
Wild Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

ausgelassen, stĂŒrmisch, wild adj
ausgelassen, stuermisch, wild
Wildreis m cook.
wild rice
Wildtyp m biol.
wild type
Wildwest m
Wild West
wild boar
wild card
wild duck
wild park
wild west
Schwarzwild n
wild boars
außer sich geraten
to go wild
wild boars
wild cards
wild child
wild ducks
wild parks
Schwarzwild n zool.
wild boars
RĂ€ubergeschichte f; Raubersgeschichte f Bayr. Ös.; RĂ€uberpistole f Dt. ugs. (wilde Kriminalgeschichte)
wild story
außer sich geraten v
to go wild
in freier Wildbahn
in the wild
Wildlachs m zool. cook.
wild salmon
fehlerhafte Verzweigung f
wild branch
fehlerhafte Verzeigung
wild branch
growing wild
wildwachsend adj bot.
growing wild
wild children
Asiatischer Wildesel m zool.
Asian wild ass
Wildmischreis m cook.
mixed wild rice
Afrikanischer Wildesel m zool.
African wild ass
Raubkatze f zool.
wild cat, big-cat
Wildgans f ornith.
brant, wild goose
wildromantisch adj
wild and romantic
Wildwestmethoden pl pol.
Wild West methods
Tollkopf m, Wildfang m
madcap, wild child
fetzig adj ugs.
crazy, wild, super
wildlebend adj
living in the wild
Fauna f; Tierwelt f zool.
wildlebende Tiere
wild fauna
Tollkopf m; Wildfang m
madcap; wild child
Rohseide f textil.
raw silk, wild silk
Rohseide f textil.
raw silk; wild silk
Joker m comp.
wild card; wildcard
WildfĂŒtterung f
feeding of wild game
HyÀnenhund m zool.
HyÀnenhunde pl
wild dog
wild dogs
Bache f; Wildsau f zool.
Bachen pl; Wildsauen pl
wild sow
wild sows
etw. freien Lauf lassen
to let sth. run wild
etw. freien Lauf lassen v
to let sth. run wild
Wildente f ornith.
Wildenten pl
wild duck
wild ducks
Ballenwild n zool.
wild hares and rabbits
Wildvogel m ornith.
Wildvögel pl
wild bird
wild birds
vergebliche MĂŒhe, vergebliches BemĂŒhen, fruchtloses Unterfangen
wild goose-chase fig.
Wildfang m
sth. caught in the wild
wild, ausgelassen, toll, stĂŒrmisch, ungebĂ€rdig adj
wilder, ausgelassener, toller, stĂŒrmischer, ungebĂ€rdiger
am wildesten, am ausgelassensten, am tollsten, am stĂŒrmischten, am ungebĂ€rdigsten
Sie gerieten außer Rand und Band.
They went wild (crazy).
vergebliche MĂŒhe; vergebliches BemĂŒhen; fruchtloses Unterfangen
wild goose-chase fig.
wild; ausgelassen; toll; stĂŒrmisch; ungebĂ€rdig adj psych.
wilder; ausgelassener; toller; stĂŒrmischer; ungebĂ€rdiger
am wildesten; am ausgelassensten; am tollsten; am stĂŒrmischten; am ungebĂ€rdigsten
Wildwasser n
white water; wild water
Wildpferd n zool.
Wildpferde pl
wild horse
wild horses
Regelmotor m photo.
Regelmotoren pl
wild motor
wild motors
Wildpflanze f bot.
Wildpflanzen pl
wild plant
wild plants
WildgeflĂŒgel n
wild fowl, feathered game
Federwild n; WildgeflĂŒgel n
feathered game; wild fowl
Waldfrucht f bot. agr.
WaldfrĂŒchte pl
wild berry
wild berries
besonders vage (wilde) Vermutung
super wild ass guess SWAG
Wildtier n, wildes Tier
Wildtiere pl, wilde Tiere
wild animal
wild animals
Strandroggen m (Leymus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild rye (botanical genus)
Wildtier n; wildes Tier
Wildtiere pl; wilde Tiere
wild animal
wild animals
ins Kraut schießen
to run to leaf, to run wild
besonders vage (wilde) Vermutung
SWAG : super wild ass guess
Schwein n
Schweine pl
verwildertes Hausschwein
hog Am.
wild hog
besonders vage (wilde) Vermutung
super wild ass guess SWAG
Keiler m zool.
Keiler pl
(male) wild boar
wild boars
Haselwurzen pl (Asarum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild ginger (botanical genus)
Keiler m; Wildschweineber m (mÀnnliches Wildschwein) zool.
Keiler pl; Wildschweineber pl
(male) wild boar
wild boars
Verfolgungsjagd f, Verfolgungsszene f (im Film)
wild chase, pursuit, car chase
Verfolgungsjagd f; Verfolgungsszene f (im Film)
wild chase; pursuit; car chase
seit Urzeiten; urzeitlich; archaisch adv
urzeitlich wild; archaisch wild
immemorially wild
BĂ€rlauch m bot.
bear's garlic, wild garlic, ramson
Keine zehn Pferde bringen mich dahin. ĂŒbtr.
Wild horses couldn't drag me there.
Lambertien pl (Lambertia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild honeysuckles (botanical genus)
'Die Wildente' (von Ibsen Werktitel) lit.
'The Wild Duck' (by Ibsen work title)
Wildgericht n cook.
Wildgerichte pl
dish of wild game
dishs of wild game
Wildschwein n zool.
Wildschweine pl
wild boar, boar, wild pig
wild boars
Wildgans f ornith.
WildgÀnse pl
brant; wild goose
brants; wild geese
Wildschwein n (Sus scrofa) zool.
Wildschweine pl
wild boar; boar; wild pig
wild boars
'Die Waldtaube' (von Dvorak Werktitel) mus.
'The Wild Dove' (by Dvorak work title)
Wildgericht n cook.
Wildgerichte pl
dish of wild game
dishes of wild game
Wildnis f
in die Wildnis
wilderness; wild; waste
into the wild
außer Rand und Band geraten sein
Sie gerieten außer Rand und Band.
to go be wild
They went wild (crazy).
fetzig adj ugs.
crazy; wild; super; jiggy Am. coll.
'Die Wildente' (von Ibsen Werktitel) lit.
'The Wild Duck' (by Ibsen work title)
außer Rand und Band geraten sein v
Sie gerieten außer Rand und Band.
to go be wild
They went wild (crazy).
'Die Waldtaube' (von Dvorak Werktitel) mus.
'The Wild Dove' (by Dvorak work title)
wilde Petunien pl; Ruellien pl (Ruellia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild petunias; ruellias (botanical genus)
Orgie f
Orgien pl
Orgien feiern
to have orgies, to go wild
Orgie f
Orgien pl
Orgien feiern
to have orgies; to go wild
Stellvertretersymbol n, Platzhalter m
Stellvertretersymbole pl, Platzhalter pl
wild card, wildcard
wild cards, wildcards
Raben zeugen keine Tauben. Sprw.
A wild goose never laid a tame egg. prov.
Wildkatze f zool.
Wildkatzen pl
wild cat, feral cat
wild cats, feral cats
Stellvertretersymbol n; Platzhalter m
Stellvertretersymbole pl; Platzhalter pl
wild card; wildcard
wild cards; wildcards
Horn n
Hörner pl
sich die Hörner abstoßen ĂŒbtr., sich austoben
to sow one's wild oats fig.
Horn n
Hörner pl
sich die Hörner abstoßen ĂŒbtr.; sich austoben
to sow one's wild oats fig.
australischer Wildhund m; Dingo m (Canis lupus dingo) zool.
Austrialian dingo; dingo; warrigal; wild dog
Spargel m (Asparagus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Wilder Spargel (Asparagus prostratus)
asparagus (botanical genus)
wild asparagus
Gelappte Stachelgurke f; Stachelgurke f; Igelgurke f (Echinocystis lobata) bot.
wild cucumber; prickly cucumber; balsam apple
Phaseolus-Bohnen pl (Phaseolus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
phaseolus beans; wild beans (botanical genus)
Sumpfkalla f; Sumpf-Schlangenwurz f; Schlangenwurz f; Drachenwurz f; Schlangenkraut n; Schweinsohr n (Calla palustris) bot.
marsh calla; wild calla; water arum; bog arum
FĂ€rberhĂŒlsen pl; Indigolupinien pl (Baptisia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild indigos; false indigos (botanical genus)
'Der Ruf der Wildnis' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'The Call of the Wild' (by London work title)
YamswurzelgewÀchse pl; YamswurzgewÀchse pl; YamsgewÀchse pl; SchmerwurzgewÀchse pl (Dioscoreaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
wild yam family; yam family (botanical family)
Pfahlrohr n; Spanisches Rohr n; Riesenschilf n (Arundo donax) bot.
wild cane; Spanish cane; giant cane; giant reed
'Der Ruf der Wildnis' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'The Call of the Wild' (by London work title)
frischen v (Wildsau) zool.
to farrow (wild boar sow)
Walderdbeere f bot.
Walderdbeeren pl
woodstrawberry, wild strawberry
Walderdbeere f bot.
Walderdbeeren pl
woodstrawberry; wild strawberry
'Ruf der Wildnis' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Call of the Wild' (by Jack London work title)
Wildblume f
Wildblumen pl
wildflower, wild flower
wildflowers, wild flowers
Wildblume f
Wildblumen pl
wildflower; wild flower
wildflowers; wild flowers
Wildpflanze f bot.
Wildpflanzen pl
wild flower; wildflower
wild flowers; wildflowers
Tiere oder Pflanzen auswildern v bot. zool.
to release introduce animals or plants into the wild
wilde Tiere zÀhmen v agr.
to tame wild animals
ausgelassen; stĂŒrmisch; wild adj
Geschichten von seinen wilden Jahren als Student in Paris
stories of his wild times in Paris as a student
NebengerÀusch n; HintergrundgerÀusch n
NebengerÀusche pl; HintergrundgerÀusche pl
ambient noise; wild noise
ambient noises; wild noises
Blume f; BlĂŒte f
Blumen pl
Wildblume f
Wir bitten von Blumenspenden abzusehen.
wild flower
No flowers by request.
SÀckelstrÀucher pl; SÀckelblumen pl; Amerikanischer Flieder m (Ceanothus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild lilacs; summer lilacs; soapbushes (botanical genus)
Ackersenf m bot.
charlock, wild mustard, field mustard (Sinapsis arvensis)
Ackerwinde f bot.
field bindweed, wild morning-glory (Convolvulus arvensis)
Wildschweinrotte f zool.
Wildschweinrotten pl
pack of wild boar; sounder
packs of wild boar; sounders
Wildtier n; wildes Tier
Wildtiere pl; wilde Tiere
ein Wildtier mit einem Sender versehen; ein Wildtier besendern geh. selten
wild animal
wild animals
to radio-collar a wild animal
Eigentliche Enten pl (Anas) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Stockente f; Wildente f; MĂ€rzente f (veraltet) (Anas platyrhynchos)
anas dabbling ducks (zoological genus)
mallard; wild duck
PrÀrielilien pl (Camassia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild hyacinths; Indian hyacinths, camashs (botanical genus)
(grĂ¶ĂŸere) Taube f ornith.
Tauben pl
Wettflugtaube f
Wildtaube f
Zuchttaube f
racing pigeon
wild pigeon
breeding pigeon
Hanf m; Kannabis n (Cannabis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Hanf; Echter Hanf (Cannabis sativa)
Wildhanf (Cannabis sativa var. spontanea)
Indischer Hanf (Cannabis indica)
cannabis (botanical genus)
common hemp
wild hemp
Indian hemp
verkommen v
to go bad, to go wild
going bad, going wild
gone bad, gone wild
verkommen v
to go bad; to go wild
going bad; going wild
gone bad; gone wild
Echter Esel m; Afrikanischer Esel m (Equus asinus Equus africanus) zool.
Hausesel m (Equus asinus asinus)
African wild donkey; African wild ass
domestic donkey; domestic ass
Wilde Möhre f (Daucus carota subsp. carota) bot.
wild carrot; bird's nest Br.; bishop's lace; Queen Anne's lace Am.
Horde f; Meute f; Rudel n; Schar f; Schwarm m; Gruppe f (von jdm.) soc.
Horden pl; Meuten pl; Rudel pl; Scharen pl; Schwarme pl; Gruppen pl
eine Horde wilder Affen
eine Gruppe von Musikern
troop (of sb.)
a troop of wild monkeys
a troop of musicians
Horde f; Meute f; Rudel n; Schar f; Schwarm m; Gruppe f (von jdm.) soc.
Horden pl; Meuten pl; Rudel pl; Scharen pl; SchwÀrme pl; Gruppen pl
eine Horde wilder Affen
eine Gruppe von Musikern
troop (of sb.)
a troop of wild monkeys
a troop of musicians
Hummerscheren pl; Helikonien pl; Falsche Paradiesvogelblumen pl (Heliconia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
lobster-claws; wild plantains; false birds-of-paradise (botanical genus)
Kraut n (das GrĂŒne)
ins Kraut schießen
wie Kraut und RĂŒben ĂŒbtr.
leaves; top
to run to leaf; to run wild
higgledy-piggledy; topsy-turvy
Wildkatze f zool.
Wildkatzen pl
Kuder m; mÀnnliche Wildkatze
wild cat; feral cat
wild cats; feral cats
male wildcat; male feral cat
Narzissen pl (Narcissus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gelbe Narzisse f; Trompeten-Narzisse f; Osterglocke f; Osterglöckchen n (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
daffodils; jonquils; narcissus (botanical genus)
wild daffodil; Lent lily
Wildpark m
Wildparks pl, Wildparke pl
wild park, wildlife park, game park
wild parks, wildlife parks, game parks
Wildpark m
Wildparks pl; Wildparke pl
wild park; wildlife park; game park
wild parks; wildlife parks; game parks
Wildkirsche f; Vogelkirsche f; SĂŒĂŸkirsche f (Prunus avium) bot.
Wildkirschen pl; Vogelkirschen pl; SĂŒĂŸkirschen pl
wild cherry; sweet cherry; gean Am.
wild cherries; sweet cherries; geans
Abenteuer n
Abenteuer pl
Abenteuer mit Piraten und wilden Tieren erleben
to have adventures involving pirates and wild animals
Artenschutzabkommen n
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Zierbananen pl; Abessinische Faserbananen pl (Ensete) (botanische Gattung) bot.
false bananas; wild bananas; fibre bananas; Abyssinian bananas (botanical genus)

Deutsche wild Synonyme

Wild  ÂWildtier  
grausam  Âhart  Âroh  Âwild  
Jagdbeute  ÂWild  ÂWildbret  ÂWildfleisch  
aufgekratzt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âaufgeregt  Âausgelassen  Âhibbelig  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhippelig  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂstĂŒrmisch  ÂungestĂŒm  ÂungezĂ€hmt  Âwild  ÂzĂŒgellos  
Wild  Wildtier  
hog wild  abandoned  amok  bellowing  berserk  carried away  delirious  demoniac  distracted  ecstatic  
run wild  carouse  create a disturbance  create a riot  cut loose  give way to  go all out  go berserk  go flat out  go unrestrained  

Englische wild Synonyme

wild  Arabia Deserta  Death Valley  Dionysiac  Gothic  Neanderthal  Sahara  abandoned  absurd  accident-prone  addled  adventurous  agitated  agrarian  amok  anarchic  angry  animal  at fever pitch  atrocious  audacious  bacchic  back  back country  back of beyond  back-country  backwood  backwoods  backwoodsy  barbarian  barbaric  barbarous  baroque  barren  barren land  barrens  bellowing  berserk  bestial  bewildered  beyond belief  beyond control  bizarre  blatant  bloody  blustering  blusterous  blustery  boisterous  bold  boondock  boondocks  borderland  brain-born  brash  breachy  breakneck  brush  brutal  brutish  bush  bush country  bushveld  carefree  careless  carried away  chaotic  clamorous  coarse  cockamamie  cocksure  confused  contumacious  corybantic  crazy  daredevil  daring  dashing  death-defying  debauched  defiant  delirious  demented  demoniac  deranged  desert  desolation  desperate  devil-may-care  dirty  disorderly  dissipated  dissolute  distracted  distrait  distraught  dream-built  dust bowl  ecstatic  enraged  enraptured  escaped  extravagant  fanatical  fanciful  fancy-born  fancy-built  fancy-woven  fantasque  fantastic  fast  febrile  feckless  feral  ferine  ferocious  feverish  fierce  fiery  fighting mad  fire-eating  florid  foolhardy  foolish  forests  forward  fractious  frantic  free  frenetic  frenzied  frontier  fulminating  fuming  furious  gallant  gay  go-go  graceless  grotesque  haggard  harebrained  harsh  harum-scarum  hasty  headlong  heath  hectic  heedless  hellish  high-flown  hinterland  hog-wild  hopping mad  hotheaded  howling  howling wilderness  hurried  hysteric  hysterical  ill-bred  immoderate  impatient of control  impetuous  impolite  in a rage  in a transport  in hysterics  incautious  incontinent  incorrigible  incredible  indocile  indomitable  indulgent  infatuated  infuriate  infuriated  inhuman  insane  insensate  insuppressible  intemperate  intoxicated  intractable  irrepressible  irresponsible  
wild about  ape about  attached to  bugs on  cracked on  crazy about  devoted to  enamored of  far gone on  fond of  freaked-out  gaga over  gone on  hepped up over  hipped on  hot about  in love with  mad about  nuts about  nuts on  partial to  smitten with  starry-eyed over  steamed up about  struck with  stuck on  sweet on  taken with  turned-on  wedded to  wrapped up in  
wild beast  Animalia  Mafioso  Young Turk  and fish  animal kingdom  animal life  animality  beast  beasts  beasts of field  beasts of prey  beldam  berserk  berserker  big game  birds  bomber  brute  brute creation  cattle  demon  devil  domestic animals  dragon  fauna  fiend  fire-eater  firebrand  furry creatures  fury  game  goon  gorilla  gunsel  hardnose  hell-raiser  hellcat  hellhound  hellion  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hothead  hotspur  incendiary  killer  livestock  mad dog  madcap  monster  mugger  rapist  revolutionary  savage  she-wolf  small game  spitfire  stock  termagant  terror  terrorist  tiger  tigress  tough  tough guy  ugly customer  violent  virago  vixen  wild animals  wildlife  witch  wolf  
wild eyed  abandoned  amok  bellowing  berserk  bigoted  carried away  delirious  demoniac  distracted  ecstatic  enraptured  extravagant  extreme  extremist  fanatic  feral  ferocious  fierce  frantic  frenzied  fulminating  furious  haggard  hog-wild  howling  hysterical  in a transport  in hysterics  inordinate  intoxicated  irrational  mad  madding  maniac  orgasmic  orgiastic  overenthusiastic  overreligious  overzealous  perfervid  possessed  rabid  raging  ramping  ranting  raving  ravished  roaring  running mad  storming  transported  ultrazealous  uncontrollable  unreasonable  violent  wild  wild-looking  zealotic  
wild goose chase  abortion  abortive attempt  bootless errand  dud  labor in vain  labor of Sisyphus  lost  merry chase  miscarriage  miscarrying  misfire  snipe hunt  vain attempt  waste of breath  waste of labor  waste of time  wet squib  work of Penelope  
wild man  adventurer  adventuress  animal  anthropophagite  barbarian  beast  brazenface  brute  cannibal  daredevil  destroyer  devil  fire-eater  harum-scarum  hellcat  hotspur  hyena  madbrain  madcap  man-eater  nihilist  rantipole  savage  shark  tiger  vandal  wrecker  
wild West  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East  East Coast  Middle Atlantic  Middle West  New England  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Yankeeland  back country  backwoods  boondock  boondocks  borderland  brush  bush country  bushveld  eastland  forests  frontier  hinterland  northland  outback  outpost  the Coast  the bush  timbers  uninhabited region  up-country  virgin land  virgin territory  wasteland  westland  wilderness  wilds  woodlands  woods  
wildcat  Jezebel  Leo  Siberian tiger  adventurous  aleatory  beldam  bitch-kitty  bobcat  cat-a-mountain  catamount  chancy  cheetah  cougar  dicey  disobedient  full of risk  fury  grimalkin  hag  hazardous  headstrong  heady  hellcat  hellhag  insubordinate  irresponsible  jaguar  lawless  leopard  licentious  lion  lynx  mountain lion  mutinous  ocelot  painter  panther  puma  rampant  reinless  riskful  risky  self-willed  she-devil  she-wolf  simba  siren  speculative  termagant  tiger  tigress  unaccountable  unbridled  unchecked  uncontrolled  uncurbed  undisciplined  ungoverned  unreined  unrestrained  venturesome  venturous  virago  vixen  willful  witch  
wilderness  Arabia Deserta  Chinese puzzle  Death Valley  Gordian knot  Lebensraum  Rube Goldberg contraption  Sahara  air space  back country  back of beyond  backcountry  backlands  backwoods  barren  barren land  barrens  boondock  boondocks  borderland  brush  bush  bush country  bushveld  can of worms  clear space  clearance  clearing  complex  desert  desolation  distant prospect  dust bowl  empty view  forests  frontier  glade  heath  hinterland  howling wilderness  jungle  karroo  knot  labyrinth  living space  lunar landscape  lunar waste  maze  meander  mesh  mess  open country  open space  outback  outpost  perplex  plain  prairie  ravel  salt flat  snafu  snake pit  snarl  steppe  tangle  tangled skein  terrain  territory  the bush  timbers  uninhabited region  up-country  virgin land  virgin territory  waste  wasteland  weary waste  webwork  wheels within wheels  wide-open spaces  wild  wild West  wildness  wilds  woodlands  woods  
wildest dream  apparition  appearance  brainchild  bubble  chimera  delirium  eidolon  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fiction  figment  figure  form  hallucination  idle fancy  idolum  illusion  image  imagery  imagination  imagining  insubstantial image  invention  maggot  make-believe  myth  phantasm  phantasma  phantasmagoria  phantom  presence  romance  shade  shadow  shape  sick fancy  specter  thick-coming fancies  trip  vapor  vision  waking dream  whim  whimsy  wildest dreams  wraith  
wildlife  Animalia  and fish  animal kingdom  animal life  animality  beasts  beasts of field  beasts of prey  big game  birds  brute creation  cattle  domestic animals  fauna  furry creatures  game  livestock  small game  stock  wild animals  
wildly  a corps perdu  all to pieces  carelessly  deliriously  demonically  desperately  distractedly  fanatically  fiercely  frantically  frenetically  frenziedly  furiously  happen what may  hastily  head over heels  headfirst  headforemost  headlong  heedlessly  heels over head  helter-skelter  holus-bolus  hotheadedly  hotly  hurriedly  hurry-scurry  impetuously  like blazes  like crazy  like fury  like mad  like one possessed  madly  overeagerly  overenthusiastically  overzealously  precipitantly  precipitately  precipitously  rabidly  ramble-scramble  recklessly  rigorously  severely  slam-bang  slap-bang  slapdash  stormily  turbulently  uncontrollably  vehemently  venomously  violently  virulently  wantonly  with a vengeance  
wildwood  afforestation  arboretum  boondocks  bush  bushveld  chase  climax forest  cloud forest  dendrology  forest  forest land  forest preserve  forestry  fringing forest  gallery forest  greenwood  hanger  index forest  jungle  jungles  national forest  palmetto barrens  park  park forest  pine barrens  primeval forest  protection forest  rain forest  reforestation  scrub  scrubland  selection forest  shrubland  silviculture  sprout forest  stand of timber  state forest  timber  timberland  tree veld  virgin forest  wood  woodland  woods  

Wild Definition

(superl.) Living in a state of nature
(superl.) Growing or produced without culture
(superl.) Desert
(superl.) Savage
(superl.) Not submitted to restraint, training, or regulation
(superl.) Exposed to the wind and sea
(superl.) Indicating strong emotion, intense excitement, or /ewilderment
(superl.) Hard to steer
(n.) An uninhabited and uncultivated tract or region
(adv.) Wildly
(a.) Unsound
(a.) Running without control

Wild Bedeutung

wild pitch an errant pitch that the catcher cannot be expected to catch and that allows a base runner to advance a base
wild-goose chase the fruitless pursuit of something unattainable
Wild West Show
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
a spectacular show organized in by William F. Cody that featured horseback riding and marksmanship on a large scale, toured the United States and Europe
wild duck an undomesticated duck (especially a mallard)
wild dog any of various undomesticated mammals of the family Canidae that are thought to resemble domestic dogs as distinguished from jackals or wolves
silkworm giant silkworm
wild wilkworm
larva of a saturniid moth, spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon
wild cavy
Cavia porcellus
South American cavy, possibly ancestral to the domestic guinea pig
wild horse undomesticated or feral domestic horse
wild ass any of several equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa
African wild ass
Equus asinus
a wild ass of Africa
wild boar
boar Sus scrofa
Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come, introduced in United States
wild ox
any of various wild bovines especially of the genera Bos or closely related Bibos
Asian wild ox genus of Asiatic wild oxen
wild sheep undomesticated sheep
wild goat undomesticated goat
wild card a playing card whose value can be determined by the person who holds it
wild card an unpredictable factor, the weather was a wild card
wild spinach
leaves collected from the wild
wild spinach leafy greens collected from the wild and used as a substitute for spinach
hog plum wild plum fruit of the wild plum of southern United States
potato bean
wild bean
nutlike tuber, important food of Native Americans
wild rice
Indian rice
grains of aquatic grass of North America
Wild West the western United States during its frontier period
a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition, it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers
blue sky
blue air
wild blue yonder
the sky as viewed during daylight, he shot an arrow into the blue
wild man
feral man
a person who is not socialized
Wild Bill Hickock
James Butler Hickock
frontier marshal whose adventures have become legendary (-)
wild flower
wild or uncultivated flowering plant
mayapple May apple wild mandrake
Podophyllum peltatum
North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit
American pasqueflower
Eastern pasque flower
wild crocus
lion's beard
prairie anemone
blue tulip
American pulsatilla
Pulsatilla patens
Anemone ludoviciana
short hairy perennial with early spring blue-violet or lilac flowers, North America and Siberia
wild tamarind Lysiloma latisiliqua
Lysiloma bahamensis
a tree of the West Indies and Florida and Mexico, resembles tamarind and has long flat pods
manila tamarind
wild tamarind Pithecellobium dulce
common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum
wild calla
water arum
Calla palustris
plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries
wild sarsaparilla
false sarsaparilla
wild sarsparilla
Aralia nudicaulis
common perennial herb having aromatic roots used as a substitute for sarsaparilla, central and eastern North America
wild ginger low-growing perennial herb with pungent gingery leaves and rhizomes
wild pink Silene caroliniana perennial of eastern and central North America having short-stalked pink or white flowers in hairy clusters
pigweed wild spinach Chenopodium album
common weedy European plant introduced into North America, often used as a potherb
fat hen
wild spinach Chenopodium bonus-henricus
European plant naturalized in North America, often collected from the wild as a potherb
wild cabbage
Brassica oleracea
wild original of cultivated cabbages, common in western coastal Europe
jointed charlock
wild radish
wild rape
Raphanus raphanistrum
Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits
field mustard
wild mustard
Brassica kaber
Sinapis arvensis
weedy Eurasian plant often a pest in grain fields
sweet false chamomile
wild chamomile
German chamomile
Matricaria recutita
Matricaria chamomilla
annual Eurasian herb similar in fragrance and medicinal uses to chamomile though taste is more bitter and effect is considered inferior
climbing hempweed
climbing boneset
wild climbing hempweed
climbing hemp-vine
Mikania scandens
herb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers, climbs up trees
American feverfew
wild quinine
prairie dock
Parthenium integrifolium
stout perennial herb of the eastern United States with whitish flowers, leaves traditionally used by Catawba Indians to treat burns
wild vanilla
Trilisa odoratissima
perennial of southeastern United States with leaves having the fragrance of vanilla
bog rose
wild pink dragon's mouth
Arethusa bulbosa
a bog orchid with usually a solitary fragrant magenta pink blossom with a wide gaping corolla, Canada
wild yam
Dioscorea paniculata
having a rhizome formerly dried and used to treat rheumatism or liver disorders
wild oat
wild oat grass
Avena fatua
common in meadows and pastures
slender wild oat
Avena barbata
oat of southern Europe and southwestern Asia
wild red oat
animated oat
Avene sterilis
Mediterranean oat held to be progenitor of modern cultivated oat
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Wild, the wild or wilds may refer to: