
Pole Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Pfahl, Stange
Pol m
Stake f, Staken m
Stake f; Staken m
Hopfenstange f
hop pole
Polschuh m
pole shoe
Stangenholz n
pole wood
bean pole
pole star
tent pole
Firstbalken m constr.
ridge pole
Nordpol m geogr.
North Pole
Polstück n
pole piece
Spiere f naut.
spar, pole
Strommast m
power pole
Südpol m geogr.
South Pole
Totempfahl m
totem pole
kopfüber adj naut.
pitch pole
north pole
pole vault
ridge pole
south pole
Spiere f naut.
spar; pole
Slalomstange f
slalom pole
pole jumper
Pfosten m, Pfahl m, Stab m, Stange f, Mast m
Pfosten pl, Pfähle pl, Stäbe pl, Stangen pl, Masten pl
Pole m, Polin f geogr.
Pole, Polish
Spitze f für den Ausbau; Stütze f für den Ausbau min.
lagging pole
Kletterstange f
climbing pole
Minuspol m
negative pole
Umpolung f
pole reversal
Wanderstock m
trekking pole
climbing pole
pole reversal
stabhochspringen v (meist nur Infinitiv und Partizip) sport
to pole-vault
Telefonmast m
telephone pole
Telegrafenmast m
telegraph pole
telegraph pole
polumschaltbar adj
Skistockteller m; Schistockteller m; Teller m des Skistocks sport
ski pole basket
Flächenpol m
pole of the face
Linienfestpunkt m telco.
storm-guyed pole
Pole m; Polin f soc.
die Polen pl
the Poles
Totempfahl-Ausgangsschaltung f comp.
totem pole fanout
schwanger adj
up the pole slang
übergeschnappt adj
up the pole slang
betrunken adj
up the pole slang
zweipolig adj
bipolar, double-pole
Skistock m; Schistock m sport
Skistöcke pl; Schistöcke pl
ski pole
ski poles
zweipolig adj
bipolar; double-pole
Polpaarzahl f techn.
number of pole pairs
Bohnenstange f
Bohnenstangen pl
bean pole
bean poles
Zeltstange f
Zeltstangen pl
tent pole
tent poles
Polschuh m
Polschuhe pl
pole shoe
pole shoes
Pollinie f geogr.
Pollinien pl
pole line
pole lines
Dahlanderschaltung f electr.
Dahlander pole changing
Stabhochsprung m sport
pole vault, pole-jumping
staken v
to pole
Massivpol m electr.
Massivpole pl
solid pole
solid poles
Polstück n
Polstücke pl
pole piece
pole pieces
Stabhochsprung m sport
pole vault; pole-jumping
Strommast m
Strommaste pl; Strommasten pl
power pole
power poles
Totempfahl m
Totempfähle pl
totem pole
totem poles
Wippdrehbank f mach.
Wippdrehbänke pl
pole lathe
pole lathes
Firstbalken m constr.
Firstbalken pl
ridge pole
ridge poles
Stabhochspringer m, Stabhochspringerin f sport
Stabhochspringer pl, Stabhochspringerinnen pl
pole jumper
pole jumpers
Stabhochspringer m; Stabhochspringerin f sport
Stabhochspringer pl; Stabhochspringerinnen pl
pole jumper
pole jumpers
Slalomstange f; Torstange f (Skifahren) sport
Slalomstangen pl; Torstangen pl
slalom pole
slalom poles
Banner n; Panier n obs. (Hoheitszeichen an einer Stange) hist.
banner (standard on a pole)
Stromabnehmerstange f
Stromabnehmerstangen pl
trolley pole
trolley poles
Bettgalgen m med.
bed lifting pole; bed gallows
Pole m; Polin f soc.
Polen pl; Polinnen pl
Pole; Polish
Poles; Polishs
Kletterstange f
Kletterstangen pl
climbing pole
climbing poles
Schläfenlappenspitze f anat.
Schläfenlappenspitzen pl
temporal pole
temporal poles
Telegraphenmast m
Telegraphenmasten pl
telegraph pole
telegraph poles
Telefonmast m telco.
Telefonmasten pl
telephone pole
telephone poles
Telegrafenmast m
Telegrafenmasten pl
telegraph pole
telegraph poles
Polaritätswechsel m; Polaritätsumkehr f; Polumkehr f; Umpolung f ugs. electr.
polarity reversal; pole reversal
Querriegel m am A-Mast electr. telco.
cross bracket; pole cribbing Am.
Pfosten m; Pfahl m; Stangenholz n; (lange) Stange f
Pfosten pl; Pfähle pl; Stangenholzen pl; Stangen pl
unteres Ende; Fuß eines Pfostens
butt (end) of a pole
Pollagemessung f (Bahn)
pole position measurement (railway)
Gerüststange f constr.
Gerüststangen pl
scaffolding pole
scaffolding poles
Steckholz n; Steckling m (zur Hangbefestigung) envir.
willow pole (for stabilizing slopes)
Spaltmotor m techn.
Spaltmotoren pl
shaded pole motor
shaded pole motors
Klebpfosten m electr.
Klebpfosten pl
consolidation pole
consolidation poles
Skistock m, Schistock m sport
Skistöcke pl, Schistöcke pl
skistick, ski pole
skisticks, ski poles
Querschiffspol n; Querpol m (Schiff) naut.
Querschiffspole pl; Querpole pl
thwartship pole (ship)
thwartship poles
Pol m astr. geogr. phys.
Pole pl
gleichnamige Pole
poles of the same name sign
Pol m astron. geogr. phys.
Pole pl
gleichnamige Pole
poles of the same name sign
Stangenbohne f
Stangenbohnen pl
runner bean Br., pole bean
runner beans
Stangenbohne f bot. cook.
Stangenbohnen pl
runner bean Br.; pole bean
runner beans
Polacke m; Polackin f ugs. pej. (Pole, Polin) soc.
Polacken pl; Polackinnen pl
Polack Am. coll. pej. (Pole)
Stromabnehmerfänger m (Straßenbahn) electr.
Stromabnehmerfänger pl
pole retriever (streetcar)
pole retrievers
Wendeschalter m; Wechselschalter m electr.
Wendeschalter pl; Wechselschalter pl
pole-changing switch
pole-changing switches
Nordstern m; Polarstern m; Polaris m; Stella Polaris m astron.
North Star Northern Star; Pole Star; Polaris
Spieß m mil. hist.
Spieße pl
pike (wooden pole with a metal point)
Nordstern m; Polarstern m; Polaris m; Stella Polaris m astron.
North Star, Northern Star; Pole Star; Polaris
Startposition f
Startpositionen pl
erste Startposition
start position
start positions
pole position
Pollage-Erfassung f (Bahn)
induktive Pollage-Erfassung INPO
pole tracking (railway)
inductive pole tracking
Gerüststange f; Rüstbaum m constr.
scaffolding standard; trestle pole; gin pole Am.
Gegenpol m
Gegenpole pl
opposite pole; antipole
opposite poles; antipoles
Startplatz m astron. mil.
Startplatz m
vorderster Startplatz
launch pad; launchpad
launch site
pole position
Vereinnahmung f; Beschlagnahme f; Besetzung f (von etw.); Sich-Breitmachen n (an einem Ort)
Vereinnahmung Besetzung des Strandes
Blockieren der linken Fahrspur auto
Sich-Breitmachen an der Haltestange transp.
beach hogging
lane hogging
pole hogging
Stangentanz m; Tanz an der Stange m
pole dancing (activity); pole dance (set of movements)
Abspannmast m
Abspannmasten pl
span pole, dead-end tower
span poles, dead-end towers
Angelrute f
Angelruten pl
fishing rod, fishing pole
fishing rods, fishing poles
Fluchtstab m
Fluchtstäbe pl
ranging-rod, ranging-pole
ranging-rods, ranging-poles
Abspannmast m
Abspannmasten pl
span pole; dead-end tower
span poles; dead-end towers
Angelrute f
Angelruten pl
fishing rod; fishing pole
fishing rods; fishing poles
Pol m electr.
Pol mit Parallelogrammquerschnitt
Leitungsfestpunkt m
skewed pole
strutted pole; pole with line stays
Leitungsmast m electr. telco.
Leitungsmasten pl
line pole; utility pole Am.
line poles; utility poles
Stocknagel m (auf einem Wanderstock)
Stocknägel pl
hiking medallion (on a trekking pole)
hiking medallions
Himmelspol m astron.
mittlerer Himmelspol
wahrer Himmelspol
celestial pole
mean celestial pole
true celestial pole
Haltestange f (in einem öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel)
Haltestangen pl
grab pole; pole (on a public transport)
grab poles; poles
Minuspol m electr.
Batterie-Minuspol m
negative pole; negative terminal
battery negative terminal
Pluspol m electr.
Batterie-Pluspol m
positive pole; positive terminal
battery positive terminal
Banner n; Panier n obs. (Hoheitszeichen an einer Stange) hist.
das Banner einer Sache hochhalten
banner (standard on a pole)
to hold high the banner of sth.
(dekoratives) Endstück n einer Stange (Gardinenstange; Fahnenstange, Geländerpfosten, Zaun etc.)
finial (ornament at the end of a rod, rail, pole, fence etc.)
Betonmast m
Betonmasten pl
concrete pylon; concrete pole
concrete pylons; concrete poles
Lichtmast m auto
Lichtmasten pl
lighting pole; lighting column
lighting poles; lighting columns
Fahnenmast m, Fahnenstange f
Fahnenmasten pl, Fahnenstangen pl
flagstaff, flag pole, flagpole
flagstaffs, flag poles, flagpoles
Fahnenmast m; Fahnenstange f
Fahnenmasten pl; Fahnenstangen pl
flagstaff; flag pole; flagpole
flagstaffs; flag poles; flagpoles
Antarktis f (Gebiet um den Südpol) AQ geogr.
der Antarktis-Vertrag von 1959
Antarctic (region around the South Pole)
the Antarctic Treaty of 1959
Antarktis f (Gebiet um den Südpol) AQ geogr.
der Antarktis-Vertrag von 1959
Antarctic (region around the South Pole)
the Antarctic Treaty of 1959
Fahrleitungsmast m (Bahn)
Fahrleitungsmasten pl
railway pole; catenary support (railway)
railway poles; catenary supports
Fluchtstab m; Fluchtstange f; Mire f; Jalon m (Vermessungswesen)
Fluchtstäbe pl; Fluchtstangen pl; Miren pl; Jalons pl
range pole rod; ranging pole rod (surveying)
range poles rods; ranging poles rods
vorderster Startplatz m; beste Startposition f (bei einem Motorrennen) sport
eine führende dominante Stellung (auf einem Gebiet) einnehmen übtr.
pole position (in a motor race)
to occupy have a pole position (in an area) fig.
Überführungsmast m; Übergangsstange f (für oberirdische Elektroleitungen) electr.
Überführungsmasten pl; Übergangsstangen pl
distributing pole; junction pole (for overhead wiring)
distributing poles; junction poles
Transformator m, Umformer m
Transformatoren pl, Umformer pl
abgeschirmter Transformator
eisenkernloser Transformator
am Mast montierter Transformator
shielded transformer
air core transformer
pole-mounted transformer
Bootsstange f naut.
Bootsstangen pl
Sowas wie Dich würd' ich nicht mal mit 'ner Kneifzange anfassen. übtr.
quant; quant pole; barge pole
quants; quant poles; barge poles
I wouldn't touch you with a barge pole. fig.
seilverankert; (mit Seilen) verspannt; mit Seilverspannung (nachgestellt); abgespannt adj constr. techn.
verspannter Derrickkran; Derrick mit Seilverspannung
abgespannter Gittermast electr.
abgespannter Mast
abgespannter Turm (küstennahe Ölbohrungen)
guyed-mast derrick; guyed derrick
guyed lattice
guyed pole; guyed mast
guyed tower (offshore drilling)
Stangentanzlehrerin f; Lehrerin f für Stangentanz
Stangentanzlehrerinnen pl; Lehrerinnen pl für Stangentanz
pole dance dancing instructor; pole dance dancing teacher
pole dance dancing instructors; pole dance dancing teachers
Kabel n
Kabel pl
abgeschirmtes Kabel, geschirmtes Kabel
bewegliches Kabel
dreipoliges Kabel
festverlegtes Kabel
kautschuk-isoliertes Kabel
PVC-isoliertes Kabel
vieladrig ummanteltes Kabel
shielded cable, screened cable
mobile cable
three-pole cable
fixed installed cable
rubber insulated cable
PVC insulated cable
multicore jacketed cables
Messlatte f; Meßlatte f alt
Messlatten pl; Meßlatten pl
die Messlatte höher legen übtr.
yardstick; staff; measuring rod; measuring staff; surveyor's rod; ranging rod; range pole
yardsticks; staffs; measuring rods; measuring staffs; surveyor's rods; ranging rods; range poles
to raise the bar fig.
Messlatte f; Meßlatte f alt
Messlatten pl; Meßlatten pl
Reisemesslatte f
die Messlatte höher legen übtr.
yardstick; staff; measuring rod; measuring staff; surveyor's rod; ranging rod; range pole
yardsticks; staffs; measuring rods; measuring staffs; surveyor's rods; ranging rods; range poles
folding measuring rod
to raise the bar fig.
Wechselschalter m; Treppenschalter m (Beleuchtung) electr.
Wechselschalter pl; Treppenschalter pl
three-way switch; three-point switch; three-position switch Am.; single pole, double throw switch; SPDT switch (lighting)
three-way switches; three-point switches; three-position switches; single pole, double throw switches; SPDT switches
Kreuzschalter m electr.
Kreuzschalter pl
four-way switch; four-point switch Am.; intermediate switch; crossover switch; double pole, double throw switch; DPDT switch
four-way switches; four-point switches; intermediate switches; crossover switches; double pole, double throw switches; DPDT switches
Bohne f cook.
Bohnen pl
Stangenbohnen pl
Buschbohnen pl
Dickbohnen pl
gelbe Bohnen; Wachsbohnen pl
Perlbohnen pl
Pintobohnen pl
rote Bohnen
Trockenkochbohnen pl; Kernbohnen pl
weiße Bohnen
fadenlose Bohnen
climbing beans; pole beans Am.
bush beans
white kidney beans; cannellini beans Am.
wax beans
pearl beans
pinto beans
red kidney bean; red beans
dry beans
white pea beans; pea beans; haricot beans; navy beans Am.
stringless beans
Transformator m; Umformer m; Trafo m ugs. electr.
Transformatoren pl; Umformer pl; Trafos pl
abgeschirmter Transformator
Abspanntransformator m; Abwärtstransformator m; Abwärtstrafo m ugs.
Drehtransformator m; Drehregler m
eisenkernloser Transformator
unbedingter kurzschlussfester Transformator
am Mast montierter Transformator
shielded transformer
step-down transformer; reducing transformer; buck transformer
buck boost transformer
adjustable transformer; variable transformer
air core transformer
inherently short-circuit-proof transformer
pole-mounted transformer
Kabel n electr.
Kabel pl
abgeschirmtes Kabel; geschirmtes Kabel
armiertes Kabel
bewegliches Kabel
dreipoliges Kabel
festverlegtes Kabel
gemischtadriges Kabel; gemischtpaariges Kabel
kautschuk-isoliertes Kabel
PVC-isoliertes Kabel
stickstoffgefülltes Kabel; Stickstoffkabel n
vieladrig ummanteltes Kabel
vieradriges Kabel
Kabel ohne Geflecht
Kabel bespulen; mit Spulen versehen telco.
shielded cable; screened cable
armoured cable Br.; armored cable Am.
mobile cable
three-pole cable
fixed installed cable
composite cable
rubber insulated cable
PVC insulated cable
nitrogen-filled cable
multicore jacketed cables
quad cable
no-braiding cable
to coil-load cables; to load cables with coils
Leiter m; Leitung f; stromleitender Draht m (in einem Kabel) electr.
Erdungsleiter m; Erdungsleitung f; Schutzleiter m; Schutzleitung f
Lahnlitzenleiter m; Lahnleiter m; Lahnlitze f ugs.
Neutralleiter m; Neutralleitung f; Nullleiter m; Nulleitung f; Rückleiter m
mehrdrähtiger Leiter; mehrdrähtige Leitung; feindrähtiger Leiter; feindrähtige Leitung; Litzenleiter m; Litzenleitung f; Litze f ugs.
stromführender Leiter; stromführende Leitung; Außenleiter m; Außenleitung f; Phasenleiter m; Phasenleitung f; Phase f ugs.; Polleiter Schw.
electrically conducting wire; wire; conductor (in a cable)
earth wire Br.; earth Br. coll.; grounding wire Am.; ground wire Am.; grounding conductor Am.
tinsel wire; tinsel conductor
neutral wire; neutral conductor; neutral; return wire
stranded wire; stranded conductor
live wire; live conductor; line conductor; phase wire; phase conductor; pole conductor former name
verrückt; wahnsinnig; übergeschnappt; durchgeknallt; behämmert; bekloppt Dt.; bescheuert Dt.; nicht bei Verstand; nicht ganz bei Trost; nicht ganz dicht; plemplem; meschugge adj ugs. (Person)
am verrücktesten
völlig bekloppt; völlig bescheuert
verrückt werden; durchdrehen
völlig verrückt sein; durchgeknallt sein
wie verrückt
jdn. ganz verrückt machen; jdn. wahnsinnig machen
Bist du verrückt?; Bist du wahnsinnig?; Du bist wohl nicht ganz bei Trost nicht ganz richtig im Kopf!
Bist Du noch bei Trost?
Du bist nicht ganz dicht, wenn du glaubst, dass ich das tu.
Er sah mich an, als wäre ich nicht ganz dicht.
crazy; mad; bonkers; cuckoo; not all there; off your rocker; out of your head; batty Br.; potty Br.; off your head Br.; off your nut Br.; round the twist Br.; up the pole Br. coll. (of a person)
batshit; batshit crazy Am. vulg.
to go crazy; to go cuckoo; to go potty Br.
to be (as) mad as a hatter coll.
like crazy
to drive sb. crazy batty Br. round the twist Br.
Are you crazy?
Have you lost your mind?
You must be off your rocker if you think I'm going to do that!
He looked at me as if I was off my nut.
Kabel n comp. electr. telco.
Kabel pl
abgeschirmtes Kabel; geschirmtes Kabel
armiertes Kabel
Datenkabel n comp.
dreipoliges Kabel
festverlegtes Kabel
gemischtadriges Kabel; gemischtpaariges Kabel
Hochspannungskabel n; Starkstromkabel n
Installationskabel n
kautschuk-isoliertes Kabel
PVC-isoliertes Kabel
stickstoffgefülltes Kabel; Stickstoffkabel n
Stromkabel n
Verbundkabel n
vieladrig ummanteltes Kabel
vieradriges Kabel
Kabel für Mobilgeräte
Kabel ohne Geflecht
Abmanteln eines Kabels
Kabel bespulen; mit Spulen versehen telco.
ein Kabel abisolieren abmanteln freilegen
shielded cable; screened cable
armoured cable Br.; armored cable Am.
data cable
three-pole cable
fixed installed cable
mixed-core cable
high-voltage power cable; high-voltage cable; HV cable
house wiring cable
rubber insulated cable
PVC insulated cable
nitrogen-filled cable
power cable; electrical cable; electricity cable Br.
compound cable; composite cable; combination cable; hybrid cable
multicore jacketed cables
quad cable
mobile cable
no-braiding cable
stripping of a cable
to coil-load cables; to load cables with coils
to strip skin bare a cable

Deutsche Pfahl Stange Synonyme

Mast  ÂPfahl  ÂPfeiler  ÂPfosten  ÂStab  ÂStange  
Pfahl  ÂPfeiler  ÂPflock  
Massenware  Âserienmäßig  produziert  Âvon  der  Stange  
Rute  ÂStab  ÂStange  ÂStecken  ÂStock  
Pfahl  Pfeiler  Pflock  

Englische pole Synonyme

pole  China  Darkest Africa  God knows where  Greenland  Maypole  N pole  North Pole  Outer Mongolia  Pago Pago  Pillars of Hercules  S pole  Siberia  South Pole  Thule  Tierra del Fuego  Timbuktu  Ultima Thule  Yukon  acme  advance  all over  antenna tower  antipodal points  antipodes  antipoints  antipoles  apex  apogee  arbor  at odds  at opposite extremes  axis  axle  axle bar  axle shaft  axle spindle  axle-tree  baluster  balustrade  banister  bar  barbican  bare pole  base  beam  beanpole  belfry  bell tower  billet  bitter end  black and white  board  boarding  bottom dollar  boundary  bowl  brow  bunt  butt  butt end  campanile  cap  caryatid  clapboard  climax  cloud nine  colonnade  colossus  column  contraposita  contrapositives  contraries  cord  cordwood  counterpoles  crest  crown  culmen  culmination  cupola  dado  deal  derrick  die  distaff  dome  driftwood  drive  edge  end  everywhere  extreme  extreme limit  extremity  fag end  far and wide  farthest bound  fire tower  firewood  flagstaff  footstalk  forward  frontier  fulcrum  gimbal  godforsaken place  gudgeon  hardwood  heaven  heavens  height  high and low  high noon  highest pitch  highest point  hinge  hingle  hub  impel  irreconcilable  jack  jumping-off place  lantern  lath  lathing  lathwork  lighthouse  limit  log  lumber  magnetic axis  magnetic pole  mandrel  martello  martello tower  mast  maximum  meridian  minaret  monument  mountaintop  move  nave  ne plus ultra  negative pole  newel-post  nib  night and day  no place higher  noon  north pole  nowhere  oar  oarlock  obelisk  observation tower  opposite poles  opposites  outback  outer space  outpost  outskirts  paddle  pagoda  panelboard  paneling  panelwork  peak  pedal  pedestal  pedicel  peduncle  pier  pilaster  pile  piling  pillar  pin  pinnacle  pintle  pitch  pivot  plank  planking  plinth  plyboard  plywood  point  polar opposites  polarity  polarization  poles  poles apart  positive pole  post  propel  puncheon  push  p  
pole vault  Highland fling  and jump  bounce  bound  broad jump  buck  buckjump  capriole  curvet  demivolt  flying jump  galliard  gelandesprung  grand jete  handspring  high jump  hippety-hop  hop  hurdle  jete  jig  jump  jump shot  jump turn  jump-hop  jump-off  lavolta  leap  leapfrog  long jump  morris  pounce  running broad jump  running high jump  saut de basque  ski jump  skip  spring  steeplechase  tour jete  upleap  upspring  vault  
polecat  Cape polecat  animal  ape  bar  bear  beast  cavy  chimp  chimpanzee  coon  cur  dog  ferret  foumart  glutton  groundhog  guinea pig  hedgehog  hound  hyena  insect  mongrel  monk  monkey  mousehound  opossum  pig  porcupine  possum  prairie dog  quill pig  raccoon  reptile  rotten egg  serpent  skunk  snake  stink ball  stink bomb  stinkard  stinker  stinkpot  swine  varmint  vermin  viper  weasel  whelp  whistle-pig  wolverine  woodchuck  worm  zoril  
polemic  Kilkenny cats  Philadelphia lawyer  altercation  apologetics  apologia  apologist  apology  arguer  argufier  argument  argumentation  bicker  bickering  blood feud  brawl  broil  casuist  casuistry  cat-and-dog life  combat  conflict  contention  contentiousness  contest  contestation  controversialist  controversy  cut and thrust  debate  debater  defense  disceptator  disputant  disputation  dispute  donnybrook  donnybrook fair  embroilment  enmity  feud  fight  fighting  fliting  flyting  fracas  fuss  guardhouse lawyer  hassle  hostility  hubbub  imbroglio  litigation  logomacher  logomachist  logomachy  mooter  open quarrel  paper war  passage of arms  pilpulist  polemicist  polemics  polemist  quarrel  quarreling  quarrelsomeness  rhubarb  scrapping  set-to  sharp words  slanging match  snarl  spat  squabble  squabbling  strife  struggle  tiff  tussle  vendetta  verbal engagement  war  war of words  warfare  words  wrangle  wrangler  wrangling  
polemical  aggressive  argumental  argumentative  bellicose  belligerent  bickering  cat-and-dog  cat-and-doggish  combative  contentious  controversial  dialectic  disputatious  divisive  eristic  factional  factious  ill-humored  irascible  irritable  litigious  logomachic  partisan  pilpulistic  polarizing  polemic  pro and con  pugnacious  quarrelsome  scrappy  shrewish  wrangling  
poles apart  assorted  at odds  at opposite extremes  at variance  back to back  contrariwise  contrary  contrasted  contrasting  counter  departing  deviating  deviative  different  differentiated  differing  disaccordant  disagreeing  discordant  discrepant  discrete  discriminated  disjoined  disparate  dissimilar  dissonant  distinct  distinguished  divergent  diverging  divers  diverse  diversified  eyeball to eyeball  face to face  heterogeneous  in disagreement  inaccordant  incompatible  incongruous  inconsistent  inconsonant  inharmonious  irreconcilable  just opposite  many  motley  multifarious  nose to nose  opposite  poles asunder  separate  separated  several  unconformable  unequal  unlike  variant  varied  variegated  various  varying  vis-a-vis  widely apart  worlds apart  
polestar  Aldebaran  Canicula  Dog Star  Hesper  Hesperus  Lucifer  North Star  Phosphor  Phosphorus  Polaris  Sirius  Venus  Vesper  artificial magnet  bar magnet  celestial body  center of attraction  center of consciousness  center of interest  comet  cynosure  daystar  electromagnetic lifting magnet  evening star  field magnet  fixed stars  focal point  focus  focus of attention  guiding star  heart  heavenly body  horseshoe magnet  hub  living sapphires  lodestar  lodestone  magnet  magnetic needle  magnetite  morning star  nerve center  orb  paramagnet  point of convergence  polar star  prime focus  seat  solenoid  sphere  starry host  stars  

Pole Definition

(n.) A pole for supporting a scaffold.
(n.) A native or inhabitant of Poland
(n.) A long, slender piece of wood
(n.) A measuring stick
(v. t.) To furnish with poles for support
(v. t.) To convey on poles
(v. t.) To impel by a pole or poles, as a boat.
(v. t.) To stir, as molten glass, with a pole.
(n.) Either extremity of an axis of a sphere
(n.) A point upon the surface of a sphere equally distant from every part of the circumference of a great circle
(n.) One of the opposite or contrasted parts or directions in which a polar force is manifested
(n.) The firmament
(n.) See Polarity, and Polar, n.

Pole Bedeutung

pole horse
a draft horse harnessed alongside the shaft or pole of a vehicle
pole horse the horse having a starting position next to the inside rail in a harness race
barge pole a long pole used to propel or guide a barge, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole
fishing rod
fishing pole
a rod of wood or steel or fiberglass that is used in fishing to extend the fishing line
hop pole a tall pole to support the wires on which the hop plant is trained
negative magnetic pole
negative pole
south-seeking pole
the pole of a magnet that points toward the south when the magnet is suspended freely
negative pole the terminal of a battery that is connected to the negative plate
pole a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic
pole magnetic pole one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated
pole a long fiberglass sports implement used for pole vaulting
positive pole
positive magnetic pole
north-seeking pole
the pole of a magnet that points toward the north when the magnet is suspended freely
positive pole the terminal of a battery that is connected to the positive plate
range pole
ranging pole
surveying instrument consisting of a straight rod painted in bands of alternate red and white each one foot wide, used for sightings by surveyors
ski pole a pole with metal points used as an aid in skiing
telephone pole
telegraph pole
telegraph post
tall pole supporting telephone wires
terminal pole a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves
totem pole a tribal emblem consisting of a pillar carved and painted with totemic figures, erected by Indian tribes of the northwest Pacific coast
pole one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions, they are at opposite poles, they are poles apart
barber's pole striped pole outside a barbershop
pole vault
pole vaulting
pole jump
pole jumping
a competition that involves jumping over a high crossbar with the aid of a long pole
magnetic pole either of two points where the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field are vertical
north celestial pole the celestial pole above the northern hemisphere, near Polaris
North Pole the northernmost point of the Earth's axis
pole one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface
pole celestial pole one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere
pole position the most favorable position at the start of a race
South Pole the southernmost point of the Earth's axis
south celestial pole the celestial pole above the southern hemisphere
North Star
pole star
polar star
the brightest star in Ursa Minor, at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper, the northern axis of the earth points toward it
Pole a native or inhabitant of Poland
pole vaulter
pole jumper
an athlete who jumps over a high crossbar with the aid of a long pole
pole bean a climbing bean plant that will climb a wall or tree or trellis
perch rod pole a square rod of land
perch rod pole a linear measure of . feet
pole deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole
pole support on poles, pole climbing plants like beans
propel with a pole, pole barges on the river, We went punting in Cambridge
having a long handle
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