
Pale rumped Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Blaßbürzelsegler m ornith.
Pale-rumped Swift
blaß, bleich
Fälschung f, Nachahmung f, Imitation f
Fälschungen pl, Nachahmungen pl, Imitationen pl
eine schlechte Nachahmung
a pale imitation
Pfahl m, Latte f
Pfähle pl, Latten pl
Schreibtischtäter m (ironisch)
woolly academic, pale theoretician
Staket n, Stakete f
pale, paling
blass werden, erblassen
blass werdend, erblassend
blass geworden, erblichen
sie wird blass, er
sie erblasst
sie wurde blass, ich
sie erblasste
to turn pale, to grow pale, to pale
turning pale, growing pale, paling
turned pale, grown pale, paled
she turns pale, he
she pales
she turned pale, I
she paled
blass aussehen
blass aussehend
blass ausgesehen
to look pale
looking pale
looked pale
bleich (vor), blass (vor) adj
pale (with)
fahl adj
am fahlsten
hellblau, zartblau adj
light-blue, pale blue
hellgelb adj
light yellow, pale yellow, straw yellow
hellgrau, blassgrau adj
light grey, pale grey Br., light gray, pale gray Am.
mattfarbig adj
pale-colored, dull-colored, flat-colored, dun-colored
totenblass, totenbleich adj
deathly pale, pale as death, deadly pale
weißgelb adj
pale yellow
Rötelschwalbe f ornith.
Red-rumped Swallow (Hirundo daurica)
Weißbürzel-Strandläufer m ornith.
White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis)
Brauentinamu m ornith.
Pale-browed Tinamou
Blaßfuß-Sturmtaucher m ornith.
Pale-footed Shearewater
Weißbürzelbussard m ornith.
White-rumped Hawk
Großer Singhabicht m ornith.
Pale Chanting-Goshawk
Langschwanz-Zwergfalke m ornith.
White-rumped Pygmy Falcon
Wacholderfrankolin m ornith.
Pale-bellied Francolin
Kupfertaube f ornith.
Pale-capped Pigeon
Malaitataube f ornith.
Pale Mountain Pigeon
Grünbürzel-Sperlingspapagei m ornith.
Green-rumped Parrotlet
Blaßkopfrosella ornith.
Pale-headed Rosella
Singsittich m ornith.
Red-rumped Parrot
Rotachselpapagei m ornith.
Blue-rumped Parrot
Purpurschwanzpapagei m ornith.
Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet
Graukopf-Froschmaul n ornith.
Pale-headed Frogmouth
Mauritiussalangane f ornith.
Grey-rumped Swiftlet
Braunbürzelsalangane f ornith.
Brown-rumped Swiftlet
Weißbürzelsalangane f ornith.
White-rumped Swiftlet
Kaffernsegler m ornith.
White-rumped Swift
Graubürzelsegler m ornith.
Grey-rumped Swift
Blaßbürzelsegler m ornith.
Pale-rumped Swift
Dornensegler m ornith.
Band-rumped Swift
Silberbürzelsegler m ornith.
White-rumped Spinetailed Swift
Hindusegler m ornith.
Indian White-rumped Spinetailed Swi
Tobagoamazilie f ornith.
Copper-rumped Hummingbird
Feuerbürzelsaphir m ornith.
Flame-rumped sapphire
Fahlbaucheremit m ornith.
Pale-bellied Hermit
Hellschwanzeremit m ornith.
Pale-tailed Barbthroat
Rotbürzeltrogon m ornith.
Scarlet-rumped Trogon
Zimtbürzeltrogon m ornith.
Cinnamon-rumped Trogon
Blaßschnabeltoko ornith.
Pale-billed Hornbill
Fahlnacken-Glanzvogel m ornith.
Pale-headed Jacamar
Rotbürzel-Bartvogel m ornith.
Red-rumped Tinkerbird
Goldbürzel-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
Blutbürzelarassari m ornith.
Crimson-rumped Toucanet
Königsspecht m ornith.
Pale-billed Woodpecker
Blaßschopfspecht m ornith.
Pale-crested Woodpecker
Goldschulterspecht m ornith.
Black-rumped Woodpecker
Braunbürzelspecht m ornith.
Buff-rumped Woodpecker
Blutbürzelspecht m ornith.
Red-rumped Woodpecker
Rostkehl-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper
Braunbürzel-Baumspäher m ornith.
Brown-rumped Foliage-gleaner
Fahlbrauen-Blattspäher m ornith.
Pale-browed Treehunter
Blaßfußtöpfer m ornith.
Pale-legged Hornero
Blaßschnabeltöpfer m ornith.
Pale-billed Hornero
Isabellerdhacker m ornith.
Creamy-rumped Miner
Rotbürzel-Blattspäher m ornith.
Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner
Zimtbürzel-Blattspäher m ornith.
Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner
Temminckschlüpfer m ornith.
Pale-breasted Spinetail
Rostbürzel-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Ochre-rumped Antbird
Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Pale-billed Antpitta
Samtbrauen-Ameisenvogel m ornith.
Pale-faced Bare-eye
Grauwangen-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Rufous-rumped Antbird
Gelbbürzel-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Antbird
Braunbürzeltapaculo ornith.
Brown-rumped Tapaculo
Schwarzstirntapaculo ornith.
Pale-throated Tapaculo
Isabellwangentyrann m ornith.
Pale-eyed Pygmy Tyrant
Goldbürzelattila ornith.
Bright-rumped Attila, Ochraceous Attila
Braunkopftachuri m ornith.
Pale-tipped Tyrannulet
Taczanowskityrann m ornith.
Pale-edged Flycatcher
Blaßkehltyrann m ornith.
Pale-throated Flycatcher
Gelbbürzeltyrann m ornith.
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher
Rostbürzeltyrann m ornith.
Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant
Goldbürzel-Fliegenstecher m ornith.
Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet
Fahlbauchrhytipterna ornith.
Pale-bellied Mourner
Weißbürzelmonjita ornith.
Weißbauchpipra ornith.
Pale-bellied Tyrant-Manakin
Blaubürzelpipra ornith.
Blue-rumped Manakin
Rotbürzellerche f ornith.
Rufous-rumped Lark
Wüstenschwalbe f ornith.
Pale Crag Martin
Blaßfußschwalbe f ornith.
Pale-footed Swallow
Graubürzelschwalbe f ornith.
Grey-rumped Swallow
Weißbürzelschwalbe f ornith.
White-rumped Swallow
Blaßraupenfänger m ornith.
Pale Cicadabird
Weißbürzel-Raupenfänger m ornith.
White-rumped Cuckoo Shrike
Angolabülbül m ornith.
Pale Olive Greenbul
Schamadrossel f ornith.
White-rumped Shama
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer m ornith.
Red-rumped Wheatear
Taczanowskidrossel f ornith.
Pale-eyed Thrush
Fahlbrustdrossel f ornith.
Pale-breasted Thrush
Blaßsteißdrossel f ornith.
Pale-vented Thrush
Fahldrossel f ornith.
Pale Thrush
Grauwangen-Buschdrossling m ornith.
Pale-breasted Thrush Babbler
Rotbürzeltimalie f ornith.
Chestnut-rumped Tree Babbler
Weißbürzeldrossling m ornith.
White-rumped Babbler
Weißfuß-Buschsänger m ornith.
Pale-footed Bush Warbler
Langschwanzeremomela ornith.
Yellow-rumped Eremomela
Portenkolaubsänger m ornith.
Japanese Pale-legged Willow Warbler
Ussurilaubsänger m ornith.
Pale-legged Willow Warbler
Somaliprinie f ornith.
Pale Prinia
Goldschnäpper m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
Fahlschnäpper m ornith.
Pale Flycatcher
Blaubrustschnäpper m ornith.
Pale Niltava
Heidehuscher m ornith.
Chestnut-rumped Heath Wren
Fahlschnabelsericornis ornith.
Pale-billed Sericornis
Weißbürzel-Dickichtschnäpper m ornith.
White-rumped Thicket Flycatcher
Fahlgesichtschnäpper m ornith.
Pale Yellow Robin
Palawanmistelfresser m ornith.
Palawan Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker
Gelbbürzel-Mistelfresser m ornith.
Borneo Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker
Ceylonnektarvogel m ornith.
Purple-rumped Sunbird
Celebesbrillenvogel m ornith.
Pale-bellied White-eye
Blaßkopf-Buschammer f ornith.
Pale-headed Brush Finch
Zimtstirn-Buschammer f ornith.
Pale-naped Brush Finch
Weißbürzeltangare f ornith.
White-rumped Tanager
Braunbürzelammer f ornith.
Brown-rumped Bunting
Goldbürzelorganist m ornith.
Golden-rumped Euphonia
Rotbürzel-Ammerfink m ornith.
Red-rumped Warbling Finch
Feuerbürzeltangare f ornith.
Flame-rumped Tanager
Gelbrückentangare f ornith.
Yellow-rumped Tanager
Passerinitangare f ornith.
Scarlet-rumped Tanager
Goldbürzel-Gilbammer f ornith.
Bright-rumped Yellow Finch
Cabanistangare f ornith.
Azure-rumped Tanager
Rotbauchtangare f ornith.
Opal-rumped Tanager
Peruwaldsänger m ornith.
Pale-legged Warbler
Kronwaldsänger m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Gelbbürzelkassike f ornith.
Yellow-rumped Cacique
Rotbürzelkassike f ornith.
Red-rumped Cacique
Scharlachbürzelkassike f ornith.
Scarlet-rumped Cacique
Gelbbürzelstärling m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Marshbird
Kordillerenzeisig m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Siskin
Angolagirlitz m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Seedeater
Weißbürzelgirlitz m ornith.
White-rumped Seedeater
Rüpellgirlitz m ornith.
Brown-rumped Seedeater
Feenastrild m ornith.
Red-rumped Waxbill
Zügelastrild m ornith.
Crimson-rumped Waxbill
Grauastrild m ornith.
Black-rumped Waxbill
Landanaamarant m ornith.
Pale-billed Fire Finch
Weißkopfnonne f ornith.
Pale-headed Mannikin
Blaßstirnschwärzling m ornith.
Pale-fronted Negro Finch
Samtwida ornith.
Yellow-rumped Bishop
Fahlsperling m ornith.
Pale Rock Sparrow
Wilsonatlaswitwe f ornith.
Pale-winged Indigobird
Fahlflügelstar m ornith.
Pale-winged Starling
Louisiadenwürgatzel ornith.
White-rumped Butcher Bird

Deutsche Blaßbürzelsegler {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Pale-rumped Swift Synonyme

Pale rumped Definition

(v. i.) Wanting in color
(v. i.) Not bright or brilliant
(n.) Paleness
(v. i.) To turn pale
(v. t.) To make pale
(n.) A pointed stake or slat, either driven into the ground, or fastened to a rail at the top and bottom, for fencing or inclosing
(n.) That which incloses or fences in
(n.) A space or field having bounds or limits
(n.) A stripe or band, as on a garment.
(n.) One of the greater ordinaries, being a broad perpendicular stripe in an escutcheon, equally distant from the two edges, and occupying one third of it.
(n.) A cheese scoop.
(n.) A shore for bracing a timber before it is fastened.
(v. t.) To inclose with pales, or as with pales

Pale rumped Bedeutung

pale chrysanthemum aphid important pest of chrysanthemums
a wooden strip forming part of a fence
pale yellow
a variable yellow tint, dull yellow, often diluted with white
pale ale an amber colored ale brewed with pale malts, similar to bitter but drier and lighter
early coral root
pale coral root
Corallorhiza trifida
plant having clumps of nearly leafless pale yellowish to greenish stems bearing similarly colored flowers with white lower lips, northern New Mexico north through South Dakota and Washington to Alaska
pale violet
striped violet
cream violet
Viola striata
leafy-stemmed violet of eastern North America having large white or creamy flowers faintly marked with purple
cadmium yellow pale pale-hued cadmium yellow pigment
turn pale, as if in fear
pale-faced having a pale face
pale blue
of a light shade of blue
having a pale color
abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress, the pallid face of the invalid, her wan face suddenly flushed
lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness, a pale rendition of the aria, pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender, a pallid performance
pale very light colored, highly diluted with white, pale seagreen, pale blue eyes
pale not full or rich, high, pale, pure and lovely song
(of light) lacking in intensity or brightness, dim or feeble, the pale light of a half moon, a pale sun, the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street, a pallid sky, the pale (or wan) stars, the wan light of dawn
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