
Pop Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Popcorn n, Puffmais m cook.
Mais m; Kukuruz m Ös.; Welschkorn n ugs.; türkischer Weizen m; Türken m Liecht. ugs. (Zea mays subsp. mays) bot. agr.
Hartmais m (Zea mays var. indurata)
Puffmais m (Zea mays var. everta)
Spelzmais m (Zea mays var. tunicata)
Stärkemais m (Zea mays var. amylacea)
Wachsmais m (Zea mays var. ceratina)
Zahnmais m (Zea mays var. indentata)
Ziermais m (Zea mays var. japonica)
Zuckermais m (Zea mays var. saccharata)
Mais als Gericht cook.
maize Br.; corn Am.; mealie coll.
flint corn
pod corn
flour corn
waxy corn
dent corn
striped maize; ornamental maize
sweet corn
Popcorn n; Puffmais m cook.
Schroteffekt m; Schottky-Effekt m electr.
ungeschwächter Schroteffekt; ungeschwächtesw Schrotrauschen
Schottky effect; shot effect; popcorn effect Am.
full shot effect; full shot noise
Schrotrauschen n electr.
Schottky noise; shot noise; popcorn noise Am.
etw. tauschen; eintauschen; austauschen v
tauschend; eintauschend; austauschend
getauscht; eingetauscht; ausgetauscht
mit jdm. etw. tauschen
etw. gegen etw. tauschen eintauschen
mit jdm. Platz die Plätze tauschen
Rezepte Geschichten austauschen
Er hat mit seiner Schwester den Nachtisch getauscht.; Er und seine Schwester haben Nachtisch getauscht.
Ich tausche mein Brot gegen dein Popcorn.
to swap; to swop Br. sth.
swaping; swoping
swapped; swopped
to swap sth. with sb.
to swap sth. for sth.
to swap places seats with sb.
to swap recipes stories
He swapped desserts with his sister.; He and his sister swapped desserts.
I'll swap my sandwich for your popcorn.; I'll swap you my sandwich for your popcorn.
Mais m; Kukuruz m Ös.; Welschkorn n ugs.; türkischer Weizen m; Türken m Lie. ugs. (Zea mays subsp. mays) bot. agr.
Hartmais m (Zea mays var. indurata)
Puffmais m (Zea mays var. everta)
Spelzmais m (Zea mays var. tunicata)
Stärkemais m (Zea mays var. amylacea)
Wachsmais m (Zea mays var. ceratina)
Zahnmais m (Zea mays var. indentata)
Ziermais m (Zea mays var. japonica)
Zuckermais m (Zea mays var. saccharata)
Mais als Gericht cook.
maize Br.; corn Am.; mealie coll.
flint corn
pod corn
flour corn
waxy corn
dent corn
striped maize; ornamental maize
sweet corn
Schroteffekt m; Schottky-Effekt m electr.
ungeschwächter Schroteffekt; ungeschwächtes Schrotrauschen
Schottky effect; shot effect; popcorn effect Am.
full shot effect; full shot noise
ganz zufällig auf etw. stoßen v
Wilbur Shucks entdeckte ganz zufällig das Popcorn.
to blunder into sth. fig.
Wilbur Shucks blundered into the discovery of popcorn.
etw. (physisch) tauschen; austauschen v (ohne kommerziellen Hintergrund)
tauschend; austauschend
getauscht; ausgetauscht
mit jdm. etw. tauschen
etw. gegen etw. tauschen eintauschen
mit jdm. Platz die Plätze tauschen
Rezepte Geschichten austauschen
Er hat mit seiner Schwester den Nachtisch getauscht.; Er und seine Schwester haben Nachtisch getauscht.
Ich tausche mein Brot gegen dein Popcorn.
Sie wollte beim Fenster sitzen, also haben wir Platz getauscht.
Sollen wir Ponys tauschen?; Wollen wir Ponys tauschen?
Drinnen tauschte ich meine Stiefel gegen ein Paar Turnschuhe.
to swap; to swop Br. sth. (physically exchange without commercial motivation)
swaping; swoping
swapped; swopped
to swap sth. with sb.
to swap sth. for sth.
to swap places seats with sb.
to swap recipes stories; to exchange recipes stories
He swapped desserts with his sister.; He and his sister swapped desserts.
I'll swap my sandwich for your popcorn.; I'll swap you my sandwich for your popcorn.
She wanted the window seat, so we swapped swapped over. Br.
Do you want to swap ponies?
Inside I swapped my boots for a pair of training shoes.
Papst m, Pontifex (maximus) m
Päpste pl
Pope, Catholic Pope, Pontiff
Dummkopf m; Esel m; Dussel m Dt.; Dämlack m Dt.; Döskopp m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dödel n Mitteldt. BW; Depp m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Dodel m Ös.; Wappler m Ös.; Hiefler m Ös.; Tubel m Schw.; Dubel m Schw.; Tschumpel m Schw.; Lööli m Schw.; Narr m geh. (veraltend); Tor m poet. obs.
der größte Dummkopf von allen
Man sollte sich nicht blind in (so) eine Sache stürzen.
Das ist eine Hau-Ruck-Aktion Ho-Ruck-Aktion!
Sei doch nicht dumm!
Er ist von Natur aus dumm.
fool; jerk; clod; clodhopper; dolt; clot Br.; charlie Br.; plonker Br.; prat Br.; schnook Am.; schmuck Am.; tomfool (old-fashioned)
the biggest greatest fool of all
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. prov. (Alexander Pope)
Fools rush in!
Don't be a fool!
He is a born fool.
Konklave n (Kardinalsversammlung zur Papstwahl) rel.
Konklaven pl
conclave (meeting of cardinals for election of pope)
Papst; Pontifex (maximus) m relig.
Päpste pl
Was denn sonst?; Dreimal darfst du raten!
Pope; pontiff
Is the Pope (a) Catholic?
Papstmacher m pol.
Pontifikat n m (Amt oder Amtszeit des Papstes selten auch eines Bischofs) relig.
pontificate (position or period of being Pope or rarely of being bishop)
'Der Lockenraub' (von Pope Werktitel) lit.
'The Rape of the Lock' (by Pope work title)
Dummkopf m; Schwachkopf m; Schwachmat m; Hohlkopf m; Hohlbirne f; Blödian m; Esel m; Hornochse m; Dussel m Dt.; Dämlack m Dt.; Doofmann m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Döskopp m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dösbattel m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dämel m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dämlack m Norddt. Mittelostdt.; Dummerjan m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Spacken m; Dödel n Mitteldt. BW; Depp m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Dummian m Bayr. Ös.; Dodel m Ös.; Dulle m Südostös.; Wappler m Ös.; Hiefler m Ös.; Tubel m Schw.; Dubel m Schw.; Tschumpel m Schw.; Lööli m Schw.; Narr m geh. veraltend; Tor m poet. obs. pej.
Dummköpfe pl; Schwachköpfe pl; Schwachmaten pl; Hohlköpfe pl; Hohlbirnen pl; Blödiane pl; Esel pl; Hornochsen pl; Dussel pl; Dämlacke pl; Doofmänner pl; Dösköppe pl; Dösbattel pl; Dämel pl; Dämlacke pl; Dummerjane pl; Spacken pl; Dödel pl; Deppen pl; Dummiane pl; Dodel pl; Dullen pl; Wappler pl; Hiefler pl; Tubel pl; Dubel pl; Tschumpel pl; Lööli pl; Narren pl; Tore pl
der größte Dummkopf von allen
Man sollte sich nicht blind in (so) eine Sache stürzen.
Das ist eine Hau-Ruck-Aktion Ho-Ruck-Aktion!
Sei doch nicht dumm!
Er ist von Natur aus dumm.
fool; jerk; airhead; clod; clodhopper; dimwit; nitwit; halfwit; loon; dolt; clot Br.; charlie Br.; plonker Br.; prat Br.; boob Am.; poop Am.; schnook Am.; schmuck Am.; gump Am. ninny dated; tomfool dated
fools; jerks; airheads; clods; clodhoppers; dimwits; nitwits; halfwits; loons; dolts; clots; charlies; plonkers; prats; boobs; poops; schnooks; schmucks; gumps; ninnies; tomfools
the biggest greatest fool of all
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. prov. (Alexander Pope)
Fools rush in!
Don't be a fool!
He is a born fool.
Konklave n (Kardinalsversammlung zur Papstwahl) relig.
Konklaven pl
conclave (meeting of cardinals for election of pope)
Papst m; Pontifex m (maximus) relig.
Päpste pl
Was denn sonst?; Dreimal darfst du raten!
Pope; pontiff
Is the Pope (a) Catholic?
Papstamt n; päpstliches Amt n; Papat n relig.
papacy; office of the Pope
Pontifikat n,m (Amt oder Amtszeit des Papstes, selten auch eines Bischofs) relig.
Pontifikat des Papstes; Amtszeit des Papstes
pontificate (position or period of being Pope, or rarely of being bishop)
pontificate of the Pope; papacy; tenure of office of the Pope
päpstlich; Papst… adj relig.
päpstliche Kommission
päpstlicher Besuch; Besuch des Papstes
päpstliches Siegel
Papstname m
päpstlicher als der Papst sein
papal; pontifical
papal commission; pontifical commission
papal visit; pontifical visit
papal seal; pontifical seal
papal name; pontifical name
to be more Catholic papal papist than the Pope; to be more royalist royal than the King Br.
'Der Lockenraub' (von Pope Werktitel) lit.
'The Rape of the Lock' (by Pope work title)
Kindergewehr n
tot umfallen v (plötzlich sterben)
tot umfallend
tot umgefallen
Sie sah aus als würde sie jeden Moment umfallen.
to drop down dead; to pop off; to peg out Br. (die suddenly)
dropping down dead; poping off; pegging out
dropped down dead; popped off; pegged out
She looked as if she might peg out any moment.
Lackaffe m; Geck m ugs. pej.
popinjay coll. (old-fashioned)
Schönling m; Adonis m; eitler Geck m; eitler Pfau m; Lackaffe m; feiner Pinkel m Dt.; Fatzke m Dt. ugs.; Beau m veraltend; Dandy m veraltend; Fant m veraltet; Stutzer m veraltet
Schönlinge pl; Adonise pl; eitle Gecken pl; eitle Pfauen pl; Lackaffen pl; feine Pinkel pl; Fatzken pl; Beaus pl; Dandys pl; Fante pl; Stutzer pl
fop; beau; dandy Am. becoming dated; popinjay dated
fops; beaus; dandies; popinjays
Pappel f bot.
Schwarzpappel f (Populus nigra) bot.
Schwarzpappeln pl
black poplar
black poplars
Silberpappel f bot.
Silberpappeln pl
white poplar
white poplars
Zitterpappel f bot.
Zitterpappeln pl
trembling poplar
trembling poplars
trembling poplar
white poplar
Pappeln pl (Populus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weißpappel f; Silberpappel f (Populus alba)
Schwarzpappel f; Saarbaum m (Populus nigra)
Amerikanische Schwarzpappel; Kanadische Schwarzpappel; Rosenkranzpappel (Populus deltoides)
Frémont-Pappel f (Populus fremontii)
Zitterpappel f; Espe f; Aspe f (Populus tremula)
Italienische Pappel f; Pyramidenpappel f; Säulenpappel f; Spitzpappel f (Populus nigra 'Italica')
Berliner Lorbeerpappel; Berliner Pappel (Populus × berolinensis)
poplars; aspens and cottonwoods (botanical genus)
white poplar
black poplar
Eastern cottonwood
Fremont cottonwood; Alamo cottonwood
trembling poplar; aspen; common aspen; quaking aspen; Eurasian European aspen
true Lombardy poplar
Berlin laurel poplar; Berlin poplar
Pappelschwärmer m (Falter) zool.
poplar hawkmoth (Laothoe populi)
Pappeln pl (Populus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weißpappel f; Silberpappel f (Populus alba)
Schwarzpappel f; Saarbaum m (Populus nigra)
Amerikanische Schwarzpappel; Kanadische Schwarzpappel; Rosenkranzpappel (Populus deltoides)
Frémont-Pappel f (Populus fremontii)
Zitterpappel f; Espe f; Aspe f (Populus tremula)
Italienische Pappel f; Pyramidenpappel f; Säulenpappel f; Spitzpappel f (Populus nigra 'Italica')
Berliner Lorbeerpappel; Berliner Pappel (Populus × berolinensis)
poplars; aspens and cottonwoods (botanical genus)
white poplar
black poplar
Eastern cottonwood
Fremont cottonwood; Alamo cottonwood
trembling poplar; aspen; common aspen; quaking aspen; Eurasian European aspen
true Lombardy poplar
Berlin laurel poplar; Berlin poplar
white poplars
Popelin m, Popeline f
Popelin m; Popeline f textil.
Thrombose f; Blutpfropfbildung f med.
Thrombosen pl
tiefe Beinvenenthrombose
tiefe Venenthrombose TVT ; Phlebothrombose
1-Etagen-TVT; 1-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
2-Etagen-TVT; 2-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
3-Etagen-TVT; 3-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
4-Etagen-TVT; 4-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
thrombosis; thrombose
deep vein thrombosis DVT of the leg
deep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis DVT
isolated calf DVT; DVT of the calf veins
popliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving the calf and popliteal vessels
femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, and femoral vessels
iliofemoral, femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, femoral, and iliac vessels
'Die Krönung der Poppea' (von Monteverdi Werktitel) mus.
'The Coronation of Poppea' (by Monteverdi work title)
'Die Krönung der Poppea' (von Monteverdi Werktitel) mus.
'The Coronation of Poppea' (by Monteverdi work title)
(plötzlich) auftauchen v
to pop up
popping up
popped up
hervorholen v
holt hervor
holte hervor
to fetch, to pop
fetching, popping
fetched, popped
fetches, pops
fetched, popped
hervorholen; herausholen v
hervorholend; herausholend
hervorgeholt; herausgeholt
holt hervor; holt heraus
holte hervor; holte heraus
to fetch; to pop
fetching; popping
fetched; popped
fetches; pops
fetched; popped
etw. platzen lassen v
platzen lassend
platzen lassen
Er ließ seinen Luftballon platzen.
to pop sth.
He popped his balloon.
sich etw. einwerfen v; etw. einwerfen v (Pillen usw.) ugs. pharm.
sich einwerfend; einwerfend
sich eingeworfen; eingeworfen
to throw in sth.; to pop in sth. (pills etc.) coll.
throwing in; popping in
thrown in; popped in
Druckknopf m textil.
Druckknöpfe pl
patent fastener; press stud Br.; popper Br.; snap fastener Am.; snap Am.
patent fasteners; press studs; poppers; snap fasteners; snaps
Bewährbarkeit f (Popper) phil.
corroborability (Popper)
Hypothese f; Annahme f; Vermutung f
Hypothesen pl; Annahmen pl
zulässige Hypothese
bewährbare Hypothese (Popper)
Riemann'sche Vermutung; Riemann'sche Hypothese math.
von einer Hypothese Annahme ausgehen
admissible hypothesis
corroborable hypothesis (Popper)
ad hoc hypothesis
Riemann hypothesis
to entertain a hypothesis
Docke f (einer Drehbank) techn.
poppet head
Püppchen n
Schnüffelventil n
Schnüffelventile pl
poppet valve
poppet valves
Süße m f , Süßer, Schätzchen n ugs.
Hallo Süße!, Hallo Süßer!
echt süß sein
Sie ist so süß., Er ist so süß.
sweetie, poppet, honey, cutie coll.
Hey cutie!
to be a real cutie
She is such a cutie., He is such a cutie.
Auslaufschnüffelventil n techn.
Auslaufschnüffelventile pl
outflow poppet valve
outflow poppet valves
Süße m f; Süßer; Schätzchen n ugs.
Hallo Süße!; Hallo Süßer!
echt süß sein
Sie ist so süß.; Er ist so süß.
sweetie; poppet; honey; cutie coll.
Hey cutie!
to be a real cutie
She is such a cutie.; He is such a cutie.
Tellerventil n
Tellerventile pl
poppet valve
poppet valves
Reitstock m; Spannbock m; Werkstückspanner m (Drehbank) techn.
Reitstöcke pl; Spannböcke pl; Werkstückspanner pl
tailstock; poppet (lathe)
tailstocks; poppets
Süße m,f; Süßer; Schätzchen n ugs.
Hallo Süße!; Hallo Süßer!
echt süß sein
Sie ist so süß.; Er ist so süß.
sweetie; poppet; honey; cutie coll.
Hey cutie!
to be a real cutie
She is such a cutie.; He is such a cutie.

Deutsche Popcorn {n} Puffmais {m} [cook.] Synonyme

cook up  ad-lib  angle  beget  breed  brew  bring forth  bring into being  cabal  call into being  
cook  KO  abigail  adulterate  amah  au pair girl  ayah  bake  baker  ball up  

Englische popcorn Synonyme

pop  Babbittish  Babbittry  Methuselah  Philistine  abba  abruptly  alcoholic drink  antediluvian  antique  back number  bad taste  bag  ballad  balloon  bang  bark  belly  belly out  beverage  bilge  billow  blast  bouge  bourgeois  bourgeois taste  bug  bulge  bump  burst  camp  campiness  campy  catch  chink  click  clink  clop  clump  clunk  common  commonplace  conservative  crack  crump  dad  daddy  dash  detonate  detonation  dilate  ding  dip  discharge  distend  dodo  drink  drinkable  dull thud  elder  explode  explosion  father  flick  flump  fogy  fossil  foster father  frosted  frosted shake  fud  fuddy-duddy  fulminate  fulmination  fusillade  general  genitor  go  go off  goggle  governor  granny  gunshot  has-been  hastily  high camp  high-camp  hit  hit tune  hock  homely  homespun  impetuously  impignorate  impropriety  impulsively  inappropriateness  indecency  indecorousness  indecorum  indelicacy  inelegance  inelegancy  kitsch  kitschy  light music  like a flash  like a thunderbolt  liquid  liquor  longhair  low camp  low-camp  malt  matriarch  mid-Victorian  mortgage  mossback  nail  of a sudden  old  old believer  old crock  old dodo  old fogy  old liner  old man  old poop  old woman  old-timer  on short notice  ordinary  pa  pad  pap  papa  pappy  pat  pater  paterfamilias  patriarch  patter  philistinism  pitapat  pitter-patter  plebeian  pledge  plop  plump  plunk  pooch  poor taste  pop culture  pop music  pops  popular  popular music  popular song  potable  potation  pouch  pout  precipitantly  precipitately  precipitously  public  rap  reactionary  regular old fogy  relic  round out  salvo  shake  sharp  shot  sire  slap  slog  smack  smite  sock  soda  soda pop  soda water  soft drink  song hit  spout  square  stab  stagger  starets  startlingly  stepfather  sudden  suddenly  surprisingly  swat  swell  swell out  tap  tastelessness  the old man  thud  thump  tick  tinkle  tonic  traditionalist  try  tunk  unaestheticism  unaestheticnes  
pop culture  Babbittry  bad taste  bourgeois taste  camp  campiness  high camp  impropriety  inappropriateness  indecency  indecorousness  indecorum  indelicacy  inelegance  inelegancy  kitsch  low camp  philistinism  poor taste  pop  tastelessness  unaestheticism  unaestheticness  unbecomingness  unfittingness  unseemliness  unsuitability  unsuitableness  vulgar taste  vulgarism  vulgarity  vulgarness  
pop in  admit  barge in  be admitted  break in  breeze in  burst in  bust in  call  come barging in  come breezing in  come busting in  come by  come in  come over  creep in  cross the threshold  crowd in  drop  drop in  ease in  edge in  enter  gain admittance  get in  go in  go into  have an entree  have an in  hop in  infuse  inject  inoculate  insert  insinuate  interject  introduce  intromit  intrude  irrupt  jam in  jump in  look in  pack in  perfuse  press in  push in  put in  set foot in  set in  slip in  squeeze in  step in  stick in  stop by  take in  throw in  thrust in  tuck in  visit  wedge in  whip in  work in  
pop off  blow  buy it  cash in  check in  check out  croak  die  drop off  exit  get away  get off  go  go west  have it  kick in  kick off  kick the bucket  knock off  leave  pass  pass away  pass out  peg out  perish  pipe off  pull out  retire  run along  shove off  step off  succumb  take off  
pop up  accomplish  achieve  appear  appear unexpectedly  approach  arise  arrive  arrive at  arrive in  attain  attain to  be received  be unexpected  bechance  befall  betide  blow in  bob up  break forth  break water  burst forth  chance  check in  clock in  come  come along  come forth  come in  come into being  come into existence  come on  come to  come to hand  come unawares  come upon  creep up on  crop up  debouch  draw on  erupt  fall upon  fetch  fetch up at  find  flare up  flash  flash upon one  float up  fly up  fountain  gain  get in  get there  get to  gleam  gush  hap  happen  happen along  happen by chance  hazard  hit  hit town  irrupt  jet  jump up  leap up  make  make it  materialize  pounce upon  present itself  pull in  punch in  reach  ring in  rocket  roll in  shoot up  show up  sign in  skyrocket  spring up  spurt  start up  surface  time in  turn up  upleap  upshoot  upspear  upspring  upstart  vault up  
pope  Grand Penitentiary  Holy Father  abuna  antipope  archbishop  archdeacon  archpriest  bishop  bishop coadjutor  canon  cardinal  cardinal bishop  cardinal deacon  cardinal priest  chaplain  coadjutor  curate  dean  diocesan  ecclesiarch  exarch  hierarch  high priest  metropolitan  papa  patriarch  penitentiary  pontiff  prebendary  prelate  primate  rector  rural dean  subdean  suffragan  vicar  
popeyed  agape  aghast  agog  all agog  amazed  astonished  astounded  at gaze  awed  awestruck  beguiled  bellied  bewildered  bewitched  breathless  bug-eyed  bulged  captivated  cockeyed  confounded  cross-eyed  dumbfounded  dumbstruck  enchanted  enraptured  enravished  enthralled  entranced  exophthalmic  fascinated  flabbergasted  gaping  gauping  gazing  glare-eyed  goggle  goggled  hypnotized  in awe  in awe of  lost in wonder  marveling  mesmerized  monocular  moon-eyed  one-eyed  open-eyed  openmouthed  overwhelmed  pouched  puzzled  rapt in wonder  saucer-eyed  spellbound  staggered  staring  stupefied  surprised  swivel-eyed  swollen  thunderstruck  tumescent  tumid  tumorous  turgescent  turgid  under a charm  ventricose  walleyed  wide-eyed  wonder-struck  wondering  
popeyes  baby blues  banjo eyes  bright eyes  bug-eyes  clear eyes  cockeyes  cornea  cross-eyes  eye  eyeball  eyelid  goggle eyes  iris  lens  lid  naked eye  nictitating membrane  oculus  optic  optic nerve  orb  organ of vision  peeper  pupil  retina  saucer eyes  sclera  squint eyes  starry orbs  swivel eyes  unaided eye  visual organ  walleyes  
popover  Danish  Danish pastry  English muffin  Parker House roll  Yorkshire pudding  bagel  bialy  bialystoker  bun  clover-leaf roll  coffee cake  crescent roll  croissant  cross bun  crumpet  gem  hard roll  hot cross bun  kaiser roll  muffin  onion roll  pinwheel roll  roll  scone  soft roll  
popping  banging  blasting  bursting  busy  cracking  crashing  exploding  explosive  flapping  fussy  hopping  humming  hustling  knocking  lively  rapping  slapping  slatting  tapping  
poppycock  baloney  bilge  blah  blah-blah  bop  bosh  bull  bullshit  bunk  bunkum  chick  crap  flapdoodle  gal  gas  guff  gup  hogwash  hokum  hooey  hot air  lady friend  lass  malarkey  moonshine  mouse  piffle  rot  scat  shit  tommyrot  tripe  wind  
populace  Everyman  John Doe  Public  body politic  bourgeoisie  canaille  citizenry  common man  commonage  commonalty  commoners  commonwealth  community  community at large  constituency  crowd  cultural community  dwellers  estate  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  folk  folks  general public  gentry  habitancy  hoi polloi  inhabitants  linguistic community  masses  men  mob  multitude  nation  nationality  peasantry  people  people at large  people in general  persons  plebeians  plebes  polity  population  proletariat  public  rabble  ragtag and bobtail  rank and file  society  speech community  state  third estate  throng  whole people  working class  world  you and me  
popular  Babbittish  Philistine  accepted  accessible  acclaimed  accustomed  admired  admitted  adored  advocated  all the rage  all the thing  amateur  applauded  approved  associated  average  backed  beloved  besetting  bourgeois  campy  celebrated  cherished  civil  collective  collectivistic  common  commonplace  communal  communistic  commutual  conformable  congregational  conjoint  consuetudinary  conventional  cooperative  coveted  cried up  current  customary  darling  dear  dearly beloved  desired  distinguished  dominant  epidemic  established  esteemed  everyday  fabled  famed  familiar  famous  far-famed  far-heard  fashionable  favored  favorite  general  generally accepted  habitual  held dear  high-camp  highly touted  hip  homely  homespun  honored  hoped-for  hot  household  in  in common  in demand  in fashion  in favor  in good odor  in style  in vogue  inexpensive  joint  kitschy  laic  laical  lay  leading  legendary  longed-for  loved  low  low-camp  low-priced  marked  mod  modern  much acclaimed  mutual  mythical  new  newfashioned  nonclerical  nonecclesiastical  nonministerial  nonordained  nonpastoral  nonreligious  normal  normative  notable  noted  notorious  obtaining  occupy  of mark  of note  ordinary  pandemic  people  pet  plebeian  pop  populate  precious  predominant  predominating  preferred  prescribed  prescriptive  prevailing  prevalent  prized  prominent  public  rampant  reasonable  received  reciprocal  recommended  regnant  regular  regulation  reigning  renowned  revered  rife  routine  ruling  running  secular  secularist  secularistic  self-governing  set  simplified  smart  social  socialistic  societal  standard  stereotyped  stock  stylish  supported  talked-about  talked-of  temporal  tenant  time-honored  traditional  treasured  trendy  understandable  universal  up-to-date  up-to-datish  up-to-the-minute  usual  vernacular  vulgar  wanted  well-beloved  well-known  well-liked  well-thought-of  widespread  wishe  
popular prices  bargain prices  budget prices  cut price  easy prices  economy prices  low price  low tariff  manageable price  moderate price  nominal price  reasonable charge  reasonable price  reduced price  reduced rates  rock-bottom prices  sale price  sensible price  small price tag  
popularity  Amor  Christian love  Eros  Platonic love  acceptance  acclaim  acclamation  admiration  adoration  affection  agape  applause  approval  ardency  ardor  attachment  big hand  bodily love  bon ton  brotherly love  burst of applause  caritas  celebrity  character  charity  cheer  clap  clapping  clapping of hands  conjugal love  currency  desire  devotion  eclat  encore  esteem  faithful love  fame  famousness  fancy  fashionableness  favor  fervor  figure  flame  fondness  free love  free-lovism  glory  hand  handclap  handclapping  heart  hero worship  idolatry  idolism  idolization  kudos  lasciviousness  libido  like  liking  lionization  love  lovemaking  married love  modishness  name  notoriety  notoriousness  ovation  passion  physical love  plaudit  popular regard  prevalence  publicity  reclame  recognition  regard  renown  report  reputation  repute  round of applause  sentiment  sex  sexual love  shine  spiritual love  stylishness  tender feeling  tender passion  the bubble reputation  thunder of applause  trend  trendiness  truelove  uxoriousness  vogue  voguishness  weakness  worship  yearning  
popularize  account for  allegorize  clarify  clear up  coarsen  crack  decipher  demonstrate  demythologize  elucidate  enlighten  euhemerize  exemplify  explain  explain away  explicate  exposit  expound  get across  get over  give reason for  give the meaning  illuminate  illustrate  make clear  make it clear  make plain  put across  put over  rationalize  shed light upon  show  show how  show the way  simplify  solve  spell out  throw light upon  unfold  unlock  unravel  vulgarize  
populate  anchor  billet at  bivouac  burrow  camp  colonize  come to anchor  denizen  domesticate  drop anchor  dwell in  empeople  ensconce  establish residence  hive  inhabit  keep house  live at  live in  locate  moor  move  nest  occupy  park  people  perch  plant  relocate  reside  reside in  roost  set up housekeeping  set up shop  settle  settle down  settle in  sit down  squat  stand  stay at  strike root  take residence at  take root  take up residence  
population  Beehive  Cepheid variable  Everyman  Hertzsprung-Russell diagram  Hyades  John Doe  Messier catalog  NGC  Pleiades  Public  Seven Sisters  absolute magnitude  anchorage  binary star  black hole  body politic  citizenry  citizens  colonization  common man  commonwealth  community  community at large  double star  dwarf star  empeoplement  establishment  estate  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  fixation  fixed star  folk  folks  foundation  general public  gentry  giant star  globular cluster  gravity star  inauguration  inhabitants  inhabiting  initiation  installation  installment  investiture  lodgment  magnitude  main sequence star  mass-luminosity law  men  mooring  nation  nationality  neutron star  nova  open cluster  people  people in general  peoplement  peopling  persons  plantation  polity  populace  populations  public  pulsar  quasar  quasi-stellar radio source  radio star  red giant star  relative magnitude  settlement  settling  sky atlas  society  spectrum-luminosity diagram  star  star catalog  star chart  star cloud  star cluster  state  stellar magnitude  supernova  variable star  white dwarf star  world  you and me  
populous  alive with  bristling  bursting  close  colonized  compact  crammed  crawling  crowded  crowding  dense  empeopled  firm  full  in profusion  inhabited  jam-packed  jammed  lavish  legion  multifarious  multitudinal  multitudinous  numerous  occupied  overflowing  packed  peopled  populated  prodigal  profuse  proliferating  prolific  rife  serried  settled  several  solid  studded  sundry  superabundant  swarming  teeming  tenanted  thick  thick as hail  thick with  thick-coming  thronged  thronging  various  voluminous  

Pop Definition

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