
abdominal Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Unterleibs…; Bauch…; abdominal adj anat.
Unterleibs...; Bauch...; abdominal adj anat.
Unterleibs..., Bauch..., abdominal adj anat.
Bauchdecke f; Bauchwand f anat.
abdominal wall
Bauchdecke f, Bauchwand f anat.
abdominal wall
Bauchumfang m
abdominal girth
Baucharterie f, Bauchschlagader f anat.
abdominal artery
Baucharterie f; Bauchschlagader f anat.
abdominal artery
Bauchchirurgie f, Viszeralchirurgie f, Abdominalchirurgie f med.
abdominal surgery
Bauchmuskulatur f anat.
abdominal muscles
Kaiserschnitt m med.
abdominal delivery
Bauchdeckenhalter m med.
abdominal retractor
offene Bauchverletzung f med.
open abdominal wound
Bauchwandhernie f, Bauchwandbruch m, Bauchhernie f
abdominal wall hernia
Bauchatmung f
abdominal respiration
Bauchwandhernie f; Bauchwandbruch m; Bauchhernie f
abdominal wall hernia
stumpfes Bauchtrauma n med.
blunt abdominal trauma
Leibschmerzen pl, Magenschmerzen pl, Abdominalschmerzen pl med.
abdominal pain, stomach ache
Bauchdeckenspannung f med.
tension of the abdominal wall
Bauchgurt m
Bauchgürte pl
abdominal belt
abdominal belts
Abdominallavage f med.
irrigation of the abdominal cavity
Bauchhöhle f, Leibeshöhle f, Bauchfellraum m anat.
abdominal cavity, peritoneal cavity
Bauchchirurgie f; Viszeralchirurgie f; Abdominalchirurgie f med.
abdominal surgery; visceral surgery
Bauchhöhle f; Leibeshöhle f; Bauchfellraum m anat.
abdominal cavity; peritoneal cavity
Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft f med.
abdominal pregnancy; ectopic pregnancy
Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft f med.
abdominal pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy
Abdominalsegment n anat.
Abdominalsegmente pl
abdominal segment
abdominal segments
Laparotomie f, Eröffnung der Bauchhöhle med.
celiotomy, laparotomy, abdominal incision
Bauchdeckenstraffung f; Bauchstraffung f med.
abdominal wall surgery; tummy tuck coll.
Bauchatmung f, Abdominalatmung f, Zwerchfellatmung f med.
abdominal respiration, abdominal breathing
intraabdominal; intraabdominell; innerhalb des Bauchraums (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
intra-abdominal; endoabdominal; endocoeliac
innerhalb des Bauchraums (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
intra-abdominal; endoabdominal; endocoeliac
Aortenaneurysma n med.
abdominales Aortenaneurysma; Bauchaortenaneurysma n
aortic aneurysm
abdominal aortic aneurysm
Bauchaorta f anat.
abdominal aorta, abdominal part of the aorta
Bauchaorta f (Aorta abdominalis) anat.
abdominal aorta; abdominal part of the aorta
Bauchaorta f anat.
abdominal aorta; abdominal part of the aorta
enterisches Nervensystem n ENS ; Bauchhirn n ugs. med.
enteric nervous system ENS ; abdominal brain coll.
Bauchmuskel m anat.
Bauchmuskeln pl
abdominal muscle
abdominal muscles, abdominals, abs
enterisches Nervensystem n ENS ; Bauchhirn n ugs. med.
enteric nervous system ENS ; abdominal brain coll.
Bauchmuskel m anat.
Bauchmuskeln pl
abdominal muscle
abdominal muscles; abdominals; abs
Bauchschnitt m med.
abdominal incision, abdominal section, abdominal laparotomy
Bauchhöhleneröffnung f; Bauchschnitt m; Laparotomie f med.
abdominal incision; abdominal section; celiotomy; laparotomy
Bauchmuskel m anat.
Bauchmuskeln pl
abdominal muscle
abdominal muscles; abdominals; abs coll.
Bauchschmerzen pl; Bauchschmerz m; Leibschmerzen pl; Bauchweh n ugs. med.
abdominal pain; belly ache; tummy ache coll.; abdominalgia med.
Bauchkrampf m; Abdominalkrampf m med.
Bauchkrämpfe pl; Abdominalkrämpfe pl
abdominal cramp; abdominal cramping
abdominal cramps; abdominal crampings
Bauchchirurg m; Bauchchirurgin f; Viszeralchirurg m; Viszeralchirurgin f med.
Bauchchirurgen pl; Bauchchirurginnen pl; Viszeralchirurgen pl; Viszeralchirurginnen pl
abdominal surgeon; visceral surgeon
abdominal surgeons; visceral surgeons
Nabelschnur f anat.
umbilical cord; umbilical chord rare; belly stalk; abdominal stalk; funis
Bauchhöhleneröffnung f; Bauchschnitt m; Laparotomie f med.
Probelaparotomie f; Explorativlaparotomie f
abdominal incision; abdominal section; celiotomy; laparotomy
exploratory laparotomy
Bauchmuskeltrainer m; Bauchtrainer m sport
Bauchmuskeltrainer pl; Bauchtrainer pl
abdominal exercise machine; abdo machine
abdominal exercise machines; abdo machines
Zwerchfellatmung f; Diaphragmalatmung f; Bauchatmung f; Abdominalatmung f med.
diaphragmatic respiration; diaphragmatic breathing; abdominal respiration; abdominal breathing
stark ausgeprägte Bauchmuskulatur f; Waschbrettbauch m ugs.
well-defined abdominal muscles; washboard abdominals; washboard stomach; six-pack stomach; six-pack abs coll.
Bauchdeckenabwehrspannung f; Bauchdeckenspannung f med.
brettharte Bauchdeckenabwehrspannung
schmerzhafte Bauchdeckenabwehrspannung
abdominal defence; abdominal splinting; abdominal rigitity
board-like abdominal rigidity
abdominal tenderness
Genitalschutz m; Tiefschutz m; Gonadenschutz med.; Suspensorium n geh.; Eierbecher m ugs.; Sackhalter m slang sport mil.
Textilsuspensorium n
abdominal guard; athletic support; athletic supporter; cricketer's box Br.
jockstrap Am.; jock Am. coll.
Verwachsung f; Adhäsion f med.
abdominale Adhäsion
bindegewebige Verwachsung; Bride f
perikardiale Adhäsion
peritonale Adhäsionen
abdominal adhesion
intestinal adhesion
pericardial adhesion
adhesions of the peritoneum; adhesive disease
(operative) Gebärmutterfixierung f an der Bauchwand; Bauchdeckenanheftung f der Gebärmutter; Ventrofixation f; Ventrohysteropexie f (Ventrifixatio uteri) med. hist.
operative fixation of the uterus to the abdominal wall; ventral fixation of the uterus; ventrofixation of the uterus; ventrohysteropexy; exohysteropexy
Chirurgie f med.
allgemeine Chirurgie
Bauchchirurgie f; Viszeralchirurgie f
kosmetische Chirurgie
minimal-invasive Chirurgie f MIC ; Schlüsselloch-Chirurgie f
Mund- Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie f
orthopädische Chirurgie
plastische Chirurgie
general surgery
abdominal surgery
cosmetic surgery
minimally invasive surgery; keyhole surgery
maxillo-facial surgery
orthopaedic surgery
plastic surgery
Pulskurvenschreibung f; Arteriographie f med.
brachiozephale Arteriographie
panzerebrale Arteriographie
selektive abdominale Arteriographie
Serienarteriographie f
arteriography; sphygmography; sphygmobolometry; sphygmometry
brachiocephalic arteriography
pancerebral arteriography
selective abdominal arteriography
serial arteriography
Trauma n (organische Folgen äußerer Gewalteinwirkung) med.
Traumata pl; Traumen pl
Abdominaltrauma m; Bauchverletzung f
akustisches Trauma
penetrierendes Trauma
renales Trauma
stumpfes Trauma
abdominal trauma
acoustic trauma; auditory trauma
penetrating trauma
renal injury
blunt force trauma; blunt trauma; non-penetrating trauma; closed injury
Leistenring m anat.
Leistenringe pl
äußerer Leistenring
innerer Leistenring
inguinal ring; abdominal ring
inguinal rings; abdominal rings
external inguinal abdominal ring; superficial subcutaneous inguinal ring
internal inguinal abdominal ring; deep inguinal abdominal ring
Chirurgie f med.
allgemeine Chirurgie
Bauchchirurgie f; Viszeralchirurgie f
kosmetische Chirurgie
laparoskopische Chirurgie; Laparoskopie
Mikrochirurgie f
minimalinvasive Chirurgie f MIC ; Schlüsselloch-Chirurgie f
Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie f
orthopädische Chirurgie
plastische Chirurgie
general surgery
abdominal surgery
cosmetic surgery
laparoscopic surgery; laparoscopy
minimally invasive surgery; keyhole surgery
maxillo-facial surgery
orthopaedic surgery
plastic surgery
Influenza f; Grippe f med.
Virusgrippe f
Magen-Darm-Grippe f; Darmgrippe f; gastrointestinale Grippe
an Grippe erkrankt
die Grippe haben
Grippe bekommen
Ich habe eine Grippe bekommen.
Ich habe mir leider eine Grippe geholt. ugs.
Spanische Grippe (Grippepandemie von 1918 - 1920)
influenza; flu
virus influenza, viral flue
abdominal influenza; gastric flu; abdominal flu; intestinal flu; gastro-intestinal influenza; abdomino-enteric influenza
down with influenza
to have the flu
to get flu; to catch (the) flu
I caught the flu.
Unfortunately I caught the flu.
Spanish flu (1918 flu pandemic)
Spreizinstrument n; chirurgischer Spreizer m; chirurgischer Sperrer m med.
Spreizinstrumente pl; chirurgische Spreizer pl; chirurgische Sperrer pl
selbsthaltender Spreizer
Bauchdeckenspreizer m; Bauchdeckenhalter m; Bauchdeckenhaken m; Abdominalretraktor m
Rippenspreizer m
Vaginalspreizer m; Vulvaspreizer m
Wundspreizer m; Wundsperrer m
scharfer Wundspreizer nach Weitlaner
surgical spreader; spreading retractor
surgical spreaders; spreading retractors
self-retaining retractor
abdominal retractor
rib-spreading retractor; rib spreader; rib retractor; thoracic retractor; Finochietto retractor
vaginal spreading retractor; vaginal retractor; vulvar retractor
wound spreader
Weitlaner retractor
Schweratmigkeit f; Atemnot f; Luftnot f; Dyspnoe f med.
abdominale Dyspnoe
adipöse Dyspnoe
azidotische Dyspnoe
expiratorische inspiratorische Dyspnoe
hämodynamische Dyspnoe; zirkulatorische Dyspnoe
leichte Dyspnoe
orthostatische Dyspnoe
paroxysmale nächtliche Dyspnoe
periodische Dyspnoe
spastische Dyspnoe
Dyspnoe bei Azetonämie; Acetonasthma
die Schweratmigkeit verringern
laboured breathing; difficult respiration; breathlessness; short-windedness; dyspnoea
abdominal dyspnoea
acidotic dyspnoea
expiratory inspiratory dyspnoea
haemodynamic dyspnoea; circulatory dyspnoea
slight dyspnoea
orthostastic dyspnoea
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
episodic dyspnoea
to deminish laboured breathing; to relieve dyspnoea
Schwangerschaft f; Gravidität f med.
Schwangerschaften pl
Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft f
biochemische Schwangerschaft; chemische Schwangerschaft (Frühestfehlgeburt)
Eileiterschwangerschaft f
Einfachschwangerschaft f
ektope Schwangerschaft; Extrauteringravidität f
Mehrlingsschwangerschaft f med.
Terminschwangerschaft f
Zwillingsschwangerschaft f med.
mehrere Schwangerschaften
unerwünschte Schwangerschaft
in der Schwangerschaft
der Einsatz von Medikamenten in der Schwangerschaft und der Stillzeit
der Trend, später zu heiraten und Kinder zu bekommen
pregnancy; childbearing; gestation; gravidity
abdominal pregnancy
biochemical pregnancy; chemical pregnancy (very early miscarriage)
tubal pregnancy
single pregnancy; monocyesis
ectopic pregnancy; eccysis
multiple pregnancy
full-term pregnancy
twin pregnancy
several pregnancies; much childbearing
unwanted pregnancy
during pregnancy; during childbearing
the use of drugs during in pregnancy and lactation
marriage and childbearing postponement; the trend towards later marriage and childbearing
Atmung f; Atmen n med.
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikuläre Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflächliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere äußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
künstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
Brustkorbatmung f; thorakale Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmäßige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikuläre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration
Atmung f; Atmen n med.
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung; Tachypnoe; Schnellatmung f
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikuläre Atmung
Brustkorbatmung f; thorakale Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflächliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere äußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
künstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
Schonatmung f
Schnappatmung f
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmäßige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikuläre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea Br.; tachypnea Am.; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
(rapid) shallow breathing
agonal respiration; gasping (for air)
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration

abdominal Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to the abdomen
(a.) Having abdominal fins
(n.) A fish of the group Abdominales.

abdominal Bedeutung

d cesarean delivery
caesarean delivery
caesarian delivery
cesarean section
cesarian section
caesarean section
caesarian section
abdominal delivery a b a a
the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)
abdominal breathing breathing in which most of the respiratory effort is done by the abdominal muscles, abdominal breathing is practiced by singers
abdominal aorta a branch of the descending aorta
solar plexus
coeliac plexus
plexus celiacus
abdominal nerve plexus
a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach
abdominal muscle
the muscles of the abdomen
external oblique muscle
musculus obliquus externus abdominis
abdominal external oblique muscle
a diagonally arranged abdominal muscle on either side of the torso
abdominal cavity
the cavity containing the major viscera, in mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm
abdominal wall a wall of the abdomen
abdominal pregnancy ectopic pregnancy in the abdominal cavity
abdominal aortic aneurysm
an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta associated with old age and hypertension
abdominal actinomycosis a serious form of actinomycosis that affects the abdomen
abdominal of or relating to or near the abdomen, abdominal muscles
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