
Oriental Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Orientale m
orientalisch adj
Schwarzhalsibis m ornith.
Oriental Ibis
Malaienbaumfalke m ornith.
Oriental Hobby
Hopfkuckuck m ornith.
Oriental Cuckoo
Kleine Feldlerche f ornith.
Oriental Sky Lark
Orient-Zwergohreule f ornith.
Oriental Scops Owl
Gangesbrillenvogel m ornith.
Oriental White-eye
ChinagrĂĽnling m ornith.
Oriental Greenfinch
Schwarzschnabelstorch m ornith.
Oriental White Stork
Braunkopf-Bartvogel m ornith.
Oriental Green Barbet
Schopfwespenbussard m ornith.
Oriental Honey Buzzard
Altorientalistik f stud.
Ancient Oriental studies
Chinarohrsänger m ornith.
Oriental Great Reed Warbler
orientalisch adj
orientalische KĂĽche f
oriental cuisine
Goldaugentimalie f ornith.
Oriental Yellow-eyed Babbler
Bengalengeier m ornith.
Oriental White-backed Vulture
Orientteppich m
Oriental carpet, Oriental rug
Orientteppich m
Oriental carpet; Oriental rug
Kaftan m (orientalisches Gewand) textil.
caftan; kaftan (oriental robe)
Davul f; Dahol f; Tapan f (orientalische Rahmentrommel) mus.
davul; tupan (oriental frame drum)
Orientalist m, Orientalistin f
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
Japanische Zierkirsche f; Japanische BlĂĽtenkirsche f; Orientalische Kirsche f; Grannenkirsche f (Prunus serrulata) bot.
Japanese flowering cherry; Japanese cherry; oriental cherry
Gemeine Küchenschabe f; Bäckerschabe f; Orientalische Schabe f; Kakerlake f; Kakerlak m (Blatta orientalis) zool.
Gemeine Küchenschaben pl; Bäckerschaben pl; Orientalische Schaben pl; Kakerlaken pl
oriental cockroach; waterbug
oriental cockroaches; waterbugs
Orientturteltaube f ornith.
Oriental Turtle Dove (Streptopelia orientalis), Eastern Turtle Dove
Xenopsylla-Flöhe pl (Xenopsylla) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Tropischer Rattenfloh m; Indischer Rattenfloh m; Rattenfloh m; Pestfloh m (Xenopsylla cheopis)
xenopsylla fleas (zoological genus)
Oriental rat flea; tropical rat flea
Xenopsylla-Flöhe pl (Xenopsylla) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Tropischer Rattenfloh m; Indischer Rattenfloh m; Rattenfloh m; Pestfloh m (Xenopsylla cheopis)
xenopsylla fleas (zoologische Gattung)
Oriental rat flea; tropical rat flea
Gemeine Küchenschabe f; Bäckerschabe f; Brotschabe f; Orientalische Schabe f; Kakerlake f; Kakerlak m (Blatta orientalis) zool.
Gemeine Küchenschaben pl; Bäckerschaben pl; Brotschaben pl; Orientalische Schaben pl; Kakerlaken pl
oriental cockroach; black cockroach; waterbug
oriental cockroaches; black cockroaches; waterbugs
Orientalist m; Orientalistin f
Orientalisten pl; Orientalistinnen pl
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
specialist in Middle Eastern and oriental studies
Hovenia-Stechdorne pl (Hovenia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Japanischer Rosinenbaum m (Hovenia dulcis)
hovenia buckthorns (botanical genus)
Japanese raisin tree; Chinese raisin tree; oriental raisin tree
Rettiche pl (Raphanus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Wilder Rettich; Ackerrettich; Hederich (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Gartenrettich (Raphanus sativus)
Japanischer Rettich; Chinesischer Rettich; Winterrettich; Daikon-Rettich (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) cook.
radish (botanical genus)
wild radish; jointed charlock
cultivated radish
Japanese radish; Oriental radish; white Radish; Chinese radish daikon; Mooli In.
Rettiche pl (Raphanus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Wilder Rettich; Ackerrettich; Hederich (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Gartenrettich (Raphanus sativus)
Japanischer Rettich; Chinesischer Rettich; Winterrettich; Daikon-Rettich (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) cook.
radish (botanical genus)
wild radish; jointed charlock
cultivated radish
Japanese radish; Oriental radish; white Radish; Chinese radish; daikon; Mooli India
Wasserhornfarne pl (Ceratopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Feinblättriger Wasserhornfarn m; Feinblättriger Hornfarn m; Sumatrafarn m; Wasserstern m (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
Schwimmender Wasserhornfarn m; Schwimmender Hornfarn m (Ceratopteris pteridoides)
ceratopteris ferns (botanical genus)
oriental water-fern; water horn-fern; swamp fern; water sprite
floating antler-fern; floating water-sprite; giant floating-fern
Glanzblattmispeln pl; Glanzmispeln pl (Photenia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Lorbeerglanzmispel f; Lorbeermispel f; David-Glanzmispel f; Funkenblatt n (Photinia davidiana Stranvaesia davidiana)
Kahle Glanzmispel f; Sägeblättrige Glanzmispel f (Photinia serratifolia)
Scharlachglanzmispel f; Scharlachmispel f; Warzige Glanzmispel f; Warzenglanzmispel f (Photinia villosa)
photinias (botanical genus)
Chinese photinia; David's photinia; Chinese stranvaesia; stranvaesia
Taiwanese photinia; Japanese photinia; Chinese hawthorn
Oriental photinia; Christmas berry
Lebensbäume pl; Thujen pl (Thuja) (botanische Gattung) bot.
abendländischer Lebensbaum m; Smaragd-Lebensbaum m; gewöhnliche Thuja Thuje f Ös.; abendländische Thuja Thuje f Ös. (Thuja occidentalis)
morgenländischer orientalischer Lebensbaum m (Thuja orientalis Platycladus orientalis)
Riesenlebensbaum m; Riesenthuja f; Riesenthuje f Ă–s.; Rotzeder f (Thuja gigantea Thuja plicata)
arborvitaes; arbor vitaes; thujas (botanical genus)
Eastern arborvitae; Eastern Northern white cedar; swamp cedar
Oriental arborvitae
giant arborvitae; giant cedar; Western Pacific red cedar; canoe cedar
Lebensbäume pl; Thujen pl (Thuja) (botanische Gattung) bot.
abendländischer Lebensbaum m; Smaragd-Lebensbaum m; gewöhnliche Thuja Thuje f Ös.; abendländische Thuja Thuje f Ös. (Thuja occidentalis)
morgenländischer orientalischer Lebensbaum m (Thuja orientalis Platycladus orientalis)
Riesenlebensbaum m; Riesenthuja f; Riesenthuje f Ă–s.; Rotzeder f (Thuja gigantea Thuja plicata)
arborvitaes; arbor vitaes; thujas (botanical genus)
Eastern arborvitae; Eastern Northern white cedar; swamp cedar
Oriental arborvitae
giant arborvitae; giant cedar; Western Pacific red cedar; canoe cedar
Turteltauben pl (Streptopelia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäische Turteltaube f (Streptopelia turtur)
Adamaua-Turteltaube f (Streptopelia hypopyrrha)
Brillentaube f (Streptopelia decipiens)
Halbmondtaube f (Streptopelia semitorquata)
Kapturteltaube f (Streptopelia capicola)
Kichertaube f (Streptopelia bitorquata)
Madagaskar-Turteltaube f (Streptopelia picturata)
Nordafrikanische Lachtaube f (Streptopelia roseogrisea)
Orientturteltaube f (Streptopelia orientalis)
Palmtaube f (Streptopelia senegalensis)
Perlhalstaube f (Streptopelia chinensis)
Reichenowtaube f (Streptopelia reichenowi)
Rosa Taube f (Streptopelia mayeri)
Röteltaube f (Streptopelia vinacea)
Trauerturteltaube f (Streptopelia lugens)
TĂĽrkentaube f (Streptopelia decaocto)
Weinrote Halsringtaube f (Streptopelia tranquebarica)
turtle doves (zoological genus)
European turtle dove
Adamawa turtle dove
mourning collared dove
red-eyed dove
ring-necked dove
island collared dove
Madagascar turtle dove
African collared dove
Oriental Turtle
laughing dove
spotted dove
white-winged collared dove
pink pigeon
vinaceous dove
dusky turtle dove
Eurasian collared dove; collared dove
red turtle dove
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); ...wissenschaften pl; ...kunde f; ...istik f; ...ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); …wissenschaften pl; …kunde f; …istik f; …ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Altertumswissenschaften pl
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
Ancient Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology

Oriental Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to the orient or east
(n.) A native or inhabitant of the Orient or some Eastern part of the world
(n.) Eastern Christians of the Greek rite.

Oriental Bedeutung

Oriental scops owl
Otus sunia
Asian scops owl
Oriental beetle
Asiatic beetle
Anomala orientalis
introduced into United States from the Orient, larvae feed on roots of sugarcane and other grasses
oriental cockroach
oriental roach
Asiatic cockroach
Blatta orientalis
dark brown cockroach originally from orient now nearly cosmopolitan in distribution
Oriental Studies
the scholarly knowledge of Asian cultures and languages and people
Sierra Madre Oriental a mountain range in northeastern Mexico the runs parallel to the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico
oriental person
a member of an Oriental race, the term is regarded as offensive by Asians (especially by Asian Americans)
oriental spruce
Picea orientalis
evergreen tree of the Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchlets
Oriental arborvitae
Thuja orientalis
Platycladus orientalis
Asiatic shrub or small tree widely planted in United States and Europe, in some classifications assigned to its own genus
oriental poppy
Papaver orientale
commonly cultivated Asiatic perennial poppy having stiff heavily haired leaves and bright scarlet or pink to orange flowers
garlic chive
Chinese chive
Oriental garlic
Allium tuberosum
a plant of eastern Asia, larger than Allium schoenoprasum
flowering almond oriental bush cherry
Prunus japonica
woody oriental plant with smooth unfurrowed red fruit grown especially for its white or pale pink blossoms
oriental cherry
Japanese cherry
Japanese flowering cherry Prunus serrulata
ornamental tree with inedible fruits widely cultivated in many varieties for its white blossoms
Japanese bittersweet
Japan bittersweet
oriental bittersweet
Celastrus orbiculatus
Celastric articulatus
ornamental Asiatic vine with showy orange-yellow fruit with a scarlet aril, naturalized in North America
oriental plane
Platanus orientalis
large tree of southeastern Europe to Asia Minor
shiitake mushroom
Chinese black mushroom
golden oak mushroom
Oriental black mushroom
Lentinus edodes
edible east Asian mushroom having a golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible stipe
cutaneous leishmaniasis
Old World leishmaniasis
oriental sore
tropical sore
Delhi boil
Aleppo boil
leishmaniasis of the skin, characterized by ulcerative skin lesions
alabaster oriental alabaster
onyx marble
Mexican onyx
a hard compact kind of calcite
oriental denoting or characteristic of countries of Asia, oriental civilization
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