh)
Schlauchpflanzen pl; Trompetenpflanzen pl; Trompetenblatt n (Sarracenia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
North American pitcher plants; trumpet pitchers (botanical genus)
Italien n IT (Kfz: I ) geogr.
Norditalien n; Oberitalien n
Süditalien n; Unteritalien n
Northern Italy; North Italy
Southern Italy; South Italy
(großräumiges) Wirbelsystem n; Wirbel m (in Zusammensetzungen) (in der Erdatmosphäre im Ozean) meteo. geogr.
Wirbelsysteme pl; Wirbel pl
Nordpazifikwirbel m
gyre (in the atmosphere in an ocean)
North Pacific Gyre
Italien n IT (Kfz: I ) geogr.
Norditalien n; Oberitalien n
Süditalien n; Unteritalien n
Northern Italy; North Italy
Southern Italy; South Italy
Friesland n geogr.
Nordfriesland n
Ostfriesland n
Friesland; Frisia
North Frisia
Eastern Friesland; East Frisia
Sowerby-Zweizahnwal m, Sowerby-Schnabelwal m zool.
Sowerby's beaked whale, North Sea beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens)
Nordengland geogr.
Northern England; the North of England; the North Country; the North
Nordengland n geogr.
Northern England; the North of England; the North Country; the North
Frankreich n FR (Kfz: F ) geogr.
Nordfrankreich n
Südfrankreich n
Northern France; North France
Southern France; South France
Frankreich n FR (Kfz: F ) geogr.
Nordfrankreich n
Südfrankreich n
Northern France; North France
Southern France; South France
Pemmikan m (nahrhaftes Nahrungsmittel der Indianer Nordamerikas)
pemmican (nutritous food invented by the native peoples of North America)
germanisch adj ling. soc. hist.
North Germanic
East Germanic
South Germanic
West Germanic
Atlantischer Weissseitendelfin m; Nordischer Delfin m; Springer (Lagenorhynchus acutus) zool.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin; jumper; springer; lag; North Atlantic dolphin
Atlantischer Weißseitendelfin m; Nordischer Delfin m; Springer m (Lagenorhynchus acutus) zool.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin; jumper; springer; lag; North Atlantic dolphin
Alpennordseite f geogr. meteo.
an entlang der Alpennordseite
north northern side of the Alps
on along the north northern side of the Alps
Vietnam n VN geogr.
Demokratische Republik Vietnam DRV ; Nordvietname n hist.
Südvietnam n hist.
Viet Nam; Vietnam
Democratic Republic of Vietnam; North Vietnam
South Vietnam
Afrika n geogr.
Nordafrika n
Ostafrika n
Westafrika n
Südwestafrika n
Zentralafrika n
North Africa
East Africa
West Africa
South-West Africa
Central Africa
direkte Telefonverbindung f; heißer Draht m
ein heißer Draht zwischen Nord- und Südkorea
direct telephone link; telephone hotline; hotline
a hotline between North and South Korea
Atlantischer Weissseitendelfin m, Nordischer Delfin m, Springer zool.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin, jumper, springer, lag, North Atlantic dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale; sabre-toothed beaked whale; Bering Sea beaked whale; North Pacific beaked whale
Einsatzgruppe f; Einsatzstab m; Einsatzkommando n
Einsatzgruppen pl; Einsatzstäbe pl; Einsatzkommandos pl
Spezialeinsatzkräfte pl
Einsatzabschnitt m Nord (Einsatzgruppe)
task force; operational unit
task forces; operational units
special task forces
North operational unit
Baird-Schnabelwal m (Berardius bairdii) zool.
Baird's beaked whale; northern giant bottlenose whale; North Pacific bottlenose whale; giant four-toothed whale
Nordkurve f (eines Stadions)
Ostkurve f (eines Stadions)
Südkurve f (eines Stadions)
Westkurve f (eines Stadions)
north stand (of a stadium)
east stand (of a stadium)
south stand (of a stadium)
west stand (of a stadium)
Einsatzgruppe f; Einsatzkommando n
Einsatzgruppen pl; Einsatzkommandos pl
Spezialeinsatzkräfte pl
Einsatzabschnitt m Nord (Einsatzgruppe)
task force; operational unit
task forces; operational units
special task force agents
North operational unit
Entenwal m zool.
northern bottlenose whale, North Atlantic bottlenose whale, bottlehead, steephead, flathead (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
Kaukasien n; der Kaukasus m geogr.
Ciskaukasien; der Nordkaukasus
Transkaukasien; der Transkaukasus; der Südkaukasus
Caucasia; Caucas; the Caucasus
Ciscaucasia; the North Caucasus
Transcaucasia the Trans-Caucasus; the South Caucasus
Kaukasien n; der Kaukasus m geogr.
Ciskaukasien; der Nordkaukasus
Transkaukasien; der Transkaukasus; der Südkaukasus
Caucasia; Caucas; the Caucasus
Ciscaucasia; the North Caucasus
Transcaucasia, the Trans-Caucasus; the South Caucasus
Atlantik m; Atlantischer Ozean geogr.
Nordatlantik m
Ostatlantik m
Südatlantik m
Westatlantik m
Atlantic; Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (Ocean)
East Atlantic (Ocean)
South Atlantic (Ocean)
West Atlantic (Ocean)
Fringilla-Edelfinken pl; Edelfinken pl (Fringilla) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Buchfink m (Fringilla coelebs)
Teidefink m; Teydefink m (Fringilla teydea)
Bergfink m; Nordfink m (Fringilla montifringilla)
chaffinches (zoological genus)
common chaffinch; chaffinch
blue chaffinch
brambling; mountain finch; cock of the north
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale, sabre-toothed beaked whale, Bering Sea beaked whale, North Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon stejnegeri)
Baird-Schnabelwal m zool.
Baird's beaked whale, northern giant bottlenose whale, North Pacific bottlenose whale, giant four-toothed whale (Berardius bairdii)
sich (gegen den Uhrzeigersinn) drehen; drehen (Wind, der von einer Himmelsrichtung auf eine andere dreht) v meteo. aviat. naut.
sich drehend; drehend
sich gedreht; gedreht
Der Wind hat auf Nordwest gedreht.
to back (wind changing anticlockwise from one compass point to another)
The wind has backed to the north-west.

Deutsche Norden {m} Synonyme

gen  Norden  Ânördlich  Ânordwärts  
gen Norden  nördlich  nordwärts  

Englische north Synonyme

north  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  Middle West  N  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastland  eastward  half points  hyperborean  lubber line  meridional  north about  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northland  northward  northwardly  northwards  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  norward  occident  occidental  orient  oriental  quarter points  rhumb  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southward  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  sunrise  sunset  the Coast  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  westland  westward  wild West  
North Pole  Alaska  Antarctic Zone  Antarctica  Arctic Circle  Arctic Zone  China  Darkest Africa  Frigid Zones  God knows where  Greenland  Iceland  Lower Slobbovia  Novaya Zemlya  Outer Mongolia  Pago Pago  Pillars of Hercules  Siberia  South Pole  Thule  Tierra del Fuego  Timbuktu  Ultima Thule  Yukon  antipodal points  antipodes  antipoints  antipoles  black and white  contraposita  contrapositives  contraries  counterpoles  frontier  godforsaken place  jumping-off place  night and day  nowhere  opposite poles  opposites  outback  outer space  outpost  outskirts  polar opposites  pole  poles  the Antarctic  the Arctic  the Great Divide  the Hebrides  the South Seas  the Yukon  the boondocks  the moon  the sticks  the tullies  tundra  
North Star  Aldebaran  Canicula  Dog Star  Hesper  Hesperus  Lucifer  Phosphor  Phosphorus  Polaris  Sirius  Venus  Vesper  celestial body  comet  cynosure  daystar  evening star  fixed stars  guiding star  heavenly body  living sapphires  lodestar  morning star  orb  polar star  polestar  sphere  starry host  stars  
north wind  Euroclydon  Tehuantepec wind  Tehuantepecer  bise  east wind  easter  easterly  gregale  levanter  mistral  northeaster  norther  northwester  south wind  southeaster  souther  southerly buster  southwester  tramontane  west wind  wester  westerly  
northeast  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  Middle West  NE by N  NNE  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastland  eastward  half points  hyperborean  lubber line  meridional  north  north-northeast  northbound  northeast by east  northeast by north  northeasterly  northeastern  northeastward  northeastwardly  northeastwards  northerly  northern  northernmost  northland  northward  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  occident  occidental  orient  oriental  quarter points  rhumb  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southward  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  sunrise  sunset  the Coast  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  westland  westward  wild West  
norther  Euroclydon  Tehuantepec wind  Tehuantepecer  bise  east wind  easter  easterly  gregale  levanter  mistral  north wind  northeaster  northwester  south wind  southeaster  souther  southerly buster  southwester  tramontane  west wind  wester  westerly  
northerly  N  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  hyperborean  meridional  north  north about  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northern  northernmost  northward  northwardly  northwards  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  norward  occidental  oriental  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  
northern  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  hyperborean  meridional  north  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northernmost  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  occidental  oriental  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  
northward  N  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastward  half points  lubber line  north  north about  northeast  northerly  northwardly  northwards  northwest  norward  occident  orient  quarter points  rhumb  south  southeast  southward  southwest  sunrise  sunset  west  westward  
northwest  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  Middle West  NNW  NW  NW by N  NW by W  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastland  eastward  half points  hyperborean  lubber line  meridional  north  north-northwest  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northland  northward  northwest by north  northwest by west  northwesterly  northwestern  northwestward  northwestwardly  northwestwards  occident  occidental  orient  oriental  quarter points  rhumb  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southward  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  sunrise  sunset  the Coast  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  westland  westward  wild West  
northwesterly  NNW  NW  NW by N  NW by W  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  hyperborean  meridional  north  north-northwest  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northwest  northwest by north  northwest by west  northwestern  northwestward  northwestwardly  northwestwards  occidental  oriental  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  

North Definition

(n.) That one of the four cardinal points of the compass, at any place, which lies in the direction of the true meridian, and to the left hand of a person facing the east
(n.) Any country or region situated farther to the north than another
(n.) Specifically: That part of the United States lying north of Mason and Dixon's line. See under Line.
(a.) Lying toward the north
(v. i.) To turn or move toward the north
(adv.) Northward.

North Bedeutung

North American Free Trade Agreement
an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico, became effective in for ten years
positive pole
positive magnetic pole
north-seeking pole
the pole of a magnet that points toward the north when the magnet is suspended freely
University of North Carolina a university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
North Atlantic Treaty the treaty signed in by countries that established NATO
Scandinavian language
North Germanic
North Germanic language
the northern family of Germanic languages that are spoken in Scandinavia and Iceland
Norman French
Old North French
the medieval Norman dialect of Old French
North Dravidian a Dravidian language spoken primarily in eastern India
North America the nations of the North American continent collectively
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
an international organization created in by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security
North Atlantic Council
a council consisting of permanent representatives of all the member countries of NATO, has political authority and powers of decision
Arctic Zone
North Frigid Zone
the regions to the north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole
north a location in the northern part of a country, region, or city
North Cascades National Park a national park in Washington that is an alpine wilderness area featuring gold rush and logging campsites
north celestial pole the celestial pole above the northern hemisphere, near Polaris
North Pole the northernmost point of the Earth's axis
north side the side that is on the north
North Temperate Zone Temperate Zone between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer
north-south direction in a direction parallel with lines of longitude
North American country
North American nation
any country on the North American continent
North Yorkshire a county in northern England
North Korea
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
a communist country in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, established in
capital of North Korea
capital of North Korea and an industrial center, Pyongyang is Korea's oldest city but little of its history has been preserved
North Borneo
a region of Malaysia in northeastern Borneo
North Island the smaller but more populous of two main islands of New Zealand, separated from South Island by Cook Strait
the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War), he has visited every state in the Union, Lee hoped to detach Maryland from the Union, the North's superior resources turned the scale
North the region of the United States lying to the north of the Mason-Dixon line
Gopher State
North Star State
a midwestern state
North Platte a town in west central Nebraska on the Platte River
North Carolina
Old North State
Tar Heel State
a state in southeastern United States, one of the original colonies
North Carolina one of the British colonies that formed the United States
capital of North Carolina
capital of the state of North Carolina, located in the east central part of the North Carolina
North Dakota
Peace Garden State
a state of north central United States bordering on Canada
capital of North Dakota
capital of the state of North Dakota, located in south central North Dakota overlooking the Missouri river
North Vietnam a former country in southeastern Asia that existed from (after the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu) until when South Vietnam collapsed at the end of the Vietnam War
North Africa an area of northern Africa between the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea
Great Plains
Great Plains of North America
a vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas, formerly inhabited by Native Americans
North America a continent (the third largest) in the western hemisphere connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama
North Atlantic that part of the Atlantic Ocean to the north of the equator
North Channel a strait between Northern Ireland and Scotland that connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea
North Pacific that part of the Pacific Ocean to the north of the equator
North Peak , feet high
North Platte
North Platte River
a river that rises in northern Colorado and flows northward into Wyoming and then eastward and southeastward through Nebraska where it joins the South Platte to form the Platte River
North Sea an arm of the North Atlantic between the British Isles and Scandinavia, oil was discovered under the North Sea in
North Star
pole star
polar star
the brightest star in Ursa Minor, at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper, the northern axis of the earth points toward it
North Korean a Korean from North Korea
North American a native or inhabitant of North America
North Carolinian
a native or resident of North Carolina
North Dakotan a native or resident of North Dakota
Frederick North
Second Earl of Guilford
British statesman under George III whose policies led to rebellion in the American colonies (-)
Alfred North Whitehead
English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with Bertrand Russell (-)
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North is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. North is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points. It is the opposite of south and is perpendicular to east and west.

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