
acid forming Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

sÀurebildend adj chem.
Zelle f biol.
Zellen pl
Adventitialzelle f; Rouget'sche Zelle; Perizyt m
Alphazelle f
Alzheimer'sche Zelle
amöboide Zelle
Anitschkow'sche Zelle
argentaffine Zelle
Assoziationszelle f; Amakrinzelle f; amakrine Zelle f
Balgzelle f; tormogene Zelle
begeißelte Zelle
Belegzelle f; Parietalzelle f; salzsÀureproduzierende Zelle; sÀureproduzierende Zelle
Cajal'sche Zelle
enterochromaffine Zelle
fettig degenerierte Zelle
fettverzehrende Zelle
gelb pigmentierte Zelle
Geleitzelle f
Hansen'sche Zelle
Hortega'sche Zelle
hyperchromatische Zelle
immunokompetente Zelle
jugendliche Zelle
keratinproduzierende Zelle
kernlose Zelle; Zelle ohne Kern
kleine Zelle
Knochenbildungszelle f; osteogene Zelle
Knochenmarkzelle f; myeloische Zelle
Körperzelle f; somatische Zelle
Mott'sche Zelle
pigmentierte Zelle
pigmenttragende Zelle
Pigmentzelle f; pigmentbildende Zelle; melaninbildende Zelle; Melanozyt m
Pflanzenzelle f
Produzentenzelle f
Purkinje'sche Zelle
Reed-Sternberg'sche Zelle
Retikulumzelle f; Retikuloendothelzelle f; retikuloendotheliale Zelle
schleimig-seröse Zelle; mukoseröse Zelle; seromuköse Zelle
Sertoli'sche Zelle
tierische Zelle
Verbraucherzelle f
wasserhelle Zelle
Zelle mit vielgestaltigem Kern; polymorphkernige Zelle; Polymorphozyt m
adventitial cell; Rouget's cell; pericyte
alpha cell
Alzheimer cell
amaeboid cell
caterpillar cell; Anichkov cell
argentaffine cell
association cell; amacrine cell; brachine cell; shortine cell
socket-forming cell; tormogen cell
flagellate cell
acid cell; parietal cell; oxyphilic cell; oxyntic cell
Cajal's cell
enterochromaffin cell
bloated cell
companion cell; satellite cell
cell of Hansen
Hortega cell
hyperchromatic cell
immunocompetent cell
juvenile cell
cells without a nucleus; non-nucleated cell; akaryote cell; akaryote; akaryocyte
small cell
osteogenic cell
myeloid cell
body cell; somatic cell
morular cell of Mott
pigmented cell
pigment cell; chromatophore; naevus cell; melanocyte; melanoblast
plant cell
producer cell
Purkinje cell
Reed-Sternberg cell
reticuloendothelial cell
mucoserous cell
Sertoli cell
animal cell
consumer cell
water-clear cell
polymophonuclear cell; polymorphocyte
EinschĂ€tzung der KreditwĂŒrdigkeit
acid ratio test
harter Test
acid test
sauer, SĂ€ure
strenge PrĂŒfung, scharfe Probe
acid test
AcetylsalicylsÀure f (ASS) chem.
acetylsalicylic acid
AcrylsÀure f chem.
acryl acid
AdipinsÀure f chem.
adipic acid
AkkumulatorsÀure f
electrolyte, battery acid
AmeisensÀure f chem.
formic acid
AminosÀure f biochem.
amino acid
ApfelsÀure f
malic acid
AscorbinsÀure f
ascorbic acid
AsparaginsÀure f biochem.
Aspartic Acid
BatteriesÀure f
battery acid
Bildung f, Bilden n
Bildungen pl
forming, formation
BlausÀure f chem.
hydrocyanic acid
BlausÀure f
prussic acid
Blechumformung f
sheet forming
Bleibatterie f
lead acid battery
BorsÀure f chem.
boric acid
Brennstoffzelle f
Brennstoffzellen pl
alkalische Brennstoffzelle
phosphorsaure Brennstoffzelle
fuel cell
fuel cells
alkaline fuel cell (AFC)
direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC)
solid polymer fuel cell (SPFC)
solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC)
proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)
molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)
BrenztraubensÀure f
pyruvic acid
BrenzweinsÀure f
pyrotartaric acid
ButtersÀure f, ButylsÀure f chem.
butyric acid
CarbonsÀure f chem.
carboxylic acid
ChinasÀure f chem.
quinic acid
ChlorsÀure f chem.
chloric acid, hydrochlorous acid
ChromsÀure f chem.
chromic acid
DesoxyribonukleinsÀure f (DNS) n biol.
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Drops m, n
saure Drops
fruit drop
acid drops
DrĂŒcken n (Umformen)
spinning (forming)
DĂŒnnsĂ€ure f
dilute acid
DĂŒnnsĂ€ureverklappung f
dumping of dilute acid (into the sea)
EssigsÀure f chem.
ethanoic acid, acetic acid
Explosivumformen n techn.
explosive forming
FettsÀure f
fatty acid
Feuerprobe f, harte PrĂŒfung f
acid test, furnace
FlusssĂ€ure f, FlußsĂ€ure f alt chem.
hydrofluoric acid
FolsÀure f chem.
folic acid
FolsÀurespiegel m
folic acid level
Formoptimierung f
forming optimization
FulvinsÀure f chem.
fulvic acid
Gewindeschneidschraube f techn.
Gewindeschneidschrauben pl
thread-forming screw
thread-forming screws
GlutaminsÀure f biochem.
Glutamic Acid
HarnsÀure f
uric acid
Herausbildung f
forming, development
HuminsÀure f
humic acid
Innenhochdruckumformen n
internal high pressure forming
Kaltformung f, Kaltverformung f
KieselsÀure f chem.
silicic acid
KnallsÀure f chem.
fulminic acid
koalieren, eine Koalitionsregierung bilden
koalierend, eine Koalitionsregierung bildend
koaliert, eine Koalitionsregierung gebildet
to form a coalition
forming a coalition
formed a coalition
KohlensÀure f chem.
carbonic acid
Komplexbildungstendenz f
complex forming tendancy
Lackmustest m ĂŒbtr.
acid test fig.
LinolensÀure f chem.
linolenic acid
Magnetumformen n
magnetic metal forming
MalonsÀure f
malonic acid
Massivumformung f
mass forming
Meinungsbildung f
öffentliche Meinungsbildung f
forming of an opinion, opinion-forming
shaping of public opinion
MilchsÀure f
lactic acid
MilchsÀurebakterien pl
lactic acid bacteria
MineralsÀure f
mineral acid
NukleinsÀure f chem.
nucleic acid
ÖlsĂ€ure f chem.
oleic acid
OxalsÀure f chem.
oxalic acid
Phosphonat n chem.
Phosphonate pl
phosphonate, phosphonic acid
phosphonates, phosphonic acids
PhosphonsÀure f chem.
phosphorous acid
PhosphorsÀure f chem.
phosphoric acid
PikrinsÀure f chem.
picric acid
Regen m meteo.
starker Regen
saurer Regen
peitschender Regen, Regen mit treibendem Wind
wegen Regen nicht stattfinden
ausgiebiger Regen, ergiebiger Regen
bei strömendem Regen
vom Regen in die Traufe ĂŒbtr.
heavy rain
acid rain
driving rain
to be rained out Am., to be rained off Br.
continuous heavy rain
in pouring rain
out of the frying pan and into the fire fig.
RibonukleinsÀure f (RNA) biol.
ribonucleic acid (RNA)
messenger RNA (mRNA)
transfer RNS (tRNA)
SĂ€ure f
SĂ€uren pl
SĂ€ureboden m
acid soil
SĂ€urefarbstoff m
SĂ€urefarbstoffe pl
acid dye
acid dyes
SÀureluftwÀscher m techn.
SÀureluftwÀscher pl
acid scrubber
acid scrubbers
SĂ€uren-Basen-Gleichgewicht n
SĂ€urestand m
acid level
SalpetersÀure f chem.
nitric acid
SalzsÀure f chem.
hydrochloric acid
SalzsÀure f
muriatic acid
SchleimsÀure f
mucic acid, galactaric acid
Schraube f (nicht vorgesehen fĂŒr Mutter) techn.
Schrauben pl
gewindeformende Schraube f
gewindefurchende Schraube f, selbstschneidende Schraube, Treibschraube f
hochfeste vorgespannte Schraube, HV-Schraube
Schraube mit Zapfen
unverlierbare Schraube
thread-forming tapping screw
self-tapping screw
high tensile prestressed bolt, high-tension bolt
trunnion screw
captive screw
SchwefelsÀure f chem.
sulphuric acid
schweflige SĂ€ure f chem.
sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid
StearinsÀure f, FettsÀure f chem.
stearic acid
StickstoffwasserstoffsÀure f
hydrazoic acid
Taumelnieten n techn.
orbital forming, orbital riveting, wobble riveting
Torfbildner pl, torfbildende Pflanzen
peat-forming plants
TraubensÀure f chem.
racemic acid
Umformen n, Umformtechnik f
Umformwerkzeug n
forming die, shaping die
VerÀtzung f med.
VerÀtzungen pl
acid burn
acid burns
Vitriolöl n
vitriol acid
WeinsÀure f
tartaric acid
ZimtsÀure f
cinnamic acid
ZitronensÀure f
citric acid, citric
ZuckersÀure f chem.
saccharic acid
bilden, formen, gestalten v
bildend, formend, gestaltend
gebildet, geformt, gestaltet
bildet, formt, gestaltet
bildete, formte, gestaltete
to form
chromsÀuregereinigt adj
cleaned with chromic acid
formen v
sie formt
sie formte
sie hat
hatte geformt
to form
she forms
she formed
she has
had formed
to form up
forming up
formed up
forms up
formed up
koloniebildend adj
koloniebildende Einheiten
colony-forming units
auf Herz und Nieren prĂŒfen ĂŒbtr.
to put to the acid
sÀurebestÀndig, sÀurefest adj
sÀurebestÀndiger, sÀurefester
am sÀurebestÀndigsten, am sÀurefestesten
more acid-proof
most acid-proof
sÀurebestÀndig, sÀureresistent adj
sÀurefrei adj
sÀurelöslich adj
sauer adj
schwefelsÀurehaltig adj chem.
containing sulphuric acid
spanlos adj techn.
spanlose Umformung
non-cutting shaping, chipless forming
suchterzeugend, sĂŒchtig machend
addictive, habit-forming
Abkantmaschinen pl mach.
break forming machines
Abkantpressen pl techn. mach.
break forming presses
Aluminiumumformtechnik f techn.
aluminium forming technology
Bandprofilieranlagen pl techn.
tape forming plants
saure Drops
acid drops
acid proof
saurer Regen
acid rain
acid resistant
acid soluble
acid test
Feuerprobe, harte Pruefung
acid test
acrylic acid
boric acid
carbonic acid
citric acid
formic acid
Bereitstellung, formierend
forming up
hydrochlorid acid
most acid proof
nitric acid
silicic acid
sulphuric acid
vitriol acid
carbonic-acid bath
AbietinsÀure f; SylvinsÀure f chem.
abietic acid; sylvic acid
Ablagerung f; Ablagern n; Absetzen n (von etw.) (Vorgang) chem. envir. geol. techn.
die atmosphÀrische Ablagerung von Metallen
die saure Ablagerung von Schwefeldioxid
die trockene Ablagerung von Partikeln
deposition; laying-down; settling; alleviation; scale (of sth.)
atmospheric deposition of metals
acid acidic deposition of sulphur dioxide
dry deposition dry fallout dryfall of particles
AbsÀuerung f; AbsÀuern n chem.
AbscisinsÀure f ABS biochem.
abscissic acid ABA
AcetylsalicylsÀure f ASS chem.
acetylsalicylic acid
AkkumulatorsÀure f
electrolyte; battery acid
AlginsÀure f; AlgensÀure f chem.
alginic acid
Alpha-LiponsÀure f; ThioctsÀure f biochem.
lipoic acid; thioctic acid
AmeisensÀure f; MethansÀure f chem.
formic acid; methanoic acid
AminocapronsÀure f chem.
aminocaproic acid

Deutsche sÀurebildend {adj} [chem.] Synonyme


Englische acid-forming Synonyme

acid forming Definition

(a.) Sour, sharp, or biting to the taste
(a.) Of or pertaining to an acid
(n.) A sour substance.
(n.) One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening of vegetable blue or violet colors. They are also characterized by the power of destroying the distinctive properties of alkalies or bases, combining with them to form salts, at the same time losing their own peculiar properties. They all contain hydrogen, united with a more negative element or radical, either alone, or more generally with oxygen, and take their names from this negative element or radical. Those which contain no oxygen are sometimes called hydracids in distinction from the others which are called oxygen acids or oxacids.
Barbituric acid
() A white, crystalline substance, CH2(CO.NH)2.CO, derived from alloxantin, also from malonic acid and urea, and regarded as a substituted urea.
Cyanuric acid
() an organic acid, C3O3N3H3, first obtained by heating uric acid or urea, and called pyrouric acid
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Form
(n.) The act or process of giving form or shape to anything
(n.) An acid elevator, as a tube through which acid is forced to some height in a sulphuric acid manufactory.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Re-form
(a.) Having a taste compounded of saltness and acidity

acid forming Bedeutung

endospore-forming bacteria a group of true bacteria
pus-forming bacteria bacteria that produce pus
c acid
back breaker
dose dot
loony toons
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
pane superman
window pane
street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
acetylsalicylic acid
St. Joseph
the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid, used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form, used as an antipyretic, slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets
diethylbarbituric acid
a barbiturate used as a hypnotic
ethacrynic acid
diuretic (trade name Edecrin) used to treat edema
isobutylphenyl propionic acid
a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine (trade names Advil and Motrin and Nuprin) used to relieve the pain of arthritis and as an antipyretic, daily use of ibuprofen can irritate the stomach
jet super acid
special K
honey oil
cat valium
super C
street names for ketamine
lead-acid battery
lead-acid accumulator
a battery with lead electrodes with dilute sulphuric acid as the electrolyte, each cell generates about volts
lysergic acid diethylamide
a powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactured from lysergic acid
mefenamic acid
a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug (trade name Ponstel) used to treat mild pain (especially menstrual cramps)
nalidixic acid
antibacterial agent used especially to treat genitourinary infections
valproic acid
anticonvulsant (trade name Depokene) used to prevent some kinds of seizures
gastric juice
gastric acid
digestive secretions of the stomach glands consisting chiefly of hydrochloric acid and mucin and the enzymes pepsin and rennin and lipase
bone-forming cell
a cell from which bone develops
acid test a rigorous or crucial appraisal
psychedelic rock
acid rock
a musical style that emerged in the s, rock music inspired by or related to drug-induced experience
acid head someone who takes LSD
acid-base equilibrium
acid-base balance
(physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body, with a normal acid-base balance in the body the blood is slightly alkaline
Krebs cycle
Krebs citric acid cycle
citric acid cycle
tricarboxylic acid cycle
in all plants and animals: a series of enzymatic reactions in mitochondria involving oxidative metabolism of acetyl compounds to produce high-energy phosphate compounds that are the source of cellular energy
acid value (chemistry) the amount of free acid present in fat as measured by the milligrams of potassium hydroxide needed to neutralize it, as the glycerides in fat slowly decompose the acid value increases
acid rain
acid precipitation
rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water
homogentisic acid
an acid formed as an intermediate product of the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine
domoic acid a neurotoxin that is deadly for humans, found in various marine algae
acetic acid
ethanoic acid
a colorless pungent liquid widely used in manufacturing plastics and pharmaceuticals
amino acid
aminoalkanoic acid
organic compounds containing an amino group and a carboxylic acid group, proteins are composed of various proportions of aboutcommon amino acids
aspartic acid a crystalline amino acid found in proteins and occurring naturally in sugar beets and sugar cane
essential amino acid an amino acid that is required by animals but that they cannot synthesize, must be supplied in the diet
gamma aminobutyric acid
an amino acid that is found in the central nervous system, acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter
glutamic acid
glutaminic acid
an amino acid occurring in proteins, important in the nitrogen metabolism of plants, used in monosodium glutamate to enhance the flavor of meats
iodoamino acid an amino acid with iodine added
acid any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt
acid-base indicator an indicator that changes color on going from acidic to basic solutions
alpha-linolenic acid a polyunsaturated fatty acid with carbon atoms, the only omega- fatty acid found in vegetable products, it is most abundant in canola oil, a fatty acid essential for nutrition
arsenic acid an acid formed from arsenic pentoxide
cerotic acid
hexacosanoic acid
a white solid fatty acid found in waxes (such as beeswax)
chloric acid (HClO) a strong unstable acid with an acrid odor found in chlorate salts
chlorous acid (HClO) a strongly oxidizing acid, known only in solution
monobasic acid an acid containing only one replaceable hydrogen atom per molecule
dibasic acid an acid containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule
tribasic acid an acid containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule
tetrabasic acid an acid containing four replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule
fulminic acid (CNOH) an unstable acid occurring mainly in the form of explosive salts and esters that is isomeric with cyanic acid
gamma acid a crystalline acid used to make azo dyes
hexanedioic acid
adipic acid
a carboxylic acid used in the manufacture of nylon
hydrazoic acid
hydrogen azide
a colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling
hydriodic acid (HI) a colorless or yellow aqueous solution of hydrogen iodide, hydriodic acid is a strong acid
hydrocyanic acid
prussic acid
a solution of hydrogen cyanide in water, weak solutions are used in fumigating and in the synthesis of organic compounds
hydroxy acid any acid that has hydroxyl groups in addition to the hydroxyl group in the acid itself
hydroxybenzoic acid a crystalline derivative of benzoic acid
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