
St Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Staatliches Bauhaus n; Bauhaus n art
Staatliches Bauhaus; Bauhaus
Kalisalz n; Abraumsalz n (veraltend) min.
natural raw potassic salt; potassium salt; potash salt; (Staßfurt) abraum salt
erstechen, stechen, Stich
Dolchstich m
Dolchstiche pl
stab with a dagger
stabs with a dagger
Messerstich m
Messerstiche pl
stab with a knife
stabs with a knife
Rücken m
glatter Rücken
steifer Rücken
einen steifen Rücken bekommen
Rücken an Rücken
mit dem Rücken aneinander stehen
jdm. in den Rücken fallen übtr.
flat back
a crick in one's back
to crick one's back
back to back
to stand back to back
to stab sb. in the back fig.
Stich m, Messerstich m
Stich in den Rücken, Dolchstoß m übtr.
stab, thrust
stab in the back
Stichwunde f
Stichwunden pl
stab wound
stab wounds
auf jdn. einstechen
auf jdn. einstechend
auf jdn. eingestochen
to stab so.
stabbing so.
stabbed so.
erstechen, erdolchen v
erstechend, erdolchend
erstochen, erdolcht
ersticht, erdolcht
erstach, erdolchte
to stab, to stab to death
stabbing to death
stabbed to death
stabs to death
stabbed to death
niederstechen v
sticht nieder
stach nieder
jdn mit einem Messerstich verletzen
to stab
to stab so. with a knife
stab to death
stab with a dagger
stab with a knife
stab wound
stab wounds
Legende f; Märchen n; Ammenmärchen n; alte Mär f (verbreiteter Irrtum)
Legenden pl; Märchen pl; Ammenmärchen pl; alte Mären pl
Dolchstoßlegende f
myth; fairytale (widely held false belief)
myths; fairytales
stab-in-the-back myth
Messerstich m
Messerstiche pl
jdm. einen Messerstich (in den Hals) versetzen
stab with a knife
stabs with a knife
to stab sb. (in the neck) with a knife
Rücken m
glatter Rücken
Kreuz n ugs.
steifer Rücken
einen steifen Rücken bekommen
Rücken an Rücken
mit dem Rücken aneinander stehen
jdm. in den Rücken fallen übtr.
flat back
small of the back
a crick in one's back
to crick one's back
back to back
to stand back to back
to stab sb. in the back fig.
Stich m; Messerstich m
Stiche pl; Messerstiche pl
Stich in den Rücken; Dolchstoß m übtr.
stab; thrust
stabs; thrusts
stab in the back
Versuch m etw. zu tun
einen Versuch wagen etw. zu tun
Ich werde versuchen das zu beantworten.
Lass mich einmal probieren.
Einmal probiere ich's noch.
Wir wissen nicht ob es funktionieren wird. Es ist nur ein Versuchsballon.
stab at sth.; stab at doing sth. coll.
to make take have Br. a stab at (doing) sth.
I'll take a stab at the answer.
Let me give it a stab. Let me have a stab at it.
I'll make one more stab at it.
We don't know whether it will work. It's just a stab in the dark.
auf jdn. einstechen; jdn. niederstechen; jdn. durch einen Messerstich Messerstiche verletzen
einstechend; niederstechend; durch einen Messerstich Messerstiche verletzend
eingestochen; niedergestochen; durch einen Messerstich Messerstiche verletzt
jdn. (mit dem Messer) in die Brust stechen; jdm. ein Messer in die Brust rammen
to knife sb.; to stab sb.
knifing; stabbing
knifed; stabbed
to knife stab sb. in the chest
jdn. (mit etw.) erstechen; erdolchen poet. v
erstechend; erdolchend
erstochen; erdolcht
ersticht; erdolcht
erstach; erdolchte
to knife sb. to death; to stab sb. to death; to stab and kill sb. (with sth.)
knifing to death; stabbing to death; stabbing and kill
knifed to death; stabbed to death; stabbed and kill
knifes stabs to death
knifed stabbed to death
etw. versuchen; etw. probieren
to have a stab at. sth. coll.
im Nebel stochern übtr.; ins Blaue schießen übtr.
ein Schuss ins Blaue übtr.
to stab in the dark fig.
a stab shot in the dark fig.
Legende f; Märchen n; Ammenmärchen n; alte Mär f geh. (verbreiteter Irrtum)
Legenden pl; Märchen pl; Ammenmärchen pl; alte Mären pl
modernes Schauermärchen; modernes Gruselmärchen
Dolchstoßlegende f
Von Fröschen bekommt man keine Warzen. Das ist nur ein Ammenmärchen.
myth; fairytale; old wives' tale (widely held false belief)
myths; fairytales; old wives' tales
urban myth; urban legend Am.
stab-in-the-back myth
Frogs won't give you warts. That's just an old wives' tale.
im Nebel stochern; ins Blaue schießen v übtr.
ein Schuss ins Blaue übtr.
to stab in the dark fig.
a stab shot in the dark fig.
Stichschutzweste f; stichhemmende Weste f
Stichschutzwesten pl; stichhemmende Westen pl
stabproof security vest; stabproof vest; anti-stab vest; stab vest coll.
stabproof security vests; stabproof vests; anti-stab vests; stab vests
Stichverletzung f; Stichwunde f med.
Stichverletzungen pl; Stichwunden pl
stab injury; stab wound
stab injuries; stab wounds
Versuch m, etw. zu tun
einen Versuch wagen, etw. zu tun
Ich werde versuchen, das zu beantworten.
Lass mich einmal probieren.
Einmal probiere ich's noch.
Wir wissen nicht, ob es funktionieren wird. Es ist nur ein Versuchsballon.
stab at sth.; stab at doing sth. coll.
to make take have Br. a stab at (doing) sth.
I'll take a stab at the answer.
Let me give it a stab. Let me have a stab at it.
I'll make one more stab at it.
We don't know whether it will work. It's just a stab in the dark.
auf jdn. einstechen; jdn. niederstechen; jdn. durch einen Messerstich Messerstiche verletzen v; mit etw. zustechen v
einstechend; niederstechend; durch einen Messerstich Messerstiche verletzend; zustechend
eingestochen; niedergestochen; durch einen Messerstich Messerstiche verletzt; zugestochen
jdn. (mit dem Messer) in die Brust stechen; jdm. ein Messer in die Brust rammen
to knife sb.; to stab sb. (with sth.)
knifing; stabbing
knifed; stabbed
to knife stab sb. in the chest
es (einmal) probieren v ugs.
Ich bringe das Glas nicht auf. Willst du's mal probieren?
Lass mich einmal probieren.; Lass mich's mal probieren.
to give it a stab; to have a stab at it; to have take a whack at it Am. coll.
I can't open the jar. Do you want to take a whack at it?
Let me give it a stab.; Let me have a stab at it.
erdolchte, erstach
stabbed to death
Stecher m
Herzschmerz m, Herzschmerzen pl med.
(stabbing) pain in the region of the heart
Stich m (Schmerz)
stabbing, pain, stitch
erdolchend, erstechend
stabbing to death
Herzschmerz m; Herzschmerzen pl med.
(stabbing) pain in the region of the heart
Stich m (Schmerz)
Stiche pl
stabbing; pain; stitch
stabbings; pains; stitches
Jagdwild n; Wild n
Auerwild n
Damwild n
Flugwild n
Freiwild n
Großwild n
Haarwild n
Haarraubwild n
Hochwild n hist.
Kahlwild n
Kleinwild n
Niederwild n hist.
Raubwild n
Rehwild n
Rotwild n
Schalenwild n
Schwarzwild n
Zuchtwild n
(bei der Treibjagd) aufgescheuchtes Wild; hochgemachtes Wild
verfolgtes Wild
Wild abnicken; abfangen Jägersprache (mit einem Stich ins Genick töten)
game animals; game
wood grouse
fallow deer
winged game
unprotected game
big game
furred game; mammalian game
ground game
beasts of venery; beasts of the chase (game reserved for noble hunting)
female game animals; calves without antlers
small game
beasts of the warren
predator game
roe deer
red deer
hoofed game
wild boars
farmed game
quarry; chase
to kill game by stabbing it in the neck
Stichwaffe f mil.
Stichwaffen pl
stabbing weapon
stabbing weapons
Trockenstabilat n
dry stabilate
Bodenverfestigung f constr.
ground stabilization eAm.; ground stabilisation Br.; soil solidification
Euro-Rettungsschirm m; europäischer Stabilisierungsmechanismus m ESM ; europäische Finanzstabilitätsfazilität f EFSF fin. pol.
Euro rescue fund; European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism EFSM ; European Financial Stability Facility EFSF
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz n pol.
Financial Market Stabilisation Act
Längsstabilisierung f
longitudinal stabilization eAm.; longitudinal stabilisation Br.
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
ausgewiesener Preis
eingefrorener Preis
empfohlener Preis
halber Preis; zum halben Preis
abnehmende Preise
überhöhter Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis; Taxe f
geltender Preis
Preis ab Werk
Preise höherschrauben
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis angeben nennen
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben; Preise hochtreiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
Abnahme der Preise
Anpassung der Preise
Anstieg der Preise
Anziehen der Preise
starkes Anziehen der Preise
Entwicklung der Preise
Festigung der Preise
Sinken der Preise
Spaltung der Preise
Stabilisierung der Preise
Struktur der Preise
Veränderung der Preise
Verzerrung der Preise
Gesetz von der Unterschiedslosigkeit der Preise
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
marked price
frozen price
recommended price
falling prices
excessive exorbitant inflated price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
ruling price
ex-factory price
to force up prices
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to adjust prices
to push up prices; to force up prices
at any price
not at any price; not for anything
decrease of prices
adjustment of prices
increase of prices; price increase
hardening of prices
strong rise of prices
development of prices
consolidation of prices
decline in prices
discrimination in price
stabilization of prices eAm.; stabilisation of prices Br.
pattern of prices
movement of prices
distortion of prices
law of one price
Querstabilisierung f
cross stabilization eAm.; cross stabilisation Br.
Stabilisierung f
Stabilisierungen pl
stabilization eAm.; stabilisation Br.
stabilizations; stabilisations
Stabilisierungspolitik f; Stabilitätspolitik f
stabilization policy eAm.; stabilisation policy Br.
Uferbefestigung f
bank reinforcement; bank stabilization eAm.; bank stabilisation Br.
Uferbefestigung f
shoreline stabilization eAm.; shoreline stabilisation Br.
Bepflanzung f (Vorgang und Ergebnis) agr.
Grabbepflanzung f
Mittelstreifenbepflanzung f auto
Bepflanzung f entlang des Bahnkörpers
planting (process and result)
grave plantings
central reservation planting Br.; median strip planting Am.; central nature strip planting Austr.; neutral section planting Austr.
trackside planting; formation-stabilisation planting
Euro-Rettungsschirm m; europäischer Stabilisierungsmechanismus m ESM ; europäische Finanzstabilitätsfazilität f EFSF fin. pol.
Euro rescue fund; European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism EFSM ; European Financial Stability Facility EFSF
Hangbefestigung f; Hangstabilisierung f; Hangsicherung f; Hangverbauung f (Vorgang) (Erdbau) envir.
slope reinforcement; slope stabilization; slope stabilisation Br. (process) (earthwork)
Uferbefestigung f; Uferstabilisierung, Ufersicherung f; Böschungsbefestigung f; Böschungsstabilisierung f; Böschungssicherung f (Vorgang) (Wasserbau)
Befestigung breiter Flussufer Seeufer; Uferbefestigung f
riverbank reinforcement; bank reinforcement; embankment reinforcement; riverbank stabilization; bank stabilization; bank stabilisation Br.; embankment stabilization (process) (water engineering)
shoreline stabilization; shoreline stabilisation Br.
Vorgrundsicherung f; Fußsicherung f (bei Hängen und Böschungen) envir.
toe stabilization; toe stabilisation Br.; toe protection (with slopes)
to stabilize, to stabilise Br.
stabilisieren v
die Wirbelsäule abstützen med.
to stabilize; to stabilise Br.
stabilizing; stabilising
stabilized; stabilised
to stabilize the spine
Seitenleitwerk n aviat.
Seitenleitwerke pl
vertical fin, vertical stabiliser Br., vertical stabilizer Am., tail fin
vertical fins, vertical stabilisers, vertical stabilizers, tail fins
Seitenleitwerk n aviat.
Seitenleitwerke pl
vertical fin; vertical stabiliser Br.; vertical stabilizer Am.; tail fin
vertical fins; vertical stabilisers; vertical stabilizers; tail fins

Deutsche Staatliches Bauhaus {n}; Bauhaus {n} [art] Synonyme


Englische Staatliches Bauhaus; Bauhaus Synonyme

stab  Judas kiss  abrade  abrasion  ache  acute pain  afflict  aggrieve  agonize  ail  anguish  approach  assay  attempt  auger  barb the dart  bark  bayonet  betray  betrayal  bid  bite  blemish  blind guess  bloody  bold conjecture  bore  boring pain  break  broach  bruise  burn  chafe  charley horse  check  chip  claw  concussion  conjecture  convulse  countersink  crack  crackle  cramp  cramps  craze  crick  crucify  cut  cut up  dagger  darting pain  dig  dirk  distress  double-cross  drill  drive  duplicity  effort  empierce  endeavor  essay  excruciate  experiment  feint  fester  fix  flash burn  fling  fracture  fray  frazzle  fret  fulgurant pain  gall  gambit  gash  girdle pain  give pain  gnaw  gnawing  go  gore  gouge  gouge out  grate  grieve  grind  gripe  griping  guess  harm  harrow  hitch  hole  home thrust  honeycomb  hunch  hurt  hurt the feelings  impale  incise  incision  inflame  inflict pain  injure  injury  irritate  jab  jumping pain  kill by inches  kink  knife  lacerate  laceration  lance  lancinating pain  lesion  lick  lunge  maim  make mincemeat of  martyr  martyrize  maul  mortal wound  move  mutilate  mutilation  needle  nip  offer  pain  pang  paroxysm  pass  penetrate  perforate  perhaps  pierce  pin  pinch  pink  plunge  plunge in  poke  poniard  pop  prick  prolong the agony  prong  punch  puncture  put to torture  rack  ram  rankle  rasp  ream  ream out  rend  rent  riddle  rip  rough guess  rub  run  run through  rupture  saber  savage  scald  scorch  scotch  scrape  scratch  scuff  second-degree burn  seizure  sell out  sharp pain  shoot  shooting  shooting pain  shot  sink  skewer  skin  slap  slash  slit  sore  spasm  spear  speculation  spike  spit  sprain  stab wound  stabbing pain  stagger  step  stick  stiletto  sting  stitch  strain  stroke  strong bid  surmise  swing  sword  tap  tear  tentative  third-degree burn  thrill  throes  thrust  tormen  torment  torture  transfix  transpierce  trauma  traumatize  treachery  tr  
stabbing  acerb  acerbate  acerbic  acid  acidic  acidulent  acidulous  acrid  acrimonious  acute  afflictive  agonizing  astringent  atrocious  bayonetting  biting  bitter  brisk  caustic  corroding  corrosive  cramping  cruel  cutting  distressing  double-edged  edged  escharotic  excruciating  fierce  gnawing  grave  griping  hard  harrowing  harsh  hurtful  hurting  impalement  incisive  keen  knifelike  knifing  mordacious  mordant  painful  paroxysmal  penetrating  piercing  poignant  pungent  racking  rigorous  rough  scathing  scorching  severe  sharp  shooting  spasmatic  spasmic  spasmodic  stinging  strident  stringent  tart  the sword  tormenting  torturous  transfixion  trenchant  vehement  violent  virulent  vitriolic  withering  
stabile  art object  brainchild  bric-a-brac  bronze  cast  classic  composition  constant  creation  design  equable  even  grotesque  kitsch  marble  master  masterpiece  masterwork  mobile  museum piece  nude  old master  pasticcio  pastiche  piece  piece of virtu  sculpture  stable  statue  still life  study  terra cotta  unchanging  uniform  unvarying  virtu  work  work of art  
stability  abidingness  abnegation  abstinence  accordance  age  antiquity  application  assiduity  assiduousness  authenticity  authoritativeness  body  bulldog tenacity  calculability  calm  calmness  ceaselessness  changelessness  coeternity  cohesion  concentration  concreteness  consecutiveness  conservatism  consistency  consonance  constancy  constant flow  constraint  continence  continualness  continuance  continuity  continuousness  control  cool  correspondence  defeat of time  defiance of time  density  dependability  determination  diligence  dispassion  diuturnity  dogged perseverance  doggedness  durability  durableness  duration  endlessness  endurance  engrossment  equability  equanimity  equilibrium  eternalness  eternity  evenness  ever-duringness  everlastingness  everness  faithworthiness  featurelessness  fidelity  firmness  fixedness  foreverness  frozenness  fullness  gaplessness  gentleness  golden mean  happy medium  hardening  hardness  homogeneity  immobility  immovability  immovableness  immutability  impartiality  incessancy  indefatigability  indestructibility  industriousness  industry  infinite duration  infinity  insistence  insistency  interminability  invariability  invariableness  inveteracy  invincibility  jointlessness  judiciousness  juste-milieu  lastingness  lenity  long standing  long-lastingness  long-livedness  longevity  loyalty  maintenance  mass  materiality  meden agan  middle way  mildness  moderateness  moderation  moderationism  monolithism  monotony  neutrality  never-endingness  nonviolence  nothing in excess  obstinacy  pacifism  palpability  patience  patience of Job  perdurability  perennation  perenniality  perennialness  permanence  permanency  perpetualness  perpetuity  perseverance  persistence  persistency  pertinaciousness  pertinacity  plenitude  plodding  plugging  ponderability  predictability  preoccupation  prudence  quiescence  relentlessness  reliability  repose  resoluteness  resolution  resolve  
stabilize  appease  assimilate to  balance  ballast  calm  calm down  compose  cool  counterbalance  counterpoise  cradle  damp  dulcify  ease  equalize  equilibrize  equipoise  even  even out  firm  firm up  fix  flatten  freeze  gentle  harmonize  hold  homogenize  hush  immobilize  keep  level  lull  make uniform  mollify  nail down  normalize  pacify  pin down  poise  pour balm into  prop  quell  quiet  regularize  regulate  rest  retain  rock  rock to sleep  secure  set  settle  smooth  smooth down  smooth over  smoothen  soothe  stabilitate  standardize  steady  stereotype  stick  still  subdue  support  sustain  symmetrize  tranquilize  transfix  uniformize  
stabilizer  alleviative  alleviator  anodyne  assuager  balance  balance rudder  balance wheel  ballast  balm  calmative  counterbalance  counterweight  cushion  dolorifuge  fin  fixative  flywheel  governor  gyroscope  hairspring  keel  lenitive  mitigator  moderator  modulator  mollifier  mordant  pacificator  pacifier  palliative  peacemaker  pendulum  restraining hand  salve  sedative  shock absorber  soother  soothing syrup  springs  stabilizator  stiffening  tail plane  temperer  tranquilizer  wiser head  
stable  Augean stables  abiding  accordant  accountable  adamantine  age group  age-long  aged  alike  ancient  antique  articulated  assiduous  automatic  balanced  band  barn  battalion  bed  beleaguer  berth  beset  besiege  bevy  billet  blockade  body  bound  box in  brigade  bulky  bunch  bunk  byre  cabal  cage  calculable  cast  catenated  ceaseless  chamber  changeless  chastened  chronic  clique  close in  cohort  company  compass  competent  complement  concatenated  connected  consistent  consonant  constant  constrained  contain  contingent  continual  continued  continuing  continuous  controlled  cool  coop  coop in  coop up  cordon  cordon off  corps  corral  correspondent  coterie  covey  cowbarn  cowbyre  cowhouse  cowshed  crew  crowd  cyclical  deep-rooted  dense  dependable  detachment  detail  devoted  diligent  direct  diuturnal  division  dogged  domicile  domiciliate  dump  durable  encircle  enclose  encompass  endless  enduring  enshrine  entry  equable  equal  established  even  evergreen  faction  fail-safe  faithful  faithworthy  fast  favorite  featureless  fence in  fiducial  firm  firm as Gibraltar  fixed  flat  fleet  frozen  gang  gapless  group  grouping  groupment  guaranteed  harbor  hard  hardy  harmless  heavy  hedge in  hem in  hole  homogeneous  house  house in  hovel  hushed  immediate  immobile  immutable  imperturbable  impound  imprison  in control  in equilibrium  in hand  in-group  inalterable  incarcerate  incessant  include  indefatigable  indomitable  industrious  infrangible  insistent  intact  interminable  intransient  invariable  inveterate  invincible  inviolate  invulnerable  jail  joined  jointless  junta  kennel  lasting  leaguer  level  limited  linked  lodge  long-lasting  long-lived  long-standing  long-term  longeval  longevous  loyal  macrobiotic  made of iron  marble-constant  massive  measured  mechanical  methodic  mew  mew up  mews  mob  monolithic  monotonous  movement  mudder  never-ending  never-  
stableman  breaker  breeder  broncobuster  buckaroo  cattleman  cow keeper  cowman  dairy farmer  dairyman  equerry  farrier  grazier  groom  horseshoer  hostler  rancher  ranchero  ranchman  sheepman  stableboy  stock raiser  stockbreeder  stockkeeper  stockman  tamer  trainer  
staccato  a cappella  abbandono  accidental  accrescendo  adagietto  adagio  affettuoso  agilmente  agitato  allegretto  allegro  amabile  amoroso  andante  andantino  appassionatamente  appassionato  arrhythmia  beat  beating  breve  brillante  cantando  capriccioso  ceaseless  ceaselessness  chattering  clicking  con affetto  con agilita  con agitazione  con amore  constancy  constant  constant flow  continual  continualness  continuity  crescendo  crotchet  decrescendo  demilegato  demisemiquaver  diminuendo  dolce  dominant  dominant note  double whole note  drumming  eighth note  enharmonic  enharmonic note  execution  expression  fingering  flat  flutter  fluttering  forte  fortissimo  glissando  half note  heartbeat  heartthrob  hemidemisemiquaver  incessancy  incessant  intonation  lamentabile  larghetto  larghissimo  largo  legato  leggiero  machine gun  marcando  mezzo staccato  minim  morendo  music-making  musical note  natural  noninterruption  note  oscillating  oscillation  palpitant  palpitation  parlando  patent note  perennial  performance  perpetual  perpetuity  pianism  pianissimo  piano  pitapat  pitter-patter  pizzicato  pounding  prestissimo  presto  pulsatile  pulsating  pulsation  pulsative  pulsatory  pulse  pulsing  quarter note  quaver  quick fire  rallentando  rapid  rapid fire  rapid recurrence  rapid succession  rapidity  rat-a-tat  rataplan  regular  regularity  rendering  rendition  repeated  repercussion  repetition  report  responding note  rhythm  rhythmic  ritardando  ritenuto  rubato  scherzando  scherzo  scherzoso  semibreve  semiquaver  shaped note  sharp  sixteenth note  sixty-fourth note  slur  sordo  sotto voce  spattering  spiccato  spluttering  sputtering  steadiness  steady  stretto  stuttering  sustained  sustained note  sustainment  tattoo  tempo  tercet  thirty-second note  throb  throbbing  thrumming  thumping  ticking  tone  touch  tremolando  tremoloso  trillando  triplet  unbroken  unceasing  unchanging  unintermi  
stack  abundance  accumulate  accumulation  add up  adulterate  agglomerate  agglomeration  aggregate  aggregation  agree  amass  amassment  amount  anger  anthill  archives  armory  array  arsenal  atelier  attic  backlog  bag  bale  bank  bank up  barrel  basement  batch  bay  bin  bonded warehouse  book end  book support  book table  book tray  book truck  bookcase  bookholder  bookrack  bookrest  bookshelf  bookstack  bookstand  bottle  box  budget  bundle  bunker  burden  buttery  can  cargo dock  cellar  check out  chest  chimney  clamp  closet  cock  collect  collection  commissariat  commissary  compare  conservatory  considerable  cook  cornucopia  crate  crib  cumulation  cupboard  deal  deposit  depository  depot  dock  doctor  drawer  drift  dump  dune  embankment  exchequer  fake  fill  flue  flue pipe  folder  folio  freight  fumarole  funnel  glory hole  gobs  godown  good deal  great deal  haycock  haymow  hayrick  haystack  heap  heap up  heaps  hill  hoard  hold  host  hutch  inventory  jibe  juggle  lade  larder  lashings  library  load  loads  locker  loft  lot  lots  lumber room  lumberyard  magasin  magazine  make sense  manipulate  mass  material  materials  materiel  measure up  mess  mint  molehill  mound  mountain  mow  multitude  munitions  number  office  oodles  pack  pack away  peck  pile  pile up  piles  plant  plenitude  plenty  pocket  portfolio  pot  profusion  provisionment  provisions  pyramid  quantity  quite a little  rack  raft  rafts  rage  rant  rations  repertoire  repertory  repository  reservoir  retouch  revolving bookcase  rick  rig  sack  sail loft  salt  scads  sea  shelf  ship  sight  slew  slews  smokeshaft  smokestack  snowdrift  sophisticate  spate  squirrel away  stack room  stack up  stacks  stash  stock  stock room  stock-in-trade  stockpile  storage  store  storehouse  storeroom  stores  stovepipe  stow  studio  study  supplies  supply  supply base  supply depot  supply on hand  swarm  tamper with  tank  throng  
stack the cards  beat  beguile of  bilk  bunco  burn  cheat  chisel  chouse  chouse out of  cog  cog the dice  con  cook up  cozen  crib  defraud  diddle  do in  do out of  euchre  finagle  fix  flam  fleece  flimflam  fob  frame  frame up  fudge  gouge  gull  gyp  have  hocus  hocus-pocus  mulct  pack  pack the deal  pigeon  plan  plot  practice fraud upon  prearrange  preconcert  precontrive  predesign  premeditate  preorder  rig  rook  scam  scheme  screw  sell gold bricks  set up  sew up  shave  shortchange  stick  sting  swindle  take a dive  thimblerig  throw a fight  victimize  
stack up  admit of comparison  amount to  ape  appear like  approach  approximate  arrival  balance  bank  bank up  be commensurable  be comparable  be like  be redolent of  be so  be such  bear resemblance  blind landing  break even  bring to mind  call to mind  call up  come along  come close  come near  come on  come out  come through  come to  come up to  coming in  compare  compare to  compare with  contrive  copy  correspond  counterfeit  ditto  draw  drift  equal  even  even off  evoke  fare  favor  follow  get along  get by  get on  go along  go on  heap  heap up  hill  imitate  keep pace with  knot  landing  look like  make out  manage  match  match up with  measure up to  mimic  mirror  mound  near  nearly reproduce  not compare with  not tell apart  parallel  partake of  pile  pile up  pyramid  reach  remind one of  resemble  rick  rival  run abreast  run to  savor of  seem like  shape up  simulate  smack of  sound like  stack  stack up with  suggest  take after  tie  touch  touchdown  turn out  vie  vie with  
stacked  Junoesque  accumulated  agglomerate  aggregate  agreeable  amassed  amply endowed  assembled  becoming  bonny  braw  built  built for comfort  bunched  bundled  buxom  callipygian  callipygous  clumped  clustered  collected  combined  comely  conglomerate  congregate  congregated  cooked-up  cumulate  curvaceous  curvesome  curvilinear  curvy  cut out  cut-and-dried  cut-and-dry  fair  fascicled  fasciculated  fixed  gathered  glomerate  goddess-like  good-looking  goodly  heaped  in session  in the bag  joined  joint  knotted  leagued  likely  lovely to behold  lumped  massed  meeting  on ice  packaged  packed  personable  piled  planned  pleasing  plotted  pneumatic  prearranged  preconcerted  precontrived  premeditated  preordered  presentable  put-up  rigged  rounded  schemed  set-up  shapely  sightly  slender  statuesque  well-built  well-developed  well-favored  well-formed  well-made  well-proportioned  well-shaped  well-stacked  wrapped up  
stadium  agora  amphitheater  arena  assembly hall  athletic field  auditorium  background  bear garden  bowl  boxing ring  bull ring  campus  canvas  chapel  circus  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  concert hall  convention hall  course  dance hall  exhibition hall  field  floor  forum  gallery  garden  ground  gym  gymnasium  hall  hippodrome  lecture hall  lists  locale  marketplace  mat  meetinghouse  milieu  music hall  open forum  opera house  palaestra  parade ground  pit  place  platform  precinct  prize ring  public square  purlieu  range  ring  scene  scene of action  scenery  setting  site  sphere  spy  squared circle  stage  stage set  stage setting  terrain  theater  tilting ground  tiltyard  walk  wrestling ring  
staff  British Cabinet  Malacca cane  Sanhedrin  US Cabinet  accouter  advisory body  advocate  alpenstock  appoint  arm  armory  assembly  association  athletic supporter  back  backbone  backing  badge  badge of office  badges  baluster  balustrade  bandeau  banister  bar  bar line  base  baton  bearer  bench  blazonry  board  body of advisers  borough council  bra  brace  bracer  bracket  brain trust  brassard  brassiere  button  buttress  cabinet  caduceus  camarilla  cane  cap and gown  carrier  caryatid  cervix  chain  chain of office  chamber  city council  class ring  club  cockade  collar  colonnade  column  common council  conference  congress  consultative assembly  corset  council  council fire  council of ministers  council of state  council of war  county council  court  crew  crook  crosier  cross  cross-staff  crozier  crutch  crutch-stick  dado  decoration  degree  deliberative assembly  die  diet  directory  divan  dress  eagle  emblems  employees  ensigns  equip  fasces  figurehead  fit  fit out  fit up  fleur-de-lis  footstalk  force  foundation garment  fulcrum  furnish  gang  gavel  gear  girdle  guy  guywire  hammer and sickle  handstaff  heel  help  heraldry  hired help  insignia  jack  jock  jockstrap  junta  kitchen cabinet  lapel pin  ledger line  legislature  line  lituus  livery  mace  mainstay  maintainer  man  mantle  markings  mast  medal  men  mortarboard  munition  neck  newel-post  old school tie  organization  outfit  parish council  pastoral staff  paterissa  peduncle  personnel  pier  pike  pilaster  pile  piling  pillar  pin  plinth  pole  portfolio  post  prepare  privy council  prop  quarterstaff  queen-post  regalia  reinforce  reinforcement  reinforcer  rest  resting place  retinue  rig  rig out  rig up  rigging  ring  rod  rod of office  rose  scepter  school ring  servantry  shaft  shamrock  shillelagh  shoulder  shroud  sigillography  skull and crossbones  socle  soviet  space  sphragistics  spine  sprit  stake  stalk  s  
staff of life  French bread  Irish soda bread  Italian bread  black bread  bread  bread stick  bread stuff  brown bread  cracked-wheat bread  crust  dark bread  garlic bread  graham bread  loaf of bread  matzo  matzoth  nut bread  pain  pita  pumpernickel  raisin bread  rye bread  salt-rising bread  sourbread  sourdough bread  toast  tommy  unleavened bread  white bread  whole wheat bread  
stag  Cape elk  Kaffeeklatsch  Virginia deer  adventurer  antelope  ball  big operator  billy  billy goat  blowout  boar  broad jumper  bubbly-jock  buck  bucking bronco  buckjumper  bull  bullock  camel  camelopard  caribou  chanticleer  cock  cockerel  cocktail party  coffee klatch  costume party  deer  deerlet  dinner  dinner party  doe  dog  donation party  drake  dromedary  eland  elk  entertainment  entire  entire horse  fallow deer  fawn  festivity  flea  frog  gander  garden party  gazelle  giraffe  gnu  goat  gobbler  grasshopper  gunslinger  hart  hartebeest  he-goat  hen party  high jumper  hind  hopper  house party  house-raising  housewarming  hurdle racer  hurdler  jackrabbit  jumper  jumping bean  jumping jack  kaama  kangaroo  lame duck  lawn party  leaper  margin purchaser  mask  masque  masquerade  masquerade party  moose  mule deer  musk deer  okapi  operator  party  peacock  plunger  pole vaulter  ram  red deer  reindeer  roe  roe deer  roebuck  rooster  salmon  scalper  shindig  shindy  shower  smart operator  smoker  speculator  springbok  stag party  stallion  steer  stot  stud  studhorse  sunfisher  surprise party  timber topper  tom  tom turkey  tomcat  top cow  top horse  tup  turkey gobbler  turkey-cock  vaulter  wether  wildebeest  
stag film  Rabelaisianism  X-rated movie  bawdiness  bawdry  blue movie  dirt  dirtiness  dirty movie  erotic art  erotic literature  erotographomania  fescenninity  filth  filthiness  foulness  iconolagny  lewdness  nastiness  obscenity  offensiveness  pornographic art  pornographic literature  pornographomania  pornography  ribaldry  salaciousness  salacity  scurrility  sexploitation  skin flick  smut  smuttiness  soft-core pornography  vileness  
stage  Broadway  L  R  acting  acting area  agora  amphitheater  apron  apron stage  arena  athletic field  auditorium  autobus  back  backdrop  background  backstage  balcony  band  band shell  bandstand  be a gas  be a hit  bear garden  bed  bedding  belt  bill  board  boards  bomb  bowl  boxing ring  bridge  bring out  bull ring  burlesque  bus  cab  campus  canvas  carnival  caste  catafalque  chartered bus  circus  class  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  concoct  condition  contrive  couche  coulisse  course  dais  day  deck  devise  diligence  distance  division  do  dock  double-decker  drama  dramatize  dressing room  echafaudage  echelon  emplacement  entertainment industry  estrade  execute  exhibit  fail  fake  fateful moment  feature  field  flies  floor  flop  fly floor  fly gallery  footing  footlights  forestage  forum  gallery  give  grade  greenroom  grid  gridiron  ground  gym  gymnasium  hack  hall  headline  heliport  hierarchy  hinterland  hippodrome  hired car  hour  hustings  instant  interval  jitney  juncture  kairos  landing  landing pad  landing stage  lap  launching pad  layer  ledge  legit  legitimate stage  level  lightboard  lists  locale  mail coach  make a hit  make up  manipulate  marketplace  mat  measures  melodramatize  milieu  minute  mise-en-scene  moment  moment of truth  motor coach  motorbus  mount  notch  off Broadway  off-off-Broadway  omnibus  open  open a show  open forum  orchestra  orchestra pit  order  organize  originate  overlayer  overstory  palaestra  parade ground  perform  performing area  period  phase  pit  place  platform  play  playland  podium  point  position  post coach  power structure  precedence  precinct  pregnant moment  premiere  present  preview  prize ring  produce  proscenium  proscenium stage  psychological moment  public square  pulpit  purlieu  put on  range  rank  rate  rating  rear  repertory drama  ring  rostrum  rung  scaffold  scaffolding  scenarize  scene  scene of action  scenery  seam  se  
stage fright  afraidness  agitation  apprehensiveness  attack of nerves  bashfulness  buck fever  case of nerves  confusion  coyness  demureness  demurity  diffidence  embarrassment  excessive irritability  fear  fearfulness  fidgetiness  fidgets  jumpiness  morbid excitability  mousiness  nerves  nervosity  nervous stomach  nervousness  panic  panickiness  self-consciousness  shamefacedness  shamefastness  shrinkingness  shyness  skittishness  spell of nerves  stagefright  stammering  startlishness  state of nerves  tic  timidity  timidness  timorousness  trepidation  twitching  uneasiness  vellication  

St Definition

St Bedeutung

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