
algae Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Knäuelalgen pl biol. (Ulothrix)
hair algae
Pelzalgen pl biol. (Oedogonium)
fuzz algae
Pelzalgen pl (Oedogonium)
fuzz algae
Knäuelalgen pl (Ulothrix)
hair algae
Grüne Punktalgen pl
spot algae
Pinselalgen pl biol. (Audouinella)
brush algae
Pinselalgen pl (Audouinella)
brush algae
Bartalgen pl (Compsopogon)
beard algae
Kieselalgen pl (Bacillariophyceae)
brown algae
Fadenalgen pl (Spirogyra; Süßwasser - Derbesia Bryopsis; Meerwasser)
thread algae
Fadenalgen pl (Spirogyra, Süßwasser - Derbesia
Bryopsis, Meerwasser)
thread algae
Algenbekämpfung f
algae control
Algenpest f
algae outbreak
algal; algae …
Kalkalgen pl
coralline algae
Blaualgen pl (cyanobacteria)
blue-green algae
algal, algae ...
algal; algae ...
Fadenalgen pl biol.
filamentous algae
Algenfresser pl (Fische) zool.
algae eater (fish)
Alge f bot.
Algen pl
algae; algas
Alge f bot.
Algen pl
algae, algas
Blasenalgen pl (Valonia spp.)
valonia; bubble algae
Seetang m; Tang m; Seegras n (Meeresalgen) bot.
seaweed (marine algae)
Algenvertilgungsmittel chem.
algae destruction agents
Grünalge f; Chlorophyzee f bot.
Grünalgen pl; Chlorophyzeen pl
green alga
green algae
Algenwachstum n; Algenwuchs m
algae growth; algal growth
Algenwachstum n, Algenwuchs m
algae growth, algal growth
Algenteppich m biol.
algae slick; carpet of algae
Algenteppich m biol.
algae slick, carpet of algae
Rotalgen pl (Rhodophyta) (biologische Gruppe) biol.
red algae (biological group)
Braunalgen pl (Phaeophyceae Phaeophyta) (biologische Gruppe) biol.
brown algae (biological group)
Algenpest f
seaweed plague; algae outbreak
Gestreifter Schleimfisch m, Juwelen-Felshüpfer m (Salarias fasciata) zool.
algae blenny, lawnmower blenny
Gestreifter Schleimfisch m; Juwelen-Felshüpfer m (Salarias fasciata) zool.
algae blenny; lawnmower blenny
Grünalgen pl; Chlorophyzeen pl (biologische Gruppe) biol.
green algae (biological group)
Goldalgen pl (Chrysophyta) (biologische Gruppe) biol.
golden algae (biological group)
Blaualgen pl (Cyanobacteria)
cyano (bacteria); blue-green algae
Spirogyra-Fadenalgen pl (Spirogyra) (biologische Gattung) biol.
spirogyra algae (biological genus)
Siamesische Rüsselbarbe f; Algenfresser m (Crossocheilus siamensis) zool.
siamese algae eater; Siamese Flying Fox
Siamesische Rüsselbarbe f, Algenfresser m (Crossocheilus siamensis) zool.
siamese algae eater, Siamese Flying Fox
Bryopsis-Meeralgen pl (Bryopsis) (biologische Gattung) biol.
bryopsis marine algae (biological genus)
Algenmähboot n naut.
Algenmähboote pl
algae removal boat
algae removal boats
Laminaria-Algen pl (Laminaria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Fingertang m (Laminaria digitata)
laminaria algae (botanical genus)
Cyanobakterien pl; Blaualgen pl ugs. (Cyanobacteria) biol.
cyanobacteria; cyanophyta; blue-green algae coll.
Laminariales-Braunalgen pl (Laminariales) (botanische Ordnung) bot.
kelp brown algae; sea kelps; kelps (botanical order)
Palmaria-Rotalgen pl (Palmaria) (biologische Gattung) biol.
Lappentang m (Palmaria palmata)
palmaria red algae (biological genus)
sea lettuce flakes; red dulse; dulse; dillisk; dilsk; creathnach
(den Anforderungen Erwartungen) entsprechend; auf dem gewünschten Niveau adj
nicht den Erwartungen dem gewünschten Niveau entsprechen; nicht die gewohnte Qualität haben
Der Jahresbericht entspricht nicht den Anforderungen.
Wenn die Wasserqualität nicht entsprechend ist, dann wachsen die Algen im Übermaß.
Es ist annehmbar, liegt aber nicht auf dem Niveau der anderen.
Das Licht muss hell sein, die Standardbeleuchtung reicht dafür nicht aus.
Ich bin immer noch nicht ganz auf der Höhe.
up to par (with what you would expect); up to the mark; up to scratch; up to snuff coll.; good enough
not to be up to the mark; not to be required standard
The annual report doesn't come up to the mark; The annual report fails to come up to scratch.
If the water quality isn't up to par, algae grow in abundance.
It is acceptable but not up to par with what others are doing.
The light must be bright, standard lighting is not up to scratch.
I still don't feel up to the mark up to snuff.


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Algae is an informal term for a large, diverse group of photosynthetic organisms which are not necessarily closely related, thus are polyphyletic. Included organisms range from unicellular genera, such as Chlorella and the diatoms, to multicellular forms, such as the giant kelp, a large brown alga which may grow up to 50 m in length. Most are aquatic and autotrophic and lack many of the distinct cell and tissue types, such as stomata, xylem, and phloem, which are found in land plants. The largest and most complex marine algae are called seaweeds, while the most complex freshwater forms are the Charophyta, a division of green algae which includes, for example, Spirogyra and the stoneworts.