
Polar Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

polar adj
(diametral) entgegengesetzt; äußerst adj
Eismeer n geogr.
Polar Sea
Polareis n
polar ice
Polarluft f
polar air
Polarfront f meteo.
polar fron
Eisbär m
polar bear
polar star
polar bear
Polarfront f; planetarische Frontalzone f meteo.
polar front
Polarnacht f
polar night
polar circle
Polarkreis m
polar circle
Polausrichtung f astron.
polar alignment
Polarexpedition f
polar expedition
Antarktikskua f ornith.
South-Polar skua
Antarktikskua ornith.
South Polar Skua
Polradwinkel m
polar wheel angle
polar adj; Pol… geogr.
polare Zone f
polar zone
polar adj; Pol... geogr.
polare Zone f
polar zone
Polarlicht n
aurora, polar lights
antarktisch; südpolar adj geogr.
antarctic; south-polar
Polkappe f geogr.
Polkappen pl
polar cap
polar caps
Polargebiet n, Polarzone f
polar region, polar zone
Polargebiet n; Polarzone f geogr.
polar region; polar zone
Polarnacht f
Polarnächte pl
polar night
polar nights
Polarkreis m geogr.
Polarkreise pl
polar circle
polar circles
Polbewegung f; Polschwankung f astron.
Polbewegungen pl; Polschwankungen pl
polar motion
polar motions
Nordlicht n, Polarlicht n
northern lights, polar lights
Umfassungswinkel m (der Polschuhe) electr.
polar angle; angle of polar span
Polabstand m
Polabstände pl
polar distance
polar distances
Polarforscher m; Polarforscherin f
Polarforscher pl; Polarforscherinnen pl
polar explorer
polar explorers
Fleece n textil.
fleece; polar fleece; microfleece
Polarexpedition f
Polarexpeditionen pl
polar expedition
polar expeditions
Polarkoordinate f math.
Polarkoordinaten pl
polar coordinate
polar coordinates
Nunatak m geogr.
nunatak (ice-free hill in polar regions)
Polarstern m astron.
polar star, polestar, Polaris, North Star
Polardreieck n eines Kegelschnittes math.
self-polar triangle; self-conjugated triangle
Eisbär m; Polarbär m (Ursus maritimus) zool.
Eisbären pl; Polarbären pl
ice bear; polar bear
ice bears; polar bears
nördliches Eismeer n; nördliches Polarmeer n; nördlicher Ozean m; Nordpolarmeer n; arktisches Meer n; arktischer Ozean m geogr.
Northern Polar Sea; North Polar Sea; Arctic Ocean
südliches Eismeer n; südliches Polarmeer n; Südpolarmeer n; südlicher Ozean; antarktischer Ozean geogr.
Southern Polar Sea; South Polar Sea; Antarctic Ocean
Abflachung f; Abplattung f
Abplattung der Erde; Erdabplattung f
Abplattung an den Polen
flattening of the Earth
polar flattening
Polwanderung f
Polwanderungen pl
polar wandering; polar drift
polar wanderings; polar drifts
Trägheitsmoment n phys.
polares Trägheitsmoment
moment of inertia, moment of gyration
polar moment of inertia
Polarkoordinate f math.
Polarkoordinaten pl
geodätische Polarkoordinaten
polar coordinate
polar coordinates
geodetic polar coordinates
Rundlaufkran m
Rundlaufkrane pl
crane on circular runway; polar crane
crane on circular runways; polar cranes
Trägheitsmoment n phys.
polares Trägheitsmoment
Antrieb mit kleinem Trägheitsmoment techn.
moment of inertia; moment of gyration
polar moment of inertia
low-inertia drive
Ostwind m meteo.
Ostwinde pl
polarer Ostwind
east wind; easterly wind; easterly
east winds; easterly winds; easterlies
polar easterly
Grönlandwal m, Polarwal m zool.
bowhead whale, polar whale, great polar whale, arctic whale, arctic right whale, Greenland whale, Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus)
Forschungsreisender m; Forscher m; Erforscher m (von etw.)
Forschungsreisende pl; Forscher pl; Erforscher pl
Afrikaforscher m
Amerikaforscher m
Nordpolforscher m
Polarforscher m
Südamerikaforscher m
Südpolforscher m
explorer (of sth.)
explorer of Africa
explorer of America
Arctic explorer
polar explorer
explorer of South America
Antarctic explorer
Raubmöwen pl (Stercorarius) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Antarktikskua f (Stercorarius maccormicki)
Chileskua f (Stercorarius chilensis)
Falkenraubmöwe f (Stercorarius longicaudus)
Große Raubmöve f; (Stercorarius skua)
Schmarotzerraubmöwe f (Stercorarius parasiticus)
Spatelraubmöwe f (Stercorarius pomarinus)
Subantarktikskua f; Braune Skua f (Stercorarius antarcticus)
skuas (zoological genus)
South-Polar skua
Chilean skua
long-tailed skua
great skua
Arctic skua
pomarine skua
Antarctic skua; subantarctic skua; brown skua
Klimazone f
Klimazonen pl
gemäßigte Klimazone f
polare Klimazone
subtropische Klimazone
tropische Klimazone
verschiedene Klimazonen
climate zone; climatal zone
climate zones; climatal zones
temperate climate zone
polar climate zone
subtropical climate zone
tropical climate zone
different climates
Gegensatz m
Gegensätze pl
Die Ausdrücke "schwarz" und "weiß" sind Gegensätze.
Meine zwei Brüder sind völlig gegensätzlich.; Meine zwei Brüder könnten gegensätzlicher nicht sein.
Wir haben ein gegensätzliches Temperament.
Gegensätze ziehen sich an. Sprw.
The terms "black" and "white" are opposites.
My two brothers are polar exact complete opposites.
We are opposites in temperament.
Opposites attract. prov.
Gegensatz m
Gegensätze pl
Die Ausdrücke „schwarz“ und „weiß“ sind Gegensätze.
Meine zwei Brüder sind völlig gegensätzlich.; Meine zwei Brüder könnten gegensätzlicher nicht sein.
Wir haben ein gegensätzliches Temperament.
Gegensätze ziehen sich an. Sprw.
The terms "black" and "white" are opposites.
My two brothers are polar exact complete opposites.
We are opposites in temperament.
Opposites attract. prov.
Polarlicht n geogr. phys.
nördliches Polarlicht; Nordlicht n (Aurora borealis)
südliches Polarlicht; Südlicht n (Aurora australis)
Polarlicht auf der Tagseite; Tagseiten-Polarlicht
diskretes Polarlicht
schwarzes Polarlicht
aurora; aurora light; polar aurora; polar light
northern light; northlight; aurora borealis
southern light; aurora australis
dayside aurora
discrete aurora
black aurora
Theta aurora
Ionenbindung f chem.
Ionenbindungen pl
ionic polar electrostatic electrovalent bond; ion-dipole bond; ionic link; ionic linkage; electrovalence
ionic polar electrostatic electrovalent bonds; ion-dipole bonds; ionic links; ionic linkages; electrovalences
Vektor m phys.
axialer Vektor; Axialvektor; Drehvektor; Pseudovektor
Einheitsvektor; normierter Vektor
freier Vektor
Lenz-Runge-Vektor; Lenz'scher Vektor
polarer Vektor
Poynting'scher Vektor
zeitartiger Vektor
axial vector; pseudovector
wave vector
binormal vector
Burgers vector
unit vector; normalized vector
free vector
Runge vector
polar vector
Poynting vector; Poynting's vector
timelike vector
Braunbär m (Ursus arctos) zool.
Braunbären pl
Europäischer Braunbär (Ursus arctos arctos)
Kodiakbär m (Ursus arctos middendorffi)
Grizzlybär m; Graubär m (Ursus arctos horribilis)
Grizzly-Eisbären-Kreuzung f; Grolar-Bär m
brown bear
brown bears
common brown bear; European brown bear; Eurasian brown bear
Kodiak brown bear; Kodiak bear
grizzly bear; grizzly; silvertip bear; North American brown bear
grizzly-polar bear; grolar bear; prizzly bear; pizzly bear
Grönlandwal m; Polarwal m (Balaena mysticetus) zool.
Grönlandwale pl; Polarwale pl
bowhead whale; polar whale; great polar whale; arctic whale; arctic right whale; Greenland whale; Greenland right whale
bowhead whales; polar whales; great polar whales; arctic whales; arctic right whales; Greenland whales; Greenland right whales
Klima n geogr.
gemäßigtes Klima
mildes Klima
raues Klima
äquatoriales Klima
arktisches Klima
nivales Klima
ozeanisches Klima
polares Klima
regionales Klima
tropisches Klima
moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate
bland climate
tough climate
equatorial climate
arctic climate
nival climate
marine climate; oceanic climate
polar climate
regional climate; macroclimate
tropical climate
Klima n geogr.
gemäßigtes Klima
mildes Klima
raues Klima
äquatoriales Klima
arktisches Klima
nivales Klima
ozeanisches Klima
polares Klima
regionales Klima
Seeklima n
tropisches Klima
moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate
bland climate
tough climate
equatorial climate
arctic climate
nival climate
marine climate; oceanic climate
polar climate
regional climate; macroclimate
maritime climate
tropical climate
Lösungsmittel n; Lösemittel n; Auflösungsmittel n selten; Solvens n chem.
abdestilliertes Lösungsmittel
aktives Lösungsmittel
alkalisches Lösungsmittel
apolares Lösungsmittel
aromatisches Lösungsmittel
chloriertes Lösungsmittel
Fettlösungsmittel n; Fettlösemittel n
flüchtiges Lösungsmittel
fluorhaltiges Lösungsmittel
gemischtes Lösungsmittel
ionisierendes Lösungsmittel
leichtflüchtiges Lösemittel
nichtwässriges Lösungsmittel
polares Lösungsmittel
protonenaufnehmendes Lösungsmittel
spezifisch schweres Lösungsmittel
Lösungsmittel auf Erdölbasis
Lösungsmittel mit starker Elutionskraft; Lösemittel mit hoher Elutionsstärke
solvent; dissolvent rare; dissolver rare; resolvent
stripped solvent
active solvent
alkaline solvent
non-polar solvent
high-aromatic solvent
chlorinated solvent
fat solvent; grease solvent
light solvent
fluorinated solvent
mixed solvent; solvent mixture; solvent mix
ionizing solvent
volatile solvent
non-aqueous solvent
polar solvent
protophilic solvent
heavier-than-water solvent
petroleum solvent
strong eluting solvent
theta solvent
Sternensystem n; Galaxie f; Galaxis f selten astron.
Sternensysteme pl; Galaxien pl
aktive Galaxie
Antennengalaxien pl
Balkenspiralgalaxien pl
elliptische Galaxie
Infrarotgalaxien pl
linsenförmige Galaxien; lentikuläre Galaxien
Mäusegalaxien pl
pekuliare Galaxie
Ringgalaxien pl
Seyfert-Galaxien pl
Spiralgalaxien pl
Starburst-Galaxien pl
Whirlpool-Galaxien pl
unregelmäßige Galaxien
wechselwirkende Galaxien
Galaxienzusammenstoß m; Galaxienkollision f
Spiralarm einer Galaxie
lokale Galaxiengruppe
stellar system; galaxy
stellar systems; galaxies
active galaxy
antennae galaxies
barred spiral galaxies
elliptical galaxy; E galaxy; spheroidal galaxy
infrared galaxies
lenticular galaxies; armless spiral galaxies
mice galaxies
peculiar galaxy
polar-ring galaxy
ring galaxies
Seyfert galaxies
spiral galaxies
starburst galaxies
whirlpool galaxies
irregular galaxies
interacting galaxies
crash of galaxies
spiral arm of a galaxy
local galaxy group
Satellit m (Satellitentechnik)
Satelliten pl
Ballonsatellit m
Echtzeit-Rückmeldesatellit m
im Satelliten
stationärer Satellit; äquatorialer Synchronsatellit
Satellit als Librationspunkt
Satellit als Relaisstation
Satellit auf äquatorialer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf geneigter Bahn
Satellit auf niedriger polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit für angewandte Technik
Satellit für Direktempfang
Satellit mit geringer Sendeleistung
Satellit mit Richtungsstange
Satellit zur Regelung des Luftverkehrs
Satellit zur Regelung des Ãœberseeluftverkehrs
satellite (satellite engineering)
balloon satellite
real-time repeater satellite
stationary (equatorial) satellite
libration point satellite
repeater satellite
equatorial orbiting satellite
inclined orbit satellite
low altitude polar orbiting satellite
polar orbiter
application technology satellite ATS
satellite for direct reception
low-capacity satellite
long-boom satellite
air traffic control satellite
transoceanic air traffic control satellite
Satellit m (Satellitentechnik)
Satelliten pl
Aufklärungssatellit m mil.
Ballonsatellit m
Echtzeit-Rückmeldesatellit m
Mehrzwecksatellit m
Wetterbeobachtungssatellit m; Wettersatellit m
Satellit für Verteidigungszwecke
im Satelliten
stationärer Satellit; äquatorialer Synchronsatellit
Satellit als Librationspunkt
Satellit als Relaisstation
Satellit auf äquatorialer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf geneigter Bahn
Satellit auf niedriger polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit für angewandte Technik
Satellit für Direktempfang
Satellit mit geringer Sendeleistung
Satellit mit Richtungsstange
Satellit zur Regelung des Luftverkehrs
Satellit zur Regelung des Ãœberseeluftverkehrs
satellite (satellite engineering)
reconnaissance satellite
balloon satellite
real-time repeater satellite
utility satellite
meteorological satellite; weather satellite
defence satellite
stationary (equatorial) satellite
libration point satellite
repeater satellite
equatorial orbiting satellite
inclined orbit satellite
low altitude polar orbiting satellite
polar orbiter
application technology satellite ATS
satellite for direct reception
low-capacity satellite
long-boom satellite
air traffic control satellite
transoceanic air traffic control satellite

Deutsche polar {adj} Synonyme

polar  Antarctic  Arctic  Siberian  antagonistic  antipodal  antipodean  antithetic  antithetical  boundary  

Englische polar Synonyme

polar  Antarctic  Arctic  Siberian  antagonistic  antipodal  antipodean  antithetic  antithetical  boundary  brumal  caudal  conclusive  confronting  contradictory  contrapositive  contrary  converse  counter  definitive  determinative  diamagnetic  diametric  electromagnetic  endmost  eventual  extreme  eyeball-to-eyeball  facing  farthest  ferromagnetic  final  freezing  frigid  frozen  glacial  hibernal  hostile  hyperborean  icy  inverse  last  limiting  magnetic  numbing  obverse  opposed  opposing  opposite  polaric  polarized  reverse  tail  terminal  terminating  terminative  ultimate  wintry  
Polaris  Aldebaran  Canicula  Dog Star  Hesper  Hesperus  Lucifer  North Star  Phosphor  Phosphorus  Sirius  Venus  Vesper  celestial body  comet  cynosure  daystar  evening star  fixed stars  guiding star  heavenly body  living sapphires  lodestar  morning star  orb  polar star  polestar  sphere  starry host  stars  
polarity  Janus  N pole  S pole  ambiguity  ambivalence  antagonism  anteposition  antipathy  antithesis  balance  biformity  bifurcation  bilateral symmetry  clashing  collision  conflict  conformity  confrontation  confrontment  congruity  conjugation  consistency  contention  contradiction  contradistinction  contraindication  contraposition  contrariety  contrast  correspondence  counterposition  cross-purposes  dichotomy  disagreement  discrepancy  doubleness  doublethink  doubling  dualism  duality  duplexity  duplication  duplicity  dynamic symmetry  equality  equilibrium  equivocality  eurythmics  eurythmy  evenness  finish  halving  harmony  hostility  inconsistency  inimicalness  irony  keeping  magnetic axis  magnetic pole  multilateral symmetry  negative pole  north pole  opposing  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  pairing  parallelism  perversity  polar opposition  polarization  pole  posing against  positive pole  proportion  proportionality  regularity  repugnance  shapeliness  showdown  south pole  symmetricalness  symmetry  trilateral symmetry  twinning  two-facedness  twoness  uniformity  
polarization  N pole  S pole  agreement to disagree  anteposition  antigravity  antithesis  centrifugal force  confrontation  confrontment  contention  contraposition  contrariety  contrast  cross-purposes  diamagnetism  difference  difference of opinion  difficulty  disaffinity  disagreement  disparity  dividedness  division  hostility  magnetic axis  magnetic pole  magnetic repulsion  misunderstanding  mutual repulsion  negative pole  north pole  odds  opposing  opposition  opposure  polar opposition  polarity  pole  posing against  positive pole  repellence  repellency  repelling  repulsion  south pole  variance  
polarize  bump heads  confront  contend  contrapose  contraposit  contrast  counteract  face  front  lie opposite  match  meet head-on  oppose  pose against  put in opposition  set over against  stand opposed  stand opposite  subtend  
polarizing  aggressive  bellicose  belligerent  bickering  combative  disputatious  divisive  eristic  factional  factious  irascible  irritable  litigious  partisan  polemic  pugnacious  quarrelsome  shrewish  wrangling  

Polar Definition

(a.) Possessing electrical polarity
(a.) Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a sphere
(a.) Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to which the magnetic needle is directed.
(a.) Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common radiating point
(n.) The right line drawn through the two points of contact of the two tangents drawn from a given point to a given conic section. The given point is called the pole of the line. If the given point lies within the curve so that the two tangents become imaginary, there is still a real polar line which does not meet the curve, but which possesses other properties of the polar. Thus the focus and directrix are pole and polar. There are also poles and polar curves to curves of higher degree than the second, and poles and polar planes to surfaces of the second degree.
(a.) Electrically polarized like the surface of the zinc presented to the acid in a battery, which has zincous affinity.

Polar Bedeutung

ice bear
polar bear
Ursus Maritimus
Thalarctos maritimus
white bear of Arctic regions
polar hare
Arctic hare
Lepus arcticus
a large hare of northern North America, it is almost completely white in winter
polar body a small cell containing little cytoplasm that is produced along with the oocyte and later discarded
polar coordinate either of two values that locate a point on a plane by its distance from a fixed pole and its angle from a fixed line passing through the pole
polar circle a line of latitude at the north or south poles
Frigid Zone
polar zone
polar region
the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole, characterized by frigid climate
polar glacier a glacier near the Arctic or Antarctic poles
North Star
pole star
polar star
the brightest star in Ursa Minor, at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper, the northern axis of the earth points toward it
cold front
polar front
the front of an advancing mass of colder air
polar opposition an opposition that can be graded between two extremes or poles
polar having a pair of equal and opposite charges
being of crucial importance, a pivotal event, Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions- Henry Kissinger, the polar events of this study, a polar principal
extremely cold, an arctic climate, a frigid day, gelid waters of the North Atlantic, glacial winds, icy hands, polar weather
diametric diametrical opposite
characterized by opposite extremes, completely opposed, in diametric contradiction to his claims, diametrical (or opposite) points of view, opposite meanings, extreme and indefensible polar positions
polar of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles, polar regions
of or relating to the Arctic, the Arctic summer
at or near the south pole
polar located at or near or coming from the earth's poles, polar diameter, polar zone, a polar air mass, Antarctica is the only polar continent
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Polar may refer to: