
administration Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Amtsführung f, Verwaltung f
Eingeben n, Verabreichung f, Darreichung f, Applikation f (von Medikamenten) med.
Regie f (Verwaltung)
Verwaltungsdienst m
Amtsfuehrung, Verwaltung
Steuerverwaltung f fin.
tax administration
Selbstverabreichung f, Eigenverabreichung f, Selbsteinnahme f, Eigenanwendung f (von Medikamenten) med.
Verwaltungsgemeinkosten pl
administration cost
administration cost
Selbstverabreichung f; Eigenverabreichung f; Selbsteinnahme f; Eigenanwendung f (von Medikamenten) med.
Straßenverwaltung f adm.
road administration
price administration
trust administration
administration costs
Konkursbeschluss m
administration order
Zweckverband m
administration union
administration order
administration union
gerichtliche Anordnung zur Bestellung eines Verwalters m econ. jur.
administration order
labour administration
öffentliche Verwaltung
public administration
Schulverwaltung f
school administration
Staatsverwaltung f
public administration
Verwaltung f
administration, admin
Verwaltungsaufwand m
administration effort
administration effort
forced administration
public administration
school administration
Forstverwaltung f
forest administration
Schulverwaltung f school
school administration
cost of administration
Administrationsbefehl m
administration command
Beeidigung f
administration of oath
administration command
administration of oath
Bundesverwaltung f adm. pol.
federal administration
Zollverwaltung f
customs administration
manpower administration
business administration
administration expenses
board of administration
Kulturmanagement n
cultural administration
Administrationssoftware comp. techn.
administration software
business administration
Verabreichungsform f pharm.
route of administration
Bezirkshauptmannschaft f Ös. adm.
district administration
Berufung eines Treuhänders
letter of administration
municipal administration
personnel administration
Gemeindeverwaltung f
municipal administration
Personalverwaltung f
personnel administration
administration secretary
Sauerstoffverabreichung f med.
administration of oxygen
administration department
Nachlassverwaltung f
administration of estates
Verwaltung f
administration department
administration of estates
administration of justice
Warenabgangsverwaltung f; Versandverwaltung f econ.
forwarding administration
administration of property
Verwaltungskostenstelle f, Verwaltungsstelle f
administration cost center
Verwaltungskostenstelle, Verwaltungsstelle
administration cost center
Verwaltungskostenstelle f; Verwaltungsstelle f
administration cost center
administration of an estate
Lagerwirtschaft f
administration of inventory
studentische Selbstverwaltung f
student self-administration
administration of inventory
administration of a business
Bundesverwaltungsgericht n
Federal Administration Court
Sicherheitsverwaltung f adm.
public security administration
Standortverwaltung f
general premises administration
Lebensmittelüberwachungs- und Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde f der USA
Food and Drug Administration FDA
Lebensmittelüberwachungs- und Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde f der USA
Food and Drug Administration FDA
Marcoumarisierung f; Marcumarisierung f tm med.
administration of an anticoagulant
US-Bundesbehörde für Luftfahrt
Federal Aviation Administration FAA
Benutzerverwaltung f comp.
user management; user administration
Bundesverwaltungsamt n Dt. adm.
German Federal Administration Office
US-Bundesbehörde für Luftfahrt
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Rechtspflege f, Rechtsprechung f, Rechtssprechung f
judicature, administration of justice
US-Bundesbehörde für Luftfahrt
Federal Aviation Administration FAA
KPEV : Königlich Preußische Eisenbahn-Verwaltung
Royal Prussian Railroad Administration
Postverwaltung f; Post f ugs. (Körperschaft) adm.
postal administration (corporate body)
Magister m der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
MBA : Master of Business Administration
Masseverwaltung f (im Konkursverfahren) jur.
administration of the bankrupt's estate
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen n (Fachgebiet)
Business Administration and Engineering
Leitender Kreisveterinär m adm.
County Administration Veterinary Director
Verwaltung f; Verwaltungsabteilung f
administration; administration department
Verwaltungsaufgabe f
Verwaltungsaufgabe f
administrative task
administration task
Zentralverwaltung f
Zentralverwaltung f
head office
Central Administration Board
Zollverwaltung f; Zoll m ugs. adm.
customs administration; customs authorities
Luftfahrtbundesamt n
German FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)

FDA : Food and Drug Administration (U.S.A.)
Zweckverband m
Zweckverbände pl
administration union
administration unions
Luftfahrtbundesamt n adm.
German FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
Materialwirtschaft f
materials administration, materials logistics
Wasser- und Schiffahrtsverwaltung f (WSV)
Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration
Materialwirtschaft f
materials administration; materials logistics
Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung f WSV
Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration
Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung f WSV
Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration
Zwangsverwaltung f
Zwangsverwaltungen pl
forced administration
forced administrations
Betriebswirtschaftslehre f
business administration; industrial management
Nachlassverwaltung f
administration of the deceased person's estate
Kreisverwaltung f adm.
county council (offices); County Administration
Administrationsbefehl m
Administrationsbefehle pl
administration command
administration commands
Verwaltungsangestellte m f , Verwaltungsangestellter
administration employee, administration secretary
Verwaltungsangestellte m f; Verwaltungsangestellter
administration employee; administration secretary
Verwaltungsangestellte m,f; Verwaltungsangestellter
administration employee; administration secretary
integriertes Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystem für Bewirtschaftungsbeihilfen (Landwirtschaft) InVeKoS
integrated administration and control system IACS
Nationale Luft- und Raumfahrtbehörde NASA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
InVeKoS : integriertes Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystem für Bewirtschaftungsbeihilfen (Landwirtschaft)
IACS : integrated administration and control system
Landrat m Dt.; Oberkreisdirektor m (Niedersachsen NRW) Dt.; Bezirkshauptmann m Ös.; Bezirksvorsteher m (Wien Graz) Ös.; Bezirksamman (SG SZ) Schw.; Bezirksamtmann m (AG) Schw.; Bezirksstatthalter m (BL ZH) Schw.; Regierungsstatthalter m (BE; LU VS) Schw.; Statthalter m (BE CL TG ZH) Schw.; Oberamtmann m (FR SO) Schw.; Präfekt m (VS) Schw. adm.
county commissioner (head of county administration)
integriertes Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystem für Bewirtschaftungsbeihilfen (Landwirtschaft) InVeKoS
integrated administration and control system IACS
Landrat m Dt.; Oberkreisdirektor m (Niedersachsen, NRW) Dt.; Bezirkshauptmann m Ös.; Bezirksvorsteher m (Wien, Graz) Ös.; Bezirksamman (SG, SZ) Schw.; Bezirksamtmann m (AG) Schw.; Bezirksstatthalter m (BL, ZH) Schw.; Regierungsstatthalter m (BE; LU, VS) Schw.; Statthalter m (BE, CL, TG, ZH) Schw.; Oberamtmann m (FR, SO) Schw.; Präfekt m (VS) Schw. adm.
county commissioner (head of county administration)
Geschäftsführung f
mit der Geschäftsführung beauftragt (m.d.G.b.)
management, executives
in charge of administration
NASA : Nationale Luft- und Raumfahrtbehörde
NASA : National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Geschäftsführung f
mit der Geschäftsführung beauftragt m.d.G.b.
management; executives
in charge of administration
Nationale Luft- und Raumfahrtbehörde NASA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
Geschäftsführung f
mit der Geschäftsführung beauftragt m. d. G. b.
management; executives
in charge of administration
Eingeben n; Verabreichung f; Darreichung f; Applikation f (von Medikamenten) med.
erzwungene Verabreichung (von Medikamenten)
forced administration (of medication)
Vereidigung f
Ablegung des Eides
swearing in; administration of the oath
act of swearing
'Die Verwaltung des Nichts' (von Walser Werktitel) lit.
'The Administration of Nothingness' (by Walser work title)
Verwaltungsakt m
administrative act, administration act, administrative deed
'Die Verwaltung des Nichts' (von Walser Werktitel) lit.
'The Administration of Nothingness' (by Walser work title)
Arbeitsverwaltung f
labour administration, labor administration, manpower administration
Amtsführung f adm.
performance of duties; conduct of business; administration of office
Arbeitsverwaltung f
labour administration; labor administration; manpower administration
Verwaltungsleiter m adm.
head of administration; administrative director; administrative head
Eingeben n; Verabreichung f; Darreichung f; Verabfolgung f veraltend; Applikation f (von Medikamenten) med.
erzwungene Verabreichung (von Medikamenten)
administration; administering
forced administration (of medication)
Diplom-Exportwirt m; Diplom-Exportwirtin f
Diplom-Exportwirte pl; Diplom-Exportwirtinnen pl
graduate in export administration
graduate in export administrations
Landrat m, Landrätin f
county commissioner, head of the administration of a Landkreis (Germany)
Verwaltungseinheit f adm.
Verwaltungseinheiten pl
zentrale Verwaltungseinheit
administrative unit
administrative units
central administration unit
den Wohnort betreffend adj; Heimats...; Haus...
Erbschaftsverwaltung f am Wohnort des Erblassers
Erbschaftsverwalter m (der am Domizil des Erblassers bestellt wird)
domiciliary administration Am.
domiciliary administrator Am.
den Wohnort betreffend adj; Heimats…; Haus…
Erbschaftsverwaltung f am Wohnort des Erblassers
Erbschaftsverwalter m (der am Domizil des Erblassers bestellt wird)
domiciliary administration Am.
domiciliary administrator Am.
Wehrbereichsverwaltung f mil.
Leiter der Wehrbereichsverwaltung
Defense Area Administration Am.
President of the Defense Area Administration Am.
Verabreichung f von Digitalis; Digitaliseinstellung f; Digitalisierung f (eines Herzpatienten) med.
administration of digitalis; digitalization; digitalisation Br. (of a heart patient)
kreisfrei sein v Dt. adm.
kreisfreie Stadt; Stadtkreis m
to be independent from a district administration
independent city town; urban district
Nachlassinsolvenz f; Nachlasskonkurs m
administration in insolvency bankruptcy of the deceased person's decedents's Am. estate
Wasserkopf m pej. adm.
bloated bureaucracy; top-heavy administration; sth. that has been blown out of proportion
Bundesbeauftragter m; Bundesbeauftragte f (Deutschland) pol.
Bundesbeauftragter für Wirtschaftlichkeit in der Verwaltung (BWV)
federal commissioner (Germany)
Federal Commissioner for Efficiency in Public Administration
Zivilverwaltung f adm.
Zivilverwaltungen pl
civil administration; civilian administration
civil administrations; civilian administrations
Regierung f pol.
Regierungen pl
Zentralregierung f
government Gov.; Govt. ; administration Am.
governments; administrations
central government
Bearbeitungsgebühr f; Bearbeitungsentgelt n
Bearbeitungsgebühren pl; Bearbeitungsentgelte pl
arrangement fee; processing fee; administration fee
arrangement fees; processing fees; administration fees
Fachschule f school
Fachschulen pl
Fachschule f für Betriebswirtschaft
technical college; technical school
technical colleges; technical schools
school of business administration
Verwaltungssitz m
administrative headquarters; administrative centre Br.; administrative center Am.; centre center of administration
Verwaltungsaufwand m
Doppelmitteilungen verursachen der Firma einen enormen Verwaltungsaufwand.
administration effort; administration burden
Duplicate messages cause a significant administrative burden on the company.
Zahlungsunfähigkeit f; Insolvenz f fin. econ.
Zahlungsunfähigkeiten pl; Insolvenzen pl
Insolvenz beantragen
sich in Insolvenz befinden
insolvency; inability to pay; bankruptcy
insolvencies; bankruptcies
to go into administration
to be in administration
städtisch; Stadt… adj pol.
städtische Institutionen
die Stadtverwaltung
die Stadtverantwortlichen
civic (relating to the administration of a town or city)
civic institutions
the civic administration
the civic leaders
Zwangsverwaltung f (von Immobilien) jur.
Zwangsverwaltungen pl
eine Bank Firma unter Zwangsverwaltung stellen econ.
compulsory administration (of real estate)
compulsory administrations
to place a bank company into compulsory administration

Deutsche Verwaltung Synonyme

Anführung  ÂFührung  ÂLeitung  ÂVerwaltung  
Exekutive  ÂRegierung  ÂStaatsgewalt  ÂVerwaltung  
Administration  Âöffentliche  Hand  ÂBürokratie  ÂVerwaltung  

Englische administration Synonyme

administration  academic dean  accomplishment  achievement  administering  administrator  application  applying  archon  auspices  authority  bestowal  board  board of directors  board of regents  board of trustees  bureaucracy  cabinet  cadre  care  chancellor  charge  chief executive  chief executive officer  civil government  claws  clutches  command  command function  commission  completion  conduct  control  council  cure  custodianship  custody  dean  dean of men  dean of women  decision-making  delivery  direction  directorate  directory  disbursal  disbursement  discharge  discipline  dispatch  dispensation  dispersion  disposal  disposition  distribution  dole  doling  doling out  dominion  dosage  dosing  effectuation  empery  empire  enactment  enforcing  execution  executive  executive arm  executive committee  executive director  executive function  executive hierarchy  executive officer  executive secretary  forcing  forcing on  form of government  furnishing  giving  giving out  governance  governing board  governing body  government  grip  guardianship  guidance  hand  handling  hands  headmaster  headmistress  hierarchy  higher echelons  higher-ups  implementation  infrastructure  interlocking directorate  iron hand  issuance  jurisdiction  keeping  magistrate  management  managing director  master  meting out  ministry  officer  official  officialdom  officiation  oversight  passing around  pastorage  pastorate  pastorship  patronage  paying out  performance  perpetration  political organization  polity  power  prefect  prelacy  prescribing  president  prexy  principal  protectorship  provision  provost  raj  rector  regime  regimen  regnancy  regulation  reign  rule  ruling class  ruling classes  safe hands  secretary  sovereignty  steering committee  stewardship  superintendence  supervision  supplying  sway  system of government  talons  the Establishment  the administration  the authorities  the brass  the executive  the ingroup  the interests  

administration Definition

(n.) The act of administering
(n.) The executive part of government
(n.) The act of administering, or tendering something to another
(n.) The management and disposal, under legal authority, of the estate of an intestate, or of a testator having no competent executor.
(n.) The management of an estate of a deceased person by an executor, the strictly corresponding term execution not being in use.

administration Bedeutung

ionic medication
electromotive drug administration
therapy that uses a local electric current to introduce the ions of a medicine into the tissues
administration judicature the act of meting out justice according to the law
administration giving medication the act of administering medication
government activity
the act of governing, exercising authority, regulations for the governing of state prisons, he had considerable experience of government
a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group's business affairs)
letters of administration legal document naming someone to administer an estate when no executor has been named
Master in Business
Master in Business Administration
a master's degree in business
Food and Drug Administration
a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and healthelated products
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for aviation and spaceflight
National Archives and Records Administration
the independent agency that oversees management of federal government records including presidential libraries and historic collections
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
an agency in the Department of Commerce that maps the oceans and conserves their living resources, predicts changes to the earth's environment, provides weather reports and forecasts floods and hurricanes and other natural disasters related to weather
Technology Administration an agency in the Department of Commerce that works with United States industries to promote competitiveness and maximize the impact of technology on economic growth
Social Security Administration
an independent government agency responsible for the Social Security system
Drug Enforcement Administration
Drug Enforcement Agency
federal agency responsible for enforcing laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances, goal is to immobilize drug trafficking organizations
Transportation Security Administration
an agency established in to safeguard United States transportation systems and insure safe air travel
governing body
establishment brass
organization organisation
the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something, he claims that the present administration is corrupt, the governance of an association is responsible to its members, he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment
Bush administration the executive under President George W. Bush
Clinton administration the executive under President Clinton
Bush administration the executive under President George H. W. Bush
Reagan administration the executive under President Reagan
Carter administration the executive under President Carter
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
a government agency in the Department of Labor to maintain a safe and healthy work environment
General Services Administration
a central management agency that sets Federal policy for Federal procurement and real property management and information resources management
Small Business Administration
an independent agency of the United States government that protects the interests of small businesses and ensures that they receive a fair share of government contracts
Federal Housing Administration
the federal agency in the Department of Housing and Urban Development that insures residential mortgages
presidential term
the tenure of a president, things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration
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