
Pacific Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

friedlich, pazifisch
friedlich; friedfertig; friedliebend adj
friedlich, friedfertig, friedliebend adj
Dickschnabelmöwe f ornith.
Pacific Gull
South Pacific
pazifischer Ozean, Pazifik
Pacific Ocean
Pazifiktaucher m ornith.
Pacific Diver
Tongafruchttaube f ornith.
Pacific Pigeon
Südseeschwalbe f ornith.
Pacific Swallow
Strichelbrustelaenie f ornith.
Pacific Elaenia
Friedensblockade f pol.
pacific blockade
Mexikosittich m ornith.
Pacific Parakeet
Himmelsperlingspapagei m ornith.
Pacific Parrotlet
Augenbrauenente f ornith.
Pacific Black Duck
Mangroveeule f ornith.
Pacific Screech Owl
Sumpfweihe f ornith.
Pacific Marsh Harrier
Pazifischer Goldregenpfeifer m (Pluvialis fulva) ornith.
pacific golden-plover
Fächerfisch m; Segelfisch m (Istiophorus platypterus) zool.
Indo-Pacific sailfish
Pazifik m; Pazifischer Ozean; Stiller Ozean geogr.
Pacific; Pacific Ocean
Pazifik m, Pazifischer Ozean, Stiller Ozean geogr.
Pacific, Pacific Ocean
Wirbel m; Strudel m (Atmosphäre; Ozean)
Nordpazifikwirbel m
North Pacific Gyre
südpazifisch adj; Südsee … geogr.
South-Pacific …; South-Sea …
Müllstrudel m (in Pazifik)
(Great Pacific) garbage patch
Südpazifik m; Südsee f geogr.
South Pacific Ocean; South Seas
südpazifisch adj; Südsee ... geogr.
South-Pacific ...; South-Sea ...
pazifischer Feuerring m; zirkumpazifischer Feuerring m; Feuergürtel m geol.
Pacific Ring of Fire; Ring of Fire
pazifischer Feuerring m; zirkumpazifischer Feuerring m; zirkumpazifischer Feuergürtel m geol.
Pacific Ring of Fire; Ring of Fire
pazifisch adj geogr.
pazifischer Raum
Asiatisch-Pazifischer Raum; Asien-Pazifik
Pacific Area
Pacific Asia
pazifisch adj geogr.
pazifischer Raum
Asiatisch-Pazifischer Raum, Asien-Pazifik
Pacific Area
Pacific Asia
Pazifischer Goldregenpfeifer m ornith.
Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva)
die friedliche Beilegung des Grenzstreits
the pacific settlement of the border dispute
Indopazifischer Buckeldelfin m; Chinesischer Buckeldelfin m (Sousa chinensis) zool.
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin; speckled dolphin
Marianengraben m (Tiefseegraben im Pazifik) geogr.
Mariana Trench (deep-sea trench in the Pacific Ocean)
Nördlicher Glattdelfin m (Lissodelphis borealis) zool.
northern right whale dolphin; pacific right whale porpoise
(großräumiges) Wirbelsystem n; Wirbel m (in Zusammensetzungen) (in der Erdatmosphäre im Ozean) meteo. geogr.
Wirbelsysteme pl; Wirbel pl
Nordpazifikwirbel m
gyre (in the atmosphere in an ocean)
North Pacific Gyre
Indopazifischer Buckeldelfin m, Chinesischer Buckeldelfin m zool.
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, speckled dolphin (Sousa chinensis)
Indopazifischer Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon pacificus) zool.
Longman's beaked whale; Pacific beaked whale; Indo-Pacific beaked whale
Sandwürmer pl (Arenicolidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
Wattwurm m; Sandpierwurm m; Pierwurm m; Pier m Norddt.; Prielwurm m (Arenicola marina)
Pazifischer Wattwurm m (Abarenicola pacifica)
lugworms; sandworms (zoological family)
blow lugworm
Pacific lugworm
Nördlicher Glattdelfin m zool.
northern right whale dolphin, pacific right whale porpoise (Lissodelphis borealis)
Indopazifischer Schnabelwal m zool.
Longman's beaked whale, Pacific beaked whale, Indo-Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon pacificus)
Pazifischer Weissstreifendelfin m (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) zool.
Pacific white-sided dolphin; white-striped dolphin; lag; hookfin porpoise; hook-finned porpoise
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale; sabre-toothed beaked whale; Bering Sea beaked whale; North Pacific beaked whale
Indischer Grindwal m, Schwarzwal m, Kurzflossengrindwal m zool.
short-finned pilot whale, shortfin pilot whale, pothead whale, pacific pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
Baird-Schnabelwal m (Berardius bairdii) zool.
Baird's beaked whale; northern giant bottlenose whale; North Pacific bottlenose whale; giant four-toothed whale
Pazifischer Weissstreifendelfin m zool.
Pacific white-sided dolphin, white-striped dolphin, lag, hookfin porpoise, hook-finned porpoise (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Seeblasen pl (Physalia) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Große Seeblase f; Portugiesische Galeere f (Physalia physalis)
Kleine Portugiesische Galeere f (Physalia utriculus)
sea-bladders (zoological genus)
Atlantic Portuguese man-of-war; man-of-war
Indo-Pacific Portuguese man-of-war; blue bottle
friedliebend; friedfertig; friedlich; friedsam geh. selten; irenisch geh. selten adj (Person, Staat)
friedliebende Bürger
peace-loving; peaceable; pacific; unwarlike; irenic formal; eirenic formal (of a person or country)
peace-loving citizens
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale, sabre-toothed beaked whale, Bering Sea beaked whale, North Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon stejnegeri)
Baird-Schnabelwal m zool.
Baird's beaked whale, northern giant bottlenose whale, North Pacific bottlenose whale, giant four-toothed whale (Berardius bairdii)
Strauchratten pl; Degus pl (Octodon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Küstendegu m (Octodon lunatus)
Gewöhnlicher Degu m (Octodon degus)
Pazifikdegu m (Octodon pacificus)
Walddegu m (Octodon bridgesi)
octodons; degus (zoological genus)
moon-toothed degu
common degu; brush-tailed rat
Pacific degu; Mocha Island degu
Bridges's degu
Makrelenhechte pl; Trughechte pl (Scomberesocidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
atlantischer Makrelenhecht; Echsenhecht; Skipper (Scomberesox saurus saurus)
südpazifischer Makrelenhecht (Scomberesox saurus scombroides)
pazifischer Makrelenhecht; Kurzschnabelmakrelenhecht (Cololabis saira)
Zwerg-Makrelenhecht m (Scomberesox simulans)
sauries (zoological family)
Atlantic saury
South Pacific saury; king gar
mackerel pike Br.; skipper Br.; Pacific saury Am.
dwarf saury
Ohreulen pl (Asio) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Schreieule f; Streifen-Waldohreule f; Streifenohreule f (Asio clamator)
Sumpfohreule f (Asio flammeus)
Waldohreule f (Asio otus)
Weißhalsreiher m (Ardea pacifica)
eared owls (zoological genus)
striped owl
short-eared owl
northern long-eared owl; long-eared owl
white-necked heron; Pacific heron (old name)
Kurzschnauzendelfine pl (Lagenorhynchus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Weißschnauzendelfin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris)
Weißseitendelfin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Weißstreifendelfin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Schwarzdelfin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus)
Peale-Delfin (Lagenorhynchus australis)
Stundenglasdelfin (Lagenorhynchus cruciger)
lagenorhynchus dophins (zoological genus)
white-beaked dolphin
Atlantic white-sided dolphin
Pacific white-sided dolphin
dusky dolphin
Peale's dolphin
hourglass dolphin
Gadus-Dorsche pl (Gadus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Atlantischer Kabeljau m; Dorsch m ugs. (Gadus morhua)
Pazifischer Kabeljau (Gadus macrocephalus)
Grönland-Kabeljau (Gadus ogac)
Pazifischer Pollack; Alaska-Pollack; Alaska-Seelachs (irreführender Handelsname) (Gadus chalcogrammus)
gadus codfish; gadus cods (zoological genus)
Atlantic cod; codling coll.
Pacific cod; grey cod; greyfish Br.; grayfish Am.
Greenland cod; ogac
walleye pollock; Alaska pollock
Grindwale pl; Pilotwale pl (Globicephala) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal m; Schwarzwal m; Langflossen-Grindwal m (Globicephala melas)
Indischer Grindwal m; Schwarzwal m; Kurzflossengrindwal m (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
pilot whales (zoological genus)
long-finned pilot whale; Atlantic pilot whale; Caaing whale; pothead; blackfish
short-finned pilot whale; shortfin pilot whale; pothead whale; pacific pilot whale
Lebensbäume pl; Thujen pl (Thuja) (botanische Gattung) bot.
abendländischer Lebensbaum m; Smaragd-Lebensbaum m; gewöhnliche Thuja Thuje f Ös.; abendländische Thuja Thuje f Ös. (Thuja occidentalis)
morgenländischer orientalischer Lebensbaum m (Thuja orientalis Platycladus orientalis)
Riesenlebensbaum m; Riesenthuja f; Riesenthuje f Ös.; Rotzeder f (Thuja gigantea Thuja plicata)
arborvitaes; arbor vitaes; thujas (botanical genus)
Eastern arborvitae; Eastern Northern white cedar; swamp cedar
Oriental arborvitae
giant arborvitae; giant cedar; Western Pacific red cedar; canoe cedar
Lebensbäume pl; Thujen pl (Thuja) (botanische Gattung) bot.
abendländischer Lebensbaum m; Smaragd-Lebensbaum m; gewöhnliche Thuja Thuje f Ös.; abendländische Thuja Thuje f Ös. (Thuja occidentalis)
morgenländischer orientalischer Lebensbaum m (Thuja orientalis Platycladus orientalis)
Riesenlebensbaum m; Riesenthuja f; Riesenthuje f Ös.; Rotzeder f (Thuja gigantea Thuja plicata)
arborvitaes; arbor vitaes; thujas (botanical genus)
Eastern arborvitae; Eastern Northern white cedar; swamp cedar
Oriental arborvitae
giant arborvitae; giant cedar; Western Pacific red cedar; canoe cedar
Küste f
Küsten pl
Atlantikküste f
Pazifikküste f
an der Küste
buchtenreiche Küste
gelappte Küste
geradelinige Küste
vorspringende Küste
zerklüftete Küste
Die Luft ist rein. übtr.
coast; shore
coasts; shores
Atlantic coast
Pacific coast
on the coast
much indented coast
lobate coast
straight coast line
projecting coast
ragged coast; jagged coastline
The coast is clear. fig.
Seetaucher pl (Gavia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Eistaucher m (Gavia immer)
Gelbschnabel-Eistaucher m (Gavia adamsii)
Pazifiktaucher m (Gavia pacifica)
Prachttaucher m; Polartaucher m (Gavia arctica)
Sterntaucher m (Gavia stellata)
divers Br.; loons Am. (zoological genus)
common diver loon; great Northern diver loon
white-billed diver; yellow-billed loon
Pacific diver loon
black-throated diver loon Arctic diver loon
red-throated diver loon
Seetaucher pl (Gavia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Eistaucher m (Gavia immer)
Gelbschnabel-Eistaucher m (Gavia adamsii)
Pazifiktaucher m (Gavia pacifica)
Prachttaucher m; Polartaucher m (Gavia arctica)
Sterntaucher m (Gavia stellata)
divers Br.; loons Am. (zoological genus)
common diver loon; great Northern diver loon
white-billed diver; yellow-billed loon
Pacific diver loon
black-throated diver loon, Arctic diver loon
red-throated diver loon
Eibenbäume pl; Eiben pl (Taxus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
chinesische Eibe f (Taxus sumatrana)
europäische Eibe f; gemeine gewöhnliche Eibe f; Eibe f (Taxus baccata)
Florida-Eibe f (Taxus floridana)
Himalaya-Eibe f; Himalaja-Eibe f (Taxus wallichiana)
japanische Eibe f (Taxus cuspidata)
kanadische Eibe f (Taxus canadensis)
mexikanische Eibe f (Taxus globosa)
pazifische Eibe f (Taxus brevifolia)
yew trees; yews (botanical genus)
Chinese yew; Sumatran yew
European yew; English yew; common yew
Florida yew
Himalayan yew
Japanese yew
Canada yew; American yew; ground hemlock; shinwood
Mexican yew
Pacific yew; Western yew
Eiben pl (Taxus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
chinesische Eibe f (Taxus sumatrana)
europäische Eibe f; gemeine gewöhnliche Eibe f; Eibe f (Taxus baccata)
Florida-Eibe f (Taxus floridana)
Himalaja-Eibe f (Taxus wallichiana)
japanische Eibe f (Taxus cuspidata)
kanadische Eibe f (Taxus canadensis)
mexikanische Eibe f (Taxus globosa)
pazifische Eibe f (Taxus brevifolia)
yews; yew trees (botanical genus)
Chinese yew; Sumatran yew
European yew; English yew; common yew
Florida yew
Himalayan yew
Japanese yew
Canada yew; American yew; ground hemlock; shinwood
Mexican yew
Pacific yew; Western yew
Walschutzzone f
Antarktische Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Indischer Ozean
Mittelmeer-Walschutzzone (Italien, Frankreich, Monaco)
Südliche Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Südpazifik (vorgeschlagen)
Antrag für weltweite Walschutzzone
whale sanctuary
Antarctic whale sanctuary
Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Mediterranean Whale Sanctuary (Italy, France, Monaco)
southern oceans whale sanctuary
South Pacific Whale Sanctuary (proposed)
Global Whale Sanctuary Petition
Algenfarne pl (Azolla) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gefiederter Algenfarn m (Azolla mexicana) bot.
großer Algenfarn m; Feenmoos n (Azolla filiculoides) bot.
kleiner Algenfarn m; Moskito-Algenfarn m (Azolla caroliniana) bot.
duckweed ferns; water ferns; mosquito ferns; fairy mosses (botanical genus)
floating-fern; Mexican mosquito water fern; Mexican azolla
water fern; large mosquito fern; Pacific mosquito fern
lesser water fern; fairy moss; Carolina mosquito fern
Walschutzzone f
Walschutzzonen pl
Antarktische Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Indischer Ozean
Mittelmeer-Walschutzzone (Italien, Frankreich, Monaco)
Südliche Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Südpazifik (vorgeschlagen)
Antrag für weltweite Walschutzzone
whale sanctuary
whale sanctuaries
Antarctic whale sanctuary
Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Mediterranean Whale Sanctuary (Italy, France, Monaco)
southern oceans whale sanctuary
South Pacific Whale Sanctuary (proposed)
Global Whale Sanctuary Petition
Walschutzzone f
Walschutzzonen pl
Antarktische Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Indischer Ozean
Mittelmeer-Walschutzzone (Italien Frankreich Monaco)
Südliche Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Südpazifik (vorgeschlagen)
Antrag für weltweite Walschutzzone
whale sanctuary
whale sanctuaries
Antarctic whale sanctuary
Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Mediterranean Whale Sanctuary (Italy France Monaco)
southern oceans whale sanctuary
South Pacific Whale Sanctuary (proposed)
Global Whale Sanctuary Petition
Thunfische pl; Tunfische pl; Thons Thone pl Schw. (Thunnus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
weißer Thun; Langflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus alalunga)
Gelbflossenthun(fisch); Ahi (Thunnus albacares)
Schwarzflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus atlanticus)
roter großer Thun, Blauflossenthun(fisch), nordatlantischer Thun(fisch) (Thunnus thynnus)
südlicher Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus maccoyii)
nordpazifischer Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus orientalis)
Großaugenthun(fisch) (Thunnus obesus)
Langschwanzthun(fisch) (Thunnus tonggol)
tunas; tunnies (zoological genus)
albacore (fish tuna); Pacific albacore; albicore; longfin (tuna tunny); pigfish; albies; binnaga
yellowfin tuna
blackfin tuna
giant bluefin tuna; Northern bluefin tuna; Atlantic bluefin tuna
Southern bluefin tuna
Pacific bluefin tuna
bigeye tuna
longtail tuna
Thunfische pl; Tunfische pl; Thons Thone pl Schw. (Thunnus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
weißer Thun; Langflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus alalunga)
Gelbflossenthun(fisch); Ahi (Thunnus albacares)
Schwarzflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus atlanticus)
roter großer Thun Blauflossenthun(fisch) nordatlantischer Thun(fisch) (Thunnus thynnus)
südlicher Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus maccoyii)
nordpazifischer Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus orientalis)
Großaugenthun(fisch) (Thunnus obesus)
Langschwanzthun(fisch) (Thunnus tonggol)
tunas; tunnies (zoological genus)
albacore (fish tuna); Pacific albacore; albicore; longfin (tuna tunny); pigfish; albies; binnaga
yellowfin tuna
blackfin tuna
giant bluefin tuna; Northern bluefin tuna; Atlantic bluefin tuna
Southern bluefin tuna
Pacific bluefin tuna
bigeye tuna
longtail tuna
Fregattenvögel pl; Fregattvögel pl (Fregata) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Adlerfregattvogel m (Fregata aquila)
Arielfregattvogel m; Kleiner Fregattvogel m (Fregata ariel)
Bindenfregattvogel m (Fregata minor)
Prachtfregattvogel m (Fregata magnificens)
Weißbauch-Fregattvogel m (Fregata andrewsi)
frigate birds; frigatebirds (zoological genus)
Ascension island frigatebird; Ascension frigatebird
lesser frigatebird; least frigatebird
great frigatebird; greater frigatebird; North Pacific man-o-war-bird
magnificent frigatebird; Galapagos man-o-war-bird
Christmas Island frigatebird; Christmas frigatebird; Andrew's frigatebird
Egretta-Reiher pl (Egretta) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Blaureiher m (Egretta caerulea)
Braunkehlreiher m (Egretta vinaceigula)
Dreifarbenreiher m (Egretta tricolor)
Elsterreiher m (Egretta picata)
Glockenreiher m (Egretta ardesiaca)
Küstenreiher m (Egretta gularis)
Riffreiher m (Egretta sacra)
Rötelreiher m (Egretta rufescens)
Schmuckreiher m (Egretta thula)
Schneereiher m (Egretta eulophotes)
Seidenreiher m (Egretta garzetta)
Weißwangenreiher m (Egretta novaehollandiae)
egrets (zoological genus)
little blue heron
slaty egret
tricolored heron; Louisiana heron
pied egret; pied heron
black egret; black heron
western reef egret; western reef heron
Pacific reef egret; Pacific reef heron; eastern reef heron
reddish egret
snowy egret
Chinese egret; Swinhoe's egret
little egret
white-faced heron
Weihen pl (Circus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Elsterweihe f (Circus melanoleucus)
Fleckenweihe f (Circus assimilis)
Froschweihe f (Circus ranivorus)
Grauweihe f (Circus cinereus)
Kornweihe f (Circus cyaneus)
Madagaskarweihe f (Circus macrosceles)
Mangroveweihe f (Circus spilonotus)
Mohrenweihe f (Circus maurus)
Rohrweihe f (Circus aeruginosus)
Steppenweihe f (Circus macrourus)
Sumpfweihe f (Circus approximans)
Weißbrauenweihe f (Circus buffoni)
Wiesenweihe f (Circus pygargus)
harriers (zoological genus)
pied harrier
spotted harrier; smoke hawk
African marsh harrier
cinereous harrier
hen harrier
Madagascar marsh harrier; Madagascar harrier, Malagasy marsh harrier; Malagasy harrier
eastern marsh harrier
black harrier
western marsh harrier; Eurasian marsh harrier
pale harrier; pallid harrier
swamp harrier; Australasian marsh harrier; Pacific marsh harrier; swamp-hawk; New Zealand hawk
long-winged harrier
Montagu's harrier
Sumache pl; Schmacke pl (Rhus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Duftender Essigbaum m; Duftessigbaum m; Duftender Sumach m; Duftsumach m; Wohlriechender Sumach m (Rhus aromatica)
Essigbaum m; Hirschkolbensumach m; Kolbensumach m (Rhus typhina)
Eichenblättriger Giftsumach m; Behaarter Giftsumach m; Giftsumach m; Gifteiche f (Rhus toxicodendron Toxicodendron pubescens)
Gallensumach m; Chinesischer Essigbaum m (Rhus chinensis)
Gerbersumach m; Gerberbaum m; Gerberstrauch m; Gewürzsumach m; Sizilianischer Sumach m; Färberbaum m (Rhus coriaria)
Kahler Essigbaum m; Kahler Scharlachsumach m; Scharlachsumach m; Glatter Sumach m (Rhus glabra)
Kletternder Giftsumach m; Giftiger Efeu m; Giftefeu m (Rhus radicans)
Lackbaum m; Lacksumach m (Rhus verniciflua)
Orientalischer Lackbaum m; Lackbaum m; Lacksumach m; Firnissumach m (Rhus verniciflua)
Talgsumach m (Rhus succedanea)
Stinksumach m (Rhus trilobata)
Kalifornische Gifteiche f; Westliche Gifteiche f; Gifteiche f (Rhus diversiloba)
sumachs; sumacs (botanical genus)
fragrant sumac; aromatic sumac
vinegar tree; staghorn sumac
Atlantic poison oak; eastern poison oak
nutgall tree; Chinese gall; Chinese sumac
tanner's sumach; elm-leaved sumach; Sicilian sumac
smooth sumac; scarlet sumac; red sumac
eastern poison ivy; poison ivy
Chinese lacquer tree
Chinese lacquer tree; Japanese varnish tree
Japanese wax tree; wax tree
skunkbush sumac; skunkbush; stinking sumac; ill-scented sumac; three-leaf sumac
Pacific poison oak
Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
Tannenbäume pl; Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
fir trees; firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir

Deutsche friedlich pazifisch Synonyme

einträchtig  Âfriedlich  
friedfertig  Âfriedlich  Âgutmütig  Âpazifistisch  Âversöhnlich  
friedlich  Âmild  Âsanft  Âseelenruhig  Âzahm  
friedfertig  Âfriedlich  Âfriedliebend  Âgeruhsam  Âsanft  Âverträglich  
friedlich  Âglimpflich  Âharmlos  Âmild  Âsanft  Âweich  
friedlich  glimpflich  mild  sanft  weich  
friedlich  mild  sanft  seelenruhig  zahm  

Englische pacific Synonyme

pacific  appeasing  at peace  at rest  bloodless  broken  calm  chastened  civilian  cloistered  conciliatory  concordant  cool  domesticated  dovelike  dovish  dwindling  ebbing  even-tenored  gentle  halcyon  housebroken  humble  hushed  idyllic  impassive  irenic  isolated  lamblike  meek  mild  moldering  mollifying  nonaggressive  noncombatant  nonmilitant  nonviolent  orderly  pacificatory  pacifist  pacifistic  pacifying  pastoral  peace-loving  peaceable  peaceful  peacetime  piping  placative  placatory  placid  propitiative  propitiatory  quiescent  quiet  reconciliatory  reposeful  reposing  restful  resting  secluded  sequestered  sequestrated  serene  sheltered  smooth  soft  soothing  still  still as death  stillish  stilly  stoic  stolid  subdued  subsiding  tame  tamed  tranquil  unagitated  unbellicose  uncontentious  undisturbed  unhostile  unmilitant  unmilitary  unmoved  unperturbed  unruffled  unstirring  untroubled  waning  
pacification  Pax Dei  Pax Romana  Peace of God  abatement  allayment  alleviation  armistice  assuagement  blunting  breathing spell  buffer zone  calming  cease-fire  cooling-off period  damping  deadening  demilitarized zone  demulsion  diminution  dulcification  dulling  easing  falling-off  hollow truce  hushing  leniency  lessening  letdown  letup  lightening  loosening  lulling  mitigation  modulation  modus vivendi  mollification  neutral territory  palliation  pax in bello  peace  quietening  quieting  reduction  relaxation  remission  slackening  softening  soothing  stand-down  subduement  suspension of hostilities  tempering  temporary arrangement  tranquilization  treaty of peace  truce  

Pacific Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to peace

Pacific Bedeutung

Pacific spiny dogfish
Squalus suckleyi
dogfish of Pacific coast of North America
Pacific newt any of several rough-skinned newts found in western North America
Pacific giant salamander
Dicamptodon ensatus
large (to inches) salamander of western North America
Pacific tree toad
Hyla regilla
the most commonly heard frog on the Pacific coast of America
Pacific ridley
olive ridley
Lepidochelys olivacea
oliveolored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and the southern Atlantic oceans
Pacific bottlenose dolphin
Tursiops gilli
a bottlenose dolphin found in the Pacific Ocean
Pacific walrus
Odobenus divergens
a walrus of the Bering Sea and northern Pacific
Pacific cod
Alaska cod
Gadus macrocephalus
closely related to Atlantic cod
Pacific herring
Clupea harengus pallasii
important food fish of the northern Pacific
Pacific sardine
Sardinops caerulea
small pilchards common off the pacific coast of North America
Chile bonito
Chilean bonito
Pacific bonito
Sarda chiliensis
common bonito of Pacific coast of the Americas, its dark oily flesh cans well
Pacific tripletail
Lobotes pacificus
tripletail found in the Pacific
Pacific sturgeon
white sturgeon Sacramento sturgeon
Acipenser transmontanus
food and game fish of marine and fresh waters of northwestern coast of North America
Pacific halibut
Hippoglossus stenolepsis
a righteye flounder found in the Pacific
Pacific Northwest a region of the northwestern United States usually including Washington and Oregon and sometimes southwestern British Columbia
North Pacific that part of the Pacific Ocean to the north of the equator
Pacific Ocean
the largest ocean in the world
Pacific Coast a coast of the Pacific Ocean
South Pacific that part of the Pacific Ocean to the south of the equator
amabilis fir
white fir Pacific silver fir
red silver fir
Christmas tree Abies amabilis
medium to tall fir of western North America having a conic crown and branches in tiers, leaves smell of orange when crushed
western hemlock
Pacific hemlock
west coast hemlock
Tsuga heterophylla
tall evergreen of western North America, commercially important timber tree
Pacific yew
California yew
western yew
Taxus brevifolia
small or medium irregularly branched tree of the Pacific coast of North America, yields fine hard close-grained wood
Sierra plum
Pacific plum
Prunus subcordata
shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States bearing small red insipid fruit
Pacific Time
Pacific Standard Time
standard time in the th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the th meridian west, used in far western states of the United States
pacific promoting peace, the result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up
pacific peaceable disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature, the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force, a quiet and peaceable person, in a peaceable and orderly manner
Pacific relating to or bordering the Pacific Ocean, Pacific islands
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