
Purple barred Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Purpurbindentäubchen n ornith.
Purple-barred Ground Dove
ausgeschlossen von
barred from
gesperrte Schuld, verjährte Schuld
barred debt
Balkenspirale f
Balkenspiralen pl
barred spiral
barred spirals
Bienenfreund m bot.
purple tansy, fiddleneck
Gitterfenster n
Gitterfenster pl
barred window, lattice window
barred windows, lattice windows
Purpur m, purpurner Umhang
Purpurtang m
purple laver, sloke
abgesperrt, verriegelt, blockiert adj
purpurfarben, violett, blaurot adj
verjährt sein
to be barred by the statute of limitation
verjährt adj (Verbrechen)
statute-barred (crime)
Blauer Segelflossen-Doktorfisch m, Seebader m (Zebrasoma xanthurum) zool.
purple tang
(Chromis bicolor) zool.
purple & yellow chromis
(Chromis scotti) zool.
purple chromis
Dekor-Schwertgrundel f (Nemateleotris decora) zool.
purple firefish
Purpur-Torpedobarsch m (Hoplolatilus purpureus) zool.
purple tilefish
Bindenkreuzschnabel m ornith.
Two-barred Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera)
Meerstrandläufer m ornith.
Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima)
Purpurhuhn n ornith.
Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)
Purpurreiher m ornith.
Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)
Sperbergrasmücke f ornith.
Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria)
Zweibindiger Kreuzschnabel m ornith.
Two-barred Crossbill
Bindentinamu m ornith.
Barred Tinamou
Prinzenbussard m ornith.
Barred Hawk
Celebeswespenbussard m ornith.
Barred Honey Buzzard
Sperberwaldfalke m ornith.
Barred Forest Falcon
Zwergsultanshuhn n ornith.
American Purple Gallinule
Fidschiralle f ornith.
Barred Wing Rail
Zebraralle f ornith.
Barred Rail
Purpurbindentäubchen n ornith.
Purple-barred Ground Dove
Mondetourtäubchen n ornith.
Purple-breasted Ground Dove
Purpurscheitel-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Purple-capped Fruit Dove
Blauscheitellori m ornith.
Purple-crowned Lorikeet
Erzlori m ornith.
Purple-naped Lory
Schwarzsteißlori m ornith.
Purple-bellied Lory
Katharinasittich m ornith.
Barred Parkeet
Blaubauchpapagei m ornith.
Purple-bellied Parrot
Kapkauz m ornith.
African Barred Owlet
Schefflerkauz m ornith.
Eastern Barred Owlet
Brasilkauz m ornith.
Rusty Barred Owl
Streifenkauz m ornith.
Streifenkäuze pl
Barred Owl
Barred Owls
Bennettschwalm m ornith.
Barred Owlet-Nightjar
Purpurrückenkolibri m ornith.
Purple-backed Sunbeam
Purpurbrustamazilie f ornith.
Purple-chested Hummingbird
Hyazinthkolibri m ornith.
Velvet-Purple Coronet
Granatkolibri m ornith.
Purple-throated Carib
Violettkehl-Sonnennymphe f ornith.
Purple-throated Sunangel
Purpurkopfelfe f ornith.
Purple-crowned Fairy
Purpurkehlnymphe f ornith.
Purple-throated Mountain Gem
Purpurglanzschwänzchen n ornith.
Purple-tailed Thornbill
Bandelfe f ornith.
Purple-collared Woodstar
Mitchellkolibri m ornith.
Purple-throated Woodstar
Kleinschnabelkolibri m ornith.
Purple-backed Thornbill
Purpurschwanzsylphe f ornith.
Purple-tailed Comet
Grünschnabel-Faulvogel m ornith.
Barred Puffbird
Grünbindenspecht m ornith.
Green-barred Flicker
Zebrazwergspecht m ornith.
White-barred Piculet
Cuzcowergspecht m ornith.
Fine-barred Piculet
Bindenbaumsteiger m ornith.
Barred Woodcreeper
Bindenameisendrossel f ornith.
Barred Ant-trush
Bindenwollrücken m ornith.
Barred Antshrike
Wellenbekarde f ornith.
Barred Becard
Graunackenpiprites ornith.
Wing-barred Piprites
Purpurbrustkotinga ornith.
Purple-breasted Cotinga
Bindenschmuckvogel m ornith.
Barred Fruiteater
Purpurkehlkotinga ornith.
Purple-throated Cotinga
Pioho ornith.
Purple-throated Fruitcrow
Purpurschwalbe f ornith.
Purple Martin
Purpurraupenfresser m ornith.
Purple-throated Cuckoo Shrike
Bindenraupenfänger m ornith.
Barred Cuckoo Shrike
Graubinden-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Grey-barred Wren
Purpurschnäpperdrossel f ornith.
Purple Cochoa
Damarabindensänger m ornith.
Barred Camaroptera
Middendorfflaubsänger m ornith.
Two-barred Greenish Warbler
Goldbinden-Laubsänger m ornith.
Orange-barred Willow Warbler
Purpurkopf-Staffelschwanz m ornith.
Purple-crowned Wren
Purpurnektarvogel m ornith.
Purple Sunbird
Porphyrnektarvogel m ornith.
Purple-fasciated Sunbird
Purpurbauch-Nektarvogel m ornith.
Purple-breasted Sunbird
Ceylonnektarvogel m ornith.
Purple-rumped Sunbird
Purpurzügel-Honigfresser m ornith.
Purple-gaped Honeyeater
Sperberhonigfresser m ornith.
Barred Honeyeater
Purpurnaschvogel m ornith.
Purple Honeycreeper
Purpurkehlorganist m ornith.
Purple-throated Euphonia
Wechselpfäffchen n ornith.
Wing-barred Seedeater
Purpurgimpel m ornith.
Purple Finch
Ringelastrild m ornith.
Double-barred Finch
Veilchenastrild m ornith.
Purple Grenadier
Samtglanzstar m ornith.
Purple-headed Glossy Starling
Purpurglanzstar m ornith.
Purple Glossy Starling
Prachthäher m ornith.
Purple Jay
violett, lila
Acker-Morikandie f (Moricandia arvensis) bot.
violet cabbage; purple mistress
Bienenfreund m bot.
purple tansy; fiddleneck
Blauer Segelflossen-Doktorfisch m; Seebader m (Zebrasoma xanthurum) zool.
purple tang
Fingerhüte pl (Digitalis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gelber Fingerhut m (Digitalis lutea)
roter Fingerhut m; Fingerkraut m; Fuchskraut m; Schwulstkraut m; Unserer-lieben-Frauen-Handschuh m; Waldglöckchen m; Waldschelle f (Digitalis purpurea)
foxgloves (botanical genus)
yellow foxglove
common foxglove; purple foxglove; Lady's glove
Fuchsschwänze pl; Amarante pl (Amaranthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aufsteigender Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus blitum)
zurückgekrümmter Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Gartenfuchsschwanz; Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus)
amaranths (botanical genus)
purple amaranth
common amaranth; common tumbleweed; red-root amaranth redrooted pigweed
pendant amaranth; foxtail amaranth; love-lies-bleeding tassel flower velvet flower; quilete
Gitterfenster n constr.
Gitterfenster pl
barred window; lattice window; trellis window
barred windows; lattice windows; trellis windows
Passionsblumen pl (Passiflora) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Passionsfrucht f; Maracuja f (Passiflora edulis)
passion flowers; passion vines (botanical genus)
passion fruit; purple granadilla South Africa
Purpur m; purpurner Umhang
Purpurrot n
reddish purple; purplish red
Purpurtang m
purple laver; sloke
Sonnenhüte pl; Scheinsonnenhüte pl; Igelköpfe pl (Echinacea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
coneflowers; purple coneflowers; echinaceas (botanical genus)
Thema n; Themengebiet n; Themenbereich m; Sachgebiet n
Themen pl; Themata pl; Themengebiete pl; Themenbereiche pl; Sachgebiete pl
zum Thema Kultur und Politik
das Thema wechseln
vom Thema abschweifen
beim Thema bleiben
Lenk nicht (vom Thema) ab!
konfliktträchtiges Thema
ein Buch zum Thema Sprache
Ich habe dazu zu diesem Thema nichts weiter zu sagen
Es ist kein Diskussionsthema ausgeschlossen.
Der Tod ist ein schwieriges Gesprächsthema.
Wir kamen auf die amerikanischen Ratingagenturen zu sprechen.
subject (of)
on the subject of culture and politics
to change the subject
to stray from the subject; to wander off the point
to stick to the subject
Don't change the subject!
loaded subject topic
a book on the subject topic of language
I have nothing more to say on the subject.
No subject for discussion is barred.
Death is a difficult topic subject to talk about.
The subject of American credit rating agencies came up.
Veilchenschnecken pl (Janthina) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
purple snails; violet shells (zoological genus)
Verjährung f jur.
die Verjährung hemmen unterbrechen
Verzicht auf Geltendmachung der (eingetretenen) Verjährung
Verjährung eines Anspruchs
Verjährung der Gewährleistungsansprüche
Verjährung von Kriegsverbrechen
Verjährung durch ein erworbenes Recht
Ansprüche aus grundbücherlichen Rechten unterliegen nicht der Verjährung.
Der Anspruch erlischt durch Verjährung.
Die Verjährung der Straftat wird durch justizielle Maßnahmen gehemmt unterbrochen.
Die Verjährung ruht.
statute of limitations; limitation of actions; limitation lapse of time (in criminal law); prescription
to suspend interrupt toll Am. the statute of limitations prescriptive period
waiver of the statute of limitations
prescription of a claim; limitation of (the right of) action (in respect of a claim); expiration of a right of action through lapse of time
limitation of action for warranty claims
(statutory) limitation in respect of war crimes
prescriptive right
Claims arising out of registered Br. recorded Am. rights in land are not subject to the statute of limitations.
The claim is extinguished by prescription.; The claim becomes time-barred barred by the statute of limitations.
The statute of limitations for the offence is suspended by judicial action.
The limitation period does not run.
abgesperrt; verriegelt; blockiert adj
blockieren; versperren; aussperren v
blockierend; versperrend; aussperrend
blockiert; versperrt; ausgesperrt
sich den Weg verbauen (zu)
jdm. den Weg verbauen (zu)
to bar
to bar one's way (to)
to bar sb.'s way (to)
lila adj (ungefährer Farbton im Purpurbereich) ugs.
die lila Milka-Kuh
purple (approximate shade in the purple family) coll.
the purple Milka cow
purpurfarben; blaurot adj
purple; purplish
purpurrot adj
purplish red; purply red; red-purple; reddish purple
verjähren v jur.
nach drei Jahren verjähren; in drei Jahren verjährt sein
to become statute-barred; to become time-barred; to come fall under the statute of limitations
becoming statute-barred; becoming time-barred; coming falling under the statute of limitations
become statute-barred; become time-barred; come fallen under the statute of limitations
to become statute-barred after 3 years; to be subject to a limitation period of 3 years 3-year limitation period
verjährt adj jur.
verjährter Anspruch
verjährte Postanweisung
nach 2 Jahren verjährt sein
statute-barred; time-barred; barred by the statute of limitations by limitation by lapse of time
statute-barred claim; claim barred by limitation
stale money order
to be time-barred after 2 years
jdm. etw. verwehren; jdn. von etw. ausschließen v adm.
verwehrend; ausschließend
verwehrt; ausgeschlossen
ausgeschlossen sein
jdm. den Zutritt verwehren
jdn. von einem Wettbewerb ausschließen
jdn. als Vertrauensperson ausschließen
Er durfte nicht ins Kasino.
to bar sb. from sth. doing sth.
to be barred
to bar sb. from entering the place
to bar sb. from a competition
to bar sb. from acting as a person of trust
He was barred from the casino.
Glückssträhne f
purple patch
rückhaltlos adj; schonungslos adj; hemmungslos adj
Alles ist erlaubt!
No holds barred!
Bindenkreuzschnabel m (Loxia leucoptera) ornith.
two-barred crossbill
Meerstrandläufer m (Calidris maritima) ornith.
purple sandpiper
Purpurhuhn n (Porphyrio porphyrio) ornith.
purple swamphen
Purpurreiher m (Ardea purpurea) ornith.
purple heron
Sperbergrasmücke f (Sylvia nisoria) ornith.
barred warbler
Gelbzügelpiprites m; Graunackenpiprites m (Piprites chloris) ornith.
wing-barred piprites; white-winged piprites; wing-barred manakin
Purpurbrustkotinga f ornith.
purple-breasted cotinga
Purpurkehlkotinga f ornith.
purple-throated cotinga
Purpurbrustkotinga f; Pioho m (Querula purpurata) ornith.
purple-throated fruitcrow
Schnäpperdrosseln pl (Cochoa) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Java-Schnäpperdrossel f; Sunda-Schnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa azurea)
Purpurschnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa purpurea)
Smaragdschnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa viridis)
Sumatra-Schnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa beccarii)
cochoas (zoological genus)
Javan Cochoa
purple cochoa
green cochoa
Sumatran cochoa
Blauastrilde pl (Uraeginthus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Blaukopfastrild m; Blaukopf-Schmetterlingsfink m (Uraeginthus cyanocephalus)
Blauastrild m; blauohriger Schmetterlingsfink m; Angola-Schmetterlingsfink m (Uraeginthus angolensis)
Schmetterlingsastrild m; rotohriger Schmetterlingsfink m; Schmetterlingsfink m (Uraeginthus bengalus)
Granatastrild m (Uraeginthus granatinus)
Veilchenastrild m; Veilchenbauchastrild m; Purpurgranatastrild m; blaubäuchiger Granatastrild m (Uraeginthus ianthinogaster)
cordon-bleus (zoological genus)
blue-capped cordon-bleu
blue-breasted cordon-bleu; blue waxbill
red-cheeked cordon-bleu
common grenadier; violet-eared waxbill
purple grenadier
Strix-Käuze pl (Strix) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Rotfußkauz m (Strix rufipes)
wood owls; earless owls (zoological genus)
rufous-legged owl; Patagonian barred owl
Buchenbäume pl; Buchen pl (Fagus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Rotbuche f; Buche f (Fagus sylvatica)
Blutbuche f; Purpurbuche f (Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea)
aus Buchenholz
beech trees; beeches (botanical genus)
European beech; common beech
copper beech; purple beech
Fingerhüte pl (Digitalis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gelber Fingerhut m (Digitalis lutea)
roter Fingerhut m; Fingerkraut n; Fuchskraut n; Schwulstkraut n; Unserer-lieben-Frauen-Handschuh m; Waldglöckchen n; Waldschelle f (Digitalis purpurea)
foxgloves (botanical genus)
yellow foxglove
common foxglove; purple foxglove; Lady's glove
Fuchsschwänze pl; Amarante pl (Amaranthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aufsteigender Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus blitum)
zurückgekrümmter Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Gartenfuchsschwanz; Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus)
amaranths (botanical genus)
purple amaranth
common amaranth; common tumbleweed; red-root amaranth, redrooted pigweed
pendant amaranth; foxtail amaranth; love-lies-bleeding, tassel flower, velvet flower; quilete
Himbeerstrauch m; Himbeerstaude f; Himbeere f (Rubus idaeus) bot.
Himbeersträucher pl; Himbeerstauden pl; Himbeeren pl
Colorado-Himbeere f (Rubus deliciosus)
Schwarze Himbeere f; Schwarzhimbeere f (Rubus occidentalis)
Weiße Zimthimbeere; Nutka-Himbeere f (Rubus parviflorus)
Zimthimbeere f; Wohlriechende Himbeere f (Rubus odoratus)
raspberry bush; raspberry shrub; raspberry
raspberry bushes; raspberry shrubs; raspberries
boulder raspberry; Rocky Mountain raspberry; delicious raspberry; snowy bramble Br.
wild black raspberry, blackcap raspberry; black cap; Scotch cap; thimbleberry
white-flowering raspberry; western thimble raspberry; western thimbleberry
purple-flowered raspberry; flowering raspberry; Virginia raspberry; sweet-scented bramble Br.
Perückensträucher pl (Cotinus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Perückenstrauch m; Gemeiner Perückenstrauch m; Europäischer Perückenstrauch m; Perückensumach m; Fisettholz n (Cotinus coggygria)
Amerikanischer Perückenstrauch m (Cotinus obovatus)
smoketrees; smokebushes (botanical genus)
common smoketree; European smoketree; purple smokebush; young fustic; dyer's sumac
American smoketree; American smokebush; American smokewood; chittamwood
Sternensystem n; Galaxie f; Galaxis f selten astron.
Sternensysteme pl; Galaxien pl
aktive Galaxie
Antennengalaxien pl
Balkenspiralgalaxien pl
elliptische Galaxie
Infrarotgalaxien pl
linsenförmige Galaxien; lentikuläre Galaxien
Mäusegalaxien pl
pekuliare Galaxie
Ringgalaxien pl
Seyfert-Galaxien pl
Spiralgalaxien pl
Starburst-Galaxien pl
Whirlpool-Galaxien pl
unregelmäßige Galaxien
wechselwirkende Galaxien
Galaxienzusammenstoß m; Galaxienkollision f
Spiralarm einer Galaxie
lokale Galaxiengruppe
stellar system; galaxy
stellar systems; galaxies
active galaxy
antennae galaxies
barred spiral galaxies
elliptical galaxy; E galaxy; spheroidal galaxy
infrared galaxies
lenticular galaxies; armless spiral galaxies
mice galaxies
peculiar galaxy
polar-ring galaxy
ring galaxies
Seyfert galaxies
spiral galaxies
starburst galaxies
whirlpool galaxies
irregular galaxies
interacting galaxies
crash of galaxies
spiral arm of a galaxy
local galaxy group
Sumpfblutauge n; Sumpffingerkraut n (Comarum palustre) bot.
marsh cinquefoil; swamp cinquefoil; purple marshlocks
Thema n; Themengebiet n; Themenbereich m; Sachgebiet n
Themen pl; Themata pl; Themengebiete pl; Themenbereiche pl; Sachgebiete pl
zum Thema Kultur und Politik
das Thema wechseln
vom Thema abschweifen
beim Thema bleiben
Lenk nicht (vom Thema) ab!
konfliktträchtiges Thema
ein Buch zum Thema Sprache
Ich habe dazu zu diesem Thema nichts weiter zu sagen
Es ist kein Diskussionsthema ausgeschlossen.
Der Tod ist ein schwieriges Gesprächsthema.
Wir kamen auf die amerikanischen Ratingagenturen zu sprechen.
subject (of)
on the subject of culture and politics
to change the subject
to stray from the subject; to wander off the point
to stick to the subject
Don't change the subject!
loaded subject topic
a book on the subject topic of language
I have nothing more to say on the subject.
No subject for discussion is barred.
Death is a difficult topic subject to talk about.
The subject of American credit rating agencies came up.
Verjährung f jur.
die Verjährung hemmen unterbrechen
Verzicht auf Geltendmachung der (eingetretenen) Verjährung
Verjährung eines Anspruchs
Verjährung der Gewährleistungsansprüche
Verjährung von Kriegsverbrechen
Verjährung durch ein erworbenes Recht
Ansprüche aus grundbücherlichen Rechten unterliegen nicht der Verjährung.
Der Anspruch erlischt durch Verjährung.
Die Verjährung der Straftat wird durch justizielle Maßnahmen gehemmt unterbrochen.
statute of limitations; limitation of actions; limitation lapse of time (in criminal law); prescription
to suspend interrupt toll Am. the statute of limitations prescriptive period
waiver of the statute of limitations
prescription of a claim; limitation of (the right of) action (in respect of a claim); expiration of a right of action through lapse of time
limitation of action for warranty claims
(statutory) limitation in respect of war crimes
prescriptive right
Claims arising out of registered Br. recorded Am. rights in land are not subject to the statute of limitations.
The claim is extinguished by prescription.; The claim becomes time-barred barred by the statute of limitations.
The statute of limitations for the offence is suspended by judicial action.
Winkel m (Aufnäher auf Nazi-Häftlingskleidung) pol. hist.
lila Winkel
rosa Winkel
schwarzer Winkel
triangle (badge sewn on Nazi prison clothing)
purple triangle
pink triangle
black triangle
lila; lilane r s ugs. adj (ugs. Bezeichnung für einen ungefähren Farbton im Purpurbereich)
die lila Milka-Kuh
purple (colloquial term for an approximate shade in the purple family)
the purple Milka cow
jdm. den Weg versperren v (Person, Sache)
jdm. den Weg zu einer bestimmte Stellung verbauen übtr.
Vor uns versperrte eine Kette von 20 Polizisten den Weg zum Tempel.
Der Junge hatte dem Mädchen mit seinem Rad den Weg versperrt.
Einmal versperrte eine Herde Kühe die Straße.
to bar the road (of a person or thing)
to bar sb.'s way to a particular position fig.
Ahead, a cordon of 20 police barred the road to the temple.
The boy had barred the road of a girl with his bike.
At one point a group of cows barred the road.
nicht zusammenpassen; nicht harmonisieren v; sich beißen; sich schlagen v (mit etw.)
nicht zusammenpassend; nicht harmonisierend; sich beißend; sich schlagend
nicht zusammengepasst; nicht harmonisiert; sich gebissen; sich geschlagen
auseinandergehende Meinungen; divergierende Meinungen
Das passt zu ihrem Kleid wie die Faust aufs Auge.
Orange und Lila beißen sich.
Die moderne Lampe beißt sich mit dem antiken Mobiliar.
to clash; to jar (with sth.)
clashing; jarring
clashed; jarred
jarring points of view
It clashes horribly with her dress.
Orange and purple are jarring colours.
The modern lamp jars with the antique furniture.
Höhlenschwalme pl (Aegotheles) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Archbold-Bergschwalm m (Aegotheles archboldi)
Baumschwalm m (Aegotheles cristatus)
Bennett-Schwalm (Aegotheles bennettii)
Bergschwalm m (Aegotheles albertisi)
Fleckenschwalm m (Aegotheles wallacii)
Käuzchenschwalm m (Aegotheles insignis)
Molukkenschwalm m (Aegotheles crinifrons)
Schwarzrückenschwalm m (Aegotheles savesi)
Tiefland-Käuzchenschwalm m (Aegotheles tatei)
owlet-nightjars (zoological genus)
Archbold's owlet-nightjar
Australian owlet-nightjar
barred owlet-nightjar
mountain owlet-nightjar
Wallace's owlet-nightjar
feline owlet-nightjar
long-whiskered owlet-nightjar; Moluccan owlet-nightjar
New Caledonian owlet-nightjar
starry owlet-nightjar; spangled owlet-nightjar
Strandläufer pl (Calidris) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Alpenstrandläufer m (Calidris alpina)
Bairdstrandläufer m (Calidris bairdii)
Graubrust-Strandläufer m (Calidris melanotos)
Großer Knutt m (Calidris tenuirostris)
Knutt m (Calidris canutus)
Meerstrandläufer m (Calidris maritima)
Rotkehl-Strandläufer m (Calidris ruficollis)
Sanderling m (Calidris alba)
Sandstrandläufer m (Calidris pusilla)
Sichelstrandläufer m (Calidris ferruginea)
Temminckstrandläufer m (Calidris temminckii)
Weißbürzel-Strandläufer m (Calidris fuscicollis)
Wiesenstrandläufer m (Calidris minutilla)
Zwergstrandläufer m (Calidris minuta)
calidris sandpipers (zoological genus)
Baird's sandpiper
pectoral sandpiper
great knot
red knot
purple sandpiper
red-necked stint
semipalmated sandpiper
curlew sandpiper
Temminck's stint
white-rumped sandpiper
least sandpiper
little stint
Progne-Schwalben pl (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Blauschwalbe f (Progne elegans)
Braunbrustschwalbe f (Progne tapera)
Dominikanerschwalbe f (Progne dominicensis)
Galapagosschwalbe f (Progne modesta)
Graubrustschwalbe f (Progne chalybea)
Kubaschwalbe f (Progne cryptoleuca)
Peruschwalbe f (Progne murphyi)
Purpurschwalbe f (Progne subis)
Sinaloaschwalbe f (Progne sinaloae)
progne martins (zoological genus)
southern martin
brown-chested martin
Caribbean martin; white-bellied martin
Galapagos martin
grey-breasted martin
Cuban martin
Peruvian martin
purple martin
Sinaloa martin
Grasmücken pl (Sylvia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Akaziengrasmücke f; Blanford-Grasmücke f (Sylvia leucomelaena)
Atlasgrasmücke f (Sylvia deserticola)
Brillengrasmücke f (Sylvia conspicillata)
Dorngrasmücke f (Sylvia communis)
Gartengrasmücke f (Sylvia borin)
Klappergrasmücke f; Zaungrasmücke f (Sylvia curruca)
Maskengrasmücke f (Sylvia rueppelli)
Mönchsgrasmücke f (Sylvia atricapilla)
Orpheusgrasmücke f (Sylvia hortensis)
Provencegrasmücke f (Sylvia undata)
Saharagrasmücke f (Sylvia deserti)
Samtkopfgrasmücke f (Sylvia melanocephala)
Sardengrasmücke f (Sylvia sarda)
Schuppengrasmücke f (Sylvia melanothorax)
Sperbergrasmücke f (Sylvia nisoria)
Tamariskengrasmücke f (Sylvia mystacea)
Weißbartgrasmücke f; Bartgrasmücke f (Sylvia cantillans)
Wüstengrasmücke f (Sylvia nana)
typical warblers (zoological genus)
Arabian warbler; Red Sea warbler; Blandford's warbler
Tristram's warbler
spectacled warbler
common whitethroat
garden warbler
lesser whitethroat
Rueppell's warbler
Eurasian blackcap
western Orphean warbler
Dartford warbler
African desert warbler
Sardinian warbler
Marmora's warbler
Cyprus warbler
barred warbler
Menetries's warbler
subalpine warbler
Asian desert warbler
Bindensänger pl (Calamonastes) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Damarabindensänger m (Calamonastes fasciolatus)
Miombobindensänger m (Calamonastes undosus)
Somalibindensänger m (Calamonastes simplex)
Stierling-Bindensänger m (Calamonastes stierlingi)
African wren-warblers (zoological genus)
barred wren-warbler
pale wren-warbler; miombo wren-warbler; miombo barred warbler
grey wren-warbler
Stierling's wren-warbler

Deutsche Purpurbindentäubchen {n} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Purple-barred Ground Dove Synonyme

Purple barred Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Bar
Barred owl
() A large American owl (Syrnium nebulosum)
(a.) Firmly barred or closed.
(n.) A color formed by, or resembling that formed by, a combination of the primary colors red and blue.
(n.) Cloth dyed a purple color, or a garment of such color
(n.) Hence: Imperial sovereignty
(n.) A cardinalate. See Cardinal.
(n.) Any species of large butterflies, usually marked with purple or blue, of the genus Basilarchia (formerly Limenitis) as, the banded purple (B. arthemis). See Illust. under Ursula.
(n.) Any shell of the genus Purpura.
(n.) See Purpura.
(n.) A disease of wheat. Same as Earcockle.
(a.) Exhibiting or possessing the color called purple, much esteemed for its richness and beauty
(a.) Imperial
(a.) Blood-red
(v. t.) To make purple

Purple barred Bedeutung

purple bacteria free-living Gram-negative pink to purplish-brown bacteria containing bacteriochlorophyll
purple finch
Carpodacus purpureus
North American finch having a raspberryed head and breast and rump
purple grackle
Quiscalus quiscula
eastern United States grackle
purple martin
Progne subis
large North American martin of which the male is blue-black
barred owl
Strix varia
large owl of eastern North America having its breast and abdomen streaked with brown
purple gallinule gallinules with showy purplish plumage
banded purple
white admiral Limenitis arthemis
North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
red-spotted purple
Limenitis astyanax
similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces
purple emperor
Apatura iris
large European butterfly the male of which has wings shaded with purple
redfin pickerel
barred pickerel
Esox americanus
small but gamy pickerel of Atlantic coastal states
sodium thiopental
purple heart
a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative
a purple color or pigment
Tyrian purple a vivid purplished color
reddish purple
royal purple
a shade of purple tinged with red
purple passage a passage full of ornate and flowery language
Order of the Purple Heart
Purple Heart
a United States military decoration awarded to any member of the armed forces who is wounded in action
purple onion
red onion
flat mild onion having purplish tunics, used as garnish on hamburgers and salads
purple anise
Illicium floridanum
small shrubby tree with purple flowers, found in wet soils of southeastern United States
purple clematis
purple virgin's bower
mountain clematis
Clematis verticillaris
climber of northeastern North America having waxy purplish-blue flowers
red clover
purple clover
Trifolium pratense
erect to decumbent short-lived perennial having red-purple to pink flowers, the most commonly grown forage clover
prince's-feather gentleman'sane
prince's-plume red amaranth
purple amaranth
Amaranthus cruentus
Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus
Amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys
tall showy tropical American annual having hairy stems and long spikes of usually red flowers above leaves deeply flushed with purple, seeds often used as cereal
purple cress
Cardamine douglasii
small perennial herb of cooler regions of North America with racemose purple flowers
late purple aster a variety of aster
purple-stemmed aster a variety of aster
Joe-Pye weed purple boneset
trumpet weed
marsh milkweed
Eupatorium purpureum
North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of flowers spotted with purple
velvet plant purple velvet plant
royal velvet plant
Gynura aurantiaca
Javanese foliage plant grown for their handsome velvety leaves with violet-purple hairs
male orchis
early purple orchid
Orchis mascula
Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike
showy orchis
purple orchis
purple-hooded orchis
Orchis spectabilis
North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white, sepals and petals form a hood
purple-fringed orchid purple-fringed orchis Habenaria fimbriata North American orchid similar to Habenaria psycodes with larger paler flowers
purple fringeless orchid
purple fringeless orchis
Habenaria peramoena
orchid of northeastern and alpine eastern North America closely related to the purple fringed orchids but having rosy-purple or violet flowers with denticulate leaf divisions
purple-fringed orchid purple-fringed orchis Habenaria psycodes North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers
Texas purple spike
Hexalectris warnockii
orchid with slender nearly leafless reddish-brown stems with loose racemes of reddish-brown flowers, of open brushy woods of southeastern Arizona and central Texas
purple poppy mallow
Callirhoe involucrata
hairy perennial of central United States having round deeply lobed leaves and loose panicles of large crimson-purple or cherryed flowers
purple heather
Brewer's mountain heather
Phyllodoce breweri
semi-prostrate evergreen herb of western United States
copper beech
purple beech
Fagus sylvatica atropunicea
Fagus purpurea
Fagus sylvatica purpurea
variety of European beech with shining purple or copperolored leaves
purple loosestrife
spiked loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria
marsh herb with a long spike of purple flowers, originally of Europe but now rampant in eastern United States
cattley guava
purple strawberry guava
Psidium cattleianum
Psidium littorale longipes
small tropical shrubby tree bearing deep red oval fruit
granadilla purple granadillo
Passiflora edulis
Brazilian passionflower cultivated for its deep purple fruit
purple trillium
red trillium birthroot
Trillium erectum
trillium of eastern North America having malodorous pink to purple flowers and an astringent root used in folk medicine especially to ease childbirth
purple milk vetch
Astragalus danicus
perennial of southern and western Europe having dense racemes of purple or violet flowers
purple pea
any of several attractive evergreen shrubs of Australia grown for their glossy deep green foliage and flowers in rich blues and intense violets
purple locoweed
purple loco
Oxytropis lambertii
tufted locoweed of southwestern United States having purple or pink to white flowers
water avens
Indian chocolate
purple avens chocolate root
Geum rivale
erect perennial of north temperate zone having pinnate leaves and a few nodding flowers with a brown-purple calyx and orange and pink petals
prairie smoke
purple avens Geum triflorum
North American perennial with hairy basal pinnate leaves and purple flowers and plume-tipped fruits
purple apricot
black apricot
Prunus dasycarpa
small hybrid apricot of Asia and Asia Minor having purplish twigs and white flowers following by inferior purple fruit
flowering raspberry
purple-flowering raspberry
Rubus odoratus
shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit
purple willow
red willow
red osier basket willow
purple osier
Salix purpurea
Eurasian osier having reddish or purple twigs and bark rich in tannin
purple saxifrage
Saxifraga oppositifolia
plants forming dense cushions with bright reddish-lavender flowers, rocky areas of Europe and Asia and western North America
purple sage
chaparral sage
Salvia leucophylla
silvery-leaved California herb with purple flowers
purple chinese houses
Collinsia bicolor
Collinsia heterophylla
white and lavender to pale-blue flowers grow in perfect rings of widely spaced bands around the stems forming a kind of pagoda, California
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Purple is a color intermediate between red and blue. It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite color made by combining red and blue. According to surveys In Europe and the U.S., purple is the color most often associated with royalty, magic, mystery and piety. When combined with pink, it is associated with eroticism, femininity and seduction.

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