
Sen Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Senarmontit m min.
Senat m
Senate pl
Beschluss f (eines Gremiums) pol.
ein gemeinsamer Beschluss des Senats und der Versammlung des Staates New York
resolve Am. (of a body)
a joint resolve of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York
Wahl f pol. (Vorgang und Ergebnis)
Wahlen pl
geheime Wahl
Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament
Wahlen mit mehreren Kandidaten
Wahl ohne Gegenkandidaten
Wahlen unter Beteiligung mehrerer Parteien
Wahlen durchführen abhalten
Wahlen ausrufen ansetzen anberaumen
eine Wahl anfechten; das Wahlergebnis anfechten
eine Wahl annullieren
die Wahl gewinnen
sich zur Wahl stellen
Ihre Wahl in den Senat kam für viele überraschend.
Der Skandal könnte seine Chancen schmälern gewählt zu werden.
election (process and result)
secret election; election by secret ballot
elections to the European Parliament
multi-candidate elections
unopposed election
multi-party elections
to hold elections
to call a general election
to challenge contest the result of an election
to annul an election
to win the election
to run for public office
Her election to the Senate was a surprise to many.
The scandal may reduce his chances for election.
Senatsverwaltung f pol.
Senate Department
Senatskanzlei f pol.
Senate Chancellery
Beschluss m (eines Gremiums) pol.
ein gemeinsamer Beschluss des Senats und der Versammlung des Staates New York
resolve Am. (of an administrative body)
a joint resolve of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York
Wahl f pol. (Vorgang und Ergebnis)
Wahlen pl
geheime Wahl
Richtungswahl f; Schicksalswahl f
Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament
Wahlen mit mehreren Kandidaten
Wahl ohne Gegenkandidaten
Wahlen unter Beteiligung mehrerer Parteien
Wahlen durchführen abhalten
Wahlen ausrufen ansetzen anberaumen
eine Wahl anfechten; das Wahlergebnis anfechten
eine Wahl annullieren
die Wahl gewinnen
sich zur Wahl stellen
Ihre Wahl in den Senat kam für viele überraschend.
Der Skandal könnte seine Chancen schmälern, gewählt zu werden.
1992 hat die Konservative Partei die Wahl gewonnen.
election (process and result)
secret election; election by secret ballot
watershed election
elections to the European Parliament
multi-candidate elections
unopposed election
multi-party elections
to hold elections
to call a general election
to challenge contest the result of an election
to annul an election
to win the election
to run for public office
Her election to the Senate was a surprise to many.
The scandal may reduce his chances for election.
The Conservative Party won the election in 1992.
Senator m
Senatoren pl
Rotkopfwürger m ornith.
Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator)
sich für gegen etw. aussprechen; Argumente für gegen etw. vorbringen v
Der Senator sprach sich für eine Steuersenkung aus.
Die Universitätsrektoren brachten überzeugende Argumente gegen die Kürzung des Wissenschaftsbudgets vor.
Sie brachte schlagende Argumente für ein generelles Rauchverbot vor.
Es spricht genausoviel dafür wie dagegen.; Es lassen sich genauso viele Argumente dafür wie dagegen finden.
to argue for against sth.; to argue the case for against sth.
The senator argued in favour of lowering the tax.
The university presidents argued convincingly persuasively against cutting the science budget.
She presented a well-argued case for a complete smoking ban.
You can argue the case either way.
'Die Söhne des Senators' (von Storm Werktitel) lit.
'The Senator's Sons' (by Storm work title)
Ehrensenator m
Ehrensenatoren pl
honorary senator
honorary senators
Senator m; Senatorin f
Senatoren pl; Senatorinnen pl
'Die Söhne des Senators' (von Storm Werktitel) lit.
'The Senator's Sons' (by Storm work title)
Senatorenwahl f
senatorial election
Senatoren… pol.
Kandidat für einen Senatorenposten
Senatorenwahl f
senatorial {adj}
senatorial candidate
senatorial election
auf Lehrgang schicken
send on a course
Boten schicken
send a messenger
Brief senden
send a letter
herzlich grüßen
send one's love
ins Gefängnis stecken
send to prison
muss alle Benachrichtigungen senden
must send all advices
Nachricht senden
send a message
senden, schicken
send a signal
wollen Sie Anfragen versenden
will you send out inquiries
zum Akzept senden
send for acceptance
in Bewegung setzen, treiben, stoßen
in Bewegung setzend, treibend, stoßend
in Bewegung gesetzt, getrieben, gestoßen
to send {sent, sent}
jdm. einen Blumengruß übermitteln
to send sb. flowers
Erdumlaufbahn f eines Satelliten
in die Erdumlaufbahn schießen
(earth) orbit
to send into orbit
jdn. ans Messer liefern übtr.
to send sb. to his doom
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
Sende-Empfangs-Betrieb m
send-receive mode
automatische Sende- und Empfangseinrichtung f
automatic send receive unit
Sendeaufforderung f
request to send (RTS)
SOS funken
to send an SOS
Verschrottung f, Verschrotten n
etw. zur Verschrottung geben
to send sth. to be scrapped
absenden, abschicken, losschicken
absendend, abschickend, losschickend
abgesendet, abgeschickt, losgeschickt
to send off
sending off
sent off
an prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
am (= an dem) Fenster stehen
ans (= an das) Fenster gehen
am Anfang, an dem Anfang
das Bild an der Wand
an eine andere Schule versetzt werden
etw. an meinen Freund senden
at, on, by, to {prp}
to stand at
by the window
to go to the window
at the beginning
the picture on the wall
to be moved to another school
to send sth. to my friend
anmahnen wegen
to send a reminder about
aussenden, wegschicken
aussendend, wegschickend
ausgesendet, ausgesandt, weggeschickt
sie sendet aus
sie sendete aus, ich
sie sandte aus
sie hat
hatte ausgesendet, er
sie hat
hatte ausgesandt
to send out
sending away
sent out
she sends out
she sent out
she has
had sent out
to advise, to notify, to send notification of
advising, notifying, sending notification of
advised, notified, sent notification of
durch, über prp, +Akkusativ
etw. durch Kurier schicken
durch List
20 geteilt durch 4 math.
to send sth. by courier
by stealth
20 divided by 4
einschicken, einsenden v
einschickend, einsendend
eingeschickt, eingesendet, eingesandt
schickt ein, sendet ein
schickte ein, sendete ein, sandte ein
to send in {sent, sent}
sending in
sent in
sends in
sent in
entsenden v
to delegate, to send out, to depute
delegating, sending out, deputing
delegated, sent out, deputed
to dispatch, to send, to forward
dispatching, sending, forwarding
dispatched, sent, forwarded
faxen, telefaxen v
faxend, telefaxend
gefaxt, getelefaxt
to send by fax
sending by fax
sent by fax
herbeiholen v
holt herbei
holte herbei
to fetch, to call for, to send for, to request
fetching, calling for, sending for, requesting
fetched, called for, sent for, requested
fetches, calls for, sends for, requests
fetched, called for, sent for, requested
herbeirufen, zu sich rufen
herbeirufend, zu sich rufend
herbeigerufen, zu sich gerufen
jdn. herbeigerufen, jdn. zu sich gerufen
to send for
sending for
sent for
to send for sb.
hereinschicken v
schickt herein
schickte herein
to send in
sending in
sent in
send in
sent in
jdn. holen lassen
to send for sb.
kommen lassen
to send for
links liegenlassen, ausschließen, verfemen
links liegengelassen werden, ausgeschlossen werden, verfemt sein
to send to Coventry fig. Br.
to be sent to Coventry
mahnen v
to remind, to send a reminder
reminding, sending a reminder
to send on
sending on
sent on
rundsenden v
to send round
schicken, abschicken, senden, zusenden, zuschicken, befördern
schickend, abschickend, sendend, zusendend, zuschickend, befördernd
geschickt, abgeschickt, gesendet, gesandt, zugesendet, zugesandt, zugeschickt, befördert
schickt, schickt ab, sendet, sendet zu, schickt zu, befördert
schickte, schickte ab, sendete, sendete zu, schickte zu, beförderte
jdn. nach etw. schicken
to send {sent, sent}
to send so. for sth.
senden v
gesendet, gesandt
sie sendet
sie sendete, ich
sie sandte
sie hat
hatte gesendet, es ist
war gesandt
mit der Post senden
to send {sent, sent}
she sends
she sent
it has
had sent
send by post
verhohnepipeln ugs.
to send up coll.
jdn. aus dem Zimmer verweisen, jdn. aus dem Zimmer weisen
to send sb. out of the room
vorausschicken v
to send ahead, to send on ahead
sending ahead, sending on ahead
sent ahead, sent on ahead

Deutsche Senarmontit {m} [min.] Synonyme

Englische senarmontite Synonyme

Senate  Austria  Barbados  Belgium  Brazil  Canada  Chile  Colombia  Dominican Republic  Ecuador  Ethiopia  Fiji  France  House of Lords  Iran  Ireland  Italy  Jamaica  Japan  Jordan  Laos  Liberia  Malagasy Republic  Malaysia  Mexico  Netherlands  Nicaragua  Norway  Paraguay  Philippines  Portugal  Rhodesia  South Africa  Swaziland  Switzerland  Trinidad and Tobago  Turkey  US  Venezuela  West Germany  
senator  MP  Member of Congress  Member of Parliament  alderman  assemblyman  chosen freeholder  city father  congressman  congresswoman  councilman  floor leader  lawgiver  lawmaker  legislator  majority leader  minority leader  party whip  representative  solon  state senator  whip  
send  address  address to  advance  air-express  airfreight  airmail  allocate  ask for  assign  be poised  beam  becharm  bewitch  billow  break  broadcast  bundle  bundle off  burlesque  call for  captivate  carry away  carry off  cart away  cast  charge  charm  comb  commission  commit  communicate  consign  convey  crash  dash  delectate  delegate  delight  deliver  delocalize  depute  discharge  dislodge  dismiss  dispatch  displace  disseminate  drop a letter  ebb and flow  electrify  embark  emit  enchant  enrapture  enravish  enthrall  enthuse  entrance  expedite  export  express  exude  fascinate  fax  fire  fling  float  forward  freak out  freight  get across  get over  give  give a start  give off  give word  grow  hand on  heave  hurl  imparadise  impart  imprison  incarcerate  jam  kick off  knock dead  knock out  lampoon  launch  lay aside  leave word  let fly  lift  mail  make fun of  make known  manhandle  move  newscast  order  parody  pass  pass along  pass on  peak  please  popple  post  project  propel  put aside  put in motion  radiate  radio  radiobroadcast  ravish  release  relocate  remit  remove  render  report  request  rise  rise and fall  roll  route  rush  satirize  scend  send away  send down  send for  send forth  send off  send up  send word  set afloat  set agoing  set aside  set going  set in motion  set on foot  share  share with  shift  ship  shoot  shortwave  shunt  side  sign off  sign on  signal  slay  smash  spoof  sportscast  start  start going  start off  start up  stir  summon  surge  swell  take away  take off  telecast  telegraph  televise  tell  thrill  throw  tickle  tickle pink  titillate  toss  transfer  transmit  transport  undulate  wave  wireless  wow  
send away  air-express  airfreight  airmail  ban  banish  beat back  blackball  bow out  brush off  bundle  bundle off  cast out  chase  chase away  chase off  consign  cut  deport  disfellowship  dismiss  dispatch  drive away  drive back  drop a letter  embark  exclude  excommunicate  exile  expatriate  expedite  expel  export  express  extradite  fend off  forward  freight  fugitate  give the air  give the gate  hold off  hustle out  keep off  mail  ostracize  outlaw  pack off  post  proscribe  push back  put back  rebuff  refuse  relegate  remit  repel  repulse  rusticate  send  send down  send forth  send off  send packing  send to Coventry  ship  show the door  show the gate  snub  spurn  thrust back  thrust out  transmit  transport  turn away  turn back  turn off  ward off  
send for  bid come  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call together  call up  cite  conjure  conjure up  convene  convoke  demand  evoke  indent  invoke  muster  muster up  order up  page  preconize  recall  requisition  send after  serve  subpoena  summon  summon forth  summon up  summons  
send forth  air-express  airfreight  airmail  blow out  bring out  bundle  bundle off  cast forth  consign  debouch  decant  discharge  disembogue  disgorge  dispatch  drop a letter  ejaculate  embark  emit  eruct  erupt  exhaust  expedite  expel  export  express  extravasate  float  forward  freight  get off  get out  give a start  give forth  issue  jet  kick off  launch  mail  outpour  post  pour  pour forth  pour out  put forth  put in motion  put out  remit  send  send away  send off  send out  set afloat  set agoing  set going  set in motion  set on foot  ship  spew  spout  spurt  squirt  start  start going  start off  start up  throw out  transmit  
send off  A  Godspeed  adieu  air-express  airfreight  airmail  aloha  alpha  beat back  begin  beginning  blast away  blast off  blast-off  bow out  brush off  bundle  bundle off  chase  chase away  chase off  commence  commencement  conge  consign  creation  cut  cutting edge  dawn  dismiss  dispatch  dive in  doch-an-dorrach  drive away  drive back  drop a letter  edge  embark  establishment  expedite  export  express  fall to  farewell  fend off  float  flying start  forward  foundation  freight  fresh start  get to  give a start  give the air  give the gate  go ahead  good-bye  head into  hold off  hustle out  institution  jump off  jump-off  keep off  kick off  kick-off  launch  leading edge  leave  leave-taking  mail  new departure  oncoming  onset  opening  origin  origination  outbreak  outset  pack off  parting  parting words  pitch in  plunge into  post  push back  put back  put in motion  rebuff  refuse  remit  repel  repulse  running start  send  send away  send forth  send packing  set about  set afloat  set agoing  set going  set in  set in motion  set on foot  set out  set sail  set to  setting in motion  setting-up  ship  show the door  show the gate  snub  spurn  square one  start  start going  start in  start off  start out  start up  start-off  starting point  stirrup cup  take off  take-off  thrust back  transmit  turn away  turn back  turn off  turn to  valediction  valedictorian  valedictory  valedictory address  viaticum  ward off  
send out  accredit  aerate  aerify  assign  atomize  authorize  blow out  carbonate  cast forth  charge  charter  chlorinate  commission  commit  consign  debouch  decant  delegate  depute  deputize  detach  detail  devolute  devolve  devolve upon  discharge  disembogue  disgorge  distill  ejaculate  emit  empower  entrust  eruct  erupt  etherify  etherize  evaporate  exhale  exhaust  expel  extravasate  fluidize  fractionate  fume  fumigate  gasify  give in charge  give off  hydrogenate  jet  license  mission  outpour  oxygenate  perfume  post  pour  pour forth  pour out  reek  send forth  smoke  spew  spout  spray  spurt  squirt  steam  sublimate  sublime  throw out  transfer  vaporize  volatilize  warrant  
senile  aged  aging  ancient  anile  childish  childlike  crabbed  debilitated  declining  decrepit  doddered  doddering  doddery  doited  dotard  doting  dotty  enfeebled  failing  feeble  fogy  fogyish  forgetful  fossilized  fuddy-duddy  gerontal  gerontic  infirm  mossbacked  moth-eaten  mummylike  old  old fart  old fogy  old-fogy  old-fogyish  palsied  papery-skinned  ravaged with age  rickety  run to seed  rusty  senescent  shaky  shattered  shriveled  simple  stodgy  stricken in years  stuffy  timeworn  tottering  tottery  weak  withered  wizened  
senility  aboriginality  abulia  advanced age  advanced years  age  age of retirement  an incurable disease  ancien regime  ancientness  anility  antiquity  arteriosclerotic psychosis  atavism  caducity  certifiability  childishness  cobwebs of antiquity  debility  decline  decline of life  declining years  decrepitude  dementia paralytica  dipsomania  dotage  dotardism  drug addiction  dust of ages  eld  elderliness  eldership  feebleness  folie du doute  functional psychosis  general paralysis  general paresis  great age  green old age  hale old age  hoary age  hoary eld  incapacity  infirm old age  infirmity  infirmity of age  insipidity  instability  invalidism  inveteracy  longevity  metabolic psychosis  moral insanity  neurosis  old age  old order  old style  oldness  organic psychosis  paralytic dementia  pathological drunkenness  pensionable age  presenile dementia  primitiveness  primogeniture  primordialism  primordiality  prison psychosis  psychopathia  psychopathia sexualis  psychopathic condition  psychopathic personality  psychopathy  psychosis  ricketiness  ripe old age  second childhood  senectitude  senescence  senile debility  senile dementia  senile psychosis  senile weakness  senilism  senior citizenship  seniority  sexual pathology  shakiness  situational psychosis  superannuation  syphilitic paresis  the downward slope  the golden years  toxic psychosis  unfirmness  unsoundness  unsteadiness  unsturdiness  unsubstantiality  vale of years  vapidity  venerableness  wateriness  white hairs  wishy-washiness  
senior  A per se  absolute  ace  ancient  antecedent  anterior  anticipatory  ascendant  authoritarian  authoritative  authorized  autocratic  better  boss  brass hat  cadet  champion  chief  ci-devant  clothed with authority  commander  commanding  competent  consequential  considerable  controlling  dean  dominant  doyen  doyenne  duly constituted  earlier  early  elder  eldest  eminent  empowered  ex officio  father  first  first-born  firstling  fore  foregoing  former  freshman  fugleman  genius  golden-ager  governing  great  head  hegemonic  hegemonistic  high priest  higher-up  imperative  important  important person  influential  junior  kingfish  kingpin  laureate  leader  leading  major  master  midshipman  mighty  momentous  monocratic  nonpareil  official  old-timer  older  oldest  paragon  personage  plebe  potent  powerful  preceding  precurrent  preeminent  preexistent  prestigious  previous  prime  primogenitary  principal  prior  prodigy  prominent  puissant  ranking  ruler  ruling  senior citizen  sire  soph  sophomore  star  substantial  superior  superman  superstar  supreme  the greatest  the most  top dog  totalitarian  undergrad  undergraduate  upperclassman  virtuoso  weighty  
senior citizen  Father Time  Methuselah  Nestor  Old Paar  ancient  centenarian  dotard  elder  gaffer  geezer  golden-ager  gramps  grandfather  grandsire  graybeard  nonagenarian  octogenarian  old chap  old codger  old dog  old duffer  old geezer  old gent  old gentleman  old man  old party  old-timer  older  oldster  pantaloon  patriarch  pensioner  presbyter  senior  septuagenarian  sexagenarian  the quiet-voiced elders  venerable sir  veteran  
seniority  aboriginality  accomplishment  age  ancien regime  ancientness  antiquity  ascendancy  atavism  authority  cobwebs of antiquity  consequence  deanship  dust of ages  eld  elderliness  eldership  eminence  excellence  favor  great age  greatness  hoary age  hoary eld  importance  incomparability  influence  influentialness  inimitability  inveteracy  lead  majority  moment  old age  old order  old style  oldness  one-upmanship  precedence  predominance  predomination  preeminence  preponderance  prepotence  prepotency  prerogative  pressure  prestige  primitiveness  primogeniture  primordialism  primordiality  priority  privilege  prominence  rank  right-of-way  senility  skill  stature  success  superiority  transcendence  transcendency  venerableness  virtuosity  weight  weightiness  
senora  Frau  Fraulein  Miss  Mistress  Mlle  Mme  Mmes  dame  dona  donna  lady  madam  madame  mademoiselle  mem-sahib  mesdames  senhora  senhorita  signora  signorina  vrouw  
senorita  Frau  Fraulein  Miss  Mistress  Mlle  Mme  Mmes  dame  dona  donna  lady  madam  madame  mademoiselle  mem-sahib  mesdames  senhora  senhorita  signora  signorina  vrouw  
sensation  affect  affection  amazement  astonishing thing  astonishment  awareness  bang  bean  best seller  big hit  bomb  bombshell  boot  brain  brilliant success  charge  commotion  consciousness  curiosity  emotion  emotional charge  emotional shade  encephalon  exception  excitement  experience  fad  feeling  feeling tone  flush  foreboding  funny feeling  gas  gasser  gazingstock  gray matter  great success  gut reaction  head  heartthrob  hit  hunch  impression  jollies  kick  killing  lift  marvel  marvelment  meteoric success  miracle  momentary success  noddle  noggin  nonesuch  noodle  organ of thought  passion  pate  perception  phenomenon  portent  prescience  presentiment  prodigy  profound sense  quite a thing  quiver  rarity  reaction  resounding triumph  response  riot  roaring success  rush  rush of emotion  sconce  seat of thought  sense  sensibility  sensitiveness  sensitivity  sensorium  sensory  sentiment  shiver  shudder  sight  smash  smash hit  sneaking suspicion  something else  spectacle  stir  stunner  success  surge of emotion  susceptibility  suspicion  thrill  tingle  tingling  titillation  tremor  tremor of excitement  triumph  undercurrent  wonder  wonderful thing  wonderment  wow  
sensational  Barnumesque  Gongoresque  Johnsonian  acid  affected  amazing  arresting  astonishing  astounding  bedizened  beguiling  bewildering  big-sounding  biting  blatant  brazen  brazenfaced  breathtaking  cloak-and-dagger  coarse  colored  colorful  conspicuous  convoluted  cool  corrosive  crashing  crude  cutting  dandy  declamatory  divine  dramatic  driving  effective  electrifying  elevated  emotionalistic  emotive  enigmatic  euphuistic  exaggerated  exceptional  exciting  exquisite  extraordinary  extravagant  extreme  fabulous  fantastic  fascinating  flagrant  flamboyant  flaming  flaring  flashy  flaunting  forceful  forcible  fulsome  galvanizing  garish  gaudy  gilt-edged  glaring  glorious  golden  gorgeous  grandiloquent  grandiose  grandisonant  great  groovy  gutsy  hair-raising  hammy  heavenly  high-flowing  high-flown  high-flying  high-sounding  highfalutin  histrionic  hot  hunky-dory  hysteric  immense  imperative  impressive  incisive  incomprehensible  inconceivable  incredible  inkhorn  juicy  keen  labyrinthine  lexiphanic  livid  lofty  loud  lurid  magnificent  magniloquent  marked  marvelous  matchless  melodramatic  meretricious  mind-blowing  mind-boggling  miraculous  mordant  nervous  nonpareil  nonrational  obtrusive  orotund  ostentatious  outlandish  outstanding  overdone  overdrawn  overelaborate  overemotional  overinvolved  overwrought  passing strange  pedantic  peerless  penetrating  phenomenal  piercing  piquant  poignant  pointed  pompous  powerful  pretentious  prodigious  prominent  punchy  pungent  puzzling  rare  remarkable  rhetorical  rousing  salient  screaming  sensationalistic  sensatory  sensitive  sensorial  sensual  sententious  shameless  shocking  showy  signal  sinewed  sinewy  slashing  smash  smashing  sonorous  spectacular  spine-chilling  splendid  splendiferous  staggering  sterling  stilted  stimulating  stirring  strange  striking  strong  stunning  stupendous  sultry  super  superb  superemine  
sensationalism  Barnumism  Thespian art  affectation  aggrandizement  amateur theatricals  amplification  ballyhoo  bedizenment  big talk  blatancy  blood and thunder  blowing up  brazenness  burlesque  caricature  colorfulness  convolution  crudeness  dash  dazzle  dazzlingness  demonstrativeness  dilatation  dilation  dramatic art  dramatic form  dramatic irony  dramatic stroke  dramatic structure  dramaticism  dramatics  dramatism  dramaturgy  emotional appeal  emotionalism  emotionality  emotionalization  emotionalizing  emotiveness  emotivity  enhancement  enlargement  exaggerating  exaggeration  excess  exorbitance  expansion  extravagance  extravaganza  extravagation  extreme  flagrancy  flamboyance  flashiness  flatulence  flatulency  fulsomeness  gaiety  garishness  gaudery  gaudiness  glare  glitter  gorgeousness  grandiloquence  grandioseness  grandiosity  heightening  high-flown diction  histrionics  histrionism  huckstering  human interest  hyperbole  hyperbolism  inflatedness  inflation  inordinacy  jauntiness  jazziness  lexiphanicism  loftiness  loudness  love interest  luridness  magnification  magniloquence  making scenes  melodrama  melodramatics  mere rhetoric  meretriciousness  nonrationalness  obtrusiveness  orotundity  ostentation  ostentatious complexity  overemphasis  overestimation  overkill  overstatement  panache  platitudinous ponderosity  play construction  polysyllabic profundity  pomposity  pompous prolixity  pompousness  pontification  pretension  pretentiousness  prodigality  profuseness  prose run mad  puffery  puffing up  rhetoric  rhetoricalness  sententiousness  shamelessness  showiness  sportiness  staginess  stiltedness  stretching  superlative  swelling utterance  swollen phrase  swollenness  tall talk  tawdriness  theatricalism  theatricality  theatricals  theatricism  theatrics  tortuosity  tortuousness  touting  travesty  tumidity  tumidness  turgescence  turgidity  unreasoningness  visceralness  vulgarness  yellow journal  
sense  IQ  absorb  acceptation  admissibility  affect  affection  affective meaning  air  anticipate  appreciate  appreciation  appreciation of differences  appreciativeness  apprehend  apprehension  artistic judgment  assimilate  atmosphere  aura  awareness  balance  be aware of  be conscious of  be sensible of  be with one  bearing  believe  brains  burden  caliber  capacity  catch  catch on  center  climate  cognizance  coherence  coloring  common sense  comprehend  comprehension  conceive  conception  connoisseurship  connotation  consciousness  consequence  consider  cool head  coolheadedness  coolness  core  credit  critical niceness  criticalness  deductive power  deem  delicacy  denotation  descry  detect  dig  digest  discern  discernment  discretion  discriminating taste  discriminatingness  discrimination  discriminativeness  distinguish  divine  drift  due sense of  effect  emotion  emotional charge  emotional shade  esemplastic power  espy  essence  experience  extension  faculty  fastidiousness  fathom  feel  feel deeply  feel intuitively  feeling  feeling tone  fine palate  finesse  focus  follow  force  foreboding  foresight  get  get hold of  get the drift  get the idea  get the picture  gist  good sense  grammatical meaning  grasp  gumption  gut reaction  have  have a feeling  have a hunch  have a sensation  have it taped  have the impression  hear  heartthrob  hold  horse sense  idea  ideation  identify  impact  implication  import  impression  integrative power  intellect  intellectual grasp  intellectual power  intellectualism  intellectuality  intelligence  intelligence quotient  intelligibility  intendment  intension  intuit  intuition  judgement  judgment  judiciousness  just know  justifiability  justness  ken  know  knowledge  learn  level head  levelheadedness  lexical meaning  literal meaning  logic  logicality  logicalness  lucidity  make out  making distinctions  marbles  master  matter  meaning  meat  mental age  mental capacity  menta  
senseless  abiotic  abnormal  absonant  absurd  aimless  amorphous  anesthetized  apish  asinine  asleep  azoic  batty  befooled  beguiled  benumbed  bereft of reason  besotted  brainless  brainsick  buffoonish  capricious  casual  cataleptic  catatonic  cockeyed  cold  comatose  contradictory  contrary to reason  crackbrained  cracked  crazed  crazy  credulous  daffy  daft  dazed  dead  deadened  deluded  demented  deprived of reason  deranged  designless  desultory  dippy  disarticulated  discontinuous  disjunct  disordered  disoriented  dispersed  disproportionate  distraught  dizzy  doped  doting  drugged  dumb  empty  empty-headed  erratic  exanimate  fallacious  fatuitous  fatuous  faulty  fitful  flaky  flawed  flighty  fond  fool  foolheaded  foolish  formless  frivolous  fuddled  futile  gaga  garbled  goofy  gratuitous  gulled  half-conscious  hallucinated  haphazard  headless  hit-or-miss  idiotic  ignorant  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-contrived  ill-devised  ill-gauged  ill-judged  illogical  imbecile  imbecilic  immethodical  impolitic  importless  imprudent  inadvisable  inane  inanimate  inanimated  inauthentic  inchoate  incoherent  inconclusive  incongruous  inconsequent  inconsequential  inconsiderate  inconsistent  indiscreet  indiscriminate  inept  inert  inexpedient  infatuated  injudicious  insane  insensate  insensible  insensitive  insentient  insignificant  invalid  irrational  irregular  kooky  lackbrained  lean-minded  lean-witted  lifeless  loco  loony  loose  ludicrous  lunatic  mad  maddened  manic  maudlin  mazed  meaningless  mental  mentally deficient  meshuggah  mindless  misadvised  misguided  misshapen  moon-struck  moronic  mute  myopic  narcotized  nirvanic  nitwitted  non compos  non compos mentis  nonconnotative  nonconscious  nondenotative  nonliving  nonscientific  nonsensical  nonsymmetrical  nonsystematic  nonuniform  not all there  not bright  not following  not right  null  numbed  nutty  oblivious  odd  of little b  

Sen Definition

Sen Bedeutung

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Sen may refer to: Definition; Old Latin: The One, one, only