
VES Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Blasentamponade f med.
vesical tamponade
BlasenkapazitÀt f anat.
vesical capacity; bladder capacity
Blasenruptur f; Einriss der Harnblasenwand med.
vesical rupture
Blasenstein m; Harnstein m; Harnkonkrement n med.
Blasensteine pl; Harnsteine pl; Harnkonkremente pl
bladder stone; urinary calculus; vesical calculus
bladder stones; urinary calculusses; vesical calculusses
Blasentenesmus m; Harndrang m
vesical tenesmus
Blasentumor m med.
Blasentumoren pl
bladder tumor; vesical tumor
bladder tumors; vesical tumors
Blasenvarizen pl med.
vesical varicosis
Harnblasen...; Blasen... anat.
Blasenstein m; Harnstein m; Harnkonkrement n med.
Blasensteine pl; Harnsteine pl; Harnkonkremente pl
bladder stone; urinary calculus; vesical calculus
bladder stones; urinary calculi; vesical calculi
Geschwulst f; GewÀchs n; Wucherung f; Tumor m; Neoplasma n med.
GeschwĂŒlste pl; GewĂ€chse pl; Wucherungen pl; Tumoren pl; Neoplasmen pl
Blasentumor m
gutartiger Tumor; benigner Tumor
langsam wachsender Tumor
schnell wachsender Tumor
einen Tumor freilegen
durch einen Tumor verschlossen
growth; tumour Br.; tumor Am.; neoplasm; emphyma
growths; tumours; tumors; neoplasms; emphymas
bladder tumour Br.; bladder tumor Am.; vesical tumour Br.; vesical tumor Am.
benign tumor
slow-growing tumour; low-grade tumour
fast-growing tumour; high-grade tumour
to expose a tumour
obstructed by a tumour
; Blasen
SchleimhautausstĂŒlpung f; Schleimhauttasche f; Divertikel n (AusstĂŒlpung eines Hohlorgans) anat. med.
SchleimhautausstĂŒlpungen pl; Schleimhauttaschen pl; Divertikel pl
allantoenterisches Divertikel
Blasendivertikel n
Blinddarmdivertikel n; Appendixdivertikel n
Dickdarmdivertikel n; Colondivertikel n
echtes falsches Divertikel
epiphrenisches Divertikel
Harnröhrendivertikel n; Urethra-Divertikel n
Killian'sches Divertikel
Kirchner'sches Divertikel
Leberdivertikel n
Magendivertikel n
Meckel'sches Divertikel
Nuck'sches Divertikel
pharyngo-ösophageales Divertikel; Zenker'sches Divertikel
Rokitansky'sches Divertikel
supradiaphragmatisches Divertikel
tracheobronchiales Divertikel
ventrikulÀres Divertikel
zervikales Divertikel
outpouching; pouch; diverticulum
outpouchings; pouches; diverticula
allanto-enteric diverticulum
diverticulum of the bladder; bladder diverticulum; vesical diverticulum
diverticulum of the appendix
diverticulum of the colon; colon diverticulum
true false diverticulum
epiphrenic diverticulum
urethral diverticulum
Killian's diverticulum
Kirchner's diverticulum
diverticulum of the liver; liver diverticulum; hepatic diverticulum
diverticulum of the stomach
Meckel's diverticulum
Nuck's diverticulum
pharyngo-oesophageal diverticulum; pharyngeal diverticulum; Zenker's pouch
Rokitansky's diverticulum
supradiaphragmatic diverticulum
tracheobronchial diverticulum
ventricular diverticulum
cervical diverticulum
Zugpflaster n
Kampfstoff m mil.
Kampfstoffe pl
biologischer Kampfstoff
blasenziehender Kampfstoff; Hautkampfstoff m
chemischer Kampfstoff
ernteschÀdigender Kampfstoff
materialschÀdigender Kampfstoff
microbischer Kampfstoff
sofort wirkender Kampfstoff
warfare substance; warfare agent
warfare substances; warfare agents
biological warfare substance
blister agent; vesicant
chemical warfare substance
anti-crop warfare agent
anti-materiel warfare agent
microbial agent
instant agent
V-nerve agent; V agent
blasenziehend; Blasen verursachend adj med.
vesicant; vesicatory; epispastic
Kampfstoff m mil.
Kampfstoffe pl
biologischer Kampfstoff
blasenziehender Kampfstoff; Hautkampfstoff m
chemischer Kampfstoff
ernteschÀdigender Kampfstoff
materialschÀdigender Kampfstoff
mikrobischer Kampfstoff; mikrobieller Kampfstoff
sofort wirkender Kampfstoff
warfare substance; warfare agent
warfare substances; warfare agents
biological warfare substance
blister agent; vesicant
chemical warfare substance
anti-crop warfare agent
anti-materiel warfare agent
microbial warfare agent
instant agent
V-nerve agent; V agent
Blasen ziehen
Blasen ziehend
Blasen gezogen
zieht Blasen
zog Blasen
to vesicate
Blasen ziehen
Blasen ziehen v
Blasen ziehend
Blasen gezogen
zieht Blasen
zog Blasen
to vesicate
zog Blasen
zieht Blasen
Blasen ziehend
BlÀschen n
BlÀschen pl
BlÀschen n; kleine Blase
BlÀschen pl
Samenblase f
Samenblasen pl
seminal vesicle
seminal vesicles
VorderhirnblÀschen n anat.
anterior brain vesicle; prosencephalic vesicle; prosocoele
FlĂŒssigkeitseinschluss m
liquid inclusion; liquid vesicle; sealed liquid; fluid cavity
HautblÀschen n; BlÀschen n; Vesikel f (Vesicula) med.
HautblÀschen pl; BlÀschen pl; Vesikel pl
BlutblÀschen n
BrandblÀschen n
EiterblÀschen n
WasserblÀschen n
blood vesicle
burn vesicle
pustular vesicle; vesiculo-pustule
water vesicle
Samenblase f; SamenblÀschen n anat.
Samenblasen pl; SamenblÀschen pl
seminal vesicle
seminal vesicles
SynapsenblÀschen n anat.
SynapsenblÀschen pl
synaptic vesicle
synaptic vesicles
intrazellulÀre Vesikel pl biol.
Speichervesikel pl
intracellular vesicles
storage vesicles
BlasenspĂŒlung f med.
vesicoclysis; bladder irrigation
Geburtsfistel f; vesikovaginale Fistel med.
Geburtsfisteln pl; vesikovaginale Fisteln
obstetric fistula; vesicovaginal fistula
obstetric fistulas; vesicovaginal fistulas
Blasenhirn n, Hydranenzephalie f med.
vesicular brain, hydranencephaly
vesikulÀr adj, in BlÀschenform, mit BlÀschenbildung med.
Atmung f; Atmen n med.
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikulÀre Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflÀchliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere Ă€ußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
kĂŒnstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
Brustkorbatmung f; thorakale Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmĂ€ĂŸige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikulÀre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration
Blasenhirn n; Hydranenzephalie f med.
vesicular brain; hydranencephaly
vesikulÀr; blasig adj; in BlÀschenform; mit BlÀschenbildung med.
Atmung f; Atmen n med.
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung; Tachypnoe; Schnellatmung f
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikulÀre Atmung
Brustkorbatmung f; thorakale Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflÀchliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere Ă€ußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
kĂŒnstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
Schonatmung f
Schnappatmung f
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmĂ€ĂŸige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikulÀre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea Br.; tachypnea Am.; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
(rapid) shallow breathing
agonal respiration; gasping (for air)
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration
Fieber n; Febris f; Pyrexie f med.
hohes Fieber; starkes Fieber; Hyperpyrexie f
leichtes Fieber; erhöhte Temperatur
in SchĂŒben auftretendes Fieber
regelmĂ€ĂŸig wiederkehrendes Fieber
unklares Fieber
vorĂŒbergehendes Fieber
wechselndes Fieber
Fieber mit BlÀschenausschlag
Fieber mit Blutharnen
Fieber mit Eiterbildung
Fieber mit HĂ€moglobinausscheidung
Fieber mit Hautausschlag
Fieber haben
leichtes Fieber haben; erhöhte Temperatur haben
Fieber messen
bei jdm. Fieber messen
das Fieber niedrig halten
das Fieber senken
im Fieber phantasieren; im Fieberwahn sein
wÀhrend des Fiebers; im Fieberzustand
Haben Sie Fieber?
fever; pyrexy; pyrexia; phlegmonosis
excessive high fever; sthenic fever; hyperpyretic temperature; hyperpyrexia
feverish febrile pyretic temperature; temperature; adynamic fever; eupyrexia; febricula
polyleptic fever
periodic fever
fever of unknown undetermined origin
transitory fever
intermittent fever
vesicular fever
haematuric fever
suppurative fever
haemoglobinuric fever
eruptive fever; exanthematous fever
to be in fever; to be feversih; to be febrile (fevery)
to have a temperature; to run a temperature
to take (the) temperature; to register temperature
to take sb.'s temperature
to keep the fever down
to bring the fever down
to be delirious with fever
in (the) fever; intrafebrile
Do you have a fever temperature?
Vespasian (römischer Kaiser) hist.
Vespasian (Roman emperor)
Abendammer f ornith.
Vesper Sparrow
Glattnasen pl (Vespertilionidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
vesper bats; evening bats; common bats (zoological family)
Vesper f relig.
zur Vesper gehen
to go to vespers
'Marienvesper' (von Monteverdi Werktitel) mus.
'Vespers of the Blessed Virgin' (by Monteverdi work title)
'Die sizilianische Vesper' (von Verdi Werktitel) mus.
'The Sicilian Vespers' (by Verdi work title)
Sizilianische Vesper f (Volksaufstand) hist.
Sicilian Vespers (national uprising)
'Marienvesper' (von Monteverdi Werktitel) mus.
'Vespers of the Blessed Virgin' (by Monteverdi work title)
'Die sizilianische Vesper' (von Verdi Werktitel) mus.
'The Sicilian Vespers' (by Verdi work title)
FledermausschwÀrmer m (Falter) zool.
dusky hawkmoth (Hyles vespertilio)
abendlich adj
Rotfußfalke m ornith.
Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus)
an Bord des Schiffes
on board the vessel
ein namentlich genanntes Schiff
a named vessel
ein Schiff chartern
charter a vessel
GefĂ€ĂŸ, Schiff, Seefahrzeug
in einem Seeschiff
in a seagoing vessel
LĂ€ngsseite Schiff
alongside the vessel
Segelschiff ausgenommen
not being a sailing vessel
von Atomkraft angetriebenes Schiff
nuclear vessel
von dem benannten Schiff
of the named vessel
Zeitpunkt der Lieferung an das Schiff
delivery dates to the vessel
AbscheidebehÀlter m techn. (Fackelsystem)
AbscheidebehÀlter pl
knock-out vessel
knock-out vessels
Abscheideflasche f, AbscheidegefĂ€ĂŸ n mach. (Kessel)
Abscheideflaschen pl, AbscheidegefĂ€ĂŸe pl
separating vessel
separating vessels

Deutsche Blasentamponade {f} [med.] Synonyme

Englische vesical tamponade Synonyme

vesicle  air bubble  balloon  bilge  birthmark  blackhead  bladder  blain  bleb  blemish  blister  blob  blood blister  boss  bow  bubble  bulb  bulge  bulla  bump  bunch  burl  button  cahot  check  chine  cicatrix  clump  comedo  condyle  convex  crack  crater  craze  defacement  defect  deformation  deformity  disfiguration  disfigurement  distortion  dowel  ear  fault  fever blister  flange  flap  flaw  freckle  gall  globule  gnarl  handle  hemangioma  hickey  hill  hump  hunch  jog  joggle  keloid  kink  knob  knot  knur  knurl  lentigo  lip  loop  lump  milium  mole  mountain  needle scar  nevus  nub  nubbin  nubble  papilloma  peg  pimple  pit  pock  pockmark  port-wine mark  port-wine stain  pustule  rib  ridge  rift  ring  scab  scar  scratch  sebaceous cyst  shoulder  soap bubble  spine  split  strawberry mark  stud  sty  style  tab  track  tubercle  tubercule  twist  verruca  wale  warp  wart  weal  welt  wen  whitehead  
vesicular  arterial  beaten  blebby  blistered  blistering  blistery  bubbling  bubbly  burbling  burbly  camerated  capillary  capsular  carbonated  cellular  chiffon  cystic  ebullient  effervescent  fizzy  locular  marsupial  puffed  saccular  siliquose  souffle  souffleed  sparkling  spumescent  vascular  veinous  venose  venous  vesicant  vesicated  vesicatory  whipped  
vesper  Mass  bedtime prayer  camp meeting  church  church service  close of day  cockshut  compline  crepuscular  devotions  divine service  dusk  dusky  duty  eve  even  evening  evening devotions  evensong  eventide  exercises  grayness  lauds  liturgy  matins  meeting  morning devotions  night song  nightfall  none  nones  novena  office  praise meeting  prayer  prayer meeting  prayers  prime  prime song  public worship  revival  revival meeting  service  setting sun  sext  shut of day  sundown  sunset  sunsetty  tent meeting  the expiring day  tierce  twilight  twilighty  undersong  vespers  vespertine  vigils  watch meeting  watch night  watch-night service  
vessel  Eustachian tube  Fallopian tube  LC  LSD  LSM  SC  aircraft carrier  aircraft tender  ammunition ship  argosy  ark  assault transport  bark  battleship  bawley  beaker  bilander  blackjack  boat  bomb ketch  bottom  bowl  brig  brigantine  bucket  bully  buss  canal  capital ship  caravel  carrier  cat  catamaran  chalice  clipper  coast guard cutter  coffee cup  communications ship  container  convoy  corsair  corvette  craft  cruiser  cutter  dandy  depot ship  destroyer  destroyer leader  destroyer tender  dhow  dispatch boat  dreadnought  dromond  duct  eagle boat  eggcup  emunctory  escort carrier  escort vessel  fire ship  first-rate  fishing smack  fistula  flagship  flattie  flattop  four-masted bark  four-master  frigate  fuel ship  galiot  galleass  galleon  glass  goblet  guided missile cruiser  gunboat  heavy cruiser  highball glass  holder  hooker  horn  hospital ship  hoy  hulk  hull  ice yacht  intestines  ironclad  jigger  junk  keel  keelboat  ketch  knockabout  landing craft  lateen  lateener  leviathan  liberty boat  light cruiser  line-of-battle ship  lorcha  loving cup  lugger  meatus  mine sweeper  minisub  monitor  mosquito boat  mug  nobby  noggin  ocean racer  ostium  outrigger  oviduct  packet  patrol boat  picketboat  pilot boat  pinnace  piragua  pirogue  pony  pore  pram  privateer  protected cruiser  pungy  racing yacht  raider  ram  receiver  receiving ship  receptacle  reconnaissance ship  rigger  rocket boat  sailing auxiliary  sailing canoe  sailing dinghy  sailing packet  sailing trawler  salpinx  sampan  sandbagger  schooner  schooper  scooter  scout  scout cruiser  seaplane carrier  shallop  sharpie  shell  ship  ship of war  shipentine  shipplane carrier  shot glass  skipjack  sloop  smack  smack boat  snow  spy ship  stein  storeship  storm boat  submarine  submarine chaser  submarine patrol boat  submarine tender  submersible  superdreadnought  sweeper  tankard  tanker  tartan  tassie  teacup  tender  thoracic duct  to  
vest  appertain  appertain to  authorize  base  belong to  bless with  build  build in  dower  empower  endow  endow with  establish  favor with  fix  found  grace with  ground  install  invest  lay the foundation  pertain  pertain to  pitch  plant  put in  put up  seat  set  set up  settle on  settle upon  vest in  vest with  waistcoat  
vest pocket  baby  baby-sized  bantam  banty  compact  diminutive  duodecimo  handy  miniature  miniaturized  minikin  minimal  minuscule  pocket  pocket-sized  pony  small-scale  subminiature  toy  twelvemo  
Vesta  Agdistis  Amor  Aphrodite  Apollo  Apollon  Ares  Artemis  Ate  Athena  Bacchus  Ceres  Cora  Cronus  Cupid  Cybele  Demeter  Despoina  Diana  Dionysus  Dis  Eros  Gaea  Gaia  Ge  Great Mother  Hades  Helios  Hephaestus  Hera  Here  Hermes  Hestia  Hymen  Hyperion  Jove  Juno  Jupiter  Jupiter Fidius  Jupiter Fulgur  Jupiter Optimus Maximus  Jupiter Pluvius  Jupiter Tonans  Kore  Kronos  Magna Mater  Mars  Mercury  Minerva  Mithras  Momus  Neptune  Nike  Olympians  Olympic gods  Ops  Orcus  Persephassa  Persephone  Phoebus  Phoebus Apollo  Pluto  Poseidon  Proserpina  Proserpine  Rhea  Saturn  Tellus  Venus  Vulcan  Zeus  lares and penates  
vestal  Platonic  abstinent  bachelor girl  celibate  continent  feme sole  intact  lone woman  maid  maiden  maiden lady  maidenly  old maid  single girl  spinster  spinstress  vestal virgin  virgin  virginal  
vested  appareled  arrayed  attired  bedecked  breeched  capped  chausse  clad  cloaked  clothed  coifed  confirmed  costumed  decked  deep-dyed  deep-engraven  deep-fixed  deep-grounded  deep-laid  deep-rooted  deep-seated  deep-set  deep-settled  dight  disguised  dressed  dyed-in-the-wool  embedded  embossed  endued  engrafted  engraved  entrenched  established  etched  firmly established  garbed  garmented  gowned  graven  habilimented  habited  hooded  implanted  impressed  imprinted  indelibly impressed  infixed  ingrained  ingrown  invested  inveterate  inwrought  liveried  long-established  mantled  old-line  on a rock  on bedrock  pantalooned  raimented  rigged out  robed  rooted  set  settled  shod  shoed  stabilized  tired  togged  tricked out  trousered  vestmented  well-established  well-founded  well-grounded  well-set  well-settled  
vested interest  Black Power  Italian vote  Jewish vote  Polish Power  White Power  absolute interest  appurtenance  authority  benefit  birthright  black vote  claim  common  conjugal right  contingent interest  demand  divine right  droit  due  easement  equitable interest  equity  estate  faculty  farm interests  financial interests  holding  inalienable right  interest  interest group  labor interests  limitation  natural right  part  percentage  power  prerogative  prescription  pressure group  presumptive right  pretense  pretension  proper claim  property right  right  right of entry  settlement  special interests  special-interest group  stake  strict settlement  title  trust  use  vested interests  vested right  
vestibule  Eustachian tube  access  adit  air lock  antechamber  anteroom  anvil  approach  auditory apparatus  auditory canal  auditory meatus  auditory nerve  auditory ossicles  auditory tube  auricle  basilar membrane  bony labyrinth  cauliflower ear  cochlea  conch  concha  corridor  drumhead  ear  ear lobe  eardrum  endolymph  entrance  entrance hall  entranceway  entry  entryway  external ear  foyer  galilee  gangplank  gangway  hall  hammer  in  incus  ingress  inlet  inner ear  intake  lobby  lobe  lobule  lug  malleus  mastoid process  means of access  middle ear  narthex  opening  organ of Corti  outer ear  oval window  passage  passageway  perilymph  pinna  portal  portico  propylaeum  round window  secondary eardrum  semicircular canals  shell  stapes  stirrup  stoa  threshold  tympanic cavity  tympanic membrane  tympanum  way  way in  
vestige  account  afterglow  afterimage  ancient manuscript  annals  antique  antiquity  archaism  artifact  balance  boss  bump  butt  butt end  candle ends  catalog  catchword  cave painting  chaff  chronicle  clue  colophon  concavity  convexity  correspondence  cue  cue word  dactylogram  dactylograph  dash  debris  dent  detritus  dint  documentation  embossment  end  eolith  evidence  excrescence  fag end  filings  fingerprint  footmark  footprint  footstep  fossil  fossil footprint  fragment  glimmer  hint  history  holdover  hot lead  husks  ichnite  ichnolite  impress  impression  imprint  indent  indentation  indention  infusion  inkling  intimation  inventory  key  key word  lead  leavings  leftovers  letters  list  lump  mark  memento  memorial  mezzolith  microlith  neolith  odds and ends  offscourings  orts  pad  paleolith  parings  path  paw print  pawmark  petrification  petrified forest  petrified wood  petroglyph  pimple  pipe roll  plateaulith  print  pug  pugmark  rag  rags  record  recording  refuse  register  registry  relic  relics  reliquiae  remainder  remains  remnant  residue  residuum  rest  roach  roll  rolls  roster  rota  rubbish  ruin  ruins  rump  sauce  sawdust  scent  scourings  scrap  scraps  scroll  seal  seasoning  shade  shadow  shavings  sigil  sign  signet  smack  soupcon  spice  spoor  sprinkling  stamp  step  straw  stubble  stud  stump  suggestion  survival  suspicion  sweepings  table  tag  taint  taste  telltale  tempering  thought  thumbmark  thumbprint  tinct  tincture  tinge  tint  tip-off  token  touch  trace  track  tract  trail  waste  whiff  
vestment  apparel  array  attire  bedizenment  blanket  canonicals  ceremonial attire  clericals  cloak  cloth  clothes  clothing  coat  costume  cover  coverage  covering  covert  coverture  cowl  cowling  curtain  drape  drapery  dress  dressing  duds  episcopal vestments  fashion  fatigues  feathers  fig  frock  garb  garment  garments  gear  gown  guise  habiliment  habit  hanging  hood  housing  investiture  investment  linen  liturgical garments  mantle  mask  pall  pontificalia  pontificals  rag  rags  raiment  robe  robes  screen  shelter  shield  shroud  sportswear  style  threads  togs  toilette  trim  veil  vestments  vesture  wear  wearing apparel  
vestry  Council of Nicaea  Council of Trent  Easter sepulcher  Lateran Council  Vatican Council  ambry  apse  baptistery  blindstory  chancel  chapter  choir  classis  cloisters  conciliarism  conclave  conference  confessional  confessionary  congregation  consistory  convention  convocation  crypt  diaconicon  diaconicum  diocesan conference  ecclesiastical council  ecumenical council  nave  parochial church council  parochial council  plenary council  porch  presbytery  rood loft  rood stair  rood tower  sacrarium  sacristy  session  synod  transept  triforium  

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