
Pope maker Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Papstmacher m pol.
Aussteller eines Schecks
maker of a cheque
Aussteller eines Solawechsels
maker of a promissory note
Aussteller eines Wechsels
maker of a bill
Hersteller, Fabrikant
Name des Herstellers
name of maker
Name des Herstellers
name of the maker
pace maker
Autohersteller m
Autohersteller pl
car maker, auto maker
car makers, auto makers
Entscheider m, Entscheiderin f
Entscheider pl, Entscheiderinnen pl
Entscheidungsträger m
politischer Entscheidungsträger
decision maker
Fabrikwasserzeichen n
maker's watermark
Ferienreisende m f , Ferienreisender
Ferienreisenden pl, Ferienreisende
holiday maker
holiday makers
Filterkaffeemaschine f
Filterkaffeemaschinen pl
drip coffee maker Am.
drip coffee makers
Flugmotorenhersteller m
aero engine maker
Geigenmacher m
Geigenmacher pl
violin maker
violin makers
Hutmacher m
hatter, hat maker
Joghurtbereiter m
yogurt maker
Kaffeeautomat m
Kaffeeautomaten pl
coffee maker, coffeemaker
coffee makers, coffeemakers
Kaffeemaschine f
Kaffeemaschinen pl
coffee maker, percolator
coffee makers, percolators
Karosseriebauer m
body maker
Kartograph m, Kartographin f, Kartenzeichner m
Kartographen pl, Kartographinnen pl
cartographer, map maker
cartographers, map makers
Kesselschmied m
Kesselschmiede pl
boiler maker
boiler makers
Komposter m
Komposter pl
compost maker, composter, wormery
compost makers, composters, wormeries
Korbmacher m, Korbmacherin f, Korbflechter m, Korbflechterin f
basket maker
Kranzbinder m, Kranzbinderin f
Kranzbinder pl, Kranzbinderinnen pl
wreath maker
wreath makers
Landmaschinenhersteller m
agricultural machinery maker
Modellbauer m, Modellbauerin f
Modellbauer pl, Modellbauerinnen pl
Papst m, Pontifex (maximus) m
Päpste pl
Pope, Catholic Pope, Pontiff
Produzent m, Produzentin f
Produzenten pl, Produzentinnen pl
ausführender Produzent
producer, manufacturer, maker
producers, manufacturers, makers
executive producer
Segelmacher m
Segelmacher pl
sail maker
sail makers
Stiefelmacher m
Stiefelmacher pl
boot maker
boot makers
Unheilstifter m
mischief maker
Unruhestifter m
Unruhestifter pl
trouble maker
trouble makers
Verfertiger m
Wechselmakler m
Wechselmakler pl
bill maker
bill makers
Wellengenerator m
Winzer m, Winzerin f, Weinhersteller m, Weinherstellerin f
Winzer pl, Winzerinnen pl, Weinhersteller pl, Weinherstellerinnen pl
wine-grower, wingrower, winemaker, wine maker, vintner
wine-growers, wingrowers, winemakers, wine makers, vintners
Zeugmacher m (alter Beruf)
tool maker, harness maker (old profession)
aero engine maker
agricultural machinery maker
auto maker
bill maker
body maker
boiler maker
boot maker
dress maker
holiday maker
mischief maker
trouble maker
violin maker
Autohersteller m
Autohersteller pl
car maker; auto maker
car makers; auto makers
Bandagist m med.
Bandagisten pl
surgical truss maker
surgical truss makers
Börsenhändler m; Börsehändler m Ös.; Effektenhändler m fin.
Börsenhändler pl; Börsehändler pl; Effektenhändler pl
stock exchange trader; stockbroker; securities dealer; market maker Br.
stock exchange traders; stockbrokers; securities dealers; market makers
Börsenmakler m; Börsenmaklerin f; Börsemakler m Ös.; Effektenmakler m; Effektenmaklerin f; Effektenhändler m; Effektenhändlerin f fin.
Börsenmakler pl; Börsenmaklerinnen pl; Börsemakler pl; Effektenmakler pl; Effektenmaklerinnen pl; Effektenhändler pl; Effektenhändlerinnen pl
Börsenmakler m auf eigene Rechnung
stockbroker; exchange broker; securities broker; market maker
stockbrokers; exchange brokers; securities brokers; market makers
pit trader
Bratschenbauer m mus.
Bratschenbauer pl
viola maker
viola makers
Cellobauer m mus.
Cellobauer pl
cello maker
cello makers
Chlorhersteller m; Chlorerzeuger m
Chlorhersteller pl; Chlorerzeuger pl
chlorine maker
chlorine makers
Computer-Hersteller m; PC-Hersteller m comp.
Computer-Hersteller pl; PC-Hersteller pl
computer maker
computer makers
Dummkopf m; Esel m; Dussel m Dt.; Dämlack m Dt.; Döskopp m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dödel n Mitteldt. BW; Depp m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Dodel m Ös.; Wappler m Ös.; Hiefler m Ös.; Tubel m Schw.; Dubel m Schw.; Tschumpel m Schw.; Lööli m Schw.; Narr m geh. (veraltend); Tor m poet. obs.
der größte Dummkopf von allen
Man sollte sich nicht blind in (so) eine Sache stürzen.
Das ist eine Hau-Ruck-Aktion Ho-Ruck-Aktion!
Sei doch nicht dumm!
Er ist von Natur aus dumm.
fool; jerk; clod; clodhopper; dolt; clot Br.; charlie Br.; plonker Br.; prat Br.; schnook Am.; schmuck Am.; tomfool (old-fashioned)
the biggest greatest fool of all
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. prov. (Alexander Pope)
Fools rush in!
Don't be a fool!
He is a born fool.
Entscheider m; Entscheiderin f
Entscheider pl; Entscheiderinnen pl
Entscheidungsträger m
Entscheidungsträger pl
politischer Entscheidungsträger
decision maker
decision makers
Fagottbauer m mus.
Fagottbauer pl
bassoon maker
bassoon makers
Ferienreisende m f; Ferienreisender
Ferienreisenden pl; Ferienreisende
holiday maker
holiday makers
Filterkaffeemaschine f cook.
Filterkaffeemaschinen pl
filter coffee maker; drip coffee maker Am.
filter coffee makers; drip coffee makers
Flugmotorenhersteller m
Flugmotorenhersteller pl
aero engine maker
aero engine makers
Geigenbauer m mus.
Geigenbauer pl
violin maker
violin makers
Gitarrenbauer m mus.
Gitarrenbauer pl
guitar maker
guitar makers
Glasbläser m; Glasbläserin f
Glasbläser pl; Glasbläserinnen pl
Glasbläser und Glasapparatebauer m
glassblower and glass apparatus maker
Harfenbauer m mus.
Harfenbauer pl
harp maker
harp makers
Heuwender m; Heuwendemaschine f agr.
Heuwender pl; Heuwendemaschinen pl
Gabelheuwender m
Sternrad-Heuwender m
hay maker; hay tedder; rotary rake
hay makers; hay tedders; rotary rakes
fork-type hay tedder; fork tedder
rotary hay tedder; rotary tedder
Hörgeräteakustiker m; Hörgeräteakustikerin f
Hörgeräteakustiker pl; Hörgeräteakustikerinnen pl
acoustic-aid technician; hearing-aid maker
acoustic-aid technicians; hearing-aid makers
Hutmacher m
Hutmacher pl
hatter; hat maker
hatters; hat makers
Kaffeeautomat m
Kaffeeautomaten pl
coffee maker; coffeemaker
coffee makers; coffeemakers
Kaffeemaschine f cook.
Kaffeemaschinen pl
coffee maker
coffee makers
Karosseriebauer m
Karosseriebauer pl
body maker
body makers
Kartograph m; Kartographin f; Kartenzeichner m
Kartographen pl; Kartographinnen pl
cartographer; map maker
cartographers; map makers
Klarinettenbauer m mus.
Klarinettenbauer pl
clarinet maker
clarinet makers
Klavierhersteller m
Klavierhersteller pl
piano maker; piano manufacturer
piano makers; piano manufacturers
Königsmacher m pol.
Königsmacher pl
Komposter m agr.
Komposter pl
compost maker; composter; wormery
compost makers; composters; wormeries
Konklave n (Kardinalsversammlung zur Papstwahl) rel.
Konklaven pl
conclave (meeting of cardinals for election of pope)
Korbmacher m; Korbmacherin f; Korbflechter m; Korbflechterin f
basket maker
Kranzbinder m; Kranzbinderin f
Kranzbinder pl; Kranzbinderinnen pl
wreath maker
wreath makers
Lebensmittelhersteller m; Nahrungsmittelhersteller m
Lebensmittelhersteller pl; Nahrungsmittelhersteller pl
food maker
food makers
Lebzelter m
gingerbread maker
Modellbauer m; Modellbauerin f
Modellbauer pl; Modellbauerinnen pl
Modemacher m; Modemacherin f
Modemacher pl; Modemacherinnen pl
fashion maker
fashion makers
Möbeltischler m; Möbeltischlerin f; Möbelschreiner m; Möbelschreinerin f; Möbelbauer m
Möbeltischler pl; Möbeltischlerinnen pl; Möbelschreiner pl; Möbelschreinerinnen pl; Möbelbauer pl
cabinet maker; joiner; furniture maker
cabinet makers; joiners; furniture makers
Musikinstrumentenbauer und -reparateur m
Musikinstrumentenbauer und -reparateure pl
musical instrument maker and repairer
musical instrument makers and repairers
Oboenbauer m mus.
Oboenbauer pl
oboe maker
oboe makers
Ofensetzer m; Ofensetzerin f; Töpfer m; Hafner m; Häfner m; Ofenbauer m Schw.
Ofensetzer pl; Ofensetzerinnen pl; Töpfer m; Hafner pl; Häfner pl; Ofenbauer pl
stove fitter; stove builder; stove maker
stove fitters; stove builders; stove makers
Papst; Pontifex (maximus) m relig.
Päpste pl
Was denn sonst?; Dreimal darfst du raten!
Pope; pontiff
Is the Pope (a) Catholic?
Papstmacher m pol.
Perückenmacher m; Perückenmacherin f
Perückenmacher pl; Perückenmacherinnen pl
Pontifikat n m (Amt oder Amtszeit des Papstes selten auch eines Bischofs) relig.
pontificate (position or period of being Pope or rarely of being bishop)
Primärhändler m (Börse) fin.
market maker (stock exchange)
einträgliches Geschäft n; Verkaufshit m; Verkaufsschlager m econ.
money-maker; moneymaker; money-spinner Br.
Schöpfer m; Erzeuger m; Hersteller m (von etw.)
Schöpfer pl; Erzeuger pl; Hersteller pl
der Schöpfer (= Gott) relig.
maker (of sth.)
the Maker (= God)
Stellmacher m; Stellmacherin f; Wagner m
Stellmacher pl; Stellmacherinnen pl; Wagner pl
cartwright; wheelwright; wainwright; wagon maker; carriage maker
cartwrights; wheelwrights; wainwrights; wagon makers; carriage makers
Stieleisformer m; Gefrierform f für Eislutscher cook.
ice lolly moulds Br.; ice lolly maker Br.; popsicle moulds Am.; popsicle maker Am.
Süßwarenhersteller m
Süßwarenhersteller pl
pastry chocolate and ice cream maker
pastry chocolate and ice cream makers
Teeautomat m cook.
Teeautomaten pl
automatic tea-maker; teasmade Br. tm
automatic tea-makers; teasmades
Teemaschine f cook.
Teemaschinen pl
tea maker
tea makers
Uhrenhersteller m; Uhrenfabrikant m
Uhrenhersteller pl; Uhrenfabrikanten pl
maker of clocks or watches; clock watch maker; horologist
makers of clocks or watches; clock watch makers; horologists
Unheilstifter m
Unheilstifter pl
mischief maker
mischief makers
Urlauber m; Urlauberin f; Urlaubsgast m
Urlauber pl; Urlaubsgäste pl
holiday-maker Br.; vacationer; vacationist Am.
holiday-makers; vacationers; vacationists
Weinhersteller m; Weinproduzent f
Weinhersteller pl; Weinproduzenten pl
wine-maker; winemaker; wine producer
wine-makers; winemakers; wine producers
Wertpapierhändler m; Effektenhändler m fin.
trader dealer in securities; securities trader dealer; market maker Br.
Zeugmacher m (alter Beruf)
tool maker; harness maker (old profession)
Zigarrenmacher m; Zigarrenmacherin f
Zigarrenmacher pl; Zigarrenmacherinnen pl
cigar-maker; cigarmaker; cigar roller; manufacturer of cigars
cigar-makers; cigarmakers; cigar rollers; manufacturers of cigars
Brotbackautomat m mach.
bread maker
(politische) Entscheidungsträger m
policy maker; policymaker
'Der Barometermacher auf der Zauberinsel' (von Raimund Werktitel) lit.
'The Barometer-Maker on the Magic Island' (by Raimund work title)
'Der Lockenraub' (von Pope Werktitel) lit.
'The Rape of the Lock' (by Pope work title)
Asphaltmischer m (Person)
Asphaltmischer pl
asphalt mixer; asphalt maker (person)
asphalt mixers; asphalt makers
Autohersteller m; Automobilhersteller m; Autoerzeuger m; Autobauer m ugs.
Autohersteller pl; Automobilhersteller pl; Autoerzeuger pl; Autobauer pl
car manufacturer; car maker; auto maker
car manufacturers; car makers; auto makers
Bildungspolitiker m; Bildungspolitikerin f
Bildungspolitiker pl; Bildungspolitikerinnen pl
education policy maker; politician responsible for education
education policy makers; politicians responsible for education
Dummkopf m; Schwachkopf m; Schwachmat m; Hohlkopf m; Hohlbirne f; Blödian m; Esel m; Hornochse m; Dussel m Dt.; Dämlack m Dt.; Doofmann m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Döskopp m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dösbattel m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dämel m Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Dämlack m Norddt. Mittelostdt.; Dummerjan m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Spacken m; Dödel n Mitteldt. BW; Depp m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Dummian m Bayr. Ös.; Dodel m Ös.; Dulle m Südostös.; Wappler m Ös.; Hiefler m Ös.; Tubel m Schw.; Dubel m Schw.; Tschumpel m Schw.; Lööli m Schw.; Narr m geh. veraltend; Tor m poet. obs. pej.
Dummköpfe pl; Schwachköpfe pl; Schwachmaten pl; Hohlköpfe pl; Hohlbirnen pl; Blödiane pl; Esel pl; Hornochsen pl; Dussel pl; Dämlacke pl; Doofmänner pl; Dösköppe pl; Dösbattel pl; Dämel pl; Dämlacke pl; Dummerjane pl; Spacken pl; Dödel pl; Deppen pl; Dummiane pl; Dodel pl; Dullen pl; Wappler pl; Hiefler pl; Tubel pl; Dubel pl; Tschumpel pl; Lööli pl; Narren pl; Tore pl
der größte Dummkopf von allen
Man sollte sich nicht blind in (so) eine Sache stürzen.
Das ist eine Hau-Ruck-Aktion Ho-Ruck-Aktion!
Sei doch nicht dumm!
Er ist von Natur aus dumm.
fool; jerk; airhead; clod; clodhopper; dimwit; nitwit; halfwit; loon; dolt; clot Br.; charlie Br.; plonker Br.; prat Br.; boob Am.; poop Am.; schnook Am.; schmuck Am.; gump Am. ninny dated; tomfool dated
fools; jerks; airheads; clods; clodhoppers; dimwits; nitwits; halfwits; loons; dolts; clots; charlies; plonkers; prats; boobs; poops; schnooks; schmucks; gumps; ninnies; tomfools
the biggest greatest fool of all
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. prov. (Alexander Pope)
Fools rush in!
Don't be a fool!
He is a born fool.
Entscheidungsträger m; Entscheider m ugs. adm. econ. pol.
Entscheidungsträger pl; Entscheider pl
politischer Entscheidungsträger
decision maker; decision-maker
decision makers; decision-makers
Ferienreisende m,f; Ferienreisender
Ferienreisenden pl; Ferienreisende
holiday maker
holiday makers
Filmemacher m; Filmemacherin f; Filmproduzent m; Filmproduzentin f
Filmemacher pl; Filmemacherinnen pl; Filmproduzenten pl; Filmproduzentinnen pl
Filmemacher des Autorenkinos; Autorenfilmer m
auteur film-maker; auteur
Geigenbauer m; Geigenmacher m mus.
Geigenbauer pl; Geigenmacher pl
Geigenbaumeister m
violin maker (violin-maker) (violinmaker)
violin makers
master luthier; master violinmaker
Goldmacher m (Alchimist) hist.
gold-maker (alchemist) (goldmaker) (gold maker)
Instrumentenbauer m; Instrumentenmacher m
Instrumentenbauer pl; Instrumentenmacher pl
instrument maker; instrument manufacturer
instrument makers; instrument manufacturers
Joghurtbereiter m; Jogurtbereiter m cook.
Joghurtbereiter pl; Jogurtbereiter pl
yogurt maker; yoghurt maker Br.; yoghourt maker Br. rare
yogurt makers; yoghurt makers; yoghourt makers
Kaffeemaschine f cook.
Kaffeemaschinen pl
Espressomaschine f
Filterkaffeemaschine f
Kaffeepad-Maschine f
Kapselkaffeemaschine f
Kaffeevollautomat m
coffee making machine; coffee maker; coffee machine
coffee making machines; coffee makers; coffee machines
espresso machine
filter coffee machine
pod coffee machine; coffee pod machine; coffee pad machine
capsule coffee machine; coffee capsule machine
fully automated coffee machine; fully automatic coffee machine; bean-to-cup coffee machine
Kartenzeichner m; Kartograph m; Kartograf m
Kartenzeichner pl; Kartographen pl; Kartografen pl
map maker; mapper; cartographer
map makers; mappers; cartographers
Konklave n (Kardinalsversammlung zur Papstwahl) relig.
Konklaven pl
conclave (meeting of cardinals for election of pope)
Lebzelter m; Lebküchler m; Lebküchner m hist.
gingerbread maker
Meinungsbildner m; Meinungsmacher m; Meinungsführer m pol. econ. soc.
Meinungsbildner pl; Meinungsmacher pl; Meinungsführer pl
Markenbotschafter m; Werbebotschafter m econ.
die Meinungselite des Landes
opinion-maker; opinion-former; opinion leader; (influential) opinionator; opinionater rare; influencer
opinion-makers; opinion-formers; opinion leaders; opinionators; opinionaters; influencers
brand influencer; brand ambassador
the country's opinion leaders; the country's influencers
Obstmosterei f; Mosterei f
Obstmostereien pl; Mostereien pl
cider and perry maker
cider and perry makers
Papst m; Pontifex m (maximus) relig.
Päpste pl
Was denn sonst?; Dreimal darfst du raten!
Pope; pontiff
Is the Pope (a) Catholic?
Papstamt n; päpstliches Amt n; Papat n relig.
papacy; office of the Pope
Pinselmacher m
maker of paint brushes
Pontifikat n,m (Amt oder Amtszeit des Papstes, selten auch eines Bischofs) relig.
Pontifikat des Papstes; Amtszeit des Papstes
pontificate (position or period of being Pope, or rarely of being bishop)
pontificate of the Pope; papacy; tenure of office of the Pope
Redenschreiber m; Redenschreiberin f pol.
Redenschreiber pl; Redenschreiberinnen pl
Requisitenmacher m (Theater, Film, TV)
Requisitenmacher pl
prop builder; prop maker; prop designer (theatre; film, TV)
prop builders; prop makers; prop designers
Schöpfer m; Erzeuger m; Hersteller m; Verfertiger m (von etw.)
Schöpfer pl; Erzeuger pl; Hersteller pl; Verfertiger pl
der Schöpfer (= Gott) relig.
maker (of sth.)
the Maker (= God)
Sozialpolitiker m; Sozialpolitikerin f pol.
social policy maker; politician concerned with social policy
Sportartikelhersteller m
Sportartikelhersteller pl
sporting goods manufacturer; sporting goods maker
sporting goods manufacturers; sporting goods makers
Straßenbauer m (Person)
Straßenbauer pl
road engineer; road builder; road maker; highway engineer; highway builder; highway maker (of a person)
road engineers; road builders; road makers; highway engineers; highway builders; highway makers
Süßwarenhersteller m
Süßwarenhersteller pl
pastry, chocolate and ice cream maker
pastry, chocolate and ice cream makers
erfolgreicher Verhandlungsführer m pol. econ.
Wagner m; Stellmacher m hist.
Wagner pl; Stellmacher pl
wagon-builder; wagon-maker; carriage-maker; cartwright; wheelwright; wainwright
wagon-builders; wagon-makers; carriage-makers; cartwrights; wheelwrights; wainwrights
Wertpapierhändler m; Effektenhändler m fin.
Wertpapierhändler pl; Effektenhändler pl
trader dealer in securities; securities trader dealer; market maker Br.
traders dealers in securities; securities traders dealers; market makers

Deutsche Papstmacher {m} [pol.] Synonyme

Englische Pope-maker Synonyme

Pope maker Definition

Glass maker
(n.) Alt. of Glassmaker
(n.) One who makes, forms, or molds
(n.) The person who makes a promissory note.
(n.) One who writes verses
(n.) One who makes mischief
(n.) One who coins or prints money
(n.) One who accumulates money or wealth
(n.) Any ecclesiastic, esp. a bishop.
(n.) The bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church. See Note under Cardinal.
(n.) A parish priest, or a chaplain, of the Greek Church.
(n.) A fish
(n.) One who makes widows by destroying husbands.

Pope maker Bedeutung

slave-making ant
an ant that attacks colonies of other ant species and carries off the young to be reared as slave ants
coffee maker a kitchen appliance for brewing coffee automatically
espresso maker a coffee maker that forces live steam under pressure through dark roasted coffee grounds
ice maker an appliance included in some electric refrigerators for making ice cubes
tea maker a covered spoon with perforations
wine maker
distillery where wine is made
parson's nose
pope's nose
the tail of a dressed fowl
manufacturing business
a business engaged in manufacturing some product
car manufacturer
car maker
auto manufacturer
auto maker
a business engaged in the manufacture of automobiles
Lord Creator Maker Divine God Almighty
terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
decision maker
someone who administers a business
bread maker
someone who bakes bread or cake
Basket Maker early Amerindians related to the Pueblo, known for skill in making baskets
belt maker a maker of belts
boot maker
a maker of boots
brewer beer maker someone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water
furniture maker
a woodworker who specializes in making furniture
map maker
a person who makes maps
cooper barrel maker a craftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs
film maker
film producer
movie maker
a producer of motion pictures
jewelry maker
jeweler jeweller
someone who makes jewelry
a person who makes things
someone who sets the betting odds based on calculations of the outcome of a contest (especially a horse race)
lens maker
a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision
piano maker a person who makes pianos
policy maker someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc., policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason
Catholic Pope
Roman Catholic Pope
Holy Father
Vicar of Christ
Bishop of Rome
the head of the Roman Catholic Church
a craftsman who makes ropes
statue maker
an artist who creates sculptures
songster ballad maker
a composer of words or music for popular songs
spinster thread maker
someone who spins (who twists fibers into threads)
fashion arbiter
someone who popularizes a new fashion
trouble maker
bad hat
someone who deliberately stirs up trouble
wine maker
someone who makes wine
violin maker someone who makes violins
Alexander VI
Pope Alexander VI
Borgia Rodrigo Borgia
Pope and father of Cesare Borgia and Lucrezia Borgia (-)
Pope Alexander Pope English poet and satirist (-)
wine-maker's yeast
Saccharomyces ellipsoides
used in making wine
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Index of religious honorifics and titles