
Spot thoated Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Taczanowskikolibri m ornith.
Spot-thoated Hummingbird
am Ort verkaufen
sell on the spot
an derselben Stelle
on the very spot
an Ort und Stelle
on the spot
spot price
spot deal
spot operation
Kassakurs, Kurs für Kassageschäfte
spot rate
Lokogeschäft, Kassageschäft
spot transaction
Platz, Stelle, Fleck, ausfindig machen
sofort lieferbar und sofort zahlbar
sofortige Barzahlung bei Kaufabschluss
spot cash
Spottpreis, Locopreis
spot price
Werbespot, Werbedurchsage
spot announcement
Abplattung f
flat spot
Abstiegsplatz m sport
Abstiegsplätze pl
relegation spot
relegation spots
Achillesferse f übtr., wunder Punkt, Schwachstelle f
Achilles' heel fig., weak spot
Anflachung f
spot face
Anstoßpunkt m sport
centre spot Br., center spot Am., kick-off spot
Badestelle f
swimming spot, bathing area
Bargeschäft n
Bargeschäfte pl
spot business
spot businesses
Barpreis m
Barpreise pl
spot price
spot prices
sofortige Bezahlung f
gegen sofortige Bezahlung
spot cash
for spot cash
Brandflecken pl
gangrenous spot
Bußgeld n
sofort fälliges Bußgeld
spot fine
Elfmeterpunkt m sport
penalty spot
Faible n für jdn.
soft spot
Fersehspot m, TV-Spot m
Fersehspots pl, TV-Spots pl
television spot, TV spot
television spots, TV spots
Fettfleck m
Fettflecken pl
grease spot, grease stain
grease spots, grease stains
Fleck m
Flecken pl
Flecken bekommen, schmutzen
ein schönes Fleckchen Erde
to spot
a lovely spot
Fleckenentferner m, Fleckenwasser n
spot remover, stain remover
Fleckenreiniger m, Fleckentferner m
Fleckenreiniger pl
spot remover
spot removers
Fleckenreinigung f
Fleckenreinigungen pl
spot remove
spot removes
Fünfdollarschein m
five-spot Am.
Höhenangabe f
spot height
Kassageschäft n
spot transaction
Kassakurs m
Kassakurse pl
spot price
spot prices
Kassalieferung f
Kassalieferungen pl
spot delivery
spot deliveries
Kassamarkt m fin.
cash market, spot market
Kassapreis m
spot price
Kehltupfen m med.
Kehltupfen pl
throat spot
throat spots
Klemme f, Schwulität f
in der Klemme sitzen, in Schwulitäten sein
in der Klemme
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sein (sitzen)
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sitzen
to be in a spot
in deep water
to be in a tight squeeze
to be in a fix
to be in the tight corner
to be up a gum tree
den Kopf aus der Schlinge ziehen übtr.
to get out of a tight spot
Krisenherd m, Brandherd m, Unruheherd m
trouble spot
Laufflächenauswaschung f (Reifen)
bald spot
Leberfleck m, Pigmentfleck m
liver spot, mole (on skin)
Lichtpunkt m
flying spot
Lichtpunktabtastung f
flying-spot scanning
Lieblingsplatz m
Lieblingsplätze pl
haunt, favorite haunt, favourite spot, favourite location
haunts, favorite haunts, favourite spots, favourite locations
Makel m (an)
spot (on)
Makula f, gelber Fleck, Stelle des schärfsten Sehens im Auge anat.
macula, yellow spot
Mittelkreis m, Anstoßkreis m sport
centre circle, center spot
Objektmessung f photo.
spot meter
an Ort und Stelle, vom Ort des Geschehens
Parklücke f, Parkbox f, (einzelner) Parkplatz m, Abstellplatz m
Parklücken pl, Parkboxen pl, Abstellplätze pl
parking space, parking spot
parking spaces, parking spots
Pickel m (im Gesicht)
Pickel pl
pimple, spot, hickey, zit Am.
pimples, spots, hickeys, zits
Plätzchen n
little place, spot
Punktlandung f
Punktlandungen pl
precision landing, spot landing
precision landings, spot landings
Punktschweißen n techn.
Punktschweißung f techn.
spot welding
Rostfleck m, Rostflecken m
Rostflecken pl, Rostflecken pl
rust spot, rust patch, rust stain
rust spots, rust patches, rust stains
Schönheitsmal m, Schönheitsfleck m
Schönheitsmale pl, Schönheitsflecken pl
beauty spot, beauty mark
beauty spots, beauty marks
Schönheitspflästerchen n
beauty spot
Schweißpunkt m
Schweißpunkte pl
spot weld
spot welds, points of welding
Schweißpunktfräser m
spot weld cutter
(ein paar Minuten) Sendezeit
Skotom n, Gesichtsfeldausfall m med.
scotoma, blind spot
Spotmarkt m fin.
spot market
Stelle f, Punkt m, Tupfen m
auf der Stelle, an Ort und Stelle
an Ort und Stelle sein
schwache Stelle f
tote Stelle, weißer Fleck
on the spot
to be on the spot
weak spot
dead spot
Stichprobe f
Stichproben pl
eine Stichprobe machen (bei)
Ein-Stichproben-Test m
mittlere Zahl der Stichproben
spot check, spot test, random test
spot tests
to sample, to spot-check (for)
one sample test
average run length
Stichprobenkontrolle f
spot check
Stichprobenuntersuchung f
Stichprobenuntersuchungen pl
spot survey
spot surveys
Stichprobenverfahren n
spot-check procedure
Tupfen m, Tupfer m
dot, spot
Tintenfleck m, Tintenklecks m
Tintenflecke pl, Tintenkleckse pl
spot of ink
spots of ink
Untersuchung f, Ermittlung f
Untersuchungen pl, Ermittlungen pl
Untersuchung an Ort und Stelle
Ermittlungen anstellen (über)
investigation, inquiry
investigations, inquiries
on-the-spot investigation
to make inquiries (about)
Unwucht f
dynamische Unwucht
zulässige Restunwucht
unbalance, heavy spot, imbalance, out-of-balance, unbalance
dynamic unbalance
permissible residual unbalance
Waren pl
sofort lieferbare Waren
Waren mit Verlust verkaufen
gute Ware fürs Geld
spot goods
to sell goods at a sacrifice
a bang for the buck
Werbespot m
Werbespots pl
advertising spot
advertising spots
Widerstandspunktschweißen n techn.
resistance spot welding
Zugzwang m
unter Zugzwang stehen
jdn. in Zugzwang bringen
in Zugzwang geraten
tight spot
to be in a tight spot
to put sb. on the spot
to be put on the spot
anflachen v
to spot-face
beflecken, bespritzen v
befleckend, bespritzend
befleckt, bespritzt
to spot
ein bisschen
a spot of Br.
entdecken, sehen, erkennen, herausfinden
to spot
erkennen, sehen, entdecken, ausmachen v
erkennend, sehend, entdeckend, ausmachend
erkannt, gesehen, entdeckt, ausgemacht
erkennt, sieht, entdeckt, macht aus
erkannte, sah, entdeckte, machte aus
to spot
exakt, genau richtig adj
wie festgenagelt stehen bleiben
to stand riveted to the spot
heranbringen v
to transport to the spot
transporting to the spot
transported to the spot
neuralgisch adj
ein neuralgischer Punkt
a trouble area, a trouble spot
to spot-weld
sogleich, kurzerhand adv
on the spot
stichprobenweise, stichprobenartig adv
stichprobenweise Kontrollen
on a random basis
spot checks
wenden v
es wendet
es wendete
sie hat
hatte gewendet
auf der Stelle wenden
to turn (over, round)
it turns
it turned
she has
had turned
to spot turn
Leichtpunkt m
light spot
Er hat einen wunden Punkt berührt.
He has touched a sore spot.
Es gab etwas Ärger.
There was a spot of trouble.
Blaupunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon plebeius) zool.
blue spot butterfly
(Chaetodon ocellicaudus) zool.
spot-tail butterfly
Dreifleck-Preußenfisch m (Dascyllus trimaculatus) zool.
orange domino (damsel), three-spot damsel
Dreifleck-Preußenfisch m (Dascyllus trimaculatus) zool.
three-spot damsel, orange domino (damsel)
Fünfbinden-Falterfisch m, Segelfalterfisch m (Parachaetodon ocellatus) zool.
spot-fin butterfly
Gepunktete Partnergrundel f (Amblyeleotris guttata) zool.
orange spot watchman goby
Krabbenaugengrundel f (Signigobius biocellatus) zool.
two-spot goby
Vierflecken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon quadrimaculatus) zool.
four-spot butterly
Grüne Punktalgen pl
spot algae
Fleckenbrustibis m ornith.
Spot-breasted Ibis
Fleckschwanzsperber m ornith.
Spot-tailed Sparrow Hawk
Tropfenfalke m ornith.
Spot-winged Falconet
Capueirawachtel f ornith.
Spot-winged Wood Quail
Maskenpfuhlhuhn n ornith.
Spot-flanked Gallinule
Strichelbrustkiebitz m ornith.
Spot-breasted Plover
Tüpfelpapagei m ornith.
Spot-winged Parrotlet
Fleckenschwanz-Nachtschwalbe f ornith.
Spot-tailed Nightjar
Diademsegler m ornith.
Spot-fronted Swift
Taczanowskikolibri m ornith.
Spot-thoated Hummingbird
Fleckmantel-Faulvogel m ornith.
Spot-backed Puffbird
Tropfenbartvogel m ornith.
Spot-crowned Barbet
Fleckenarassari m ornith.
Spot-billed Toucanet
Tüpfelbrustspecht m ornith.
Spot-breasted Flicker
Kehlflecken-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Spot-throated Woodcreeper
Fleckscheitel-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper
Weißkehl-Stachelschwanz m ornith.
White-thoated Barbtail
Perlkappenwürgerling m ornith.
Spot-crowned Antvireo
Fleckenbrustwürgerling m ornith.
Spot-breasted Antvireo
Streifenmantel-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Spot-backed Antwren
Fleckenschwanz-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Spot-tailed Antwren
Braunflecken-Waldwächter m ornith.
Spot-backed Antbird
Perlenmantel-Ameisenwürger m ornith.
Spot-backed Antshrike
Strichelbrust-Ameisenvogel m ornith.
Spot-breasted Antbird
Sternflügel-Ameisenvogel m ornith.
Spot-winged Antbird
Fleckflügel-Wollrücken m ornith.
Spot-winged Antshrike
Lerchentyrann m ornith.
Spot-billed Ground Tyrant
Fleckenbrust-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Spot-breasted Wren
Fleckenkehlchen n ornith.
Spot Throat
Fleckenhäherling m ornith.
Spot-breasted Laughing Thrush
Fleckenhals-Buschtimalie f ornith.
Spot-necked Tree Babbler
Brustflecken-Papageimeise f ornith.
Spot-breasted Parrotbill
Weißflankenschnäpper m ornith.
Chin Spot Batis
Kinnfleckschnäpper m ornith.
Paler Chin Spot Batis
Perlenflügelmonarch m ornith.
Spot-winged Monarch
Mimikahonigfresser m ornith.
Large Spot-breasted Honeyeater
Schlankschnabel-Honigfresser m ornith.
Small Spot-breasted Honeyeater
Sarasinhonigfresser m ornith.
Spot-headed Honeysucker
Dolchstich-Honigfresser m ornith.
Red-spot Honeyeater
Stirnfleckenorganist m ornith.
Spot-crowned Euphonia
Fleckengimpel m ornith.
Spot-winged Rosefinch
Monteiroastrild m ornith.
Brown Twin-spot
Schieferastrild m ornith.
Dusky Twin-spot
Dybowskiastrild m ornith.
Dybowski's Dusky Twin-spot
Perlastrild m ornith.
Rosy Twin-spot

Deutsche Taczanowskikolibri {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Spot-thoated Hummingbird Synonyme

Spot thoated Definition

(n.) A simple visual organ found in many invertebrates, consisting of pigment cells covering a sensory nerve termination.
(n.) An eyelike spot of color.
(n.) The Tasmanian forty-spotted diamond bird (Pardalotus quadragintus).
(n.) A mark on a substance or body made by foreign matter
(n.) A stain on character or reputation
(n.) A small part of a different color from the main part, or from the ground upon which it is
(n.) A small extent of space
(n.) A variety of the common domestic pigeon, so called from a spot on its head just above its beak.
(n.) A sciaenoid food fish (Liostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. It has a black spot behind the shoulders and fifteen oblique dark bars on the sides. Called also goody, Lafayette, masooka, and old wife.
(n.) The southern redfish, or red horse, which has a spot on each side at the base of the tail. See Redfish.
(n.) Commodities, as merchandise and cotton, sold for immediate delivery.
(v. t.) To make visible marks upon with some foreign matter
(v. t.) To mark or note so as to insure recognition
(v. t.) To stain
(v. i.) To become stained with spots.

Spot thoated Bedeutung

an act that brings discredit to the person who does it, he made a huge blot on his copybook
spot check a check on work performance or product quality made at random times without warning, spot checks ensure a high level of performance by employees
spot welding
creating an overlapping joint by welding at small points
spot pass a pass to a designated spot on the field, the receiver should arrive at that spot the same time the ball does
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
spot jamming
selective jamming
electronic jamming of a specific channel or frequency
beauty spot a spot that is worn on a lady's face for adornment
one of four playing cards in a deck with eight pips on the face
a playing card or a domino or a die whose upward face shows five pips
a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows four pips
hot spot
a lively entertainment spot
one of four playing cards in a deck with nine pips on the face
one-spot a domino or die whose upward face shows one pip
one of four playing cards in a deck with seven pips on the face
a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows six pips
spot a business establishment for entertainment, night spot
spot a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value, an eight-spot
a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area, used to focus attention of a stage performer
spot market a market in which a commodity is bought or sold for immediate delivery or delivery in the very near future
spot weld
each of the welds made by welding at a separate point
one of four playing cards in a deck with ten pips on the face
spot speckle
a small contrasting part of something, a bald spot, a leopard's spots, a patch of clouds, patches of thin ice, a fleck of red
worn spot
a spot that has been worn away by abrasion or erosion
a blemish made by dirt, he had a smudge on his cheek
point spot an outstanding characteristic, his acting was one of the high points of the movie
weak part
weak spot
soft spot
a place of especial vulnerability
liver spot a type of skin disease that causes brown spots on the skin
plague spot a spot on the skin characteristic of the plague
macula lutea
macular area
yellow spot
a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed vision
blind spot
optic disc
optic disk
the point where the optic nerve enters the retina, not sensitive to light
soft spot
any membranous gap between the bones of the cranium in an infant or fetus
blind spot a subject about which you are ignorant or prejudiced and fail to exercise good judgment, golf is one of his blind spots and he's proud of it
spot a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance, they changed his spot on the program
spot a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising
cleanup position
cleanup spot
(baseball) the fourth position in the batting order (usually filled by the best batter on the team)
spot pip a mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit)
soft spot a sentimental affection, she had a soft spot for her youngest son
hot spot
a point of relatively intense heat or radiation
hot spot hotspot a place of political unrest and potential violence, the United States cannot police all of the world's hot spots
resort area
vacation spot
an area where many people go for recreation
topographic point
a point located with respect to surface features of some region, this is a nice place for a picnic, a bright spot on a planet
spot welder
a welder who does spot welding
Nemophila maculata
California annual having white flowers with a deep purple blotch on each petal
yellow spot fungus
Cercospora kopkei
fungus causing yellow spot (a sugarcane disease in Australia)
spot price
cash price
the current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market
five dollar bill
a United States bill worth dollars
a small piece or quantity of something, a spot of tea, a bit of paper, a bit of lint, I gave him a bit of my mind
high spot
the most interesting or memorable part, the highlight of the tour was our visit to the Vatican
a slight attack of illness, he has a touch of rheumatism
halo blight
halo spot
bean blight
a blight of bean plants
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